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BN 512 (An introduction): Stage 1 Novice

Student’s Name Student ID No. Start Date Finish Date Paper Code
Day/Month/Year Day/Month/Year BN512

EVIDENCE CODE/INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete using the following abbreviation code: Observed (O), Third party feedback (T), Question and answer (Q & A), Simulation S, Documentary evidence (D),
Reflection (R), Making satisfactory progress towards achievement at formative (MSP), Failing to achieve at formative (FTA), Failed to meet competencies at summative assessment/reassessment(F)
Competencies Learning Outcomes Student self-assessment (week two) Student self-assessment (week four)
Relate to the specific clinical placement context
Evidence Student comments Evidence Student comments
1. Domain one: Professional Is able to:
1. List one example of each of the
1. Shows an awareness of professional, professional, legal and ethical
legal and ethical responsibilities responsibilities of the role of the nurse.
applied to nursing practice. 1.1 Describe one of these examples and its
application to practice.

2. Shows an awareness of the principles 2. Outline how one principle of the Treaty of
of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi is applied
Waitangi. to nursing practice and health care.

3. Shows an awareness of the principles 3. Outline one example of the registered

of accountability in nursing. nurse demonstrating accountability in

4. Shows an awareness of promoting a 4. Describe one example of infection control

safe environment. in the practice setting.

5. Recognises the importance of cultural 5. Describe one example of how cultural

awareness applied to nursing practice. awareness is applied in nursing care in
the practice setting.

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2. Domain two: Management of Is able to:
nursing care
1. Observe and assist in the provision of
1. Provides planned nursing care. nursing care under the supervision of a
registered nurse.
1.1 Practise essential nursing skills at novice
stage of development as documented in
the Clinical Skills Handbook.
1.2 Observe the procedure for the correct
administration of drugs commonly
administered in the practice setting.

2. Undertakes nursing assessment of 2. Observe and assist in the nursing

health consumers. assessment of health consumers under
the supervision of a registered nurse.

3. Understands the key principles of 3. Demonstrate literacy skills when

maintaining nursing documentation. recording nursing information.
3.1 Records accurately the findings from
assessment of vital signs.

4. Shows an awareness of the importance 4. Describe one example of an ethical issue

of adequate explanation to health related to nursing practice and health
consumers. care.

5. Shows an awareness of the student’s 5. State one example of fire or safety

responsibilities in a situation which procedures in the practice setting
may compromise safety. 5.1 State the emergency phone number.

6. Evaluates health consumer’s progress. 6. Observe and assist in the evaluation of

care under the supervision of a
registered nurse.

7. Shows an awareness of the importance 7. List two examples of health education

of health education. given to health consumers by the
registered nurse.

8. Shows an awareness of ways to 8. Identify own level of competence and

evaluate the effectiveness of care. seek assistance as necessary.

9. Shows an awareness of maintaining 9. Take responsibility for own learning in the

professional development. practice setting.

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3. Domain three: Interpersonal Is able to:

1. Shows an awareness of the principles of 1. Introduce self to staff, health consumers

interpersonal and therapeutic and significant others in the practice
communication with health consumers setting.
and members of the health care team. 1.1 Demonstrate respect for health
consumers and significant others.

2. Recognises nursing as a partnership 2. Gain verbal consent before initiating

with the health consumer where interventions.
possible. 2.1 Be aware of family/whanau perspectives.

3. Communicates effectively with health 3.1 Communicate with staff, health

consumers and colleagues. consumers and significant others in an
appropriate manner.

4. Domain four: Interprofessional Is able to:

health care & quality improvement
1. Describe one example of the
1. Shows an awareness of the nursing contribution of nursing in the
perspective within the interprofessional interprofessional health care team.
activities of the health care team.

2. Shows an awareness of the roles and 2. Describe the specific roles of three
skills of all members of the health care different members of the health care
team in the delivery of care. team in the practice setting.

3. Shows an awareness of quality 3. List one example of how registered

improvement activities to monitor and nurses in the practice setting monitor
improve standards of nursing. standards of nursing care.

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