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3/6/2023 Prepared By: SD, IOE,Pashchimanchal Campus 1

Course Objective:
To introduce operation, maintenance and design aspect of Micro Hydro power plant including basic hydrology and geology.
1. Micro hydro basics and status in Nepal (2 hours)
• Necessity of micro hydro power, Power from water, typical layout, isolated /mini grid or grid connected scheme, Micro hydro design
approach, Status of micro hydro power development in Nepal and agencies involved.

2. Hydrological and demand survey (7 hours)

• Plant factor and load factor, Hydrograph and flow duration curve, Hydrological cycle, Matching power supply with demand,
Capability and demand survey, Methods of finding ADF (annual average daily flow), Methods of head measurements, Methods of flow
measurements, load demand curves of various loads, Peak demand forecasting, Optimum generating installed capacity, Geological

3. Turbines, drive system and governors (9 hours)

• Turbine types for micro hydro, their constructional features and operational characteristics, Effect on efficiency during part flow
conditions, Nomogram and turbine selection, Comparison of costs of the turbines
• Introduction to drive system, Various drive arrangements and their features, Drive problem, Design parameters for a drive system
• Purpose of speed governing, Various governing mechanisms, Electrical load controller as a governor in micro hydro, Ballast load,
water cooled and air cooled ballasts, Effect of ballast on generator sizing, Ballast sizing.

4. Generators and voltage regulators (9 hours)

• Choice between AC and DC, Synchronous generator specifications, Brushless synchronous generator and its operational features,
voltage regulation, Automatic voltage regulator(AVR), Practical consideration for AVR, Induction generator specifications and its
operation, Induction generator controller, Induction generator sizing, Sizing of excitation capacitance, comparison of induction
generator with other systems, Mechanical consideration to be given to the induction generators.
3/6/2023 Prepared By: SD, IOE,Pashchimanchal Campus 2
5. Switchgear, protection and measurement (4 hours)
• Isolators, fuses, main switches, Moulded case circuit breakers(MCCB), Oil and air CB, earth leakage CB, contactors, Under voltage
trips, Over voltage trips, Over current trips, temperature trips, lightening protection, Earthing system, metering equipment, voltmeter,
ammeter‐AC and DC, Energy meter, speed meter, pressure gauge, frequency meter, appropriate choice of switchgear, protection and

6. Testing , Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance (5 hours)

• Head works, Electro‐mechanical equipment, Alternator, Loading machine on main load, Taking readings, Setting up trips.
• Types of manuals‐operation manual, component manual, installer manual, preventive maintenance schedule, log sheet, repair manual,
training manual, responsibility of designers, installer and users as regards to O and M.

7. Financial Evaluation, Tariff design and Issues in Micro hydro (9 hours)

• Cost elements, The time value of money, compounding and discounting, Future and present values, Cash flows , Benefit cost ratio, Net
present value, Internal rate of return, Comparison with alternatives
• Tariff category, Principals of tariff design, Unit energy cost, Flat power tariff VS energy tariff.
• Issues: Reliability, funding requirement, Subsidy policy and mechanism, Cost per KW, Sustainability, Operation and maintenance,
Local people’s participation, End use of electricity for project viability.
8. References:
• Adam Harvey with Andy Brown, Priyantha Hettiarachi and Allen Inversin: Micro Hydro Design Manual, A Guide to Small Scale Water
Power Schemes (ITDG Publication).
• D.P. Kothari, K.C. Singal and Rakesh Ranjan: Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, Printice Hall of India Ltd.

3/6/2023 Prepared By: SD, IOE,Pashchimanchal Campus 3

Unit 1 Micro hydro basics and status in Nepal (2 hours)
• Necessity of micro hydro power
• Power from water, typical layout
• Isolated /mini grid or grid connected scheme
• Micro hydro design approach
• Status of micro hydro power development in Nepal and agencies

3/6/2023 Prepared By: SD, IOE,Pashchimanchal Campus 4

National Electrification Status

Source: AEPC
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Energy Consumption by Fuel Type in Nepal
Status of Energy Consumption in Nepal(2020/21)



69% Traditional

Source: Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, 2021

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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

3/6/2023 Prepared By: SD, IOE,Pashchimanchal Campus 7

Utilization of river water in rural areas

River water

Mechanical Energy
Agriculture Drinking Generation
(Driving agro mills)
(Hydro power)



3/6/2023 Prepared By: SD, IOE,Pashchimanchal Campus 8

Hydro Power

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Classification of Hydropower by Size
Large Hydro: More than 100 MW and usually feeding into a large
electricity grid.
Medium-hydro: (15 MW- 100 MW) - usually feeding a grid.
Small-hydro:(1 MW- 15 MW) - usually feeding into a grid.
Mini-hydro: Above 100 kW, but below 1 MW; either stand alone
schemes or more often feeding into the grid.
Micro-hydro: From 5kW up to 100 kW; usually provided power for a
small community or rural industry in remote areas away from the grid.
Pico-hydro: From a few hundred watts up to 5kW.

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Introduction to Micro-Hydro
Type of hydro electric power scheme that
produces up to 100 KW of electricity using a
flowing steam or a water flow.
Electricity from such systems is used to power
up isolated homes or communities and is
sometimes connected to the utility grid.
Scheme design can be approached as per
household basis or at the village level often Schematic of a Micro-Hydro
involving local materials and labor.
Micro hydro is generally run of river type.
Clean and Green Renewable energy.

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Necessity of Micro- Hydro
Rural Electrification: Micro hydro are very simple and can provide a
means for power supply to those area which are isolated from national
Climate change: To minimize the climate change due to use of fossil
fuel for power generation, it is better to use micro-hydro.
Cost: Lowest cost per watt hour.
Economic Growth of Country: Best way for increasing power and
hence economic-social growth of people and country

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Benefits of Micro-Hydro
• Efficient energy source: It takes only a small amount of flow to make it work (as small as two gallons of water or a drop
of as low as two feet) to generate electricity with the micro hydro, the produced electricity can be used as far as a mile
away from the production site.
• Reliable electricity source: There is a constant and continuous electrical energy supply from a hydro power plant
compared to other small scale renewable energy technologies. There are however peak energy seasons (mainly during
winter) when large quantities of electricity is required.
• No reservoir required: Micro hydro are considered to run as a 'run-of-river' system , this means that when the water passes
through the turbines it is diverted back to the river/ stream with relatively low impact on the surrounding ecology.
• Cost effective energy solution: A small hydro- power system can cost in the range of $1,000-$20,000 depending on the
site electricity requirements and location. The operation and maintenance costs are relatively low as well compared to other
• Power for developing countries: Having low-cost versatility and long life span, micro hydro can be used by developing
countries in supplying electricity to small villages and communities.
• Integrate with the local power grid: If there is a surplus production of electricity, some companies can buy the electricity
from you and integrate it to the grid. There could also be a possibility of supplementing your level of micro power with
intake from the grid.
• Environmental impact: The impact on the environment is minimized as compared to the traditional power stations that
use fossil fuels.

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Advantages over other renewables
• High efficiency (70-90 per cent), by far the best of all the technologies.
• High capacity factor, i.e. time generating power throughout the year;
(typically greater than 50 per cent compared with 10 per cent for solar and
30 per cent for wind)
• High level of predictability, varying with annual rainfall patterns.
• Slow rate of change; the output power varies only gradually from day to day
(not from minute to minute).
• Long-lasting and robust technology; systems can readily be engineered to
last for 50 years or more.
• Environmentally friendly; micro-hydro is in most cases ‘run-of-river’; that
means, any dam or barrage is quite small, usually just a weir, and little or no
water is stored

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End Use of Micro Hydro Power Plants
• Productive Use: Business purposes like agro processing,
timber sawing, textile fabrication, cooling, drying, etc.

• Consumptive Use: Household uses like domestic lighting,

cooking, cooling, radio and television.

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End Use of Micro Hydro Power Plants
End Use of MHP Mechanical Electricity
Productive Use Agro processing Mechanical uses with electricity as
Timber sawing Intermediate Heating, Lighting,
Textile fabrication Fertiliser production

Consumptive Use Domestic lighting

Radio and Television

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Demerits of Micro-Hydro
• Suitable site characteristics required
• Energy expansion not possible
• Low-power in the summer months
• Environmental impact

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Schematic Layout of Micro-hydro Plant

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Components of MHP

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Components of Micro Hydro
• Weir and Intake
• Waterways (Channel/Pipe)
• Gravel trap and Settling basin(Desilting basin)
• Forebay
• Spillway
• Penstock, Anchor block and Support Pier
• Power house (Turbine, Generator, Transformer)
• Tailrace
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Weir and Intake

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Weir and Intake
 Weir is built across the river to raise the water level and store it for
diverting a required flow towards intake.
To divert the design flow but restrict excess flows and sediments e.g.,
orifice type intake, spillways, raising intake floor from river bed level.
Coarse trash-rack should be located to prevent damage due to floating
logs and boulders.
Sediments should not choke the intake, low weir height & sloped

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Flushing/Sluice gate at intake

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Waterways or Canal
To convey design flow and
sediments/gravel to gravel
trap settling basin, i.e., no
deposition along the canal or
It can be paved, concreted
or constructed as an earth
Except for spilling excess
flows, there should be no

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Settling Basin (Desilting)

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Settling Basin (Desilting)
Traps/removes the sediments from the water.
A gravel trap needs to be incorporated only if the river carries significant
gravel during the monsoon season.
Gravel trap Structure should be located in a safe place but as close to the
intake as possible so that gravel is not carried for a long distance.
The settling basin should be located as close to the gravel trap as possible.
Turbulence and transit velocity are reduced by straight and large flow areas
of settling basin.
Gravels/particles should settle in the basin
Should be possible to safely flush the settled particles from the basin.
Prevents blocking of headrace and reducing capacity.
Prevents severe wearing of turbine runner and other parts.
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Trash rack
 A coarse trash rack shall be
provided at the intake and
upstream of piped headrace
 Bar spacing should be 50 mm
or larger.
 The penstock inlet shall be
protected by a fine trash rack.
 At design flow, the water
velocity through the trash rack
shall be less than 0.5 m/s.

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 It is in the form of a stone-masonry or RCC
box that connects the headrace to the
 It shall house an overflow spillway, drain
valve or gate to flush sediment and a trash
rack to intercept floating debris.
 Functions: To provide submergence head for
the penstock, store some water for start up,
spill entire design flow during plant shut
 Must have a fine trash-rack since this is the
last structure that can prevent entry of
sediments to the turbine.

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 A spillway should be incorporated
and sized to spill the design flow
(or flood flow if the system
conveys flood flows to this point)
without undermining structures or
causing ground erosion along its
 This is essential since when the
turbine is suddenly shut down and
flow through the penstock is
stopped, the flow will spill over
from the forebay.

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Anchor block & support piers
 Support piers are short columns that
support the exposed lengths of
penstock pipes so that they do not
sag due their own weight and that of
the water they transport.
 Support piers should be designed to
prevent overturning, sliding and
 Anchor blocks are rigid structures
that encase the penstock pipe and
restrain its movement in all
 These should be located at all
vertical and horizontal bends along
the penstock alignment.
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Safely convey design flow from the
forebay to the turbine with nominal
Mild steel & HDPE (low heads) are
generally used
Mild steel pipes  either welded at
site or flange connected.
The number of bends on the
alignment should be kept to a
minimum so that the number of
anchor blocks and the head loss can
both be minimised.
Anchor blocks & support piers used
for exposed mild steel pipes.
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Power House
 The turbine and the
equipment required for
the production of
electricity are located in
the powerhouse and
therefore are protected
from rain and other
 The produced electricity
is carried to the consumer
using the transmission

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Inside Power House
 The main purpose of power
house is to protect electro-
mechanical equipment from
adverse weather, allow for
easy access for operations,
and prevent mishandling of
the equipment by
unauthorised persons.
 Adequate lighting and
ventilation should be
 An operator’s room should
be provided in the
Inside Power House

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 An open canal or a pipe should
be used for the tailrace based on
 The tailrace should be able to
divert flows from the turbines to
the river (or nearby gully)
without undermining the
powerhouse foundation, the hill
slope or the riverbank.

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Convey the flow form the turbine pit
to the river or a natural gully close by.
Similar to the headrace-pipe or
channel is used, but velocity can be
May be rectangular or trapezoidal
Often, less attention is given to this

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Power from water
The power from hydro depends upon head and flow.
Hydro power is given as:
𝐏 = 𝐐𝐖𝐡 𝐤𝐖
Where Q=water discharge in m3/s
h=net head

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Hydro Electric Power formula
• Energy released,𝐸 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ 𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠
Mass,𝑚 = 𝜌𝑉
Where 𝜌=density of water=1000kg/m3
V=volume of water
𝐸 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔ℎ
• Hydrological Power , 𝑃 =
𝑃 = 𝜌𝑔ℎ = 𝑄𝜌𝑔h watts
= 1000 × 9.8𝑄ℎ 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑠 = 9.8𝑄ℎ 𝑘𝑊
= 10𝑄ℎ 𝑘𝑊

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Typical system efficiencies for a scheme

• Taking overall efficiency as e=0.5,

𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒕, 𝑷𝒐𝒖𝒕 = 𝟎. 𝟓 × 𝑸 × 𝟏𝟎 × 𝒉 kW

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Micro Hydro Design Approach
Capability and Demand Survey
Hydrology study and site survey
Prefeasibility study
Full feasibility study

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Capability and Demand Survey
Energy demands…? How much?, where?, what PURPOSES?
Consumer willingness to pay..?
Management system for tariff collection, financial accounts, O&M,
Survey will provide knowledge on technical and operational planning.
Survey as ‘open interviewing’/qualitative interviewing=>checklists
through informal conversations.

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Capability and Demand Survey
Survey topics
- Map/sketch of village with house positions
-Types of people in community- opportunities, economic securities.
- Possible organizations for managing, financing the MHPs.
- Irrigation system.
- Quantity of energy demand, willingness to pay.
- Future load growth.

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Hydrology and Site Survey
Determines the hydro potential of the site
Variation of water flow throughout the year
Cheapest and most effective scheme
Available power
Various uses of water

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Pre-feasibility Study
• Study of range of design options and rural energy sources.
• Compares different design options and present their main features.
• To determine how well supply and demand are matched.
• Recommendations for management structure, tariff structure,
contingency plans.
• One year time period.

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Full feasibility Study
Detailed engineering design and costing.
Financial study using economic indicators.
Golden Rule of feasibility study.
“O+M first, economics and plant factor second, engineering design last”
Success of the scheme depends upon correct operational procedures
and management schemes when operating.
Technical design should suit the level of operational and
organizational resources available in the region.
Detail tariff structure of the scheme and its implementation.
Priorities right for different uses of water should be set out.

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Institutional architecture of the micro hydropower sector

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Status of Micro-Hydro Development in Nepal
Till 2021, total installed capacity of micro hydro is about 35.9 MW.
There are approximately 3300 community-owned and community-operated MHPs
installed in Nepal.
The majority have been funded through subsidies administered by the Alternative
Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC); since 2006, the Rural Energy Policy and
Subsidy for Renewable Energy has ensured subsidy delivery for renewable energy
technologies, including micro-hydropower.
Schemes are initiated by communities who must contribute financially and
physically during construction.
Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy 20073 to promote micro hydro.
Standard Guidelines for micro-hydro design and installations formulated by
Rural Energy Development Programme by UNDP and GoN in 1966.
Electrification in rural hilly areas deprived from grid power.
3/6/2023 Community involvement-Microhydro Cooperative model. Prepared By: SD, IOE,Pashchimanchal Campus
Source: AEPC

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Source: AEPC

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District wise Micro Hydro Power Generation for year 2077/78

Source: AEPC

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Policy documentation and guidelines from the Alternative
Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC)

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Hydropower Policy 2001
• Capacity of up to 1000 kW need no license to be taken to get operated.

• No royalty is imposed capacity up to 1000 kW.

• Income tax is exempted for the projects of private sector generating

and distributing electricity from the hydro power project up to the
capacity of 1000 kW.

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RE Subsidy policy 2073 for MHPs
Subsidy Amount in Rs
Humla, Dolpa and Category "A"
Subsidy Category Mugu districts where Regions except
only air transport is Humla, Dolpa and
possible Mugu districts Category "B" Regions Category "C“ Regions
A) Subsidy on the basis of project
Distribution per household 35,500 32,000 30,000 28,000
kW) 125,000 95,000 85,000 80,000
Generation – Civil (per
kW) 80,000 30,000 25,000 20,000
But, the maximum subsidy per kW including household subsidy amount will not exceed Rs. 382,000, Rs. 285,000 and Rs. 240,000 for
Humla/Dolpa/Mugu, Category "A", Category "B" and Category "C" regions respectively. In the basis of possibility of the use of the
electricity from micro hydro project in the productive end use in future, the subsidy for additional one kilowatt per maximum of 5
households will be provided.
B) Subsidy on the basis of consumption
Energy Consumption(per kWh) 55% 50% 45% 40%
Subsidy for energy consumption will be paid to the concerned project operator over a period of five years only based on actual energy
Agencies involved in Micro-Hydro Development in Nepal
 Alternative Energy Promotion Centre(AEPC): Promotes MHP through Policies, Subsidy and
technical assistance.
 Nepal Micro Hydro Development Association: Represents about 60 microhydro companies in
Nepal, provide trainings to plant operators and managers.
 District Coordination Committees (DCCs): Provide financial support to renewable energy
projects that occur within their district.
 Regional Service Centres (RSCs): Provide advise and support to communities.
 Energising Development (EnDev): Working together with the Alternative Energy Promotion
Centre (AEPC) to improve the access of clean energy to the rural population through the
development of a Micro Hydro Debt Fund (MHDF).
 The World Bank : Provides funds and technical assistance.
 United Nations Development Programme(UNDP): Promotes MHP through National Rural
Renewable Energy (NRREP)Programme under Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL)
 Danish Development Assistance (DANIDA): Promotes microhydro through Energy Sector
Assistance Programme(ESAP).
 Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD): Assistance through Energy Sector
Assistance Programme(ESAP).

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Agencies involved in Micro-Hydro Development in Nepal

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Types of Micro Hydro Power
1. Isolated Micro Hydro: Supply to local loads only,
low plant factor and load factor.

2. Grid Connected Micro Hydro: High Plant factor, load

factor can be improved, power exchange with utility

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Grid Interconnection of MHP
In MHP, the loss of energy can be very high during under-utilization.
Connecting to the grid can help to divert this extra energy via the
national grid and reduce losses.
During under production, MHPs can also receive power from the grid.
The first MHP, called Syaurebhumi was interconnection to the grid on
11th January 2018.
Two more MHPs were connected to the national grid namely, Leguwa
Khola MHP (40kW capacity) in Dhankutta district and Chimal MHP
(capacity 90kW) in Taplejung district.

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Technology for Grid Interconnection
Interconnection technology used for MHP is different than that for
large hydropower plants.
ELC is used to balance load frequency instead of governor system.
Water input is constant to the MHP turbine unless adjusted by using a
butterfly valve.
The frequency balance is carried out through adjusting dummy load
(also known as ballast load) and consumer load through switching of a
ELC is deactivated while MHP is interconnecting to the national grid.
As soon as the MHP becomes islanded with the grid (in the event of
any unusual fault), ELC again comes into action and divert the
generated power to the grid.

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Policy Framework for Grid Interconnection
Advocacy started in 2011.
Decision to interconnect MHP of less than 100 kW capacity in July
First PPA concluded in February 2016.
First Interconnection completed in January 2018.

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Impact of Grid Interconnection
As the NEA is expanding the grid connection in the rural areas, the existing
MHPs have started to become redundant. As of 2015, 34 MHPs with a net
capacity of 1 MW have been affected and 56 MHPs with a net capacity of
1.7 MW could be affected by the grid extension. Therefore, interconnecting
the MHPs to the grid helps to solve this problem and the community can
also generate revenue by selling the surplus electricity.
The voltage of the feeder line increases, and thus enhances the power
quality of the feeder line.
Distributed generation helps to minimize the power loss during
transmission and distribution by reducing the distance as power is supplied
near the load center.
Plant load factor increased significantly and therefore increases the
economic sustainability of the MHP.

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Challenges for Grid Interconnection
Simple connectivity-instead of a complicated equipment, a simple and
compact equipment is required.
For the long-term sustainability of MHPs, the private sector needs to
be involved. The private sector can then be responsible for the regular
maintenance of the MHPs.
Grid interconnecting is expensive and therefore, a subsidy is required
until the technology is readily available in the Nepalese market.
Distribution Grid Code-Code for connectivity is required.
New Financing models such as power Exchange Agreement (PEA) is
Digital ELC with droop characteristics should be used.

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List of the MHPs that are interconnected in Nepal

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Comparison between Grid connected and isolated MHP

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Comparison on the basis of Specific components

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Comparison on the basis of Operation and Maintenance

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