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Submitted By: Aqsa Shafiq

Submitted To: Dr. Raza Zaidi

Roll No: 02
Assignment: Pak. Studies
Semester: 2nd
Department: Political Sciences
Punjab University of Lahore

Analyse the lasting impacts of colonialism on the economic, social,

and political spheres of the subcontinent. Consider the following in

your analysis:
History of INDIA:

 India was a Gem before the British rule. It was a manufacturing and industrial nation

which produced its own textile goods, cotton, wool, linen, silk and ceramics of every


 It was a place for precious stones and jewelry and metals of silver, steel, iron and gold.

 Great architectures, great bankers, great businessmen, great financiers and great

merchants were here while contributing to the development of subcontinent.

What is Colonization?

Colonization is a process in which a foreign power took control over another territory which is

far away from its borders for with the aim of exploiting resources, establishing political

dominance, and exerting economic and cultural influence.

How did colonial policies and resource extraction affect economic

development and infrastructure?

Before the British colonial rule the GDP of India was round about 27% but in 1947 when British

left the country it had fallen to almost 2%. By this we can estimated that how British rule affect

the land of subcontinent.

Destruction of shipping and shipbuilding:

In 1814 a policy was imposed by British

according to which Indian-Built ships were not allowed for trading with the outside of India.

Only British-Ships were allowed, and this policy was exactly the exploitation of Indian traders
and was a destruction for their ships. They by this, create a monopoly on trade routes while

subjugating the Indian inhabitants.

Restrictions on Indian Steel Exports:

INDIA was a colonizer in steel production in steel

production particularly in swords production. When British colonized India they learned the

technology of their manufacturing but after this they shut down the metallurgical industries of

subcontinent. British policies aimed for the restrictions of Indian steel export, they wanted to

subjugate Indians so by this they cease the industrial development of India.

Extraction of Textile Resources:

Bengal’s handloom fabrics were the most desirable

fabrics in the world. Up to mid-eighteenth-century India was still exporting its products in West

and East to different countries. Indians' textiles wiped out by the Britain's industrial revolution.

British company made the monopoly by stopping the foreign buyers. In 1750’s India export the

textile of 16 million rupees but in 1753’s it had fallen to 5 million rupees. In 1896 the clothe

which Indian mills were producing just 8% of them consumed by India and all the remaining was

extracting to England.

In what ways did colonial systems impact social structures, cultural practices,

and educational opportunities?

Social Structures:

British employed a “Divide and Rule” strategy exploiting regional and

religious differences to maintain their control. With this strategy they deepened the division and
conflicts in different groups aiming that people would be indulged in their divisional issues and

would not rise any kind of anti-colonial movement. It also gave them more time to rule and

influence the Indian social values. The division of two nations India and Pakistan was the result

of this strategy which was employed by the Englishmen.

The division of black and white is

also a production of British rule. They exploited and subjugated the brown people as their right

and position, considering themselves superior to them. This mindset is still present in our people,

where a black or brown person feel self-doubts and a feeling of disgraceful in the comparison of

a white person. Colonial rule has ended but these aftereffects of this system are still observable

all over in society.

Cultural Practices:

British people also inherited and gave us their culture in the form of their

language and lifestyles. This is very essential now a days to learn foreign languages because it

contributes to our success. But the British Colonial rule imposed this language in such a way that

now it is considered a prestige to speak English even you don't know your national language.

The English lifestyle and traditions are considered so attractive that elite class consider it a form

of liberalism. The culture of Jeans and shirts is also a tradition which we accept as honor from


Educational Opportunities:

The education system introduced by Englishmen was greatly

Eurocentric bias, neglecting the local and native education system. This biased curriculum

marginalized the traditional and indigenous arts, sciences and philosophies and it also disconnect
the relation between traditional and modern educators. They introduced such education system in

which we were so influenced by the white people that we left to think about our traditions and

values and became mentally their slaves. This is the reason we don't know about our forefathers

and their contributions in building our futures, but we know about every English scholar and his


How did colonial governance and administrative practices shape the political

landscape of the subcontinent, including the formation of nation-states and

ongoing political challenges?

Political Landscape of the Subcontinent:

The British governance and administration

policies impacts greatly on political ground of Subcontinent. The strategies and governance

methodology of English people was based on “Divide and Rule” which made communal groups

based on religion, ethnicity and language. It was due to British discriminatory policies who gave

Hindus special ranks in government institutions, which create differences in the society of India.

These policies were the main reason when Muslim leaders think about the future of Muslim

people in pre-partition of India.


Today there are three states which were a unity before the British colonial rule.

During this colonization different movements of Independance were run by Muslims and

Hindus. The main purpose of these movements was to show that Muslims and Hindus were two

different nations with their own ideology so they had to have two different and independent
states in which they can live with the freedom. There was a caste system in pre-British rule, but

the colonization strengthened this system by their wrong policies and administrative system

which was based on discriminatory policies.

Ongoing Political Challenges:

Pakistan specially facing in that time great political and

economic problems. India is having the 3 rd greatest economy in the world but is not in a good

relationship with Pakistan and if they two countries can have good relationship then Pakistan can

get much development in its economic ground. Pakistan also have bearded in history the military

intervention and military rule. This is also a consequence of British rule who strengthened the

military institute in subcontinent. Pakistan's bureaucrats and military officials are following the

British people and their strategies in looting their country’s resources.

References: (Shashi Tharoor- An Era of Darkness,2016)

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