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Writing a great abstract: tips from an Editor

Daniela Ruffell
FEBS Letters Editorial Office, Heidelberg University Biochemistry Centre, Germany

presubmission enquiries, shortlisting of conference

abstracts for poster prizes, and running abstract-writing
workshops. I have come across abstracts of all kinds,
some among them fitting better with the adjective than
the noun. So with time I have learned to appreciate the
contradictory meanings of the word ‘abstract’.
It is not uncommon for early career scientists to
underestimate the importance of an abstract. There is
a tendency to see it as an opening paragraph to a
paper or a summary placed at the top corner of a con-
ference poster, but the importance of an abstract
reaches far beyond. Let’s analyze them a bit further.

Article abstracts
Even before your article is published, the abstract is of
utmost importance. The Editor of the journal who
receives the submission will always read the abstract
before delving in the depths of the paper and get a
first impression of your work. If your article survives
triage by the Editorial Office, it will be sent out to
review. When Reviewers are invited to review a paper,
they do not have access to the full-text article until
One day, I looked up the word ‘abstract’ in the dic- they accept the invitation. So, their decision of
tionary and found the following [1]: whether to review a paper or not is entirely based on
abstract (ab-strakt0 , 
ab0 str
akt0 ). the abstract!
After publication, the abstract is crucial for the suc-
adj. cess of your paper. When scientists search for informa-
1 Considered apart from concrete existence tion on PubMed, they get a list of article titles as a
2 Not applied or practical; theoretical result (so titles are important too!) and, based on what
3 Difficult to understand; abstruse matches best with what they are looking for, they click
n. (ab0 strakt0 ) on it and access the abstract. Thus, your abstract is
1 A statement summarizing the important points of the front door to your paper. It has to give readers all
a text the most important elements about your study, and it
2 Something abstract has to make them want to read your full-text article.
After all, your goal is to ensure that your paper has
How paradoxical that the word commonly used for the best possible outreach within the community. A
the summary of a scientific article (as in the first defi- well-written abstract will attract more readers to your
nition of the noun), should also mean ‘abstruse’, ‘diffi- article and increase the chances of your work getting
cult to understand’, and ‘apart from concrete cited.
existence’ when used as an adjective! Right, got it. But how do I write a good abstract?
As Editor of FEBS Letters, I have read a great many Here, are some tips on how to write a good research
abstracts through articles submitted to the journal, paper abstract.

FEBS Letters (2018) ª 2018 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 1

The Scientists’ Forum

travel awards. Journal Editors go through them to

1 Catch the reader’s attention with a good title. shortlist candidates for poster prizes. Conference dele-
A good title is short and incisive. It contains gates look at the abstract book to select the posters
essential keywords and states the main find- they want to go and see. A badly written abstract
ing of the study, using a verb in the active might make you miss out on any of these chances!
form. The guidelines provided above are generally valid
2 Familiarize the reader with the background. for writing any abstract. However, when you present a
Write a brief introduction providing essential conference poster, you have not necessarily collected
information for the reader to understand sufficient data to draw your conclusions and make a
what the general topic is and what was nice round story. Although you should be able to pre-
known so far. sent a substantial (i.e. meaningful) amount of work in
3 Explain what you set out to investigate. your poster, it is yet unpublished work-in-progress
Clearly and concisely identify the gap in material and, therefore, inherently incomplete.
knowledge that you aim to fill. Abstract writing can be rather tricky depending on
4 Report the main findings. Only state the main how far you have come with your project. Let us see
results and briefly mention the techniques how the procedure can be adapted to the situation.
used to obtain them. Make sure to make a
clear distinction between what was known
and what is your novel finding. 1 Write a good title. If the main finding you
5 Draw a conclusion. Indicate what your find- currently have does not render the purpose of
ings mean and the implications they may the study, you may consider stating your
have in the field. main goal in the title. Keep it as short as pos-
sible, include essential keywords and try to
grab the reader’s interest. You can also put
In general, you must keep in mind that search engi- your title in the form of a question.
nes use keywords to find information on the Internet. 2 Familiarize the reader with the background.
Effective keywords are terms that are commonly used Write a brief introduction providing essential
in your field and specific to your article (i.e. used more information for the reader to understand
than twice in the article text). Very general keywords, what the general topic is and what was
such as ‘protein’ or ‘DNA’, will not be helpful. To known so far.
optimize the ‘searchability’ of your study, you have to 3 Explain what you set out to investigate.
make sure all the important keywords are in there. Clearly and concisely specify the gap in
You can make a list of the main keywords related to knowledge that you aim to fill.
your paper, and then test them in a search engine to 4 Report the main findings. Communicate your
verify whether you get papers in your field of interest main results and briefly mention the tech-
as a result. Once you have optimized your list, make niques used to obtain them. Make sure to
sure that the terms are all included in the abstract, make a clear distinction between what was
with the most important ones mentioned in the title. known and what your novel finding is. If
Remember that an abstract needs to be brief and to your results are rather thin at the moment,
the point: the longer it gets, the more readers you will you can describe the approach you plan to
lose along the way! Among the things to avoid are use to address the pending questions.
run-on sentences, references and specific measure- 5 Conclusions and future perspectives. You may
ments. not be able to draw definite conclusions with
the data you have collected so far, but you
can briefly discuss which possible conclusions
Conference abstracts you envisage with the data you already have.
Mind you do not overspeculate! You should
When you present a poster at a conference, you nor-
finish by explaining why the final results will
mally submit an abstract upon registration. That
be important to the field.
abstract is not just a placeholder for your poster. Con-
ference organizers sift the abstracts to pick the best
among them for brief talks or to select recipients of

2 FEBS Letters (2018) ª 2018 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

The Scientists’ Forum

Again, keywords are not to be neglected. Meeting the event, but do not yet have at the moment of
delegates may search for specific keywords in the abstract submission. Any number of things may not
abstract book online. turn out to be as you expected, and it is not worth the
To polish up your work, we recommend revising spel- risk.
ling and syntax, checking the accuracy of author names Hopefully, by following the guidelines above, you
and affiliations, and asking colleagues for feedback on will have elicited enough interest in the meeting dele-
your work. Always check the submission guidelines of gates and/or organizers to come to your poster and
the conference you will attend, as they may have specific engage in a fruitful discussion. Good luck!
formatting and submission requirements.
Since registration and abstract submission normally
take place months before the event, it is not uncom- Reference
mon that in the meantime you collect important
1 American Heritage dictionary of the English language,
results, which you had not mentioned in the abstract.
5th edn. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin
The new data cannot be added to the abstract after
Harcourt Publishing Company.
submission, but it can certainly be mentioned in the
poster. If possible, try to word your abstract in a way Correspondence
that allows a certain flexibility regarding the full con- D. Ruffell, Heidelberg University Biochemistry Centre, Im
tent of your poster. However, it is not a good idea to Neuenheimer Feld 328, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
mention data that you expect to have by the date of E-mail:

FEBS Letters (2018) ª 2018 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 3

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