Unit 5 Switchgear protection and Measurement Instruments

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Unit 5

Switchgear, protection and


Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Switchgear, protection and measurement (4 hours)
• Isolators, fuses, main switches, Moulded case circuit
breakers(MCCB), Oil and air CB, earth leakage CB,
• Under voltage trips, Over voltage trips, Over current trips,
temperature trips
• Lightening protection, Earthing system
• Metering equipment, voltmeter, ammeter‐AC and DC, Energy
meter, speed meter, pressure gauge, frequency meter
• Appropriate choice of switchgear, protection and

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Single Line Diagram of MHP

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Single Line Diagram of MHP

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• Manually operated switches which have
the basic function of isolating the load
from the supply.
• These are very cheap but they are not
used very often because they do not offer
any form of protection to the power
• All consumer circuits shall have isolation
switches and fuses or MCBs fitted at entry
point and these must be clearly labelled in
the local language.
• A well-illustrated electrical safety booklet
shall be provided for each household.
• If the number of consumers is large,
isolation switches shall be provided to
clusters of consumers.
• This will allow a speedier location of earth

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Overcurrent Protection Devices
• Basically, there are two types of overcurrent's to be
• Firstly, the overcurrent of high intensity, i.e., a short-circuit
current, where the protection device must open the circuit
very rapidly to avoid damage, and
• Secondly, the overcurrent which exceeds the nominal
current by only a small amount which is basically an
overload situation.
• Overload of short duration is not dangerous (may occur at
motor starts etc.) but if it persists for a long time,
conductors and installations will be heated up gradually.
The overload protection device must therefore cut the
circuit only after a certain time delay.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• Fuses act as both a protective and a disconnecting device
and were the earliest such devices used on electrical
• They basically consist of a metallic element which melts
and becomes discontinuous at a relatively high current,
thus preventing the further passage of the current.
• The disadvantage of fuses is that, having melted upon a
transient overcurrent, they require replacement before the
protected circuit can carry load again.
• Dependent on the intensity of the fault current, the
operating time of a fuse can take from a few tenths of
seconds to hours.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• Due to the fact that
fuses need replacement
after a single tripping
operation (stock of
fuses), they are
generally used at the
highest protection level,
i.e they trip only if all
other protection devices
fail(back-up protection).
Switchgear and Protection equipments for
Main Switch
• These are again manually operated switches
which are similar to the isolator but with an
addition of a fuse on the phase conductor.
• The addition of a fuse allows this switch to be
used where current limiting is required.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Switch fuses and main fuse

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

(Miniature Circuit Breaker)MCB
• An overload condition on the (synchronous) generator may occur if too many
appliances are connected to the network or if a short at a customer at the end of
the line has occurred without producing a current high enough to trip the fuse at
the generator.
• When the current exceeds a pre-set value, the overcurrent relay will initiate (after
a time delay determined by its characteristics) the opening of the circuit (if the
relay is mounted directly on the line) or, in larger power systems, to initiate
tripping of the associated circuit breaker.
• There are basically three different types of relays available:
i. the electromagnetic version with a solenoid which trips instantaneously when
sufficient current passes through the coil
ii. the thermal relay with a bimetal strip which trips after a time delay inversely
dependent on the overcurrent; the characteristics of the thermal relay
iii. these two features may be combined in one relay: for an overload situation, the
relay trips after a certain time delay; for a short-circuit current of several times
nominal current (typically 5 to 10 Id the relay trips almost instantaneously)
Switchgear and Protection equipments for
• Appropriate MCBs (0.5 A for 100W and 1A for 200W)
are recommended to be installed at the load points.
• 1𝑚𝑚2 size PVC insulated cables are recommended
for house wiring if the maximum load used by the
house is less than 200 W.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(MCCB)

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(MCCB)
• They are very much similar to MCB but it has higher
rupturing capacity with comparison to MCB and its
physical size is larger than MCB.
• MCCB has various categories as per breaking capacity,
such as: 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 30kA, 35kA, 40kA, 50kA,
80kA, etc.
• MCCB are very suitable to protect main cable in the
distribution system.
• The standard ratings of MCCB are- 5A,10A, 15A, 20A,
30A, 40A, 50A, 60A, 75A, 100A, 125A, 150A, 160A,
175A, 200A, 125A, 250A, 300A, 400A, 500A, 600A,
700A, 800A, 1000A, 1200A, 1600A.
• Trip characteristics is adjustable.
Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Air Circuit and Oil Circuit Breaker
• Oil circuit breakers are being replaced by the MCCB. They are
very costly and offer the same facilities as the MCCB.
• ACBs were used at currents of over 600 amps and are also
being replaced by the MCCB.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker-ELCB
• In order to protect people from electric shock at any location
throughout the distribution system and in the powerhouse, an earth
leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) shall be fitted on feeder as close to
the generator terminals as possible.
• The standard sensitivity for human protection of 30mA should be
used except for larger schemes where the number of consumers is so
great that cumulative earth leaks due to normal insulation resistance
leakage and stray capacitance currents would cause spurious
• It is usually not cost-effective to fit ELCBs to individual consumer
points, but where the number of consumers is large and spurious
triggering of a single 30mA ELCB in the power house poses a
problem, it is recommended that clusters (typically of around 15
houses or 1.5kW) are protected by 30mA ELCBs.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• These can be located inside the powerhouse or outside in
weatherproof housing: If located outside, it is recommended that
the powerhouse be also fitted with an ELCB the sensitivity and
response time of which is reduced.
• Location of earth faults without undue delay is required. This may
be done through ELCB. If the powerhouse ELCB trips the first step is
to isolate the powerhouse and then restart the generator. If the
ELCB stays untripped the fault is in the distribution system, and the
next step is to isolate clusters of consumers or all individual
consumers. Progressive switching in of consumers will reveal the
location of the fault.
• It is recommended to install a single 150 mA or less ELCB at the
powerhouse to protect each circuit drawn from the powerhouse. A
single 30 mA ELCB may be installed at the load points, which use
loads more than 1kW.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for


Switchgear and Protection equipments for

ELCB Working Principle

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

(Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker)ELCB

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• These are generally used in
control circuits as in motor
starters etc.
• However they could be
used as circuit breakers
along with the relevant
• This makes them very

Switchgear and Protection equipments for


Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• Earthing will be carried out in accordance National
Electrical Code.
• Pipe electrode method is preferred.
• Separate earths are provided for generator neutral,
lightning arrestor and ELC.
• Where consumer loads are simple appliances such as
lights and double insulated non - metal items like
radios, no earthing is required other than the
powerhouse earth.
• Where consumer loads may include metal appliances
such as irons, water heaters, an earth connection must
be installed for each consumer likely to use such loads.
Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Direct Earthing

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Direct Earthing
• The individual protective earthing of appliances has the
disadvantage that the resistance of the earth is seldom
sufficiently low to provoke a short-circuit in the line with
the fault and a subsequent tripping of the fuse.
• In supply systems with protective earthing it is possible that
dangerous fault currents may persist for an unlimited time.
• People close to the earth electrodes can be endangered due
to the voltage drop between their two feet (step voltage).
• The protective earthing of individual appliances is, despite
its simplicity, not a very safe and effective system unless the
required earth resistance can be guaranteed (the resistance
of the earth may vary with time and has to be checked in
accordance with regulations).

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Types of Earthing
• The use of a conductor as a return path for a fault current
(instead of the earth) is a widely applied system; this can
either be accomplished by a separate conductor or the
neutral wire.
• The coding's used correspond to international standards:
• T = earthing (Terre)
• N = Neutral point of the power system (generator or
transformer star point/neutral)
• S = Separate conductors for earthing and neutral
• C = Combined conductors for earthing and neutral, the so-
called PEN conductor
• PE = Protective Earthing

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

System Earthing Types

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

TN-C system
• The metallic frames of appliances are connected to the
neutral wire which is therefore used in two ways:
during normal operation as a life wire (return path for
single phase appliances or for unbalanced 3 -phase
systems) and in case of fault condition as a protective
conductor (return path for the fault current to trip the
• Note that the neutral itself must never be fused since a
broken fuse would interrupt not only the supply but
also the protective system; and even worse, it would
put all metallic frames beyond the broken PEN
conductor under voltage even without a fault
Switchgear and Protection equipments for
TN-C-S system
• The neutral is earthed at a number of points.
• This ensures that in case of a broken neutral
wire, the section beyond the broken PEN
conductor will still have an earthing path.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

TT arrangement
• The drawback of the protective earthing arrangement
(individual earthing of customer's appliances) can be
avoided if a suitable device, a so-called residual-current
circuit breaker (RCCB or fault current relay) is installed
at the entrance to the customer's premises.
• When a fault condition occurs, this device senses the
current difference (leakage current) between the two
life wires and opens the circuit.
• RCCBs are also available for three-phase systems.
• In Micro hydro in Srilanka, TT arrangement was used.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

TN-S arrangement
• The protective earth conductor PE is
separated from the neutral wire.
• Though this arrangement requires the largest
amount of conductor material, it is a relatively
safe system and accidents are rare.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Internal Earthing Connection in Microhydro

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Lighting Arrestor
• Lightning arrestors shall be fitted to protect the powerhouse and
• They shall be provided on each phase as follows:
• One arrestor on the first pole outside the power house,
• One arrestor per kilometer of distribution and additional arrestors to
ensure that no consumer is more than 500 meters from an arrestor.
• Arrestors shall be installed and earthed according to the
manufacturers instructions by
• Separate earths and as per IS: 2309 (1989).
• They shall comprise horizontal/vertical air terminations, down
conductors, test links and earth connections to the station earth.
• The conductors shall be of 25x6 mm size and shall be mild steel

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• Trips are required to protect consumer loads from
unacceptable voltage and frequency conditions.
• Overvoltage trips should be fitted on all schemes
• Undervoltage trips shall be fitted on all schemes where motors
are used by consumers and they are fitted on all schemes
above 5kW.
• Over and underfrequency trips shall be provided required on
all schemes where motors are used by consumers and are
mandatory on all schemes above 25kW.

Switchgear and Protection equipments for


• Under Voltage trip(-15%)

Causes: defective AVR, overloaded machine, poor pf,
poor transmission line regulation
• Over Voltage trip
Causes: defective AVR, overspeed, leading pf, poor
transmission line regulation
• Over current trip
• Causes: short circuit, excess load, faulty equipment,
lagging pf, incorrect frequency

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• A fuse will have range of protection upto 1.6
times its rating.
• MCCB will have range 1.2 times its rating
against over current- protection.
• Frequency trips
Under frequency: overloading of machine, insufficient water,
defective governor, belt slip
Over frequency: excess water, defective governor, defective AVR

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• Temperature trips
causes of windings temperature rise: overloading,
incorrect frequency, low pf, harmonics, defective
bearings, high ambient temperature
• Lighting Protection
Earth wire, lighting arrestors
• Earthing System
Transformer and Generator neutral is grounded

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

• Earth Fault Protection
Earth fault relay and ELCB are used.
Protection schemes for MH

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Switchgear and protection Components for MH

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Switchgear and Protection equipments for
• All instrumentation, except kWh meters, may be included on the control panel.
• Instrumentation should be at eye level or 1.5 meters from floor level.
Instrumentation and measurement Devices in MHP
1. Ballast meter (indicating power dissipated in ballast): In 3-phase ELC systems
3 ballast meters, one for each phase shall be provided. Changes in the
reading(s) may indicate failure of one or more ballast elements or variations in
the power output of the turbine-generator. (The ballast meter gives percent of
power to ballast and should be additionally labeled with power to consumer
markings. It can be used to show any difference in actual power and
commissioned power at any stage of the life of the scheme).
2. Ammeter and Voltmeter
3. Frequency Meter
4. Energy Meter
5. Pressure Gauge
6. Speed Meter

Switchgear and Protection equipments for

Appropriate choice of switchgear, protection and measurement

• A number of switchgear combinations are studied and

compared with each other against relevant criteria,
with the aim of achieving:
• Satisfactory performance
• Compatibility among the individual items; from the
rated current 𝐼𝑛 to the fault-level rating
𝐼𝐶𝑈 Compatibility with upstream switchgear or taking
into account its contribution
• Conformity with all regulations and specifications
concerning safe and reliable circuit performance
• Overall Cost ( initial + maintenance + protection
Switchgear and Protection equipments for

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