Social Studies flash cards 1 keys

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1. The correct answer is C.

Explanation: According to the passage, opponents of the Constitution felt equal representation and a
complete restriction of federal interference in state affairs were absolutely "essential" to a confederate
republic. Hamilton spends most of the passage dismissing these concerns, believing that the specifics of
"federal authority are mere matters of discretion."

As a final counter to the claims of his opponents, Hamilton references the Lycian confederacy. He notes
that the confederacy involved proportional representation, and the national government possessed the
power to appoint all local officials. These facts directly contradict the claims of his opponents since the
Lycian government was considered "an excellent Confederate Republic."

2.The correct answer is C.

Explanation :According to the passage``,the attack on Pearl Harbor also launched a rash of fear about
national security ,especially on the West Coast.In February 1942,just two months after Pearl Harbor,
President Roosevelt as commander in Chief,issued Executive Order 9066,which had the effect of
relocating all persons of Japanese ancestry, both citizens, and aliens,inland,outside of the Pacific military

3. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: The continent of Asia (designated as purple on the graph) is clearly the most populated,
containing 59.5% of the world’s population. Africa (blue) is 16.5%, Europe (green) is 10%, and Oceana
(red) is 1%. Added all together these three continents do not equal the population of Asia.

4. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: The poster depicts the Nazi Party as providing protection and support for the German
family. The title of the poster is “The Nazi Party Safeguards the People of the Nation” and the text below
states that “National comrades, if you need advice and help, then turn to your local Nazi Party.”

5. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: Wartime cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union did not continue
after the war because the two countries did not trust each other.

The passage states, “Mutual distrust ruled the relationship between the two countries, and this was
evident in the occupation of Germany.”

6. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: The naval militarism depicted in the cartoon, along with nationalism, imperialism, and
military alliances gave rise to the start of World War I five years later.

7. The correct answer is C.

Explanation: The cartoon depicts the web of alliances throughout Europe and the potential
consequences of those alliances. A conflict between Serbia and Austria could draw Russia into a conflict
in support of Serbia which could draw Germany into the conflict in support of Austria. The cartoon
shows France and Great Britain also being drawn in on the side of Russia. This is exactly how World War
I started.

8. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: According to the corresponding text, Isaac Wilkins was a traitor to the cause of the
American colonists because he had betrayed his fellow man by agreeing with and conforming to the
overbearing laws of British Parliament.

The author accuses him of being, “A wolf in sheep’s clothing.” This phrase can be defined as a person or
thing that appears harmless but is actually dangerous. The evidence is provided in the statement, “[ . . . ]
having betrayed the confidence of his constituents, and villainously consented, that they, and their
posterity should become abject Slaves, to the mercenary, and tyrannical Parliament of Great Britain.”
Further evidence is provided when stated, “And hath in diverse other instances, endeavored to destroy
the Liberties of America [ . . . ]”.

9. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: Because the image implies that if the colonies do not join together for independence, they
will be cut up like the snake and, therefore, die, it can be inferred that someone who supported the
American Revolution created the image. It is a pro-independence image.

10. The correct answer is C.

Explanation: According to the graph, private college tuition (orange line) costs grew much more rapidly
than the overall cost of living(green line) between 1978 and 2008. In 1978, the costs were almost even
by 2008 private college tuition was 3 times hirer than the cost of living.
11. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: The Mohawk Nation existed before the United States of America. By reading the passage, it
can be discerned that the Mohawk Nation predated European settlement of the Americas. For example,
when the passage references the first settlement of Jesuit priests on the St. Regis River, the passage
states, “The Mohawk people had continually used this site at the confluence of the St. Lawrence River
Valley as part of its fishing and hunting grounds prior to the building of the first church.” Furthermore, it
can be deduced that the Mohawk Nation existed before the United States by looking at the dates that
the Jesuit priests encountered the Mohawks, the 1750s, which was before the founding of the United
States in 1776.

12. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: Article III of the Constitution establishes the judicial branch of the US government. One
section of this article describes the cases and controversies over which the Supreme Court has original
jurisdiction. The Judiciary Act of 1789 “gave the Supreme Court original jurisdiction to issue writs of
mandamus . . . but the Supreme Court noted that the Constitution did not permit the Court to have
original jurisdiction in this matter.” Essentially, the Judiciary Act of 1789 enlarged the powers of the
Supreme Court beyond that prescribed in the Constitution. The Court found this to be an
unconstitutional grant of authority.
13. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: Cancer rates are never mentioned in the passage, but the other three factors are

“The transition to a low carbon dioxide emission permits a momentous turning point in the fight against
climate change, improving energy security, and last but not least, significantly reducing geopolitical

14. The correct answer is D.

Explanation: According to the map’s legend, neutral colonies are marked in yellow. Norway, Romania,
Turkey are all marked in yellow. Therefore, they were all neutral countries and not members of the
Triple Alliance or Triple Entente.

15. The correct answer is C.

Explanation: Germany was not in control of portions of the Soviet Union in 1948–49.Answer choices A,
B, and D are mentioned in the first paragraph. The passage states, “At the end of the Second World War,
US, British, and Soviet military forces divided and occupied Germany. Also divided into occupation
zones, Berlin was located far inside Soviet-controlled eastern Germany.”

16. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: The graph shows that the cost of reducing emissions by 50 pounds is about $2,500, which is
considerably more than the emissions charge of $1,000. It is cheaper for a business to simply pay the
charge and not worry about their emissions past 30 pounds.
17. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: The answer is found in the following excerpt, “I would therefore call upon Congress to take
all the means within their constitutional powers to promote and encourage popular education
throughout the country, and upon the people everywhere to see to it that all who possess and exercise
political rights shall have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge which will make their share in the
Government a blessing and not a danger. By such means only can the benefits contemplated by this
amendment to the Constitution be secured.” In this section of the passage, Grant encourages education
so that those who have won voting rights can make educated decisions when they vote.

18. The correct answer is C.

Explanation: In the early 1950’s the Committee on Un-American Activities, led by Senator Joseph
McCarthy, trampled the rights of individuals by making false accusations that people in the government
and connected to various industries were infiltrated with communists. They compelled people to testify
against their co-workers and friends or face accusations themselves that they had ties to the Communist
Party. Actors and directors in Hollywood faced baseless accusations and many were blacklisted for
decades. McCarthy and his committee felt that the threat of communism justified these unethical

19. The correct answer is D.

Explanation: Answer choice D reflects how the historical context shapes Winston Churchill’s point of
view, namely that the United States, Great Britain, and Western Europe faced an uncertain future after
the war, and that they saw the Soviet Union as a threat. The first sentence of the passage states: “A
shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately light by the Allied victory [in World War II]. Nobody knows
what Soviet Russia and its Communist international organization intends to do in the immediate future,
or what are the limits, if any, to their expansive and proselytizing tendencies.”

Answer choices A, B, and C are not mentioned in the passage.

20. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: According to the passage, “The key factor in turning national economic difficulties into
worldwide depression seems to have been a lack of international coordination as most governments
and financial institutions turned inwards.”

21. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States began its War on
Terrorism. Therefore, considering that the passage was written in 2003, shortly after the terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center, it can be deduced that the author’s writings are part of the United
States’ effort to form a strategy to fight terrorism.

22. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States began its War on
Terrorism. Therefore, considering that the passage was written in 2003, shortly after the terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center, it can be deduced that the author’s writings are part of the United
States’ effort to form a strategy to fight terrorism.
23. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the Ministry of Truth is responsible for editing and rewriting
historical documents in a way that supports the government’s doctrine. As the passage states, “The
protagonist of the novel, Winston Smith, is a member of the Outer Party, who works for the Ministry of
Truth, or Minitrue in Newspeak. The Minitrue is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism.
His job is to rewrite past newspaper articles so that the historical record always supports the Party line.”

24. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: Evidence suggests the Florida panhandle was settled 14,500 years ago. According to the
passage, “Evidence found at Monte Verde, a site in modern-day Chile, suggests human activity began
there at least 14,500 years ago. Similar evidence hints at human settlement in the Florida panhandle at
the same time.” The other time frames offered as answer choices refer to separate events discussed in
the passage.

25. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: Answer choice B is the only answer that makes cities a preferable choice to rural areas,
which is the trend the graph presents. The others answer choices are either not true, detracting
qualities, or irrelevant.
26. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: Answer choice A best summarizes the difference between British and French mercantilism.
The passage states that “Canada developed a tightly governed economy under mercantilism with
infrastructure that reflected its needs: docks and harbors, storehouses for furs, and a workforce just
large enough to trade furs, fight local wars, and develop a farming sector that could meet subsistence
needs. This was where colonial capital was spent, rather than on, say, wool or hemp production and
mills (with skilled workers from France) that would turn raw materials into cloth or rope. British
mercantilism was somewhat different . . . the English established chartered monopoly firms like the East
India Company whose purpose was antithetical to settlement and self-sufficiency. Second, English (after
union with Scotland in 1707, British) mercantilism regulated trade. The imperial government placed
tariffs on imports and gave bounties for exports of processed goods, and it banned completely the
export of some raw materials. The colonies were thus captive markets for English/British industry.”

Answer choices B, C, and D do not reflect the appropriate differences between British and French

27. The correct answer is D.

Explanation: Agriculture, deforestation, and urbanization have all had an effect on the Earth and its

As stated in the passage, “Urbanization, deforestation, and agricultural practices have greatly changed
the Earth and have had effects on both the abiotic (non-living parts of an ecosystem) and biotic (living
parts of an ecosystem) parts of the environment. Explanation: Some of the ideals in the Code of
Hammurabi, such as the presumption of innocence and the right to present evidence, are reflected in
the US government, or the Constitution. The 6th Amendment of the US Constitution reflects the idea of
“innocent until proven guilty” and grants citizens accused of a crime the right to a fair trial in which the
accused may confront their accuser and present evidence. The passage states, “The code has been seen
as an early example of a fundamental law, regulating a government—i.e., a primitive constitution. The
code is also one of the earliest examples of the idea of presumption of innocence, and it also suggests
that both the accused and accuser have the opportunity to provide evidence. It's copying in subsequent
generations indicates that it was used as a model of legal and judicial reasoning.”

28. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: Switzerland, like America, made many of its bridges from wood in part because it was
densely wooded.The passage states, “The heavily wooded European countries—Switzerland in
particular—had a strong tradition of bridge construction in timber from the Renaissance on, and
naturally a certain amount of this technique found its way to the New World with the colonials and

29. The correct answer is A.

Explanation: The passage states that “Mental accounting attempts to explain how consumers value and
think about spending their money based on what they spend it on and the source from which it flows.”
In this scenario, it makes sense for Mateo to either shop for eggs and steak across town because both
items are more expensive across the street, or to shop for both items across the street because doing so
is simply more convenient. In other words, Mateo’s shopping should be informed by convenience and
price equally when the two items are priced more competitively across town. The low price of the eggs
and high price of the steaks, however, prompts him to take a different—and irrational—approach to
shopping for each item. This is an example of mental accounting, whereas the other three answer
choices are rational.

30. The correct answer is D.

Explanation: After the Congressional elections of 1866, the Republican controlled Congress took a hard
line towards the former Confederate states. As the passage states, “The Radical Republicans in Congress
wanted to ensure that the leaders of the Confederacy were not put back in power and the plantation
system of the South was destroyed. In 1867 Congress passed the Military Reconstruction Acts, dividing
the former Confederate States into five military districts. While maintaining martial law, the Act also
defined the rules for the Confederate States to re-establish their governments.”

31. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: Section 158 provided that 5% of federal funds within the certain highway grants would be
withheld for any state that did not have a minimum drinking age of 21.

This legislation was meant to encourage the states to comply, even through Congress might have lacked
the power to pass a national law with the same intent. Whenever adjudicating an issue like this one, the
court determines whether the legislation acts as encouragement or compulsion. Federal coercion is
strictly prohibited, which is why Congress only restricted 5% of the funding, an amount the Supreme
Court determined "is not so coercive as to pass the point at which pressure turns into compulsion."

32. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: The missing information on the timeline is China. The passage states: “Civilizations were
established in the Indus Valley by 2500 BCE, in China by 2000 BCE, in Central America by 1200 BCE, in
Greece by 800 BCE, and in Rome by 750 BCE.”

33. The correct answer is B.

Explanation: Nixon downplayed the Watergate scandal and referred to the news reports as biased and
misleading. It later became clear that the Watergate break-in involved the Committee to Re-elect
President Nixon, his White House staff, and the president himself.

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