Electric shock injuries from static electricity discharges - floyd (2011)

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Electric Shock Injuries from Static Electricity Discharges

Copyright Material IEEE

Paper No. ESW2011--17

H. Landis Floyd II, PE, CSP, CMRP, Fellow IEEE

P.O. Box 80723 Wilmington, DE 19880 USA

Abstract: Most people are aware of electrostatic discharges two workers suffered soft tissue injuries from involuntary violent
(ESD) at two extremes - the annoying shock from static muscular reaction from electrostatic discharges in a high speed
accumulation from sliding across an automobile seat or web manufacturing operation. The investigations noted
shuffling across a carpet, and the highly dangerous and multiple deficiencies in static electricity mitigation measures.
destructive energy discharge in lightning strikes. Between Electronic static eliminators were defective, humidity control
these two extremes are static discharges from manufacturing was not operating and procedures for manually discharging
operations that can cause shock injuries. Hazards of static static energy accumulation were not being followed.
electricity in industrial and manufacturing operations are
generally viewed as a potential ignition source in flammable and In May 2010, the news media in Louisville, Kentucky reported a
explosive environments, or destructive to semiconductor fatal electrocution from a static discharge form a high speed
electronic devices, but not as a source for shock injury. film manufacturing operation in the Louisville area. At the time
Measures to control the static electricity shock hazard and this paper was written, the Kentucky Bureau of Labor had not
safeguard people are not addressed in the most visible and released investigation details.
applied standards addressing electrical safety in the workplace.
This paper describes manufacturing and other industrial In the summer of 2010, the author received a report of a worker
scenarios in which the potential for injury from static electricity on a wind generator tower receiving an electric shock injury
discharges exist, and discuss methods to prevent, control, and form an electrostatic discharge from the turbine blades. The
protect personnel from injury. investigation discovered that the normally grounded blades
were not grounded due to a failure in the lightning protection
I. Introduction system. The ungrounded blades had accumulated a static
charge, apparently either from dust blown across the blades, or
Headlines: Worker in film manufacturing plant dies from an from atmospheric electrical charge.
electric shock received from an electrostatic discharge [1]. Is
this possible? Protecting workers from electric shock injuries III. How Static Electricity is Generated, Stored and
due to electrostatic discharges is not addressed in NFPA 70E, Causes Injury
Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace or in NFPA 77,
Recommended Practice on Static Electricity. Workplace Static electricity can be generated in several ways, including
hazards from static electricity are generally considered in terms mechanical stress (piezoelectric effect), heat induced
of ignition of explosive or flammable environments [2]. It is also (pyroelectric effect) and electrostatic induction (when an
widely recognized that static discharges can damage or destroy electrical charged object is brought close to a neutral object).
semiconductor devices [3]. The shocks received after scuffling The triboelectric effect, or contact induced charge separation
feet across a carpet, or sliding across an automobile seat on a when different materials rub together, is the most common
low humidity day are annoying, but do not present a serious cause of static electriCity in every day life and in industrial and
electric shock exposure. These discharges typically involve manufacturing operations. Liquid flowing though a pipe, dust
voltages in the range of 20,000 volts and energies of 60 conveyed in a pneumatic tube and non conductive material
millijoules. Elementary school science experiments frequently moving across rollers are common examples of scenarios
include demonstrations of Van de Graaff generators with capable of generating static electricity via the triboelectric effect.
thousands of volts, with no danger. On the other end of the The energy that can be stored is determined by the capacitance
spectrum, lightning is an electrostatic discharge phenomena characteristics of the object or system exposed to the
that is well respected as being dangerous to people. An generated voltage. For example, the human body is typically
atmospheric lightning strike can be 100 million volts, with 500 modeled as a 100 picofarad capacitor. 35,000 volts is generally
megajoules of energy. Somewhere between the annoying considered the maximum static charge on the human body,
carpet shocks and atmospheric lightning strikes lies a threshold because potentials higher than this are bled off due to corona
above which the electrostatic discharge creates a hazardous discharges. Using these variables, the maximum static energy
electric shock exposure. stored on a person can be calculated.

II. Recent reported incidents 2


In November 2009, a manufacturing plant in Virginia reported Where E= energy in joules, C= capacitance in farads and
two electric shock injuries from electrostatic discharges. The V= potential in volts.

978-1-4673-1059-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

12 3 2
E= % (100 X10- farads) (35 x10 volts) with energy greater than 5000 mJ is a direct serious risk to
human health [8). By comparison, as little as 0.2 mJ may
E= 61 millijoules present an ignition hazard, and the energy needed to damage
semiconductor electronic devices is between 2 and 1000
Modeling electrostatic discharge energy in industrial processes nanojoules [3).
is a difficult challenge, and beyond the scope of this paper. The
IEC 60065 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus -
two variables that determine severity of the shock exposure are
Safety requirements states that consumer products cannot
potential and capacitance. Recent literature has identified high
discharge more than 350 mJ into a person [9).
speed web handling processes as an area of concem in which
there is potential for high voltages and high capacitive storage
of energy [4). Trends in increasing production speeds will V. Recent Advancements in Understanding the
augment this exposure scenario. The anecdotal report of an Hazard
ESD injury from an ungrounded wind turbine blade is from an
industry that is growing rapidly, which means potentially Most of the literature addressing electrostatic discharges and
increasing exposure to this scenario. All this points to the need people discuss discharges from rather than tQ people. In 1998
to address these and similar exposures in existing workplace Shelton noted that progressing technology in high speed film
safety standards. and web processing operations were resulting in faster
production speeds with increased shock risk to people from
High voltage in itself may not be hazardous, unless the energy electrostatic discharges [3). In 2007 the National Safety
storage capacity is greater than 5000 mJ (5 Joules). The Council issued a bulletin titled Shock Treatment: Preventing the
potential injury consequences from exposure to electrostatic Unseen Dangers of Static Electricity. The bulletin included this
discharges are the same as those from exposure to energy statement: "Very large ESD (electrostatic discharges) events­
from an electric power system and include the following: those typically greater than 80,000 volts - are extremely
dangerous. Such sparks can knock a person to the floor and
• Reaction to the shock such that the victim is exposed cause injuries. These high ESD voltages often are found in and
to other hazards, such as falling, caught in machinery, around high-speed web processing equipmenf' [10).
or contact with electrical energy form the power
system At the 2009 IEEE lAS Electrical Safety Workshop, Gordon and
• Soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries from the Cartelli noted in their paper, A Complete Electrical Hazard
violent muscle contraction caused by electrical Classification System and Its Application, that the US
stimulus Department of Energy Electrical Safety Handbook (1998) had
• Neurological trauma established 10 Joules as the threshold for capacitor shock. It
• Limb amputation as a result of cellular injury from was also noted that one laboratory had lowered this to 5 Joules
electroporation, or the cell rupture caused by the [11). This correlates to the 5000 mJ limit established in IEC
electrical field impressed on the cell membrane. 60479.2.
• Death due to ventricular fibrillation
VI. Limitations of Safe Work Practices Common in
IV. Review of Regulations and Standards Power Systems

OSHA publication 3075, Controlling Electrical Hazards notes Most of the safe work practices proven to help safeguard
that shocks can occur from static electricity and states that people form electric shock hazards from electric power systems
under certain circumstances the shock can be severe [5). are not effective for protection from exposure to electrostatic
discharges. The concept of creating an electrically safe
NFPA 70E-2009, Standard for Electrical Safety in the working condition does not apply in the same way as it does
Workplace is silent on the shock hazards of electrostatic where the energy source is from a power system. For example,
discharges. The hazard of electrostatic discharges seems to consider a large roll of film that has been removed from the
be outside the scope of NFPA 70E, considering this statement production line. Assuming that it has an electrostatic charge,
in article 90.1 Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to the energy source cannot be locked out. The material is an
provide a practical safe working area for employees relative to insulator, so grounding does not discharge the voltage, as
the hazards arising from the use of electricity [6). The grounding would on a conductor. For insulators, touching a
electrostatic exposure is not from the use of electricity, but charged surface may only discharge the potential in close
rather an undesirable byproduct of a manufacturing process. proximity to the grounded spot.

NFPA 77-2007 Recommended Practice on Static Electricity has VII. Methods to Control Static Electricity
this statement as part of its scope in Article 1.1.2: This
recommended practice does not apply directly to shock hazards Prevention of static energy accumulation and discharges in
from static electricity. However, application of the principles set conductive components of piping and conveying systems is
forth in this recommended practice can reduce such shock addressed in detail in NFPA 70, National Electrical Code and
hazards to personnel [7). NFPA 77. Mitigation and control of static electricity associated
with conductive components involves permanent bonding and
IEC 60479.2 Effects of current on human beings and livestock­ grounding of components such as structural steel, fixed piping
Part 2: Special aspects, states that an electrostatic discharge and pneumatic tubes, and temporary bonding of temporary or
portable objects such as fuel trucks and hand carried environments, damage to electronic devices and shock injury to
containers of flammable liquids. people.
IX. References
Mitigation and control of static electricity involving non
conductive materials require different measures also described [1] Lex18.com, Woman Shocked Last Week Dies, (retrieved
in NFPA 77. These measures include application of ion May 12, 2010) (www.lex18.com)
generators to neutralize static charges, maintaining humidity [2] Kassebaum, J.H., and Kocken, R.A., "Controlling Static
above 65% relative humidity so that accumulated static charges Electricity in Hazardous (Classified) Locations", IEEE
are discharged to the atmosphere, application of antistatic Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 1,
agents to insulating materials, and inductive neutralizers that January/February 1997, pp 209 -215
include fixed and portable grounded wands and brushes [3] Guide to Prevent Damage For Semiconductor Devices by
incorporated in the manufacturing process. Each of these Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Renesas Electronics
measures necessitates maintenance, monitoring, and training Corporation (formerly NEC Corporation), Document No.
to help maintain and assure effectiveness. C11892EJ1V11FOO (1st edition), July 1997
[4] Shelton, S., A Practical Guide to Controlling Electrostatic
VIII. Conclusion and Recommendations Charges on Film Webs, proceedings of the 1998 Polymer
Lamination and Coating Conference, Technical
Although the flammable ignition and semiconductor damage Association of the Pulp and Paper Industries
risks are well defined and addressed in industry standards, [5] OSHA 3075, Controlling Electrical Hazards, (retrieved
there is generally a high tolerance for allowing personnel October 15, 2010) (www.osha.gov/Publicationsl3075.html)
exposure to electrostatic discharges. The variables and [6] NFPA 70E-2009 Standard for Electrical Safety in the
scenarios that can lead to serious injury consequences are not Workplace, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
well documented. Frequent experiences with low energy carpet MA.
shocks tend to create an under appreciation for the potentially [7] NFPA 77-2007, Recommended Practice on Static
serious exposures. Electricity, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
There is little data to help quantify how many InJunes are [8] IEC 60479.2, Effects of current on human beings and
attributable to electrostatic discharge injuries, however the livestock - Part 2: Special aspects, International
number is likely small compared to the injures from power Electrotechnical Commission
system exposures, None the less, the hazards are real and the [9] IEC 60065, Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus­
injuries are preventable. Attitudes towards injury potential to Safety requirements, International Electrotechnical
people tend to be guided by commonly held beliefs that static Commission
shocks are at worst annoying. Recognized standards are [10] Shock Treatment: Preventing the Unseen Dangers of
limited to addressing hazards of ignition, not injury, from static Static Electricity, 2007, National Safety CounCil, Itasco, IL
discharges. There is a gap between the two prominent [11] Gordon, L.B. and Cartelli, L., A Complete Electrical Hazard
standards relevant in North America, NFPA 70E and NFPA 77. Classification System and Its Application, 2009 IEEE lAS
NFPA 70E is silent on the shock hazards of static electricity and Electrical Safety Workshop, February 2-6, 2009, st. Louis,
NFPA 77 mentions but does not go in depth in addressing MO
shock hazard to people.
X. Vita
It would seem logical that the expert resources supporting
workplace electrical safety also have knowledge of electrostatic H. Landis "Lanny" Floyd II received his BSEE form Virginia
discharge hazards. Toward that end, the following efforts could Tech and joined DuPont in 1973. For the past 25 years, his
help close the gap: responsibilities have largely focused on electrical systems
reliability and electrical safety in the construction, operation and
1. Some type of coordination could be established maintenance of DuPont facilities worldwide. He is currently
between NFPA 77 and NFPA 70E to close the gap Principal Consultant, Electrical Safety & Technology and is
within the context of NFPA standards responsible for improving management systems, competency
2. An Annex in NFPA 70E could summarize best renewal, work practices, and the application of technologies
practices to control and prevent shock exposures from critical to electrical safety performance in all DuPont operations;
electrostatic discharges in the workplace and the application of this knowledge and experience to
3. A complimentary reference to the proposed NFPA electrical safety products DuPont brings to the marketplace. He
70E annex could be added to NFPA 77 has published or presented more than 100 technical papers,
magazine articles, tutorials and workshop presentations on
We need to change the electrical safety culture with respect to electrical safety and electrical technology. He is an IEEE
electrostatic discharges. While most electrostatic discharges do Fellow, a professional member of American Society of Safety
not present a serious shock hazard, some scenarios do. Engineers, a member of NFPA NEC panel 1 and 70E Task
Electrical safety experts need to be knowledgeable of this Group on Maintenance Requirements, a member of CSA Z462
potential and recognized industry standards need to provide Technical Committee, a board director of Electrical Safety
comprehensive treatment of the electrostatic discharge Foundation International, a Certified Safety Professional, a
hazards, including ignition of flammable and explosive Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional, and a
registered professional engineer in Delaware.

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