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Answers to Test Data and Validation

Question 1
Data that is outside the boundaries of acceptability:

Answer: Invalid data or Out-of-range data

Question 2
Data that is on the boundary of acceptability:

Answer: Boundary data

Question 3
Data that is not on the boundary but is within the range of acceptability:

Answer: Normal data or Valid data

Question 4
Data that has been used before and has known outcomes:

Answer: Test data or Sample data

Validation Questions

Question 1
Makes sure that the data entered into a field is exactly 10 characters:

Answer: Length check

Question 2
Makes sure that a number lies between 10 and 100:

Answer: Range check

Question 3
Makes sure that the data entered is numeric:

Answer: Type check

Question 4
Makes sure that the date is entered as DD/MM/YYYY:

Answer: Format check or Date check

Changes to Convert Paper Form to Online Form
1. Convert text fields into text input boxes.

2. Use drop-down menus for selecting predefined options.

3. Add validation rules to ensure correct data entry.

4. Implement radio buttons for selecting single-choice options.

Methods of Researching the Current System

1. Observation

2. Questionnaires/Surveys

3. Document analysis

Drawbacks of Using Interviews

1. Time-consuming: Interviews can take a significant amount of time to conduct, especially
if there are many stakeholders involved.

2. Subjectivity: The responses received during interviews can be influenced by personal

biases, leading to less objective data.

Types of Verification
1. Double entry: This involves entering the data twice and comparing the two entries to
ensure accuracy.

2. Visual check: This involves manually checking the data entered against the original

Explain the differences between verification and proofreading.

Proofreading focuses on correcting textual errors such as spelling, grammar, and

punctuation. It ensures written content is clear and accurate.

Verification involves checking that data or systems meet specific standards and criteria. It
ensures accuracy and functionality of systems or data.

Methods of System Implementation

1. Phased Implementation:

○ Advantage: Introduces the system in stages, reducing risk by resolving

issues in smaller parts before full implementation.

2. Parallel Running:

○ Advantage: Runs both old and new systems simultaneously, providing a

safety net and allowing output comparison to ensure accuracy.
3. Pilot Running:

○ Advantage: Tests the new system in a small, controlled section first,

minimizing the impact of potential issues before full rollout.

Comparison of Pilot Implementation and Phased Implementation

Pilot Implementation:

● Definition: Start with a small, controlled section of the organization.

● Advantages:

○ Allows testing in a real-world scenario without affecting the entire


○ Problems can be fixed before rolling out to everyone.

● Disadvantages:

○ Issues specific to larger scale may not be detected.

Phased Implementation:

● Definition: Introduce the system in stages across the organization.

● Advantages:

○ Reduces risk by making changes gradually.

○ Helps users get used to the new system step by step.

● Disadvantages:

○ Takes more time to fully implement.

○ Needs careful planning to ensure consistency.


● Both methods aim to minimize risks compared to a direct changeover.

● Pilot implementation focuses on a small section first, while phased implementation

rolls out in stages.

● Pilot provides quick feedback from a smaller group, whereas phased allows the
whole organization to adapt gradually.
10 (a) Items to be Designed
Data capture forms.

Report layouts.

Validation routines.

File structure.

(b) Live Data

Live data is real data taken from the current or past operations of the organization. It is
used in testing to see how the new system handles actual, real-world information.

(c) Components of Technical Documentation

Three components of technical documentation not found in user documentation are:

1. System architecture diagrams.

2. Code annotations and comments.

3. Detailed error messages and troubleshooting guides.

15. Types of Test Data for Cricket Scoreboard

(a) Normal Data:

● Definition: Data within expected range.

● Example: A player scores 150 runs.

(b) Abnormal Data:

● Definition: Data outside acceptable range.

● Example: A player scores 450 runs (assuming the maximum expected is 400).

(c) Extreme Data:

● Definition: Data at the boundary of acceptable range.

● Example: A player scores exactly 400 runs

11. Documentation Elements

Tick the elements that are part of User documentation, Technical documentation, or Both:

● Purpose of the system: Both ✔

● Program listing: Technical documentation ✔

● Input format: User documentation ✔

● Error messages: Both ✔

● Hardware requirements: Both ✔

3. Validation, Verification, or Proof-reading

Tick whether the following is a method of validation, verification, or proof-reading:

● Identifying spelling errors: Proof-reading ✔

● Using a range check: Validation ✔

● Typing in data twice: Verification ✔

● Visually comparing data on screen with the original source document: Proof-reading

9 (a) Pilot Running vs. Direct Changeover

Pilot Running:

● Advantages:

○ Tests the system in a small, controlled area.

○ Identifies issues before full implementation.

● Disadvantages:

○ Takes longer to fully implement.

○ Initial test group may not represent the entire user base.

Direct Changeover:

● Advantages:

○ Quick implementation.

○ Immediate use of the new system by all users.

● Disadvantages:

○ High risk if the system fails.

○ No fallback to the old system.


● Pilot Running is recommended because it allows the health authority to identify and
resolve issues on a smaller scale before affecting all users, ensuring a smoother
9 (b) Evaluation Questions

1. Does the new system reduce the time taken to book appointments compared to the
old system?

2. Are there fewer errors in booking appointments since the new system was

Ease of Use

1. Is the new system intuitive and easy for staff and patients to use?

2. Are users able to book appointments without extensive training or support?


1. Does the system meet the specific needs of the health authority?

2. Are all necessary features and functionalities present and effective?

Systems Life Cycle

The stages of the systems life cycle

1. Analysis

2. Design

3. Development and Testing

4. Implementation

5. Evaluation

6. Documentation

revision question:

1. Explain system flowchart using a suitable example.

A system flowchart is a diagram that depicts the flow of data within a system and the
processes that act upon this data.
It uses standardized symbols to represent different types of actions or steps in a process.
For example, a system flowchart for an order processing system might include symbols
representing the receipt of an order,
checking inventory, updating inventory records, and generating an invoice.

2. What is a data dictionary. Give a suitable example.

A data dictionary is a centralized repository of information about data such as meaning,

relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format.
For example, in a customer database, the data dictionary might include fields like
CustomerID, Name, Address, and PurchaseHistory,
along with definitions and constraints for each field.

3. Explain modular form of development. How does it help in testing?

Modular development is a software development technique that involves breaking down a

system into smaller, manageable modules or components,
each of which can be developed, tested, and debugged independently before being
integrated into the larger system.
This approach facilitates easier testing since each module can be tested in isolation, making
it easier to identify and fix issues.
It also allows for parallel development, where different modules can be worked on
simultaneously by different teams.

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