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L-12 Friction

Multiple choice questions

1. Which is a streamlined object?
(a) Boats
(b) Aeroplanes
(c) Ships
(d) All of these
2. Which of the following is responsible for wearing out of bicycle tyres?
(a) Muscular force
(b) Magnetic force
(c) Frictional force
(d) Electrostatic force
3. A toy car released with the same initial speed will travel farthest on
(a) muddy surface
(b) polished marble surface
(c) cemented surface
(d) brick surface

Answer the following questions

1. Suppose your writing desk is tilted a little. A book kept on it starts sliding down. Show the
direction of frictional force acting on it.
When book slides down on the desk, a frictional force acts between the book and the surface of the
desk. The direction of the friction force on the book is opposite to the direction of its motion and acts
in an upward direction. It is shown in the diagram below.

2. You spill a bucket of soapy water on a marble floor accidently. Would it make it easier or
more difficult for you to walk on the floor? Why?
It is possible to walk on the floor because of the friction present between our feet and the ground.
For walking, we push the ground in a backward direction with our feet. The force of friction
pushes it in the forward direction and allows us to walk. The force of friction decreases between
the ground and the feet when there is soapy water spilt on the floor. Hence, it becomes difficult to
walk on the soapy floor.
3. Explain why sportsmen use shoes with spikes.
Sportsmen use shoes with spikes because of the better grip given by spikes while running. This is
because the force of friction between the shoes and the ground increases with the help of spikes.
4. Iqbal has to push a lighter box and Seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same
floor. Who will have to apply a larger force and why?
Due to the interlocking of the irregularities on the two surfaces in contact, the force of friction
arises. On the floor when a heavy object is placed, the interlocking of irregularities on the surface
of the box and floor become strong. This is because the two surfaces in contact are pressed harder.
Hence, more force is required to overcome the interlocking. Thus, to push the heavier box, Seema
has to apply greater force than Iqbal.
5. Explain why sliding friction is less than static friction
When irregularities present in the surfaces of two objects in contact get interlocked with each
other, friction come into play. The time given in sliding for interlocking is very small. Thus,
interlocking is not strong. Therefore, less force is required to overcome this interlocking. Due to
this reason, sliding friction is less than static friction.
6. Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes.
When a body moves through a fluid, it experiences an opposing force which tries to oppose its
motion through the fluid. This opposing force is known as the drag force. This frictional force
depends on the shape of the body. By giving the objects a special shape, the force of friction
acting on it can be minimized. Hence, it becomes easier for a body to move through the fluid.

7. Why it is easier to walk on soft sand if we have flat shoes rather than shoes with
sharp heels?
A flat shoe has a greater area in contact with the soft sand and exerts less pressure on the soft
ground because of this the ‘flat’ shoes do not sink much in soft sand and it is easy to walk on
it. On the other hand, a sharp heel has a small area in contact with the soft sand and exerts a
greater pressure on the sand. Due to this, the sharp heels sink deep into soft sand making it
difficult for the wearer to walk on it.
8. What causes friction?
 interlocking of surfaces: The force of friction arises due to interlocking of the
irregular projections on the two surfaces. All surfaces have many irregularities. So the
more is the roughness of the surface, the larger is the number of irregularities and
hence the greater will be the friction.
 Force of adhesion: When the two rough surfaces come in contact, it leads to the
formation of various contact points. The atoms or molecules present at such points of
contact give rise to attractive forces of adhesion that opposes the relative motion of
the bodies
 Deformations: Soft materials will deform when under pressure. This also increase
the resistance of motion. For example, when you stand on a sand bed, you sink
slightly, which causes resistance when you try to drag your feet along the sand
 Weight of the body: The greater is the weight of the body, the greater will be the
force of friction. If we push a heavy box, it will require greater force to move as the
force of friction is greater.
9. Write advantages and disadvantages of friction
Friction as friend:
 It allows us to grip and catch any object.
 It helps us to walk comfortably on the floor.
 It helps to minimise the speed or to stop any moving object.
 It helps us to write.
Friction as foe:

 It causes wear and tear in objects.

 It causes damage to the parts of machines and tools which further require
money to get them repaired.
 It reduces the speed of moving objects, so more force is required.
 It produces hurdles in moving any object freely.
10. What do you mean by fluid friction? How can fluid friction be reduced?
The gases and liquids are called fluid. All of them exert force of friction on solid
bodies moving in either of them. The force exerted depends on speed of the object
with respect to fluid.
It also depends on the shape of the object and the nature of the fluid.
It is obvious that when objects move through fluids, they have to overcome friction
acting on them. In this process, they lose energy. The objects are given special shapes.
Birds and fishes have to move about in fluids all the time. Their bodies must have
evolved to shapes which would make them lose less energy in overcoming friction.
Such shapes are called streamlined. This is why shapes of aeroplanes; ships and all
vehicles are designed to have shapes which minimise fluid friction

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