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SHAFTER 5+ Concerrs oF Stasiiry Roor Locus ________—_— . sing point on imaginary Since the value of K is not real and positive, there is no rend fete Binary axis. AX!s, oF for any positive values of K the root locus will not eros Step 7 = To find points on root locus test points to satisfy Choose test poinis a, b, ¢, don the splenesand adjust the test p fy angle criterion, The test Points are shown in fig 5.27.3. = gh the test points a, b, On the upper half of s-plane the root locus is sketched through the test po aa € and d. The root locus on the lower halfof's-planc is the mirror imag the upper halfofs-plane. sketch is shown in fig 5.27.3. The root locus has three ~2 and goes to infinity along negative real axis. The © root locus branches starts at s = 0 and s = -I and breaks from real axis at 9.45, then meets the complex zeros. The complete root loct branches. One branch starts at other tw [EXAMPLE 5.28] Sketch the root lacus for the unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function K is G(s) = —=+. s(s* +65 +10) SOLUTION Step 1 : To locate potes and zeros The poles of Open loop transfer function are the Toots of the equation s(s?+ 65 + 10)=0 ~ The roots ofthe quadratic are, 5 = —9* V6" ~4x 10 wv The poles are 0, ~34j1 and -3 —j1 The poles are marked by X(cross) as shown in fig 5.28.1 Step 2: To find the raot locus on real axis There is only one pole on real axis at the origin, Hence if we Choose any test point on the negative real axis then to the Tight of that point the total number of real poles and zeros is one, which isan odd number. Hence the entire negative real axis will be part of ——————=——~ sss os ae 4 - Frequency Resronse ANALYS!S MAPTER 4 - Frequ Ba exaveneEs ees as functi id determi: Sketch the bode plot for the following transfer function an Tmine Phase margin and gain margin. 75 (1+0.2s) Gs) = (s) + 165+ 100) SOLUTION, Tne Sinusoidal ransfer function Gia) is obained by repsscine S895 in the gvgy S-domain transfer function after converting it to bode form or . 75(1 40.28) Given that G(s) = ——+—-_— jiven that G(s) 3 (5 + 165+ 100) On comparing the quadratic factor of G(s) with standard form of quadratic factor Wwe can estimate C and o, 1S 4165+ 100=8' + 200,8+0? On comparing we get, ow? =100 260, =16 16 <@, =10 oa __16 2x10 0.8 75 (1+0.2s) Gos) = ; too] 416 . 100" 100 0.75 (1+0.2s) - s(leoois +0165) 0.75 (14+. 0.2ja) _ ja (1+001(0F +016j0) jo (i+ j02@) .. GGja) = Ge) = 0010? + 50.160) | 4 se7RoL \ pwn on 10 oy 0.75 1+ 0.20) Fig 4.2.1: Bode plot of transfer function, (UO) = rad/sec GISAIYNY SSHOdsay ADNINO WY ee ne ki Ams IBY ITEOOS 1pY TE063 Since there are two energy storing elements present in the system, we need two state variables ot describe the system behaviour, |! aati ro. Let VQ) =x) ya xy) Where x,(0) & .(U) are the state variables of the systern, Applying KCL at node V(t), we get ar choudhary Yl) = VO) | Vit), VA0-¥(1) R dt R I NW) 65,¢y HNO g Py () x) ult) os BR Cee a ely sl)e dent evty ol) . Applying KCL at node V (1). we et cm, v.()- Vill) 9 a R cult) 0. xt) Ay aa() eg gen nace EG nose in af 17 [‘ehr (Z RC few (0) Je om 1 bs) ao a Re) ° The output of the circuit is given by Let V.(1) + Output of the circuit ven = V0 =10 Vt) = Or ays PO s(t =(0 ha Ls) Equation (3) isthe state equstion and equation (4) the output equation (9) Iean be applied to multiple input multiple output systems (MIMO), (4) It gives idea about the intemal state of system. (5) Stable model consists of a grope of first order differential equations. (6) Its possible to design control systems for optional values of given parameter index, Mh 0-1 (©), Obtain the state transition matrix for, A -| } 2-3 (07 marks) ‘Ans. ot) -eft-ay | i wears He hE [st-a]* =+ ig? PAsee ass fen gy s+3 | fs1-a]'=9(5)- [ert Ha) fr hai L(s+1)(5«2) (3-3) ous 8s ay a yn i) (sans a ve iv \ i We il Kh a= 393 iin Bd \ i My pred al a Sik, \, pet \ Ni Gals) Geiiees | \ } $(s) = 2et-e* | atic ad II %u(3) fey west a ae ek tie \ er apernh aes sh. t= 45 $,:(5) = ce i tnf2)= rises $4(5) = 264-3 eae Se dk tals)= (s+i)(s+2) sol 32 s 3 . -1 2 bnl)= 6,45) = -¢' + 2e* 2e' -e% -¢' +e” + Ale te! et ste” e “= seswunt the eet alt i: . —_} i (ih ¢ trean be applied to nonstnearas eae el cots : > Tog wl! |g can be applied to MIMO systems me Varying syste 0.74) i \ Since the methods involves matin agen, an itl \ \ achieved, " {sa cn be adopted devi of the sem can be I slope = 10 UBMde ft i equation -ros at ofiggin | it 6 ( ie ‘Where isthe outputand istheieputtothe stem, Determine beatae representa | ofthe system, : (06 Marts) i i state variable as, i ‘ i sh Syne Sony =F then | i fl y ja : |! gion (1) eam be represented in mati fred Well gs id {. i A, Wh 8). (10 Marks) ad) 1 network shown in Fig. ‘c. Dbfain the state equations (er) he eres ' Ho ey simple pote ( f \ eRe ate CraPren 5 - Conceers of Stapitity avo Root Locus On equating imaginary part to zero, we get, | On equating real part to zero we get, = jo? + j50+jKo =0 ~ 60? + SK =0 ~ jo = -j50~ jKo puta? =5+K ote Sek ~6(5+K) + 1.5K =0 -30-45K=0 45K = 30 Since the value of K is negative, there is no crossing point on imaginary axis, or for any positive values of K the root locus will not cross imaginary axis, The complete root locus sketch is shown in figure 5.26.2. The root locus has three branches. One branch starts at s=—$ and ends at finite zero at .5. The other two root locus starts at s= Q and s=—1 and breakaway from real axis at s=—0.6, then travel parallel to Symptotes to meet the zeros at infinity, EXAMPLE 5.27 Sketch the root locus forthe unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function is G(s) = KIS +68+25) s(s+1) (s+2) SOLUTION . Step 1: To locate poles and zeros The poles of open loop transfer function are the roots of the equation 8(8-+1)(s+2) = 0 and the zeros are the roots of the equation (s? + 6s +25) =0, ~6+ Ve 4x95 The roots of quadratic are, s = 5 =-34j4 The poles are lying at s=0,—1,-2 The zeros are lying ats = -3 + j4, -3-j4.- The poles are marked by X (cross) and zeros by "o" (circle) as shown in fig 5.27.1. Step 2: To find root locus on real axis The segment of real axis between s = 0 and s=—1 and the entire negative real axis from s = -2 will be part of root locus. Because if we choose a test point in this segment then tothe tight ofthigo ERS - Con , WAS Conceer oneal axis are show POM We hay, SOF Stasiuity aio Root Locus shown Asabolg preod i ine Id ny A et Of real Step 3+ To find angtes , Fas ™ fig 5.27, Polesand zeros. The root locus ERIN sy Since there " are three 1+ ~ — twofinite zeros, so bw umby ‘ a ‘0 Toot eT OF 1 meet the zero at infj ity bs CUS branch will endares branches are three. There are asymptote is one and the ane ellin, MME Zeros. The third root locus will ble “Ning throu, h nepati: . ofasymprons 4 ane Teal axis. Here the number of ™ MPtotes «, ad Centroig Poles Root locus on real axis Root locus on real axis s=-045 Breakaway point Fig $.27.1 : Figure showing the root locus on real axis, location of poles, zeros and breakaway point, Step 4 : To find the breakaway and breakin points K (5? +6s+25) The closed | COs) G)___ s+) (542) ~ 2 transfer function) R@) 1+GO) 1, Ki +6s+25) s(s+1) (s+2) ? + 6s+25) LR 6525) 5 (st) (s+2)+K(s" +68+25) .¢ equation is, (s+ 1) (8+2)+K (5° + 65+25) =0 The characteristi EMU C5254 97) 5 . s=2tv2?-4yg7 yt 04s, ~155 The OOK Of the quadratic (s+ 108+ 70.3) are s= WV10?~ 45793 Ad 3 =-54j673 ; 5 int. Here, s=~1,55 1S nota point on root locus, hence it cannot be a breakaway poil Check the other three values for actual breakaway point. * 35? - 25 3? +6s+25 = 2(-045)' ~ 3(-0.45)? - 2(-0.45) =0017 (-0.45)? +6(-0.45) +25 When s=-045, K = Fors=-~0.45, the Value of K is It can be shown that for s= cannot be breakaway Positive and real and so it is actual breakaway point. ~5 £6.73 the value of K is not positive and real and so they Points. The actual breakaw ‘ay point is shown in fig 5.27.1. Step 5: To find angle of arrival Let us consider the complex zero A shown in fig 5.27.2. Draw vectors from all other poles to the pole A as shown in fig 5.27.2, Let the angles of these vectors be 6), 6,, 0, and 8,. a4 Here, 8, = 180° - tan 3" 1269° 4 ° 8 = 180° ~ tan"! 5 = 1166 4 0,= 180° tar = 108 =90° 8, = 90 38 Cuarrer Angle of amival a naa = 180°-(0,) + (0, +0) +05) complex zero A . = 180°-90°+126.9°+116.6°4 104 437.5°= 77.5. complex zero A* is at complex zero A. Angle of arrival negative of the angle of arrival +. Angle of arrival at = 775° complex zero A* Mark the angles of arrival at complex zeros using protractor, Step 6: To find the crossing point on imaginary axis Ae ‘The characteristic equation is Fig S22 S(S +1) (8 #2) + K (s? + 68 +25)=0. S(S? 43s +2) + Ks? + 6Ks + 25K =0 s'+3s1 425 + Ks? + 6s +25K =0 Ss? +(3+K)s? +(2+6K)s + 25K = 0. Pats =jo Goy +G+K) (joy? + (2+6K) Go) + 25K =0 ~ Jo? - G+K) 0? + j(246K)o + 25K =0 On equating imaginary part to zero On cquating real part to zero ~ ja? + j(2+6K)@=0 -B+K)o? +25K =0 Put o? = 246K ~jo® = ~j(24+6K)o —(3+K) (2+ 6K)+25K =0 7 = (2+6K) ~6K? +5K—6=0 K = DEVS? =4x (26-6) SSR CO-6) 2x (-6) ~(6+ 18K +2K +6K?) 425K 0 =04+j09 Giurier 5» Concerts or Sraauity ano RO: Te File 5.27.3. + Root locus sketch off 14 G(s)=1+ K(s? + 65425) s(s¥1)(s+2) Cusrter 5. + Conctprs oF Stapiity avo Root Locus 28 (8+1) (s+2) s?465425 * ns’ -3s?~ 28 8465425 s*+6s+25 On differentiating K with respect tos we get, GK _ (3s? ~ 6s~ 2) (s? + 65 +25)—(~s3 —3s? — 2s) (25+ 6) aS (s+ 12s +915? +15058+50) - (s? +654 25) For x = 0, the numerator should be zero. IS 2. 8* +128? +91s? +1503 4+50=0 The fourth order polyno factors can be obtained by Li ial canbe split into two quadratic equations. Thetwo quadratic 'smethod. (Refer AppendixIl). [V0 find quadratic factors by Lin's Method. [The first trial divisor be the last three terms 8*+1655+055 + 1035847337 s*+129 +915? 41508450 St + L65s' +0555? 10.35s? + 90.455? +1508 10.358? + 17085? +575 s* + 1.658 +055] T3.37F +14435+50 73.378) +121.15+40.35 23.25 9.65 lu" trial divisor —> On neglecting the small remainder we can write, s‘+12s’ + 91s’ +1505 +50 (s? +2s+0.7) ( +10s+70.3) "4 trial UI Trial divisor = 73.375? + 144.35 +50 28 1HS 5 0a cco7 7337 ° 73.37 si +105+703 S°+25+07 |s! +125) +913" +150s+50 s'+2s? 40.75? 10s! +90,35' +1505 10s" + 20s? +75 70.38? +1438-450 70.38" +140654492 245408 oo ~ Cuapter 4 Frequency RESPONSE ANALYS'S ~ Se it= 20° on the y-axis on the 5, a On the same semilog sheet choose. scale of Iunit Tigh = Sis ‘aph sheet. Join the no; Of scmilog sheet. Mark the calculated phase angle on the grap! Point smooth curve, by, in .2.1. From th se aide plot ante pase plot are shown in R82 = ym fed, find that the phase angle at gain crossover frequency (,.)= 9, “ Phase margin, y= 180 + @,,= 180° -88° = 92 Here, Gain margin =+ 00, ‘The phase plot crosses 80° only at infinity. The [G( joo} at infinity is ~ndb, Hen, gain margin is +o, EXAMPLE 4.3) Given G(s) = K eas $(S+2) (s+8) margin equal to 6 db and (b) phase margin equal to 45°, - Find K so that the system is stable with (@) gain SOLUTION 0.25 0.28 Given that Gy=—Ke Ke 8 (s+2)(s+8) 8x2(1+3) x 814-8) 0.0625 Ke“? =— 1.0625 Ke™* 5 (1+ 05s)(1+ 011253) Let K=1 The sinusoidal transfer function G (ji) is obtained by replacing s by ‘j@ in the givens domain transfer function, . 0.0625 ¢~i020 G(ja) = - Jo (1+ j0.50) (I+ J01250) Note: [0.0825 e121 « aag25 and Le? ~ 9 2 radians p—Gearten 4 - Ficoueney Response ANAS!S a) ox ALO Say. A -| sons from agqto Oy, * 108, “40s lop 2? + (16.5) = -28.5 db Let the points a, b, cand d be the points corresponding io Sila On, ec asca and w, respectively on the magnitude plot. In a semilog graph sh scale of Ie Sah ced in decades from 0.1 to 100 ray > db on y-axis, The frequencies are marked in ty ix the points a,b,c and d on the graph. Join the poi straight lines and mark the slope on the respective region. PHASE PLOT See 4, ints logarithmic seales in x The phase angle of Gj) asa function of «is given by 66 $= ZG(jo) = tan! 0.20 — 90% tan Toone? Forose, 0.160 . = £G(jo) = tan "0.20 -90- tan Fore? * 180 ) For a>a, The phase angle of G(ja) are calculated for various values of and listed in Tabi: TABLE2 -1 0.160 . ® tan !0.2 @ tan Too1w $= 2G(jo) rad/sec deg deg ~ deg | | os 87 46 -88.9=-88 | 1 3 92 -87.9=-88 | 5 45 46.8 -91.8=-92 | 10 64 %” *-116.6=-116 | 0 759 ~46.8+180=133.2 | -147,3.<-148 | 50 843 ~184+180161.6 | —167,3=-168 | 100 87.1 ~9.2+180=170,8 -173,.7=-174 | —L —l _t Note : In quadratic factors the augle varies from 0°10 1802. tan! only between 0° 10 90°. Hence a correction Sactor of 189° angle after corner frequency, But the caleulator cale should be added to the 25 REQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS ‘The comer frequencie; ‘S are ©, el Fas — 2 > 78d see and wy = 9, = 10 rad / see ‘ote : For the quadrati, Madratie factor the corpey freq , weney is « The various terms of G() ; ‘ ; 0) arc listed j ee frequencies. Also the table g listed in table | in the increasing order of their hows the ! jnslopeat the comer frequeney the slope contributed by cach term and the change TABLE? Term Corner frequency Slope | Change in slope sec db/dee db/dec 0.75 jo 7 -20. 1+ j020 o,=-L- vid 20 ek 1-001lo? + j0.16m} c2 =n =10 Choose a low frequency w, such that w,<@, and choose a high frequency @, such thato,> @» Let w,= 0.5 rad/sec and w,= 20 rad/sec Let A=|GGo)| in db; Letus calculate A ato, ©,,, 0, and @,, . 0.75 At @=o,, A - 20102220 ogo 3 = 35 db : jo 0.5 0.75| _ 99 joge22 =-165 db jo . 3 Jog M2 +A, At, © =@,2, A=|slope from, f Oc * TET (0=0,.) 1 el At, =a, A=20log) =0% logy +(-16.5)=~165 ab

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