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Scientific Advisor Artis Kromanis

Prepared By,
Rakesh Krishna Kumar




Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, Anita Avišāne


Study program: Production Engineering
Student name and surname:
1. Title of the Thesis: „Influence of cutting regimes on surface roughness in
2. milling of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V”
4. The date of submitting the thesis is

5. The basic data of execution of master thesis:

6. The contain of the main part of the thesis:

7. Main parts:
a. The thesis starts with Introduction and general information
on Ti6Al4V
b. Literature review on Machining of Ti6Al4V and its cutting
c. Materials, methods and experiment.
d. Results and discussion.
e. In the final chapter conclusions of the study are mentioned.

Signature Artis Kromanis
Rakesh Krishna Kumar


Master Thesis developed at RTU, Institute of the Mechanics and Mechanical

Engineering,Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics

Author of the Thesis: Rakesh Krishna Kumar ………………………

(Signature, date)

Scientific Advisor: Artis Kromanis …………………….

(Signature, date)

Scientific Consultant: Jyothi Prasad Gandreddi (Researcher) .……………………

(Signature, date)

Master thesis is suggested for defense:

Head of department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics: ……………, Anita Avišāne (Signature, date)

Master thesis is defended at the meeting of the ……………………………………………….

commission on……………and assessed with the grade…………….

Secretary of commotion: Agita Klaipa…………………………………..


The goal of this work is to investigate the experimental impact of cutting regimes during the
milling of the titanium alloy Ti6Al4V in order to determine the optimal set of machining
parameters for Ti6Al4V milling in terms of surface quality. The first criterion for a high-quality
output in machining processes is surface roughness. Surface roughness for Ti6Al4V was
measured in this work in two stages: before and after milling. Two types of milling—two-way
milling and helical milling—were performed on a computer numerically controlled (CNC)
vertical milling machine with a carbide 4 tooth end mill tool at various cutting parameters,
including cutting speed, depth of cut, feed, and others. On a 2D surface roughness tester, the
surface roughness of the machine work piece was measured. The outcomes of the experiments
were gathered and examined. Surface roughness and cutting parameter were shown to be
related. According to the experimental findings, cutting factors such as cutting speed and feed
per tooth have a substantial impact on surface roughness. Cutting speed of 90 m/min and feed
rate of 0.08 mm/tooth for two-way milling and 90 m/min and feed rate of 0.01 mm/tooth for
helical milling provide the best results at constant depth of cut of 1 mm, respectively. This study
demonstrates how cutting factors affect surface roughness and how optimal cutting
circumstances may result in lower surface roughness.
Key words: CNC milling machine, Surface roughness, two-way milling, helical milling, cutting
speed, feed

Darba mērķis ir izpētīt griešanas režīmu eksperimentālo ietekmi titāna sakausējuma Ti6Al4V
frēzēšanas laikā, lai noteiktu optimālo apstrādes parametru kopumu Ti6Al4V frēzēšanai
virsmas kvalitātes ziņā. Pirmais kritērijs augstas kvalitātes izlaidei apstrādes procesos ir virsmas
raupjums. Šajā darbā Ti6Al4V virsmas raupjums tika mērīts divos posmos: pirms un pēc
frēzēšanas. Divu veidu frēzēšana — divvirzienu frēzēšana un spirālveida frēzēšana — tika
veikta ar datorizētu ciparvadības (CNC) vertikālo frēzmašīnu ar karbīda 4 zobu gala frēzēšanas
instrumentu pie dažādiem griešanas parametriem, ieskaitot griešanas ātrumu, griešanas
dziļumu, padevi un citi. Ar 2D virsmas raupjuma testeri tika mērīts mašīnas sagataves virsmas
raupjums. Eksperimentu rezultāti tika apkopoti un pārbaudīti. Tika pierādīts, ka virsmas
raupjums un griešanas parametrs ir saistīti. Saskaņā ar eksperimentālajiem atklājumiem tādiem
griešanas faktoriem kā griešanas ātrums un padeve uz vienu zobu ir būtiska ietekme uz virsmas
raupjumu. Griešanas ātrums 90 m/min un padeve 0,08 mm/zobu divvirzienu frēzēšanai un 90
m/min un padeve 0,01 mm/zobu spirālveida frēzēšanai nodrošina labākos rezultātus attiecīgi
pie nemainīga griešanas dziļuma 1 mm . Šis pētījums parāda, kā griešanas faktori ietekmē
virsmas raupjumu un kā optimāli griešanas apstākļi var izraisīt zemāku virsmas raupjumu.
Atslēgas vārdi: CNC frēzmašīna, virsmas raupjums, divvirzienu frēzēšana, spirālveida
frēzēšana, griešanas ātrums, padeve

Table of Contents
SL. No Content No
1 Introduction 9
2 Literature Review 12
2.1 Overview of Literature Review 14
3 Methodology 16
3.1 Selection of Material 16
3.2 Testing Material composition of the Ti6Al4V specimen 17
Specimen preparation for 2D surface roughness measurement before 17
3.3 machining
3.4 Equipment and setup for 2D Surface roughness measuring the instrument. 18
3.5 Selection of Machining Parameters 19
3.6 Selection of Cutting Tool 24
3.7 Selection of Milling Machine 25
4 Analysis and Results 26
4.1 Surface roughness measurement of the specimen before machining 26
4.2 Specimen preparation for 2D surface roughness measurement after machining 27
Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 40m/min with varying 29
4.3 feed
4.3.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling. 29
4.3.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling 30
4.3.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling. 31
4.3.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling 32
4.3.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical Milling
Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 55m/min with varying 35
4.4 feed rate.
4.4.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling. 35
4.4.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling 36
4.4.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling 38
4.4.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling 39
4.4.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical Milling 41
Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 70m/min with varying 42
4.5 feed rate.
4.5.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling. 42
4.5.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling 42
4.5.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling 45
4.5.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling 46
4.5.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical 48
Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 90m/min with varying 48
4.6 feed rate.
4.6.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling 48
4.6.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling 49
4.6.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling. 51
4.6.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling 53
4.6.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical Milling 54
4.7 Analysis of Results 55
5 Conclusions 59
6 References 60
List of Figures

3.1 Step by Step procedure of the experiments 16

3.2 Vulcan Material Composition Tester 16
3.3 Shape of the Ti6Al4V specimen 17
3.4 Fixed points to measure the surface roughness reading before machining 18
3.5 Surface Roughness testing equipment 18
3.6 Design details for 2 Way Milling 21
3.7 Design detail for Helical Milling 22
3.8 Slot Milling of the specimen 22
3.9 Slot milling Output 22
3.10 Helical Milling of the specimen 23
3.11 Helical milling Output 23
3.12 Cutting Tool 24
3.13 HAAS mini milling machine 24
Fixed points for surface roughness measurement after machining for Two-Way 27
4.2 milling
Fixed points for surface roughness measurement after machining for Helical 27
4.3 milling
Fixed points for peak value measurement of surface roughness after machining 28
4.4 for Two-Way Milling
Fixed points for peak value measurement of surface roughness after machining 28
4.5 for Helical Milling
4.6 Surface roughness values for two-way milling at cutting speed 40 m/min 29
4.7 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 30
4.8 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 30
4.9 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 31
4.10 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 31
4.11 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 40 m/min 32
4.12 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 33
4.13 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 33
4.14 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 34
4.15 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min 34
4.16 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 40 m/min 35
4.17 Surface roughness values for two-way milling at cutting speed 55 m/min 36
4.18 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 36
4.19 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 37
4.20 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 37
4.21 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 38
4.22 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 55 m/min. 39
4.23 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 39
4.24 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 40
4.25 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 40
4.26 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min 41
4.27 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 55 m/min 41
4.28 Surface roughness values for two-way milling at cutting speed 70 m/min 42
4.29 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 43
4.30 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 43
4.31 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 44

4.32 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 44
4.33 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 70 m/min 45
4.34 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 46
4.35 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 46
4.36 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 47
4.37 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min 47
4.38 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 70 m/min 48
4.39 Surface roughness values for two way milling at cutting speed 90 m/min. 49
4.40 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 50
4.41 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 50
4.42 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 51
4.43 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 51
4.44 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 90 m/min. 52
4.45 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 53
4.46 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 53
4.47 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 54
4.48 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min 54
4.49 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 90 m/min 55
4.50 Average surface roughness for two way milling with respect to feed 55
4.51 Average surface roughness for helical milling with respect to feed 56

List of Tables

1.1 Chemical composition of Ti6Al4V 9

3.1 Actual Chemical composition of Ti6Al4V 17
3.2 Machining parameters 19
4.1 Surface roughness value before machining 26
4.2 Surface roughness value for two-way milling at cutting speed 40 m/min 29
4.3 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 40 m/min 32
4.4 Surface roughness value for two-way milling at cutting speed 55 m/min 35
4.5 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 55 m/min 38
4.6 Surface roughness value for two way milling at cutting speed 70 m/min 42
4.7 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 70 m/min 45
4.8 Surface roughness value for two way milling at cutting speed 90 m/min 49
4.9 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 90 m/min 52
4.10 Presence of peak surface roughness values for two way milling 57
4.11 Presence of peak surface roughness values for helical milling 57

1. Introduction
One of the most sought-after materials in engineering applications where weight is a key factor
is titanium. Among all structural materials, it has the best strength-to-weight ratio and can
tolerate extreme heat and heavy loads.
In the 1950s, research on titanium alloys started. Due to its desirable characteristics, including
low density, exceptional corrosion resistance, lower elastic modulus, enhanced strain-control,
and fatigue resistance, Ti6Al4V is one of the most often used titanium alloys. Implants and
prostheses, the aerospace sector, marine applications, the chemical industry, gas turbines,
firearm suppressors, etc. are just a few of the many uses for Ti6Al4V.
90% of the total is made up of titanium, followed by 5% of aluminum and 4% of vanadium.
This alloy, sometimes referred to as grade 5 alloy, is in the + group. The table below outlines
the chemical make-up of Ti6Al4V.
Table 1.1 Chemical composition of Ti6Al4V

Chemica V Al Sn Zr M C Si Cr Ni Fe Cu Nb Ti
l o
Weight 4.2 5.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0. 0.0 0.0 <0.0 0.11 <0.0 0.0 90
% 62 03 05 3 22 09 01 2 2 386

Due to its inherent characteristics, Ti6Al4V has relatively poor machinability. Due to its high
chemical reactivity, titanium has a propensity to weld to cutting tools during machining, which
may result in chipping and tool failure. Due of its poor heat conductivity, the temperature at the
tool-workpiece contact rises, significantly reducing tool life. Additionally, its low elastic
modulus and strong strength sustained at high temperatures reduce its machinability.
Tools made of titanium, unlike those made of steel, lack a built-up edge, resulting in high
surface finishes even at slow cutting rates. However, the tiny chip, which travels across a limited
tool-chip contact area under high pressure, also causes greater abrasion and alloying. This leads
to high tool tip temperatures together with titanium's low heat conductivity. Tool wear and
galling are further made worse by titanium's strong chemical reactivity with the material of the
tool at high temperatures and pressures. Additionally, titanium has mechanical problems
because to its low elastic modulus, which is half that of steel. Low modulus and strong cutting
forces may cause thin pieces to deflect, which increases heat production from friction and
compromises dimensional accuracy.[1]
A milling machine is a kind of machine tool that creates intricate, high-quality pieces. Rotary
tools are used by Computer Numeric Control (CNC) milling machines to design a component
while being directed by computer-generated instructions from a CAD file. The location and
motion of the cutter are mostly under the direction of the machine's computer. In the
manufacturing process, a 3D CAD design is first created and then transformed using computer-
aided machining (CAM) software into a machine-readable format. The machine's instructions
are included in the final CNC machine program, which is often in G-code and M-code format.
The material on a workpiece is removed using subtractive machining technique to give it the
required form. The material is removed using a milling cutter, a spinning cylindrical instrument.
Depending on the milling machine, it may move along multiple axes and cut at various angles
to make complicated and complex pieces with excellent precision.
Many sectors, including aerospace and the medical field, make complicated components using
CNC milling machines. The intricacy of the finished product is determined by the machine's
number of axes. The most basic and often used form of milling machine is three axes, while a
four or five axis milling machine is more sophisticated and capable of creating even more
elaborate shapes. The design of the finished product and the level of accuracy and polish needed
will determine the kind of milling machine utilized.[2]
There are several different milling techniques, including face, vertical, and horizontal milling.
The sort of milling technique employed is determined by the direction of the cutting tool and
the workpiece. Each method has its own benefits and is appropriate for various applications and
milling the face In face milling, the cutting tool's rotational axis is parallel to the material's
surface being machined. This method makes use of milling cutters with teeth on the tool face
and outside edge. The latter is very beneficial for completing procedures. The flexible
procedure of face milling may result in smooth surfaces and high-quality finishes. Additionally,
it may be carried out on milling machines that are both vertical and horizontal.
Plain Milling: In plain milling, the cutting tool's rotating axis is positioned parallel to the surface
of the workpiece, and cutters with teeth on their outside edges are used to carry out the cutting.
It is possible to use both narrow and broad cutters, allowing for deeper cuts and the machining
of greater surface areas. The kind of cutter to employ depends on the intended result; slower
cutting speeds and higher feed rates need a coarse-toothed cutter, whilst faster cutting speeds
and lower feed rates require a fine-toothed cutter. The end effect is a more polished product.
An angled cutting tool with a rotating axis is used in the angular milling process to cut the
surface of the workpiece. Single-angled milling cutters may thus create more intricate features
like grooves, serrations, or chamfers. For milling jobs requiring irregular surfaces, such as
contours, outlines, edges, or pieces with curved or flat surfaces, form milling is the best option.
Depending on the exact application, specialized milling cutters or fly cutters, such as concave
cutters or corner rounding cutters, are utilized. Form milling methods are very useful for
complex designs like hemispherical or semi-circular forms.
A actual surface's irregularity in terms of its peak and trough frequencies is referred to as surface
roughness. This may be seen in machined items that have complicated shapes made up of
different peak and trough heights, depths, and spacings. Each part's surface's asperity, or tiny
texture, greatly influences how rough it is.

Surface roughness affects a number of other characteristics, including wear, the ability to seal
when in contact with another surface, and the quantity of paint needed to cover the component,
in addition to causing apparent variances. Examining the microscopic asperity of surfaces is
required to comprehend and measure surface roughness.
For two mating components to work properly, the quality of the surface roughness is essential.
The product's tribological characteristics, fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, and
attractiveness are all improved by a smooth surface finish. In addition to shaping machined
pieces, the goal of the metal cutting process is to manufacture them with the best possible
geometric, dimensional, and surface standards to fulfil their intended tasks.[3]

2. Literature Review
In a study “Optimisation of Process Parameters of Machining Titanium Alloy (Ti6Al4V)” this
study elaborates about the optimising four parameters in turning of the Titanium alloy
(Ti6Al4V) to obtain good surface finish and maximum material removal rate (MRR). The
parameters considered were Speed, Feed, Depth of Cut (dc), Tool nose ratio (TNR). The study
introduces us to the use of Ti6Al4V in the field of Medicals and Dentistry. The approach of
obtaining the parameters is divided into 2 steps. First is the Taguchi Method and for optimal
results the concept of principal component analysis is adopted. The degree of freedom in
Taguchi Method is 9 with 4 control factors. All the analysis of the readings obtained are done
with the help of Mini tab software. To obtain minimum surface finish and maximum MRR the
parameters to be adopted for turning are spindle speed 400rpm, feed 0.25mm/rev, dc 0.3mm,
TNR 0,4mm.[4]
The research conducted by Ashwin Polishettya, Moshe Goldbergb, Guy Littlefairc, Mahesh
Puttaraju d, Prasad Patile, Akshay Kalraf in 2014 deals with trochoidal milling of thin wall
machining of Ti6Al4V. In this paper a brief introduction about the microstructure of Ti6Al4V,
basics of trochoidal milling and thin wall machining is given. Milling of the Ti6Al4V specimen
is done by universal line 5 axis CNC milling machine. The tool used for milling was coated
solid carbide end mill of 12mm diameter containing four teeth. The coolant used was a phenol
2.8% which is mixed with water in ratio of 1:10. With different variants of parameters 8 trials
has been carried out. Examination of the specimen is carried out is 2 stages pre-experiment tests
such as hardness, chemical composition and tensile test has been carried out. Post experimental
tests such as Surface roughness, cutting forces has been measured with Kistler dynamometer
9257. The set of parameters has been concluded with the minimal error of the dimensions of
thin wall that is obtained after machining. For trochoidal milling of 5mm thin wall of Ti6Al4V
specimen the parameters that are found to be suitable are cutting speed, 90 and 120 m/min;
feed/tooth of 0.25 and 0.35 mm/min; step over 0.3 and 0.2; at constant depth of cut 20mm. [5]
In the research paper “An experimental research on the machinability of a high temperature
titanium alloy BTi-6431S in turning process” by Yanfeng Gao, Yongbo Wu, Jianhua Xiao, and
Dong Lu in 2018 the paper deals with comparison of after machining parameters of turning
such as cutting force, chip morphology, tool wear analysis, cutting edge analysis and flank wear
analysis between Ti6Al4V and BTi-6431S alloy the study has proved that at the cutting speed
of 45 m/min , the specific cutting force for BTi-6431S average increases about 18%, and the
specific feed force increases about 6.4% compared to the cutting of Ti6Al4V alloy. Saw tooth
shaped chips are formed for Ti6Al4V at cutting speed of 90m/min. The flank wear of inserts
for cutting BTi-6431S alloy is more rapid than for the cutting of Ti6Al4V at the same cutting
speed. Observations of the worn tools indicate that the adhesion of titanium material on the
cutting insert edge for Ti6Al4V than BTi-6431S. The chip morphology of Ti6Al4V is explained
in detail in this study.[6]
Chakradhar Bandapalli, Dr. Bharatkumar M. Sutaria, and Dr. Dhananjay V. Bhatt in 2018
conducted high speed machining (HSM) milling of Ti6Al4V the various range of cutting
parameters to obtain good surface finish with HSM and the tools employed are PVD coated
tool and the ranges of cutting parameters for high-speed dry slot milling are cutting speed 50,80,
105 m/min; feed rate; 0.1,0.15. 2mm/tooth and depth of cut 1, 1.5, 2mm respectively. And
future scope of this paper emphasizes to deploy more statistical methods to optimize the
machining parameters further. [7]
In the study conducted by Danil Yu. Pimenov, Mozammel Mia, Munish K. Gupta, Alisson R.
Machado, Italo V. Tomas, Murat Sarikaya, Szymon Wojciechowski, Tadeusz Mikolajczyk,
Wojciech Kapłonek the paper deals with improvement of machinability of Titanium alloys with
various lubrication techniques such as cooling techniques as dry, conventional cooling system,
minimum quantity of lubricant (MQL), minimum quantity cooling lubrication (MQCL),
cryogenic lubrication, and high-pressure cooling (HPC). The study has proven for higher
surface tool life and machinability will decrease for higher surface area machining of TI6Al4V
with dry machining. And also, parts manufactured with additive manufacturing technology it is
not advised to go with dry machining. Usage of MQL has resulted in good cutting forces, good
surface finish and reduced coolant consumption. Cryogenic cooling methods promotes in
surface integrity, to yield good results combination of cooling methods can be deployed.[8]
In a study conducted by Imran Masood titled as “Sustainable Machining for Titanium Alloy Ti-
6Al-4V”. It is an article that deals with achievement of sustainability of difficult to machine
materials such as Ti6Al4V which now a days is major concern to be considered for machining.
The study compares various machining parameters with various types of machining as well.
The three types of machining carried out are dry milling, conventional milling, and cryogenic
machining. It is found at the end that better surface finish can be obtained by cryogenic
machining. Also, the cost work for all three machining types has been done and by which
cryogenic machining is found to be economical. [9]
“A review of High-speed Machining of Titanium Alloys” by Mustafizur Rahman, Yoke-San
Wong and Zhi-Gan Wang. In this study it clearly explains and compares about various tools
that can be used to machine Titanium alloys the various tools that are studied are High speed
steel (HSS) tools, Cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools, and Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools.
All these tools’ inserts are machine with pre-defined machining parameters and the tool
morphology by Finite element analysis has been conducted and it is concluded that to achieve
each desired output each tool insert can be used, and the study also deals with development of
hybrid tool inserts.[10]
In a review titled as “Machinability and Machining of Titanium Alloys” by Seyed Ali Niknam,
Raid Khettabi and Victor Songmene. This chapter reviews the main difficulties impairing the
machinability of titanium alloys. The overview of machinability of titanium alloys is presented
with respect to the following performance criteria such as cutting tool wear/tool life, cutting
forces, chip formation, and surface integrity attributes, mainly surface roughness. Thereafter,
the effects of various lubrication and cooling methods in machining titanium alloys is also
discussed. Furthermore, the paper deals about the emissions during machining, microstructure
of Ti6Al4V after machining.[11]

A study “Wear mechanism analysis in milling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy” by Syed HI Jeffery, Mushtaq
Khan, Nadeem A Sheikh and Paul Mativenga. This article presents an investigation into the
wear of cutting tool during milling operation of Ti-6Al-4V using H13A carbide inserts. Wear
tests are conducted using machining parameters (feed, speed, and depth of cut) falling in the
permissible range recommended by the supplier of the inserts. A wear map is created to identify
different regions that characterize the tool wear intensity.[12]
In research titled as “Machining of Ti-6Al-4V ELI Alloy: A brief review” by Anurag, R kumar,
S Roy, K K Joshi, A K Sahoo and R K Da. In this paper the machinability if Ti6Al4V ELI
which is similar to Ti6Al4V is conducted. The combinations of various machining parameters
of milling have been considered. The ranges of cutting parameters are Cutting speed are 75 -
300 m/min; Feed is 0.03-0.30 mm/tooth; Depth of cuts are 0.3 - 0.5 mm. One of the major
outcomes of the study was generation of higher ranges of cutting temperature may cause the
poor surface quality as well as decreases the dimensional accuracy and tool life. Also, higher
heat accelerates the work softening effects and causes the variation in the microstructure of the
finished surface. The cutting feed is predominant factor for surface roughness.[13]
In the conference of sustainable material processing and manufacturing in 2017 a study on
“Cutting forces and surface finish analysis of machining additive manufactured Ti6Al4V” by
Ashwin Polishettya, Moshe Goldbergb, Guy Littlefairc, Mahesh Puttaraju d, Prasad Patil,
Akshay Kalraf, Raj Kumar Singh. In this study cutting parameters and cutting forces of
Additively manufactured Ti6Al4V alloy that is manufactured by selective laser melting
technology is considered. In case of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V it is also found to be
same that is higher cutting speed produces higher cutting forces and poor surface finish. And
the study also gives a comparison between behavioral property of additively manufactured and
wrought Ti6Al4V. The optimum parameters that are stated are Cutting speed 45m/min,
90m/min, 180 m/min; Feed rate 0.05 mm/rev, 0.1 mm/rev, 0.2 mm/rev; Depth of Cut 0.5mm.
“Machining parameters optimization of end milling of Ti6Al4V” by Vijay S and Krishna raj V.
This study deals in figuring out optimal parameters of End milling process of Ti6Al4V which
results in good surface finish and low cutting forces. To derive the design of experiments the
method deployed is Taguchi method. The parameters that are declared to be optimum at the end
are Cutting speed 40m/min, 60 m/min; Feed/tooth 0.01 mm; Depth of Cut 2mm, 2,5mm. [15]
2.1 Overview of Literature Review
The machining of Ti6Al4V and its corresponding machining parameters have been studied in
the aforementioned research works in recent years. According to research, machining Ti6Al4V
is more difficult than machining other metals and their alloys; satisfactory results can only be
obtained by using the right tools and deriving the right parameters. For milling, it is important
to first determine the range of cutting parameters, including cutting speed, feed rate, and depth
of cut. The Taguchi Method is the best and most effective way to determine the design of
experiments in order to determine the optimal range of parameters. The cutoff parameter ranges
used in the earlier investigations include Cutting Speed: 40–300 m/min; Feed Rate: 0.01–0.35
mm/tooth/min; (in mm/tooth) 0.1–2; and Depth of Cut: 0.3–2.5 mm. Some research
investigations maintain a consistent cut depth. The following tools may be utilized while
choosing ones to employ. You may use HSS, CBN, or PCD with carbide inserts. choosing a
coolant As of now, it has been shown that dry machining, or machining without coolant, is
preferable to cryogenic cooling systems for getting the greatest results in terms of surface
quality. When comparing the pre-experimental phases to the post-experimental stages, many
investigations on the Ti6Al4V have been undertaken in the past. Lower cutting speeds and
cutting pressures are required to provide the necessary surface finish. Cutting forces are
calculated from measurements in numerous articles. Studies on tool life and tool wear analysis
have also been done.
The following overview outlines several potential areas of concentration that might be pursued
to further the study of Ti6Al4V machining. Before milling, a detailed 2D surface roughness
measurement of the Ti6Al4V specimen may be obtained. It is feasible to discuss machining
settings for both lower and higher probable cutting speed and feed rate extremes. determining
the best settings for milling processes such the one-way, two-way, and helical varieties. You
may analyze the depth of the chip at each cutting speed separately. Analysis of tool wear for
each machining parameter. detailed analyses of the specimen's surface roughness in 2D and 3D
after machining. Surface roughness readings taken before and after milling allow us to draw a
firm conclusion about the ideal machining settings. Examining the specimen's defects after

3. Methodology
In this part of the study that is carried out it clearly elaborates on the list of activities carried out
during the study. That is the activities inclined towards the study and the description of the
equipment that are used for the respective activity. Below flow cart gives a brief description on
the list of activities carried out.

Fig 3.1 Step by Step procedure of the experiments

3.1 Selection of Material

The material choose for machining is Ti6Al4V which is the primary factor to carry out the
study. From literature review there are various studies carried on turning of Ti6Al4V but a
confined number of studies in case of milling. In addition to this the factors for choosing
Ti6Al4V for machining are due to its efficient material removal capabilities, versatility in
producing complex shapes, and ability to achieve excellent surface finishes. It minimizes work-
hardening effects and maintains the integrity of the titanium alloy.
The general chemical composition of Ti6Al4V are Titanium (Ti): Approximately 90%,
Aluminum (Al): Approximately 6%, Vanadium (V): Approximately 4%In addition to these
primary elements, Ti6Al4V may also contain trace amounts of other elements like iron (Fe),
oxygen (O), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and others, which are inherent to the
production process

3.2 Testing Material composition of the Ti6Al4V specimen
To verify the chemical composition of the given sample of Ti6Al4V the principle of Laser
Induced Breakdown (LIBS) technology has been used.
A handled LIBS gun manufactured by Vulcan group of companies is used. Each sample is
tested at a given discrete points to get the chemical composition of the given sample. The
chemical composition report is attached in appendix ().

Fig 3.2 Vulcan Material Composition Tester[16]

The chemical composition of one of the specimens considered for testing are as in the below
given table. The composition is found to be almost equivalent to the theoretical value.
Table.3.1 Actual Chemical composition of Ti6Al4V

3.3 Specimen preparation for 2D surface roughness measurement before

1. The considered specimen of the TiAl64V sample is of standard shape and dimension
of 80*50*12mm as shown in the below figure.

Fig 3.3 Shape of the Ti6Al4V specimen

2. On consideration of the next step of the study it is planned to machine 6 pockets on
the given specimen hence to align to the plan. Six points in each of the pocket is
virtually considered and in these 6 points 3 points of horizontal direction and 3 points
are of vertical direction.
Hence keeping this as the focal point a master for the discrete fixed measuring points
has been derived as shown in the below figure and this has been kept constant and
has been followed throughout the experiment.

Fig 3.4 Fixed points to measure the surface roughness reading before machining

3. As shown in the above figure the master for measurement of fixed points on the
sample was framed. In which a total of 24points of measurement per sample has to
be taken. That is 12 points in horizontal direction and 12 points in vertical direction.
4. For the points that must be measured horizontally the length L=20 mm and N=8 was
5. For the points that must be measured vertically the length L= 20 mm and N= 4 was
6. Finally, all readings were taken and the data was compiled for further analysis.

3.4 Equipment and setup for 2D Surface roughness measuring the instrument.
The experiment is carried out by a contact type surface roughness measuring machine. Since
there is a wide range of surface reading equipment available with Mitutoyo we have used in
specific Surftest SJ-500 for this experiment. A schematic description and the specifications for
the instrument are as given below.

Fig 3.5 Surface Roughness testing equipment

• Specifications of the instrument

The roughness testing machine has dimensions of 425x94x160mm and a probe travel
range of 50mm. It can measure a range of 800µm / 80µm / 8µm with a resolution of
0.01µm / 800µm range, 0.001µm / 80µm range, 0.0001µm / 8µm range. The machine
has a power drive speed of 0-20mm/s and a measuring speed of 0.02-5mm/s. The
traverse guideway straightness is 0.2µm / 50mm, and the stylus moves in an arc for
up/down operation with the point of the stylus being downward. It has a measuring force
of 0.75 mN or 4 mN and meets applicable standards such as JIS’82 / JIS’94 / JIS’01 /
ISO’97 / ANSI / VDA.[17]
• Parameters and standards fixed before conducting the experiment.
Measuring Tool: SurfTest SJ-210, Standard: ISO 1997, N: 8, Profile: R (Roughness) ,
Λs: 8.0µm, Filter: Gauss
The primary and the intended parameter to be recorded from the above surface roughness
testing machine is the average surface roughness of the given length that is Ra measured in

3.5 Selection of Machining Parameters

From the previous research carried out in the field of machining of Ti6Al4V. Some of the
optimal parameters that were not touched upon by many studies were considered. Hence the
finalized range of machining parameters are cutting depth (a) - 1mm, feed (f) – 0.01 to 0.08
mm/tooth, cutting speed (v) – 40 to 90 m/min.[4]
From these above-mentioned parameters, the type of milling that was carried out were Helical
outward milling and two-way milling. To validate a one way milling the first stroke of the two-
way milling can be studied. Since the machining area on the specimen was smaller in size it is
decided to proceed with dry machining [15] also which will improve the surface roughness of
the specimen after machining which can be measured and recorded later. For the purpose of
tracking and convenience the six samples are given the nomenclature from 1-S to 7-S.
The below mentioned table represents the various trials conducted in the respective parameters.
Overall to sum up totally 32 trials were conducted.

Table.3.2. Machining parameters [18]–[26]

No. v f ac Cutter-tool Coverage Sample Notes –

(m/ (mm/toot (mm) trajectory numbers cutting tool
mi h) to be change
n) processed
1 70 0.01 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 1-S 1. milling
mm) cutter
2 70 0.03 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 1-S 1. milling
mm) cutter

3 70 0.05 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 1-S 1. milling
mm) cutter
4 70 0.08 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 2-S 1. milling
mm) cutter
5 90 0.01 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 2-S 1. milling
mm) cutter
6 90 0.03 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 2-S 1. milling
mm) cutter
7 90 0.05 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 3-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
8 90 0.08 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 3-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
9 55 0.01 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 3-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
10 55 0.03 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 4-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
11 55 0.05 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 4-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
12 55 0.08 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 4-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
13 40 0.01 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 5-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
14 40 0.03 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 5-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
15 40 0.05 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 5-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
16 40 0.08 1 Helical Outward 60% (3.6 6-S 2. Milling
mm) cutter
17 70 0.01 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
18 70 0.03 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
19 70 0.05 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
20 70 0.08 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
21 90 0.01 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
22 90 0.03 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
23 90 0.05 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter

24 90 0.08 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
25 55 0.01 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
26 55 0.03 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
27 55 0.05 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
28 55 0.08 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
29 40 0.01 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
30 40 0.03 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
31 40 0.05 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter
32 40 0.08 1 Two-way 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling
mm) cutter

Similarly, as shown in the below two figures the size of the slots and the pockets that were to
be milled were concluded. That is 16 trials of two way milling on one considered specimen and
3 trials of Helical milling on one considered sample at a time.

Fig 3.6 Design details for 2 Way Milling

Fig 3.7 Design detail for Helical Milling

The below given pictures are some of the glimpses and the final output during the machining
of the Ti6Al4V specimen.

Fig 3.8 Slot Milling of the specimen

Fig 3.9 Slot milling Output

Fig 3.10 Helical Milling of the specimen

Fig 3.11 Helical milling Output

3.6 Selection of Cutting Tool

The primary need for choosing a cutting tool is that it must be powerful enough to machine the
Ti6Al4V specimen. The machining area, which is the trajectory and area the tool traverses, is
the next requirement. With all of these factors taken into account, the version coromill 4-tooth
end mill from Sandvik was also utilised.
According to its specs, the tool is a high-performance cutting tool appropriate for a range of
materials. It features a precision cutting tolerance rating of h10 and a cutting diameter of 0.2362
inches. The tool has a 0.0051-inch-wide corner chamfer with a 45-degree angle. It has the
capacity to cut in the center and a maximum cutting depth of 0.3543 inches. The instrument
features five lateral cutting edges that are functional. It has a connecting diameter tolerance of
h6 and can ramp up to a maximum of 10 degrees. The tool is manufactured of Grade 1730
material with an HC base, and for increased wear resistance, PVD AlCrN is coated on top. It
belongs to the basic standard group and doesn't need coolant.

Fig 3.12 Cutting Tool[27]

3.7 Selection of Milling Machine

Fig 3.13 HAAS mini milling machine[28]

These two kinds of milling processes will be used as they have been deduced. The helical pocket
milling and the two-way slot milling are those. There is no need to deploy a massive milling
machine since the size of the work piece is rather tiny. As a result, the HAAS Mini mill was
employed to do the machining. The machining was done at the Riga Technical University's own
lab. The following is a full description of the device.

The maximum travel distances for the X, Y, and Z axes of this milling machine are 406 mm,
305 mm, and 254 mm, respectively. With a rating of 5.6 kW and a maximum torque of 45.0
Nm at 1200 rpm, the spindle can run at a maximum speed of 6000 rpm. The spindle is driven
by a direct-speed belt with an air-cooling system. With three conventional T-slots that have a
width of 15.90 mm to 16.00 mm and a center distance of 110 mm, the table has a length of 914
mm, a width of 305 mm, and a work area length of 730 mm. Up to 227 kg of weight may be
supported evenly by the table. While the rapids on the X, Y, and Z axes are 15.2 m/min, the
highest cutting feed rate is 12.7 m/min. The maximum force of the axis motors is 8896 N per
axis. The carousel-style tool changer has a capacity of 10 tools, each with a maximum diameter
of 89 mm and a maximum weight of 5.4 kg. The average times from tool to tool and chip to
chip are 4.2 s and 5.0 s, respectively. This machine needs 113 L/min of air at 6.9 pressure and
a coolant capacity of 151 L. The coupler and inline air hose sizes are both 3/8 in., and the
minimum air pressure needed is 5.5 bar. The machine weighs 1815.0 kg and has shipping
dimensions of 229 cm by 163 cm by 254 cm. Its electrical specification calls for a direct-speed
belt drive system with input AC voltages of 220 VAC for single-phase operation, 440 VAC for
three-phase operation, and full load amps of 40 A for single-phase operation, 25 A for three-
phase operation, or 13 A for three-phase operation.[28]

4. Analysis and Results
This is the wider part of the study that involves the interpretation of the data that is going to be
captured. That is measuring the surface roughness of the specimen before and after machining
to its respective machining parameters. After which some results are drawn based on the
obtained data.
4.1 Surface roughness measurement of the specimen before machining
As discussed in the earlier chapter. A total of 24 points were selected across the specimen as
shown in fig [3.4] to measure the surface roughness before machining of the specimen. Below
table shows the data of roughness value of the six specimens before machining.
Table 4.1: Surface roughness value before machining

Sample S1 in S2 in S3 in S4 in S5 in S6 in
no µm µm µm µm µm µm
Ra1 3.6 4.61 4.78 4.03 3.97 3.99
Ra2 3.9 4.51 3.76 3.65 4.14 3.66
Ra3 4.32 4.99 4.92 3.68 4.05 4.29
Ra4 3.87 5.07 4.32 3.92 3.68 4.95
Ra5 4.33 4.24 4.38 3.85 3.32 4.07
Ra6 4.4 4.74 4.32 3.91 4.16 4.73
Ra7 3.48 4.78 4.11 4.54 3.8 4.52
Ra8 3.61 4.81 4.93 3.99 3.89 4.24
Ra9 4.05 5.03 5 3.87 3.91 4.73
Ra10 3.91 4.85 4.24 4.22 3.9 5.13
Ra11 3.87 4.33 4.33 4.24 3.88 4.5
Ra12 4.01 4.83 3.8 3.49 3.75 3.8
Ra13 3.98 4.79 3.86 3.51 3.77 4.58
Ra14 4.03 4.71 3.94 3.72 3.93 5.09
Ra15 4.56 4.11 4.04 3.28 4.12 3.83
Ra16 3.89 4.76 4.34 3.93 4.14 4.32
Ra17 3.58 4.15 4.12 3.9 3.86 4.81
Ra18 4.26 4.62 4.23 3.45 3.47 4.35
Ra19 3.61 4.41 3.39 4.3 4.07 4.33
Ra20 3.79 4.66 4.36 3.74 4.15 4.21
Ra21 3.83 4.84 4.65 3.61 3.7 4.09
Ra22 3.99 5.09 3.88 3.32 3.5 4.09
Ra23 3.94 4.73 4.37 3.84 4.33 4.54
Ra24 3.8 5.28 4.82 3.47 3.95 5.23
3.94 4.71 4.29 3.81 3.89 4.42

As per table no [4.1] to carry out 24 number of experiments along six individual specimens are
taken. From the above table the average surface roughness value of the specimen is found to be
4.18µm This obtained value acts as reference value and helps during formulating the machining

4.2 Specimen preparation for 2D surface roughness measurement after

It is necessary to fix the points that must be measured on the specimen after machining to
measure the surface roughness as done earlier prior to machining. This time the direction of the
probe of the surface testing machine should travel in the same direction of the tool. This will
help to capture the surface roughness to a closer accuracy and also interpretation can be done
in terms of tool pass. In addition to these some more fixed points the surface roughness will be
measured perpendicular to the direction of the tool pass this will give an idea of how the
roughness varies with the entry and exit of the tool. Considering all the above factors it has bees
derived as total of 4 fixed points for slot milling as shown in below fig [4.2] and a total of 12
points for helical milling as shown in below fig [4.3].

Fig 4.2 Fixed points for surface roughness measurement after machining for Two-Way

Fig 4.3 Fixed points for surface roughness measurement after machining for Helical milling

The direction of probe movement is as shown in below fig (4.4 and 4.5). The measurement is
made in such a fashion to analyse the peak value of the surface roughness obtained in the given
machining length. In particular to find the area of presence of the peak value the area in which
the machining is done is divided into three areas that is the entry area, intermediate area and the
exit area as shown in the below figure respectively.

Fig 4.4 Fixed points for peak value measurement of surface roughness after machining for
Two-Way Milling

Fig 4.5 Fixed points for peak value measurement of surface roughness after machining for
Helical Milling

4.3 Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 40m/min with varying feed
This section the study deals with how the surface roughness of the specimen is varying with
fixed cutting speed 40m/min and varying feed rates and milling types.
4.3.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling.

Table 4.2 Surface roughness value for two-way milling at cutting speed 40 m/min

No. v f ac Coverag Sample Notes – Average

(m/min (mm/tooth (mm e numbers cutting tool Surace
) ) ) to be change Roughness
processe in µm
1 40 0.01 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 1.23
mm) cutter
2 40 0.03 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 0.89
mm) cutter
3 40 0.05 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 0.53
mm) cutter
4 40 0.08 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 0.47
mm) cutter

The above table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 40 m/min with varying feed rate for two- way slot milling. At
40m/min cutting speed and lower feed the pressure induced by the less to obtain good surface
finish. From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with
increase in feed rate at a cutting speed of 40 m/min for a two-way slot milling.

Average Surface Roughness

Surface roughness in µm

1.00 0.89
0.60 0.53
0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08
Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.6 Surface roughness values for two-way milling at cutting speed 40 m/min
4.3.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling
The average peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 3 µm to 4 µm. The
peaks are more formed at the intermediate area if the machining as shown in below figure.

Evaluation Profile








0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

Fig 4.7 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 2.5 µm to 3 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the intermediate area if the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.8 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 1.5 µm to 1.8 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the exit area if the machining as shown in below figure.
Fig 4.9 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

The maximum peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 5 µm. The peak
is formed at almost the exit area if the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.10 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

4.3.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling.

The below table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 40 m/min with varying feed rate for helical milling.
Table 4.3 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 40 m/min

Sample Average
numbers Surface
v f ac to be Notes – cutting Roughness
No. (m/min) (mm/tooth) (mm) Coverage processed tool change in µm
60% (3.6 2. Milling
1 40 0.01 1 mm) 5-S cutter 0.21
60% (3.6 2. Milling
2 40 0.03 1 mm) 5-S cutter 0.38
60% (3.6 2. Milling
3 40 0.05 1 mm) 5-S cutter 0.50
60% (3.6 2. Milling
4 40 0.08 1 mm) 6-S cutter 0.65

From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with decrease in
feed rate at a cutting speed of 40 m/min for a helical milling.

Average Surface Roughness

Surface roughness in µm

0.70 0.65
0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.11 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 40 m/min

4.3.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling
The average peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 2.5 µm to 3 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the exit area if the machining as shown in below figure.

Evaluation Profile

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0

Fig 4.12 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 2 µm to 3.5 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the exit area if the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.13 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 4 µm. The peaks
are more formed at the exit area if the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.14 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 40m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 3.5 µm. The peaks
are more formed at the exit area if the machining as shown in below figure.

Evaluation Profile








0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0

Fig 4.15 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 40 m/min

4.3.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical Milling
From the below graph it is inferred that to obtain the best surface finish at a cutting speed of 40
m/min and in case a slot milling to be carried out it is better to choose higher feed rates and in
case of Helical milling it is clearly shown to incline towards lower feed rates. In this case the

optimum feed rate at 40 m/min for helical is 0.01 mm/tooth and for two-way slot milling is 0.08
mm/tooth for both keeping depth of cut 1mm.

Comparision Between Hellical and Two Way Milling

Surface roughness in µm

1.00 0.89
0.80 0.65
0.60 0.50 0.53 0.47
0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Average Surace Roughness (Hellical Milling) Average Surace Roughness (Two Way Milling)

Fig 4.16 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 40 m/min

4.4 Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 55m/min with varying feed
This section the study deals with how the surface roughness of the specimen is varying with
fixed cutting speed 55m/min and varying feed rates and milling types.
4.4.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling.
The below table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 55 m/min with varying feed rate for two- way slot milling.
Table 4.4 Surface roughness value for two-way milling at cutting speed 55 m/min

No. v f ac Coverag Sample Notes – cutting Average

(m/min (mm/tooth (mm e numbers tool change Surface
) ) ) to be Roughnes
processe s in µm
1 55 0.01 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling 1.03
mm) cutter
2 55 0.03 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling 0.71
mm) cutter
3 55 0.05 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling 0.43
mm) cutter
4 55 0.08 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3. Milling 0.24
mm) cutter
From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with increase in
feed rate at a cutting speed of 55 m/min for a two-way slot milling.

Average Surface Roughness

Surface roughness in µm


0.80 0.71


0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.17 Surface roughness values for two-way milling at cutting speed 55 m/min.

4.4.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling

The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 3 µm to 4 µm. The
peaks are more formed at almost all the area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.18 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 2 µm to 2.3 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the intermediate and the end area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.19 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 1 µm to 1.5 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the intermediate and the end area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.20 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 1.5 µm. The peaks
are more formed at the intermediate area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.21 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min.
4.4.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling.
The below table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 55 m/min with varying feed rate for helical milling.

Table 4.5 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 55 m/min

No. v f ac Coverag Sample Notes – cutting Average

(m/min (mm/tooth (mm e numbers tool change Surface
) ) ) to be Roughnes
processe s in µm
1 55 0.01 1 60% (3.6 3-S 2. Milling 0.47
mm) cutter
2 55 0.03 1 60% (3.6 4-S 2. Milling 0.54
mm) cutter
3 55 0.05 1 60% (3.6 4-S 2. Milling 0.73
mm) cutter
4 55 0.08 1 60% (3.6 4-S 2. Milling 1.06
mm) cutter

From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with decrease in
feed rate at a cutting speed of 55 m/min for a Helical milling.

Average Surface Roughness

Surface roughness in µm


0.80 0.73

0.60 0.54


0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.22 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 55 m/min.

4.4.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling
The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 3 µm to 4 µm .
The peaks are more formed at the intermediate area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.23 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 4 µm to 6 µm .
The peaks are more formed at the exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.24 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 10 µm . The peaks
are more formed at the exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.25 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 55m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 7 µm to 8 µm. The
peaks are more formed at the exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.26 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 55 m/min

4.4.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical
From the below graph it is inferred that to obtain the best surface finish at a cutting speed of 55
m/min and in case a slot milling to be carried out it is better to choose higher feed rates and in
case of Helical milling it is clearly shown to incline towards lower feed rates. In this case the
optimum feed rate at 55 m/min for helical is 0.01 mm/tooth and for two-way slot milling is 0.08
mm/tooth for both keeping depth of cut 1mm.

Comparision Between Hellical and Two Way Milling

1.20 1.06
Surface roughness in µm


0.80 0.71 0.73

0.60 0.54
0.47 0.43

0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08
Feed Rate in mm/tooth
Average Surace Roughness (Hellical Milling) Average Surace Roughness (Two Way Milling)

Fig 4.27 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 55 m/min

4.5 Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 70m/min with varying feed
This section the study deals with how the surface roughness of the specimen is varying with
fixed cutting speed 70m/min and varying feed rates and milling types.
4.5.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling.
The below table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 70 m/min with varying feed rate for two- way slot milling.
Table 4.6 Surface roughness value for two way milling at cutting speed 70 m/min

No. v f ac Coverag Sample Notes – Average

(m/min) (mm/tooth (mm) e numbers cutting tool Surface
) to be change Roughnes
processe s in µm
1 70 0.01 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 0.82
mm) cutter
2 70 0.03 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 0.52
mm) cutter
3 70 0.05 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 0.46
mm) cutter
4 70 0.08 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling 0.17
mm) cutter

From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with increase in
feed rate at a cutting speed of 70 m/min for a two-way slot milling.

Average Surface Roughness

0.90 0.82
Surface roughness in µm

0.60 0.52
0.50 0.46
0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08
Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.28 Surface roughness values for two-way milling at cutting speed 70 m/min.
4.5.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling
The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 2 µm to 3 µm. The
peaks are more formed at the entry and exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.29 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 1 µm to 1.6 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the intermediate and exit area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.30 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 1 µm to 1.5 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the entry and intermediate area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.31 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 1 µm to 1.3 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the entry and intermediate area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.32 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min

4.5.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling.
The below table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 70 m/min with varying feed rate for helical milling.
Table 4.7 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 70 m/min

No. v f ac Coverag Sample Notes – cutting Average

(m/min (mm/tooth (mm e numbers tool change Surface
) ) ) to be Roughnes
processe s
1 70 0.01 1 60% (3.6 1-S 1. milling cutter 0.27
2 70 0.03 1 60% (3.6 1-S 1. milling cutter 0.51
3 70 0.05 1 60% (3.6 1-S 1. milling cutter 0.82
4 70 0.08 1 60% (3.6 2-S 1. milling cutter 0.81

From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with decrease in
feed rate at a cutting speed of 70 m/min for a Helical milling.

Average Surface Roughness

0.90 0.82 0.81
Surface roughness in µm

0.60 0.51
0.30 0.27

0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.33 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 70 m/min.

4.5.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling
The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 2 µm to 3 µm. The
peaks are more formed at exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.34 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 4 µm to 5 µm. The
peaks are more formed at entry area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.35 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 3 µm to 4 µm. The
peaks are more formed at exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.36 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 70m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 6 µm to 7 µm. The
peaks are more formed at exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.37 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 70 m/min

4.5.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical
From the below graph it is inferred that to obtain the best surface finish at a cutting speed of 70
m/min and in case a slot milling to be carried out it is better to choose higher feed rates and in
case of Helical milling it is clearly shown to incline towards lower feed rates. In this case the
optimum feed rate at 70m/min for helical is 0.01 mm/tooth and for two-way slot milling is 0.08
mm/tooth for both keeping depth of cut 1mm.

Comparision Between Hellical and Two Way Milling

0.90 0.82 0.82 0.81

Surface roughness in µm

0.60 0.51 0.52
0.50 0.46
0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Average Surace Roughness (Hellical Milling) Average Surace Roughness (Two Way Milling)

Fig 4.38 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 70 m/min

4.6 Analysis of surface roughness of fixed Cutting speed 90m/min with varying feed
This section the study deals with how the surface roughness of the specimen is varying with
fixed cutting speed 90m/min and varying feed rates and milling types.
4.6.1 Surface roughness value for Two-Way slot milling.
The below table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 90 m/min with varying feed rate for two- way slot milling.

Table 4.8 Surface roughness value for two way milling at cutting speed 90 m/min

No. v f ac Coverag Sample Notes – cutting Average

(m/min (mm/tooth (mm e numbers tool change Surface
) ) ) to be Roughnes
processe s in µm
1 90 0.01 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling cutter 0.73
2 90 0.03 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling cutter 0.59
3 90 0.05 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling cutter 0.34
4 90 0.08 1 60% (3.6 7-S 3.Milling cutter 0.19

From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with increase in
feed rate at a cutting speed of 90 m/min for a Two-Way Milling.

Average Surface Roughness

0.80 0.73
Surface roughness in µm

0.40 0.34
0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.39 Surface roughness values for two way milling at cutting speed 90 m/min.

4.6.2 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Two -Way Milling
The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 3 µm to 4 µm. The
peaks are more formed at the intermediate and the exit area of the machining as shown in below

Fig 4.40 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 2 µm to 2.5 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the intermediate area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.41 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 1 µm to 1.5 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the entry and the intermediate area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.42 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 1 µm to 1.5 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the entry and the intermediate area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.43 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min

4.6.3 Surface roughness value for Helical Milling.
The below table shows the detailed description of the average surface roughness value that is
obtained at fixed cutting speed 90 m/min with varying feed rate for helical milling.
Table 4.9 Surface roughness value for helical milling at cutting speed 90 m/min

No. v f ac Coverag Sample Notes – cutting Average

(m/min (mm/tooth (mm e numbers tool change Surface
) ) ) to be Roughnes
processe s in µm
1 90 0.01 1 60% (3.6 2-S 1. milling cutter 0.27
2 90 0.03 1 60% (3.6 2-S 1. milling cutter 0.55
3 90 0.05 1 60% (3.6 3-S 2. Milling 1.01
mm) cutter
4 90 0.08 1 60% (3.6 3-S 2. Milling 1.05
mm) cutter

From the below graph it is inferred that the surface roughness value decreases with decrease in
feed rate at a cutting speed of 90 m/min for a Helical milling.

Average Surface Roughness

Surface roughness in µm



0.60 0.55


0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.44 Surface roughness values for helical milling at cutting speed 90 m/min.

4.6.4 Typical profile graphs to find tool overlap for Helical Milling
The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.01 mm/tooth is 8 µm to 9 µm. The
peaks are more formed at the entry area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.45 Average peak Value at feed 0.01 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.03 mm/tooth is 3 µm to 4 µm. The
peaks are more formed at the intermediate area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.46 Average peak Value at feed 0.03 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min

The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/tooth is 15 µm to 20 µm.
The peaks are more formed at the entry and intermediate area of the machining as shown in
below figure.

Fig 4.47 Average peak Value at feed 0.05 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min
The average peak value obtained at 90m/min and feed rate 0.08 mm/tooth is 6 µm to 8 µm. The
peaks are more formed at the exit area of the machining as shown in below figure.

Fig 4.48 Average peak Value at feed 0.08 mm/tooth at cutting speed 90 m/min

4.6.5 Comparison Between Surface roughness value of Two way and Helical Milling
From the below graph it is inferred that to obtain the best surface finish at a cutting speed of 90
m/min and in case a slot milling to be carried out it is better to choose higher feed rates and in
case of Helical milling it is clearly shown to incline towards lower feed rates. In this case the
optimum feed rate at 90m/min for helical is 0.01 mm/tooth and for two-way slot milling is 0.08
mm/tooth for both keeping depth of cut 1mm.

Comparision Between Hellical and Two Way Milling

Surface roughness in µm

1.01 1.05

0.80 0.73

0.60 0.55 0.59

0.40 0.34

0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Average Surace Roughness (Hellical Milling) Average Surace Roughness (Two Way Milling)

Fig 4.49 Comparison between two-way and helical milling at cutting speed 90 m/min

4.7. Analysis of Results

Surface roughness in µm

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.50 Average surface roughness for two way milling with respect to feed

Surface roughness in µm

Feed Rate in mm/tooth

Fig 4.51 Average surface roughness for helical milling with respect to feed
The findings of surface roughness that are collected for helical and two-way milling are
summarized in the following two graphs.
Greater cutting speeds and greater feed rates are implying an excellent surface quality in the
case of two-way milling. Since there are only two tool passes in a two-way milling operation
in this experiment, one is the entry and the other is the exit, the resistance to vibration of the
tool is also reduced at higher cutting speed and feed rates. This is because higher feed rates and
cutting speed reduce the overall machining time, which in turn reduces the overall time the
cutting force is acting on the work piece and results in good surface finish. Higher feed rates
and cutting speeds together may assist avoid or reduce the creation of built-up edges. When the
material from the workpiece sticks to the cutting tool, it creates a built-up edge, which results
in uneven cutting conditions and surface roughness. A built-up edge may be broken up or
prevented from forming with enough heat energy from faster cutting rates, improving the
surface quality.
In the instance of helical milling, it is clear from the graph that faster cutting speeds and
less feed provide the optimum surface quality. The tool makes fewer cuts per revolution but
moves more quickly down the helix when the feed rate and cutting speed are different. As a
result, there are fewer opportunities for tool deflection, vibration, and surface imperfections
throughout each rotation. In addition, the increased cutting speed makes it possible to remove
material with more efficiency, which cuts down on machining time and improves surface
smoothness. The tool will make three tool passes from inside to outside of the pocket in this
experiment for the helical milling in accordance with the design of trials. Therefore, the tool's
vibration resistance is greater at the beginning of machining and progressively reduces as the
tool advances outward. As a result, a reduced feed rate will also result in a reduction in the
cutting force operating on the work piece, which will provide a good surface finish. Due to the
nature of the cutting process, a lower feed rate and faster cutting speed might provide a surface
texture that is smoother.
The total tool overlap, which led to the development of surface roughness peaks on the
specimen, is summarized in the table below. The machining area is separated into three sections
according to the following table, according to tool pass. The entrance, the middle zone, and the
exit zone. The green color in the table denotes the occurrence of notable peak values in the
specified region, while the red color denotes a low likelihood for peak development. In general,
two-way milling produces more peaks than helical milling, and one factor in this is the smaller
cutting area and constrained tool pass.
Table 4.10 Presence of peak surface roughness values for two way milling
Type of Feed in Intermediate
speed in Entry Area Exit Area
Miiling mm/tooth Area
Two Way 0.08
Milling 0.01

Table 4.11 Presence of peak surface roughness values for helical milling

Type of Cutting speed Feed in Intermediate

Entry Area Exit Area
Miiling in m/min mm/tooth Area
Helical 0.08
Milling 0.01

5. Conclusion
1. Irrespective of Helical milling or Two-Way milling the value of the surface roughness
will be higher in the machining area at the initial tool pass when compared to other
2. The surface roughness gradually decreases as the tool moves towards the exit tool pass.
3. In case of helical milling to obtain the best surface roughness value possible it is evident
to choose the set of machining parameters with higher cutting speed and lower feed rate.
4. In case of slot milling to obtain the best surface roughness value possible it is evident
to choose the set of machining parameters with higher cutting speed and higher feed
5. In terms of productivity when compared to slot and helical milling, slot milling is more
productive as the time required for machining is less, and also there is no necessity to
create any pre machining operation as in helical milling we need to do a mini drill during
the entry of the tool to avoid tool damage which is time consuming.
6. As per the design of experiments there is for slot milling there is two tool pass, and for
helical milling there is three tool passes. Tool overlap is found more in slot milling when
compared to helical milling.
7. Tool overlap is found more at the entry area of the machining in slot milling and in case
of helical milling it is occurred more at the exit area of machining.
8. As the machining area for two-way milling is less when compared to helical milling,
hence the vibration experienced by the tool due to less machining area is more in case
of two -way milling when compared to helical milling.
9. The optimum set of machining parameters for two-way milling are Cutting Speed-
90m/min, Feed rate- 0.08 mm/tooth, Depth of cut- 1mm. (Ra= 0.19 µm)
10. The optimum set of machining parameters for Helical milling are Cutting Speed-
90m/min, Feed rate- 0.01 mm/tooth, Depth of cut- 1mm. (Ra = 0.27µm)

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