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e r e l d a

Es m
i e s z k o
RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Points Cost: 125

Fore Cannons (P) 10 10 5 5 DR CR Mv HP

Wing Guns (S) 6 5 - - 5 7 10” 6

Aft Guns (S) 6 5 - - AP AA CC IR

Bomb Bay (T) 5 - - - 5 6 4 4


Minimum Move: 4” Turn Limit: 1”
Turning Template: 45 degree Squadron Size: 1 model
Crew Type: Stoic
Model Assigned Rules (MARs):
Area Bombardment (Bombs), Combat Patrol, Hunter (Surface, Bombs, +1), Momentum,
Squadron Support (PLC: SAS Fighters, 4), Strategic Value (25).

Options and Upgrades:

• This model is fitted with an internal Shield (2) Generator for no additional points cost.
• This model has the Piercing (Fore Cannon) Munitions Type.
• This model has the Incendiary (Bombs) Munitions Type.

Weapon Arcs
• The TWO Wing Guns (S) have a 90 degree Fore Fire Arc.
• The ONE Fore Cannon (P) has a Fore Fixed Channel Fire Arc.
• The ONE Aft Guns (S) has a 90 degree Aft Fire Arc.
• The THREE Bomb Bays (T) have a 2” Range and a 360 degree Fire Arc.

Lady of Fortune
Esmerelda and the Valkyrie’s Fury are available to all Dystopian Wars factions, and may only be taken as part of the
40% Non-Core element of a Force. Unlike other Mercenaries, Esmerelda and her Heavy Bomber may ignore
the stipulation regarding Capital and Non-Capital elements within a Mercenary Battle Group.

Into The Clouds

ONCE per game, the Valkyrie’s Fury may choose to automatically succeed when taking its Evasive Manoeuvre

Focused Bombing
When performing an Area Bombardment with the Valkyrie’s Fury, the owning player may elect to re-roll the
initial direction determined by any template after the first. However, the second result of each template
placement MUST be accepted.
Copyright © Spartan Games 2014

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