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G A Pikington.

Chilworth TechnologvLtd., UK

INTRODUCTION electricity, a number of factors are required to occur

simultaneously. These are:

The need to use electrical equipment where flammable

atmospheres can be present is one potential cause of 1) A flammable atmosphere.
fires and explosions in industry. Other sources of
ignition can also be present in such hazardous areas and 2) A mechanism by which electrostatic charge is
these also need to be considered when considering the generated.
safe operation of a process plant.
3) Somewhere for the charge to accumulate to
One such ignition source is static electricity. dangerous levels.

It is often thought that static electricity is only produced 4) A discharge needs to occur with enough
by witches, wizards and physics lecturers but in fact it energy to ignite the flammable atmosphere.
is commonplace in everyday life and it is probable that
all who are reading this paper have had some experience By removing one of the above components, the risk of
of it. Examples include shocks when leaving a car or ignition can be avoided. The approach used to ensure
when touching a hotel door handle, crackling when safety from static, therefore, is to examine each
removing a pullover, clinging of clothes when they are component in tum and attempt to eliminate one of
removed from a tumble dryer, crackling on a record them.
player and so on. An extreme example of static
electricity is lightning.
Flammable Ahnospheres
The above events are mainly a nuisance, however once
the effects of static electricity are controlled then it can
have many practical uses. It puts the 'cling' into cling- For an ignition risk to be present it follows that there
film, it causes the ink to stick to the paper in the needs to be a flammable atmosphere. Certain gases,
photocopier and has practical applications in spraying volatile solvents, dusts and fine droplet mists can form
and other printing applications. flammable atmospheres under the right conditions.

It follows that if static electricity is commonplace in It is important when considering the ignition risk due to
everyday life then it will be commonplace in industry as static electricity to ascertain the ignition sensitivity of
well. There will be some static electricity in your plant the flammable atmosphere under consideration. The
but is this going to cause an ignition? The extensive use parameter used to gauge sensitivity to electrostatic
of static effects in various applications show that even discharges is the Minimum Ignition Energy of the
if it is present, it can be controlled. atmosphere. As will be discussed later, this parameter
is important in deciding whether any discharge that may
This paper will introduce a systematic approach to occur is capable of igniting the flammable atmosphere.
identifying hazards attributable to static electricity. It
will explain how and where static electricity is Examples of typical Minimum Ignition Energies of
generated, and it will give guidance on how to control gases, solvent vapours and selected dust clouds are
its effects and reduce the risk of ignition. given in Tables 1 & 2 below, Haase (1) and Field (2).
This shows that gases and solvents are generally more
sensitive to ignition than are dust clouds and,
A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH consequently, they are more sensitive to ignition by
electrostatic discharges.

For an ignition hazard to be present due to static Recent experience, however, has shown that the

Electrical Safety in Hazardous Environments, 19-21 April 1994, Conference Publication No. 390, @ IEE, 1994

Table 1 - Minimum Ignition Energies of Gases and Table 2 - Minimum Ignition Energies of Dust Clouds
Solvent Vapours.

Substance Minimum Ignition Energy Substance Minimum Ignition Energy

(mJ) (mT)

Acetone 1.15 Cotton linters 1920

Methanol 0.14 Soya meal 330
i-Pentane 0.21 Gum arabic 100
Carbon disulphide 0.009 Coal (Pittsburgh) 60
sugar 30
Methane 0.28 Paracetamol 10
Propane 0.25 Phenolic resin 5
Hydrogen sulphide 0.068 Sulphur* <1
Hydrogen 0.011
*Authors data.

number of powders with a very low Minimum Ignition (given by the relative positions in the Triboelectric
Energy (ClOmI) is increasing. Many more materials series - similar to the electrochemical series), the speed
are giving ignition energies that are at a similar level to at which the materials are separated and the resistance
solvent vapours or gases. This is possibly due to of the surface to the flow of electrons being some of the
processing producing finer particle size material or due more important factors.
to the increased use of complicated organic molecules.
Pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals can be particularly It follows that the greatest generation of electrostatic
sensitive to static discharges. charge occurs when high local velocities are achieved.
Numerous operations are present on a process plant
where materials are moved around rapidly - common
Charge Generation examples include pumping, agitating, spraying and
filtering of liquids; grinding, sieving, conveying and
pouring of solids. The number of problem associated
There are two mechanisms by which most electrostatic with static has increased in recent years as the process
charge is 'generated' - contact electrification and industries move towards higher productivity using faster
induction charging. processing methods.

Contact electrification, more commonly known as The other major factor that can affect the amount of
frictional charging, occurswhen two dissimilar materials charge generated is the electrical properties of the
come into contact with each other. If one material material. With liquids the electrical conductivity is
prefers to accept electrons to its surface and the other important, with solids it is the electrical resistivity
prefers to give up electrons, then charge will separate at (conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity). Examples
the interface between the two surfaces. One surface of liquid conductivities are given in Table 3, Walmsley
will become more negatively charged and the other (3).
more positive.
The lower the conductivity (or the higher the resistivity)
Provided that the materials remain in contact with each of the material, the greater the electrostatic charge
other then this situation will remain in steady state. generation. So, if a process used hexane (conductivity
However, if the surfaces are rapidly moved apart then of 1-30 pS d)then the amount of charge generated
the charge can become separated and charges of would be less than if methyl alcohol was used
opposite polarity will remain on each surface. This is (conductivity of 10' pS m-'). The amount of charge
the principle of contact electrification. generation can be reduced, therefore, by changing the
solvent to a more conductive one.
The amount of charge remaining on the surface after
separation depends on a number of factors - the Powders, with the exception of metallic dusts, tend to
potential for the surfaces to accept/donate electrons have high electrical resistivities.

Table 3 - Minimum Ignition Energies of Gases and For example, plant personnel can become charged by
Solvent Vapours. induction charging if they work in the vicinity of highly
charged objects. Powder charging and discharging
operations are areas where induction charging often
occurs. Again, safety often depends on preventing the
Liquid Electrical Conductivity induced charge from reaching hazardous potentials.
(ps nil)
Charge Accumulation
Water = 109
Alcohols = 105
Ketones = 105 The generation of charge alone does not necessarily
Bromobenzene = l@ produce a hazardous situation. High potentials are.
Dietyl Ether = 10 required to produce discharges and this only happens
Hexane = 10-2 when the charge that is generated is allowed to
Carbon disulphide = lo4 accumulate. Safety in the process industries is normally
based on the prevention of charge accumulation.

Often it is not possible to change the solvent in a There are a number of areas where charge can be
process. It may be possible, though, to put a few drops accumulated:
of an antistatic additive in the solvent to reduce its
conductivity. Liquids
One technique to reduce the amount of electrostatic Isolated conductors
charge generated is to reduce the velocity of the High resistivity solids
processing operations. With liquids this option is Insulating Sheets
regularly used to reduce the amount of charge generated
in transfer operations. BS5958 (4) recommends the
following restrictions during the pumping of liquids: Liquids. Charge accumulation only occurs when the
rate that the charge is generated is greater that the rate
Liauid Conductivih, Flow Velocity that the charge can be dissipated from the object. It is
important that the charge has somewhere to dissipate to.
It is essential that the liquid has contact with earth at all
> loo0 pS m-' No restriction times and in steel plant this is normally the case. In
lined plant it is often necessary to install earth points
<SO - IO00 ps n i l < 7 m s-I such as tantalum plugs below the liquid level, although
often there will be an earthed component in contact with
<SO - ps the liquid (such as a thermocouple pocket or a bottom
with immiscible phases < 1 m s? run-off valve).
An immiscible phase could be undissolved solid or Charge is generally accumulated and hence can be
another liquid phase, such as water in toluene. retained longer on high resistivity liquids. Charge is
readily accumulated when the conductivity of the liquid
Often, however, the option to restrict velocities is not is below 50 pS m-l but is usually dissipated too rapidly
available as this is in conflict with the requirement to to give a hazard when the conductivity is above this
become more productive. In some processes, for value. Occasionally, however, when the charging is
example the pneumatic conveying of powders, it is not exceptionally vigorous (for example the high speed
a practicable option either. Safety then often depends on stirring of a solid suspension), hazardous potentials can
the prevention of charge accumulation. be produced with liquids that have conductivity as high
as lo00 pS d.
Charge can also be 'generated' by induction. When a
conductive object is in the vicinity of an electrostatically Often after a liquid has been subjected to vigorous
charged object, the potential on the conductive object charging it is necessary to give the charge on the liquid
can increase by induction. In certain cases it is possible time to relax. For a single phase liquid in a metal tank
for the conductive object to move away from the a period of 100 seconds should be sufficient. However,
charged object and retain a hazardous electrostatic if the liquid contains an immiscible phase it should be
charge. held for at least 30 mins in order to allow the phases to
separate and relax any separation potentials.

Powders. A6 most powders have a high resistivity they Materials that normally have a high surface resistivity
accumulate electrostatic charge readily and the charge may be rendered conducting under damp conditions. In
cannot be dissipated easily. It is often difficult to predict this context, a damp atmosphere is one where the
whether in any particular situation, a hazardous amount relative humidity exceeds about 65 96.
of charge is present. Often trials have to be camed out
to assess the individual process. Examples where charge could accumulate on high
resistivity solids are given below:
Safety with powders is not normally based on the - When the surface of a plastic item, such as a length
elimination of the electrostatic charge. They are only of pipe, a sheet or a drum, is rubbed.
handled in situations where any discharge will not ignite - If a plastic container is filled with a highly charged
the flammable dust cloud (provided that the Minimum powder.
Ignition Energy is known) or where explosion protection - When powder is emptied from a plastic drum, or
is provided. any drum containing a polythene liner.
- On the surface of a plastic item in contact with a
Isolated Conductors. The ability of an isolated spray or mist.
conductor to retain charge depends on its resistance to - On a plastic pipe that carries a stream of liquid,
earth. Hazardous levels of electrostatic charge will not powder or a mist.
be accumulated provided that the object has a resistance - When plastic films are separated.
to earth of less than 106 Q. In all but high charging
situations, a resistance to earth of less than 10s n will be It should be recognised that, although presenting a
sufficient. hazard in themselves, high resistivity materials are able
to isolate conducting items from earth. This presents a
All isolated conductors should be earthed and some greater ignition risk than from the material itself.
typical examples of common conductors that could be
isolated are given below:
- Drums, tankers, fibreboard kegs, buckets. Insulating Sheets. This special case of a high
- Metallic pipework and process vessels. Small resistivity material requires a special mention as it is
process vessels are often isolated from earth by capable of retaining very high levels of electrostatic
putting them on non-conducting wheels. charge, and energy. Normally the charge that can be
- Flanges or nozzles that are connected to a non- stored on the surface of an insulating sheet is limited
conducting pipe, for example backing flanges on and can be dissipated by non-incendive discharges.
QVF pipework. However, when sheets become polarised (carry equal
- A conductor that is floating on a non-conducting and opposite charges on each side of the sheet), charge
liquid, such as a sampling can. dissipation does not occur and very high levels of
- PTFE ball valvk - often the ball and handle are charge can accumulate.
isolated from earth.
- Plant personnel who are not wearing anti-static In practice this occurs when:
shoes or who are stood on an insulating surface. - One side of the sheet has an earthed metal backing
and the other side is highly charged.
Sparks from isolated conductors are the most common - Charges on one surface of the material cause charge
cause of electrostatic hazards and cause many incidents. to be deposited on the other side of the drum by
However, this risk can easily avoided by earthing and 'glow corona'.
bonding all conductors to prevent the accumulation of
charge. These can occur, for example, when an earthed and
plastic lined drum, or a plastic drum, is filled with a
highly charged powder. In this example the deposition
High Resistivity Solid Items. An item constructed of high levels of charge on the inner surface could be
from a material with a high electrical resistivity, giving avoided by inserting an earthed rod in the drum during
a resistance to earth exceeding 1@n, is capable of the filling operation.
accumulating electrostatic charge. Resistivity in solid
materials is often expressed as volume resistivity and
surface resistivity, and materials that have values that Electrostatic Discharges
exceed 108Q and 10IOn, respectively can accumulate
electrostatic charge.
Electrostatic discharges are produced when high electric
Typical examples of high resistivity solids include fields, produced by high accumulated charges, break
PTFE, glass, polythene, nylon and PVC. down. Some or all of the stored electrical energy is
converted to heat during the breakdown and this heat

may cause an ignition. The energy available for ignition Table 4 - Stored Energies on Some Common Objects
depends on the type of discharge and its origin. Ignition at a Potential of 30kV.
will occur when the energy of the discharge exceeds the
Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) of the flammable
Object Capacitance Stored Energy
The energy available in a discharge is often termed the @F) (mT)
equivalent energy. It is often not possible to determine
the energy r e l d in a discharge directly, however, it
is possible to compare the incendivity of the discharge Road Tanker SO00 2250
against another at a known energy. The equivalent Person 200 90
energy is often described as the Minimum Ignition Bucket 20 9
Energy of a flammable atmosphere that it is just 100” flange 10 4.5
capable of igniting, Gibson & Lloyd (5). loomm bolt 3 1.4

The types of discharge importaut to safety in the process

industries are described briefly below.
Irrespective of the amount of energy stored, corona
dischargeshave an equivalent energy of less than 0.2mT.
Spark Discharges. Spark discharges could occur when They are incapable of igniting most gases and vapours,
there is a breakdown of the electric field between two with the exception of very sensitive materials such as
conducting items. During breakdown, a hot conducting hydrogen, acetylene and carbon disulphide.
plasma channel forms between the items and charge
from one item transfers to the other, until the potential The normal effect of corona discharges is to dissipate
difference between the two items is eliminated. Most of energy in a non-incendive way - a fact that is used in
the energy stored on the conductors is tumed to heat in non-powered electrostatic eliminators.
the plasma channel.

The amount of energy that can be stored on a Brush Discharges. These discharges are produced
conducting item depends on its capacitance and its between an earthed object and a highly charged non-
potential. Typically, isolated conductingitems can reach conducting (or insulating) material. Insulating materials
potentials (V) of 10-30 kV. Capacitance (C) is may be liquids, powders or non-conducting solid objects
dependent on size of the object, and its location with or sheet. Brush discharges are characterised by a short,
respect to earth. The energy (E) on an object can be hot plasma channel terminating in a h e network (the
calculated from the equation brush) of finer channels reaching and spreading around
the insulating surface.
E = %CVz
Not all the charge on the surface is available for
Some examples of typical stored energies are given in discharge as is the case for conducting items. This limits
Table 4, Walmsley (3). the energy in the discharge and only a fraction of the
total energy is available to give ignition. The equivalent
Clearly, when comparing the stored energies against the energy of brush discharges is taken to be 4mT. As only
MIE values in Tables 1 & 2, spark discharges are a proportion of the charge on the surface is available for
capable of igniting vapours, gases and dusts. In discharge, multiple brush discharges can be obtained
addition, sparks from large objects can be incendive to from the same surface.
gases and vapours at potentials as low as 1kV. For these
reasons, spark discharges are considered to be the most Brush discharges are capable of igniting most gases and
likely to cause a hazard in the process industries and vapours, and may ignite some of the more sensitive
should be eliminated by earthing and bonding all dusts.
conducting items.

Propagating Brush Discharges. Propagating brush

Corona Discharges. Corona occurs when a sharp discharges are produced at the surface of highly charged
conductor that is charged a high potential or is brought and polarised insulating sheets. The approach of an
into strong electric field. They do not form hot earthed object to the sheet causes an enhancement in the
conducting plasma channels as described above and are electric field and produces a brush discharge. This
very diffuse discharges. Only a small proportion of the removes the charge from a small area of the sheet -
energy is available to cause ignition. which is no longer polarised - creating intensely strong

electric fields across the surface. These fields lead to accumulate to high potentials and a discharge of
further breakdowns which eliminate charge from other sufficient energy to ignite the flammable atmosphere.
areas and the discharge propagates in an avalanche of
discharges. The risk from static electricity can be controlled by
eliminating one of the four components. This may be
Several joules of energy can be stored on a polarised by simply providing good earthing and bonding, or by
charged sheet and all this energy can be released in a reducing pumping velocities, for example.
propagating brush discharge. Propagating brush
discharges, therefore, are highly incendive and should Elaborate solutions are often not required to avoid an
be avoided whenever flammable atmospherescan occur. electrostatichazard, provided that a systematic approach
is used to identify the problem. However, on some
In addition, there is a risk of severe physiological shock occasions it is not possible to eliminate the electrostatic
to plant personnel from propagating brush discharges. A risk completely and in those cases, explosion protection
joule of energy is sufficient to give a severe shock, may be needed.
throwing the operator backwards, and can cause
temporary paralysis. Static electricity, as is electrical equipment, is only one
of many potential ignition sources that can be present in
the process industries. The basis of safety in any
Cone Discharges. These discharges, often known as process should be amved at by considering all the
bulk surface discharges, occur at the surface of highly potential risks together in a hazard assessment, rather
charged piles of powder or granules. When a highly than addressing each risk in isolation.
charged, insulating powder collects in bulk (for example
in a silo or a drum), high electrostatic fields are
produced which ionise the air at the surface of the REFERENCES
powder. This forms hot, conductive channels that
propagate energy from the side of the wall to the centre 1. Haase, H., 1977, Electrostatic Hazards -
of the material pile. Their Evaluation and Control, 107-109

It is not possible to predict the energy dissipated in a 2. Field, P., 1982, Handbook of Powder
cone discharge, but industrial experience suggests it has Technology No 4 - Dust Explosions, 204-
an equivalent energy of about 1 0 d . Therefore, it is 220
capable of causing ignition of gases, vapours and
sensitive dusts. 3. Walmsley, H.L., 1992, J. Electrostatics,

Lightning Discharges. Lightning is caused in large 4. Various, 1991, British Standard BS5958 -
clouds of highly charged droplets in clouds in the Control Of Undesirable Static Electricity.
atmosphere. Although it was once thought that lightning
discharges may be possible in highly charged powders 5. Gibson, N. and Lloyd, F.C., 1965, Brit. J.
and mists in the process industries, industrial experience A d . Phys., 16, 16-19.
suggests otherwise. Experiments with charged dusts in
volumes up to 60m3, and with charged mists in the
washing of ships tank up to a volume of 3oooOm3,have
failed to produce lightning discharges.

It is considered that lightning discharges in industrial

scale equipment would be highly unlikely.


This paper has discussed the main features that result is

electrostatic discharges - static electricity - becoming a
hazard in the process industries. It has shown that a
hazard requires four components to be present at the
same time; a flammable atmosphere, a mechanism for
charge generation, somewhere for the charge to

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