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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


Dept Of CSE,GECR 1
Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

In this project, we developed power theft detection and power billing system
using atmega 328p and node mcu micro controller. Which will be able to generate power
bill automatically and has features to monitor power in real time using iot
technology.Also our system will be able to detect power variations such as under
voltage, over voltage , over load and alert user and also aims to detect power theft .

The relentless pursuit of innovation in the field of energy management has led to
the conception and realization of a groundbreaking project – a Power Theft Detection and
Power Billing System. Rooted in the fusion of technology and practicality, this project
embodies the future of intelligent energy management.

The Vision:

At its core, this project is driven by a vision of a world where electricity management
transcends conventional norms, where power theft is no longer an issue, and where
consumers wield the power to monitor, control, and optimize their energy consumption
seamlessly. To manifest this vision, we have harnessed the capabilities of two vital
components: the Atmega 328p microcontroller and the NodeMCU microcontroller.

Automated Power Billing:

Imagine a world where you never have to worry about manually calculating your
electricity bill again. Our system makes this a reality. By harnessing the computing
prowess of the Atmega 328p, we have created an automated power billing system that
meticulously tracks your electricity consumption and generates your bill without any
human intervention. This not only eliminates the risk of human error but also provides
users with an effortless and accurate billing experience.

Real-Time Power Monitoring:

Dept Of CSE,GECR 2
Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24
IoT technology has ushered in a new era of connectivity, and our project leverages it to
the fullest. Using the NodeMCU microcontroller, we have established a real-time power
monitoring system. Picture yourself having the power to monitor your electricity
consumption in real-time, from anywhere in the world. Through the magic of IoT, you
can track your power usage, observe trends, and make informed decisions about your
energy consumption. This empowers consumers to conserve energy and reduce costs,
contributing to a more sustainable future.

Safeguarding Your Electrical Ecosystem:

Our system goes a step further in ensuring the safety of your electrical ecosystem. It has
the ability to detect power variations, including under voltage, over voltage, and
overloads. These variations, if left unchecked, can lead to electrical hazards and damage
to your appliances. Our system promptly alerts users when such variations are detected,
providing a proactive defense against potential risks.

The Battle Against Power Theft:

Power theft is a global issue, impacting both utility companies and honest consumers.
Our project is equipped with the capability to detect and combat power theft. Through the
meticulous analysis of power consumption patterns, any irregularities suggestive of theft
are swiftly identified and reported. This not only safeguards the interests of utility
companies but also promotes a fair and ethical use of electricity.

In conclusion, our Power Theft Detection and Power Billing System represent the
pinnacle of modern energy management. It combines automation, real-time monitoring,
safety measures, and anti-theft technology to create an intelligent and user-centric
electrical ecosystem. With this system, we usher in a brighter, safer, and more sustainable
future for all energy consumers.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


Phase Task Description

Analysis Analyzing the core of the IEEE paper and
providing a Literature review based on analysis.
Literature Survey Collect raw data and elaborate on literature
Phase 1 System Analysis Analyses the requirements of the project and lists
the specific requirements needed.
System Design (High- Overall design architecture.

Level Design)
Table 1.1 Project flow


The project report is organized as follows:

Chapter 1: Preamble - Gives a brief introduction of the project.
Chapter 2: Literature Survey - Gives a brief overview of the survey papers and the
research sources that have been studied to establish a thorough understanding of
the project under consideration.
Chapter 3: System Analysis - Studying the existing system, arguments in favour
and against the existing solutions, defining problem statement,
Objectives, proposing a new system with the advantages
Chapter 4: System Requirements - Discusses in detail the different kinds of requirements
needed to complete the project.
Table 1.2 Organization of the report
Conclusion- Gives the concluding remarks of the project, throwing light on its

References: Lists the research papers, blogs, books, etc. referred to during the project

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


1.IoT Based Electricity Theft Detection and Monitoring
Author name: Aaditya Nandrekar, Amar Pawar ,Prachoday Sutar
Published year:2022
Publication: IEEE International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2022
Introduction: The Internet of Things-based energy theft detection technique is the first
of its kind. It has the ability to detect power theft as well as tampering with electric
meters. The system uses Hall sensors to detect meter tampering or direct load
connections before the meter in the supply. When it detects a theft, it uses a
microcontroller to create a log for the nature and timing of the theft, which it then saves
on an IOT platform for backup and simultaneously publishes on the internet page. When
the number of theft attempts exceeds, it sends a Signal to web site. It requires only one
time installation cost after installation this can be used for life time. It will completely
eliminate the power theft and will increase revenue for the Government and saves
electricity. This project more users friendly by introducing a system. Customers' costs
rise as a result of electricity theft, which can also have serious safety implications.
Result and Discussion: Theft detection between two poles. We provided logic here that
logic 1 shows theft is detected and logic 0 shows there is no theft between any poles.
The document starts here.
Advantages:It takes relatively little time to evaluate the data and is the most preferred
way for detecting the electricity theft stages. and it has a very good accuracy level.
Disadvantages:The main issue in the current situation is the availability of power
generation for residential as well as commercial users also there is increase in cases of
line tapings
Future Scope: The system would make it simple to detect electrical energy theft
without the need for human intervention. This system is able to detect faults on the pole
side of a distribution system. We are going to look forward to implementing smart
metres in this system. Grasped the fundamentals of the Internet of Things. The above
idea can also be implemented in domestic areas to prevent illegal electricity usage.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

2. IOT Based Power Theft Monitoring System

Author Name: Rekha., Dinesh ,SathiyaPriya.V
Published year :2022
Publication: IEEE JETIR August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 8
Introduction:The main purpose of the electricity theft monitoring / notification system of a
local substation using IoT technology is to indicate the place where electricity was stolen.
Electricity theft is a big problem in India, so it is necessary to detect electricity theft. Thanks
to this, system owners and administrators are notified about system features or any kind of
error. The goal is to find improvements compared to previous surveillance systems. This
model reduces manual labor and theft management. To integrate different parts, you first
need to understand the behavior of the different parts you are integrating. Power theft is the
biggest problem today and is causing huge losses to power companies. And to make up for
these losses, prices will be raised. Therefore, if you can prevent this theft, you can save a lot
of power. If the current flows and the energy pulse is normal, the current will not be stolen.
If power is being supplied and no energy pulse is coming, this indicates power theft.
Therefore, the microcontroller triggers o / p on the relay.
Result and Discussion:As in Case 1, the controller compares the output of the current
sensor. If the output changes, this is considered a power theft and is indicated by an LED.
Also, the location of the theft is shown on the display. This will help you easily identify and
fix the problem.
Advantages:The prototype was developed to identify energy theft using the Industrial IoT .
Disadvantages:The difference between the two is T & D loss. Obviously, theft is included
in this loss.
Future Scope:Wireless power theft detection and monitoring was designed and developed
in the future with the proper integration of Proteus and hardware-based software. Relays
and current sensors are connected to the microcontroller and this interface is synchronized
throughout the theft detection and monitoring process. Locations of electrical theft are also
detected using GPS and GSM modules. The location is shared with the mobile number
associated with the device and the consumer load is automatically shut down after a while.
Simulation results are obtained using Software Proteus.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

3. Power Theft Detection and Alert System using IOT

Author Name: K.Kumarana , N.Ananthib , G.Saranyac
Published year :2021
Publication: IEEE Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education
Introduction:Theft of electricity is considered one of the major issues in India . Frequent
power shutdowns are also a result of electricity theft. The power theft is increasing every
day. Every year the country faces numerous national thefts of electricity and also energy
thefts in industries which cause the dropping of energy dispersed to the provider. As a result
of these thefts, the country faces power outages in both rural and urban areas. Due to theft
alone our country losses about 12 billion dollars annually resulting to a great economic loss.
Our projects aids to minimize and banish these recurring problems faced by our country .
The layout of an power theft monitoring system saves time and maximizes the profit of the
utility company working on an electrical distribution network. There are many ways to steal
electricity and there is no solution to this problem in existing systems. Our projects are
designed to automatically detect when a power cable or meter is bypassed. Here,the overall
energy consumed by the load is tracked by transformers. If there have been knocks on the
power cable or if an extra device is launced , the sensor is drawing energy. This causes the
analog readings to increase from the threshold value and sends an alert via GSM to the
electrical panel.
Result and Discussion: The inputs are, Current, Voltage, Power and the Transmission
Loss. These factors will help in enhancing the accuracy of the project. Using the formula of
V=IR, the voltage sent to a house can be determined and from that the difference with the
previous reading that occurs usually can be compared and alerted for any theft in an
efficient way. By using this method we have reached the best result of detecting power theft
within seconds of happening.
Advantages:.If there are increases in load the power supply to the load is cut off and
message sent to regarding power usage is sent to the electric board and display on the LCD.
Disadvantages:This method become slower. And also less accuracy.
Future Scope:The performance of the project is discussed.Thus our project on power theft
detection and alert system using IOT is successfully implement.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

4. Real-time power theft monitoring and detection system with double

connected data capture system
Author Name: CelimpiloLindaniZulu,OliverDzobo
Published year :2023
Publication: IEEE Electrical Engineering (2023)
Introduction:The power system network has many operational losses. Operational losses
are categorized as technical and nontechnical losses Technical losses mainly occur in
distribution networks due to cable faults, transformers, overhead lines, and other substation
equipment used to transfer/distribute electricity, while non-technical losses mainly occur in
distribution system networks due to illegal electrification schemes, cable theft, non-payment
of electricity tariffs, the selling and using illegal prepaid vouchers purchased from stolen
vending machines, meters tampering, illegal electricity connections, etc.
Result and Discussion: Most power utilities worldwide suffer severe revenue losses due
to the issue of power theft, mainly meter tampering and illegal connections. The proposed
real-time power theft monitoring and detection system with a double metering system
showed good simulation results to identify if there is meter tampering and illegal
connections in the power system network At the same time, the hardware project showed
how the smart electric meters of the proposed double metering system can be practically
implemented in the distribution system network
Advantages:This approach will reduce complexity and is relatively simple to
implement. Alsoit helps to predict the theft in early stages.
Disadvantages: This method become slower. And this is very difficult to implement.
Future Scope: Therefore, it is expected that the proposed system will play a significant
role in countries such as South Africa in detecting or alleviating power theft. Including
revenue recovery by the municipalities of the different cities or the power utility [1]. The
benefits of implementing the proposed system are reducing asset loss and improving
revenue, increasing the visibility of the power network, reducing line losses Before practical
implementation, the system was designed on Proteus Design Suite v.8.10 SP3 software.
This system was verified in the software simulation results and hardware prototype results
as presented in this paper, including SMS notifications and cloud storage results analysis.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

5 . Power Monitoring and Theft Detection System using IoT

Author Name: R.Meenal, Kevin M Kuruvilla, Adrin Denny
Published year :2019

Publication: IEEEInternational Conference on Physics and Photonics Processes in Nano


Introduction:The most common problem in our country is electrical power theft.

Population in India is very high and the electrical theft is also increasing day by day. Every
year, the country is facing number of domestic electricity thefts and power thefts in
industrial supply, that results in loss of distributed power to the supplier. Because of power
theft, the country is facing continuous problems like power cut both in urban and rural
sectors. This project helps to minimise and avoid problems currently faced by the whole
country. The studies on power theft detection are undertaken by various researchers
.Prepaid electricity billing meter is proposed by some researchers to monitor household
electrical appliances A microcontroller based billing system for single-phase meters of
distributed clients is proposed .

Result and Discussion:It consists of voltage transformer of 230-9V AC and is connected

in parallel to the load. It is connected to a rectifier unit to get in DC and get the ADC values
Vrms=(230/1024)*Voltage Where, voltage = analogue read value through circuit 1024 =
maximum resolution for 10-bit ADC 230 = Rated voltage Power is calculated by:

Advantages:This will prevent the electricity theft as much as possible. The current system
gives solution for the existing problems like power theft.

Disadvantages:The drawback of this system is that real time monitoring of the loads is not
possible and location of theft is not determined.
Future Scope:A Wireless Electricity Theft Detection and monitoring system has been
designed and developed with proper integration of both the hardware and the software.
Without any human interface this system provides an effective and easy way to detect
electrical theft. The use of IoT helps in achieving the numerous advantages of wireless
network communications.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

6. Power Theft Identification System Using Iot

Author Name: Mr.P.Leninpugalhanthi,Janani.R
Published Year: 2019

Publication:IEEE5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication


Introduction:An power theft identification system is used to analyses the flow of energy.
Power theft detection is uesd to find the unauthorized tapping on the distribution lines.
Existing system is less efficient than this system and the particular location of the tapping is
also identified but manually. This real time system is also used to find the electrical line
tapping. But the tapping is found by using the wireless data transmission and receiving
techniques.this system also follows the same techniques in same cost but it provides the
additional features of wireless meter reading. This system will protects the distribution
network..Bounce inspecting is the initial step of distinguishing the chances for sparing, both
in business and private applications. Mechanical spirit examining has turned into an essential
assignment because of expanding vitality cost.

Result and Discussion: In previous paper of theft detection the voltage and the current
values are measured manually.In this paper the experimental setup for theft is done with the
help of automation.the voltage and current values are measured using current transformer and
potential transformer,it is provided to the bridge rectifiers and filters which removes the
unwanted signals and with the help of A/D converter analog values are converted to digital
values and it is feeded to the raspberry pi here the voltage and current values are fixed with
the help of python coding and when the extra load is connected the buzzer starts alarming and
the theft will be detected

Advantages:The power theft is a crime and it is a social evil that has to be fully eradicated.

Disadvantages:The system monitoring work get delayed due to external conditions.Due to

this Manual operation there is a high wastage of Power.

Future Scope:This paper has addressed an overview of power theft in various fields and
how to get rid of it currently, in india there is more shortage of power due to the theft, This
assessment and technology helps us to save power efficiently. This project can be
implemented in industries homes and in power stations.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

7. Internet of Things Enabled Power Theft Detection and Smart Meter

Monitoring System

Author Name: M J Jeffin, Madhu G M, Akshayata Rao

Published Year: 2020

Publication: IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing

Introduction:POWER loss is one of the important issues that has to be taken care in the
distribution network. It can be addressed as the difference in power, between the generation
and metered consumption. This power loss is classified into technical losses and non-
technical losses. Majority of the power loss are nontechnical losses and are due to power theft
Power theft can be defined as the illegal or un-metered utilization of electricity from
distribution utilities. The distribution utilities incur huge financial losses due to this power
theft. It has been estimated that around 6-10 billion INR of revenue will be lost in India
because of the theft every year

Result and Discussion:The presented system is expected to monitor the individual client
metering information and send this information to client app when requested. Fig. 12 presents
the client app reading the real time energy consumption information with time stamp and the
smart meter sending the data to the server.

Advantages:The real-time energy information is sent from the smart meters to server and
the server process these information to identify the theft

Disadvantages:the presented system does not possess theft identification.

Future Scope:This paper presents a framework for IoT based real time power theft
detection and smart meter monitoring system. A linear regression-based approach is
presented to detect the power theft. A new IoT based architecture is used for implementing
communication infrastructure for the theft identification and alerting system. Android
applications are developed for easy monitoring of energy utilization/billing information and
alerting the theft for authorities.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

8. Intelligent Energy Meter with Advanced Billing System and

Electricity Theft Detection

Author Name :Nikhil V Patil, Rohan S Kanase

Published Year: 2017

Publication:International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation

Introduction :Energy sector in developing countries is running in loss from several years. In
some countries the loss is so severe that the government has to allocate loan or subsidies so
that the utilities can sustain. The most prominent reason behind the loss is energy theft. In
developed countries electricity utilities expect loss of 15% but in case of India the total loss is
30% of total generation, which is approximately equal to 1.5% of country’s GDP .Out of
which one third is technical loss while most of the remaining is due power theft .At present
there are about 146 million[2] consumers in the country. The financial loss due to electricity
theft is approximately $16 billion per year.

Result and Discussion:The power quality, power theft and unpaid bills are most prominent
issue in the power system form power utility perspective. So this paper proposed an
intelligent energy meter technique to tackle this issue. In the past, many techniques have been
proposed to detect and overcome electricity theft but still it is difficult to control energy theft.
So this paper provides a solution that will detect the zone and probable consumers which are
involved in power theft..

Advantages:This approach will reduce complexity and is relatively simple to

implement. Also it helps to predict the theft in early stages.
Disadvantages: This method become slower. And this is very difficult to implement.
Future Scope:The most important fact of this project is low cost of the components
required for the development of IEM as well as the Server. This project plays an important
role in future time while making the bridge communication between IEM and distribution
transformer. We can analyze the electricity theft going on in percent with area wise. Also
for power factor improvement purpose we can also develop two way communications with
the capacitor bank and IEM with advance communication techniques.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

9. Detection for Non-Technical Loss by Smart Energy Theft With

Intermediate Monitor Meter in Smart Grid
Author Name: Jin Young Kim, Yu Min Hwang, Young Ghyu Sun

Published Year: 2019

Publication: IEEE Access 7

Introduction:Non-technical loss in smart grids, defined as energy that is distributed but not
billed mostly due to energy theft has become a major enduring challenge in power delivery
industry worldwide NTL might be more severe in developing countries but it is still a reality
in developed countries, too. Overall, utility companies worldwide lose more than $96 billion
every year due to electricity theft, and the utility companies in the U.S. lose approximately
six billion dollars every year due to this problem

Result and Discussion:In this section, the proposed algorithm is evaluated under the IMM-
based distribution network illustrated in the topological The testing network provides 5
anomalous cases 4 meter tampering and 1 faulty meter of 20 loads SM and 5 bypassing in the
NAN. The time interval ti − ti−1 and the TL rate ε are set to half-hour and 10%, respectively.

Advantages:It takes relatively little time to evaluate the data and is the most preferred
way for detecting the electricity theft stages. and it has a very good accuracy level.
Disadvantages: The main issue in the current situation is the availability of power
generation for residential as well as commercial users also there is increase in cases of
line tappings
Future Scope:In this paper, to detect the NTLs of faulty/manipulated meter and bypassing at
the same time, we have proposed the IMM-based power distribution network model with the
concept of UNs dividing the NAN into smallest segmented unit networks to time-efficiently
detect the NTLs. We then proposed the IND algorithm as a solution for detection of the
NTLs by solving the LSE constructed by energy balance analysis with IMMs and collector.
Simulation results showed that the proposed detection framework is time-efficient and
achieves detection accuracy at least 95% when variability of pti,k for ti is over 80%.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

10. PPETD: Privacy-preserving electricity theft detection scheme with

load monitoring and billing for AMI networks
Author Name :Mahmoud Nabil, Muhammad Ismail

Published Year:2019

Publication :IEEE Access 7

Introduction:Electricity theft is a serious problem in the existing power grid, which causes
great economic loss. Many countries experience a considerable amount of electricity theft. In
the United States, the electricity theft costs $6 billion/year while in the United Kingdom,
electricity theft costs $173 million In Canada, there is a loss of around $100 million per year.
For developing economics, the losses have much worse consequences. India loses $17
billion every year due to electricity theft .Other developing countries lose almost 50% of
their electricity revenue.

Result and Discussion: To select the hyper-parmaters of our CNN model, we used 3-fold
cross validation on Xtr to tune the number of CNN filters and the number of neurons in the
hidden layer. Then, the three top performance models are chosen to be evaluated on Xtst.
Note that, since we focus on the privacy of the online theft detection phase, we assume the
model is either trained on an anonymized dataset or the training is done using privacy-
preservation method such as differential privacy.

Advantages:The prototype was developed to identify energy theft using the Industrial IoT .
Disadvantages:The difference between the two is T & D loss. Obviously, theft is included
in this loss.
Future Scope :SPDZ protocol is used to evaluate the neural network multiplications and
additions while garbled circuits are used to evaluate the non-linear activation functions.
Moreover, extensive simulations have been conducted on real dataset to evaluate our scheme.
Simulation results indicate that our scheme can detect fraudulent users efficiently with
acceptable communication and computation overhead. In specific, we compared the privacy-
preserving electricity theft model against the plaintext and we found that a very slight loss in
the detection rate performance which is considered an acceptable cost for privacy.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24



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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


Our existing system uses manual labour to bill the home electricity consumption which
takes lot of human resource and time since they have to visit every home to check metre
and generate bill.There is also power theft problem where people tap grid wire in
between and take electricity connection here is requirement for automated device which
can bill home automatically and also detect power theft and inform
authorities.Alsoconventional power metres don't show real time power consumption.


 The purpose of developing an IoT-based power theft monitoring system is to save

power and use it in the future.
 This reduces power loss and makes it more cost effective.
 Electricity theft also carries the fatal risk that many people can pay in their lives
during the electricity theft.
 Electricity theft is not only dangerous to those who are stealing, even if you are on the
same line, but you may also pay for their attempted theft.
 You can reduce them by protecting them from theft of electricity. Power lines can be
overloaded with electrical energy and can damage electronic devices and appliances
designed to handle certain quantities of electricity.
 This can have a dangerous impact on our household items and can reduce these. Theft
of electricity reduces the reliability of electrical services and the quality of paying
 Power thieves can even unknowingly feedback energy to power lines.
 It has dangerous implications for transmission line personnel who normally assume
that the power line they are working on is dead.
 This can be prevented by using electric theft monitoring.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


 To design which can measure voltage current, and alert user during failures such
as Overvoltage , undervoltage ,over load situation
 To design the remote energy monitoring system with blynk mobile app so that
live monitoring can be done using iot
 To design and develop power theft monitoring system
 To design system which will be able to measure power consumption of homes and
will be able to generate electricity bill for home automatically
 To design and develop system with inbuilt fire detection and alert user


Fig: 3.4.1 Block diagram of Electricity theft detection

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


Our system automated electricity billing and monitoring is built using usingatmega
328p microcontroller and node mcu microcontroller. owner and autorites can monitor
usage of electricity and corresponding bill using blynk mobile app ,without the need
of manual human operator who reads the usages of each home and generate bill
correspondingly thus saving the cost of human labour and time.also our system alerts
user during power failures such as undervoltage ,overvoltage ,over load , electrical
fire and triggers a buzzer.
Current and voltage sensor are connected to atmega microcontroller is used to
measure real time current and voltage and performs various tests such as
undervoltage,over voltage , over load in real time and also calculates real time power
consumption and generates bill.
Node mcu will be connected to atmega microcontroller, all the warnings ,power
usage , current and voltage values measured by atmega microcontroller will be sent
to node mcu via serial communication , node mcu will send data to blynk server via
Inorder to detect power theft pair of current and voltage sensor used at the exit node
to the homeAt the end all the power drawn at exit nodes to homes will will be
compared with the total power drawn at that line.we will consider the losses but the
difference is large then this indicated power theft and will be notified using mobile

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24



 C++ Programming language
 Audino IDE
 Blynk Mobile App

The current sensor measures AC and / or DC current. The sensor described here
measures the current and provides some output corresponding to the measured current.
The most important difference when choosing a current sensor is whether to measure AC
and / or DC current. Another important specification to consider is whether the sensor
needs to match the circuit or whether the sensor works by clamping around the wire to be
measured. The technology used in today's sensors is important because different sensors
can have different characteristics in different applications. For most sensors, the
energizing wire works to generate a magnetic field. If you want to measure the current
directly in the circuit, use a current sense resistor.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24
 GSM Module
GSM modules are used to establish communication between a computer and a
GSM system. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Is the architecture used
for mobile communications in most countries. Global Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is an
extension of GSM that enables higher data transmission rates. The GSM / GPRS module
consists of a GSM / GPRS modem and a power circuit and communication interface (RS-
232, USB, etc.) for the computer. The modem is the soul of such a module.

 NodeMCU ESP-32
The ESP8266 WiFi module is a standalone SOC with an integrated TCP / IP
protocol stack,which can provide access to the WiFi network to any microcontroller. The
ESP8266 can host applications or offload all Wi-Fi networking capabilities to another
application processor. Each ESP8266 module is pre-programmed with AT command set
firmware. So just plug it into your Arduino device and you'll have as much WiFi
functionality as the WiFi Shield offers (ready to use). The ESP8266 module is a very low
cost board with a huge and growing community. The ESP8266 is a
very easy-to-use and inexpensive device for providing internet connectivity to your
projects. This module can act as both an access point (which can create hotspots) and a
station (which can connect to Wi-Fi), making it as easy as possible to retrieve data and
upload it to the Internet, making the IoT as simple as possible. Become. You can also use
the API to fetch data from the web, which makes your project smarter with access to all
the information available on the web. Another exciting feature of this module is that it
can be programmed using the Arduino IDE, making it much more user-friendly.

 Power Supply

The operation of power circuits built with filters, rectifiers, and voltage regulators.
Starting with the AC voltage, a constant DC voltage is obtained by rectifying the AC
voltage, then filtering it to a DC voltage level, and finally adjusting it to get the desired
fixed DC voltage. Regulations are typically taken from an IC voltage regulator unit that
receives a DC voltage and provides a slightly lower DC voltage that remains the same as
the input DC voltage changes or the output load associated with the DC voltage changes.
increase. A block diagram showing voltages at various points in common power supply
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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24
components and devices. The AC voltage (typically 120Vrms) is connected to a
transformer that lowers this AC voltage to the desired level of DC output. The diode
rectifier then supplies the full-wave rectifier voltage. This voltage is first filtered with a
simple capacitor filter to produce a DC voltage. The resulting DC voltage usually has
ripples or AC voltage fluctuations. The regulator circuit uses this DC input, not only the
ripple voltage is much lower, but also the input DC voltage fluctuates slightly, even if the
DC voltage applied to the output is the DC voltage of the connected load. Can provide a
DC voltage that maintains the same DC value. change.

 Voltage Sensor
A voltage sensor is utilized to calculate and view the amount of voltage in an
object. Itis the one that can determine both the AC voltage . The volts between 0 and 12
is measured. Formula of analogRead (A0) voltage = value * (5.00/1023.0) * ((R1 +
R2)/R2) formula is used to calculate the value. This device is used in our project to
measure the voltage being supplied so that we are getting to have a stable electric
connection and also to detect a theft.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24


Our Power Theft Detection and Power Billing System represent the pinnacle of
modern energy management. It combines automation, real-time monitoring, safety
measures, and anti-theft technology to create an intelligent and user-centric electrical
ecosystem. With this system, we usher in a brighter, safer, and more sustainable
future for all energy consumers.

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Electricity Theft Detection Using IOT 2023-24

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