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Nobody’s Girl Friday: The Women Who

Ran Hollywood J.E. Smyth

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Edition J.E. Smyth

The Girl Who Wasn't There Penny Joelson

The Girl Who Wasn't There Penny Joelson [Joelson

The Girl Who Knew Too Much Tiffany Brooks
The Girl Who Knew Too Much Tiffany Brooks

The Girl Who Knew Too Much Tiffany Brooks

Men Who Hate Women Laura Bates

Nobody Knows Kyra Lennon

The Little Girl Who Could Not Cry Lidia Maksymowicz &
Paolo Rodari
Nobody’s Girl Friday
Nobody’s Girl Friday
The Women Who Ran Hollywood

J. E. Smyth


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Smyth, J. E., 1977– author.
Title: Nobody’s girl Friday : the women who ran Hollywood / J. E. Smyth.
Description: New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2018] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017026978 | ISBN 9780190840822 (cloth : alk. paper) |
ISBN 9780190840853 (Oxford Scholarship Online) | ISBN 9780190840839 (updf) |
ISBN 9780190840846 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Women in the motion picture industry—California—
Los Angeles—History—20th century. | Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)—
History—20th century.
Classification: LCC PN1995.9.W6 S639 2018 |
DDC 384/.80820979494—dc23
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Printed by Sheridan Books, Inc., United States of America
In memory of Mary Caldwell McCall Jr. (1904–​1986),
Ruth Elizabeth Davis (1908–​1989),
and Barbara Pollut McLean (1903–​1996)

Nothing and nobody would take her place away from her. She was fighting
every minute of the time, and you gloried in her battle. She was a supreme
success; she knew it, we knew it. And the theaters reaped a golden harvest.
​Hedda Hopper, 1949

List of Figures   ix
Preface  xi

Introduction: The Equal Right to Be the Best   1

1. The Fourth Warner Brother   25
2. Organization Women   59
3. Jills of All Trades   89
4. Madam President   119
5. Controlling the Cut   153
6. Designing Women   181
7. Last Woman Standing   211
Epilogue: The Cellophane Wall   239

Notes  245
Bibliography  279
Index  287

1.1 Bette Davis with mother Ruthie and sister Bobby, 1919 (Davis
estate, Boston University)   27
1.2 Davis with new friend Helen Hayes on the set of The Sisters,
1938 (Davis estate, Boston University)   32
1.3 Davis with Ed Sullivan receiving her “Queen of Hollywood”
crown, 1940 (private collection)   40
1.4 John Huston, stunned to read his orders to report for army
duty, with Olivia de Havilland and Davis, 1942 (private
collection)  42
2.1 Ida Koverman, MGM studio portrait by Clarence Sinclair Bull,
1930 (USC)   78
2.2 Glamorous executive Anita Colby with David O. Selznick, 1944
(private collection)   84
2.3 Colby on the cover of Time, 1945, flanked by her charges Shirley
Temple, Jennifer Jones, Ingrid Bergman, Joan Fontaine, and
Dorothy McGuire (private collection)   85
3.1 RKO Producer Joan Harrison, unimpressed by her Nocturne
writer, John Latimer, 1946 (private collection)   102
3.2 Harriet Parsons on the set of Night Song with mother Louella
and director John Cromwell, 1947 (private collection)   111
3.3 Parsons joins Teresa Wright and her mother on the set of The
Louella Parsons Story, 1956 (private collection)   117
4.1 Mary C. McCall Jr., 1932 (private collection)   124
4.2 McCall as Shakespeare, 1930 (private collection)   126
4.3 McCall taking a break with Dorothy Arzner and John Boles on
the set of Craig’s Wife, 1936 (UCLA)   129

4.4 The women who made Craig’s Wife: Viola Lawrence, Rosalind
Russell, McCall, and Arzner, 1936 (AMPAS)   130
4.5 McCall with her alter ego, Maisie, 1942 (private
collection)  138
4.6 McCall with Eleanor Roosevelt, 1944 (private
collection)  140
4.7 McCall, aka “Sir,” as Screen Writers Guild president, 1951
(Writers Guild Foundation, Los Angeles)   149
5.1 MGM studio portrait of its two top editors, Margaret Booth and
Blanche Sewell, 1934 (private collection)   160
5.2 Barbara McLean, fresh from another Academy Award
nomination, 1938 (private collection)   169
6.1 Katharine Hepburn in Adrian and Barbara Stanwyck in Head,
1941 (Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research)   191
6.2 Dorothy Jeakins’s workbook for Joan of Arc, 1948 (Wisconsin
Center for Film and Theater Research)   203
6.3 Jeakins’s sketch for Shirley Jones in Elmer Gantry, 1960
(Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research)   205
7.1 Katharine Hepburn with Judy Garland and Billie Burke
at Ethel Barrymore’s 70th birthday party, 1949
(private collection)   232
7.2 Hepburn looking up at Spencer Tracy, Woman of the Year, 1942
(private collection)   235
7.3 Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart pulling an equal share of the
burden, The African Queen, 1952 (private collection)   236
E.1 Margaret Lindsay (standing) reads telegrams of congratulations
for Arzner, flanked by McCall, Arzner, and Francine Parker,
1975 (UCLA)  242
E.2 Carmen Zapata, Davis, Booth, and Ruth Gordon at the Women
in Film Crystal Awards, 1983 (private collection)   242

[x] Figures

This book was planned many years ago when I was a rebellious and unre-
pentant defender of the Hollywood studio system. Growing up, I spent
more time after school with Barbara Stanwyck and Ginger Rogers than
with my peers. I never took classes in film or media studies in college. Film
was an essential part of my life—​I felt that it would have been as ridiculous
to take lessons in breathing. Behind the scenes, I wrote scripts, read old
Hollywood memos, and collected production material the way others did
comic books. Looking back, I can almost smile at that anxious, driven, dou-
ble life. I still felt some need to impress people back then.
I’ve grown out of it.
As a graduate student, I tried the odd film class and cringed when I read
Andrew Sarris and Laura Mulvey. Hollywood, for me, was always more than
male directors—​and who said that you couldn’t identify with Errol Flynn
or Cary Grant as a girl or that studio-​era Hollywood films always objectified
and punished strong women? Look at who’s writing, editing, and starring
in some of them occasionally, I grumbled under my breath, and you’d been
teaching us a different story—​and maybe one that could be an inspiration
to girls and women today.
And so the idea for this book was born. I started off writing to Janet
Leigh, and, miraculously, she wrote back. She was fed up with people
wanting to interview her, only to ask about Orson Welles (Touch of Evil,
1958) and Alfred Hitchcock (Psycho, 1960). We met, and talked about her
“discovery” by colleague Norma Shearer, early career struggles, and com-
mitment to her work. Over the next decade, I would spend more time
in the archives, trying to reconstruct a picture of a film industry where
women remembered their points of view being taken seriously, fought for
and achieved a measure of success, and produced films with women pro-
tagonists. Acquaintances often asked why I didn’t look at contemporary
films. “Why bother?” I said. “Have you seen the kind of image Hollywood is

pushing of women these days? Things were better for women in the studio
era.” They raised their eyebrows, skeptical. “I’ll prove it,” I promised.
Although I admired histories of the silent era by Cari Beauchamp that
recalled a period when women were a force in the industry, I didn’t like the
prevailing scholarly picture that was emerging: that as Hollywood matured
in the late 1920s and 1930s, women were forced out and disempowered,
visible only as actresses and, invisibly, as secretaries and seamstresses—​
good little “girl Fridays” at their boss’s beck and call. When people did talk
about Bette Davis, they always skipped her off-​screen life as president of
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and of the Hollywood
Canteen. I read about the blacklist, but no one ever mentioned Mary
McCall, except in footnotes when she was backing up the careers of male
screenwriters. Even the Writers Guild seemed to have forgotten about
their first female president.
Bob Sklar was a great source of encouragement in the early stages of this
project. He liked encouraging rebellions, and he was also one of the kindest
people I’ve ever met. I was struggling with a foreign university system and
a marriage I didn’t like. On one of my rare visits, the remains of lunch in
front of us, he just said, “Stop letting life get in the way.”
So, Bob, it took me a while, but I came back to the original plan.
Part of that original plan was to spend most of my life in film archives,
but I had two problems: I can’t eat scripts, and my job was thousands of
miles from Los Angeles.
Archivists and colleagues came to my rescue. I owe a lot to Ned
Comstock, Hilary Swett, Valerie Yaros, Joanne Lammers, Sharon Smith
Holley, Lisa Dosch, Pauline Wolstencroft, André Bernard, Heika Burnison,
Sarah Weinblatt, Amanda Stow, and Kristine Krueger for sending me
material. I remain grateful to Eric Hansen and Candace Bothwell for access
to Katharine Hepburn’s papers prior to her estate bequests. Hilary, J. C.
Johnson, Adriana Flores, Tal Nadan, John Leroy Calhoun, Laura La Placa,
Mary K. Huelsbeck, and Jenny Romero sustained me on my marathon trips
to the archives.
But I have to say a special thank you to Ned Comstock. I’ve known him
for nearly twenty years, and in that time I’ve benefited from his knowledge,
enthusiasm, generosity, and open-​mindedness. When I’ve had to cancel
trips because I can’t get a babysitter for the kids, he sends me what mate-
rial he can. Ned gives the best presents—​script memos for Christmas, New
Year’s clippings, and a Hollywood phonebook that absorbed me for weeks.
The person who says anyone is replaceable has obviously not met Ned. He is
one of a kind, and I will always associate him with library basements, boxes
of script memos, air conditioning, and the best-​spent days of summer.

[ xii ] Preface
I’m deeply grateful to Mary-​David Sheiner and Sheila Benson for their
memories of their mother and access to the private papers of Screen
Writers Guild president Mary C. McCall Jr. It’s true they each have con-
trasting assessments of her (so different, their mother could be two differ-
ent women). Sheila’s childhood coincided with a period when “Mamie” was
one of the most visible and vocal women in Hollywood; Mary-​David grew
up with her in the blacklist era, when she had more time on her hands to
read bedtime stories and cook.
But if my research on studio-​era Hollywood women has proved anything
to me, it’s that these women were never easily described female “types,”
with all the traits fitting together like pieces of a jigsaw. How else could one
explain Hedda Hopper’s consistent support and defense of working women
in Hollywood—​even Democrats like Davis, Ida Lupino, and McCall? That
really resonated with me. Whatever their political affiliations, women dur-
ing this era tended to support each other off-​screen. Sometimes it was a
positive comment or celebration of a career move in a column; other times
it was recommending another woman for a job; sometimes they supported
each other on a committee, on a radio show, or in working together on
an enterprise such as the Hollywood Canteen. Certainly women com-
peted for jobs. Davis and Joan Crawford disliked each other; sisters Joan
Fontaine and Olivia de Havilland did feud. But too often, the media has
reduced women’s presence in Hollywood’s past to a series of catfights.
And, to paraphrase Davis, while the studio system was no place for sissies,
many women gave the industry credit as a space where they could thrive as
professional women.
I wasn’t taught this history, and I didn’t read it because it didn’t really
exist except in the archives and in dusty newspapers. I never heard about
Mary McCall until a few years ago. She was a workaholic, tough, articu-
late, charismatic, but also domineering and stubborn. She was a working
woman, a mother of four, and the creator of Maisie Ravier, the role Ann
Sothern made her own in 1939. When I first began to grasp McCall’s pub-
lic and private lives, I was astounded, but also felt that I had found an
ally who would have understood the challenges women of my generation
still face. I wish I could have told her that nothing in life has any business
being perfect. When you try being the perfect parent, very often you are
agonized to be away from what you feel most fulfilled doing—​in McCall’s
case, writing and guild leadership. Motherhood is sometimes boring, and
marriage—​well, show me a successful and fulfilled woman and I’ll show
you a woman who’s divorced or single! But colleagues can be even worse
than in-​laws . . . It’s finding the balance. Whatever the contrasting per-
spectives of her children, McCall struggled and she did her best. Both

Preface [ xiii ]

Mary-​David and Sheila went on to make their own careers in the world
of film and television. They are a phenomenal family, and I hope that I’ve
done some justice to their faith in this book.
As far as I have been able, I’ve tried to give a full picture of women’s
lives during the studio era. Not just their studio careers, but also their
work in the guilds and unions, their interviews for fans, their political lives,
and their roles as wives, partners, and mothers. Like McCall, Bette Davis
worked hard in all her roles. Her son Mike Merrill gave me permission to
reprint images from his mother’s papers and was very encouraging with my
project. I am also indebted to Olivia de Havilland, Marsha Hunt, Samantha
Eggar, Peter Jeakins Dane, and the late Janet Leigh, Ann Rutherford,
and Noel Taylor for reflections on their careers and for being sources of
Gary Crowdus, Vera Dika, David Eldridge, Desirée Garcia, Mark Glancy,
Hannah Graves, Helen Hanson, Kristin Hole, Dijana Jelača, Julia Kostova,
Paula Massood, Nahid Massoud, Sarah Onions, Robert Rosenstone, Alvin
Sargent, Tom Schatz, Art Simon, and Tom Stempel have been great col-
leagues and friends. I am especially grateful to Tom Stempel for a copy
of his oral history with Bobbie McLean, certainly the best example of the
genre I’ve ever read. Thank you, Tom, for giving us such a lively portrait
of Hollywood’s “Editor-​in-​Chief.” But it’s so typical of the American Film
Institute that the only reason we have McLean’s oral history is because
it was to be a part of the Darryl F. Zanuck oral history project. Not that
I don’t like Zanuck; he hired McLean, after all! And Dorothy Spencer. And
Mary Steward.
Even when we’ve been thousands of miles apart, Cynthia and Ray
Lucia, Roy Grundmann and Mark Hennessy, Robin Vaccarino, and Donna
Vaccarino have been there with invaluable friendship, conversation, and
irreverent laughter. I look forward to the next time we can sit down and
have a drink and not look at clocks.
At first, my kids Zachary and Zoe did not want to talk about the book
at all. The trade-​off was they loved Claudette Colbert and the Ale and Quail
Club, were thrilled when Bette Davis got rid of another dull lover (the quick
but often illegal way), and shared Kate Hepburn’s addiction to Mondel’s
chocolates and eyebrow-​raising disdain for the idiots we can’t completely
get rid of in our lives.
The British Academy supported this project with—​by their standards—​
a small grant. The Writers Guild of America West, the Writers Guild
Foundation, and the guild’s women’s committee sponsored the articles,
exhibition, and screenings honoring Mary C. McCall Jr. in 2017. They also
let Sheila, Mary-​David, and me sit down on a Beverly Hills stage and talk

[ xiv ] Preface
about McCall, careers, and motherhood. Hopefully now Madam President’s
name is a bit more familiar to the members, although I don’t see any McCall
biopic on the horizon at this point. If it happens, I hope to hell they have
enough sense to hire a woman to write it.
It’s been a true pleasure working with my editor, Norm Hirschy, and
the staff at Oxford University Press. And I want to thank my anonymous
reader whose encouragement and astute criticism helped shape the final
draft of the manuscript.

This book is meant to challenge and to inspire people who love Hollywood
and believe in gender equality. It targets the beliefs, reinforced in too many
histories and public comments, that feminism died between 1930 and 1950,
that women were not important within the Hollywood studio system and
had little creative control, that directors called all the shots, that the most
important Hollywood writer you should know about is Dalton Trumbo,
and that Katharine Hepburn is the best example of studio-​era feminism.
On that last point—​yes, sad to say, she admitted she was not a feminist.
Today, actresses such as Reese Witherspoon and Geena Davis are taking
Hollywood to task for its lack of substantial roles for women. Yet the focus
is still on actresses’ salaries and the number of women who direct pictures.
There was a time when Hollywood recognized and supported a collabora-
tive, creative environment and women achieved positions of power and
influence in the American film industry. Sadly, this disappeared with the
decay of the studio system. Even the memory of these women’s achieve-
ments has faded. The only historical period currently of any box-​office
interest, the blacklist, has become a minifranchise enabling white males a
space to reenact heroic victimhood. The poor little dears.
Hollywood may be a bastion of male privilege these days. It may have
been for the past sixty-​odd years. But there was a time when things were a
bit different.
Let me take you back to 1942 . . .

Preface [ xv ]
Nobody’s Girl Friday

The Equal Right to Be the Best

This industry is a generation ahead of the rest of the world in its attitude toward women
Julie Hunt, 19391

F ilm Daily was never a complete directory of creative and management

departments in the Hollywood studios. In any given year, a studio
could choose to report a different or abbreviated portion of its employees.
At other times, jobs could be omitted or incorrectly reported. But in the
absence of complete studio employment records, it gives a fairly compre-
hensive map of the various professions, guilds, unions, and clubs operating
in one of the United States’ largest and most powerful corporate enter-
prises in the first half of the twentieth century.
Anyone expecting list of uniformly male names is in for a few surprises.
A quick scan of Cecil B. DeMille Productions, Inc., for 1942–​43 reveals
that half of his board of directors were women. Cecilia DeMille Harper
and Constance A. DeMille were vice presidents of the company. Cecilia
was head of the reading department, Anne Bauchens head of editing,
Beatrice Warner was the company’s librarian, and Marion Crist was head
of research.2 For many years, DeMille’s chief screenwriter had been Jeanie
Macpherson, a woman DeMille referred to as not only his right hand, but
also his “left brain.”3 But DeMille’s employment of women in senior cre-
ative and management positions was not unique. Of the smaller produc-
tion companies, Charles Chaplin’s studios on La Brea Avenue listed Lois
Watt as treasurer and on the board of directors, Catherine Hunter as the
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
highest but one of the ten grades or
ranks of chiefs. ↑
4 A royal progress in olden time was
known by its predominating red
insignia. ↑
5 Moa, trunk-fish (Ostracion
camurum). ↑
6 The recurrence of the names
Olopana and Luukia, and the flood
incident, prominent in the history of
Moikeha (Vol. iv, page 156 of these
Memoirs), again illustrates the free use
by the bards of popular characters and
plots for repetition in their stories. ↑


Legend of Kalaepuni Kaao no Kalaepuni a

and Kalaehina. me Kalaehina.


Kalanipo and Kamaelekapu were O Kalanipo ka makuakane, o
the father and mother of Kamaelekapu ka wahine, o
Kalaepuni and Kalaehina. Kalaepuni ka mua o Kalaehina
Kalaepuni was the elder and ka muli, a o Holualoa i Kona,
Kalaehina was the younger. Hawaii, ka aina; o
They were born and raised in Keawenuiaumi ke ’lii o Hawaii ia
Holualoa, Kona, during the reign wa e noho ana. No Kalaepuni.
of Keawenuiaumi, king of He keiki kolohe loa ia a me ka
Hawaii. Regarding Kalaepuni: he makau ole, eono ona mau
was a very mischievous boy and makahiki, hoomaka oia e pepehi
one who was without fear. At the i kona poe hoa paani; mai laila
age of six he was able to whip all ka pii ana o kona ikaika a hiki i
his playmates and his strength ka iwakalua o kona mau
developed from that time on until makahiki. Lilo ae la o Kalaepuni i
he reached the age of twenty mea kaulana ma Hawaii a puni,
years, at which time Kalaepuni manao iho la ia e pepehi i na
became famous 1 over the whole keiki alii a pau loa o Hawaii, mai
of Hawaii for his great strength. ka mea nunui a ka mea liilii loa,
At twenty he determined to kill all a ka mea e omo ana i ka waiu.
the young chiefs of Hawaii, 2 [201]A o Keawenuiaumi hoi, aole
those who were of very high ona manao e pepehi, no ka mea
blood as well as those of low ua kokoke mai kona wa
blood, both big and small, even elemakule; nolaila, waiho wale
the mere sucklings. In his plan to kona manao ia Keawenuiaumi.
[200]kill all the chiefs he did not Aka, ua komo ka makau o
intend to kill Keawenuiaumi, Keawenuiaumi ia Kalaepuni, a
because, as he reasoned, manao iho la e mahuka mai na
Keawenuiaumi was already well maka aku o Kalaepuni.
on in years. But Keawenuiaumi 3
was afraid of Kalaepuni and he
made his plans to escape and to
get out from the presence of

Shortly after the events narrated Mahope o laila, holo aku la o

above, Kalaepuni went out Kalaepuni me na lawaia a
fishing with some of Keawenuiaumi, ma waho ae o
Keawenuiaumi’s fishermen to Kalahiki, he kupalupalu mano ka
the fishing grounds outside of lakou lawaia. A makaukau na
Kalahiki; they went out shark mano a pau loa malalo o na waa
fishing. After some of the bait o lakou, huki na lawaia a
was thrown out the sharks began Keawenuiaumi i ka mano i luna
to gather under the canoe, when o na waa, lele iho la o Kalaepuni
the baited hooks were let down i waena o na mano, a pepehi iho
and several sharks were caught la i na mano i laka mai ma ke
and hauled into the canoe. While kupalu ana, a lanakila o
Keawenuiaumi’s men were Kalaepuni maluna o na mano a
hauling the sharks up, Kalaepuni pau loa. Alaila, olelo iho o
jumped out amongst the sharks Kalaepuni i kana olelo kaena
that were gathered under the penei: “Ma keia hope aku, e
canoe and began to fight them, 4 hoolilo ana wau i o’u mau lima i
killing them all. After killing all the makau kihele mano! A e hoolilo
sharks, Kalaepuni began au i na mano a pau, i lehu i loko
boasting, saying: “Henceforth I o kuu poho lima.”
shall use my hands as hooks for
catching sharks and shall make
all sharks as dust in my hands.”

After they had been fishing for A pau ka lawaia ana, hoi aku la
some time they returned and lakou a pae ka waa ma
landed their canoe at Honaunau Honaunau, e ku ana he kumu
where a large kou tree was kou nui i laila, o ka nui o ua kou
standing. This was a very large la, ekolu kanaka e apo me na
tree requiring three men to span lima, alaila, puni kona kino.
its girth. Kalaepuni, however, Lalau iho la o Kalaepuni i ke
took hold of the tree and pulled it kumu kou a huhuki ae la, ua like
up by the roots 5 as though it was me ka mauu opala ia ia, ka
but a blade of grass, so maunu a uaua ole ke huhuki ae.
resistless was it. After pulling up Alaila, waiho iho la ia i kana
the tree he again boasted, olelo kaena, penei: “E hoolilo
saying: “I am going to turn my ana au i o’u mau lima i ko’i kua
hands into an axe for the cutting waa no Hilo.”
down of trees for canoes in Hilo.”

Because of these feats of great A no keia mau mea a Kalaepuni

strength shown by Kalaepuni i hoike ai imua o ke ’lii, o
before the king, Keawenuiaumi Keawenuiaumi, makau iho la o
became more and more afraid of Keawenuiaumi, a mahuka aku la
him and he went and hid himself a noho ma ke kua o ka mauna o
in a place back of the Hualalai Hualalai, ma waena o Maunaloa
mountain, between Maunaloa a me ka mauna o Kona. Ua
and the Kona mountain. The kaulana ia wahi i noho ia e
place after this became famous Keawenuiaumi, o ia o Ahu-a-Umi
because it was here that a hiki i keia la, e waiho la ma ka
Keawenuiaumi lived in hiding, mauna o Kona, ma ka Hikina o
near the Ahu-a-Umi 6 as can be Kona.
seen to this day, lying back of
the Kona mountain and in the
eastern part of that district.

Before Keawenuiaumi went off to Mamua ae o ka mahuka ana o

hide himself, he left word with Keawenuiaumi, waiho iho la ia i
one of his servants, Maunaloa by kana olelo i kekahi kauwa ana,
name, as follows: “I am now on ia Maunaloa: “Eia wau ke hele
my way. If Kalaepuni comes nei, i noho oe a i hiki mai o
while you are here, tell him that I Kalaepuni, olelo aku oe, ua
am dead.” 7 The servant make au.” Ae aku la ke kauwa,
consented to do this. hele aku la o Keawenuiaumi a
Keawenuiaumi then departed on noho i kahi i olelo mua ia maluna
his way to the place mentioned ae nei. A hele o Keawenuiaumi,
above. After the departure of hiki o Kalaepuni a ka hale, ninau
Keawenuiaumi, Kalaepuni ia Maunaloa, olelo mai o
arrived at the house and asked Maunaloa: “Ua make.” Alaila,
Maunaloa as to the whereabouts lawe ae la o Kalaepuni ia Hawaii
of the king. Maunaloa answered i loko o kona lima, a lilo iho la ko
that the king was dead. Keawenuiaumi noho ana alii ia
Kalaepuni then took charge of ia.
the whole island of Hawaii and
he reigned as king in place of

While Keawenuiaumi was in the Ia Keawenuiaumi e noho ana i

mountain he one day said to his ka mauna, olelo aku la ia i kana
high priest, 8 Mokupane: “You kahuna, ia Mokupane: “E
must invoke the gods for the anaana oe ia Kalaepuni a make,
death of Kalaepuni that I may i lilo hou au i alii no Hawaii a
again reign as king of the whole puni.” Mahope o keia olelo a ke
of Hawaii.” Soon after this ’lii i ke kahuna, hoouna aku la o
request of the king was made, Mokupane i elua kanaha kanaka
Mokupane the priest sent two i Kahoolawe, maluna o na waa,
forties of men to Kahoolawe on e kohi i punawai, he umi anana
canoes to dig a well 9 ten fathoms ka hohonu, a e hoopuni o
in depth and to place large rocks [203]luna i na pohaku nunui loa.
around the mouth of the well. O ka aina i kohi ia ai ka punawai,
The name of [202]the land where o Keanapou i Kahoolawe, aia no
they were to dig the well is ke waiho la a hiki i keia la,
known as Keanapou and it is hoonoho ia iho la, he elemakule
there to this day. After the well me kana wahine i ua punawai
was dug and the rocks put in nei, he mau lawaia laua.
place, an old man and his wife
were placed in charge of it; they
were fisher folks.

When the two forties of men A makaukau ka hoi o na kanaha

were ready to return to Hawaii, kanaka elua i Hawaii, olelo aku o
Mokupane the priest instructed Mokupane, ke kahuna i na
the old couple, saying: “If a very elemakule: “E i noho olua a i hiki
large man with locks of hair that mai he kanaka nui, ua aki ia ka
are as long as a bunch of lauoho, ua like ka loihi me ka pu
olona 10 should come while you o ke olona, alaila, o ke kanaka ia
two are here, that is the man for nona keia punawai, a maanei oia
whom this well has been e make ai. A hiki mai i o olua nei,
prepared and here he must die. haawi aku olua i ka ia a pau loa
When he comes give him all ia ia, nana ia e ai a make i ka
your fish so that after he shall wai, a i noi mai ia olua i wai, mai
have eaten the fish he will be haawi olua i ka wai, kuhikuhi aku
very thirsty. When he asks of you olua i ka wai i ka luawai nei la.”
for some water don’t give him Mahope o keia olelo ana a ke
any, but direct him to this well.” kahuna, hoi aku la lakou a hiki i
After these instructions were Hawaii, ia wa, hoomaka o
imparted by the priest, he and Mokupane i kana pule anaana
the men returned to Hawaii, no Kalaepuni.
where the priest began to invoke
of the gods for the death of

Soon after Mokupane began on Mahope o keia pule ana a

his prayers it was reported all Mokupane, ua kui ae la ke
over Hawaii that great schools of kaulana o ke ku ana o ka mano
sharks were being seen daily at ma Kauhola i Kohala, ma na
Kauhola off the coast of Kohala. wahi o Hawaii a puni, a lohe o
When this was reported to Kalaepuni, kupu ae la kona
Kalaepuni he at once entertained manao, e hele e lealea me ka
a strong desire to go to Kauhola mano ma Kauhola, no ka mea,
and have some sport with the ua olelo ia, o kana puni ka
sharks, as it was his chief delight hakaka me ka mano.
to kill them.

After Kalaepuni had arrived at A hiki ia i Kohala, a hehi i luna o

Kohala and set foot at Kauhola Kauhola, e paapu ana na
he saw a large number of people kanaka i laila, e nana ana i ka
gathered at the place looking at mano, ia wa, lele o Kalaepuni i
the sharks. When Kalaepuni saw lalo a hakaka me ka mano, nui
them he jumped in and began to na mano i make ia ia, ma keia
fight the sharks, killing a good hakaka ana. No ka nanea loa o
many of them. While Kalaepuni Kalaepuni i ka hakaka me ka
was busily engaged in his fight mano, ua ike ole ia i ke ko a ke
with the sharks he did not notice au i Alenuihaha, ekolu po, ekolu
how he was being carried away ao, i ka moana, pae i Keanapou i
from land by a strong current into Kahoolawe, nana aku la ia, he
the channel of Alanuihaha. 11 wahi hale e ku ana, hele aku la
After being in the sea for three ia a hiki ilaila. Nana aku la o
nights and three days he landed Kalaepuni, he elemakule a he
at Keanapou 12 in Kahoolawe. luahine e noho ana, aloha mai la
When he reached the shore he laua, aloha aku la o Kalaepuni,
looked about him and saw a ninau mai laua: “Ma ka moana
small house, near by, to which mai nei oe?” Ae aku o
he then went. Upon arrival at the Kalaepuni: “Ae, ekolu po, ekolu
place he looked and saw an ao, hiki mai la au ianei.” “I aku o
aged couple who greeted him, Kalaepuni, aohe ai a olua?”
which greeting he returned. The Hoole mai laua: “Aohe ai o keia
old people then asked him: “Did wahi, aia koonei ai i ka ihu o ka
you come from the sea?” “Yes,” waa, ina e holo mai ka waa mai
said Kalaepuni. “I have been Honuaula mai, a mai
three days and nights in the sea Ukumehame mai, alaila, ola keia
before I landed here.” Kalaepuni
then asked the old people: “Have wahi. He ai no koonei, o ka ai
you any food?” The old people kamaaiana no, o ke kupala.”
said: “No, there is no food in this
place. The only food that you
can get in this place is what is
brought here in canoes. When
any one comes from Honuaula 13
or Ukumehame, 13 then we get
food. The only food that grows
here is the kupala.” 14

Kalaepuni then looked up and Alawa ae la o Kalaepuni i luna, a

saw a shelf with some fish being ike i na haka ia e kaulai ana,
put out to be dried and asked: ninau aku la: “Na wai kela ia?”
“Who owns that fish?” “We do,” “Na maua no,” wahi a na
answered the old people. elemakule. Nonoi aku la o
Kalaepuni then asked them: Kalaepuni ia laua: “Na’u kekahi
“May I have some fish?” The old ia.” Ae mai la laua, noke aku ana
people then gave him all the fish o Kalaepuni i ka ai i ka ia, a pau
and Kalaepuni began to eat ia ia. Ninau hou o Kalaepuni:
them until he had finished the “Pau mai la no ka ia?” I aku laua
whole lot. Kalaepuni then asked: nei: “Elua ipu ia maka i koe, ua
“Is this all the fish you have?” liu i ka paakai.” Lalau aku la no o
The old people said: “We have Kalaepuni, a noke aku la a pau
two calabashes of pickled ones ia mau ipu ia. Ia wa, makewai o
left.” Kalaepuni then took the fish Kalaepuni, nonoi aku i wai i na
from the two calabashes and elemakule, hoole mai na
devoured them all. After this elemakule: “Aohe o maua wai,
Kalaepuni became very thirsty hookahi no wai o keia wahi, o ka
and so asked of the old people wai kai. A o ka wai maoli, aia a
for some water. The aged couple ua ka ua naulu, alaila, loaa
then said: “We have no water. koonei wai maoli, a o ka wai kai,
The only water we have here is oia koonei wai mau, i eli ia i loko
the salt water. Fresh water can o ka lua.” Mahope o keia
only be had after a rain storm; kamailio ana, hele aku la
but salt water is our only water; it Kalaepuni a iho i lalo o ka
is in a well.” After this Kalaepuni punawai i eli ia ai, e inu wai. [205]
went and climbed down the well
to take a drink. [204]

While Kalaepuni was drinking A inu o Kalaepuni i ka wai i lalo o

the water in the well, the old ka lua, olokaa aku la na
people began to roll down the elemakule i ka pohaku nui, a paa
rocks that were around the ke kua o Kalaepuni, oni ae la no
mouth of the well. After the back lele ka pohaku, olokaa no laua
of Kalaepuni was covered with nei i ka pohaku a kokoke e piha
rocks he would move and the ka lua, owala ae la no o
rocks would roll off; but the two Kalaepuni lele liilii ka pohaku.
kept on rolling the rocks until the Ma keia olokaa ana i ka pohaku,
well was almost filled up, without aole i make o Kalaepuni, aole i
killing Kalaepuni. In all this paa i na pohaku, aka, aole ia i
Kalaepuni still kept on drinking kena i ka wai no ka paa e o ka
and as the water was covered wai i na pohaku.
over with the rocks he could get
but very little.

When Kalaepuni saw that the Ma keia hana a na elemakule ia

two were bent on killing him he Kalaepuni, olelo aku o
called out: “I am going to kill you Kalaepuni: “E make ana olua
two.” He then began to turn and ia’u.” Oni ae la o Kalaepuni mai
twist out of the rocks until he had loko ae o na pohaku paakiki, a
freed himself. When the old hemo ae la, ike na elemakule, e
people saw that they would get make ana laua ia Kalaepuni ke
killed if Kalaepuni could get to pii ae i luna, nolaila, holo aku la
the top, the old man ran away. ka elemakule kane. Kahea aku
When the old woman saw this ka wahine: “O ka holo ka kau,
she called out: “Are you going to kai no o ka hoomanawanui ae a
run away? Is it not best to make ka enemi, alaila, pono, a
continue the fight until the enemy holo aku oe pakele, e holo no, a
is killed? Do you suppose that e make no, e noho no a e make
you could save yourself by no, o ka ikaika auanei keia e
running? You will get killed if you pakele ai ke holo aku.” Ma keia
run and you will get killed if you olelo a ka wahine, aohe hoolohe
stay, for with this great strength mai o ke kane, o ka holo loa,
none will ever escape.” With all aohe maliu mai i ka olelo a ka
this the old man kept on running wahine, aka, hoomanawanui no
and he never once turned back. ka wahine i ke kiola ana i ka
The old woman, however, kept pohaku, pa iho la ka lae o
on rolling down the rocks till one Kalaepuni i ka pohaku, a make
happened to strike Kalaepuni on iho la.
the head killing him.


Relating to Kalaehina. NO KALAEHINA.

We can see in the above story Ua maopopo ia kakou ma ka

that Kalaepuni must have been a nana ana i ko Kalaepuni kaao,
very brave and fearless man and he kanaka koa loa ia a me ka
also that he was very powerful. makau ole, he kanaka ikaika loa,
In this chapter we will speak of a ma keia kaao ana, no kona
his younger brother Kalaehina. muli iho, oia o Kalaehina.
Mamua ae o ka make ana o
Before the death of Kalaepuni at Kalaepuni ma Keanapou, i
Keanapou, on Kahoolawe, and Kahoolawe, ia Kalaepuni e noho
while he was still king of Hawaii ana ma ko Keawenuiaumi noho
in place of Keawenuiaumi, he ana alii, o Hawaii. Kena aku la o
ordered the people from one end Kalaepuni i na kanaka, mai kela
of Kona to the other to go with pea a keia pea o Kona, e hele
Kalaehina and haul down me Kalaehina i ke kauo waa ma
canoes at Kapua, a place in Kapua, aia ia wahi ma Kona
South Kona next to Kau. In this Hema, e pili ana me Kau. Ma
expedition Kalaehina was placed keia hele ana, ua hoonoho ia o
in charge. There were as many Kalaehina i luna nui maluna o na
canoes as there were minor mea a pau loa, e like me ka nui
districts in Kona. When they o na waa a me na okana o
arrived at the place where the Kona. A hiki lakou i kahi o na
canoes were lying, there were waa e waiho ana, eono waa,
six of them, there being six minor eono okana, olelo aku o
districts in Kona, Kalaehina then Kalaehina i kana olelo kuahaua:
said to the people: “Ye servants “E na makaainana o kuu
of my older brother, Kalaepuni, kaikuaana, o Kalaepuni, e
hear me: the district that will get hoolohe mai oukou, o ka okana
its canoe down to the shore first, e hiki e ana kana waa i kai,
its people shall be the favorites alaila, e lilo ia mau kanaka i
of Kalaepuni.” punahele na Kalaepuni.”

Upon hearing this the people of Kauo aku la ka okana mua i ka

the respective districts then lakou waa, a hiki ma kekahi
began to haul the canoes until kipapali, o Nawaahookui ka inoa,
they came to a cliff about six eono iwilei kona kiekie, pela no
yards high at a place called ka hana a pau na waa eono,
Nawaahookui 15 where all six aohe waa i hiki loa i kai. Nolaila,
canoes got stuck fast, not one haalele lakou i na waa, a hoi aku
being able to get down to the la a hiki i mua o Kalaepuni,
beach. Therefore the people left ninau mai la o Kalaepuni:
the canoes where they were and “Auhea na waa?” Olelo aku o
returned to Kalaepuni. When Kalaehina: “Ua kauo mai nei
Kalaepuni saw the people he makou a kahi i haalele aku nei,
asked: “Where are the canoes?” he wahi kipapali, aia i laila kahi i
Kalaehina replied: “We hauled ili ai na waa a eono.” A lohe o
them until we could not get them Kalaepuni, huhu loa iho la ia i
past a certain place by a cliff and kona kaikaina, olelo aku la: “Aole
we have left them there all stuck anei au i hoonoho aku ia oe i
fast.” When Kalaepuni heard this luna maluna o na kanaka a pau,
he became very angry at his a no ke aha la oe i hooponopono
younger brother and said to him: ole ai e like me ka’u olelo ia oe?
“Did I not put you over all the Nolaila, o oe hookahi ke pii e
men? Why did you not make kauo mai i na waa, o na
them carry out my orders? You [207]kanaka a pau e noho lakou
must therefore go and haul them aole make pii, a i hiki ole na waa
down by [206]yourself. The rest of ia oe, alaila, kau ia oe i kanaka
the people shall not go to assist no ka heiau.”
you, and if you will not be able to
get the canoes down you shall
be a sacrifice for the temple.”

When Kalaehina heard the A lohe o Kalaehina i keia mau

command given him by his older olelo a kona kaikuaana, makau
brother he was much frightened, loa iho la ia, i ka hiki ole o na
for he believed that he was waa ia ia, noonoo iho la ia mai
unable to get the canoes down. ka po a ao, mai ke ao a po, hele
He, however, began to study the aku la ia a kahi o na waa i waiho
matter and all that night and the ai, nana iho la a haalele, hele
next day he spent in making aku la ia a hiki i Kau. Malaila o
plans as to how to overcome this Kalaehina i olelo ai me ka
most difficult matter. After at last hoopunipuni, penei kana mau
hitting on a plan he went up to olelo i ko Kau poe: “E na kanaka
the place where the canoes were o Kau nei, i kauoha mai nei ke
lying, took a look at them and ’lii, o Kalaepuni ia’u, e olelo aku
proceeded to Kau. When he ia oukou, e hele e kauo i na
arrived in Kau he deceived the waa.” A lohe na kanaka i keia
people, saying: “Ye people of olelo a Kalaehina, ia manawa,
Kau, the king, Kalaepuni has akoakoa koke mai lakou a kahi o
given me orders to tell you to go na waa i kau ai, oia o Kapua.
and haul the canoes down to the Hapai ae la na kanaka i na waa
beach.” When the people heard a kahi kupono e kauo ai, a lana i
this they all started for Kapua. loko o ke kai. Hoe ia aku la elima
Upon arriving at the place, the waa ma ka moana, a hiki i
people lifted up the canoes, Keauhou, kahi a Kalaepuni e
carried them to a place from noho ana, hookahi waa mahope
where they could be dragged to me Kalaehina. O ia waa i koe
the beach and placed in the sea; mahope, auamo ae la o
five of them were then paddled Kalaehina a hele mai la mauka a
to Keauhou, where Kalaepuni hiki i Kainaliu, auamo aku la o
was stopping, while Kalaehina Kalaehina a hiki imua o
followed behind with the other Kalaepuni kona kaikuaana,
canoe on his back, coming by mahalo iho la o Kalaepuni i kona
the upper road to Kainaliu. When kaikaina no ka ikaika loa i ke
Kalaepuni saw this he praised amo waa.
his younger brother for being so

When the day of celebration of A hiki mai ka la hookahakaha o

Kalaepuni arrived the king ke ’lii o Kalaepuni, ia la i hoike ai
displayed his brother’s strength o Kalaehina i kona ikaika i mua o
in the presence of all the people. na mea a pau loa. Lalau iho la ia
Kalaehina took up one of the six hookahi waa o na waa eono i
canoes and threw it into the sea kauo ia mai ai, a pahee aku la i
as though it was a spear, without loko o ke kai, me he ihe la, a me
much effort. A few days after this he mea ole la ia ia. Nana aku la
Kalaehina saw the king’s chief o Kalaehina i na aipuupuu a ke
steward chopping firewood, he ’lii, e kaka wahie ana, lalau iho la
picked up a stick of wood and ia hookahi pauku wahie, a hahau
struck it with his head, breaking iho la i kona poo, a okaoka liilii
the stick into small bits, thus loa, lilo iho la ka paa o ka ohia i
making the hard ohia appear as mea ole.

When Kalaepuni saw how strong No keia ikaika o Kalaehina, olelo

Kalaehina, his brother, was, he mai o Kalaepuni: “E kuu
said: “My younger brother, we kaikaina, pomaikai kaua, i ko
are indeed fortunate because of kaua ikaika nui. Lilo ae nei au i
our great strength. I have alii no Hawaii nei ma kuu ikaika,
become king of Hawaii through e aho e holo oe i Maui e luku i
my great strength, now I think it na pua alii o laila, a e noho alii
well of you to go to Maui and kill ma ko Kamalalawalu wahi.” Ae
all the offspring of the chiefs of aku o Kalaehina i ka olelo a
that island so that you can kona kaikuaana, a Kalaepuni,
reign 16 in place of noho iho la ia a hala na la kapu
Kamalalawalu.” Kalaehina heiau o Hawaii, a hala ia, holo
agreed to this request of his aku la ia i Maui.
brother. At the close of the kapu
days set apart for the sacrifices
of the temple in Hawaii he set
sail for Maui.

When Kalaehina arrived at A hiki o Kalaehina ma Hana i

Hana, Maui, the people at the Maui, ia wa, he aha mokomoko
time were engaged in games of ka ke ’lii o Maui, a Kamalalawalu
strength and skill of the king of ma ka puu o Kauiki, e akoakoa
Maui, Kamalalawalu, at the hill of ana na kanaka he lehulehu, me
Kauwiki. Great crowds of people ka puloulou kapu o ke ’lii, ae aku
were gathered and the kapu la o Kalaehina maluna o ia kapu,
sticks separating the king’s lalau iho la i ka puloulou, a lilo i
palace from the people were put mea ole i loko o kona mau lima.
up. When Kalaehina saw them, A ike o Kamalalawalu ke ’lii i
he took them down 17 and boldly keia mau hana a Kalaehina,
entered into the place reserved kena ae la ia i ka lehulehu, e lele
for the king. When Kamalalawalu maluna o Kalaehina a pepehi. A
the king saw these doings of makaukau ka lima o ka lehulehu
Kalaehina he ordered the people e pepehi ia Kalaehina, ia wa o
to jump on Kalaehina and kill Kalaehina i pulumi ai me kona
him. As the people were about to mau lima i na kanaka, e like me
place their hands on him, he na naonao liilii loa, e kuolo ia
swept them off their feet as ana, pela ka hana ana o
though they were but ants, killing Kalaehina ia lakou. Ma keia
a large number of them. 18 At hana a Kalaehina, ua makau o
sight of this great strength, Kamalalawalu, a mahuka aku la
Kamalalawalu was so afraid that a noho ma ka punawai o
he escaped to a pool of water at Waianapanapa, aia ia wahi ma
Waianapanapa 19 which lies in Honokolani ma Hana a hiki i keia
Honokolani, Hana, and this pool la.
of water is there to this day.

Kalaehina then became the Lilo ae la o Kalaehina i alii no

king 20 of Maui and he reigned in Maui, ma ko Kamalalawalu noho
the place of Kamalalawalu. This alii ana, kui aku la keia kaulana
fact was reported from Hawaii to mai Hawaii a Niihau, i ka ikaika o
Niihau and his great strength Kalaehina a me kona noho alii
and succession as king of Maui ana no Maui ma kahi o
was the one topic of Kamalalawalu. [208]

1 Strength, especially if combined with

skill, ever called forth Hawaiian
admiration. ↑
Gaining fame fed Kalaepuni’s ambitions
for ruling power so that he sought to
remove all likely opponents. ↑
3 This successor of Umi seems to
have lost all his father’s power and
strength of character. ↑
4 This act, showing courage and skill,
has its counterpart in various
traditions. In this case it materially
aided his game of bluff. ↑
5 A story indicative of his great
strength, aimed to advance his fame
and interests, and intimidate the king. ↑
6 This memorial pile of king Umi, on
the plateau of central Hawaii at an
elevation of some 5000 feet, is
remarkable in several features. It not
only is the sole structure of the kind, of
hewn stone, but isolated from
habitations, the purpose or object of
which is not fully known. ↑
7 A falsehood that Kalaepuni quickly
took advantage of, as his
successor. ↑
8 Evidently a period of quiet
meditation induced sober second
thought that called for priestly aid to
strengthen the throne. ↑
9 Well digging was unusual among
Hawaiians. Probably the only
instance known up to the dawn of
civilization in these islands, was the
attempt by Kamehameha to sink a well
near the south point of Hawaii. ↑
10 Olona, a shrub (Touchardia latifolia)
that was cultivated for its highly
prized fiber for twine and fish-nets. ↑
11 The channel between Maui and
Hawaii. ↑
12 Fate seems to be coming the priest’s
way, that should land the object of
his prayers at the place designed for
his demise. ↑
13 Productive valleys near Lahaina,
Maui. ↑ a b
14 Kupala, a vegetable root eaten only
in times of great scarcity of food. ↑
15 The name indicates the incident,
“canoes stuck fast.” ↑
16 Kalaehina, recognized as
possessing great strength, is
designated an aspirant for the kingship
of Maui. ↑
17A defiant act, desecrating any
premises indicated as kapu, or
sacred. ↑
18 Intimidating his opponents by feats
of strength. ↑
19 Waianapanapa, dazzling water. ↑
20 Kalaehina becomes king of Maui, as
his brother became king of Hawaii,
through the hiding in fear of the rightful
rulers. ↑

Legend of Kapakohana. Kaao no Kapakohana.

Kapakohana was the strongest Oia ko Kauai kanaka ikaika loa,

man on Kauai 1 and because of a oia ke noho ana ma ko Ola
his great strength he, too, was wahi, ko Kauai alii nui. A lohe oia
reigning in place of Ola, 2 the i ko Kalaehina ikaika, makemake
great king of that island. When iho la oia e holo mai e hakaka
rumors of the great strength of me Kalaehina. Holo mai la ia mai
Kalaehina reached him he Kauai mai a pae ma Oahu, mai
became very anxious to meet Oahu mai a pae ma Honuaula i
Kalaehina. After making his Maui, kau na waa i laila, hele
preparations he set sail from aku la mauka a hiki i Kipahulu,
Kauai and first landed on Oahu; ahiahi iho la, moe malaila, i kau
from Oahu he set sail for Maui, hale kamaaina.
landing at Honuaula, where he
left his canoe and walked to
Kipahulu. That night he slept at a
house where he was befriended.

The people of the place asked Ninau mai la kamaaina: “Mahea

him: “Where are you going and kau wahi hele? A mai hea mai
where are you from?” He replied: nei oe.” Olelo aku keia: “Mai
“I am from Kauai and am on a Kauai mai nei au, e hele ana i ka
journey of sight seeing. I am makaikai a hiki i Hana a puni o
going to Hana and from there I Maui nei, alaila, hoi ia Kauai.” I
will make a complete circuit of mai na kamaaina: “Minamina
the island of Maui. After that I wale ko kanaka maikai, i ka
shall return to Kauai.” The make i ke ’lii huhu o makou, ia
people then said: “What a great Kalaehina, e aho e hoi oe.” I aku
pity that such a good looking o Kapakohana: “He huhu no ka
man 3 like you should be killed by ia i ka mea hele malie ma ke
our ill-tempered king Kalaehina. alanui.” “Ae, he huhu no, he oi
You had better return home.” kela o ke kanaka huhu a me ka
Kapakohana said: “Will he then ikaika, ua noke ia na ’lii a me na
get angry with a person who koa, aohe puko momona ia ia, a
goes quietly along the highway?” ua mahuka ke ’lii o makou, o
“Yes, he will get angry. He is the Kamalalawalu a holo, no ka
most violent tempered man and makau.” Ninau aku o
is also very powerful. He has Kapakohana: “Heaha na
destroyed most all the chiefs and hoailona ikaika ona a oukou i ike
warriors on the island and he ai?” “Eia, e hiki ia ia e huhuki i
pays homage to no one. Our na laau nunui e ulu ana, a e hiki
king, Kamalalawalu, has ia ia e kaka i kana wahie ma
escaped for fear of him.” kona poo (me he koi la ka oi), ke
Kapakohana then questioned lohi ke kaka ana o na aipuupuu.
them further: “What has he done Ina he la koele, aohe pane leo,
to show that he is powerful?” aohe walaau, nolaila kau ka weli
“Here, he can pull up large trees i na kanaka a pau nona, oia la i
by the roots, and he chops his lohe oe.” I aku o Kapakohana:
firewood with his head when the “Aohe hoi ha he ikaika, he ikaika
stewards act slow. On the king’s huhuki laau wale iho la no, ehia
labor days the people are not auanei au puupuu holo ia.” I mai
allowed 4 to talk for they all fear na kamaaina: “Aole oe e pakele,
him. That’s it that you may he ikaika auanei kela a kana
know.” Kapakohana then replied: mai.” Olelo aku o Kapakohana i
“He is not so very strong then, na kamaaina: “Ina e aa mai ia
seeing that his main strength is ia’u e hakaka maua, lealea loa
only in the pulling up of trees. au.”
With a few blows from my fists
he will run away.” The people
with whom he was staying said:
“You will not have any chance
against him for he is very
strong.” Kapakohana remarked:
“I would be pleased to meet him
in combat if he will say so.”

That night Kapakohana spent Moe iho la lakou a ao ia po, hele

with his friends. On the next day aku la o Kapakohana a hiki ma
he proceeded on his way and Kaiwiopele i Hana, ma keia hele
arrived at Kaiwiopele in Hana. In ana o Kapakohana, hahai pu
this journey the people with aku la na kamaaina o kona hale i
whom he had spent the night moe ai, e ike i ko laua hakaka
accompanied him, 5 for they were ana.
anxious to see the combat.

When Kapakohana arrived in the A hiki o Kapakohana i mua o

presence of Kalaehina, Kalaehina, nana mai la o
Kalaehina looked up and saw a Kalaehina a ike he kanaka e
man standing before him. He hoea aku ana i mua ona. Kahea
then called out in a loud voice: “I mai la o Kalaehina, me ka leo
will tear you up! 6 I will tear you nui: “E nahae auanei! E nahae
up!” When Kalaehina was auanei!” Ia manawa a Kalaehina
making this threat, the people i kahea ai, ke aloha nei ka
took pity on [210]Kapakohana, for lehulehu [211]ia Kapakohana i ka
they were sure that he would be make ia Kalaehina. A hiki o
killed. Kapakohana, however, Kapakohana i mua o ke alo o
fearlessly held his ground. When Kalaehina a me na kanaka
he saw the people working and mahiai, nana aku la ia, aohe
not a word could be heard from pane leo, aohe walaau, no ka
them, he knew that what he had mea, ua kau o Kalaehina i ke
heard was indeed true. kanawai, no ka walaau. Ia wa,
Kalaehina then prepared himself makaukau o Kalaehina e hopu ia
to grapple with Kapakohana. Kapakohana, a ike o
When Kapakohana saw that Kapakohana ia anehenehe o
Kalaehina was about to take Kalaehina, e hopu ia ia, kahea

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