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MEDICAL JOURNAL Original Article


An effective and practical tool to assess physical frailty in older adults:

Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale
Ben Azir Begum HYMABACCUS1 , Rana TUNA DOGRUL1 , Cafer BALCI1 , Cemile OZSUREKCI1 , Hatice CALISKAN1 ,
Erdem KARABULUT2 , Meltem HALIL1 , Mustafa CANKURTARAN1 , Burcu Balam DOGU1

Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Marmara University, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Biostatistics, School of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Corresponding Author: Rana TUNA DOGRUL
E-mail: rana_tuna@hotmail.com

Submitted: 18.10.2022 Accepted: 23.03.2023

Objective: Practical scales with tested validity and reliability are needed to clinically determine frailty.The aim of this study is to find
out whether the Fatigue, Resistance, Ambulation, Illnesses, and Loss of weight (FRAIL) Scale is an effective screening scale to show
Patients and Methods: The Frail non-Disabled (FIND) scale validated in the Turkish population was applied for FRAIL Scale validation.
Comprehensive geriatric assessment and Fried Index were performed on 85 outpatients who were 65 years and older. The patients were
examined in terms of comorbidity, number of falls, living environment, number of drugs used, and hospitalization in the last year.
Results: The FRAIL Scale had a high correlation with the FIND scale and Fried Index (correlation coefficients are 0.956 and 0.934,
respectively). In addition, it was found to be associated with Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
(IADL) scales, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Mini Nutritional Assessment
short-form (MNA-sf),Clock Drawing Test (CDT), handgrip strength, and timed up and go test (p<0.05). The compliance between
independent practitioners and test-retest compliance were found to be 100% (full compliance,Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 1.00).
Conclusion: In the Turkish geriatric population, the FRAIL scale was found to be a reliable and valid scale in showing frailty.
Keywords: The FRAIL Scale, Frailty, Comprehensive geriatric assessment

Frailty is defined as the state of weakness arising from the There are many risk factors for frailty in older people [6]. Since
decrease in physiological reserves caused by physiological frailty is a multifactorial clinical condition, it is quite difficult to
changes, diseases, and/or inadequate nutrition, etc. with measure [7]. Many easily applicable and reliable methods have
advancing age [1]. Frailty is characterized by the impairment in been developed to determine frailty in geriatric clinics. “The
adaptation to stress conditions such as acute disease and trauma Fatigue, Resistance, Ambulation, Illnesses, and Loss of weight
depending on the decrease in the reserve in neuromuscular, (FRAIL) Scale developed by Morley et al., consists of five items
metabolic, and immune systems [2]. This topic is gaining [8]. In many countries, the FRAIL Scale has been validated and
more and more important since frail older patients go through proved to be an effective method in determining frailty [9-13]. It
mortality, morbidity, and health expenditures when they are allows for evaluation via the investigation of the patient’s state of
exposed to stress factors [3, 4]. fatigue, resistance, weight loss, and other diseases. When it was
As frailty is a dynamic process, it is of great importance first created, the FRAIL Scale was rather for measuring frailty
to determine the frail population and provide appropriate in middle-aged Americans of African origin. However, it has
treatment. According to a consensus involving international been proved to be a reliable frailty scale in older patients living
communities, all patients 70 years of age and above, those with in many different societies. In the validity and reliability study of
chronic diseases, and individuals who have lost more than 5% the FRAIL Scale on a Mexican population aged 60 and above in
weight over the last year should be screened for frailty [5]. 2016, it was found to be a reliable scale in Mexican society, and

How to cite this article: Hymabaccus BAB, Dogrul TR, Balci C, et al. An effective and practical tool to assess physical frailty in older adults:
Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale. Marmara Med J 2023: 36(2):149-156. doi: 10.5472/marumj.1297696

© 2023 Marmara University Press, All Rights Reserved http://doi.org/10.5472/marumj.1297696

ISSN: 1309-9469 Marmara Med J 2023;36(2): 149-156
Marmara Medical Journal
Hymabaccus et al.
Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale Original Article

associated with mortality, duration of hospital stay, dependency, The FRAIL Scale
and falls [10]. In the validation study of the FRAIL scale in
The FRAIL Scale is a test consisting of 5 questions, and an
Australia in 2015, it was proved to be a reliable frailty scale [12].
evaluation is made by investigating the patient’s state of fatigue,
In the study conducted on 1,235 older people in China in 2017, resistance, ambulation, weight loss, and illnesses. To evaluate the
the validity and reliability of the FRAIL Scale was proved [11]. state of fatigue of the patient, “How much of the time during the
There are no gold standard tests to measure frailty today, and the past 4 weeks did you feel tired?” is asked as the first question.
number of frailty measurement tests is quite high as well. In this The patient chooses one of 1=All of the time, 2=Most of the
study, it was aimed to reveal whether the FRAIL scale was an time, 3=Some of the time, 4=A little of the time, and 5=None of
effective screening scale to show frailty. Frail non-Disabled (FIND) the time; if the patient’s answer is 1 or 2, 1 point is given whereas
scale was used for FRAIL Scale validation in the Turkish population. the others get 0. To measure the resistance of the patient, “By
yourself and not using aids, do you have any difficulty walking
up 10 steps without resting?” is asked as the second question; if
2. PATIENTS and METHODS the patient says yes, 1 point is given, if no, then 0. To evaluate
the ambulation of the patient, “By yourself and not using aids,
Participants do you have any difficulty walking several hundred meters?”
Eighty-five individuals, who presented to the Outpatient Clinic is asked as the third question; if the patient says yes, 1 point is
of Geriatric Medicine between March and July 2017, were 65 given, if no, then 0. To evaluate the illnesses of the patient, “Did
a doctor ever tell you that you have (illness)? “ (Hypertension,
years old and older, agreed to participate in the study, and had
diabetes, cancer (except for small skin cancer), chronic lung
the capability of understanding and answering the questions,
disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, angina, asthma,
were included in the study. Criteria of exclusion from the study
arthritis, stroke, kidney disease). If the patient has 0-4 diseases,
were determined as follows: (1) Presence of active malignancy, 0 point is given; if 5-11 diseases, then 1 point. To evaluate weight
(2) Patients with physical disabilities (extremity amputations, loss, “How much do you weigh with your clothes on but without
sequelae due to stroke, problems with speaking and hearing), (3) shoes? (current weight)” “One year ago, how much did you
Patients with acute infections, (4) Patients with acute diseases weight without your shoes and with your clothes on?” (Weight
(decompensated congestive heart failure, recent myocardial one year ago) are asked, and the percentage of weight change is
infarction/stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease calculated. If the weight change is above 5%, 1 point is given. In
exacerbation), (5) Patients who were hospitalized or had an the FRAIL Scale, which consists of 5 items, 0 point is considered
operation in the last month, (6) Patients with dementia at an non-frail, 1-2 points pre-frail, and >2 points frail [8]. Patients
advanced stage, (7) Patients unable to tell their medical history participating in the study were evaluated as blind in terms of
and not cooperating, (8) Patients with organic psycho-affective comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) and FRAIL Scale.
disorder and organic degenerative disease.
Reference Tools
The patients were examined in terms of education status, gender,
height and weight, smoking, alcohol consumption, living Various screening and assessment tests are used for an
environment, number of falls in the last year, hospitalization objective, comprehensive geriatric assessment. As part of
in the last year, presence and type of urine incontinence, the the comprehensive geriatric assessment, history, physical
status of vaccination, the number of drugs used, and presence examination, geriatric syndrome questioning, and tests related
of comorbidity. Furthermore, gait speeds (4.57 meters) and to geriatric syndromes were performed. These include the Katz
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) scale [14, 15], Instrumental
handgrip strengths (hand-held dynamometer (Takei A5401,
Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale [16], the Mini-Mental State
Japan) determined during the examination were recorded.
Examination (MMSE)[17, 18], Mini Nutritional Assessment
Individuals were asked about the hand they use in daily life
short-form (MNA-sf) [19, 20], Yesavage Geriatric Depression
activities such as eating and writing and in activities requiring Scale (GDS) [21], 4.57-meters walking test and clock-drawing
power, and the hand they use for these tasks was determined as test (CDT) [22]. The patient’s age, demographic characteristics,
the dominant hand. The handgrip strength was measured with comorbid diseases, social status, cognition, mood, functionality,
a Handgrip Dynamometer (Takei A5401, Japan) (measured by nutritional status, and geriatric syndromes were evaluated and
grip strength with a hand dynamometer). Measurements were recorded. A researcher who participated in the study recorded
made when the patients were standing, with the elbow and whether the patients were clinically frail or not according to the
wrist in full extension. Measurements were repeated three times comprehensive geriatric assessment. These tests were applied to
with intervals of five seconds, recorded in kilograms, and then the patients by a geriatrician in the geriatrics outpatient clinic.
averaged. For the gait speed test, the person was asked to walk a Verbal responses were obtained from the patients.
distance of 4.57 meters at a normal speed as in his daily life, and The FIND scale was developed by Cesari et al. in 2014 [23, 24].
the duration of walking the 4.57 meters distance was calculated The FIND scale consists of 5 questions: 2 questions are about
in seconds. The test was run 2 times and the best score achieved disability (walking 400 meters and climbing up one floor) and
was recorded. The walking speed was recorded in m / sec by 3 questions are about frailty assessment (weight loss, fatigue,
dividing the distance into the recorded times. and physical activity). It ranges between 0-5 points, and the state

150 Marmara Med J 2023;36(2): 149-156
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Hymabaccus et al.
Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale Original Article

of disability and frailty is determined according to the score GO 17/91-37, 28.02.2017). Informed consent was obtained from
received. If the patient gets 1 point from the first 2 questions, it all the patients.
is considered to be a disability, and if the patient scores zero, the
other 3 questions are asked. If the patient gets 1 point from these Statistical Analyses
questions, it is considered as frail. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics
The patients were subjected to the Fried Index. In the Fried Index, 22.0 software. The number of patients included in the study
involuntary weight loss, fatigue stated by the individual, weakness, was decided by power analysis. The conformity of the numeric
slow gait speed, and low physical activity are assessed [25]. Weight variables, whose descriptive statistics was given first, to a
loss (1): The patient has an unintentional weight loss of 4.5 kg or normal distribution was examined by using visual (histograms
more compared to the previous year, or a weight loss of 5% or and probability graphs) and analytical methods (Kolmogorov-
more in body weight at follow-up compared to the previous year. Smirnov/Shapiro-Wilk tests). Descriptive statistics were given
The state of exhaustion (2) was determined by 2 questions on the for the variables with a normal distribution by using mean and
Center for Epidemiological Research – Depression (CES-D) scale: standard deviation (mean±SD) values, and for the variables
How often in the last week you felt that everything you did was without a normal distribution by using median and minimum-
an effort?’ and ‘How often in the last week you felt that you could maximum values. Categorical variables were stated as numbers
not go out? Participants who answered these questions 3-4 days a and percentages (%). Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to
week or more were accepted as meeting the exhaustion criterion. test the internal consistency of the FRAIL Scale. The correlations
Low physical activity (3) was assessed using the Minnesota between the FRAIL Scale, FIND Scale, Fried Index, MMSE,
Leisure Physical Activity Questionnaire [26]. Weekly calories and other numeric variables were checked with the Spearman
spent on activities are calculated using a standard algorithm. This correlation coefficient. Test-retest and interrater reliability
variable is classified according to gender. Men: Those who show were examined with the intraclass correlation coefficient. The
physical activity less than 383 Kcal per week are considered frail difference in quantitative variables (gender, education status,
for this criterion. Women: Those who show physical activity less etc.) according to the FRAIL groups (robust-non-frail, pre-frail
than 270 Kcal per week were considered frail for this criterion. and frail) was investigated with the Chi-Square or Fisher’s Exact
Slow gait speed (4) was calculated by looking at the walking speed tests. The variables with a normal distribution between the Frail
at 4.57 meters. Weakness (5): According to the measurement groups were compared via the one-way analysis of variance, and
made with Jamar hand dynamometer (Takei A5401, Japan), it those without a normal distribution via the Kruskal-Wallis test.
was interpreted according to body mass index. According to these The significance of the differences was tested by the Student
criteria, patients with 3 or higher points are reported as ‘frail’, T-test (for one-way analysis of variance) and Mann-Whitney
those with 1 or 2 points as ‘pre-frail’, and those with 0 point as U test (for Kruskal-Wallis) with a Bonferroni correction for
‘non-frail’. multiple comparisons (significance level α = 0.05/m, with m =
number of multihypothesesesis tested). Since there were three
Translation different groups (robust, pre-frail, frail), three different pairwise
Firstly, the FRAIL Scale, consisting of 5 questions, was translated comparisons were performed and the adjusted P-value was
from English to Turkish. To ensure the language validity of the scale, found to be 0.05 /3 = 0.016.
a group of specialists checked the Turkish translation after it was Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) evaluation was made
completed. After the translation was checked, the Turkish version by grouping frail and non-frail and the Kappa coefficient was
was translated to English, its original language, by a translator who calculated. A Kappa coefficient of 0.80 and above was interpreted
did know the original form of the test. Specialists and translators as a perfect fit. If the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was close
came together and decided upon the final version of the Turkish to 1, it was considered to have excellent diagnostic accuracy, and
FRAIL scale. Accordingly, language validation was provided with sensitivity and specificity values were
​​ determined. A 5% type I
the method of “forward-backward translation”. The compliance error level was used to infer statistical significance.
between and within the independent observers were tested. The
FRAIL Scale was implemented on 21 patients by a second researcher
who did not know the outcome of the scale on the same day to test 3. RESULTS
the compliance between the independent practitioners. To examine The mean age of the patients participating in the study was
the test-retest compliance, the FRAIL Scale was re-implemented on 75.45±5.20, and 69.4% were women. According to the FRAIL
27 patients between 7-15 days by the first researcher with similar Scale, 42.4% of the patients were robust (n:36), 24.7% were
outpatient clinic conditions to examine the test-retest compliance, pre-frail (n:21), and 32.9% were frail (n:28). When the mean
and the received scores were recorded. FIND and Fried Index were age of groups of the patients were reviewed, frailty was shown
performed by another researcher. to increase as the age advanced, which was found statistically
significant (p=0.008). Women were seen to be more frail than
men (p=0.015). From the robust group to the frail group ADL,
After the permission of J. E. Morley who developed the FRAIL IADL, MMSE, MNA sf, CDT score, and influenza strength
Scale was obtained [8], the study protocol was evaluated and decreased and were found to be statistically significant (p
approved by the local Ethics Committee (Hacettepe University, <0.001). As the degree of frailty increased, the score of the

151 Marmara Med J 2023;36(2): 149-156
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Hymabaccus et al.
Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale Original Article

Yesavage GDS was observed to increase (p=0.001). Patients’ The FRAIL Scale used in our study was found to have an
demographic characteristics and results of the comprehensive extremely high correlation with the FIND Scale (Spearman
geriatric assessment are given in Table I. 0.956, p<0.001), Fried Index (Spearman 0.934, p0.001), and
clinical frailty score (Spearman 0.877, p0.001) (Table II). A
Table I. Demographic characteristics of the patients and results of the
significant correlation was observed between the FRAIL Scale,
comprehensive geriatric assessment age, and comprehensive geriatric assessment components
Robust Pre-frail Frail
(p<0.001) (Table III).
(n:36) (n:21) (n:28)
Age, year, mean±SD 72.8±6.05 75.95±7.40 79.79±6.06 <0.001
Table II. The correlation between the frailty parameters and the FRAIL
Female gender, n (%) 18 (32.2) 19 (30.5) 22 (37.3) 0.015 Scale
Education level, n (%)
Illiterate 5 (13.9) 7 (33.3) 7 (25.0) 0.856 The FRAIL Scale
Primary School 18 (46.2) 9 (42.9) 12 (42.9) and the correlation p
Secondary school 4 (11.1) 2 (9.5) 12 (7.1) coefficient
High school 5 (13.9) 1 (4.8) 3 (10.7) The FIND Scale 0.976 <0.001
University 4 (11.1) 2 (9.5) 4 (14.3) Fried Frailty Index 0.934 <0.001
Living environment, 6 (16.7) 2 (9.5) 2 (7.1) 0.293 The Comprehensive Geriatric 0.877 <0.001
n (%) 17 (47.2) 9 (42.9) 9 (32.1) Assessment and the Clinical Frailty
Alone 13 (36.1) 10 (47.6) 13 (46.4) Score
With Spouse 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (14.3)
BMI, kg/m², mean±SD 29.46±5.67 28.0±6.19 28.09±6.91 0.812 Table III. The correlation between the FRAIL Scale, demographic
Smoking status, n (%) 0.99 characteristics and comprehensive geriatric assessment components
Never used 26 (72.2) 16 (76.2) 20 (71.4) The FRAIL Scale and the
Ex-smoker 8 (22.2) 4 (19.0) 7 (25.0) p
correlation coefficient
Active smoker 2 (5.6) 1 (4.8) 1 (3.6) Age 0.444 <0.001
Drinking alcohol, n (%) 2 (5.6) 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 0.99 BMI -0.138 0.212
Number of drugs, 4.17±2.69 5.05±2.62 7.07±4.03 0.014 Number of comorbidities 0.50 <0.001
ADL -0.615 <0.001
Number of 3 (0-8) 3 (1-8) 6 (1-9) <0.001
IADL -0.753 <0.001
comorbidities (%)
MMSE score -0.644 <0.001
Number of 4 (11.1) 3 (14.3) 10 (35.7) 0.038
hospitalizations in the MNA-SF score -0.722 <0.001
last year, n (%) Yesavage GDS score 0.472 <0.001
Number of falls, n (%) 6 (16.7) 5 (23.8) 22 (76.8) <0.001 CDT score -0.49 <0.001
Urinary incontinence, 8 (22.29) 10 (47.6) 23 (82.1) <0.001 Handgrip -0.650 <0.001
n (%) Number of falls 0.544 <0.001
Vaccination, n (%) *BMI: Body mass index, ADL: Activities of Daily Living, IADL: Instrumental
Influenza vaccine 10 (27.8) 6(28.6) 11(39.3) 0.803 Activities of Daily Living, MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination, MNA-sf: Mini
Pneumococcal vaccine 4(11.1) 2(9.5) 8(28.6) 0.119 Nutritional Assessment short-form, GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale, CDT: clock-
Katz ADL score, 5.81±1.01 5.81±0.60 4.04±1.87 <0.001 drawing test
Lawton-Brody IADL 7.75±0.69 6.57±2.09 3.21±2.82 <0.001
score, mean±SD The FRAIL Scale consists of 5 sub-groups: fatigue, resistance,
MNA-SF score, 13.22±1.78 11.62±3.01 8.50±3.01 <0.001 ambulation, weight loss, and illnesses. When all the sub-sections
mean±SD of the FRAIL Scale were evaluated separately and together, they
MMSE score, mean±SD 28.08±2.9 25.90±4.74 20.11±6.50 <0.001 were found to exhibit high reliability (Internal Consistency
CDT score, mean±SD 4.72±1.91 4.10±1.95 2.11±0.18 <0.001 coefficient >0.60) (Table IV). The intraclass correlation
Yesavage GDS score, 2.50±3.08 4.24±3.39 6.33±4.19 0.001 coefficient was calculated for the reliability of the interrater test
and found to be 1.00 (100% compliant). Test results performed
Handgrip, kg, 25.67±6.1 20.02±5.89 14.65±5.94 <0.001
by two independent practitioners were found to be similar. The
* SD: Standard deviation, BMI: Body mass index, ADL: Activities of Daily
intraclass correlation coefficient calculated for the test-retest
Living, IADL: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, MNA-sf: Mini Nutritional was 1.00 (100% compliant). The test scores revealed by the same
Assessment short-form, MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination, CDT: clock- practitioner in two different time slots were completely similar.
drawing test, GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale Thus, the scale was highly stable over time.

152 Marmara Med J 2023;36(2): 149-156
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Hymabaccus et al.
Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale Original Article

Table IV. Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficients of the FRAIL as non-frail, pre-frail, and frail by the doctor as a result of their
Scale sub-headings general examinations and comprehensive geriatric assessments.
The FRAIL Scale sub-headings Internal Consistency coefficient In our study, the correlation between the result of the clinical
Fatigue 0.727 frailty assessment and the FRAIL Scale was checked, and it
Resistance 0.682 was found extremely high. In our clinic, patients are followed
Ambulation 0.677 up by experienced geriatricians, and it can be determined after
Illnesses 0.787 anamnesis and examination whether patients are clinically frail
or not. It is not possible to determine the level of the frailty of
Weight loss 0.822
patients only clinically and with anamnesis in other centers
Total 0.787
where there are no geriatricians available; objective tests should
be used. The FRAIL Scale can be used as a screening test due
The result of the ROC analysis performed for the FRAIL scale is to its advantages such as being short and easily applicable
shown in Figure 1. The Kappa agreement coefficient was found characteristics.
to be 0.952. According to the FIND scale, the specificity of the
Comprehensive geriatric assessment is considered a gold
FRAIL Scale was 94.7% and the specificity was 100%.
standard method for frailty screening in many sources [27].
In our study, the correlation between the FRAIL scale and the
Comprehensive geriatric assessment tests was checked, and
significant correlations were observed in the results. In its
reliability and validity studies in Korea, Italy, and Mexico, the
FRAIL scale was shown to be associated with IADL [9, 10, 28].
According to the FRAIL Scale, as the level of frailty increases,
patients become more dependent, go into cognitive remission,
and have poorer nutrition. The FRAIL scale and the Yesavage
GDS were observed to be correlated at a moderate level. Our
study supports the literature data, and a positive relationship
was demonstrated between frailty and depression [29]. As the
FRAIL Scale score increased, the score received from CDT and
MMSE score decreased. In light of these results, it is seen that
frailty does not only remain in the dimension of physical frailty
AUC: 0.993, p<0.001 but also interacts with all the other geriatric syndromes. In this
AUC, Area under the curve; ROC, receiver operating characteristic curve respect, its determination via appropriate assessment and scales
is of great importance.
Figure 1. ROC analyses of the FRAIL Scale
In many studies conducted in different parts of the world, the
female gender has been found to be associated with frailty. In our
study, it was found that 23.1% of men were frail, while 37.3% of
4. DISCUSSION women were frail, and the difference between both genders was
found to be significant. Similar results were obtained in other
In this study, the Turkish version of the FRAIL Scale was studies in which FRAIL Scale validation was performed [8-10].
examined for its reliability and validity in the Turkish geriatric Similar to the literature data, in our study, it was found that the
population. As a result of the study, the FRAIL Scale was found degree of frailty increased with increasing age. In the validity
to have high internal consistency and reliability in test-retest and reliability study of the FRAIL Scale conducted in Mexico,
and interrater administration. In our study, the FRAIL Scale the patients were grouped as 60-69 years old, 70-79 years old,
was revealed to be valid and reliable in screening frailty in the and 80 years old and above, and it was found that the frailty
geriatric age group in our country. increased as the age increased [10]. Italian and Korean studies
The FRAIL scale was developed by Morley, et al., in 2012 [8]. observed that the relationship between frailty and age was not
The validity and reliability of the FRAIL Scale, which is an statistically significant [9, 28]. In our study, it was observed that
effective and reliable scale to measure frailty, in Turkish society the relationship between education level and frailty was not
had not been tested before. There are many scales being used to statistically significant, similar, in a study conducted in Italy.
measure frailty. None of these scales have been considered gold But it was shown in other studies that as the level of education
standard scales. Determination of frailty according to the results increased, frailty decreased [8-10]. It was observed that the
of the comprehensive geriatric assessment can be accepted as the education levels of the patients participating in our study were
most appropriate diagnostic method. Besides, using an easily generally low and it was thought that this factor might have
applicable, effective, and reliable scale will facilitate determining affected the results.
frailty. For this reason, we planned to study the FRAIL Scale, The FIND scale and the Fried index have been proven in previous
which is a practical scale, for validity and reliability. In our studies to be valid and reliable screening scales for showing
practice in the outpatient clinic of geriatrics, patients are noted vulnerability in Turkish society. In our study, its relations with

153 Marmara Med J 2023;36(2): 149-156
Marmara Medical Journal
Hymabaccus et al.
Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale Original Article

the FRAIL Scale was examined. It was found that the FRAIL Authors’ Contribution: BABH, RTD and BBD: Study
Scale correlated very highly with the FIND scale and the Fried conception and design, BABH, RTD, CB, CO, HC, BBD, MC
index and was statistically significant. Its use is more practical and MH: Data collection, BABH, RTD, BBD, and EK: Analysis
because it can be evaluated in a short time in comparison with and interpretation of results, RTD, BABH, and BBD: Draft
the Fried index. This correlation shows that the FRAIL scale can manuscript preparation. All authors reviewed the results and
be used easily and reliably as a frailty test. approved the final version of the manuscript.
In our study, the internal consistency coefficient of the FRAIL
Scale was found to be high; high homogeneity was observed REFERENCES
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Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale Original Article

Supplementary file: Turkish version of the FRAIL Scale

Yorgunluk: “Son 4 haftanın ne kadarında kendinizi yorgun hissettiniz?” 1 veya 2 3 veya 4 veya 5
1=Her zaman 2=Çoğu zaman 3=Bazı zamanlarda 4=Çok az zaman 5=Hiçbir zaman
(cevap 1 veya 2 ise 1 puan verilir, diğerlerinin hepsine 0 puan verilir)
Direnç: “Kendi başınıza ve yardımcı cihaz kullanmadan, 10 basamak merdiveni dinlenmeden çıkmakta zorluk çeker Evet Hayır
Dolaşma: “Kendi başınıza ve yardımcı cihaz kullanmadan, birkaç yüz metreyi yürümekte zorluk çeker misiniz?” Evet Hayır
Hastalık: “Bir doktor size hiç şu hastalıklarınızın olduğunu söyledi mi?” 5-11 hastalık 0-4 hastalık
(Hipertansiyon, diyabet, kanser (küçük cilt kanseri dışında), kronik akciğer hastalığı, kalp krizi, konjestif kalp yetmezliği,
anjina, astım, artrit, inme, böbrek hastalığı)
(0-4 hastalık=0 puan, 5-11 hastalık=1 puan)
Kilo kaybı: “Kıyafetleriniz üzerinizdeyken ama ayakkabısızken kaç kilosunuz? (şu andaki ağırlık)” ≥%5 kilo kaybı <%5 kilo kaybı
“Bir yıl önce …yılının…ayında kıyafetleriniz üzerinizdeyken ama ayakkabısızken kaç kiloydunuz? (bir yıl önceki ağırlık)”
Ağırlık değişikliği yüzdesi şu formül ile hesaplanır:
((bir yıl önceki ağırlık-şu andaki ağırlık)/bir yıl önceki ağırlık)x100
Ağırlık değişikliği yüzdesi >5 ise (%5 kilo kaybını temsil eder) 1 puan verilir, <5 ise 0 puan verilir)

156 Marmara Med J 2023;36(2): 149-156

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