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Statistics for Business and Economics

12th Edition McClave Solutions Manual

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Statistics for Business and Economics 12th Edition

McClave Test Bank

Statistics for Business and Economics 13th Edition

McClave Solutions Manual

Statistics for Business and Economics 13th Edition

McClave Test Bank

Statistics for Business and Economics 12th Edition

Anderson Solutions Manual
Statistics for Business and Economics Revised 12th
Edition Anderson Solutions Manual

Statistics 12th Edition McClave Test Bank

First Course in Statistics 12th Edition McClave

Solutions Manual

Statistics for Business and Economics 12th Edition

Anderson Test Bank

Statistics for Business and Economics Revised 12th

Edition Anderson Test Bank
Chapter 10
Categorical Data Analysis
10.1 a. The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  3  1  2 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 5.99147 . The rejection region is  2  5.99147 .

b. The rejection region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  5  1  4 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 7.77944 . The rejection region is  2  7.77944 .

c. The rejection region requires   .01 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  4  1  3 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .01
 11.3449 . The rejection region is  2  11.3449 .

10.2 The characteristics of the multinomial experiment are:

1. The experiment consists of n identical trials.

2. There are k possible outcomes to each trial.
3. The probabilities of the k outcomes, denoted p1, p2, ... , pk, remain the same from trial to trial, where
p1 + p2 +  + pk = 1.
4. The trials are independent.
5. The random variables of interest are the counts n1, n2, ... , nk in each of the k cells.

The characteristics of the binomial are the same as those for the multinomial with k  2 .

10.3 The sample size n will be large enough so that, for every cell, the expected cell count, Ei, will be equal to 5
or more.

10.4 The hypotheses of interest are:

H 0 : p1  .25, p2  .25, p3  .50

H a : At lease one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

E1  np1,0  320(.25)  80 E2  np2,0  320(.25)  80 E3  np3,0  320(.50)  160

 ni  Ei 
(78  80) 2 (60  80) 2 (182  160) 2
The test statistic is  2       8.075
Ei 80 80 160

The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  3  1  2 . From
Table IV, Appendix B,  .05
 5.99147 . The rejection region is  2  5.99147 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  8.075  5.99147) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that at least one of the probabilities differs from its
hypothesized value at   .05 .

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Categorical Data Analysis 565

10.5 Some preliminary calculations are:

If the probabilities are the same, p1,0  p2,0  p3,0  p4,0  .25

E1  np1,0  205(.25)  51.25  E2  E3  E4

a. To determine if the multinomial probabilities differ, we test:

H 0 : p1  p2  p3  p4  .25
H a : At lease one of the probabilities differs from .25

The test statistic is

[ni  Ei ]2 (43  51.25) 2 (56  51.25) 2 (59  51.25) 2 (47  51.25) 2

2        3.293
Ei 51.25 51.25 51.25 51.25

The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  4  1  3 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 7.81473 . The rejection region is  2  7.81473 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region
(  2  3.293  7.81473) , H0 is not rejected. There is insufficient evidence to indicate the multinomial
probabilities differ at   .05 .

b. The Type I error is concluding the multinomial probabilities differ when, in fact, they do not.

The Type II error is concluding the multinomial probabilities are equal, when, in fact, they are not.

c. For confidence coefficient .95,   .05 and  / 2  .05 / 2  .025 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.025  1.96 .

pˆ 3  59 / 205  .288

The confidence interval is:

pq .288(.712)
pˆ 3  z.025  .288  1.96  .288  .062   .226, .350 
n 205

10.6 a. The data are categorical because they are measured using categories, not meaningful numbers. The
possible categories are legs only, wheels only, both legs and wheels, and neither legs nor wheels.

b. Let p1  proportion of social robots with legs only, p2  proportion of social robots with wheels only,
p3  proportion of social robots with both legs and wheels, and p4  proportion of social robots with
neither legs nor wheels. To determine if the design engineer’s claim is incorrect, we test:

H 0 : p1  .50, p2  .30, p3  .10, and p4  .10

H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

c. If the claim is true, E1  np1,0  106(.50)  53 , E2  np2,0  106 .30   31.8 ,

E3  np3,0  106 .10   10.6 , and E4  np4,0  106 .10   10.6 .

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

566 Chapter 10

 ni  Ei 
(63  53) 2 (20  31.8) 2 (8  10.6) 2 (15  10.6) 2
d. The test statistic is  2        8.730
Ei 53 31.8 10.6 10.6

e. The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  4  1  3 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 7.81473 . The rejection region is  2  7.81473 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  8.730  7.81473) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that at least one of the probabilities differs from its
hypothesized value at.   .05 .

10.7 a. Let p1  proportion using total visitors, p2  proportion using paying visitors, p3  proportion using
big shows, p4  proportion using funds raised, and p5  proportion using members.

To determine if one performance measure is used more often than any of the others, we test:

H 0 : p1  p2  p3  p4  p5  .20
H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

From the printout, the test statistic is  2  1.66667 and the p-value is p  0.797 .

Since the p-value is not less than  ( p  .797  .10) , H0 is not rejected. There is insufficient evidence
to indicate that one performance measure is used more often than any of the others at   .10 .

b. For confidence coefficient .90,   .10 and  / 2  .10 / 2  .05 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.05  1.645 .

pˆ 1  8 / 30  .267

The confidence interval is:

pq .267(.733)
pˆ1  z.05  .267  1.645  .267  .133  (.134, .400)
n 30

We are 90% confident that the proportion of museums world-wide that use total visitors as their
performance measure is between .134 and .400.

10.8 a. The categorical variable is the rating of the student exposure to social and environmental issues. It
has 5 levels: 1-star, 2-stars, 3-stars, 4-stars, and 5-stars.

b. If there were no difference in the category proportions, then each proportion should be
pi  1 / 5  .20 . There were a total of n = 30 business schools sampled. The expected number would
be: E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  npi ,0  30(.20)  6

c. To determine if there are differences in the star rating category proportions of all MBA programs, we

H 0 : p1  p2  p3  p4  p5  .20
H a : At lease one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

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Categorical Data Analysis 567

 ni  Ei   2  6 9  6 14  6  5  6 0  6
2 2 2 2 2 2

d. The test statistic is  2         21

Ei 6 6 6 6 6

e. The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  5  1  4 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 9.48773 . The rejection region is  2  9.48773 .

f. Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  21  9.48773) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate differences in the star rating category proportions of
all MBA programs at   .05 .

x3 14
g. Some preliminary calculations are: pˆ 3    .467
n 30

For confidence coefficient .95,   .05 and  / 2  .05 / 2  .025 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.025  1.96 . The 95% confidence interval is:

pˆ 3 qˆ3 .467(.533)
pˆ 3  z.025  .467  1.96  .467  .179  (.288, .646)
n 30

We are 95% confident that the proportion of all MBA programs that are ranked in the 3-star category
is between .288 and .646.

10.9 a. Since there are 10 income groups, we would expect 10% or 1, 072(.10)  107.2 givers in each of the
income categories.

b. The null hypothesis for testing whether the true proportions of charitable givers in each income group
are the same is:

H 0 : p1  p2    p10  .10

c. Some preliminary calculations are: E1  E2    E10  npi ,0  1, 072(.10)  107.2

[ ni  Ei ]2 (42  107.2) 2 (93  107.2) 2 (127  107.2) 2

2      ...   93.15
Ei 107.2 107.2 107.2

d. The rejection region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  10  1  9 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 14.6837 . The rejection region is  2  14.6837 .

e. Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  93.15  14.6837) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the true proportions of charitable givers in each
income group are not all the same at   .10 .

10.10 a. The qualitative variable is firm position on off-shoring. There are four levels: “currently off-shoring,”
“not currently off-shoring, but plan to do so,” “off-shored in the past, but no more,” and “off-shoring is
not applicable.”

b. Let p1  proportion of firms currently off-shoring, p2  proportion of firms not currently off-shoring,
but plan to do so, p3  proportion of firms off-shored in the past, but no more, and p4  proportion of
firms where off-shoring is not applicable.
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568 Chapter 10

Some preliminary calculations are: E1  E2  E3  E4  npi,0  600 .25  150

To determine if the proportions of U.S. firms in the four off-shoring position categories is significantly
different, we test:

H 0 : p1  p2  p3  p4  .25
H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

The test statistic is

 ni  Ei 
(126  150) 2 (72  150) 2 (30  150) 2 (372  150) 2
 
     468.96
Ei 150 150 150 150

The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  4  1  3 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 7.81473 . The rejection region is  2  7.81473 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  468.96  7.81473) , H0
is rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that at least one of the proportions of U.S. firms in
the four off-shoring position categories is significantly different at   .05 .

c. For confidence coefficient .95,   .05 and  / 2  .05 / 2  .025 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.025  1.96 .

pˆ 1  126 / 600  .21

The confidence interval is:

pq .21(.79)
pˆ1  z.025  .21  1.96  .21  .033  (.177, .243)
n 600

We are 95% confident that the proportion of U.S. firms who are currently off-shoring is between .177
and .243.

10.11 Let p1  proportion users using both hands/both thumbs, p2  proportion of users using right hand/right
thumb, p3  proportion of users using left hand/left thumb, p4  proportion of users using both hands/right
index finger, p5  proportion of users using left hand/right index finger and p6  proportion of users using
other. Some preliminary calculations: E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  E6  npi,0  859 1/ 6   143.167 .

To determine if the proportions of mobile device users in the six texting style categories differ, we test:

H 0 : p1  p2  p3  p4  p5  p6  1 / 6
H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

The test statistic is

 n  Ei   (396  143.167) 2  (311  143.167)2  (70  143.167) 2  (39  143.167)2

2   i
Ei 143.167 143.167 143.167 143.167
(18  143.167) 2 (25  143.167) 2
   756.436
143.167 143.167

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Categorical Data Analysis 569

The rejection region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  6  1  5 . From
Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 9.23635 . The rejection region is  2  9.23635 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  756.436  9.23635) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the proportions of mobile device users in the six
texting style categories differ at   .10 .

10.12 Let p1  proportion of anchor tenants, p2  proportion of major space users, p3  proportion of large
standard tenants, p4  proportion of small standard tenants, and p5  proportion of small tenants. Some
preliminary calculations:

E1  np1,0  1,821.01  18.21 E2  np2,0  1,821.05  91.05 E3  np3,0  1,821.10   182.1

E4  np4,0  1,821.40   728.4 E5  np5,0  1,821.44   801.24

To determine if the mall developer’s belief is correct, we test:

H 0 : p1  .01, p2  .05, p3  .10, p4  .40, p5  .44

H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

The test statistic is

 ni  Ei 
(14  18.21) 2 (61  91.05) 2 (216  182.1) 2 (711  728.4) 2
2      
Ei 18.21 91.05 182.1 728.4
(819  801.24) 2
  18.011

The rejection region requires   .01 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  5  1  4 . From
Table IV, Appendix D,  .01
 13.2767 . The rejection region is  2  13.2767 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  18.011  13.2767) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the proportions of tenants in the five categories differ
from the developer’s belief at   .01 .

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

570 Chapter 10

10.13 a. The data come from a multinomial experiment because there are several possible categorical
responses to the question.

b. To determine if the multinomial probabilities agree with the theory, we test:

H 0 : p1 =.50, p2  p3  p4  p5  .10, p6  p7  .05

c. Using MINITAB, the results are:

Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for Observed Counts in Variable: C1

Test Contribution
Category Observed Proportion Expected to Chi-Sq
1 869 0.50 1059.50 34.252
2 339 0.10 211.90 76.236
3 338 0.10 211.90 75.041
4 127 0.10 211.90 34.016
5 85 0.10 211.90 75.996
6 128 0.05 105.95 4.589
7 233 0.05 105.95 152.352

N DF Chi-Sq P-Value
2119 6 452.483 0.000

To determine if the multinomial probabilities agree with the theory, we test:

H 0 : p1 =.50, p2  p3  p4  p5  .10, p6  p7  .05

H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from its hypothesized value

The test statistic is  2  452.843 and the p-value is p  0.000 . Since the p-value is less that   .01 ,
H0 is rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that at least one of the proportions differs from
its hypothesized value at   .01 .

10.14 Some preliminary calculations are:

E1  np1,0  2, 023(.45)  910.35 E2  np2,0  2, 023(.35)  708.05

E3  np3,0  2, 023(.15)  303.45 E4  np4,0  2, 023(.05)  101.15

To determine if the percentages of all adults falling into the four response categories changed after the
Enron scandal, we test:

H 0 : p1  .45, p2  .35, p3  .15, and p4  .05

H a : At lease one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

The test statistic is

 ni  Ei  1,173  910.35  587  708.05 182  303.45 81  101.15
2 2 2 2 2

2      
Ei 910.35 708.05 303.45 101.15
 149.096

The rejection region requires   .01 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  4  1  3 . From
Table IV, Appendix D,  .01
 11.3449 . The rejection region is  2  11.3449 .

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Categorical Data Analysis 571

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  149.096  11.3449) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate the percentages of all adults falling into the four response
categories changed after the Enron scandal at   .01 .

10.15 Let p1  proportion of mail only users, p2  proportion of Internet only users, and p3  proportion of both
mail and Internet. Some preliminary calculations:

E1  E2  E3  npi,0  440 1 / 3  146.667

To determine if the professor’s beliefs are correct, we test:

H 0 : p1  p2  p3  1 / 3
H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

The test statistic is

 ni  Ei 
(262  146.667) 2 (43  146.667) 2 (135  146.667) 2
2       164.895
Ei 146.667 146.667 146.667

The rejection region requires   .01 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  3  1  2 . From
Table IV, Appendix D,  .01
 9.21034 . The rejection region is  2  9.21034 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  164.895  9.21034) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the proportions mail only, Internet only, and both
mail and Internet users differ at   .01 .

10.16 Some preliminary calculations are:

E1  np1,0  943(.51)  480.93 E2  np2,0  943(.37)  348.91

E3  np3,0  943(.09)  84.87 E4  np4,0  943(.03)  28.29

To determine if the data from the independent survey contradict the percentages reported by the CPS Cell
Phone Supplement, we test:

H 0 : p1  .51, p2  .37, p3  .09 and p4  .03

H a : At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

The test statistic is

 ni  Ei  (473  480.93)2 (334  348.91)2 (106  84.87) 2 (30  29.29) 2

 
     6.132
Ei 480.93 348.91 84.87 29.29

The rejections region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  4  1  3 .
From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 6.25139. The rejection region is  2  6.25139 .

Since the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region (  2  6.132  6.25139) , H0 is not rejected.
There is insufficient evidence to indicate the data from the independent survey contradict the percentages
reported by the CPS Cell Phone Supplement at   .10 .

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572 Chapter 10

10.17 To determine if the number of overweight trucks per week is distributed over the 7 days of the week in
direct proportion to the volume of truck traffic, we test:

H0: p1 = .191, p2 = .198, p3 = .187, p4 = .180, p5 = .155, p6 = .043, p7 = .046

Ha: At least one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

E1  np1,0  414(.191)  79.074 E2  np2,0  414(.198)  81.972 E3  np3,0  414(.187)  77.418

E4  np4,0  414(.180)  74.520 E5  np2,0  414(.155)  64.170 E6  np3,0  414(.043)  17.802

E7  np3,0  414(.046)  19.044

The test statistic is

[ni  Ei ]2  90  79.074   82  81.972   72  77.418   70  74.520 
2 2 2 2

2      
Ei 79.074 81.972 77.418 74.520
 51  64.170  18  17.802   31  19.044 
2 2 2

    12.374
64.170 17.802 19.044

The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  7  1  6 . From
Table IV, Appendix D,  .05  12.5916 . The rejection region is  2  12.5916 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region (  2  12.374  12.5916) , H0
is not rejected. There is insufficient evidence to indicate the number of overweight trucks per week is
distributed over the 7 days of the week is not in direct proportion to the volume of truck traffic at   .05 .

10.18 Some preliminary calculations are:

E1  np1,0  435(.28)  121.8 E2  np2,0  435(.04)  17.4

E3  np3,0  435(.02)  8.7 E4  np4,0  435(.66)  287.1

To determine if the House of Representatives is not statistically representative of the religious affiliations
of their constituents, we test:

H 0 : p1  .28, p2  .04, p3  .02, and p4  .66

H a : At lease one of the probabilities differs from the hypothesized value

The test statistic is

 ni  Ei 
(117  121.8) 2 (61  17.4) 2 (30  8.7) 2 (227  287.1) 2
 
     174.169
Ei 121.8 17.4 8.7 287.1

Since no value of  was given, we will use   .05 . The rejections region requires   .05 in the upper tail
of the  2 distribution with df  k  1  4  1  3 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 7.81473 . The
rejection region is  2  7.81473 .

Since the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  174.169  7.81473) , Ho is rejected. There is sufficient
evidence to indicate the House of Representatives is not statistically representative of the religious
affiliations of their constituents at   .05 .

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Categorical Data Analysis 573

10.19 a. df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (5  1)(5  1)  16 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05

 26.2962 . The rejection
region is  2  26.2962 .

b. df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (3  1)(6  1)  10 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10

 15.9871 . The rejection
region is  2  15.9871 .

c. df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (2  1)(3  1)  2 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .01

 9.21034 . The rejection
region is  2  9.21034 .

10.20 a. H0: The row and column classifications are independent

Ha: The row and column classifications are dependent

[nij  Eˆij ]2
The test statistic is   
b. .

The rejection region requires   .01 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with
df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (2  1)(3  1)  2 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .01
 9.21034 . The rejection
region is  2  9.21034 .

c. The expected cell counts are:

R C 96(25) RC 96(64) R C 96(78)

Eˆ11  1 1   14.37 Eˆ12  1 2   36.79 Eˆ13  1 3   44.84
n 167 n 167 n 167

R C 71(25) RC 71(64) R C 71(78)

Eˆ 21  2 1   10.63 Eˆ 22  2 2   27.21 Eˆ 23  2 3   33.16
n 167 n 167 n 167

d. The test statistic is

[nij  Eˆ ij ]2 (9  14.37)2 (34  36.79) 2 (53  44.84) 2
2     
Eˆ ij
14.37 36.79 44.84
(16  10.63) 2 (30  27.21) 2 (25  33.16) 2
    8.71
10.63 27.21 33.16

Since the observed value of the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region
(  2  8.71  9.21034) , H0 is not rejected. There is insufficient evidence to indicate the row and
column classifications are dependent at   .01 .

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574 Chapter 10

10.21 a. To convert the frequencies to percentages, divide the numbers in each column by the column total
and multiply by 100. Also, divide the row totals by the overall total and multiply by 100. The
column totals are 25, 64, and 78, while the row totals are 96 and 71. The overall sample size is 165.
The table of percentages are:

1 2 3
Row 1 9 34 53 96
 100  36%  100  53.1%  100  67.9%  100  57.5%
25 64 78 167
2 16 30 25 71
 100  64%  100  46.9%  100  32.1%  100  42.5%
25 64 78 167

b. Using MINITAB, the graph is:








1 2 3

c. If the rows and columns are independent, the row percentages in each column would be close to the
row total percentages. This pattern is not evident in the plot, implying the rows and columns are not
independent. In Exercise 10.20, we did not have enough evidence to say the rows and columns were
not independent. If the sample sizes were bigger, we would have been able to reject H0.

10.22 Some preliminary calculations are:

R C 154(134) 154(163) 154(142)

Eˆ11  1 1   47.007 Eˆ12   57.180 Eˆ13   49.813
n 439 439 439

186(134) 186(163) 186(142)

Eˆ 21   56.774 Eˆ 22   69.062 Eˆ 23   60.164
439 439 439

99(134) 99(163) 99(142)

Eˆ 31   30.219 Eˆ 32   36.759 Eˆ 33   32.023
439 439 439

To determine if the row and column classifications are dependent, we test:

H0: The row and column classifications are independent

Ha: The row and column classifications are dependent

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Categorical Data Analysis 575

The test statistic is

[nij  Eˆ ij ]2 (40  47.007)2 (72  57.180)2 (42  49.813)2 (63  56.774)2

2      
Eˆ ij
47.007 57.180 49.813 56.774
(53  69.062) 2 (70  60.164) 2 (31  30.219) 2 (38  36.759)2 (30  32.023)2
      12.36
69.062 60.164 30.219 36.759 32.023

The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with
df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (3  1)(3  1)  4 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 9.48773 . The rejection region is
 2  9.48773 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  12.36  9.48773) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate the row and column classification are dependent at
  .05 .

10.23 a-b. To convert the frequencies to percentages, divide the numbers in each column by the column total
and multiply by 100. Also, divide the row totals by the overall total and multiply by 100.

B1 B2 B3 Totals
A1 40 72 42 154
 100  29.9%  100  44.2% 100  29.6%  100  35.1%
134 163 142 439
A2 63 53 70 186
Row  100  47.0%  100  32.5% 100  49.3%  100  42.4%
134 163 142 439
A3 31 38 30 99
 100  23.1%  100  23.3% 100  21.1%  100  22.6%
134 163 142 439

c. Using MINITAB, the graph of A1 is:







1 2 3

The graph supports the conclusion that the rows and columns are not independent. If they were, then
the height of all the bars would be essentially the same.

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576 Chapter 10

d. Using MINITAB, the graph of A2 is:






1 2 3

The graph supports the conclusion that the rows and columns are not independent. If they were, then
the height of all the bars would be essentially the same.

e. Using MINITAB, the graph of A3 is:






1 2 3

The graph does not support the conclusion that the rows and columns are not independent. All the
bars would be essentially the same.

10.24 a. The two qualitative variables are model of Accord and injury (yes or no).
b. The contingency table is:

Injury No Injury Total

Conventional 5,364 44,768 50,132
Hybrid 137 1,368 1,505
Total 5,501 46,136 51,637

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Categorical Data Analysis 577

c. To determine if the injury rate for collision claims depends on Accord model, we test:

H 0 : Model and Injury rate are independent

H a : Model and Injury rate are dependent

d. The expected cell counts are:

R C 50,132(5,501) RC 50,132(46,136)
Eˆ11  1 1   5,340.67 Eˆ12  1 2   44, 791.33
n 51, 637 n 51, 637

R C 1, 505(5, 501) R C 1, 505(46,136)

Eˆ 21  2 1   160.33 Eˆ 22  2 2   1, 344.67
n 51, 637 n 51, 637

e. The test statistic is:

 nij  Eˆ ij 
   5,364  5,340.67    44, 768  44, 791.33
2 2

   

Eˆ ij 5,340.67 44, 791.33

137  160.33 1,368  1,344.67 

2 2

   3.91
160.33 1,344.67

This agrees with the test statistic found on the XLSTAT printout.

f. The rejection region requires   .05 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with
df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (2  1)(2  1)  1 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .05
 3.84146 . The rejection
region is  2  3.84146 . This is the same critical value found on the XLSTAT printout.

g. Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  3.91  3.84146) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate the injury rate for collision claims depends on
Accord model at   .05 .

Since the p-value is less than  ( p  .0479  .05) , H0 is rejected. There is sufficient evidence to
indicate the injury rate for collision claims depends on Accord model at   .05 .

h. Some preliminary calculations are:

x1 5,364 x2 137
pˆ1    .107 pˆ 2    .091
n1 50,132 n2 1,505

For confidence coefficient .95,   .05 and  / 2  .05 / 2  .025 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.025  1.96 . The 95% confidence interval is:

pˆ1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ2 .107(.893) .091(.909)

( pˆ1  pˆ 2 )  z.025   (.107  .091)  1.96 
n1 n2 50,132 1,505
 .016  .015  (.001, .031)

Since the interval contains only positive numbers, the injury rate for hybrid Accords is less than the
injury rate for conventional Accords.

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578 Chapter 10

10.25 a. Yes, it appears that the male and female tourists differ in their responses to purchasing photographs,
postcards, and paintings. The values in the ‘Always’ and ‘Rarely or Never’ categories are quite
different. The percentages are insufficient to draw a conclusion because the sample sizes must be
taken into account.

b. The counts are found by changing the percentages to proportions and multiplying the proportions by
the sample sizes in each gender. The counts are:

Male Tourist Female Tourist Total

Always 240 476 716
Often 405 527 932
Occasionally 525 493 1018
Rarely or Never 330 204 534
Total 1500 1700 3200

c. To determine whether male and female tourists differ in their responses to purchasing photographs,
postcards, or paintings, we test:

H 0 : Gender and purchasing are independent

H a : Gender and purchasing are dependent

d. The test statistic is  2  112.433 and the p-value is p  .000 .

e. Since the p-value is less than  ( p  .000  .01) , H0 is rejected. There is sufficient evidence to
indicate male and female tourists differ in their responses to purchasing photographs, postcards, or
paintings at   .01 .

10.26 a. The sample proportion of negative tone news stories that are deceptive is 111 / 170  .653 .

b. The sample proportion of neutral tone news stories that are deceptive is 61 / 110  .555 .

c. The sample proportion of positive tone news stories that are deceptive is 11 / 31  .355 .

d. Yes, it appears that the proportion of news stories that are deceptive depends on the story tone. The
proportion that is deceptive for negative tone stories is .653, while the proportion that is deceptive for
positive tone stories is only .355. These proportions look much different.

e. To determine if the authenticity of a news story depends on tone, we test:

H 0 : Authenticity and tone are independent

H a : Authenticity and tone are dependent

f. The test statistic is  2  10.427 and the p-value is p  .005 .

Since the p-value is less than  ( p  .005  .05) , Ho is rejected. There is sufficient evidence to
indicate authenticity of a news story depends on tone at   .05 .

10.27 a. To compare the two proportions, we could use either a test of hypothesis or a confidence interval. I
will use a 95% confidence interval.

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Categorical Data Analysis 579

Some preliminary calculations are:

xM 1 29 xF 1 89
pˆ M 1    .282 pˆ F 1    .511
nM 103 nF 174

For confidence coefficient .95,   .05 and  / 2  .05 / 2  .025 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.025  1.96 . The 95% confidence interval is:

pˆ M 1qˆ M 1 pˆ F 1qˆ F 1 .282(.718) .511(.489)

 pˆ M 1  pˆ F1   z.025   .282  .511  1.96 
nM nF 103 174
 .229  .114  (.343,  .115)

We are 95% confident that the difference in the proportions of male and female professionals who
believe their salaries are too low is between .343 and .115. Since 0 is not in this interval, there is
evidence that the two proportions are different.

b. Some preliminary calculations are:

xM 2 58 xF 2 64
pˆ M 2    .563 pˆ F 2    .368
nM 103 nF 174

For confidence coefficient .95,   .05 and  / 2  .05 / 2  .025 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.025  1.96 . The 95% confidence interval is:

pˆ M 2 qˆ M 2 pˆ F 2 qˆ F 2 .563(.437) .368(.632)
 pˆ M 2  pˆ F 2   z.025   .563  .368   1.96 
nM nF 103 174
 .195  .120  (.075, .315)
We are 95% confident that the difference in the proportions of male and female professionals who
believe their salaries are equitable/fair is between .075 and .315. Since 0 is not in this interval, there
is evidence that the two proportions are different.

c. Some preliminary calculations are:

xM 3 16 xF 3 21
pˆ M 3    .155 pˆ F 3    .121
nM 103 nF 174

For confidence coefficient .95,   .05 and  / 2  .05 / 2  .025 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.025  1.96 . The 95% confidence interval is:

pˆ M 3 qˆ M 3 pˆ F 3 qˆ F 3 .155(.845) .121(.879)
 pˆ M 3  pˆ F 3   z.025   .155  .121  1.96 
nM nF 103 174
 .034  .085  (.051, .119)

We are 95% confident that the difference in the proportions of male and female professionals who
believe they are well paid is between .051 and .119. Since 0 is in this interval, there is no evidence
that the two proportions are different.

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580 Chapter 10

d. Yes. Since there were differences between the proportions of males and females on 2 of the 3 levels,
there is evidence that the opinions of males and females are different.

e. Some preliminary calculations are:

R C 118(103) RC 118(174)
Eˆ11  1 1   43.877 Eˆ12  1 2   74.123
n 277 n 277

R C 122(103) RC 122(174)
Eˆ 21  2 1   45.365 Eˆ 22  2 2   76.635
n 277 n 277

R C 37(103) RC 37(174)
Eˆ 31  3 1   13.758 Eˆ 33  3 3   23.242
n 277 n 277

To determine if the opinion on the fairness of a travel professional’s salary differ for males and
females, we test:

H0: Opinion and Gender are independent

Ha: Opinion and Gender are dependent

The test statistic is

 nij  Eˆ ij 
   29  43.877    89  74.123   58  45.365 
2 2 2

   

Eˆ ij
43.877 74.123 45.365

 64  76.635  16  13.758  21  23.242 

2 2 2

    14.214
76.635 13.758 23.242

The rejection region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with
df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (3  1)(2  1)  2 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 4.60517 . The rejection
region is  2  4.60517 .
Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  14.214  4.60517) , H0
is rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the opinions on the fairness of a travel
professional’s salary differ for males and females at   .10 .

f. For confidence coefficient .90,   .10 and  / 2  .10 / 2  .05 . From Table II, Appendix D,
z.05  1.645 . The 90% confidence interval is:

pˆ M 1qˆM 1 pˆ F 1qˆ F 1 .282(.718) .511(.489)

 pˆ M 1  pˆ F 1   z.05   .282  .511  1.645 
nM nF 103 174
 .229  .096  (.325,  .133)

We are 90% confident that the difference in the proportions of male and female professionals who
believe their salaries are too low is between -.325 and -.133. Since 0 is not in this interval, there is
evidence that the two proportions are different.

10.28 a. Let p3  proportion of the 3-photos per page group who selected the target mugshot, p6  proportion
of the 6-photos per page group who selected the target mugshot, and p12  proportion of the 12-photos
per page group who selected the target mugshot.

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

Categorical Data Analysis 581

19 19 15
pˆ 3   .594 , pˆ 6   .594 , pˆ12   .469
32 32 32

The 12-photos per page group had the lowest proportion.

b. The contingency table is:

Target Target
Mugshot Mugshot not Total
selected selected
3-photos per page 19 13 32
3-photos per page 19 13 32
3-photos per page 15 17 32
Total 53 43 96

c. Some preliminary calculations are:

R C 32(53) R C 32(53) R C 32(53)
Eˆ11  1 1   17.667 Eˆ 21  2 1   17.667 Eˆ 31  3 1   17.667
n 96 n 96 n 96

RC 32(43) RC 32(43) RC 32(43)

Eˆ12  1 2   14.333 Eˆ 22  2 2   14.333 Eˆ 32  3 2   14.333
n 96 n 96 n 96

To determine if there are differences in the proportions who selected the target mugshot among the
three photo groups, we test:

H 0 : Photo group and Mugshot selection are independent

H a : Photo group and Mugshot selection are dependent

The test statistic is:

 nij  Eˆ ij 
  19  17.667   13  14.333  19  17.667   13  14.333
2 2 2 2

   

Eˆ ij 17.667 14.333 17.667 14.333

15  17.667  17  14.333

2 2

   1.348
17.667 14.333

The rejection region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with
df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (3  1)(2  1)  2 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 4.60517 . The rejection
region is  2  4.60517 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region
(  2  1.348  4.60517) , H0 is not rejected. There is insufficient evidence to indicate that there are
differences in the proportions who selected the target mugshot among the three photo groups at
  .10 .

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582 Chapter 10

10.29 Using MINITAB, the contingency table analysis is:

Tabulated statistics: Position, Nationality

Using frequencies in Fr

Rows: Position Columns: Nationality

1 2 3 4 All

1 126 75 35 93 329
2 72 36 10 27 145
3 30 9 4 6 49
4 372 180 51 174 777
All 600 300 100 300 1300

Cell Contents: Count

Pearson Chi-Square = 21.242, DF = 9, P-Value = 0.012

Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square = 21.327, DF = 9, P-Value = 0.011

To determine if a firm’s position on off-shoring depends on the firm’s nationality, we test:

H 0 : Position and Nationality are independent

H a : Position and Nationality are dependent

From the printout, the test statistic is  2  21.242 and the p-value is p  .012 . Since the p-value is less than
 ( p  .012  .05) , H0 is rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate a firm’s position on off-shoring
depends on the firm’s nationality at   .05 .

10.30 Some preliminary calculations are:

R C 57(60) RC 58(60) R C 56(60)

Eˆ11  1 1   20 Eˆ 21  2 1   20.35 Eˆ 31  3 1   19.65
n 171 n 171 n 171

RC 57(111) RC 58(111) RC 56(111)

Eˆ12  1 2   37 Eˆ 22  2 2   37.65 Eˆ 32  3 2   36.35
n 171 n 171 n 171

To determine if the option choice depends on emotion state, we test:

H0: Option choice and emotion state are independent

Ha: Option choice and emotion state are dependent

The test statistic is

 nij  Eˆ ij 
  (45  20)  (12  37)  (8  20.35)  (50  37.65)
2 2 2 2
 2   
Eˆ ij 20 37 20.35 37.65
(75  19.65) 2 (49  36.35) 2
   72.234
19.65 36.35

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Categorical Data Analysis 583

The rejection region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with
df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (3  1)(2  1)  2 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 4.60517 . The rejection region is
 2  4.60517 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region (  2  72.234  4.60517) , H0 is
rejected. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the option choice depends on emotion state at   .10 .

10.31 Some preliminary calculations are:

R C 396(335) R C 311(335) R C 70(335)

Eˆ11  1 1   154.435 Eˆ 21  2 1   121.286 Eˆ 31  3 1   27.299
n 859 n 859 n 859

R C 39(335) R C 18(335) R C 25(335)

Eˆ 41  4 1   15.210 Eˆ 51  5 1   7.020 Eˆ 61  6 1   9.750
n 859 n 859 n 859

RC 396(524) RC 311(524) RC 70(524)

Eˆ12  1 2   241.565 Eˆ 22  2 2   189.714 Eˆ 32  3 2   42.701
n 859 n 859 n 859

R C 39(524) R C 18(524) RC 25(524)

Eˆ 42  4 2   23.790 Eˆ 52  5 2   10.980 Eˆ 62  6 2   15.250
n 859 n 859 n 859

To determine if the proportions of mobile device users in the six texting style categories depend on whether
a male or female are texting, we test:

H 0 : Texting style and sex are independent

H a : Texting style and sex are dependent

The test statistic is:

 nij  Eˆ ij 
  161  154.435    235  241.565     14  15.250   4.209
2 2 2

   

Eˆ ij
154.435 241.565 15.250

The rejection region requires   .10 in the upper tail of the  2 distribution with
df  ( r  1)(c  1)  (6  1)(2  1)  5 . From Table IV, Appendix D,  .10
 9.23635 . The rejection region is
 2  9.23635 .

Since the observed value of the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region (  2  4.209  9.23635) , H0
is not rejected. There is insufficient evidence to indicate the proportions of mobile device users in the six
texting style categories depend on whether a male or female are texting at   .10 .

10.32 Some preliminary calculations are:

R C 234(40) RC 234(397)
Eˆ11  1 1   21.419 Eˆ12  1 2   212.581
n 437 n 437

R C 203(40) RC 203(397)
Eˆ 21  2 1   18.581 Eˆ 22  2 2   184.419
n 437 n 437

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Sailing ships
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Title: Sailing ships

the story of their development from the earliest times to
the present day

Author: E. Keble Chatterton

Release date: April 25, 2024 [eBook #73464]

Language: English

Original publication: London: Sidgwick & Jackson, ltd, 1909

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P R E FA C E .
This history of sailing ships has been written primarily for the general
reader, in the hope that the sons and daughters of a naval nation,
and of an Empire that stretches beyond the seas, may find therein a
record of some interest and assistance in enlarging and
systematising their ideas on the subject, especially as regards the
ships of earlier centuries. It is not necessary to look far—no further
than the poster-designs on advertisement-hoardings—to observe the
errors into which our artists of to-day are liable to fall owing to lack of
historical knowledge in this subject; and to put (for instance)
triangular headsails with a rectangular sail on the “bonaventure
mizzen-mast” of an early sixteenth-century ship, is an inaccuracy
scarcely to be pardoned.
Quite recently one of the chief librarians in one of our biggest
national treasure-houses informed me that when an artist, who had
been commissioned to illustrate a certain work, came to him for
guidance as to the ships of a recent period, he was at a loss where
to lay his hands on a book which should show him what he wished to
know by picture and description. Only after much search was the
requisite knowledge obtained.
I trust that both the yachtsman and sailorman will find in these
pages something of the same exciting pleasure which has been
mine in tracing the course of the evolutions through which their ships
have passed. Those whose work or amusement it is to acquaint
themselves with the sailing ship and her ways, and for lack of time
and opportunity are unable to seek out the noble pedigree of what
Ruskin truly described as “one of the loveliest things man ever
made, and one of the noblest,” may care to learn what were the
changing conditions which combined to bring about such a highly
complex creature as the modern sailing ship. Perhaps at some time
when handling a rope, a spar, a tiller or a sail, they may have
wondered how it all began; what were the origins of all those various
parts of a ship’s “furniture”; why some essential portions have
scarcely changed; and how other portions are the outcome of time,
experiment, and science. I hope that to neither the amateur nor the
professional sailor I shall seem impertinent if I have attempted to tell
them something about their ship which they did not know before. But
if, on the other hand, I shall have succeeded in increasing their love
for the sailing ship by outlining her career, I trust that this may be
allowed to counterbalance the defects which, in a subject of so vast
a scope, are hardly to be avoided in spite of considerable care and
the generous assistance of many kind friends.
Finally, I make my appeal to the younger generation, to whom
ships and the sea have in all times suggested so much that is bound
up with adventure and brave deeds. The present moment sees us at
a stage in the history of ships when the Royal Navy as a whole, and
the Merchant Service almost entirely, have no longer any
convenience for sail. There is a dire need in the latter for both
officers and men, whilst on shore the conditions of employment are
exactly the reverse. Surely it is only by a mutual adjustment of the
two that both problems, on sea and land, can possibly be overcome;
and it is only by winning the enthusiasm of the boy who is to become
father of the man that the sailor’s love for the sea can be handed on
from generation to generation. We have received from our ancestors
a splendid heritage, a unique legacy—the mastery of the seas. That
legacy brings with it a commensurate responsibility, to retain what
our forefathers fought for so dearly. Perhaps to the healthy-minded
Anglo-Saxon boy, not yet too blasé and civilised to feel no thrill in
reading his Marryat, Cook, Ballantyne, Henty, Fenn, or the glorious
sea-fights and discoveries in history itself—perhaps to him this book
may be of some assistance in visualising the actual ships of each
historical period.
I desire to return thanks to many who, from motives of personal
friendship or of love for ships, have so readily lent me their
assistance in the course of this work. If I have omitted to include the
names of any to whom my obligations are due it is from no sense of
ingratitude. Especially I am anxious to return thanks to Dr. Wallis
Budge and Mr. H. R. Hall of the Egyptian Department of the British
Museum, as well as to the officials in other departments of the same
institution, particularly those of the Coin Room, the Print Room, the
Manuscript Room, Greek and Roman Antiquities, and British and
Mediæval Antiquities: to Mr. Clifford Smith of the Victoria and Albert
Museum, South Kensington, and to Mr. R. C. Flower of the Public
Record Office for assistance in research: to Dr. Hoyle of the
Manchester Museum for permission to use photographs of two
Egyptian models: to the Board of Education for permission to
reproduce photographs of models in the South Kensington Museum:
to the Curator of the Royal Naval College Museum, Greenwich, for
granting special facilities for studying the collection of models: to the
British Consul at Christiania, for assistance in obtaining photographs
of Viking ships: to M. Ernest Leroux for permission to use the
illustration of the navis actuaria found on the Althiburus mosaic: to
the Elder Brethren of Trinity House, jointly with Messrs. Cassell and
Co., for allowing me to reproduce Phineas Pett’s Royal Prince: to the
Committee of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Ryde, for permission to
reproduce Messrs. West’s photograph of the rare print of the Alarm,
Fig. 113: to Captain Roald Amundsen for the plans of the Gjöa: to
the authorities of the British Museum for many illustrations either
sketched, photographed, or reproduced from their catalogues: to
Lieut.-Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Royal United Service
Museum, Whitehall, for permission to photograph models and prints:
to Captain C. E. Terry for the illustration of the Santa Maria: to Mr. A.
E. M. Haes for the photograph of the Oimara: to Messrs. Camper
and Nicholsons, Limited, for the plans of the yacht Pampas: to
Messrs. White Brothers for the lines of the yacht Elizabeth: to
Messrs. Fores for the illustrations of the Xarifa and Kestrel: and to
Mr. H. Warington Smyth for the Nugger in Fig. 8, the two illustrations
of Scandinavian and Russian ships in Figs. 30 and 31, and the
American schooner in Fig. 91. I wish also to acknowledge Mr.
Warington Smyth’s extreme courtesy in offering to allow me to use
any of the other sketches in his delightful book “Mast and Sail in
Europe and Asia,” and only regret that circumstances prevented my
being able to avail myself more fully of so generous an offer.
The illustrations in Figs. 26 and 27 appear by arrangement with
Mr. John Murray: Fig. 51 by arrangement with the Clarendon Press,
Oxford: and Figs. 30, 31, 87-90, 92, 93, 95, 102, 104, 106, 111, 112,
114, 115, and the Plans, by arrangement with the editor of The
Yachting Monthly. Thanks are also due to two artists skilled in
marine subjects—to Mr. Charles Dixon for his two pictures in colour,
at once lively and accurate; and to Mr. Norman S. Carr, not only for
the initial letters of the chapters, but for thirty or more sketches
specially drawn for this book.
Finally, I have to express my thanks to Mr. John Masefield, who
has been kind enough to read the proofs, while the book was
passing through the press, and to give me the benefit of his valuable
June 1909.
P. line 8, for “with three reefs already taken in”
60, read “close-reefed.” (Fig. 13 shows
three turns taken with the brails or
bunt-lines, so as to make a close reef.)
line 18, for “tilt” read “rake.”
line 1, for “foremast” read “foresail.”
” line 15, for “bill-hooks” read “shear-hooks.”
” line 32, for “anchor” read “a foul anchor.”
line 19, for “face” read “case.”
line 34, for “bill-hooks” read “shear-hooks.”
line 3, after “driver” insert “or spanker.”
line 15, for “iron” read “wire.”
” line 17, for “braces” read “brace-pendants.”

List of Illustrations xiii

I. Introductory 1
II. Early Egyptian Ships from about 6000 b.c. 20
III. Ancient Ships of Phœnicia, Greece, and Rome 46
IV. The Early Ships of Northern Europe 89
V. The Development of the Sailing Ship from the Eighth
Century to the Year 1485 128
VI. From Henry VII. to the Death of Elizabeth (1485-1603) 170
VII. From the Accession of James I. to the Close of the
Eighteenth Century 222
VIII. The Sailing Ship in the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries 254
IX. The Fore-and-aft Rig and its Developments; Coasters,
Fishing Boats, Yachts, &c. 281
Glossary 335
Bibliography 339
Index 345
L I S T O F I L L U S T R AT I O N S .
A Seventeenth-century English Warship To face title-page
From a painting by Charles Dixon.
Hay-Barge Headpiece to Preface

Sketch by N. S. Carr.
1. Burmese Junk 8
2. Norwegian “Jaegt” 13
3. Egyptian Ship of about 6000 B.C. 22
From an amphora found in Upper Egypt, and now
in the British Museum (Painted Pottery of
Predynastic Period, Case 5, No. 35324).
4. Egyptian Ship of the Fifth Dynasty 30
From wall-paintings in the Temple of Deir-el-
5 and 6. Model of an Egyptian Ship of the Twelfth
Dynasty To face 34
From a tomb at Rifeh, excavated 1906-7.
Photographs by courtesy of Dr. Hoyle, Director of
the Manchester Museum, where the model is
7. Egyptian Ship To face 40
From wall-paintings in the Temple of Deir-el-
8. An Egyptian Nugger 43
Sketch by H. Warington Smyth; from his “Mast
and Sail,” by courtesy of the author and Mr. John
9. Phœnician Ship 52
From a coin of Sidon, c. 450 B.C., in the British
Museum. Twice the actual size.
10. Phœnician Ship 54
From a coin of Sidon, c. 450 B.C., in the
Hunterian Collection, Glasgow. Twice the actual
11. Greek Ship 58
From a Bœotian fibula of the eighth century B.C.,
in the British Museum (First Vase Room, Case D,
No. 3204).
12. Greek War Galley 59
From a vase of about 500 B.C., in the British
Museum (Second Vase Room, Table-case H, No.
B. 436).
13. Greek Merchantman 61
From the same vase.
14. Stern of a Greek Ship 64
From a coin of Phaselis, of about the fifth century
B.C., in the British Museum (Greek and Roman
Life Room, Case 1, No. 36). Twice the actual size.
15. Boar’s-head Bow of a Greek Ship 64
From the same coin. Twice the actual size.
16. The Ship of Odysseus 66
From a Greek vase, c. 500 B.C., in the British
Museum (Third Vase Room, Case G, No. E. 440).
17. Terra-cotta Model of a Greek Ship 68
Model of the sixth century B.C., in the British
Museum (Greek and Roman Life Room, Case 53,
No. A. 202).
18. A Coin of Apollonia, showing Shape of Anchor 72
Coin of about 420 B.C., in the British Museum
(Greek and Roman Life Room, Case 2, No. 21).
Twice the actual size.
19. A Roman Warship 73
From Lazare de Baïf’s “Annotationes ... de re
navali,” Paris, 1536, p. 164.
20. Roman Ship 75
From the same book, p. 167.
21. Roman Merchant Ships To face 80
From a relief, c. 200 A.D.
22. Roman Ship entering Harbour 82
From an earthenware lamp, c. 200 A.D., in the
British Museum (Greek and Roman Life Room,
Case 53, No. 518).
23. Fishing-boat in Harbour 83
From another lamp, as the last.
24. Navis Actuaria 87
From a recently discovered mosaic at Althiburus,
near Tunis; reproduced by kind permission from
M. Leroux’ “Monuments et Mémoires,” Paris,
25. The Viking Boat dug up at Brigg, Lincolnshire To face 96
From a photograph, taken during its excavation in
1886, and supplied by Mr. John Scott, of Brigg.
26. Ancient Scandinavian Rock-carving 111
From Du Chaillu’s “Viking Age,” by courtesy of Mr.
John Murray.
27. Viking Ship-form Grave 114
From the same.
28. The Gogstad Viking Ship To face 118
From a photograph by O. Voering, Christiania.
29. The Gogstad Viking Ship To face 120
From a photograph by O. Voering, Christiania.
30. Norwegian Ship 120
From a sketch by H. Warington Smyth, by
courtesy of the artist.
31. Russian Ship 121
As the last.
32. Harold’s Ships; from the Bayeux Tapestry To face 134
From a photograph of the replica at South
33. William the Conqueror’s Ships; from the Bayeux
Tapestry 136

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