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Rolling Loads and Influence Lines

on the structures were taken to be stationarY. withouf subject to
In the various structures we have considered so far. the loadings whose rnagnitudes vary continuously For etample
any variation. In many practical situations however. structures are subiected toloads which
such as dead loads of permanent fixtures, but also a system of five loads
a buiang Supports not only a system of stationary loads
system, It is important that the structural elements of the building should be desined
may be snow load, wind load or any movable loadmovable Joads yet another form of movable load is due to vehicles and trains moving
for the worst combination of these stationary and
Over bridge trusses. In such cases too, the structures should be designed to support not only their self weight and other pertanent
fixtures but also the forces produced as a conseauence of the nassage of vehicles and trains. It vecomes niecessary to etem ine the
critical position of the vehicle or trains on the bridge.
a structure can be studied by means of Influence lines. Infiuence
The effect of loads which move and occupy different positionsofonfunctions such as shear force, bending moment, deflection etc for
lines ass1St to deterine at a particular point in a structure. the value the movement of a unit load
all positions of atravelling unit load. They are also useful to show the variation of a support reaction with
force at a sectior. the bending
Deftinition. Acurve or graph that represents a function like a reaction at a support, the shearcalled an influence line diag im
ofstructure is
moment at a section of astructure etc. for various positions of aunit load on the span
for the function represented.
We will now discuss a number of structures and the influence line diagrams for various quantities.
Anfluence line diagrams for reactions at the supports A X
Fig. 11.lshows asimply supprted beam AB of span. .
Let a unit load move from the left end A to the right end B of
the beam.
Let at any instant the unit load be at Xat a distance x from A.

Obviously the reactions at Aand Bare given by V,=*


Now consider the reaction at B V,=

As the unit load moves from A towards B, i.e., as x increases,
V% increases
When x-0, ie., when the unit load is at A, V,=0,
When x-, i.e., when the unit load is at B, V,=1 Fig. 11.1
Hence as the unit load moves from Ato Bthe reaction V, changes linearly from 0to 1.
Similarly as the unit load moves from Ato Bthe reaction V, changes linearly from I to 0. 200 KN
100 KN S0 KN
Uses of an influence line diagram
An influence line diagram for a quantity can be used for the 2 m 2m 3 m
following : D
() To determine the value ofthe quantity foragiven system
of loads on the span of a structure.
Fig. 11.2 shows a simply supported girder of span 10metres 0.7
carrying three point loads.
Let it be required to find the vertical action V, at B. 0.4
The influence line diagram for V, is drawn.
The ordinates of the influence line at C, Dand Eare deternmined.
Now consider the effect of the 100 kN load at C.
If at Cthere had been a lkN load the corresponding reaction at Bdue to the unit load alone Fig. 11.2
=0.2 kN Due to 100 kN load at C, the reaction at B= 100 x 0.2 = 20&N
Similarly,due to 50 kN loadat D, the reaction at B= 50 x0.4 =20 kN
and due to 200 kN load at Ethe reaction at B= 200 x 0.7 = 140 kN
Total reaction at B= V,= 20 + 20 + 140= 180 kN
Eis., 11,3showsanother case of asimply supported girder. The girder carries 60 kN/m
aunifoaty distributed load on the part CD. c[0000000000),p B
Let it be required to determine the reaction V, atB. 4m -4 4m
The influence line diagram for the reaction V, is drawn. TIhe ordinates of the 9m
influence line at Cand D are determined.
Reaction V,-Intensity of load x area of the influence line diagram between
Cand D

-80 kN D
2\9 9
Fig. 11.3
mdetermine the position of alive lod for the quantiy (for which the influence line is draun) to have the macimum vdlue
and hence to compute the maximum value of the quantity:
Suppose adistributed live load say 80 kN/ m4mlong moves along the l6 metres span of the girder AB from left to right. Let it be
required to find the maximum vertical reaction at B. The influence line diagram for V, is drawn.
For any position of the loading on the span
V=load intensity xarea of the influence line diagram covered bythe loading.
Obviously for V, to have the maximum value the head of the load should be at B. Fig. I1.4 shows the live load placed in this
Maximum reaction at B=Vs (mon =80x(0.75+1) =280 kN
Suppose two wheel loads 60 kN and 200 kN speced 4mapart move on the span of agirder AB from left toright. Let any of the two
wheel loads could lead the other. Let it be required to find the maximum reaction V, at B. Reaction at be due to any load on any position
on the span = load x ordinate of the influence line corresponding to the position of the load
Hence we find for the most critical case the heavier load, namely the 200 kN load should be placed at Band the 60 kV load should
be placed at C4 mleft of B.Fig. 11.5 shows this position ofthe load. Now the ordinate ofthe influence line at C= 3
:. Maximum reaction at B=Vh (mms) -200 x(1)+60 xN=200 +40 =240 kN
60 KN 200 KN 200 kN 60 KN
-4 m -4
80 kN/m
4m 80kN/m
cO0000B 60 kN 200 kN
12 m

8m 4m


Flg. 11.4 Ng. 11,5


Let aunit load move along the span of asimply supported girder AB of span D

Let D be a given section. Let V

AD= aand BD =b
When the unit load is between Aand D S.F. at D=S,=- V, D B
But we know V, varies from 0 to I as the load moves from A to B. The
influence line diagram for V, is drawn. But as long as the unit load is between
ILD tor V,
and B, S, =-V,. Hence the part ofthe influence line diagram for V, between
Aand Bis also applicable to S b/l
Similarly, when the unit load is between Dand Bthe S.F. at D=S,=+V,
We know V, varies from 1to 0 as the load moves from A to B. The
influence line diagram for V, is drawn. The part of this diagram between D

and Bis applicable to S, D andthe

The part of the influence line diagram for V, between Aand
constitute the
part ofthe influence line diagram for V, between D and Bwill
influence line diagram for S ILD for V
Rg. I1.6
for the loaded
Problem 1. Findthe shear forceat the section K 70 KN 60 KN 50 kN
girder by the method of influence lines. the shear force at 3m 41mi 2m
Solution. Draw the influence line diagram for
2m 4m

the ordinates corresponding

K. Now show in this diagram the values of (See

given load system Fig. 11.7).

to the positions of the
S.F. at K 1/2
-20 KN. D
5/12 1/2

FNg. 11.7

Problem 2. Find the shear force at the section Kfor the loaded girder shown in Fig. 11.8.
values of theordinates corresponding
Solution. Draw the influence line diagram for the shear force at K. Now, in this diagram mark the
to-the pointsC, K, D, E. See Fig. 11.8.
90 KN
80 kN/m
C00000000000000D B
K 2m
Im 3m Im4
3m 4m

3/7 2/7



Fig. 11.8

S.F. at K=80
Problem 3. Two wheel loads, 80 kN and 200 kN, spaced 2 m
apárt move on a girder of span 16 metres. Find the maximum positive 12 m
and negative shear force at a section 4 metres from the left end. Any
-4 m
wheel load can lead the other.
Solution. The influence line diagram for the shear force at D is
first drawn. S.
Maxímum positive S.F. at D
For this condition the heavier load i.e., the 200 kN load should (b)
be placed juston the right side of D(but for calculations, this load is
taken to be at D). The other load should be placed at 2 m on the
right side of D. See Fig 11.9 (c). 200 kN 80 kN
Maximum positive S.F. at D
4m Q2m 10 m

=+ 200+80 kN- 200 kN (c) Position of' louds for maxiwum positive sheur at )

Maximun negative S.F. at D 80 kN 200 KN

For this condition the heavier load i.e.. the 200 kW Joad should
be placed just on the left side of D (but for calculations thís load is 2n 12 m

taken tobe at D). (d)

The other load should be placed at 2 m on the left side of D. See Position of loads for uxiDum ncgative slicur at D
Fig 11.9(d).
FNg, 11.9

. Maximunnegative S.F. at D-200802 -60kN.


roblem 4. Auniformly distributed live load of60 kN per metre run oflength Smetres moves on agirder of span 16 metres. Find
le aximum positive and negative shear force at a section 6 metres from the leff end.
Solution. We must first draw the influence line diagram for the S.F. at D.
Maximum positive S.E. at D
For this condition the loading should be applied as shown in Fig. 11.10 (c).
Maximum positive S.F. at D = load intensity x area of l.L.D. covered by the load
= +60x 1125
kN = + kN = + 140.625 kN
Maximum negative S.F. at D
For this condition the loading should be applied as shown in Fig. 11.10 (d).
Maximum negative S.F. at D = load intensity x area of I.L.D. covered by the load
525 kN =- 65. 625 kN

6 m 10m



60 kN/m

(c) 6m 5m Sm

Position of load for max positive shear at D

60 KN/m

5m 10 m
Position of load for max negative shear at D

FRg. 11. 10

Intkence line diagram for the Bending Moment at a given section

to the end B of the girder.
Fig. 11.11shows a simply supported girder AB of span 1. Let a unit load move from the end A
Let D be a given section of the girder so that
AD= aand DB=|-a=b
Let the unit load be at a distance x from the left end A. (a)
The reactions at the supports A and B are given by, b =(l-a)

and V,=
and D [Fig. 11.1l(o))
When the unit load is between A
D is
For this position of the unit load, the bending moment at
given by, (c)

M,= V-a)=u-)

Flg. 11.11
A to D, i.e., for values ofx fromx=0 tor=a
The above relation is true for all load positions from
x=0, M,-0
When the unit Joad is at A, i.e., when
|-x a(l- x)
When the unit load is at D, i.e., when
x=a or M,
a(l -a)
at Dwill vary from 0 to See Fig. I.11(c).
Hence, as the unit load moves from Ato D, the bending moment
When the unit load is between Dand B |Fig.11.10 (6)].
For this position of the unit load, the bending moment at D is given by, M, = Va
.a or My-l-1
ofx from x = a to x=1.
The above relation is true for all load positions of the unit load from D to B Le.. for values

When the unit load is at D, ie, when x=a, My- l-a)

When the unit load is at B, i.e., when x=1, M,=0
Hnce, as the unit load moves from D to Bthe bending moment at D will vary from all-a) to 0. [See Fig. I1.11 (c)].
Problem S. A
simply supported girder has aspan of 12 metres. A |D
290 KN wheel load moves from one end to the other end on the span of (a) 4m 8m
the girder. Find the maximum bending moment which can occur at a
section 4 metres from the left end.
Solution. Let us first draw the influence line diagram for the bending
moment at the given section D
Height of the I.L.D.
(6) D
-all-a)_4x8- 8 units.
12 3 200 kN
By studying the influence line iagram, it isobvious that, in order
the bending moment at D may be maximum, the wheel load should be (c)
placd exactly at D. (See Fig. 11.12 ()].
Maximum bending moment at D
Fig. 11. 12
8 1600
= 200x: kNm= 533.33 kNm.
Problem 6. Two wheel loads 200 kN and 80 kN spaced at 2m apart move on the span of girder of span 16 metres. Find the
lead the other.
maximplm bending moment that can occur at a section 6 metres from the left end. Any wheel load can
Splution. Let us first draw the influence line diagram for the bending moment at the given section D.
Aeight of the I.L.D.
a(l-a) 6x10 15
16 4
i.e., the 200 kN load
By studying the influence line diagram, it should be clear that for the D to be maximum the heavier load of the L.L.D.
should be placed at D. The other load i.e., the 80 kN load should be placed at 2 m on the right side of D. Now the ordinates
for the load positions are easily known. See Fig. 11.13 (c).
Maximum B.M. atD= 200x -+80x3 = 990 kNm.

(u) 6 m 10 m

t8 15-3
I0 4 B
(b) 1 D200
200 80 KN
D 2m -
(c) 8m

Flg. 11. 13

Simply supported beams with overhang

left and right supports.
Fig. 11.14 shows a simply supported beam of span/ between supports and with overhangs e and fover the


ell B

Ng. 11.14
LL.D. for the reaction V,.
Let the unit load be on the left side ofA at a
distance x from A
For this case, V, =downwards) when x= 0; V,=0 and when xe; V;= e

Suppose the unit

load is on the right side of A at a distance ofx from A.
For this case, V,= (upwards); when x=0; V,=0; when x=; V,=1: when x=l+f. V,=
Method ofdrawing the I.L.D.
First dravw the I.L.D. for V, ignoring the overhangs. Now produce the
By a similar reasoning I.L.D. for the reaction V, can also be drawn.
influence line drawn to cover the overhanging segments.
The same principle may be adopted for drawing the I.L.D. for any other quantity also.
S.F at a given Section
Fig. 11.15 shows a beam with overhangs e andfover the left and right
To draw the I.L.D. for the S.F. at C, the followingprocedure may be supports.
Let C be the given section.
First, the LL.D. for S, is drawn ignoring the overhangs. Now the influence line so drawn is produced to
segments. cover the overhanging




Fg. 11. 15 Ng. 11.16

B.M. at a given Section
Fig. 11.16 shows the influence line diagram for M, the B.M. at the given section C of the girder. The
ignoring the overhangs. The influence line so drawn is now produced to cover the over-hanging segments. diagram drawn first by

Problea 7. Adistributed live load of 80 kN permetre run may occupy any position on the girder shown in Fig. l1.17 (). Find the
maetmumositive and negative shear force at the section marked C.
olution. Fig. 11.17 (ii) shows the I.L.D. for the shear force at the section C
Maximum positive shear force at C
Forthis condition the loading should be applied as shown in Fig. 11.17 (iii).
4m B 2m
3m 3m
() D

(ii) D

80 KN/m 80 kN/m
(ii) D[O00004 c000000001
Positjon of load for max positive shcarat C
;80 KN/m;
80 kN/m
(iv) D
Position of load for max negative shcar force at C

Fig. 11.17
Maximum positive shear force at C
=80xxx3x+80xx4xN =l000
- 142.86 kN
2 7 7
Maximum negative shearforce at C
For this condition the loading should be applied as shown in Fig. 11.17 (v)
Maximum negative shearforce at C

D 4 C B

() 2m 15 m 15 m 3m
=-74.29 kN
Problem 8. Two wheel loads 200 kN and 80 kN spaced 0.4
em apart roll on the girder shown in Fig. l1. 18 (1). Find the
maximum positive and negative shear force at the section C. (ii) p
Solution. Fig. 11.18 (i) shows the I.L.D. for the shear force
at C.
Max. + ve S.F. at C o.5
Place the loads as shown in Fig. 11.18 (i) 200 kN!
Max, + ve S.F. at C 80 KN

= +200x+80x0.4KN
(iii) D
j0.8 mi 1.2 m
=+ 165.33 Kn
Max. - ve S.F at C Position of loads for max positive shear torce atC
8Q KN 200 KN
Place the loads as shown in Fig. 1I.18 (iv)
Max. - ve S.F. at C
--200×1 +80xN Position of loads tor nx negative shear torce at C
=-258.67 kN FNg. 11, 18

Problem 9. 7wo whl loads 200 kN and 80 KN spaced 0.8 mapart roll on the girder shown in Fig, 11. 19 (). Find the maximum
po_iive and negative bending moments that can occur at the section C.
Solution. Fig. 11.19 (i)shows the I.L.D. for the bending moment at C.
Height of the I.L.D. at C= all- a) 3x4
7 nits
Max. +ve B.M. at C.
I1.19 (iü).
For the maximum positive ) moment to occur at the section C, the loads should be place as shown in Fig.
Max, + ve B.M. at C
= 200x -+ 80x1.63 kNm= + 473.26 kNm

Max. -ve B.M. at C

For this condition the loads should be placed as shown in Fig. 11.19 (iv)
Max - ve B.M. at C
7 x1.26 kNm =-443.66 kNm.
(i) 3m 3m 4m
3-m 3m 4 m 2m
(ii) B
1.26 (iü) D
200 kN (M)
|80 KN
(iii) 80 KN/m
(iün) (iü)
Position of loads for max positive BM at C
200 KN
80 kN Position load for max positive BM at C
80 KN/m 80 kN/m
(iv) BOOOE
D08 D
Position of loads for max negative BM at C Position of load for max negative BM at C

Fig. 11. 19 Ng. 11.20

Problem 10. A distributed live load of80 kN per metre run may occupy any position on the girder shown in Fig. lI.20 (1). Find
themaximumpositive and negative bending moments that can occur at the section marked
Solution. Fig. 11.20 (ii) shows the I.L.D. for the B.M. at C.
Max. Positve B.M. at C
For this condition the loading should be place as shown in Fig. 11.20 (iii).
Max, + ve B.M. at C

= +80x =+480 kNm

Max. negative B.M. at C.
For this condition the loading should be placed as shown in Fig. 11.20 (iv).
Max -ve B.M. at C

=- 274.29 kNm
the beam shown in
Problem 11. Draw the influence lines for reactions at supports A, B, C and bending mnoment at support Bfor
F i 1 ,There is a hinge provided al D. Find their maximum values when a travelling load of 60 kN per metre may cover any part
of the span. (upwards)
Solution. Reaction V, at A. When the unit load is exactly at A, V, l
When the unit load is exactly at B, V,=0
When the unit load is exactly at D, V,= z 2J=0.5
When the unit load is exactly at C, V,=0 ()
6 m 3 n) 3m
Fig. 11.21 () shows I.L.D. for the reaction Vo
Max. upward reaction at A
11.21 (i).
For this condition the loading should be applied as shown in Fig. ((
Max. upward reaction at A=+
+\0-+180AN (ii) B

Max. downward reaction at A 60 kN/m
For this condition the loading should be applied as shown in Fig. 11.21(v.
Max. downward reaction
=-90 kN L.oad position for mar upward reaction at A
60 kN/m
Reaction V;
When the unit load is exactly at A (m)4) D
When the unit load is exactly at B Load position for max downward
reaction at A
Fig. 11.21
When the unit load is exactly at D, V,= 6
When the unit load is at C, V, = 0
Fig. 11.22 (ii) shows the I.L.D. for the reaction V, atB. The reaction V, is always upwards.
11.22 (iif).
For V, to be maximum the distributed load should be applied on the whole beam, see Fig.

Max. upward reaction V,at B= 60xx1.5kN = 540 kN

Max. reaction atC
When the unit load is anywhere between A and D, there will be no reaction at C.
When the unit load is exactly at C, V,=1

() 6m A 3m 3 m
6m A 3m 3m


60 kN/m

(ii) B

Load position for maximum rcaction at B Load position for max rcactionat C
Fig. 11,22 PNg. 11.23
Fig. 11.23 (i) shows the I.L.D. for V
Hence for V, to be amaximum the live load should atleast cover the length DC [see Fig. I1.23 (i)).
Max. upward reaction at C =+60xx]= 90 kN
B.M. at the support B ()
When the unit load is between Aand Bthree willbe no bending moment at B.
When the unit load is at D,
B.M. at B=- | x3 =-3 units
When the unit load is at C,
B.M. at B=0
Fig. 11.24 (ii) shows the I.L.D. forthe B.M. at B,
Maximum negative B.M. at B 60 KN/m
For this condition the loading should cover at least BC as shown in Fig.
11.24(i). (ui)

Max. - ve B.M. at B = kNm =- 540kNn. Flg. 11.24


Problem 12. For the beam shown in Fig. ll.25 draw influence line diagrams for the following.
() Reaction V, at B,(i) Reaction V, at A, (ii) Reacting moment M, at A, (iv) Shear force at Dand (v) Bending moment at D.
Find also the maximum values of theseguantities due to a live load of 20 KNIm.

4m 2m 4m

Ng. 11.25
Solution. The reactions V, V, and the reacting moment M, for the positions of the unit load on the RHS of C and LHS of C are
shown in Fig. 11.26
M,=-6 D

6m 4m

Mo=-1(6 x) D B

6m 4m

V,÷1 V,=0

Fig. 11.26
When the unit load is on RHS ofC distant xfrom C.
For this position of the unit load.
For B.M. at Cto be zero, V, x 4-1x=0 4

M,= 4
x10-1(6+ *)
M,= 2
When the unit load is on LHS ofC distant xfrom C. D
For this position of the unit load.
V,=0, V-l and M,=-1 (6-r) 4m 4m
Influence line diagram For V,
When the unit load is on RHS of C distant x from C

V,= 4 M,=-1(6 -) D B

When x =0, V,=0 and when x=4, V,=1

t m
When the unit load is on LHS of C, V,=0 4m 2 m
lnfluence line diagram for V, V,=0
When the unit load is on RHS of C distant x from C

When x-0, V,=1, When x=4, V,=0
When the unit load is on LHS of C, V,=1 D B

lnfluence line diagram for M, B
When the unit load is on RHS of C distant X from C.
x) . M,--6
Whenx0, M,=-6 and When x =4 n, M, =0 S

When the unit load is on LHS of C distant x from C

When x =0, M, =-6 and When x=6, M, B

Influence line diagramfor shear force at Dfrom C

distant x 2
When the unit load is on RHS of C
Flg. 11.27

When x=0, S, =+ land When .x=4m, S,=0

and less than 2 m, Så=+I
When the unit load is on LHS of Cdistant xfrom C
When thc unit load is on LHS ofD, S,=0
Influence line for Bending monment M, at D
When the unit load is on RHS of C distant x from C
+x) =,-2
When x=0, M,=-2 and when x=4m, M,=0 and distant x from C
When the unit load is between C and D
When x=0, M,=-2 and When x=2 m, M,=0
When the unit load is on LHS ofD, M,=0
Maximum reaction at B due to live load
See I.L.D. For V%
cover atleast the part CB
For maximum value of V, the live load should
V (max) Rate of loading X area of ILD covered by the live load
= 20xx4xl
=40 kN
Maximum reaction at A due to live load
See I.L.D. for V
For maximum value of V, the live load should cover the whole beam.
Ya (mar) = Rate
ofLoadingXarea ofILD covered by the live load.

=160 kN
Maximun Bending Moment M, at A due to live load.
See I.L.D. For M,
For maximum value of M,the live load should cover the whole beam.
= Rate of loading x area of ILD covered by the live load.
Mamax) = 20xx10x6= 600 kNm
Maximum Shear Force S, atD due to live load
See L.L.D. For S
For maxinum value ofS, the live load should cover at least the part DB
by the live load
Sama) = Rate of loading x area of the ILD covered
Maximumn Bending Moment M, at D due to live load
See I.L.D. for M
For maximum value of M, the live load should cover at least the part-DB.
Milmad Rate of loading Xarea of the ILD covered by the live load.
= 20x-x6x2
= +120 kNm
Problem 13. Abeam ACB 7m long isfxedat Aand is simply supported at B, and is provided with an internal hinge at C, 4mfYom
A. Draw influence line diagrams for the following:
() Reaction at A; (ii) Reaction at B; (ii) B.M. at A;
2m 2m 2m


Flg. 11.28
(iv) B.M. ut D, the middle point of AC; (v) B.M. at E, 2 mfrom B.

Solution. () Influence line diagram for the

When the unit load is anywhere between Aand reaction V,at A
C. There willbe no reaction at B
Reactiøn at A=V,=1
As the unit load moves from Cto B
(ii) Influence line diagram for the the reaction V. will decrease from Ito zero.
reaction V, at B.
4m 3m



Rg. 11.29
When the unit load isanywhere between Aand C, V, =0. As the unit 1oad moves from CtoB, V, will
(ii) Influence line diagram for the bending moment M, at A. increase from Zero tO I

4m 3m

Fig. 11.30
When the unit load is on ACat a distance xfrom 4, we know V; =0
Hence as the unit load moves from Ato C, M, will change from zero to -4. As the load moves from Cto B, M, will change from -
4 to zero.
(iv) Influence line diagram for the B.M. at D, the middle point of AC.

2m 2m 3m

Flg. 11.31
When the unit load is on AD there will be no B.M. at D. When the unit load is on DC at a distance x from D.
B.M. at D, M,=-1 xx=-*
the B.M. at
As the unit load moves from D to C, the B.M. at D will change from zero to -2. As the unit load moves from C to B.
Dwillchange from -2 to zero.
(v) Influence line diagram for the B.M. at E, 2m from B
When the unit load is anywhere on AC, there will be no B.M. at E. We may consider CB as a separate simply supported beam,
supported at C and B.
a(l-a) lx2 2
Height of theinfluence line diagram for the B.M. at E= 3

4m 2m

Ng. 11,32
infuence line diagrams Jor theM,following : i)Reaction V at A. its.
For the beam shown in Fig. 11.33 draw moment at G
Problem 14, B; (iv) Bending
Shear force S, at G: (v)kN/m.
(ii) Bending moment, M, at
Keaction V;at B: quatitiesdue to a moving load of 10
Find the maximumn values of these

e-2 m 4m
-3 m
-5 m
-6 m


2 rm 3 rn
Sm E

|+| -
2m F 3 m

3m E 2m 4m
1/3 1/3

5m D


Fig. 11.33
Solution. () Influence line diagramfor the reaction V, at A
When the unit load is anywhere between E and D there will be no reaction at A. When the unit load is exactly at A, V,= 1.
For maximum reaction at A, the live load should be applied at least on the part AE.

Maximum reaction at A, Va max 15 kN (upwards)

(i1) Influence line diagram for the reaction V, at B.
For the range of movement of the unit load from E to F we know there willbe no reactions at A and D. For this range of
of the unit load we may regard EF as a beam with overhangs and hence the influence line can be easily drawn for this range of movement
of the unit load.
8 4
Height ofI.L.D. at C=0; Height ofILD at B=l;Height of ILD at E=
6 3
As the unit load moves from Ato E, the reaction V, will change from zero to 3

Height of ILD at F=

As the unit load moves from F to D the reaction V, will change from to zero
For maximum upward reaction at B, only the part AC should be covered by the live load
+ Vo ma kNm

For maximum downward reaction at B, onlythe part CD should be covered by the live load

bo max

(iii) Influenve line diaram for the

When the unit load is on the right side momentwillM,beatno 5.bending noment at B. When the unit load is at B, B.M. at B-
ofB, thee |2
2 units. When the unit
lond is at 4,3.M. nt B 0,
For mavimum B.Mt. at B, at leost the purt AB
should be covered by the llve loal
Maximunn B.M, at B, M,. 50kNm.
(i) lnfluence line diagram for the shear
For the range of movement of the unit loadforce S, at G.
fronm Elo F we may consider EBCE as a beam BC with overhangs BE and CE. On this
asis the influence line for this range of movement of the unit load is drawn.
Height ofl.L.D. at B -0; Height ofLD atCe0;Height oflILD on LIIS ofG
Height oflLD on RHS ofG-0) lleight ofILD at E Height of ILD at F
When the unit load is cither at Aor at D there will be no shecar force at G.
Maximum positive shear force at G
For this case the live load should be applied only on AB and GC.
Maximum positive S.F. at G

+ Sg, max 65 kN.

Maximum negative shear forceatC
For this case the live load should be applied only on BG and CD.

Maximum Negative S.F. at

() Infuence line diagram for the bending moment M, at G.
As before we willfirst consider the range of movement ofthe unit load between Eand F. For this range of movement of the unit load
we willregard EBCF as asimply supported beam with overhangs BE and CF and supported at Band C. The ILD is drawn for this range
of movement of the unit load.
2x4 4 4 2
Height ofILD at G= Height of ILD at E= Height ofILD at F = 3
When the unit load is either at Aor at D there will be no B.M. at G.
Maximum positive B.M. at G
For this case the live load should be applied only on BC.

Maximum positive B.M. at G-Mp na -10x -x6*-+-+40 kNm.

Maximum negative B. M. at G
For this case the live load should be applied only on AB and CD.
Maximum negative B.M. at G, - Mg'max
Problem 15. For the balanced cantilever beam shown in Fig. lI.34 draw infuence line diagrams for reactions at the suppu
Aand B, SF and B.M. at G. and S.F andB.M. at H.
Solution. Infuence line diagram for the reaction V, at A
When the unit load is between Aand C, we may regard ABC as aseparate beam 48 with an overhang BC. There willbe no reactions
at E and F.
Height of ILD at 4=1; Height of ILD at B= 0; Height of ILDat C'=
As the unit load moves from Cto D
the reaction V, will vary trom 3
to zero.

(i)Influence line diagram for the reuction V, at B

For the range of movement of the load fronm Ato Cas in the previous case we nmay regard ABC as abeam 4B with an overhang BC.
Height of lILD at 4=0; Height of ILD at B= 1;Height ofILD at C= 12
(): 3

As the unit load moves from Cto Dthe reaction V, will vary from 3 to zero.

6m 6m 4m4 m
24 m 8 m -- -12 m
-12 m




Fg. 11.34
(iii) Influence line diagram for the shear
Considering ABC as a beam with overhangforce S, at G
the ILD is drawn
Height of ILD at A=0;Height of ILD on LHS of G=
i Height oflLD on RHS ofG =+
Height of ILDat B=0; Height of ILD at C= 2
As the unit load moves from Cto Dthe
S.F. at Gwill vary from tO zero.
(iv) Influence line diagran for ihe shear force S, at H 3
When the unit load is between Aand there
When the unit load is between Hand C, S.F. at will be no shear force at H.
G =+1. As the unit load
(v) Infuence line diagram for the Bending moves firom Cto D. the S F at Gwill vary
For the range of movement of the unit Moment. M, at G fromt
lo¡d fromAto c
Height ofILD at G=
=3; Height of ILD at C* 8X3=4,
As the unit load moves fromCto D B.M. at G will
vary from 4 tozero

(vi) Influence line diagram for the bending moment M, at H

Wnen the unit load is on LHS of Hor on RHS of D. there willbe no B.M. at / When the unit load is at C, B.M. atn T :

For a simply supported girder the greatest left end reaction is the
positive shear and the greatest right end reaction is the maximum maximum
negative shear.
Maximum positive end shear (i)

(Maximum left end reaction)

Let the wheel loads
and W, move on the span of the girder AB supported at Aand B.
In the first trial position let the load W, be placed atA and the other loads be y
placed relative to this load.
Fig. 11.35 (i) shows the influence line diagram for V,the reaction at A. Flg. 11.35
Let the wheel loads move by an elemental distance dr towards the left. The wheel load W, will
leave the span.
The ordinate of the ILL.D. corresponding to the position of any load on the span willinbcrease say by
But dy = tan =
In the first position the wheel load W, is at A.
The reaction at the left support for this position of the wheel loads
- Va =Kkyi+hy +Wiy +Wiy4 +WSys
Let now the load system move towards the left so that the load W, is at A.

Let the spacing between the loads W, and W, be a . For dr = a, dy =

The ordinates of LL.D. under the loads W, W, W, W, in the new position wil be |*Hand 7
The reaction at the left support corresponding to the new position of the load system is given by,

Va-Wyy +Wsy; +W)4 +W,y; +(W, +W, +W4 +W;);

Va >Va2
If Wy>(W, +W; +W, +W;) Buty, =1

Va>Va If K>W +W, +W, +W)

Va >Vosif ""+W, +W, + W,
the load rolled off sum of the remaining loads on the span
Or Va >Va2s succeeding wheel space span length
(It may be observed that the above rule is not of great utility. In fact with experience we can easily chose two or three trial load
positions and calculate the reactions for these cases and the maximum reactioncan be determined).
Problem 16. The wheel load system shown in Fig. l1.36 () can move on agirder ofspan 5 m. Find the maximum positive and
negatjiye shear force for the girder
Maximum positive shear (Vama)
First trial position. Place the loads as shown in Fig. I1.36 (ii),
Fig. 11.36 (iii) showsthe I.L.D, for V,
For this position, V=120 x I+400 x 0.84 + 150 x 0.64 +250x 0.48 k
= 672 kN

W 120 =150

W, +W, +W, 400 + 150+250

= 160 120KN 4/ 192%,:

, the second trial position will produce a greater )

Since W
a 120 N 41) 192N
reaction at A.
Second trial position
Place the loads as shown in Fig. 11.36 (iv).
For this position
Va, = 400 x 1+ 150 x 0.8+250 0.64 kN 0.34
= 680 kN 042

150+ 250
5 W WA
400 KN 150 KN 250 kN
W, +W
Since there is no need for third trial position. Ölm 0.8 m
Or, alternatively, if the load system should fu ther move towards the left, the (in) Span =5 m
load W, will be offthe span. The remaining total load on the span willonly be W, 0.8
+W,-150+ 250 =400 KN. With the loads W, and W, lone on the span areaction 0.64
greater than 400 kN is not possible. Hence any more trial is unnecessary.
Maximum positive shear force=+680 kN
Maxim1m Negative Shear (Vama)
First trial position. Fig. 11.36
Place the loads as shown in Fig. 11.37 ().
For this position VA=250 x 1+150 x 0.84 +400 x 0.64 +120 x 0.48 kN W: W;

= 689.6 KN 400 KN 150 kN 250 kN
120 kN

W, 250 10.8 mi lm 0.3 mI

=312.5 2,4 m
C 0.8
W+W + W 150+ 400+120

5 0.48
(ii) 08+
W, +W, +W, no more trials are needed. Rg. 11.37
Or, alternatively, ifthe load W, leaves the span the total load remaining on the span will be 120+ 400 + 150 = 670 kN which is less
than the reaction 689.6 RN already reached.
Max. - ve S.F. =-689.6 kN
(ii) Whiformly distributed live load.
(When the length of load is greater than the span. When the length of the uniformly distributed load is greater than the span the
maximum positive and negative shear force will occur when the whole span is loaded.
Let the intensity of the loading be wper unit run.
Max. + ve shear =
Max. - ve shear =

(a) When the length ofthe load is less than the span.
Let l, be the length of the distributed load.
For maximum positive shear force (Vama) the load should be placed as shown in Fig. 11.38 ().
For maximum negative shear force (Vbma) the load should be placed as shown in Fig. 11.38 (ii).

wUnit run

w/Unit run



Ng. 11.38


(a) Wheel Loads
Consider the loads shown in Fig. 11.39 (). Let the given section be C.
The I.L.D. for S,the shear force at C, is shown in Fig. 11.39 (ii).
Let the loads move by a small distance dt towards the left from their
position shown in Fig. 11.39 ().
The ordinate of the I.L.D. under the load W, will decrease while the (o)
ordinates of the LL. D. under the other loads will increase, by say dy
dy 1
tan = i Ifd= b

dy =
Position LLoad W,at C(just on the right side of C) ()
For this position, the shear force 'at C
=Sa =-W +W +W3y; +W)4 +W;)s Ng. 11.39
Position 2. Load W, at C (just on the right side of C)
For this position the shear force at C

Sa <Sea If Wy, <-W,m+W +W, +W, +W, +W;)

Le, if W,('; t m) <(W, +W; +W, +W, +W,) But y, +m=1 : S <S?
W, W+ W, +W; +W4+"Sie, S < S2.

the load rolled past the section sum of all the loads.
succeeding wheel space span
Problem 17. The load system shown in Fig. 11.40 moves from right to left on a
W2 W, W4 W6
Igirder of span 20 metres. Find the maximum shearforce at a section7.5 metres from 80 kN 220 KN 100 kN l00 kN 100 KN 100 kN
1the left end
Solution. In our case O 2.5 m O 3m 2 m 2.5 m O2 m Ò
700 =35
Ng. 11.40
Move W, from Cand bring W, over C,
a 2.5 ...)
80 kN 220 kN 100 kN 100 kN 100 kN 100 kN

5m O2.5 m ) 3 m 2 m 2.5 m ) 2 m ) 3m
e=7.5 m 12.5 m
(i) COI

0,375 0.25


Rg. 11.41 w

Move W, from Cand bring W, over C, = 73.3 ...i)
3 po
W, 100 fo
Move W, from Cand bring W, over C, =50
From condition (2) it should be clearthat the maximum positive shear force at Coccurs when the load W, is placed over C (i.e.,just
on the right side of C). w/Unit m.
Max. +ve S.F. at C-Smu)-80 (-0.25)+ 220 (0.625)
+100(0.475)+100 (0.375) +100 (0.25)+ 100 (0.15) =+ 242.5 KN Load position for max + Ve SF. at C
Maximum shear at a given section - uniformly distributed load
Max. positive shear at C (E)

For this condition the head of the load moving from the end Bmust arrive at
C. See Fig. I1.42 (1).
Max. negative shear at C
Similarly for this condition the head ofthe load moving from the end Amust
arrive at C. See Fig. 11.42 (ii).
Condition for maximum bending moment at a given section w/Unit m.
Case 1. Wheel loads
Let AB be a simply supported girder of span 1. Let Dbe the given section.
Let AD- a Load position for max - Ve S.F at C
and BD = b (ii)
Let the wheel load system W,, W,, W, W4, W,, W% move on the span of the
Lettheloads be in the position shown in Fig. 11.43 ().
The I.L.D. for M, the B.M. at Dis shown in Fig. 11.43 (ii).
Let the ordinates of the I.L.D. under the loads be y,'2,'3,V4, Ys and y%. (2V)
For this position of the loads, the B.M. at D is given by. Ng. 11.42 t
My-Wy +Wy, +W,y; +W4y4 +Wy, +W%)6
Let now the load system move towards the right by a small distance d:. In the new position of the wheel loads, the ordinates of
the I.L.D. under the loads will be.

The B.M. at the section Dcorresponding to the new position of the wheel loads is given by

From equations (i) and (ii), we get

W W%
W) W
dM,=(K; +W, + W)d-(W, +W, +W)d
dM a
d ;W,+W; +W,)
If M,should represent
condition to be satisfied is, the maximum bending moment at D, the
dM a dMa b
dx -=W +W, +W,)-W, +W, +W,) =0;
=0 i.e..
W+W; +W3 W +W; + W%
a b
Average load on AD= Average load on BD.
Thus, the maximum bending moment at a section of the
when the load system is so placed that the beam will occur (i)

equal to the average load on the right average load on the left segment is Flg. 11.43
In the case of wheel loads the above
possible to reach. Hence, practically, for wheel loadsnamely equality of average loads on either side of the given section may not be
follows the condition for maximum bending moment at a section can be
expressed as
A maximum bending moment at a given section ofa beam
occurs when a certain load iust passes over the section, and when tne
Caverage load on the left side of the section minus the average load on the right side of the section changes sign when the point
passes over the section. " load
Problem 18. The wheel loads shown in Fig. 11.44 (a) roll over along a
beam of span 10 metres.
200 kN 150 kN 300 KN 90 KN
4m 6m
0.8 m Ó L0m Ò 1.2 m
10 m
Fig. 11.44 Flg. 11.45
Find the maximum bending moment which can occur at a section 4 netres from the left end.
Solution. Let AB be the beam and D the given section.
Let us allow the loads to cross the given section one after another and find the average loads on AD
and BD. This calculation is
shown in the following table :
Load crossing Average Average Remarks
thesection D load on AD load on BD
650 50 Average load on AD is greater than the average
50 kN
4 6 load on BD.
350 350 Average load on AD isgreater than the average
300 KN
4 6 load on BD.
200 200 Average load on BDis greater than the average
150 kN
4 6 load on AD,

Hence, we find that before the 150 kN load had crossed the section D, 200 150) 300
the average load on AD was greater, but after the 150 kN load crossed the KN KN KN KN

section D, the average load on AD became lesser than the average load on
3.2 m
os 12 38 m
BD. Qmm(m
Hence, for the maximum B.M. at D, we will place the 150kN load exactly
at D and the other loads relative to this load. (See Fig. 11.46). (4)
Fig. 11.46 (i) shows the I.L.D. for the bending moment at the section D.
:. Maximum B.M. at D
-200 x 1.92+ 150 x2.4 +300x2.0+ 50 x 1.52 KNm. 1.9 $2
1420 kNm.
Condition for maximum bending moment at a given section
Case 2. Uniformly distributed load
Two cases arise viz.
) When the length of the load is greater than the span. Frg. 11,46

shorter than the span.

(ii) When the length of the load is ()
greater than the span. ab
() When the length of the load is
Consider the beam AB. Let D be the given scction.
the B.M. at the given scction D.
Fig. 11.47 (i)shows the l.L.D. for
D, it is obvious, for the condition
Bystudying the I.L.D. for the B.M. at be loaded.
whole span must (M
of maximumB.M. at D, the (iü)
1,ab wab
Max. B.M. atD =wx area ofI.L.D. = W.-/ W/Unit run

(ii) When the length of the load is less than

the span. 0000006d00 00000000606000)
distributed load. (iii)
Let I, be the length of the
Let the load move from left to right. Flg. 21.47
Let D be the given section.
Let AD=a; and BD= b w/unit run
Fiz. l1.48 (i) shows the l.L.D. for B.M. at D. 000000000000
distance z
Let the head of the load after crossing the section D be at a D
from D. For the B.M. at D to be maximum.
Average load on AD= Average load on BD abll ()
w-z) Wz

a a+b (i)
Flg. 11.48

load on the span is determined.

Hence the distance z can be computed. Hence the position of the
Max. B.M. at D WXarea of the I.L.D. covered by the load.
a simply supported girder of span 12 metres. Find the maximum
Próblem 19. Alive load of 80 kN per metre moves on end. 80kN/m
momeft which can occu at a section 4 metres from the left
Solution. This is a case where the length of load is greater than the span.
Hence for the condition of maximum bending moment at any given section the -4 m -8 m
whole span must be loaded.
Height ofI.L.D. for the B.M. at D i4 x8
ab 4x8 8
1 12 3
Max. B.M. at D
1 8 ()
= 1280 kNm. Fig. 11.49
¬wx area of I.L.D, =80xx12x
2 3
on a simply supported girder of span l0 m. Find the marimum
Problem 20. Alive load of 50 kN per metre 8 metres long movesend.
bending moment which can occur at a section 4 metres from the left
Solution. Let AB be the girder and D the given section. D
Fig. 11.50 (ii) shows the I.L.D. for the B.M. at D. 4x624
load be at a distance
Let the loading move towards the right. Let the head of the 10
z metres from the section D.
AD= Average load on BD (i) 0.43
Average load on 0.48
50(8-z) 50z
6 0.8
i3.2 m 4.8m
8-2 4 6 (ii)
S0 KN/unit

Z= 4.8 m
Ng. 11.50
Fig. 11.50 (iii) shows the position of the load for the condition of maximum B.M. at D.
Max. B.M. at D= load intensity xarea of I. L.D. covered by the load
2.4+0.48 = S76 kNn.
-x3.2 +


Fig. l1.51 shows a girder AB UNDERA CHOSEN WHEEL LOAD
of span /simply supported at Aand B. Let aIsystem of wheel loads move on the span of the girder.
(2W) (ZW)

Fig. 11.51
Let P be a chosen load of
the wheel load
bending moment under the chosen load P will besystem. We will now discuss. for what position of the wheel load system on the
a maximum. span Le
Let (EW) = Resultant of all the wheel loads
(ZW;)= Resultant of thewheel loads on the left of the chosen load P
d, = Distance between (2W;) and the chosen load
d, = Distance between the chosen load and (EW)
x= Distance of the resultant load (2W) from the middle point Cof the girder
V-Left endreaction
V,=Right end reaction.
Taking moments about the end B, we have

Bending moment under the chosen load =M=

For Mto be a maximum = 0

d =2 2
i.e., The chosen load and the resultant of the wheel loads should be equidistant from the middle point of the girder.
placed on
Hence, the bending moment under a choOsen load ofa wheel load system will be a maximum, when the load system is so
of the girder.
the girder th¡t the chosen load and the resultant of all the wheel loads are equidistant from the middle point
ofspan. The computation may be made
Wheel loads. The absolute maximum bending moment will occur at a section near the centre
in the following steps : the bending moment at the mid-span
(i) First by inspection, which of the wheel loads should be placed at the mid-span so that
may be a maximum, is determined.
(ii) Now the load system is so placed on the span that the resultant of all the loads and the load chosen by the above condition
()are eyuidistant from the middle point of the (i), the bending moment under the chosen load is determined. This
(ii) With the loads in the position corresponding to condition
for the girder.
is the absolute maximum bending moment
on a girder of span 10 metres. Find maximum bending
Problem 21. The load system shown in Fig, 11.52 moves from left to right
kN load.
moment which can occur under the 80 distance x from the leading 120 kN load.
Solution, Let the resultant of thewheel loads be at a 120 kN load, we have
the leading
Taking moments of the wheel loads about 1+100 x 2.2 + 100 x 3 .=1.5 m
400 = 120 x 0+80 x

100 100 120


+ 0.8 L2 I
Om O m

10 m
Flg. 11.52
For the condition ofmaximum bending moment under the 80 kN load, the wheel load system should be so placed that the resultant
load and the 80 &N load should be equidistant from the middle point of the girder.
Distance between the resultant load and the 80 kAN load =1.50 . 1.0=0.5 m
Hence, the bending moment under the 80 kN load will be a maximum when the 80 kN load is placed 0.25 mon the right side of the
centre of the girder.
Taking moments about the endA, we have, V, x 10 400x 4.75
V,= 190 kN and V, =400 190=210 kN
100 100 80 120
m O1.2 M m


0.5 m

4.75 m 4.75 m

0.25 m '

100 100 80 120

kN kN kN KN
3.25 m 0.8 k- 1.2>lm 3.75 m

-5.25 m -4.75 m
l=210 kN V,= 190 KN

Fig. 11.53
Maximum bending moment under the 80 kN load
= 190 x4.75-120 x | kNm=782.5 kNm.
prob}ém 22. The load systemshown in Fig. I1.54 moves fromleft to right on agirder of span10 metres. Find the absolue maximum
þening honment for the girder. 120 60 150 70
kN kN kN KN
|0.5 0.5
Om m o lm
Span = 10 m
FNg. 11.54
Solution. By studying the loads, it is obvious that in order that the bending moment at mid-span may be a maximum the 150 &N load
has to be placed at mid-span.
The absolute maximum bending moment will occur nearthe mid-span and will occur under the 150 kN load.
Hence, for the condition of absolute maximum bending moment the load system should be so placed on the span that the resultant
of all the wheel loads and the 150 kN load are equidistant from the middle point of the girder.
Let us determine the position of the resultant of all the wheel loads with respect to the leading 70 kN load. Let the distance of the
resultant load from the leading 70 kN load be .
Taking moments about the leaing load, we have,
400 70 ×0+ 150 x1+ 60 x1.5 + 120 x2
=1.2 mfrom the leading 70 kN load.
:. Distance between the resultant load and the 150 kN load, = 1.20 1.00 =0.2 m
Hence, for the condition of absolute maximum bending moment, the 150 KN load should be placed 0.1 mon the right side of the
centre of the girder.
Taking moments about the end A,we
V,x10= 400 x 4.9 ,= 196 kN and ,- 400 - 196 kN= 204 kN
Absolute maximum bending moment for the girder = B.M.
= 196 x 4.9-70 x 1kNm= under the 150 kN load
890.4 kNm.
120 60
4 0.5 05
O m Om

h2m02 nm
4.9 m
49 m

140 60 150 70
kN kN kN
4.l m
40.5 0.5 39 m
Om m m

5.1 m
4.9 m
V,=204 kN
Vs= 196 kN
Fig. 11.55
of the uniformly distributedMOMENT UNIFORMLY
(a) When the length
load is greater than DISTRIBUTED
the span, the absolute LIVE LOAD
maximum bending moment occurs at tne
centre when the whole span is loaded. If the w
intensity of load is wper unit run, the absolute maximum
bending moment =
w/unit run

Fig. 11.56
(6) When the length of the uniformly distributed load is
shorter than the
centre of the span when the loading is symmetrically placed on the span. span, the absolute maximum bending moment occurs at the
Suppose the intensity of the loading is wper unit run and the length of the loading is /,, placing the load
symmerically on the span,
Each vertical reaction = w
Absolute maximum bending moment
=B.M. at the centre = wl, wh4(21-).
2 '2 2 4 8


2 Ng. 11.57


Atrussed bridge in general consists of two longitudinal trusses cross-connected by cross girders. The live load is received by the
cross girders and from the cross girders the load is transmitted to the truss joints. The cross girders are supported by the trusses
generally at the panel points.
Trussed bridges are classified into Deck and through type bridges.
If thecross girders are providedconnecting corresponding top chord joints of the truss, so that the load is received at the top
chord joints the truss is called adeck type truss. If the cross girders are provided connecting corresponding bottom chord joints of the
truss, so that the load is received at the bottom chord joints, the truss is called a through type truss.
of any one truss may be drawn by assuming that the moving load on +L
The influence line diagram for the forces in the members of I unit is transmitted to each longitudinal truss.
bridge and that a load
bridge is 2 units along the centre line of the diagrams for the forces in the members of various types of bridge trusses
We will now discuss the influence line

Decr type bridge

Through typc bridge

Deck type bridge Through type bridge

Ng. 11.58
and diagonals so that the diagonal
Pratt truss. This truss consists of top and bottom chord members connected by verticals
action of dead load.
members are in tension and the vertical members are in compression under the
U2 U3 U4 Us U6 U

Li L2 L3 L4 Ls L6 4L7
5/6 1,/

Truss Truss

13/2 I,lh

Cross girder

Through type bridge
Fig. 11.59 Fig. 11.60
Fig. 11.60 shows one of thetrusses of athrough type girder. Us U
Uj U U3 U4
Let us discuss the influence line diagram for the various members
of the structure. Note that the influence line will be drawn for the passage
of a unit load transmitted to the bottom chord. h
ILLD.for the top chord members L7
L2 L3 L4 L_ L6
Consider any top chord member, say the member U, Us
Let for any position of the unit load the reactions at the left and =61
right supports be V, and V, respectively.
Consider a section 1-l as shown in Fig. 11.61. 4/3 l,/h
Let the unit load be on the left side of the joint L.
Consider the right part of section 1-1,
Let the force in U,U, be Pu,u,.
Ng. 1.61

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