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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Course Overview
In the digital era, organizations are reinventing their advertising strategies to better engage and
connect with their customers. This path will equip you with the skills, insights and digital
understanding to be a particularly effective digital marketer and generate a measurable effect on
your company’s backside line.

Data Science, ML and AI Python Bootcamp enables you to become a professional Python
programmer. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of the Python programming language,
Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. You’ll harness the power of complex
data structures like lists, sets, dictionaries, and tuples to store collections of related data. You’ll
define and document your own custom functions, write scripts, and handle errors. You’ll learn to
find and use modules in the Python Standard Library and other third-party libraries. In this you'll
be learning machine learning algorithms. Lastly, you'll be learning Artificial Intelligence concepts
which will make you an expert in AI.

• Beginners in AI and Machine Learning.
• Python beginners who are interested in machine learning.

• 100 % Hands-on Training
• 40 Hrs Instructor-led Training
• 6 Projects
• Certifications, videos and resources
• Weekly assignments and assessments
• Industry-relevant content

Target Audience
• Beginners in AI and Machine Learning.
• Python beginners who are interested in machine learning.
What you will learn
• Learn different machine learning techniques by realising various classifications and
regression techniques.
• Identify the concept of clustering and understand how clustering can automatically
segment data.
• Understand natural language processing by learning the basics of text processing in
• Developing various Ai Games
• Build intelligent systems that are based on images, texts and time series data as part of
the projects.
• Understanding Deep learning algorithms and building applications using such
• Learn how to detect objects and extract feature and applying the same in real time
industry-based projects.
• Explore different libraries under Python for data manipulation, pre-processing, and
• Learn the fundamentals of machine learning.
• Learn the concepts of optimization and its available techniques to identify the errors in
Machine Learning model that you have designed.

Skills Learned
• Fundamentals of Python language
• Writing Python codes and program
• Build and run project based on Python
• Create your own applications for data retrieval, processing, and visualization
• Data Science Libraries
• Machine Learning
• Machine Learning Algorithms
• Artificial Intelligence

This course introduces the student to Python language. Upon completion of this class, you will
be more than comfortable to write Python programs. Through this course, you will:
• -Have an insight on features of Python that make it an excellent choice for projects of
virtually any size.
• Understand the distinctions between Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial
• Discover how AI and deep learning algorithms are used now.
• Build the simplest Machine Learning models possible.
• Machine Learning models can be predicted and developed.
Course Outline

Module 1:
• Introduction
• Setting up environment
• Variables
• Strings
• Escape and special character
• Formatted strings
• Numbers
• Operators
• Type conversion

Module 2:
• Conditional statements
• Ternary operators
• For loops
• Nested for loops
• While loop

Module 3:
• Functions
• Function Arguments and parameters
• Xargs
• Xxargs

Module 4:
• List
• Tuple
• Sets

Module 5:
• Dictionaries
• Arrays
Module 6:
• Exceptions
• Handling exceptions
• Handling different exceptions
• The With statement
• Raising exceptions
• Cost of rising exceptions
• Classes and Objects
• Constructors
• Inheritance

Module 7:
• Introduction To Data Science
• Numpy
• Pandas

Module 8:
• Pandas Continue
• Handling Missing Data Using Pandas

Module 9:
• Matplotlib
• Exploratory Data Analysis: Analysing Data Of Telecom Industry

Module 10:
• Introduction To Machine Learning
• Linear Regression
• First Project: Predicting Student Grades
• In this you will be designing a python project that will predict Student Test Grade on the
basis of Hours Studied using linear regression.

Module 11:
• Student Test Grade Prediction Continue
• Build a model using Linear Regression
• Analysing Accuracy of Model
• Making Predictions
Module 12:
• Introduction To Polynomial Regression
• Vendor Mode Matrix
• Case Study: Practical Implementation of Polynomial Regression
• Making Predictions

Module 13:
• Second Project: Predict Profit using Multiple Linear Regression
• In this you will be designing a python project that will predict future profit made by the
startups. In this you will be learning multivariate regression.

Module 14:
• Third Project: Healthcare Industry Predicting Diabetes
• This dataset is originally from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases. The objective of the dataset is to diagnostically predict whether or not
a patient has diabetes, based on certain diagnostic measurements included in the
dataset. In this you will be learning the concepts of Logistic Regression.

Module 15:
• Computer Vision for Beginners
• Introduction to OpenCV and Image Processing in Python. In this you'll be learning Facial
Recognition using OpenCV.

Module 16:
• Forth Project: Student Attendance Using OpenCV
• This model integrates a camera that captures an input image, an algorithm for detecting
face from an input image, encoding, and identifying the face, marking the attendance in
a spreadsheet, and converting it into EXCEL file.

Module 17:
• Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
• Need Of Artificial Intelligence
• AI Capstone Project

Module 18:
• Fifth Project: Image Recognition Using AI
• In this project, we will briefly introduce the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in
computer vision, the challenges involved, the existing modern solutions to these
challenges and how you can apply these solutions conveniently and easily without taking
much time and effort.
Module 19:
• Introduction To Natural Language Processing
• Difference Between Text Mining and NLP
• Natural Language Processing Applications
• Terminologies In Natural Language Processing
• Sixth Project: Twitter Sentiment Analysis
• Sentiment analysis is the automated process of analysing text data and sorting it into
sentiments positive, negative, or neutral. Using sentiment analysis tools to analyse
opinions in Twitter data can help companies understand how people are talking about
their brand.

Module 20:
• A Comprehensive Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks
• Advancements in Computer Vision with Deep Learning
• Convolutional Neural Network Introduction
• How Do Convolutional Layers Work in Deep Learning Neural
• Networks
• Deep convolutional models: Case Studies

Module 21:
• Quizzes, Assignments and Certifications

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