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McDaniel & Gates – Marketing Research, 10th Edition Instructor’s Manual

Solution Manual for Marketing Research 10th Edition

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Test Bank:
Solution Manual:
The Marketing Research Industry and Research Ethics

1. Appreciate the structure of the marketing research industry.
2. Comprehend the nature of corporate marketing research departments.
3. Understand the types of marketing research suppliers.
4. Examine how corporations use marketing research.
5. Review the current state of the marketing research industry.
6. Appraise ethical trends and unethical practices among marketing research suppliers, clients,
and marketing research field services.

Custom research firms
Syndicated service research firms
Field service firms
Strategic partnership
Low-ball pricing

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McDaniel & Gates – Marketing Research, 10th Edition Instructor’s Manual

The marketing research industry has undergone tremendous change in recent years. Where is the
industry going and who are the key players? What is the role of each player? Ethics is one of the
most important topics taught in the field of business. What are the ethical issues in marketing
research? What are several key approaches to ethical decision making? Chapter Two is an
examination of the supplier and users of marketing research. The marketing research industry
consists of (1) information users (consumer and industrial goods and services producers; federal,
state, and local governments; media companies; retailers and wholesalers), (2) marketing
research suppliers (custom research firms’ syndicated research firms, online tracking firms, and
limited function research firms), and (3) marketing research supplier service firms. The
marketing research industry was hurt by the recent recession. Sales and employment dropped for
the first time in many years. Client organizations began in sourcing to save money. At the same
time, clients were also seeking strategic partnerships with research suppliers. This has led many
client firms to reduce the number of suppliers they use. Respondents have certain rights,
including the right to choose whether to participate in a marketing research project, the right to
safety from physical and psychological harm, and the right to be informed of all aspects of the
research task. They should know what is involved, how long it will take, and what will be done
with the data. Respondents also have the right to privacy.

1. Evolving Structure of the Marketing Research Industry
I. Primary Information Users (Client Organizations)
A. Consumer and Industrial Goods and Services Producers
B. Federal, State, and Local Governments
C. Media Companies
D. Retailers and Wholesalers
E. Manufacturers
F. Marketing Research Suppliers
G. Marketing Research Supplier Service Firms

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2. Consumer and Industrial Corporate Marketing Research Departments I.


3. Research Suppliers
I. The Marketing Research Industry
A. Consumer Watch
B. Consumer Buy
C. Custom Research Firms
D. Online and Mobile Tracking Firms
E. Big Data Analytic Firms
F. Syndicated Service Firms
I. Collect, Package, and Sell Marketing Research Data
II. Deal Primarily with Media Audience and Product Movement
G. Limited Function Research Firms I. Specialization of Activity/Industry
II. Specialization in Research Techniques
III. Specialization in Internet Research
IV. Research Panel
F. Marketing Research Supplier Service Firms
I. Field Service Firms
II. Sampling firms
III. Software Firms
IV. Other Service Companies

4. Using Marketing Research–A Corporate Perspective

I. External Clients A. Vendors
B. Franchisees
C. Franchisors
II. Internal Clients
A. Marketing Managers
B. New Product Development Managers

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C. Distribution and Logistics

D. Top Management
E. Other Internal Users

5. The State of the Marketing Research Industry

I. Characteristics
A. $9.5 billion in revenues in the U.S. in 2012, not including in-house research done by
large and small corporations and universities.

B. Top 50 U.S. firms account for 91% of the total revenues

C. Major Trends:
1. online data collection continues to grow
2. acquisitions of smaller research firms by larger research firms continues to
II. Practicing Marketing Research
A. Marketing Research in a period of great change

6. Marketing Research Ethics

I. Ethical Theories A. Deontology
B. Utilitarianism
C. Casuist
II. Research Supplier Ethics
A. Low-Ball Pricing
B. Allowing Subjectivity into the Research
C. Abusing Respondents
D. Selling Unnecessary Research
E. Violating Client Confidentiality
III. Black Box Branding
IV. Client Ethics
A. Requesting Bids When a Supplier Has Been Predetermined
B. Request Bids to Obtain Free Advice and Methodology
C. Making False Promises

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D. Requesting Proposals without Authorization

E. Retailer Ethics
V. Field Service Ethics
A. Marketing Research Field Services
B. Using Professional Respondents
VI. Respondents’ Right
A. Right to Choose
B. Right to Safety
C. Right to Be Informed
D. Right to Privacy
VII. Ethics and Professionalism
A. High Standard of Ethics and Professionalism
B. Fostering Professionalism
C. Researcher Certification

7. Summary

There is over $32 billion a year spent on marketing/advertising/public opinion research services
around the world. Revenue of the top 25 global marketing research firms in the world account
for 58% of the total. There are many different types of organizations in the marketing research
Exhibit 2.1 General Categories of Organizations Involved in Marketing Research

I. Primary information Users (Client Organizations)

A. Consumer and Industrial Goods and Services Producers–use marketing research
data on an ongoing basis in a variety of ways to support the marketing decision-
making process:
1. To determine how various target groups will react to alternative marketing

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2. To evaluate the ongoing success of operational marketing strategies

3. To understand what customers and noncustomers are saying about their brands
and competing brands.
4. To assess changes in the external, or uncontrollable, environment and the
implications of those charges for their product or service strategy
5. To identify new target markets
6. To measure the quality of customer service and level of satisfaction
7. To more effectively target their promotion.
B. Retailers and Wholesalers
1. Highly competitive retail market, understanding the customer is paramount
E. Manufacturers
1. Industrial goods manufacturers use marketing research to measure both dealer
and customer satisfaction.
B. Governments and Universities
1. Federal marketing research expenditures– over $5 billion annually
a. This money goes to work conducted through academic nonprofits such
as the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.
2. National Opinion Research Center (University of Chicago), Institute for Social
Research (University of Michigan), Research Triangle.
C. Media Companies
1. Advertising agencies, sales promotion companies, public relations agencies,
and direct marketing firms
2. Data–obtained from custom or syndicated research firms–some may do the
research themselves
D. Custom Research Firms
1. Companies that carry out customized marketing research to address specific
projects for corporate clients.
E. Syndicated Service Firms
1. Companies that collect, package, and sell market research data to many firms.
F. Limited Function Research Firms
1. Firms that specialize in one or a few marketing research activities.

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G. Online and Mobile Tracking Firms

1. Online tracking is computer-based tracking of Internet activities. Mobile-based
is tracking of mobile Internet and on-device activities. Many people carry their
lives on their mobile devices. They use them to keep in touch with friends and
business acquaintances, take and store pictures, read news and sports, play
games, and use apps that make their lives easier. The mobile experience is
much more intimate than the desk top experience. One survey found that 44
percent of the respondents had slept with their phone next to the bed because
they wanted to make sure that they didn’t miss any calls, text messages, or
updates during the night.

H. Big Data Analytic Firms

1. Some of the key players in analyzing big data were mentioned in Exhibit 2.1. A
second component of understanding big data is data visualization. Most people
have trouble recalling strings of numbers that are longer than their phone
numbers. Then how does one comprehend billions of bits of data? The answer
is pictures. Visualization acts as an engine for bringing patterns to light in even
the largest data sets. Think of all of the wind currents now blowing across the
United States and at various speeds. Now go to and you will
see data visualization. Firms offering data visualization software include
Gooddata, AYASDI, Gfk, Tidemark, and Platfora.

I. Specialized Service Suppliers

1. Custom, syndicated , and limited function marketing research firms–sell
research services, design research studies, analyze the results, and make
recommendations to their clients
G. Marketing Research Supplier Service Firms
1. Service the research industry–software providers, samples, online panels
H. Field Service Firms
1. Field service firms do nothing but collect data on a subcontract basis.
I. Sampling Firms
1. Provide samples to marketing research suppliers.

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J. Software Firms
1. Specialize in providing software for statistical analysis and/or Internet
K. Other Service Companies
1. Companies that provide a wide variety of service to market research firms.


I. Corporations
A. Initiators and Final Consumer–the logical starting point since corporations are the
consumers and initiators of most marketing research
B. Small Research Departments
1. The average size of research departments in a corporation is small. Recent
study showed only 15% of service companies and only 23% of manufacturing
companies have a market research staff larger than 10 people. Having smaller
departments implies more outsourcing of research activities.
2. Current trend
a. the recent trend of more outsourcing to market research suppliers has
reversed. Today, insourcing is the watchword.
b. Combining marketing research and strategic planning
c. Combining marketing research and customer satisfaction
d. Corporate marketing research departments act as intermediaries
between internal research users and outside suppliers
C. Attention–focus on larger corporations 1. Research managers will work with
a. Product or brand managers
b. New product development managers
c. Other front-line managers

I. The Marketing Research Industry
Giants in the Industry

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Exhibit 2.4 The 25 Largest Marketing Research Firms

1. Two largest firms in the industry–ACNielsen Company and Kantar 2.
ACNielsen Company a global company offering services in more 100

3. ACNielsen has two main business groups: Watch, which does media research,
and Buy, which focuses on consumer research.
A. Consumer Watch
1. Nielsen’s Watch segment includes measurement and analytical services related
to TV, online, and mobile devices, and provides viewership data and analytics
primarily to the media and advertising industries.
2. Media clients use the data to price their advertising inventory and maximize the
value of their content, and its advertising clients use the data to plan and
optimize their advertising spending and to better ensure that their
advertisements reach the intended audiences.
3. Nielsen provides two principal TV rating services in the U.S.
4. Nielsen is a provider of Internet media and market research, audience analytics
and social media measurement, including over 100 million blogs, social
networks, user groups and chat boards.
5. Nielsen also offers consumer research and independent measurement for
telecom and media companies in the telecommunications industry.
B. Customer Buy
1. Nielsen’s Buy segment provides:
a. retail transactional measurement data;
b. consumer behavior information and analytics to the consumer package
goods industry;
C. Custom Research Firms
1. Primarily in the business of executing custom, one-of-a-kind marketing
research projects for corporate clients
2. Majority of custom marketing research firms are small, with billings of less
than $1 million and fewer than 10 employees.

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Exhibit 2.5 Using Marketing Research–A Corporate Perspective
I. External Clients: Data gathered by a firm’s research department is rarely circulated outside
of the firm.

A. Vendors
1. Strategic partnerships–alliance formed by two or more firms with
unique skills and resources to offer a new service for clients, provide strategic
support for each firm, or in some other manner creates mutual benefits
B. Franchisees–franchisors of consumer goods and services provide
marketing research data to their franchisees
1. Mystery Shoppers–most common way a franchisee gathers data; the
shopper poses as a customer, observes how long it takes to be waited on and/or make
purchase, the courtesy of the clerks, the cleanliness of the operation and whether his
or her purchase or order was properly prepared.
C. Franchisors: share their marketing research information with franchisees,
for example
II. Internal Clients
A. Marketing Managers–use research data more than any other group of
1. Marketing mix decisions–regarding products or services, promotion,
distribution and pricing
2. Product managers–to define their target market, heavy users with the
target market
3. New product development managers–heaviest users of marketing
a. Qualitative research techniques that generate product ideas to concept
testing, product prototype testing, and then test marketing
4. Distribution function–research is used to choose locations for new stores
and to test consumer reactions to internal store design fixtures and features 5.

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Top Management–research can help in rising market share, profits, and shareholder
B. Other Internal Users
1. Finance department–test market data used to forecast revenue streams
for 1 to
3 years
2. Human resource managers–survey employees concerning various issues


I. Characteristics
A. More than $15.4 billion was spent within the United States on marketing research in
2013. Revenues were essentially flat from the previous year. The top 50 U.S.
firms account for 91 percent of the total revenue.9
B. The biggest spender on research, by far, are agencies of the federal government which
spent an estimated $6.3 billion in 2013.10 The total figure mentioned above does
not include universities, such as the University of Michigan Survey Research Center.
C. not included in the U.S. marketing research revenues are many large U.S.
corporations, such as Proctor & Gamble Motors, which do a considerable amount of
research in-house. Most marketing research by large consulting firms and advertising
agencies is also done internally.
D. Trends
1. First, the use of online data collection for survey projects continues
to grow. Data can be gathered quicker, cheaper, and from a more diverse
population via online interviewing versus in-person or telephone
2. Second, the acquisition binge continues in the research industry
around the globe.

II. Practicing Marketing Research

A. The Upside: Some of the biggest potential growth areas include:

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1. More data: measurement of more consumer behaviors

2. More control: predictability of consumer’s response to marketing initiatives
3. More depth: understanding how consumer’ minds work
B. Gap: these new capabilities don’t address all important marketing issues.
C. Innovation: how the new capabilities of marketing research assist and improve the
innovation process?
D. Brand: while the new techniques enable careful listening to what consumers say,
they don’t direct answer important questions like:
1. what does the brand stand for?
2. How should the brand be positioned?
3. What types of communications will best improve brand equality.


I. Ethical Theories
A. Deontology–people should adhere to their obligations and duties when analyzing
ethical dilemma
1. A person will follow his or her obligations to another individual or society
because upholding one’s duty is what is considered ethically correct
B. Utilitarianism–the ability to predict the consequences of an action
1. The choice that yields the greatest benefits to the most people is the choice
that is ethically correct.
a. Benefit–the utilitarian can compare similar predicted solutions and use a
point system to determine which choice is more beneficial for most people
b. Point system provides a logical and rational argument for each decision
and allows a person to use it on a case-by-case context
2. Two Types of Utilitarianism
a. Act Utilitarian–adheres exactly to the definition of utilitarianism as
described–performs the acts that benefit the most people–regardless of
personal feelings or the societal constraints such as laws
b. Rule Utilitarian–takes into account the law and is concerned with

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fairness–seeks to benefit the most people but through the fairest and most
just means available
C. Casuist–compares a current ethical dilemma with examples of similar ethical
dilemmas and their outcomes–determines the severity of the situation and to create the
best possible solution according to others’ experiences

II. Research Supplier Ethics

Exhibit 2.6 Unethical Practices in Marketing Research
A. Low-Ball Pricing–quoting an unrealistically low price to secure a firm’s business
and then using some means to substantially raise the price

B. Allowing Subjectivity into the Research–should avoid using biased samples,

misusing statistic, ignoring relevant data, and creating a research design with the goal of
supporting a predetermined objective
1. Advocacy studies–commissioned by companies or industries for public
relations purposes or to advocate or prove a position
C. Abusing Respondents
1. Lengthy interviews
2. Predictive dialers–dial phone numbers ahead of available interviews
3. Selling of names and addresses of potential customers to firms seeking
sales leads
D. Selling Unnecessary Research–dealing with a client who has little or no
familiarity with marketing research often has the opportunity to “trade the client up”
E. Violating Client Confidentiality–information about a client’s general business
activities or the results of a client’s project should not be disclosed to a third party III.
Black Box Branding:
A. A black box method is proprietary—a company is able to protect its product
development investment. And if customers perceive added value in the
approach, suppliers can charge a premium price to boot.

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B. Black boxes and brand names are not synonymous. Almost all proprietary
methods have a clever brand name, but there are also brand names attached to
research methods that are not proprietary.
IV. Client Ethics
A. Requesting Bids When a Supplier Has Been Predetermined–to predetermine
which supplier will received a contract and yet ask for proposals from other suppliers to
satisfy corporate requirements
B. Requesting Bids to Obtain Free Advice and Methodology–solicit detailed
proposals, including complete methodology and a sample questionnaire from a number of
suppliers–“picking the brains” of the suppliers, the client assembles a questionnaire and
then contracts directly with field services to gather the data
C. Making False Promises–to lower their research costs clients may hold out a
nonexistent carrot
D. Requesting Proposals without Authorization–client representative seeking
proposals with first receiving the authority to allocate the funds to implement the research
E. Retailer Ethics--Intense competition at the retail level has resulted in a
mushrooming of customer satisfaction surveys. Solve the problem by sending the
questionnaire to the respondent’s home; establishing and enforcing a strong policy
against survey manipulation allows the respondents to remain anonymous.
V. Field Service Ethics
A. Marketing Research Field Services–the production arm of the research industry
requiring telephone or face-to-face interviews–critical link between the respondent and
the research supplier.
B. Using Professional Respondents
1. Most likely to occur in the recruitment of focus group participants
VI. Respondent’s Rights
A. Right to Choose–to determine whether or not to participate in a marketing
research project
B. Right to Safety–to safety from physical or psychological harm
C. Right to Be Informed–to be informed of all aspects of a research task
D. Right to Privacy–all major research organizations have privacy codes

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1. Consumer privacy can be defined in terms of two dimensions of control

a. Control of unwanted telephone, mail, e-mail, or personal intrusion in the
consumer’s environment
b. Control of information about the consumer
2. Laws have been passes in recent years dealing with the various aspects of
privacy. The privacy battle is most heated in the area of what online and mobile
tracking companies are gathering. Tracking companies know what you do online
and with mobile devices but either can’t or won’t keep your name in their
3. When it comes to social media listening and online privacy, consumers
want it both ways. According to a survey conducted by NetBase, a Mountain
View, CA research company, 51 percent of consumers want to talk about companies
without being listened to but another 58 percent want companies to respond to
complaints shared on social media. Forty-three percent of consumers think companies
monitoring their comments intrude on privacy yet 32 percent of consumers of all
ages have no idea companies are listening to what they say in social medial.

VII. Ethics and Professionalism

A. High Standards of Ethics and Professionalism
Exhibit 2.7 A Partial Listing of the Marketing Research Association Code of
Marketing Research Standards
1. Good ethics provide a solid foundation for professionalism
B. Fostering Professionalism
1. Profession–membership in a profession–may require an exam to belong–
but membership is objectively determined
2. Professionalism–evaluated on more persona and subjective levels–
measure of the level of professionalism of marketing researchers
a. have autonomy in their jobs, were permitted to exercise judgment, and
were recognized for their level of expertise and ability to work

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C. Researcher Certification–MRA has launched a Professional Researcher

Certification program–to encourage high standards within the profession in order to
raise competency, establish and objective measure of an individual’s knowledge and
proficiency and to encourage continued professional development
1. Certification–not a licensing–a voluntary program administered by a
nongovernmental body that provides a credential for differentiation in the



1. Do you think that data collection by mobile devices will become increasingly popular?

Consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices to search for and make purchases. As
technology increases, the ability to use mobile devices for almost as many functions as a laptop
computer, using them for the collection of data will become commonplace.

2. What is the role of field service firms in marketing research?

Field services collect the data that are so important to marketing to research. They do not design
or plan the research project, neither do they analyze the data that is collected. These firms simply
conduct the interviews or perform the surveys used to gather the relevant information.

3. What is “big data” and why is there so much excitement?

Big Data firms have the ability to analyze huge quantities of data, without the structure of
traditional statistical packages. The excitement, in part, can be attributed to its ability to analyze
data in a relatively unstructured format, categorize it, and produce analytical results.

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4. List several key characteristics of corporate marketing research departments.

The size of research departments has been decreasing, while their budgets have been increasing.
Research departments are staff departments. They report to the top marketing executive, but
work primarily with product or brand managers who perceive a problem or opportunity. They
may have the capability to conduct research projects in-house. More often, though, they will
contract with outside suppliers to either conduct a specialized research project or they will deal
with syndicated research suppliers to obtain data or reports that are available to other firms.

5. Discuss the various project offerings of syndicated service firms.

These firms collect, package, and sell the same marketing research data to many firms. While the
presentation of the data may be customized somewhat to for the individual customer, it is in
reality the same information as sold to other customers. Most of these firms deal with media
audience and product movement data.

6. Divide the class into groups of five. Each group should select one section of the city in
which the course is being taught (or the closest large city) and determine the zip codes
for this section of the city. Next, go to and follow the instructions for
getting Prizm profiles by zip code. Each group should then discuss the marketing profile
for its section of the city.

Students’ answers will vary.

7. What do you see as the role of a code of ethics within an organization? What can be done
to ensure that employees follow this code of ethics?

A code of ethics is a guideline for what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior for employees
within the organization. Its role is to be a reference guide for ethical decisions. To ensure that
employees follow the code, they should know first that it exists, what it is, and that it is
important to the firm. Second, this should be reinforced by evaluating and giving promotions and
pay increases based in part on abiding by the code of ethics. Senior managers have the
responsibility to publicly support the code and to follow it in all their dealings.

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8. Who would you say had the greatest responsibility within the marketing research
industry to raise the standards of ethics – market research suppliers, market research
clients, or field services?

The greatest responsibility to raise ethical standards in the marketing research industry should be
felt by market research suppliers. Supplier firms are staffed by marketing research professionals;
it is their responsibility to ensure that the industry be as ethical as possible. This does not relieve
clients and field service firms from the responsibility to act ethically. Actually, it is a shared

9. What role should the federal government play in establishing ethical standards for
the marketing research industry? How might such standards be enforced?

The government should not have a significant role in establishing ethical standards for the
marketing research industry. Legislation and enforcement would be a costly and ineffective way
of dealing with the unethical few. Far more effective would be the creation of a certification
program for marketing research which is governed and monitored by the industry itself.

10. If respondents consent to interviews after being told they will be paid $50 for their
opinions, do they forfeit all respondent rights? If so, what rights have been forfeited?

No, they have not forfeited all respondent rights. The respondent still has the right to safety and
the right to be informed. If they have accepted $50 to give their opinions, however, they have
exercised their right to choose to participate and should not change their minds at some later time
- so long as the conditions of the study have not been changed.

11. What is the relationship between ethics and professionalism? What do you think
can be done to raise the level of professionalism within the marketing research industry?

A lack of ethics in any field indicates a lack of professionalism. Professionals are assumed to be
those who carry out their profession to their best ability, including making ethical decisions. The
level of professionalism within the marketing research industry can be raised; first, through a
certification program; second, through programs that raise the awareness of ethical issues; and
third, through individual firms recruiting ethical individuals and providing a system that supports
ethical decisions.

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12. Are online and mobile tracking firms gathering too much data about people? Why or
why not?
To the extent that tracking firms are using the data for predictive analytical purposes in the
context of a broad population, the data gathering can be justified. When tracking is used to
specifically target individuals, the question of marketing research ethics comes into play.


1. Compare the offerings of two marketing research firms, DSS Research and Burke
Incorporated, by visiting their Web sites at and
Students’ answers will vary.

2. The Kantar group, is a major international marketing research firm, with offices in
54 countries. Go to its Web site at and report on its global
research capabilities.

Students’ answers will vary.

3. Interviewers must take special care when interviewing children or young people.
The informed consent of the parent or responsible adult first must be obtained for
interviews with children. Parents or responsible adults must be told some specifics about
the interview process and special tasks, such as audio or video recording, taste testing and
respondent fees before permission is obtained. All researchers must adhere to all federal
and state regulations regarding the interviewing of children 13 years of age or younger. All
interviews conducted online must adhere to the Children’s Online Privacy
Protection Act (COPPA). Use the Internet to gather more information about interviewing
children and report the results to the class.

Student answers will vary.

4. Go to for a discussion of the latest issue

regarding government affairs.

Student answers will vary.


Case 2.1 – Respondent Recruiters—Clean up Your Act
Mark Goodin is president of Aaron-Abrams Field Services, Las Vegas. The
firm specializes in delivering respondents to qualitative marketing researchers.

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Below he discusses problems he sees in the respondent recruitment business.

When he discusses “supplies,” he is referring to firms that recruit respondents.
Thus, respondent suppliers may be recruiting for a research supplier, as discussed
in the chapter, or a research client, such as a manufacturer like Frito-Lay, which is
doing their own qualitative research.
Over the past few years, I have witnessed a couple of disturbing trends in
qualitative research. And I have to believe that if this is happening to me on such a
large and consistent basis, then it’s happening to other research buyers in the
industry as well— they’re just not talking about it. These trends are not good for
the future of qualitative research:
▪ The trend of respondent recruiters accepting projects and then forcing
changes in vital aspects of the project’s original design once recruiting
is underway.
▪ The trend among recruiters to recruit unqualified respondents and then
charge for the recruiting and incentive.
My belief is that many suppliers simply shut up, take the project, and let the
problems unfold. I believe they have adopted the attitude that clients can ask for
the moon but in the end they’re going to get what they get. More often than not,
that’s what happens once a project goes into the field.
I’ve never seen so many projects that are accepted by respondent recruiters
as-is— without sharing their concerns or issuing any warnings—only to say later,
“We’re not finding what you’re looking for, you’ll need to make relaxations in the
qualifications of the type of person that you are looking for.” Or, “We’ve reached
our budget, and we’ll need more money if you want us to continue.”
What’s more, it’s even less palatable to accept respondent suppliers’ need
for relaxations or additional money when, along the way, they’ve delivered
substandard service. For example:
▪ recruiting progress reports aren’t delivered when requested; ▪ recruiting
progress reports contain errors and misspellings;
▪ respondents don’t qualify when rescreened or revalidated;
▪ screeners have been incorrectly administered;
▪ discrepancies in the screener have been overlooked or ignored;
▪ instructions have not been followed; and
▪ recruiting hours have been put into the job, but not enough contacts—or
calls—have been made.

Must Stop Today

The practice of respondent suppliers charging for respondents who don’t fit
the qualifying criteria must stop today. If the respondent isn’t qualified and cannot

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2-20

McDaniel & Gates – Marketing Research, 10th Edition Instructor’s Manual

be used in the research, we should not be charged for the respondent. Period. It’s
time for respondent suppliers to stop recruiting unqualified or marginally qualified
respondents and hiding behind a myriad of excuses. Recruiters are entirely
responsible for respondent accuracy. Period. If recruiters cannot stand behind the
product they deliver, they should find another line of work. Our firm has a simple
policy that third-party recruiting suppliers know about prior to the start of a
project: We will not pay recruiting fees or the incentives for any respondents who
do not qualify at rescreening or at the time of the actual research. We actively
encourage all researchers to do the same.22
1. Why is it important for respondents to meet the exact qualifications
specified for the research project?

Depending upon the product/service in question, respondent selection to

certain specifications is critical. It might be an area, respondent
characteristic or behaviour that is critical to the data collection process.

2. Have you ever participated in a research project where you knew that
you were marginally qualified to participate? Did you tell the

Student responses will vary.

3. Is it unethical for respondent suppliers to charge their clients for

unqualified respondents?

Absolutely. The agreement between the supplier and client is

contractual, and it is the responsibility of the supplier to meet the
specifications of the project specifications.

4. Would it be unethical if a recruiter was seeking current cat owners and

you said “no but I had a cat when I was growing up,” to which the
recruiter replied, “That will work, just tell them that you still have a

Obviously, if the respondents don’t meet the project specifications, then

they should not be part of the data collection process.

Case 2.2 – Coke Juices Up a Market Test

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McDaniel & Gates – Marketing Research, 10th Edition Instructor’s Manual

For several days Dyquan Gibson and his friends had a strong incentive to
study every afternoon at a neighborhood Richmond, Virginia, Boys & Girls Club.
“If you finished your homework, you got a burger,” says Dyquan, who is now 11
years old.
Dyquan and his friends didn’t know it, but the free Whoppers came from a
consultant hired by Coca-Cola Company. Officials at the Atlanta beverage
company had sent the man to Richmond with $9,000. He gave cash to the clubs
and other non-profit groups and told them to treat the children to hundreds of
“value meals” at Burger King.
Millions of dollars in sales were at stake for Coke. The company was trying
to persuade Burger King to run a national promotion for its slushy dessert drink,
Frozen Coke, which Burger King sells at all of its restaurants. But Burger King
wanted to run a test promotion before it invested in a big campaign. So the
Miamibased restaurant chain ran a two-week test in Richmond, offering a coupon
for a free Frozen Coke when customers bought a value meal – a sandwich, fries,
and drink combo. If the meals sold well enough, and enough people redeemed the
coupons, Burger King would take the promotion national.
The Coke officials embarked on the buying spree because the initial test
results were dismal. In the end, their efforts added only 700 value meals to the
nearly 100,000 sold during the promotion. But even that small number helped
bolster Coke’s case for national push. Burger King sank roughly $10 million into
the campaign.
Later, Coke acknowledged that some of its employees “improperly influenced”
the sales results in Richmond, and that the actions were “wrong and
inconsistent with the values of the Coca-Cola Co.”. It issued a public apology to
Burger King – and agreed to pay the company and its franchisees up to $21
million to make amends.23

1. Were Coke’s attempts to fix the market test unethical? If so, was Coke
guilty of unethical behavior, or was it just the fault of some misguided

It depends upon the purpose of the market test. If the purpose is to gather
sample data as an estimate of what market sales would be for the drinks, then
the test is biased and the results are tainted. If the purpose is to induce
behavior so that respondents can give feedback concerning a specific product,
then the inducement is appropriate. Generally, market tests are conducted to
gauge market potential for a product or service, hence, Coke was “juicing” the
test results.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2-22

McDaniel & Gates – Marketing Research, 10th Edition Instructor’s Manual

2. Burger King is Coke’s second largest fountain drink customer after

McDonald’s. The Richmond test started out very poorly, and it was clear
that unless results improved, the national Frozen Coke promotion was
not going to happen. Coke was worried that without the promotion it
would not make its fountain sales objectives for the year. At that point, it
was decided to stimulate value-meal sales in Richmond. Did the desired
end (meeting sales goals) justify the actions taken? Why or why not?

The problem with such inducements is that they artificially stimulate demand,
thereby biasing the results with abnormal market behavior. Hence, the
artificial stimulation of demand biased the results, and cannot be justified.

3. Use the ethics theories described in the chapter to illustrate how Coke
decision makers could have reached a different decision.

Student responses will vary.

4, Should Coke fire those responsible, counsel them, or do nothing?

Student responses will vary. However, the intent to distort data that has the
kind of financial implications associated with the market test would probably
call for the firing of those responsible.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2-23

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
The Reconstruction Period
For the unpleasant facts recorded in this, I am not responsible,
but only the powers that were then. I would much prefer to forget as I
have forgiven, and not reopen old wounds, but a sacred duty I owe
my family forces me to submit the unvarnished truth and use
expressions, though harsh, to properly represent conditions as they
existed, to protect my lifetime fair name and character, which I must
leave my family untarnished, and also to redeem my promise to
them and my many interested friends, who were personally
acquainted with me during the years of this terrible experience.
Do not fail to bear in mind that this is written altogether from
memory, nearly fifty years after it occurred, hence dates are omitted.
In order to give the reader a full appreciation of my remarkable
preservation and escape from being murdered by the powers that
ruled at the time, I treat the subject as I do. Drifting into this trouble
was certainly not of my own choice, but altogether owing to
conditions and surroundings. I was simply the instrument in God’s
hands to relieve a law abiding and submissive community of a
terrible calamity about to be enacted by a lawless band of marauders
in the uniform of the United States, protected by their officers and
permitted by the, then, General Government, and my life was spared
by the interposition of a Divine Providence. It was this firm conviction
that gave me strength and hope that all would be well and enabled
me to pass through this terrible ordeal.
There was no law to protect or appeal to, only the whim of a
vindictive military satrap, whose order was supreme and who
regarded the best citizens of the country fit subjects for his
vengeance and persecution.
Our State Government, organized under the terms of our
surrender, composed of the best and most solid element of the
State, working in conjunction with the returned Confederate soldiers
to rehabilitate our ruined homes, was ruthlessly set aside by the
infamous order of General Sheridan, as an impediment to
To longer submit to such conditions and subject our families to
dangers worse than death, made men desperate and called forth
every spark of manhood in man, particularly in one who had followed
Sherman’s march through Georgia and the Carolinas and made him
liable to resent outrages when brought directly to his own home in
the most effective way, regardless of consequences.
As a result of our action, having removed the bandit leader from
among them, our community was no longer subjected to their
deviltry. They were completely overawed and behaved themselves
forever after, thereby avoiding much bloodshed. Had they burned
Hempstead that night, which no doubt they would have done, an
outraged citizenship would have gathered and visited vengeance on
these devils incarnate and no promise of General Sheridan, as in the
case of Brenham, could have stayed them, then what would have
been the result?
I had the sympathy of the best citizens of the country, offers of
men and money, which were always declined in the interest of
To better explain the cause for the conditions existing with these
garrisons: When the Federal Government sent their recruiting agents
abroad, they accepted some of the worst element in Europe, as well
as in this country, promising them large bounties, good wages and
treatment, and all they could capture, hence a certain element in the
army started in for plunder only, and with no other object. Some
garrisons in the State had a band of plunderers with a desperate
leader, as was the case at Brenham when it was burned and again
at Hempstead at this time.
At the conclusion of the war the best element in the Federal
Army, the brave and gallant men who won the fight, did not re-enlist,
but returned to their homes to engage in peaceful pursuits and could
never have been induced to assist in degrading their own race and
color by elevating the negro over us, which was the avowed intention
of the fanatical element of the North who were responsible for the
That gallant soldier and conscientious gentleman, General W. S.
Hancock, in command of New Orleans, refused to do their bidding
and was immediately superseded by General Sheridan, who proved
a fit tool in their hands.

Upon My Return From the Army I

Find My Business Affairs in Bad
I returned from Johnston’s army, surrendered in North Carolina in
the summer of 1865, to my home town, Hempstead, Texas, where I
found my brother, six years younger than myself, who had also just
returned from the army, and a younger sister, who had been
boarding at a friend’s house during my absence in the army. We
were orphan children.
On my return I found the business of Faddis & Graber, which I left
in charge of R. P. Faddis, the senior partner, totally vanished. I had
not even a change of clothing, of which I had left a trunk full. Brother
had given them to needy Confederate soldiers.
After resting and recuperating for some months, a guest at the
homes of different friends, awaiting an opportunity for business, I
was persuaded by an old friend, Mr. Leander Cannon, to make my
home at his house at Courtney, Grimes County, until I could secure
something to do. Mr. Cannon before the war had the largest general
mercantile business in the interior of the State, while I kept his books
for him at Hempstead before I entered into business on my own
account with Faddis, Mr. Cannon having sold out in the meantime.
After the return of the Confederate soldiers from the army, the
first year, they were engaged in peaceable pursuits, trying to rebuild
their lost fortunes and also to recuperate their health, which, in many
instances, had been sacrificed in the army.
While so engaged, the Federal Government organized its
Freedman’s Bureau, establishing its agencies in all the populous
negro districts in the State, supported by the army. As heretofore
stated, among these garrisons were a lot of desperate and bad men,
bent on rapine and plunder, and they had the sanction of their
officers, notably in the case of the town of Brenham, which they
sacked and burned.
This aroused the resentment and desperation of the best people
of Texas and very soon a thousand or more of the best citizens of
the State collected and determined to wipe out this garrison. General
Sheridan, in command of Texas and Louisiana, with headquarters at
New Orleans, telegraphed Governor Throckmorton to proceed there
at once and beg the people to desist and not to take any action until
he could send a commission to investigate and secure the guilty
parties for punishment.
Governor Throckmorton succeeded in dispersing this avenging
host, and General Sheridan, instead of sending a commission,
reinforced the garrison and arrested some of the best citizens of the
The Hempstead garrison also had a band of marauders, headed
by a desperate character, who occasionally attacked citizens at night
and robbed them. This was the condition at Hempstead.
In the meantime I started a small general merchandise business
at Courtney, with the assistance of my friend Cannon. While
boarding at Cannon’s house I occupied a room with a Mr. White and
son, from Tarrant County, who were there, ostensibly, to trade a
flouring mill he had in Tarrant County for one of Cannon’s Brazos
bottom plantations. I soon concluded that Mr. White had no flouring
mill to trade and was imposing upon Mr. Cannon for his and his son’s
board and also to recuperate his horses.
I also met at Mr. Cannon’s ex-Governor Morehead of Kentucky,
who was then a refugee from the General Government. While
rooming with Mr. White and his son, we had frequent discussions
about the battles in Virginia, he claiming that he had served in that
army, and his son on General Johnston’s staff. I noticed that Mr.
Cannon showed these gentlemen a great deal of attention and
frequently these three were seen in the woods, sitting on a log,
talking. I was puzzled to know why it was that Mr. Cannon could be
so easily imposed on by this man White.
Some months or more after they had left, and I had moved to the
hotel down in town, I met Mr. Cannon on the street and he said to
me, “I have just heard from Mr. White.” “Well, has he sold his flouring
mill?” I asked. Cannon said, “No, you knew he had no flouring mill.
You knew that it was General Wigfall and his son, Holsey.” I told him
no, that I was unaware who he was, having only met General Wigfall
one time at Raleigh, North Carolina, at a hotel, when he wore a
heavy black beard, and at Courtney he was clean shaven. Cannon
told me, when he heard from them, they were in Havana and would
take a steamer the next day for Great Britain. I never knew what
became of ex-Governor Morehead after he left Cannon’s, but do not
think that he was ever arrested.
While at Courtney, I was called on by an old comrade, Ben Polk,
in company with a friend of his by the name of T. J. Thorn, who were
looking for a large plantation to lease. This they failed to find. Both
had their old family set of negroes to work for them. Ben Polk went
over on the Trinity, where he rented and cultivated a plantation, and
Captain Thorn rented the Stevenson’s Ferry plantation, about six
miles from the town of Hempstead, where he pitched a large crop of
cotton and corn.
Several months after I happened to meet with Thorn at
Hempstead, when he made a proposition to me to join in the
cultivation of this crop, as he felt financially unable to carry it through.
After investigating his proposition, which was most liberal, and
considering the further fact that the location presented a better
opportunity for business than Courtney, I decided to accept and
moved down there with my stock of merchandise, boarding my
family in a friend’s home in Hempstead, as the house on the
plantation was in bad repair. Captain Thorn also boarded his wife
and two children with his father-in-law in Hempstead.
It was our custom to spend Sundays with our families in town,
sometimes going in on Saturday night, returning Monday morning,
and occasionally going in on Sunday morning.

The Affair at Hempstead.

One Sunday morning Thorn and I rode into town, and met on the
road going towards the river, eleven Federal soldiers. We thought
nothing of it as they had never before crossed the river. Captain
Thorn stopped at the place where his wife was boarding and I
started across the square to where my little family were stopping. I
noticed a group of our solid citizens armed, talking excitedly, and
rode up and asked them the news, when they told me that a band of
soldiers had raided the town the night before, committing a number
of depredations and had threatened to burn Hempstead that night.
A committee of citizens, headed by the Mayor, Mr. Whitworth,
had visited the camp that morning and complained to the
commanding officer, Captain Lancaster, of the conduct of his men
the night before and told him of their threat to burn Hempstead that
night. They asked permission to organize a patrol to keep their town
from being burned. He cursed them in answer and told them that he
wanted every one of them to hunt their holes that night at eight
o’clock and that he would have a patrol out to see that they did it.
Knowing the temper of the people, as I did, I suggested to them
not to do anything rash, telling them that whatever was done without
the authority of the powers that were would only bring greater
trouble, and that we would be powerless to secure redress. I pleaded
with them and cautioned them to submit, rather than to make matters
worse, as in the case of Brenham.
I then proceeded to my wife’s place of residence and spent the
balance of the day until about four o’clock in the evening. All during
that day we heard wild rumors of the threats of the soldiers of what
they were going to do that night and I decided it was best to take my
wife and baby to the plantation and keep them out of trouble. About
a mile from town I met one of our negro men, with his wife. His wife’s
clothes were badly torn. He told me that eleven soldiers had been
out to the place, robbed the house of several guns belonging to the
negroes and one very fine gun belonging to Captain Thorn. They
had tried to break into my storeroom, but had failed to get in. They
had then gone to Buckhorn, about four or five miles west of us,
where there was a store and postoffice, and he thought on their
return, they would break into my store. I asked him where he was
going. He said he was going into camp to report them. I told him not
to do so, that they would nearly beat him to death for making such a
report, but to go and see his Marse Tom and tell him what they had
done and to tell him that I had gone on out and to come out
immediately and to bring out a good lot of pistol ammunition. We
both had pistols but no ammunition for them, never having any use
for them, though it was the custom with most people to carry six-
My first impulse was to watch their return from Buckhorn and, on
their approach, to go into the storeroom, well prepared with loaded
guns, and resist any attempt on their part to break into the store.
I drove on out to the place, very much alarmed; fearing that I
would meet these devils on their return to town, but fortunately, they
had not returned that far. After crossing the river at the ferry, I drove
through the open fields, where I could see clear up to the house,
about a mile, and when I reached the house the negroes reported
that they had already left there, for town, on the river road, through a
piece of bottom.
I had promised my wife that I would do nothing in the matter and
intended to make good this promise, but when the negroes told me
of the soldiers’ doings in the negro quarters and at the house, I lost
all control of myself, ushered my wife into the house, told her that I
had to go down to the barn to see the mules fed, by way of an
excuse to get away from her, went into the storeroom, got an only
pistol, partly loaded, rushed to the barn without a saddle, jumped on
my horse’s back and set out in pursuit of them.
Fortunately they had already crossed the river when I got to the
ferry. There is no question but what I would have dashed in among
them with only three shots in my pistol and would not now live to tell
the tale.
At the ferry I met a young man by the name of Stevenson, a son
of the owner of the place, and a young man by the name of
Hartsfield, who had been acting as our overseer. Stevenson was
armed and so was Hartsfield. I got some ammunition from the
ferryman for my pistol, which I completed loading. When about ready
to cross the river, Captain Thorn hailed for the boat, crossed and
secured another pistol from the ferryman. Thorn was very much
stirred up. In meeting them the leader of this gang had made him get
off of his horse, get down on his knees and told him to say his
prayers, but finally let him off. We then started in pursuit and when
within about a mile of their camp we caught up with them. When they
heard us coming they broke, their leader and several companions
taking to trees, from which they fired upon us. In the mix-up they got
the worst of the affair. Two were left dead on the field, while we
miraculously escaped without a scratch.
Our first decision was to report the result to the commanding
officer, but being admonished by the manner in which he had treated
our citizens that morning, and also the history in the case of
Brenham, we finally concluded we had better keep out of their
clutches and not risk our lives in their hands.
A military satrap was the law of the land; there were no courts to
appeal to, only the tender mercies of General Sheridan.
We immediately returned to the river. After crossing, I asked the
party to hold the ferry until I could get my wife and baby to a friend’s
house, about two miles distant. Hartsfield and Stevenson both
refused and left, but Thorn, taking my pistol, in addition to the one he
had, sat down by a tree and told me to take my time, that he would
hold that ferryboat against the whole garrison.
I went to the house, took my wife and baby to a Mr. Waller
Cochran’s, where they spent the night, and then I went back to
relieve Captain Thorn. We then went to another friend’s house,
where we were joined by our overseer, Hartsfield, and there spent
the night. I instructed Mr. John D. Cochran, an old messmate, to go
over to his brother’s place the next morning, get my wife and baby
and either take them to Courtney to her sister’s home or bring them
to Navasota, where we expected to meet them the next evening.
In crossing the ferry the next morning there were in the boat with
them twelve men in command of a lieutenant, heavily armed, who
had been out to the place, searching for us. My wife heard them
make their threats that if they caught up with Thorn or Graber that
they had orders to shoot them down without benefit of a court
After spending that night at a friend’s house, we three started for
Navasota, on the west side of the river, Stevenson having left us at
the ferry the day before. I have never seen him since. We crossed
the river at Old Washington and arrived at Navasota in the evening,
where I met my wife, who was taken to a Mr. Felder’s house.
Our arrival at Navasota created great excitement. We were
visited by many of the best citizens of the town, some of whom
begged us to stay. They just wanted a chance at them, when they
came after us, but I told them no, that our case was bad enough and
that it would only result in involving our friends without accomplishing
anything, which I was determined not to do. I therefore arranged to
leave next morning for Waxahachie, where I was well acquainted,
having spent two years of my boyhood there.
After a day’s reflection we just began to realize our condition.
Outlawed by the powers that were, everything that we had in the
world lost, confiscated, dependent altogether on what financial aid
and assistance we might accept; and, although we had abundant aid
offered us, it only made us more desperate. We felt that our fate was
sealed, though we had not a moment’s thought of regret; we felt that
we had done right, that we could not have done otherwise and were
simply the victims of conditions existing.
I parted with my wife next morning, never expecting to see her
again, telling her whenever she heard of my being in their hands, it
would be my dead body; I would never surrender.
We now started on our trip to Waxahachie, without incident,
stopping at houses at night, without disclosing our identity, giving
fictitious names. When we reached Spring Hill we found a Mr.
George H. Porter of Houston, an old army acquaintance of Thorn’s,
who was out collecting for T. W. House of Houston. We also found a
Federal quartermaster from Waco, out buying horses for the troops
stationed at that point. Now, my friend, Thorn, had got to drinking
very hard, getting more desperate every day and conceived the idea
to hold up this quartermaster and make him give us his money. I
spurned the idea, telling Thorn that he could not do it while I was
there. I was not willing to turn highway robber, which it would have
amounted to. Here was the turning point in our lives, especially in the
case of Thorn, who didn’t seem to have any compunctions in the
matter, though, in the eyes of many, he would have been fully
justified. The Government, through their soldiers, had robbed us of
everything we had and was seeking to take our lives without the
benefit of a court martial, and, under the circumstances, Thorn’s idea
might have been justified.
My friend Thorn readily yielded when I called his attention to the
disgrace such an act would bring on our families, to say nothing of
having entered into such practices, which would have carried us
further into an infamous career. To me, the fact that we had to
depend on misrepresentation and lies to save our lives as long as
we could, with a faint hope of ultimately living out of it, was bad
enough. Lying was revolting to my very nature. I always detested a
liar, as much so as I did a thief, but in this case, I leave it to the
reader whether we were justified or not.
On parting with Mr. Porter, the next day, he pulled out a large
purse of twenty dollar gold pieces and offered it to Thorn; told him to
take it all, but I pushed back his hand and told Thorn that he must
not take a dollar of it, as it was money collected by Porter, belonging
to T. W. House. Porter insisted on him taking some of it; saying that
he could replace it from his salary account, but I said no, I had good
friends at Waxahachie, who would furnish me whatever money we
actually needed. George A. Porter is still living in Houston and has
built up one of the largest commission businesses in the place.
We now proceeded to Waxahachie without further incident and
put up at the Rogers House. E.W. Rogers being an old friend of mine
he did his best to make us feel at home. Here, as stated, I was
known by many of the old citizens and we passed under our own
names. About a week passed, during which time we watched the
daily papers and read every report from South Texas, expecting daily
pursuit. One day, while in a store across the street from the Rogers
House, old man Rogers came in, somewhat excited, and told us a
man had just got off the stage at the hotel and registered as “Brown,
from Hempstead.” He thought, from his talk, he was a Federal and
advised us to go over and investigate. We immediately started
across, and noticed the man in the door. When within about fifteen
feet of him, he recognized me, saying, “Hello, Mr. Graber; are you
here? We thought you were in Mexico by this time.” I told him, “No,
we are going to Mexico, but not the way you thought we were.” By
this time Thorn had got inside of the door and said to Brown, “Let me
see you a minute,” and led him into our room. As soon as inside,
Thorn jerked out his pistol, saying, “Get down on your knees and say
your prayers; d—— you, I ‘m going to kill you.” I quickly pushed his
pistol aside, told him to hold on and let us hear what he had to say;
“if he is here on business, after us, you can take him.”
The fellow told a straight tale about his business there, saying
that he came to see an aunt of his, who lived about fifteen miles from
Waxahachie, a woman who was known to me. I told him to get up,
that he was all right and not on business for us. He said that he
never would tell of seeing us there if we did not want him to do so.
He said that he was a Missourian and had been in the Federal Army;
was wounded at the battle of Elkhorn, in his left wrist, a bad scar of
which he showed us, and said this brought him to his senses; he quit
fighting us and went into the sutler’s business, to make what money
he could out of them, and came to Hempstead with the troops in that
capacity, though when I became known to him there, he was a mail
clerk in the post office, though I did not recall his face. He told us,
furthermore, that he was quite intimate with Capt. Lancaster and had
heard Lancaster say that he told these fellows if they didn’t quit their
deviltry somebody would kill them, but Brown said Lancaster told him
that he had his orders, received from General Griffin at Galveston,
who was then in command of Texas, and Griffin had orders from
General Sheridan to make an example of us and have us shot down
wherever we were found, without the benefit of a court martial. I told
Brown, when he got back, to tell Captain Lancaster where he had
met us and also his treatment at our hands and since he, Lancaster,
had orders to show us no quarter, which we didn’t ask or expect at
his hands, and if we should ever meet up with him I would make it a
special point to get him, like we did the chief desperado at
Realizing that my friend Thorn had become too desperate for me
to control, especially while drinking, I determined to cut loose from
him, which I felt justified in doing, as he was then comparatively out
of danger, and I suggested to him to start to California, where his
mother was living. She was wealthy and able to take care of him and
his family if he could succeed in bringing them out. This he decided
to do. I then borrowed some money and had a business friend to rig
him out in some good clothes and charge to me. I gave him a very
fine gold watch and chain I had and started him for California, by
way of Kansas City and the Union Pacific Railroad. I parted with him
about two miles north of Waxahachie, he continuing in that direction
and I turning east, out of sight of the town, suspecting that we might
be watched, as to the direction we were both going. I forgot to
mention that I exchanged horses with my friend Rogers’ son, for one
of the best saddle horses in the country, and on this horse, well
armed, having four six-shooters (two in holsters on my saddle and
two on my belt), I felt I could ride all around and through that garrison
in Hempstead, or any pursuing party. I then struck out for Navasota,
with the determination to bring my wife and baby out, fearing they
would arrest her and hold her as hostage.
Riding along the main road in Freestone County, about noon,
with a severe headache, I discovered a white house on the prairie,
about a mile to the right of the road and noticing a negro ahead of
me, crossing the road going towards the house, I hurried and caught
up with him. I asked him who lived at that house. He answered
“Marse Dick Oliver,” who proved to be an old army friend of mine. I
rode up to the house and found my friend Dick at home, and he
introduced me to his family under my real name. They insisted on
me spending the balance of the day and night with them. Dick said
he would send for several of our old comrades, who lived in that
neighborhood, to come and see me, which he did. One of them,
Bulger Peeples, remained all night with me.
The next morning Dick made him go to a neighbor’s and get what
money he had, which proved to be fifty dollars in silver, which he
insisted on my taking before we parted. I hesitated, but finally
accepted it. I now proceeded on down to Navasota, where I arrived
in the morning, early, and went to the store of an acquaintance, a Mr.
Guy. I remained in his back room all day long, while he sent to
Courtney for my wife and baby to come up and meet me at Mr.
Felder’s that night. We there spent the whole night with Mr. Felder
and his family, planning what was best to do. I learned that they had
been watching Dr. Hall’s place at Courtney, my wife’s sister’s home,
closely, ever since I left, hoping to catch me there on a visit. It was
decided that it would be impossible to take them out with me, as they
would, no doubt, exert extra efforts by scattering troops around
immediately, when they found that she had left home. We finally
decided that my only chance for escape would be to go to Mexico.
Mr. Felder had a brother living in Tuxpan, Mexico, to whom he gave
me a letter of introduction and assured me that I would be safe with
him if I ever succeeded in reaching there. I also arranged with my
wife to correspond with her by means of an acid, which can be used
as ink, but is invisible until held up to heat, which brings it out black. I
would then get some friend to write to Dr. Hall, my brother-in-law, on
some business subject. Only a few lines would be written and when
he received our communications he would understand it and hand
the letter to my wife, who would bring out the acid writing on the
remaining blank of the sheet. In this letter I would tell her where Dr.
Hall could direct his letter and by that means we kept in
About daylight next morning, during a severe thunder and rain
storm, one of the darkest nights I was ever out in, Mr. Felder took me
through his field to the Piedmont Springs road, which I followed by
the lightning, as best I could, swimming one slough, but got safely
across the Navasota River and soon arrived at a house where I
decided to stop and have my clothes dried, take a nap and get some
I called at the house and found the gentleman very pleasant. I
told him I was in trouble and wanted to stop and get some breakfast
and have my clothes dried. He very cordially invited me in, loaned
me a change of his clothes, while his wife dried my clothing and
prepared some breakfast for me, during which time I took a nap. I
then left the house, refreshed, and started on to Centerville, Leon

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