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Assignment: Week 2 - Matrices and Linear Systems

Engineering Math and Computation (IY1)

Part A: Matrix Operations

Given the following matrices:
     
5 4 3 −3 −5 −3 1 1
A= 7 8 6 , B= 4 5 6  , C= 5 3
     
6 3 1 7 8 3 2 0

Find the following:

(i) A + B

(ii) A − C

(iii) 3A − B T

(iv) −2A + 3B

(v) C T

 
2 −1 0
(i) A+B = 11 13 12
 
13 11 4

(ii) A − C = Cannot perform addition or substraction since dimensions (matrix size)

are not the same
 
18 8 2
(iii) 3A − B T = 26 19 10
 
21 3 0
 
−19 −23 −15
(iv) −2A + 3B=  −2 −1 6 
 
9 18 7
" #
1 5 2
(v) C T =
1 3 0

Assignment: Week 2 - Matrices and Linear Systems
Engineering Math and Computation (IY1)

Part B: Matrix Multiplication

Find the following matrix multiplications
" # " # " #
5 2 3 2 23 8
(i) · =
−1 3 4 −1 9 −5
 
" # 1 −3 " #
3 2 −3  −12 −19
(ii) · −3 −2 =

3 −1 2 12 −3
3 2
     
−2 7 −2 1 5 3 −15 −14 24
(iii)  1 −3 2  · −3 2 4  =  2 17 −11
     
−4 1 −1 −4 9 −1 −3 −27 −7
 
" # 3 4
5 2 
(iv) ·  3 0 = T his calculation is not possible

−1 3
−3 4
 
" # −4 " #
2 1 2   −1
(v) · 3 =
3 4 5 10

Part C: Determinants
Calculate the following determinants
" #
4 0
(i) =4
−3 1
 
8 9 −2
(ii) −2 2 4  = 40
 
1 0 0

Assignment: Week 2 - Matrices and Linear Systems
Engineering Math and Computation (IY1)

Part D: Inverse matrices

Calculate the following inverse matrices
" # " #
5 4
3 4 −
(i) A = ; A−1 = 7 2 3 7
2 5 −7 7
" # " #
2 5
−1 5 −
(ii) B = ; A−1 = 3
17 17
3 2 17 17
   
2 1 1
1 6 4 − 15 − 10 6
(iii) C = 2 7 3 ; A−1 = − 30
 7 9 1 

 
20 12 
8 9 5 30
− 13

Part E: System of Equations

Solve the following systems of equations using the inverse matrix methods

(i) Solve:

x − 7y = −11
5x + 2y = −18

Answer: x = −4; y = 1

(ii) Solve:

40x1 − 30x2 = 30
40x1 + 10x2 = 70

Answer: x = 1.5; y = 1

(iii) Solve:

2x + 5y + 2z = −38
3x − 2y + 4z = 17
−6x + y − 7z = −12

Answer: x = 3; y = −8,z = −2

Assignment: Week 2 - Matrices and Linear Systems
Engineering Math and Computation (IY1)

(iv) Michael had £26100 in an investment, and he chose to split the money into two
different accounts. During the first year, Account A earned 7% interest and Account
B earned 2% interest. If he received a total of £1107 in interest, how much had he
invested into each account?

Find the invested money using the inverse matrix method. The system of equations
is seen below.

A + B = 26100
0.07A + 0.02B = 1107

Answer: Michael invested in account A £117900 and in account B 14400

(v) In a system of foces, the relationship between two forces F1 and F2 is given by:

F1 + 2F2 = −4
5F1 + 3F2 = 1

(a) Find the inverse matrix of A

(b) Find F1 and F2
 
− 15 − 37 2
Answer is: A−1 =  75 − 17 − 12
1 

19 13 1
− 20 12
F 1 = 2N and F 2 = −3N

(vi) Jesse, Maria, and Charles went to the local craft store to purchase supplies for making
decorations for the upcoming dance at the high school. Jesse purchased three sheets of
craft paper, four boxes of markers and five glue sticks. His bill, before taxes was $24.40.
Maria spent $30.40 when she bought six sheets of craft paper, five boxes of markers
and two glue sticks. Charles, purchases totalled $13.40 when he bought three sheets of
craft paper, two boxes of markers and one glue stick. Determine the unit cost of each item

• Let p represent the number of sheets of craft paper

• Let m represent the number of boxes of markers

Assignment: Week 2 - Matrices and Linear Systems
Engineering Math and Computation (IY1)

• Let g represent the number of glue sticks

Express the problem as a system of linear equations and solve the problem

3p + 4m + 5g = $24.40
6p + 5m + 2g = $30.40
3p + 2m + g = $13.40


• 1 sheet of craft paper = $1.45

• 1 box of markers = $3.60

• 1 glue stick = $0.95

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