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Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Salmonella belongs to the family ...

a. Spirobacteria

b. Actinomycetaceae

c. Enterobacteriaceae !

d. Hepadnaviridae

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following statements corresponds to rational antibacterial therapy?

a. use of oral antibiotics only

b. use of IV antibiotics only

c. adequate choise of antibiotics according to resistance testing !

d. use of broad spectrum antibiotics

Question 5


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

What is characteristical for pathogenic amoeba species?

a. Typical symptom is vomiting

b. They can penetrate enteric mucosa

c. Result in greenish watery stool

d. Produce strong inflammation with high-grade fever "

◀︎ Methodological instructions for the lesson (Topic 1)

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Lecture "General questions of Infectology" (Professor Karpov I.A.) ▶︎

Home / My courses / For English Medium Students / Dentistry / Infectious Diseases

/ Topic 1. General questions of infectology. Viral hepatitis. Diarrheal diseases / Training test (Topic 1)

Started on Четверг, 19 мая 2022, 10:29

State Finished
Completed on Четверг, 19 мая 2022, 10:45
Time taken 15 mins 31 secs

Question 1


Marked out of 1.00

The main marker of acute HAV is

a. anti-HAV IgM

b. anti-HAV IgG

c. IgA

d. anti-HAV IgM, anti-HAV IgG !

Question 2


Marked out of 1.00

Typical symptoms of shigellosis are:

a. skin rash, decreased blood pressure, vomiting

b. fever, vomiting, jaundice

c. abundant liquid watery stool

d. cramping pain in the lower abdomen, stool in the form of "rectal spit" "
Question 3


Marked out of 1.00

What is the most frequent epidemiological link in outbreaks of yersiniosis?

a. Freshwater fish

b. Raw vegetables "

c. Cheese with mold

d. Potatoes

Question 4


Marked out of 1.00

What clinical symptoms are characteristic of the gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis?

a. vomiting without nausea, without abdominal pain, normal temperature

b. stool of the "raspberry jelly" type

c. persistent abdominal pain, scarce stools, high fever

d. nausea, vomiting, liquid watery stools of greenish color, diffuse abdominal pain, high fever "

Question 5


Marked out of 1.00

Viral hepatitis E is severe:

a. in preschool children

b. in infants

c. in pregnant women "

d. in the elderly persons

Question 6


Marked out of 1.00

Syndrome most characteristic of the pre-jaundice period of viral hepatitis B is:

a. asthenovegetative

b. arthralgic "

c. flu-like

d. dyspeptic

Question 7


Marked out of 1.00

Hemolytic-uremic syndrome develops more often in:

a. all variants equally caouse HUS

b. enterohemorrhagic E.coli "

c. enteroinvasive E.coli

d. enterotoxigenic E.coli

Question 8


Marked out of 1.00

What is preferable treatment of most cases of diseases caused by rotavirus?

a. Oral administration of acyclovir

b. Oral administration of amoxicillin / clavulanic acid

c. Oral administration of loperamide

d. Oral rehydration "

Question 9


Marked out of 1.00

Main marker of active HBV replication is

a. HBsAg

b. HBsAg

c. anti-HBsAg

d. HBeAg "

Question 10


Marked out of 1.00

Treatment of chronic hepatitis C is carried out with:

a. alpha interferon

b. direct-acting agents

c. acyclovir

d. gamma interferon !

◀︎ Training clinical cases (Topic 1) #

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Questions for self assesment (Topic 1) ▶︎

Home / My courses / For English Medium Students / Dentistry / Infectious Diseases

/ Topic 1. General questions of infectology. Viral hepatitis. Diarrheal diseases / Control test (Topic 1)

Started on Четверг, 19 мая 2022, 12:10

State Finished
Completed on Четверг, 19 мая 2022, 12:18
Time taken 7 mins 51 secs
Grade 7.00 out of 10.00 (70%)

Question 1


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

What does not apply to the possible causes of "fever of unknown etiology"?

a. Brucellosis

b. Flu

c. Lymphoma

d. HIV infection

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The most common localization of extra-intestinal amoebiasis:

a. brain

b. skin

c. kidney

d. liver
Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What species of Shigella causes hemolytic-uremic syndrome?

a. S. sonnne

b. S. boydii

c. S. dysenteriae

d. S. flexneri

Question 4


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The main marker of acute HAV is

a. IgA

b. anti-HAV IgG

c. anti-HAV IgM

d. anti-HAV IgM, anti-HAV IgG

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Syndrome most characteristic of the pre-jaundice period of viral hepatitis B is:

a. dyspeptic

b. flu-like

c. arthralgic

d. asthenovegetative
Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is preferable treatment of most cases of diseases caused by rotavirus?

a. Oral administration of amoxicillin / clavulanic acid

b. Oral administration of loperamide

c. Oral rehydration

d. Oral administration of acyclovir

Question 7


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The gold standard for the diagnosis of most viral infections is:

a. Passive hemagglutination reaction

b. Complement binding reaction

c. Polymerase chain reaction

d. Enzyme immunoassay

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Vibrio cholerae

a. affects epithelium of the small intestine

b. affects the stomach

c. affects the wall of the large intestine

d. affects the rectum

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The "hand-foot-and-mouth" syndrome is characteristic of:

a. adenovirus infection

b. coronavirus infection

c. parvovirus infection

d. enterovirus infection

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The most common complication of C. difficile colitis?

a. toxic megacolon

b. sepsis

c. bleeding

d. intestinal obstruction

◀︎ Questions for self assesment (Topic 1)

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Methological instrucions (Topic 2) ▶︎

Home / My courses / For English Medium Students / Dentistry / Infectious Diseases

/ Topic 2. Infectious diseases of central nervous system. Acute respiratory viral diseases. Infections of oral cavity. HIV-infection

/ Entrance test (Topic 2)

Started on Пятница, 20 мая 2022, 11:53

State Finished
Completed on Пятница, 20 мая 2022, 11:55
Time taken 1 min 29 secs
Marks 5.00/5.00
Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

How many herpesviruses can cause human disease?

a. 4

b. 2

c. 80

d. 8 !

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

HIV is transmitted by

a. sharing needles !

b. kisses

c. mosquito vectors

d. birds

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