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1. Title page
• University logo
• Project Title
• Author(s)
• Rider
2. Declaration
• Author(s) declaration
• Author(s) name(s) and signature(s)
• Supervisor(s) declaration
• Supervisor(s) name(s) and signature(s)
3. Dedication
4. Acknowledgement
5. Table of contents
• List of titles and subtitles and their respective pages
6. List of figures
• List of figure captions and their respective pages
7. List of tables
• List of Table captions and their respective pages
8. List of abbreviations/notations and symbols
9. Abstract
• Summary of introduction
• Summary of methodology
• Summary of main results
• Summary of conclusion
10. Chapter One: introduction
• Background/ overview
• Problem statement
• Objectives- main and specific objectives
• Justification
• Scope
11. Chapter Two: Literature Riview
• Literature review
• Research gaps
12. Chapter Three: Methodology
• Brief introduction
• Data collection methods
• Methodology
13. Chapter Four: Expected Results
• Expected outcomes
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
14. Chapter Five
• List of requirements
• Proposed project budget
• Time plan
15. References
• APA or IEEETR Style
16. Appendices
• Relevant attachments if any.


1. From Title page to Abstract, the pages are numbered in Roman Numerals (i, ii, etc.)
2. From Chapter one to the end, the pages are numbered Arabic numbers (1, 2 etc.)
3. Document set up
• Font size – 12
• Font style – Times New Romans
• Margin – 1 inch round
• Line spacing – 1.5
• Paragraph – justified
• Chapters – Upper case
• Subtitles – Title case (only first letter capitalized)
4. All titles and subtitles should be numbered appropriately
5. All equations should be numbered appropriately
6. All figures and tables must be numbered and captioned appropriately
7. All figure captions should be below the figure
8. All Table captions should be above the table
9. Avoid indentation of first line of a paragraph. Instead “Add space after paragraph” should be
used to separate one paragraph from the other.

Prepared by

Mr. Oyugi George

Academic Project Coordinator
Dept. of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

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