Workshop Manual SPPU

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Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s

Karvenagar, Pune-411052
Accredited with 'A++' Grade by NAAC
Recipient of 'Best College' award in 2018-19 by
Permanently Affiliated with SPPU, Pune
Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
accredited with NBA

Department of Engineering Sciences

Lab Manual
Workshop Practice
(2019 Course)

(Course Code: 111006)

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's
Karvenagar, Pune
Permanently afliated to SPPU | Accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC
Recipient of 'Best College' award in 2018-19 by SPPU

To aspire for the Welfare of Society
through excellence in Science and Technology.

Our Mission is to
Mould young talent for higher endeavours.
Meet the challenges of globalization.
Commit for social progress with values and ethics.
Orient faculty and students for research and development.
Emphasize excellence in all disciplines.
Marathwada Mitra Mandal's
Accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC |Recipients of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU
Department of Mechanical Engineering
CO PO Mapping
Academic Year 2023-24
Class & Semester FE - Term I
Name of the Course Workshop
Course Code 111006

A. Course Outcome

Outcome At the end of the course, a student will be able to
DEFINE safety norms to prevent any mishap in the workshop. 1
111006.2 APPLY appropriate hand tool, cutting tool and machine tools to 3
manufacture a job.
111006.3 UNDERSTAND the construction, working and functions of machine tools 2
and their parts.
111006.4 EXPLAIN simple operations (Turning and Facing) on a center lathe. 2

B. CO-PO mapping

Program outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 - - - - - - - - - - 1
111006.2 2 - - - - - - - - - - 1
111006.3 2 - - - - - - - - - - 1
111006.4 2 - - - - - - -- - - - 1
Average 2 - - - - - - - - 1

Page 1 of 1
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s
Karvenagar, Pune-52
Accredited with 'A++' Grade by NAAC
Recipient of 'Best College' award in 2018-19 by SPPU
Permanently Affiliated with SPPU, Pune
Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering accredited with NBA

Sr. Mapping Page Date Sign
Name of Experiment
No. with CO No.

1 Mandatory briefing on shop-floor safety CO1 2

2 Demonstration and working of centre lathe. CO3 11

3 Demonstration of Lathe operations: CO4 18
4 Demonstration of Drilling machine CO3 24

5 Demonstration on Milling machine CO3 31

6 Demonstration of Grinding machine CO3 38

7 Making Utility Job on fitting CO2 44

8 Making Utility Job on carpentry CO2 49
9 Layout of Workshop CO1 54

10 Information About Safety Norms CO1 56

11 Demonstration and working of VMC CO3 61

This is to certify that Mr/Ms_________________________________________________________________

Roll No______________Div._____________University Exam No_________________________of FE has

satisfactorily completed the Term Work in the subject of____________________________________in
Department of Engineering Sciences of Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering, Pune as
prescribed by Savitribai Phule University of Pune during Semester I of Academic year 20____ - 20____

Date:______/______/20_____ Faculty In charge Head of Department Principal

MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 01
Experiment Title Mandatory briefing on shop-floor safety
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 1
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Title: Mandatory briefing on shop-floor safety
Aim: Briefing on shop-floor safety
Apparatus: Media- Charts
Objectives: Understand the Briefing on shop-floor safety

Work Instructions to Students:

Students shall read the points given below for understanding the Laboratory Experiments
 Listen carefully to the lecture given by teacher about objective of the subject, course
outcomes, graphical structure, and skills to be developed, information about equipment,
instruments, procedure, method of continuous assessment, tentative plan of work in
laboratory and total amount of work to be done in the semester.
 Students shall undergo study visit of the laboratory for types of equipment, instruments,
material to be used, before performing experiments.
 Read the write up of each experiment to be performed, a day in advance.
 Organize the work in the group and make a record of all observations.
 Understand the purpose of experiment and its practical implications.
 Write the answers of the questions allotted by the teacher during practical hours if
possible or after wards, but immediately.
 Student should not hesitate to ask any difficulty faced during conduct of practical /
 The student shall study all the questions given in the laboratory manual and practice to
write the answers to these questions.
 Checking of write up of experiment to be done within a week’s time.
 Midterm & submission and final submission to be followed as per the schedule.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 2
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Safety Instructions to Students:

Workplace safety refers to the limitation of elements that can cause harm, accidents, and other

negative outcomes in the workplace. It represents a culmination of policies, behaviors, and

precautions that work to limit hazards, accidents, and other kinds of harm in a work

environment. Workshop safety is everyone's responsibility; the following rules have been put

in place to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Please read the safety rules carefully

before entering the workshop.


1. Don’t run in the workshop.

For the most part, the failure of workshops to work is not the fault of

the people who are attending the workshop.

2. Always wear an apron.

Aprons prevent damage to your clothing and provide an added layer

of protection to your person. Pockets might also be handy. However,

the apron should be close fitting so that it doesn't get entangled in

any tools you are using.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 3
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

3. Wear strong shoes.

Steel toe boots and shoes protect your feet, help prevent

injuries to them, and reduce the severity of injuries that may

occur in the workplace.

4. Don’t rush your projects.

You could ‘bump’ into another pupil and cause an accident. You

could run into a machine or bench, which could cause a serious

injury. The most productive and efficient ‘craftspeople / engineers’,

work patiently and never rush their work. Working at a safe, steady

pace, is how skilled professions complete their tasks.

5. Tie up long hair.

Having long hair that is not properly secured can be extremely

dangerous because it can become caught in moving machine

parts. Workers’ hair becoming entangled in equipment, even

when non-fatal, is a serious problem that can cause injuries such

as scalping and facial disfigurement.

6. Never work alone in the workshop.

Working alone should be avoided. Working with hazardous

materials and equipment always poses risks to student’s health

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 4
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

and safety. However, these risks are heightened when working alone because help is

not readily available in case of a mishap.

7. When, necessary wear goggles.

The guard on a machine, protects the user,

especially the users eyes, from dangerous ‘debris’ that is thrown

out, often at high speed. The guards also ensure that hands and

fingers, are not near moving parts.

8. Turn the machine of before cleaning it.

People can be struck and injured by moving parts of machinery or

ejected material. Parts of the body can also be drawn in or trapped

between rollers, belts and pulley drives hence turn the machine of

before cleaning machine.

9. Know where the emergency button is located.

An emergency stop button is a safety device that switches off all

the machines in a workshop instantly that the emergency stop

button is pressed. It enables anyone to switch off a machine

anywhere in a workshop in order to prevent an accident.

10. Listen carefully when teacher is demonstrating something.

The instructions given by your teacher, his / her demonstrations

on the use of equipment and tools, will help you understand how

to work in a workshop safely and efficiently.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 5
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

11. A machine must be operated by one student at a time.

It is dangerous to work in group on the machine, because of group

operations may have misunderstanding as well as distraction and

its hazardous to the students.

12. Enter the workshop only with a teacher’s permission.

It is extremely dangerous (and illegal), to use a machine in the

workshop, without having followed and understood, all the

teacher instructions.

13. Report any damage done to the machine.

A broken or damaged tool can be dangerous. For example, a

hammer with a loose hammer head, should be reported to the

teacher. It is always possible that the hammer head will ‘fly

off’ the handle, when it is in use.


 Student affected by drugs or alcohol are not permitted in the workshop

 Students with any health problems that may affect workplace safety (e.g. medication,

epileptic fits) must report these conditions to the workshop staff

 Notify the workshop staff of your arrival

 No food or drink in the workshop

 Wear the correct protective equipment for the tools you are using – ask if in doubt
Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 6
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

 All chemicals (e.g. glues and paints) must be checked through Chemwatch and with

workshop staff before use

 Immediately notify the workshop supervisor of any faulty or broken equipment

 Ask how to use the tools safely

 Make sure your work piece is fixed securely before work commences

 Keep leads up off the floor.

 Keep clear of any person operating tools and machinery (bumping an operator or get

tangled in the lead could cause serious injury to you or the operator)

 Do not talk to anyone operating electrical equipment and machinery

 Keep your work area tidy

 Clean up any spills immediately

 Wash hands after using equipment and materials.

First Aid
 First aid in the workplace means providing the initial treatment and life support for
people suffering an injury or illness at work.
 All accidents, cuts and abrasions must be reported before leaving the workshop. If an
accident does happen, no matter how small, it must be reported to the workshop staff
and an Accident Report Form filled out. Filling out this form is imperative for any future
complications resulting from an accident.

Fires or other emergencies

 Think before reacting to any emergency in the workshop; ensure you are reacting safely
before you assist in an emergency. Do not attempt to fight any fire unless you have been
trained to do so.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 7
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

The safety instructions and norms must be followed by every being that enters into the

work shop premises while doing the work. The equipment’s and protective should be

used to safe guard and smooth operation in work shop.

Safety cautions on shop floor

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 8
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Short Questions:
Q1. Write down the safety instructions:

























Date-………………………………………………. Faculty In-Charge.........................................................................

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 9
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 02
Experiment Title Demonstration and working of center lathe
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 10
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


Title: Demonstration and working of center lathe

Aim: Demonstration on various functions of lathe parts.
Apparatus: Lathe Machine and allied parts
Objectives: Demonstration on various functions of lathe parts: Headstock, Tailstock,
Carriage, Lead screw, all geared Mechanism, Apron mechanism etc.
Working Principle: The lathe is a machine tool which holds the work piece between two rigid
and strong supports called canters or in a chuck or face plate which revolves. The cutting tool
is rigidly held and supported in a tool post which is fed against the revolving work. The normal
cutting operations are performed with the cutting tool fed either parallel or at right angles to
the axis of the work. The cutting tool may also be fed at an angle relative to the axis of work
for machining tapers and angles.

Working Principle of Lathe machine


The main parts of the lathe are Headstock, Tailstock, Carriage, Lead screw, all geared
Mechanism, Apron mechanism etc.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 11
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


1. Bed: The bed is a heavy, rugged casting in which are mounted the working parts of the
lathe. It carries the headstock and tail stock for supporting the work piece and provides
a base for the movement of carriage assembly which carries the tool.

Lathe Machine
2. Legs: The legs carry the entire load of machine and are firmly secured to floor by foundation

3. Headstock: The headstock is clamped on the left hand side of the bed and it serves as
housing for the driving pulleys, back gears, headstock spindle, live centre and the feed reverse
gear. The headstock spindle is a hollow cylindrical shaft that provides a drive from the motor
to work holding devices.

4. Gear Box: The quick-change gear-box is placed below the headstock and contains a number
of different sized gears.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 12
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

5. Carriage: The carriage is located between the headstock and tailstock and serves the
purpose of supporting, guiding and feeding the tool against the job during operation. The main
parts of carriage are:
a. The saddle is an H-shaped casting mounted on the top of lathe ways. It provides support to
cross-slide, compound rest and tool post.

b. The cross slide is mounted on the top of saddle, and it provides a mounted or automatic
cross movement for the cutting tool

c. The compound rest is fitted on the top of cross slide and is used to support the tool post
and the cutting tool.

d. The tool post is mounted on the compound rest, and it rigidly clamps the cutting tool or
tool holder at the proper height relative to the work centre line.

e. The apron is fastened to the saddle and it houses the gears, clutches and levers required to
move the carriage or cross slide. The engagement of split nut lever and the automatic feed
lever at the same time is prevented she carriage along the lathe bed.

6. Tailstock: The tailstock is a movable casting located opposite the headstock on the ways of
the bed. The tailstock can slide along the bed to accommodate different lengths of work piece
between the centers. A tailstock clamp is provided to lock the tailstock at any desired position.
The tailstock spindle has an internal taper to hold the dead centre and the tapered shank tools
such as reamers and drills.

The lathe machine is versatile machine in which more number of operations like turning,
drilling, knurling, boring, threading, reaming etc. can be conducted. These are carried out using
the different components of lathe.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 13
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Short Questions:
Q. 1 Explain working principle of lathe machine.














Q. 2 List different parts of lathe machines.










Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 14
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Q. 3 Brief the function of following parts of Lathe machine

1. Bed:







2. Leg:







3. Head Stock







4. Carriage



Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 15
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice



5. Gear Box







6. Cross slide







7. Apron Mechanism







Date-………………………………………………. Faculty In-Charge.........................................................................

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 16
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 03
Experiment Title Demonstration of Lathe operations
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 17
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Title: Demonstration of Lathe operations
Aim: To study Lathe various operations.
Apparatus: Lathe Machine
Objectives: Understand the Lathe operations such as Step turning and facing, drilling
operation on a Mild Steel cylindrical job on canter lathe. Understanding the concept of speed,
feed and depth of cut.
The lathe machine is an accurate and versatile machine on which many operations can be
performed. These operations are:
1. Plain Turning and Step Turning
2. Taper Turning
3. Facing
4. Drilling
5. Boring
6. Threading
1. Plain Turning and Step Turning
Plain Turning: Plain turning is the operation of removing excess amount of material from the
surface of a cylindrical job. A turning tool to create a semi-square shoulder. If there is enough
material behind the cutting edge, the tool can also be used for roughing.

Step Turning: Step turning produces various steps of different diameters.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 18
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Facing: The facing is a machining operation by which the end surface of the work piece is
made flat by removing metal from it. This cutter is used to face the end of a work piece to
provide for a smooth, flat finish. If the stock has a hole in the center, utilize a half-center to
stabilize and support the work piece.


Drilling: Drilling is the operation of producing a cylindrical hole in the work piece.


Threading: Threading is the act of cutting of the required form of threads on the internal or
external cylindrical surfaces.


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MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Cutting Speed (V): It is the speed at which the metal is removed by the cutting tool from the
work piece. In case of lathe machine cutting speed is the peripheral speed of the work past the
cutting tool. It is expressed in meter/min. or mm/min. Cutting speed (V) = π DN/60 × 1000
mm/min, where, D = diameter of the work piece (mm), N = rpm of the work

Feed (f): It is the relative motion of tool in one revolution of work piece. It is expressed in
Depth of Cut (t): It is the total amount of metal removed per pass of the cutting tool. It is
expressed in mm. It can vary and depending upon the type of tool and work material.
Mathematically, it is half of difference of diameters. Depth of cut (t) = D-d/2 mm
Lathes have many different applications in an industrial setting. Whether working wooden
table legs to constructing baseball trophy top pieces, a lathe exists for almost every type of
The following table details a few of the applications:

1. Woodturning- Used to make wooden objects such as ornate table legs, baseball bats,
wooden bowl, and platters; operators use a variety of tools to form
2. Metalworking- Used to create precision parts; most often associated with a multistep
process requiring different tools for each step
3. Metal Spinning- A process where metal spins on a spindle, while the operator works it
with tools; an automated process
4. Acrylic Spinning- Involves spinning acrylic on a spindle to form items from acrylic;
most often used in the making of the top pieces for trophies
5. Thermal Spraying- Combines the rotating spindle with the painting process; the paint
sticks to the stock via processes involving heating the paint materials

Conclusion: The lathe machine is versatile machine in which a greater number of

operations like turning, drilling, knurling, boring, threading, reaming etc. can be conducted.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 20
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Short Questions:
Q. 1 State various operations carried on lathe?


Q. 2 Sketch step turning and drilling operation.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 21
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Q. 3 what is speed, feed and depth of cut?

a. Speed


b. Feed


c. Depth of Cut


Date-…………………………………. Faculty In-Charge………………………………….

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 22
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 04
Experiment Title Demonstration of drilling machine
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 23
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Title: Demonstration of drilling machine
Aim: To study construction of radial drilling machine, Tool holding devices, Concept of
speed, feed and depth of cut
Apparatus: Drilling Machine
Objectives: Understand construction of radial drilling machine, Tool holding devices,
Concept of speed, feed and depth of cut.
Drilling machine is one of the most important machine tools in a workshop. It was designed
to produce a cylindrical hole of required diameter and depth on metal work pieces. Though
holes can be made by different machine tools in a shop, drilling machine is designed
specifically to perform the operation of drilling and similar operations. Drilling can be done
easily at a low cost in a shorter period of time in a drilling machine. Drilling can be called as
the operation of producing a cylindrical hole of required diameter and depth by removing metal
by the rotating edges of a drill. The cutting tool known as drill is fitted into the spindle of the
drilling machine. A mark of indentation is made at the required location with a centre punch.
The rotating drill is pressed at the location and is fed into the work. The hole can be made up
to a required depth.
Radial drilling machine:
Radial drilling machines (often called radial-arm drill presses) are used to drill holes in very
large work pieces that are difficult to position manually under the spindle of a standard drill
press. The spindle on a radial drilling machine can be positioned anywhere within a certain
radius of the column, depending on the size of the machine. The drilling head slides along the
radial arm, thus allowing drilling head adjustment to the required distance from the column.
Power is used to raise or lower the arm on the column by means of a lead screw.
The radial arm pivots around the column to position the drill horizontally. The spindle can be
operated by power feed or manually.

There are usually two methods of manual feed on radial-arm drill presses. One method uses a
hand feed lever on the drilling head. Alternatively, a hand wheel located on the underside of
Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 24
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

the drilling head can be engaged to provide mechanical advantage and a fine feed for manual
drilling operations. A large work piece can be fastened to the table or base or set on the shop
floor beside the machine. When the work piece has been secured, the spindle can be positioned
above the location of the hole. Because these drill presses are meant for heavy work they
always have geared heads, power feed and coolant pumps.

1. Radial Arm: In radial drilling machine, the radial arm holds and supports the drill head
assembly and can be moved around on the extent of its length.

2. Column: Column is the part of the radial arm drill press which holds the radial arm. It fixes
itself and the radial arm to the base and allows seamless movement of the arm.
3. Elevating Screw: Elevating screw is a piece of metal with screw-like circular thread. It
helps in adjusting the vertical height of the radial arm by raising or lowering it.
4. On/Off Button: This button has a simple function of activating or deactivating the drill
5. Arm Clamp: Arm Clamp provides support and holds both, the column and the radial arm.
6. Table: Table is the part of the machine placed just below the radial arm. It is where the
work pieces are fixed and worked on. This component and be raised, lowered or rotated in
order to facilitate the drilling process.
7. Base: This part is fixed to the ground and is directly attached to the table and the column.
This way it provides support to the whole mechanism.
8. Spindle: This part is attached at the mouth of the radial arm. It is the rotating part of the
drill press and holds the drill head.
9. Drill Head: Drill head is the part of the drill press that penetrates through the material or
work piece. It is attached to the radial arm by the spindle.
Cutting Speed
Speed in general refers to the distance a point travels in a particular period of time. The cutting
speed in a drilling operation refers to the peripheral speed of a point on the cutting edge of the
drill. It is usually expressed in meters per minute. The cutting speed (v) may be calculated as

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 25
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Radial Drilling Machine

Cutting Speed (C.S.) = 𝜋dn/1000 m per min,
Where, d – the diameter of the drill in mm and
n – the speed of the drill spindle in rpm
The cutting speed of a drill depends, as in other machining processes, upon several factors like
the cutting tool material, the kind of material being drilled, the quality of surface finish desired,
the method of holding the work, the size, type and rigidity of the machine.
The feed of a drill is the distance the drill moves into the work at each revolution of the spindle.
It is expressed in millimeters. The feed may also be expressed as feed per minute. The feed
per minute may be defined as the axial distance moved by the drill into the work per minute.
Feed depends upon factors like the material to be drilled, the rigidity of the machine, power,
depth of the hole and the type of finish required.
Depth of Cut
The depth of cut in drilling is equal to one half of the drill diameter. If “d” is the diameter of
the drill, the depth of cut (t) t = d/2 mm.

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MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Metal fabrication works, various industries for jig and fixture, spare parts in assembly etc.
Radial drill machine is an efficient and easy-to-use machine. There are a number of advantages
of using the radial arm drill press. One of these advantages is that radial is free to move around
during drill. This flexible movement provides a large amount of area that it can cover which
is only dependent on the length of the arm. Another advantage is the high rate of production
that it allows since the arm can actually swivel out of the working area allowing cranes and
derricks to quickly place work pieces on the table.
Short Questions:
Q.1 Draw neat sketch of radial drilling machine and label diagram neatly.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 27
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Q. 2 State functions of following parts of radial drilling machines.

1. Column


2. Elevating Screw





Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 28
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

5.Cross slide



7.Drill Head

Date……………………………………Faculty In-Charge………………………….………

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 29
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 05
Experiment Title Demonstration on milling machine
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 30
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


Title: Demonstration on milling machine

Aim: To Study the construction, table movements, indexing and tooling of milling machine.
Apparatus: Milling Machine
Objectives: Understand construction, table movements, indexing and tooling of milling
Working of a milling machine is based on the fact that milling cutter is fed against work piece.
This is achieved by developing relative motion with precise control between work piece and
rotating milling cutter. Feed motion is generally given to the work piece through its holding
device. Cutting mechanism of the work piece in milling operations is Milling cutter work piece
(1) Conventional (2) Partial Face Milling (3) End Milling Work piece Milling cutter Work
piece Feed direction n (4) Profile Milling work piece Milling cutter Work piece Pocket Milling
cutter (5) Pocket Milling cutter Work piece Feed direction Feed (6) Surface Contouring 8
Manufacturing Processes-III same as that in turning operation on lathe.

Different types of Face Milling

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 31
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

This cutting takes place due to plastic deformation of metal by the cutting tool. Milling
machine can also hold more than one cutter at a time. The holding device is supported by
mechanism that can offer a selective portion of the work piece to milling cutter for its
processing. Indexing is one of the examples of this type of processing.
Column and Knee Type Milling Machine
Column and Knee Type Milling Machine Main shape of column knee type of milling machine
is shown in Figure. This milling machine consists of a base having different control
mechanisms housed there in. The base consists of a vertical column at one of its end. There is
one more base above the main base and attached to the column that serves as worktable
equipped with different attachments to hold the work piece. This base having worktable is
identified as “knee” of the milling machine. At the top of the column and knee type milling
machines are classified according to the various methods of supplying power to the table,
different movements of the table and different axis of rotation of the main spindle.

Column and knee Type Milling Machine

Generally, columns and knee type milling machine is considered as typical milling machine.
Principal parts of a typical milling machine are described as below.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 32
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

1. Base: It provides rest for all parts of milling machine including column. It is made of grey
iron by casting.
2. Column: It is a type of rigid vertical long box. It houses driving mechanism of spindle;
table knee is also fixed to the guide ways of column.
3. Knee: can be adjusted at a height on the column. It houses the feed mechanism of the table
and other controls. Saddle is placed at the top of the knee.
4. Saddle: provides guide ways for the movement of the table. Table rests on the saddle. It
consists of T‟ shaped slots for clamping the work piece.
5. Movements of the table: (feed motions) are given in very controlled manner be lead screw.
6. Overhanging Arm: Overhanging arm is mounted on the column and serves a bearing
support for the arbor. This arm is adjustable so that the bearing support may be provided near
to the milling cutter. There can be more than one bearing supports to the arbor. Arbor it holds
rotating milling cutters rigidly and mounted on the spindle. Sometimes arbor is supported at
maximum distance from support of overhanging arm like a cantilever, it is called stub arbor.
7. Locking provisions: are provided in the arbor assembly to ensure its reliability.
8. Front Brace Milling: -Front base is used to adjust the relative position of knee and
overhanging arm. It is also an extra support fixed between the knee and overhanging arm for
9. Spindle: is projected from the column face and provided with a tapered hole to
accommodate the arbor. Performance of a milling machine depends on the accuracy, strength
and rigidity of the spindle. Spindle also transfer the motive power to arbor through belt or gear
from column.
Indexing is the operation of dividing the periphery of a work piece into any number of equal
parts. For example if we want to make a hexagonal bolt. Head of the bolt is given hexagonal
shape. We do indexing to divide circular work piece into six equal parts and then all the six
parts are milled to an identical flat surface. If we want to cut “n‟ number of teeth in a gear
blank. The circumference of gear blank is divided into “n” number of equal parts and teeth are
made by milling operation one by one. The main component used in indexing operation is

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 33
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

universal dividing head. Universal Dividing Head It is most popular and common type of
indexing arrangement. As indicated by its name “universal”, it can be used to do all types of
indexing on a milling machine. Universal dividing head can set the work piece in vertical,
horizontal, or in inclined position relative to the worktable in addition to working principle is
explained below with the help of illustrated. The worm gear has 40 teeth and the worm has
Simple thread. Crank is directly attached with the worm. If we revolve crank by 40 revolutions
the spindle attached with worm gear will revolve by only one revolution and one complete
turn of the crank will revolve the spindle only by 1/40th revolution (turn). In order to turn the
crank precisely a fraction of a revolution, an indexing plate is used. An indexing plate is like
a circular disc having concentric rings of different number of equally spaced holes. Normally
indexing plate is kept stationary by a lock pin. A spring loaded pin is fixed to the Gear cutting
Milling cutter Gear blank Gear blank 20 Manufacturing Processes-III crank which can be fixed
into any hole of indexing plate. The turning movement of the work piece is stably controlled
by the movement of crank as explained below.

If the pin is moved by one hole on the indexing plate in the circle of 20 holes, the spindle will
1 1 1
revolve by 𝑥 = 𝑡ℎ turn of one revolution.
40 20 600

Working Principle of Indexing Mechanism

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 34
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Milling cutters (excluding end mills) used for a variety of

operations from facing styles (squaring and smoothing faces) as
well as cutting angles and shapes, as well as grooves and slots.

Slitting cutters: Used for cutting a narrow slit into material, used
for removing lots of material

Gear Cutters: Used for cutting teeth into stock to make a gear

End Mills: End mills are tools which have cutting teeth at one end,
as well as on the sides, they are used for a variety of things
including facing an edge and cutting

Milling Machine Tooling Overview

The table movements, indexing and tooling of milling machine is studied during milling
operation. The various Milling tools are to carry from facing styles (squaring and smoothing
faces), as well as cutting angles and shapes, grooves and slots, Cutting a narrow slit into
material, make a gear. Facing an edge and cutting etc.
Short Questions:
Q.1 What is the principle of milling machine?

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 35
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


Q.2 State different parts of milling machine?

Q.3 Describe indexing in brief.


Date-………………………………………………. Faculty In-Charge.........................................................................

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 36
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 06
Experiment Title Demonstration of Grinding Machine
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 37
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


Title: Demonstration of Grinding Machine

Aim: To Study the construction, working & functions of grinding machine.
Apparatus: Grinding Machine
Objectives: Understand the construction, working & functions of grinding machine.
Grinding is a metal cutting operation like any other process of machining removing metal in
comparatively smaller volume. The cutting tool used is an abrasive wheel having many
numbers of cutting edges. The machine on which grinding the operation is performed is called
a grinding machine. Grinding is done to obtain very high dimensional accuracy and better
appearance. The accuracy of grinding process is 0.000025mm. The amount of material
removed from the work is very less.
A mechanical process using a rotating grinding wheel made from abrasive material containing
small particles of grit ranging from fine to coarse. The wheel revolves around a central axis,
making contact with the surface of the workpiece, while the particles act as cutting tools that
cut chips from the material.

Grinding Machine

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MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Grinding Machine Parts and Function:

The Grinding Machine Consists of Following Main Parts:

 Base or Bed
 Column
 Headstock
 Tailstock
 Worktable
 Wheel Head
 Grinding or Abrasive Wheel
 Cross feed or Traversing Wheel and
 Coolant Supply Nozzle
Base or Bed:
The base or Bed is made up of cast iron. It is situated horizontally and it is the bottom part of
the grinding machine, provides support to all the grinding parts. When machine operation starts
some vibration occurs therefore base acts as an absorber of vibrations.

Colum is like a vertical pillar of the machine in this section the abrasive wheel, wheel head,
and wheel guard are kept. The column is also made up of cast iron.

In Lathe Machine this section is known as live center Do you know that? The headstock work
is to match the center and helps to grip the workpiece.

Tailstock is known as dead center. It also provides gripping to the work piece.

Work Table:
Nowadays In the new grinding machine, the headstock and tailstock are replaced with work
tables. A worktable is like a magnetic chuck that holds the workpiece.

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MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Wheel Head:

In this section, the abrasive wheels which are our tool for operation are placed and this is
moved vertically up and down. With the use of a Feed hand, we can adjust the wheel head.
Moving this wheel head down so that the grinding wheel can touch the workpiece. The wheel
head consists of a grinding wheel and driving motor.

Grinding or Abrasive Wheel:

Grinding or Abrasive wheel is our main tool used here to remove the unwanted material from
the workpiece to get desired smoothness and surface finish. The wheels are coated with an
abrasive particle. The abrasive wheel comes with various types and properties which I have
discussed here:

Grinding or Abrasive Wheel.

There are four commonly used abrasive materials for the surface of the grinding wheels are
Aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, cubic boron nitride (CBN), and diamond.

Cross feed:
Cross feed is also an important parts of this machine used for moving up and down or left and
right of Wheel head and work table and so on.

Traversing Wheel:
There are three types of Traversing wheel.

 Hand Traversing Wheel: This wheel is used to move the table in the horizontal direction
either left or right according to the tool and the workpiece.

 Cross Side: It is used to move the worktable in forwarding and backward directions and

 Vertical Feed Hand Wheel: The vertical feed hand traversing wheel is used to move the
wheel head in the vertically upward and downward direction.

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MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Coolant Supply Nozzle:

The main work of the coolant supply nozzle is to cool or reduce the temperature generated
while performing the operation. If this part is not there then there are many chances of wear
and tear happen because of the high temperature between the wheel and the workpiece. The
coolant may be water or any other oil.

Grinding Machine Working Principle:

In brief, we can say the working of the Grinding Machine is the Workpiece is fed against the
rotating abrasive wheel. The action of rubbing or friction generates between wok price and
tool therefore the material removes.

Let’s see step by step,

 First, clean the machine with a clean brush.

 The workpiece is fixed in the worktable. And tool which is the grinding wheel is also fixed
in the tool holder section.
 Now with the help of the traversing wheel, we adjust the tool and workpiece and bring it
into the contact and make sure there is little gap available as you have not started the
 After all, set between workpiece and tool make sure to check the coolant supply nozzle and
fill the liquid into it So that when operation starts it automatically or manually can supply.
 Now supplying the power to the system, The wheel starts rotating and Now brings the tool
in contact with the workpiece. Gradually provide the feed as per the dimension you want.
Grinding machine is used for providing good surface finish to the work piece.

Grinding machine operations

The process of grinding is the operation of removing excess material from metal parts by a
grinding wheel made of hard abrasives. The following operations are generally performed in
a grinding machine. 1. Cylindrical grinding 2. Taper grinding 3. Gear grinding 4. Thread
Here we have discussed the Definition, Parts, Working Principle, Operation, Advantages,
Application of the Grinding Machine in detail. I have also written many articles on
Manufacturing Technology you can check that too.

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 41
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Short Questions:
Q.1 What is the principle of grinding machine?


Q.2 State different parts of grinding machine?



Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 42
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 07
Experiment Title Making utility job on fitting
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 43
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


Title: Making utility job on fitting

Aim: Concept of fits and interchangeability, selection of datum and measurements
Apparatus: Bench Vice, Flat file, Vernier Caliper, Drilling m/c, Center Punch, etc.
Objectives: Male-female fitting with drilling and tapping operation on MS plate

Shop Job Drawing ________________________________Job No: __________________

Tool Used Operation done

Bench vice
Flat File
Vernier Calliper
Drilling Machine
Centre Punch
Hacksaw Frame
Vernier Height
Surface Plate
Try Square
Ballpen Hammer

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 44
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Class ______________________ Roll No. ______________ Time Allowed [Hours] _____

Job Process Sheet

[Operation Sequence Chart]
Date keeper’s
Material Required Signature

Material Issued on

Repeat material issued

Work Details
Time Hours
From To

Date Authority’s
Exercise Completed on

Exercise Submitted on

List of Material

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 45
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Operation Tools Equipment M/C Process

Description of Operation
No Used used Used Time

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MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Measurement Report:

Sr. Drawing /Specified Actual / Obtained Accepted/ Remark

No dimensions Measured dimensions Rejected

Date-………………………………………. FacultyInCharge.........................................................................

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 47
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 08
Experiment Title Making Utility job using carpentry.
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 48
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


Title: Making Utility job using carpentry.

Aim: Introduction to carpentry operations

Shop Job Drawing: __________________________________ Job No.: _____________

Tool Used Operation done

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 49
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Class ______________________ Roll No. ______________ Time Allowed [Hours] _____

Job Process Sheet

[Operation Sequence Chart]
Date keeper’s
Material Required Signature

Material Issued on

Repeat material issued

Work Details
Time Hours
Date Signature
From To

Date Authority’s
Exercise Completed on
Exercise Submitted on

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 50
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

List of Material _____________________________________________________________

Operation Tools Equipment M/C Process

Description of Operation
No Used used Used Time

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 51
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Measurement Report:
Sr. Drawing /Specified Actual / Obtained Accepted/ Remark
No dimensions Measured dimensions Rejected


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 52
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 09
Experiment Title Layout of Workshop
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 53
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Title: Layout of Workshop


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 54
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

Experiment No 10
Experiment Title Information about safety norms (In Metal working industry)
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 55
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice


Title: Information about safety norms (In Metal working industry)

Aim: Study the safety norms in Machine shop
Apparatus: Media, Charts, manuals
Objectives: Understand the safety norms in Metal working industry
Nothing is more important than the safety and health of people who work in the steel industry
protecting the safety and health of everyone who works in or around the industry is of vital
importance to all our members. The duty of care and social responsibility demands that
everyone is able to work in a safe and healthy work environment. The various safety and health
organization provides up to-date guidance, data, processes and procedures freely available to
members to help the steel industry deliver on its key mission to eliminate accidents and manage
working environments with the highest standards of safety and health conditions. Safety data
collected from our membership show that the steel industry has seen a steady and notable
reduction in the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) over the past decade. The injury
rate per million hours worked has decreased from 4.55 in 2006 to 1.01 in 2016, a reduction of
Safety Precautions
Metal working Shop
1. Be sure that all machines have effective and properly working guards that are always in
place where machines are operating.
2. Replace guard`s immediately after any repair.
3. Don’t attempt to oil, clean, adjust or repair any machine while it is running, stop the machine
and lock the power switch in the off position.
4. Even after the power is off, don’t leave the machine until it has stopped running. Someone
else may notice that it is still in motion and be injured.
5. Don’t operate any machine unless authorized, to do so by the instructor or under his

Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 56
MMCOE, Dept. of Engg. Sciences Workshop Practice

6. Don’t try to stop the machine with your hand or body.

7. Always see that work and cutting tools on any machine are clamped securely before starting.
8. Keep the floor clean of metal chips or curls and waste pieces; put them in container provided
for such things.
9. Don’t operate machinery when the instructor is not in the workshop.
10. When working with another worker only one should operate machine or switches.
11. Don’t rest against the machine.
12. Concentrate on the work and don’t talk unnecessary while operating machine.
13. Don’t talk to others when they are operating a machine.
14. Get first aid immediately for any injury.
15. Be sure you have sufficient light to see clearly check with the supervisor if you don’t
Clothing and Safety Equipment:
1. Always wear safety glasses, or face shields designed for the type of the work operating any
2. Wear safety shoes if heavy work is being done.
3. Wear clothing suited for the job, wear shoes with thick soles.
4. Don’t wear rings, watches, bracelets or other jewellery that could get could get caught in
moving machinery.
5. Don’t wear neck ties or loose turn clothing of any kind.
6. Wear shirts or uppers with sleeves cut off or rolled above the elbows.
7. Always remove gloves before turning on or operating a machine. If material is rough and
sharp then gloves must be work place or handle material with machine turned off.
House Keeping:
1. Keeping floor free of oil, grease or any other liquid. Clean up spilled liquid immediately
they are sleeping hazards.
2. Aisles should be clear, at all time to avoid tripping of other accident.
3. Store materials in such a way that they cannot become tripping hazards.

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4. Don’t leave tools or work on the table of a machine even if the machine in not turning. Tools
or work may fall off and cause the fact of injury.
5. Put tools always when not in use.
6. Place the scrap box.
In metalworking shop the safety can be ensured through by following the instructions, accurate
machine operating procedure, safety about clothing safety equipment’s, housekeeping etc.
Short Questions:
Short Questions:
Q.1 Write safety precautions to be taken in Metal working Shop
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Date-………………………………………. FacultyInCharge.........................................................................

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Experiment No 11
Experiment Title Demonstration and working of VMC
Date of Performance

Date of Completion

Signature of Faculty

Continuous Assessment Rubric for Laboratory

1 2 3 4 5
Regularity and Did not Performed Performed on Performed on Performed and
punctuality Perform, and submitted schedule; schedule; submitted as per
submitted later than submitted submitted one schedule
in time scheduled two weeks week late
date late

Understanding and Neither States the Can only Understands Understands

preparation for shows any objective state the objective but objective and can
Objective understandi very vaguely objective but cannot place it in relate it to an
ng of the shows poor context of a appropriate
objective understandin theory theory topic
nor can g
relate it to

Participation in Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs

performance and participate experiment experiment experiment on experiment on
conduction of in only with the with some own without his/her own
experiment experiment help from supervisory supervisory help; without
supervisor/ot help; but records all supervisory help;
hers and is forgets some readings records all
confused and crucial properly but readings
Untidy. reading and is Untidy. properly. Keeps
confused and the setup clean
Untidy. and tidy.
Post experiment Cannot Follows Follows right Follows right Follows right
skills follow the procedure procedure; procedure and procedure; can
procedure half- but cannot can analyze data analyze data and
and do any heartedly analyze data and interpret it interpret it with
work and interpret justification


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Title: Demonstration and working of VMC

Aim: Demonstration on various functions of VMC parts.
Apparatus: vertical milling machine VMC and allied parts

AMS Drill tap Machining Centre-Vertical-SPARK is general purpose compact flexible,

productive, Robust and high precision machine equipped for working to cater different kind
of prismatic/ circular components suitable for tool rotating and job stationery process. The
machine is equipped with Automatic tool changer to increase the production by cutting down
the unproductive time.

Machine Capacity:

This machine can be used for drilling, tapping, milling, boaring etc.,

a Worktable size 330 x 500 mm

b Job loading height 840mm from ground level

Block Diagram of VMC Machine

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VMC Machine
Tools Used in VMC
• Face Milling Cutter
• End Mill Cutter
• Drill bit
• Remer
• Tapping Tool
• Boring Tool
• Threading Tool

Cautions for using VMC

1. Do not machine workpieces under such a machining condition that sparks can be
caused to fly. The operator shall check the machining condition, cutting fluid,
workpiece material and cutter type.
2. Do not machine flammable work pieces. Some work pieces are made of flammable
materials. Before machining a workpiece, check its material.
3. Pay attention to coolants and oil. Do not use flammable coolants or oil. Be careful that
coolants and oil can catch fire even if they are flammable. Pay sufficient attention to
the condition and way that you use a coolant or oil.

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4. Keep combustible and flammable substances away from the machine. Do not place
flammable (such as paint thinner and gasoline) around the machine. Moreover, do not
use a spray around the machine.
5. The operator shall not open the NC cabinet door. There are high voltages, high
voltages, hence shock hazards, inside the cabinet.
6. The operator shall not remove the slide doors. There are objects rotating or moving at
high speed inside guards. If it is removed, the following may occur:
a) Danger of contacting with the objects rotating or moving at high speed.
b) Chance of broken cutter or workpiece flying.
c) Chance of cutting chips flying.
d) Chance of coolant spattering out of the machine.
7. Do not get close to moving components such as table or turret when the front door is

Before starting the machine, check its condition to ensure safe operations.
1. Press the emergency stop button to see if the machine stops immediately.
2. Make sure that the Z-axis brake works when it should. Before pressing the emergency
stop button, read the position of the Z-axis. Press and release the stop button, and read
the position of the Z-axis. Z-axis deviation between before and after the emergency
stop button is presses shall be 0.1mm or less.
3. Make sure that the levelling bolt is not off mount.
4. Make sure that the side doors latches are tight.
5. Make sure that the cutter is secured on the arbor so that normal machining is possible.
The cutter shall not be worn out or broken out.
6. A defective fixture can cause a workpiece to come off accidentally. Make sure that the
fixture is intact.
7. If the fixture is equipped with a hydraulic or pneumatic unit, make sure the pressure is
normal. If the pressure is too low, the fixture cannot clamp a workpiece firmly, letting
it come off accidentally. If the pressure is too high, the hydraulic or pneumatic unit
may break down, hampering the functioning of the fixture.
8. Accumulation of metal chips disables a normal operation of the machine. Make sure
that the machine is free of such metal chip.

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Shop Job Drawing: __________________________________ Job No.: _____________

Tool Used Operation done

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Class ______________________ Roll No. ______________ Time Allowed [Hours] _____

Job Process Sheet

[Operation Sequence Chart]
Date keeper’s
Material Required Signature

Material Issued on

Repeat material issued

Work Details
Time Hours
Date Signature
From To

Date Authority’s
Exercise Completed on
Exercise Submitted on

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List of Material _____________________________________________________________

Operation Tools Equipment M/C Process

Description of Operation
No Used used Used Time

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Measurement Report:
Sr. Drawing /Specified Actual / Obtained Accepted/ Remark
No dimensions Measured dimensions Rejected


Vision: To Empower Engineering Aspirants with Knowledge, Skills & Moral Values. 67

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