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Gender Studies

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1. Intersectionality is a term that was coined by……………… in 1989.

A. crenshaw
B. shulamith firestone
C. talcott parsons
D. antony giddens

2. ………….is the multidisciplinary study of how assumptions and expectations

about gender and biological sex influence cultural, social, and political ideas about
women and men.
o m
A. social studies
. c
B. women studies
C. gender studies
D. sociology

q M
3. ……..refers to a person's M
biological and physiological characteristics.
A. sex
B. gender
C. personality
D. behavior

4. The term gender identity was originally coined by…………

A. robert. j.stoller
B. kate millet
C. ann oakley
D. crenshaw

5. In 1950,Sigmund Freud presented his theory of……..

A. social development
B. intellectual development
C. psycho sexual development
D. cognitive development

6. Three essays on the theory of sexuality is written by… …….

A. simon de bouvier
B. sigmund freud
C. rachel carson
D. judith butler

7. According to Freud gender identity developed during the………stage of

A. phallic.
B. latency.
C. oral
D. anal

8. …….,..proposed the Electra complex as an analogous phenomenon in girls

A. freud
B. carl jung
C. julia kristeiva
D. ann oakley

9. Sex and Gender :on the Development of Masculinity and femininity.who wrote
the book?
A. a.freud
B. carl jung
C. c.julia kristeiva.
D. robert.j.stoller

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10. Gender identity Research project was established for the study
A. male and female
B. intersexual and transsexual.
C. lesbian and gay
D. none of the above

11. strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and
discomfort with one’s own assigned sex is……..
A. gender identity disorder
B. personality disorder
C. identity crisis
D. role distance

12. Feminist movements’ are aimed at:

A. liberty
B. equality
C. participation
D. power

13. Select the laws enacted by The parliament for the welfare of the women.
A. special marriage act of 1955
B. dowry prohibition act of 1961
C. equal remuneration act of 1976
D. all the above

14. Women in India are discriminated in

A. political life
B. social life
C. economic life
D. all the above

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15. Sexual Division of labor signifies, that

A. gender division of labor division in the basis of nature of thefamily
B. work deciding the division between men and women
C. caste is the basis of gender division
D. age decides the division

16. A woman or a man who believes in equal rights and opportunities for men and
women.” Select the correct option for the definition.
A. feminist
B. patriarchy
C. caste hierarchy
D. social change

17. equal wages act signifies that

A. law that deals with family related matters
B. law provides that equal wages should be paid for equal job forboth men and women
C. an act which signifies that all work inside the home is done by the
D. a radical law against the discriminatory attitude and sexualdivision of labor.

18. Among the following which countries have high participation if the women in
public life.
A. sweden and india
B. norway and sri lanka
C. nepal and finland
D. sweden and africa

19. In India seats are reserved for women in:

A. a,b and d
B. b,c and d
C. b and c

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D. a and d

20. ...... are the beliefs that people have about the features and characteristics of
males and females.
A. gender role
B. sex role
C. gender dividend
D. gender stereotype

21. A man or woman who believes in equal rights and opportunities for men and
women is…………,.
A. equality.
B. feminism
C. gender justice
D. gender discrimination

22. …….Act which provides for equal wages to men and women for equal work.
A. equal remuneration act
B. hindu succession act.
C. equal salary act
D. equal wage act

23. The word to denote to a person whose sense of personal identity or gender does
not correspond to the sex they were assigned at birth, or does not conform to
gender stereo types. Sexual orientation varies and is not dependent on gender
A. bisexual
B. gay
C. transgender
D. lesbian

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24. the first wave feminism was mainly concerned with
A. women’s right to vote
B. equal and legal social rights.
C. participation in the election.
D. destruction of the patriarchy.

25. The French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir belongs to the

A. radical feminism
B. liberal feminism
C. marxist feminism.
D. socialist feminism

26. who had written “the Reproduction of mothering”

A. shulamith firestone
B. nancy jlia chodorow
C. ann oakley
D. simon de bouvier

27. ”culture is the determinant of gender roles” who opined that

A. shulamith firestone
B. .nancy jlia chodorow
C. ann okley
D. simon de bouvier

28. who had written ‘the second sex’

A. talcott parsons
B. g.p murdock
C. simone de beavoir
D. ann oakley

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29. Who opined that ‘one is not born, but rather one becomes, a woman’
A. shulamith firestone
B. nancy jlia chodorow
C. ann okley
D. simon de bouvier

30. the postmodern feminism sees gender in terms of

A. identity
B. social structure
C. culture
D. discource.

31. Charlotte Hooper’s Manly States (2001) is an example of

A. modern textual analysis
B. post modern textual analysis
C. content analysis
D. structural analysis

32. Who defined Gender as a social role performed/enacted by the individuals, and
validated and accepted by society
A. judith butler
B. shulamith fire stone
C. talcott parsons.
D. nancy jia chodorow

33. the opinion “gender is really only to the extent that it is performed” , Is related
A. judith butler
B. shulamith fire stone
C. talcott parsons.
D. julia kristeva

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34. Queer theory finds its roots in

A. strcturalism
B. post structuralism
C. functionalism.
D. interpretivism

35. The quote “queer theory is a discipline which is difficult to be disciplined” to

A. michael foucault
B. derrida
C. niki sulivan
D. judith butler

36. Who coined the term queer theory

A. foucault
B. derrida
C. judith butler
D. teresa de lauretis

37. find one who not related to queer theory

A. eve kosofsky
B. sedgwik
C. thomas moore
D. adrienne rich.

38. Queer theory became an area of study in the Year

A. 1991.
B. 1992.
C. 1993
D. 1994

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39. who opinioned that “culture has high value than nature .culture means by
which man controls and regulate the nature.
A. sherry b ortener
B. teresa de lauretis
C. sedgwik
D. adrienne rich

40. who developed the term ‘cultural hegemony’

A. foucault
B. derrida
C. antonio gramsci
D. herbert spencer

41. Who developed the term Hegemonic Masculinity

A. sherry b ortner
B. teresa de lauretis
C. sedgwik
D. raewyn connell.

42. ”Patriarchal systems are intertwined with wide variety of other hierarchical
relations (e.g. class, race, nation);consequently, not all men receive the same share
of patriarchal dividend”. Who Opinioned.
A. rw connell
B. derrida
C. foucault
D. parsons

43. The difference in the levels of purity/impurity between men and women is
much ………. among the lower castes than among the high castes.
A. high

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B. less
C. equal
D. no difference.

44. Religion is a gendered institution who says that.

A. karl marx
B. max weber
C. shulamith fire stone
D. michael kimmel

45. in which of these books Sigmund Frued presented his theory of psychosexual
development .
A. an interpretation of the dreams
B. three essays on the theory of sexuality.
C. a general introduction to psychoanalysis.
D. the ego and the id.

46. Giving birth to a child is

A. sex role.
B. gender role.
C. both
D. none of these.

47. Children might have awareness of ,and attach some significance to gender as
early as 18 months to two years. According to whome.
A. john money.
B. lawrence kohlberg
C. martin and ruble
D. barbara new man

48. who breaks the formation of Gender identity to four parts.

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A. john money.
B. lawrence kohlberg
C. martin and ruble
D. barbara new man

49. A famous Indian eco feminist

A. iravati karve
B. vandana shiva
C. uma chakravarti
D. leela dube

50. Beliefs that people have about features and characteristics of males and
females, are
A. role distance
B. gender stero types
C. gender identity disorder
D. role conflict.

51. Unequal or disadvantageous treatment of an individual or group of individual

based on gender,is
A. gender identity
B. gender sterotype
C. gender discrimination
D. gender identity disorder.

52. Article …… of the constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of sex.
A. 12.
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15

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53. full form of N.C.W
A. national council for women
B. national committee for women
C. national commission for women
D. national cooperation for women.

54. inda ranks……. Out of 175 countries in the world as gender empowerment is
A. 84
B. 85
C. 86
D. 87

55. The most basic division of labor on

A. nation.
B. race
C. sex and gender
D. education

56. Women’s subordination and division of labor by sex originated in lines with the
emergence of social differentiation and patriarchy caused by the historical changes
in the modes of production and related structure. This argument related to
A. marxism
B. functionalism
C. structural functionalism
D. post modernism

57. Gender roles based on the sexual division of labor is culturally rather than
biologically determined. This argument related to
A. judith butler
B. shulamith fire stone
C. ann oakley

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D. emile durkheim

58. who opined that the women in the primitive societies had a very active
economic role .They were not only food gathers but also were the first managers of
negligible surplus.
A. d.d kosambi.
B. shulamith fire stone
C. ann oakley
D. emile durkheim

59. Women were the first agriculturist, first pottery makers according to whom
A. d.d kosambi.
B. shulamith fire stone
C. ann oakley
D. emile durkhiem

60. The belief that romantic and sexual attraction of the opposite sex, is the only
normal sexual orientation. Other sexual identities are considered unnatural and
prohibited, is
A. hetro sexuality
B. hetro normativity
C. homo sexuality
D. homonormativity.

61. The term Heteronormativity is popularized by

A. will moot
B. michael foucault
C. michael warner
D. david kooper

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62. ………refers to men who are attracted to men in a romantic,erotic and
emotional sense
A. lesbian
B. gay
C. bisexual
D. transgender

63. The term Muxe derived from which language

A. spnish
B. french
C. latin
D. greek

64. Feminist history can be divided into ……..waves

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

65. The slogan ‘the person is political’ is highlighted by

A. first wave feminism
B. second wave feminism
C. third wave feminism.
D. lgbt movements

66. Who was the key player in second wave feminism.

A. betty friedan
B. judith butler
C. julia cristiva
D. shulamith firestone

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67. ’Over emphasized on the experience of upper middle class white women’ is
criticism of
A. second wave feminism in first one.
B. third wave feminism on second one
C. shulamith firestone on ann oakley
D. ann oakley on shulamith firestone.

68. The liberal Feminist thought was first expressed by

A. olympe de gourges
B. simone de beauvoir
C. mary wollstonecraft
D. ann oakley

69. Mary Wollstonecraft from

A. france
B. germany
C. britain
D. spain

70. The origin of Marxist feminism can be seen in the work of

A. frederick engel.
B. karl marx
C. antonio gramsci
D. louise althusser

71. Who wrote ‘The origins of the Family, Private Property and the state.’
A. frederick engel.
B. karl marx.
C. antonio gramsci
D. louise althusser

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72. ”offering a model of women’s liberation which is based on male values”, is a
criticism of
A. marxist feminism on liberal and social.
B. radical feminism on marxist and liberal.
C. postmodern feminism on liberal
D. socialist feminism on marxist.

73. ……..feminism is concerned with equal rights for both men and women.
A. liberal
B. radical
C. socialist
D. marxist

74. According to social feminism what is the second central material cause for the
unequal treatment of the women
A. capitalism
B. patriarchal system.
C. laws
D. religion

75. Women share the same experience produced on the wide scale
environment.Thid words are related to
A. ecofeminism
B. radical feminism
C. liberal feminism
D. marxist feminism

76. The term Eco feminism coined by

A. francoise d eaubonne
B. vandana shiva
C. ann oakley
D. shulamith firestone

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77. Eco Feminism was further developed by

A. ynesta kimg
B. vandana shiva
C. ann oakley
D. shulamith firestone.

78. Maria Mies belongs to

A. radical feminism
B. social feminism
C. eco feminism
D. liberal feminism

79. ’Staying alive: women,ecology and development’ written by

A. francoise d eaubonne
B. vandana shiva
C. ann oakley
D. shulamith firestone

80. The work won the Jessie Bernard award for sociologists for women in
A. the second sex
B. the reproduction of mothering
C. introduction to contemporary social theory
D. encyclopedia of social theory

81. In which work Ann Oakley attacks G.p Murdock and Talcott Parsons .
A. .interpretation on sxual division of labor
B. housewife
C. the sociology of house work
D. encyclopedia of social theory

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82. Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of sex written by

A. ann oakley
B. judith butler
C. shulamith fire stone
D. julia kristeva

83. Powers of horror:an essay on Abjection written by

A. ann oakley
B. judith butler
C. shulamith fire stone
D. julia kristeva

84. in Uttar Pradesh ,for instance, it is said that just as a she goat may be milked at
any time at one’s will, so can a Chamar woman be enjoyed any time one’s
A. leela dube
B. itawati karve
C. vandans shiva
D. uma chakravarthi

85. Reference to a period of goddess’ worship existed in Europe and other

countries back to
A. 7000 b.c
B. 6000b.c
C. 5000 b.c
D. 4000b.c

86. Robort .J. Stoller was

A. anthropologist
B. sociologist

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C. psychoanalyst
D. scientist

87. Which five year plan emphasis on women development by constitutional

safeguards like property rights, Hindu succession act
A. 6th
B. 7th
C. 8th
D. 10th

88. Who is the author of vindication fo the rights of Women (1792)?

A. Gerda Lerner
B. Mary Wollstonecraft*
C. Virginia Wolf
D. Margaret Fuller

89. Who said ‘ one is not born a woman but becomes one’?
A. Simone de Beauvoir
B. Virginia wolf
C. Luce Irigary
D. Betty Friedan

90. Who is the author of The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State
A. Frederick Engels
B. Lenin
C. Betty Freidan
D. Luce Irigaray

91. The Creation of patriarchy is written by—

A. Virginia Wolf

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B. Gerda Lerne
C. Uma chakravarti
D. V.Geeta

92. When did A.S.Altekar’s work, The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
A. 1956
B. 1967
C. 1987
D. 1985

93. Who wrote Vedic Ecology?

A. Vandana Shiva
B. Sunita Narayan
C. Medha Patkar
D. Leewla Dube

94. Whose name is associated with the movement Navdanya?

A. Pratiksha Baxi
B. Vandana shiva
C. Irom Sharmila
D. Leela Dube

95. Who coined the term ecofeminism?

A. Francoise d’ Eabonne*
B. Charlene Spretnak
C. Greta Gaard
D. Lori Gruen

96. Who questioned the Altekarian paradigm in the context of Indian women?
A. Vijaya Ramaswamy

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B. Maithreyi Krishnaraj
C. Uma Chakravarti
D. Kirti Sha

97. Which Brahmanical text described a woman, a sudra, a dog, and a crow are the
embodiments of untruth, sin, and darkness.?
A. Satapatha Brahmana
B. Vishnu purana
C. Aitereya Brhamana
D. Naradasmriti

98. Who wrote ‘stridharmapadhati’?

A. Sage Narada
B. Treyambaka
C. Manu
D. Agastya

99. What is the main instrument through which the patriarchal Brahmanical
society subordinated women in the opinion of Uma Chakravarti?
A. idea of female seclusion
B. keeping the women illiterate
C. idea of pativratadharma
D. rituals

100. Which Indian historian applied the theoretical formulations of Gerda Lerner
in Indian contexts for the first time?
A. Kumkum Sangari
B. Bina Agarwal
C. Uma Chakravarti
D. Vina Majumdar

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