Supply Change 4.0 - An Overview

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scams rosa Pm Supa Cha An Oven How Otani Tecmo. oy Ran Pandy Mea Ga) sonin IQ. search Medium wate . Supply Chain 4.0: An Overview @ meee How Digital and Analytical Technology Could Power Supply Chains pnutmesum emi Gronseny raleply chance e70t2408 ve Supa Chan A An Oven How Dial Area Teeny. fy Ran Pandey |e Efficiency, Serviceabilty, Responsiveness <> 1) experts assisted with automated ‘comnitive analytics automated, collaborative, | efficent customer-reeponsive cxecution; predictive, prosciptive nai lonble resources ‘i fe al ATO _ Siliton orem Perec ‘Automated, realtime data capture tracking, sharing { wi fo, els Mf Industry 4.0 This article provides a quick overview of Industry 4.0 systems and how they could enhance capabilities in a supply chain. (in another article I give ‘examples of specific capabilities that these systems could build) ‘The current trend in supply chains across the globe and industries is toward becoming more agile and responsive while simultaneously maintaining cost- efficiency. This is a result of general momentum toward globalization and competition, customers becoming more connected and aware (thanks to internet, smartphones and social media), and digital technologies offering pseu omi@roneacy ete chan hance eOst2408 Supa char 40 kn Orin How Dotan Aye Teco. [by Ran Pandey Me new opportunities for organizations to be more customer responsive and thereby differentiate themselves in new ways. Two years of Covid-19 pandemic have accelerated the progress of digitalization, making the CXOs and managers more anxious about charting a transition to digitalization and analytics in a manner that adds value to their business and mission (this is valid not only for profit-making businesses but also for non-profits with social mission). State of Digitalization and Analytics in Supply Chains The current use of digitalization and analytics in most organizations remains patchy. The data gathered from various points of execution in a supply chain's operations are largely semi-automated, periodic, and confined within a facility or a region (e.g. sales area). The IT systems are not fully integrated. Asa result, use of automated processes and analytics to support execution and planning of supply chains is partial. Automation of operations remains confined to individual machines and that of data capture to sensors at certain clusters of operations (e.g. GPS in vehicles and IoT sensors on. machines) (see Figure 1). There are, of course, some organizations that are much advanced in terms of adoption of digitalization and analytics — for instance, GE, P&G, Walmart, Maersk, Tetra Pak, and the new-age e- commerce firms such as Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, Flipkart, Ola, Swiggy, pseu omi@roneacy ete chan hance eOst2408 aise scans ese Seah har 40 An ani ow Dinan Ae Tero. by Rena Pandey Maan Bigbasket — but they are exceptions to the general scenario. Most of the firms that didnt start as e-commerce are trying to play ‘catch up’ Strategy, planning, design Se ee ‘Semautometed, paride pase data captre pinay within the ogaizatons fies iy conectd stems eg ERP, CRN SRM te and ‘irl ue of canner a acing devees ansing in sos Langaly manual expert den: a planing processes: ‘ied passe aati ‘wana fety/are eneuton; ‘Automated /so-automate, isconnecoa equipment Llnte post acto, pve anes Figure 1. Current tate of digitalzation and analytics The Promise of Industry 4.0 Technologies Industry 4.0 is about distributed, intelligent and interconnected systems of production, logistics, supply chain partners (including suppliers and customers) and resources (both workers and machines), based on a range of technologies. This is unlike Industry 3.0 which was primarily about robotic ipsesum omi@ronbady eaten chan ove e208 Supa har 40 kn Orin How Dotan Aye Teco. .by Ran Pandey Me manufacture and other automated production systems with electronics and computerized control (for reference, Industry 2.0 saw the rise of electrification and mass production and assembly lines in industry, and Industry 1.0 began with the advent of mechanization of production and logistics powered by steam and water). ‘The Industry 4.0 technologies and their uses for supply chains could be classified into three categories. 1. Distributed and interconnected systems to collect, store, share and trace information in a quick and secure way. By ‘interconnected systems’ we imply systems of organizations (own, suppliers, customers), humans (workers, teams of workers, customers), machines, facilities, and products. This is possible with technologies such as mobile devices, IoT/sensors, cloud, blockchain, augmented reality (AR), collaborative platforms, data and data exchange related standards and protocols. These technologies connect and combine the physical and cyber worlds. They have the potential to create value across a supply chain by facilitating collaboration and autonomous, near-real time exchange of information while guaranteeing security and traceability. 2. Analytics data/information is possible through analytical tools of big data, cloud systems to use information intelligently. The intelligent use of pseu omi@roneacy ete chan hance eOst2408 sine Supa har 40 kn Orin How Dotan Aye Teco. .by Ran Pandey Me computing, artificial intelligence (including machine learning and deep learning), statistics, optimization (including OR), and simulation. These tools help in assessing the past and current status of a set of operations or supply chain (e.g. costs incurred, time taken, customer service levels achieved), predict relevant future parameters (e.g. forecast of sales, likely delivery of customer order, chance of machine failure, chance of customer returns), and prescribe desirable actions and cognitive decisions (e.g. predictive maintenance of machines, procurement/production/distribution/inventory stocking plan based on forecasts, sales targets, promotions, design of new products, marketing strategies). 3, Flexible, collaborative and automated systems of production and logistics to enable agile, custom and efficient operations in the supply chain. These systems are made possible through technologies such as additive manufacturing (3D printing), cobots (collaborative robots), intelligent automated guided vehicles (AGVs), drones, and AR. These technologies have developed more or less independent of the data capture and analytical systems described in the previous categories. However, they create a synergistic effect together with those categories by automating complex tasks, enhancing human-machine interfaces, and permitting JIT, small-lot, make-to-order manufacturing and deliveries that are also efficient. pseu omi@rondeacy rately chan hance eOst2408 ine Supa har 40 kn Orin How Dotan Aye Teco. .by Ran Pandey Me With digitalization and analytical technologies of Industry 4.0 it is possible to achieve automated, real-time (or near real-time) data capture and tracking throughout the supply chain. Combined with analytical tools, they can permit collaborative and efficient execution of operations. With flexible and automated systems, these operations could become not only efficient but customer-responsive. With predictive, prescriptive and cognitive analytics, it would be possible to enhance the quality and speed of improvement actions in the short and long term, such as diagnosing and preventing defects, reducing excess stocks, resource downtime, delays and other waste, identifying and removing bottlenecks, and strategically adding capacities, locations, partners and products (see Figure 2). SC, omar ling, eae) ‘cpr aed wih yar, pe eine men stored cog anaes oes etiam ten (bases on ia, opemaatn, ati, sims, SE, aarti, eet, ‘Execution of operations, maintenance and performance control customer response ecuton Cie eee ee itmate,eomected equipment rece, peeps, cageive ‘stat ee esourees (eased on a, epinttion, stati lean ee ecg ‘utomates, reser nar eve) dats cpt, acing an shoring ought the spy cain riaastey ai tiwough connected workforce, equament, faites, supplies and customers Industry 4.0 sed widespread i of rahe, mobile ecaolgis, oT stem, psesum omi@roneacy rately chan ance eOt2408 Supa Chan A An Oven He Dian Area Teeny. fy Ral Pandey [Mar Figure 2. Future vision of cigitalzation and analytics Our experience of serving customers at IGSA Labs shows that the execution processes could be automated to a great extent. The planning and strategy making processes depend crucially on the vision and creativity of humans. However, they could be directly assisted with automated cognitive analytics and the quality of human decisions could be enhanced drastically. However, most Industry 4.0 technologies are expensive and their implementation could disrupt existing technology systems, processes, work practices and skills. Therefore, utmost care is required in deciding the kind of capabilities that an organization wishes to build, in selecting the right technologies that would help build those capabilities, and making changes in skills, processes and organization in order to ensure effective implementation. We can draw lessons from the organizations that have taken lead and are making relatively successful transitions. Those are the topics for another day! (In another article I discuss examples of specific supply chain capabilities that Industry 4.0 technologies could build) pseu omi@rondeacy rately chan hance eOst2408 ise cama rosa Supa Chan 0 An Oven Hen Dian Area Teeny. fy Ran Pandey [Mar Industry40 Supply Chain Analytics Digital Transformation Technology Written by Rahul Pandey (ron YO 204 Followers Entrepreneur and academic. Interests: operations strategy, analytic, supply chan, innovation, sustainabilty, energy & mate policy science and education More from Rahul Pandey pseu omi@roneacy ete chan hance eOst2408 ise Supa Chan A kn Oven Hom Dal Area Teeny. fy Ran Pandey [Mar NTT 136 @ ranutpandey What Supply Chain Capabilities Will You Build? ‘Supply chain capabilities must align with strategic positioning 63 a a Ar ipl se rae eco a oa api? er st wh pt (gy = market ama aan 8 @& sanuransey Opining on Optimization-2: A simple transportation planning. pseu omi@rondeacy eater hanover eOst2408 @ ansirandey Opining on Optimization-1: A Simple Production Planning... One of the valuable skills required of an analytics person is the ability to understand, 6 a a © ranpandey ‘Strategy Musings: How firms innovate to survive and grow, and. Supa Chan A An Oven He Dian Area Teeny. fy Ral Pandey [Mar Incontinuation ofthe previous article that was Christensen's theory of modes of innovation ‘na production planning problem, here | and the possible roles operations plays. Sminread 3195, 2002 Sminread » Sep4,2022 62 a Go nr at a ‘See arom Rahal Pandey Recommended from Medium © orimtiamit ® Purdue College of Engl. Purdue Engineering pseu omi@roneacy ete chan hance eOst2408 Goodbye Digital Transformation ‘The term digital transformation has reached its sell-by date and we should stop using it 4 = Sminvead - sul20 ena ct Lists Pp AlReguiation Chat@PT 2istores - 160saves pseu omi@rondeacy rately chan hance eOst2408 Supa Chan 0 An Oven Hom Dial Area Teeny. fy Ral Pandey |r| Crowds make sense of the world Now more than ever—though perhaps every generation says that—we need tools to help. Sminread = May 25 @2 Qi “ ChatGPT prompts ies - a08 eaves Generative Al Recommended Reading SQetores - 263 aves @ sane cera vig ‘Systems thinking with Obeya (From the introduction to my new book: ‘Systems Thinking with Obeya) Aminread - Augi2 ee Q: © ravecincte | neers Celine Grant 9 sat (Formany TroeCicl) Industry Leader Insight: Celine Grant “Investment that leads to efficiency and quality improvements will push this industry. Sminread - May 6 a pseu omi@rondeacy rately chan hance eOst2408 Supa Chan 4 An Oven He Dian Area Teeny. fy Ral Pandey [Mar @ eisara in Noale Innovation management: formalise innovation methods 02/08/2023 nh ® Avervouns 10 New Strategies to Help Innovators Design Ideation... Looking spruce up your Ideation Workshops? Not for the faint-hearted! ‘Tmintead - Sep9 pal cama rosa Supa Cha i An Oven Hom Dinan Area Teeny. fy Ran Pandey |r| pseu omi@roneacy ete chan hance eOst2408 aie

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