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Tutorial 9: Multi-cell Beams

The idealised cross-section of a two-cell thin-wall wing box is shown below. The wing supports forces
and moments as shown. Assume that the webs do not buckle and carry shear only, and that the shear
modulus is 28 GPa.

Calculate and sketch the shear flow distribution under the applied load

24500 N 20000 N

11000 N 6 7,000,000
N mm
254 I II 202 406

distances in mm
635 763
Wall Length (mm) Thickness (mm) Boom Area (mm2)
1-6 254 1.625 1, 6 1290
2-5 406 2.032 2, 5 1936
3-4 202 1.220 3, 4 645
1-2 647 0.915
5-6 647 0.915 Cell Area (mm2)
2-3 775 0.559 I 232,000
4-5 775 0.559 II 258,000

It can be useful to determine cross-section properties in a tabular manner. In addition, this example uses
exact values as calculated in a spreadsheet. It is recommended to solve using a spreadsheet.

boom x* y* A Ax* Ay* x y Ax2 Ay2 Axy

1 0 -127 1290 0 -163830 -550.5 -127 390965827 20806410 90191991
2 635 -203 1936 1229360 -393008 84.5 -203 13816383 79780624 -33200597
3 1398 -101 645 901710 -65145 847.5 -101 463251416 6579645 -55208965
4 1398 101 645 901710 65145 847.5 101 463251416 6579645 55208965
5 635 203 1936 1229360 393008 84.5 203 13816383 79780624 33200597
6 0 127 1290 0 163830 -550.5 127 390965827 20806410 -90191991

 x* and y* are coordinates relative to an arbitrary location (here the mid-point of 1-6)
 𝑥̄ 𝛴𝐴𝑥 ∗ /𝛴𝐴 550.5 mm, 𝑦̄ 𝛴𝐴𝑦 ∗ /𝛴𝐴 0,
 𝑥 𝑥∗ 𝑥̄ , 𝑦 𝑦∗ 𝑦̄ , 𝐴𝑥 𝐴 𝑥 , 𝐴𝑦 𝐴 𝑦 , 𝐴𝑥𝑦 𝐴 𝑥 𝑦
 𝐼 𝛴𝐴𝑦 214,333,358 mm , 𝐼 𝛴𝐴𝑥 1,736,967,252 mm , 𝐼 𝛴𝐴𝑥𝑦 0

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Sx = sum of all x direction forces = -11000 N (-ve as in -ve x direction, i.e. to the left)

Sy = sum of all y direction forces = 24500 + 20000 = 44500 N (+ve as in +ve y direction, i.e. up)

Cut at 6-5 and 5-4, and solve in from “free” edges at 6, 5 and 4

Unlike the class example, due to the horizontal force there

are non-zero shear flows on 1-2 and 2-3, even though 5
the cross-section (ignoring webs) is symmetric 6 4
Define positive values of qb as shown, and use
full equation for q (note that contributions of Sx s s
and Sy can be calculated together, but that
contribution of the moment is added in later)

𝑆 𝐼 𝑆 𝐼 𝑆 𝐼 𝑆 𝐼 1 3
𝑞 𝐴 𝑥 𝐴 𝑦 𝑞
𝐼 𝐼 𝐼 𝐼 𝐼 𝐼 2
𝑞 6.34 10 𝐴 𝑥 2.08 10 𝐴 𝑦 𝑞 𝐴 6.34 10 𝑥 2.08 10 𝑦 𝑞

𝑞 , 1290 6.34 10 550.5 2.08 10 127 38.5 N/mm

𝑞 , 1290 6.34 10 550.5 2.08 10 127 38.5 9.0 N/mm

𝑞 , 1936 6.34 10 84.5 2.08 10 203 80.6 N/mm

𝑞 , 645 6.34 10 847.5 2.08 10 101 10.1 N/mm

𝑞 , 645 6.34 10 847.5 2.08 10 101 10.1 6.9 N/mm

As a check, it is possible to calculate q23,b from boom 2, by adding in the shear flows from panels 1-2 and
5-2 as a combined q0 term (in general, if +ve directions of shear flow point in to the same junction then
they add together).

𝑞 , 1936 6.34 10 84.5 2.08 10 203 9.0 80.6 6.9 𝑞 ,

sketching qb is useful at this point (keep arrows in +ve direction at this point)

Useful also to sketch unknowns qc,I and qc,I (closing qc in each cell, assume +ve anti-clockwise)

qb (N/mm) qc
6 4 6 4
5 5

-38.5 -80.6 -10.1 qc,I qc,II

1 3 1 3
-9.0 2 6.9 2

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Create a d/dz equation for each cell, assume anti-clockwise positive

I: 𝑞 , 2 𝑞 , 38.5 9.0
, , . . . . . .

1.2992 10 1770𝑞 , 200𝑞 , 3713 Eq. (1)

II: 𝑞 , 𝑞 , 2 80.6 6.9

, , . . . . . .

1.4448 10 200𝑞 , 3138𝑞 , 24034 Eq. (2)

Take moments about boom 5, anti-clockwise +ve, remembering to add in moments from 2 vertical
forces, 1 horizontal force and the clockwise moment (note the moment is simply added in regardless of
the moment centre as it results in the same shear flow system regardless of its moment centre)

Also note that the enclosed area created by panel 1-2 and boom 5 and the enclosed area created by
panel 2-3 and boom 5 are calculated from geometry and equal to 140,130 mm2 and 167,913 mm2. This
is shown below (triangle 1-2-5-1 + enclosed area 1-2-1 and triangle 5-2-3-5 + enclosed area 3-2-3).

24500 635 20000 763 11000 203 127 7,000,000

2 232,000𝑞 , 2 258,000𝑞 , 38.5 254 635 2 9.0 140130
2 6.9 167913 10.1 202 763

8133500 464,000𝑞 , 516,000𝑞 , 9509628 Eq. (3)

At this point, it’s worth to recall that Eq. (3) should be the same regardless of the point that moments are
taken about. This means that the term found from putting all known terms on the same side of the
equation (i.e. torque from external subtracted by torque from qb terms, Text – Tqb, which here would be
–8133500 – (–9509628) = 1376128) is always the same. So, we can take moments about another point
as a check that this term is correct.

Taking moments about boom 2, anti-clockwise +ve, and noting that the enclosed area created by panel
1-2 and boom 2 is calculated as half the area found from subtracting the enclosed area of cell I from the
trapezium formed by panels 1-6 and 2-5 (and likewise for cell II):

24500 635 20000 763 11000 127 203 7,000,000

2 232,000𝑞 , 2 258,000𝑞 , 38.5 254 635 2 9.0 11225
2 6.9 13024 10.1 202 763

3667500 464,000𝑞 , 516,000𝑞 , 5043628

And checking the sum of known terms, Text – Tqb = –3667500 – (–5043628) = 1376128 as before
trapezium 5 trapezium
6-1-2-5-6 = 5-2-3-4-5 =
209550 mm2
6 4 231952 mm2

triangle triangle
1-2-5-1 5-2-3-5
= 128905 mm2 = 154889 mm2

Enclosed area 1 3 Enclosed area

1-2-1 = 3-2-3 =
11225 mm2 2 13024 mm2 Page 3 of 4
Solving Eq. (1), (2), (3): E.g. convert to matrix form [A]{x} = [B] and solve {x} = [A]-1[B]

1770 200 1.2992 10 𝑞, 3713

200 3138 1.4448 10 𝑞, 24034
464000 516000 0 𝑑𝜃/𝑑𝑧 1376128

𝑞 , 3.7 N/mm 𝑞 , 6.0 N/mm 3.1 10 rad/mm

Giving the total shear flows, from q = qb + qc

3.7 6.0

42.2 70.9 16.1 q (N/mm)

12.7 0.9
Discuss the results

How could you check equivalence of external and internal loads?

How would the calculation change if the cross-section was not symmetric?

Is the cross-section undergoing torsion? Is it rotating? If so, which way? If not, why not?

If you have used a spreadsheet, then try exploring how changing the load values changes the shear
flows, e.g. try having only single forces or moments in isolation, reverse signs, change magnitude, etc.


How could you check equivalence of external and internal loads?

- The force from a constant shear flow is q×lx or q×ly. The sum of all the forces in the x and y directions
from all the shear flows can be compared to the total external forces (-11000 N in x and 44500 N in y).
Note that as a check on solutions this can be used to check qb values. However, as the qc shear flows
act around a cell, the net force is zero, so it is not a useful check on qc or on final qtotal solutions, other
than to check that qb and qc flows have been added together properly.

How would the calculation change if the cross-section was not symmetric?
- basically as above, where the full equation for q is needed (but cannot be simplified as Ixy  0), which
adds q terms and affects the torsional equivalence.

Is the cross-section undergoing torsion? Is it rotating? If so, which way? If not, why not?
- Yes, there is torsion. This can be seen from the non-zero rate of twist. As the rate of twist is negative,
this means the cross-section is rotating clockwise (as anti-clockwise was the assumed positive direction
for rotation). (for reference, the shear centre is 88.6 mm to the left of web 2-5 on the axis of symmetry).

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