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@ Fischer Chess Academy _Mandar Shiraskar, 23/06/2024 1

Viswanathan Anand In fact, it is trapped. Bg2 ( 13...Bd5

Joel Lautier 14.Nxd5 ) 14.Rg3 Bh1 15.Ke2+-
Perhaps this is not the best way to trap
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5 the bishop, but it is the funniest. ] 13.Re3
#teamscandi 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 c6 Nb6 [ 13...0-0-0∞ I don't know what
This move serves the purpose of Lautier calculated here, but in the
securing control of d5 and b5 and absence of a refutation, I think it is time
presents the queen a diagonal to retreat to castle $1 The position is now
on. [ 5...Bf5 I personally prefer this move extremely complex and playable for both
as I consider it more flexible. I usually sides. ] 14.Bd3 Nd5 [ 14...0-0-0?
postpone ...c6 until White plays Bd2. On [%c_effect c8;square;c8;type;Mistake;
a good day, I may omit it if White persistent;true] 15.Bd2+- Placing the
permits and play ...Nc6 and 0-0-0. ] knight on b6 prevented ...Qc7. Suddenly
6.Bc4 Bf5 7.Ne5 Some have played the knight discovery is strong for White.
this against me in similar positions. I It is always tempting to delay castling,
usually find that Black is fine if Ne5 can but one often finds the window of
be met by ...Nbd7. Here the threat to f7 opportunity closed if one delays too
forces ...e6. 7...e6 8.g4 The g4 lines long. ] 15.f3!! [%c_effect f3;square;f3;
are some of the most dangerous against type;Brilliant;persistent;true] The bishop
the Scandi. Black's margin of error is is trapped on g2 $1 Anand keeps his eye
very thin, but it is of course possible for on the ball and doesn't worry about
White to overpress and regret the pawn either the rook or the knight on c3.
thrusts. 8...Bg6 9.h4 Once g4 is played, 15...Bb4 [ 15...Nxe3! [%c_effect e3;
h4 is nearly a given. It's a classic square;e3;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]
\"having said 'A', you must say 'B' 16.Bxe3 Ba3!? [%c_effect a3;square;a3;
situation. 9...Nbd7 The intolerable type;Interesting;persistent;true] 17.bxa3
knight must be challenged. 10.Nxd7 Bxf3 18.Qd2±; 15...Nxc3? [%c_effect c3;
Nxd7 11.h5 Be4 12.Rh3!? [%c_effect square;c3;type;Mistake;persistent;true]
h3;square;h3;type;Interesting;persistent; 16.bxc3 Qxc3+ 17.Bd2 Qxd4 18.Kf2
true] I love a rook lift $1 This one Bh3 19.Kg3+-; 15...Qc7!? [%c_effect c7;
reminds a bit of Rh3 in Tal vs. Botvinnik. square;c7;type;Interesting;persistent;
[ 12.0-0! [%c_effect g1;square;g1;type; true] Black repositions the queen and
GreatFind;persistent;true] Stockfish prepares to save the bisohp with ...Qh2
has transistors of steel and $1 16.Nxd5 Qg3+ 17.Kd2 cxd5
recommends castling kingside. It is hard 18.Qe1!+- [%c_effect e1;square;e1;type;
to convince a human to castle on a GreatFind;persistent;true] ] 16.Kf2!
kingside we have just denuded, but we [%c_effect f2;square;f2;type;GreatFind;
live in a pragmatic era. Maybe a modern persistent;true] 16...Bxc3 17.bxc3
GM would play this. ] 12...Bg2 Qxc3 18.Rb1 Qxd4 19.Rxb7 Rd8
[ 12...0-0-0? [%c_effect c8;square;c8; 20.h6!! [%c_effect h6;square;h6;type;
type;Mistake;persistent;true] 13.Bd2! Brilliant;persistent;true] This move
[%c_effect d2;square;d2;type;GreatFind; anticipates the next. Where does the
persistent;true] As soon as the knight is analyst assign the double exclamation
unpinned, the bishop is in grave trouble. marks in such a case $2 To the
@ Fischer Chess Academy _Mandar Shiraskar, 23/06/2024 2

spectacular move or the one that

anticipates it $2 Why not both $6
[ 20.Bg6? [%c_effect g6;square;g6;type;
Mistake;persistent;true] is premature.
Qxd1 21.Rxe6+ ( 21.Bxf7+ Kf8
22.Ba3+ c5 23.Bxc5+ Ne7 24.Bxe7+
Kxf7 25.Bxd8+ Kg8 Black again
escapes. ) 21...Kf8 22.Ba3+ Ne7
23.Rexe7 Qd4+ 24.Kxg2 hxg6
Thanks to the queen's defense of g7,
Black evades mate. ] 20...gxh6 21.Bg6!!
[%c_effect g6;square;g6;type;Brilliant;
persistent;true] Incredible $1 Anand
sacrifices his queen in anticipation of a
beautiful mate $1 This move is also a
\"quiet\" move in that no check is given
and no capture is made. However, the
threats to pick off the queen and give
mate are completely decisive. Black
cannot defend. 21...Ne7 [ 21...Qxd1
22.Rxe6+ Kf8 23.Bxh6+ Kg8 24.Bxf7#
😍 ] 22.Qxd4 Rxd4 23.Rd3! [%c_effect
true] A nice use of the \"lifeline\" tactic.
The rook is activated while the bishop is
left en prise for the moment. Ultimately,
the entire point is that the bishop on g2
is still trapped. Lautier played on a few
moves before resigning. 23...Rd8
24.Rxd8+ Kxd8 25.Bd3 Bh1 26.Be2

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