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9-77 A stationary gas-turbine power plant operates on a simple ideal Brayton cycle with air as the working
fluid. The power delivered by this plant is to be determined assuming constant and variable specific heats.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 3 Kinetic
and potential energy changes are negligible. 4 Air is an ideal gas.
Analysis (a) Assuming constant specific heats,
(k −1) / k 1100 K 3
P 
T2 s = T1  2  = (290 K )(8)0.4/1.4 = 525.3 K qin
 P1 
(k −1) / k 0.4/1.4
P  1 4
T4 s = T3  4 
 = (1100 K )  = 607.2 K 290 K 1 qout
 P3  8 s
q out c p (T4 − T1 )
T −T 607.2 − 290
η th = 1 − = 1− = 1− 4 1 = 1− = 0.448
q in c p (T3 − T2 ) T3 − T2 1100 − 525.3

W& net,out = η th Q& in = (0.448)(35,000 kW ) = 15,680 kW

(b) Assuming variable specific heats (Table A-17),
h1 = 290.16 kJ/kg
T1 = 290 K 
Pr1 = 1.2311
Pr 2 = Pr = (8)(1.2311) = 9.8488 
→ h2 = 526.12 kJ/kg
P1 1
h3 = 1161.07 kJ/kg
T3 = 1100 K 
Pr3 = 167.1
P4 1
Pr 4 = Pr =  (167.1) = 20.89 → h4 = 651.37 kJ/kg
P3 3  8 
q h −h 651.37 − 290.16
η th = 1 − out == 1 − 4 1 = 1 − = 0.431
q in h3 − h2 1161.07 − 526.11
W& net,out = η T Q& in = (0.431)(35,000 kW ) = 15,085 kW

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