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Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

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Electrode manufacturing for lithium-ion batteries—Analysis of current and T

next generation processing⋆

W. Blake Hawleya,b, Jianlin Lia,b,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Energy and Transportation Science Division, 1 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA
University of Tennessee, Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education, 418 Greve Hall, 821 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996, USA


Keywords: As modern energy storage needs become more demanding, the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)
Slurry represents a sizable area of growth of the technology. Specifically, wet processing of electrodes has matured such
Electrode processing that it is a commonly employed industrial technique. Despite its widespread acceptance, wet processing of
Electrode drying electrodes faces a number of problems, including expensive and dangerous solvent recovery, cut-off waste,
Electrode architecture
coating inconsistencies, and microstructural defects due to the solvent drying process. This review considers
Roll-to-roll manufacturing
each of these issues and discusses which electrode slurry properties should be considered when optimizing wet
slurry fabrication. Simultaneously, methods to replace traditional wet processing of electrodes are being ex-
tensively researched. Some of these novel electrode manufacturing techniques prioritize solvent minimization,
while others emphasize boosting energy and power density by thickening the electrode and, subsequently,
creating an organized pore structure to permit faster ion diffusion. This review contemplates the advantages and
disadvantages of each of these approaches and provides a comprehensive outlook on the future of electrode

1. Introduction improving electrode fabrication lies largely in the ability to sig-

nificantly increases the volume ratio of active materials in LIBs, re-
Since their inception in 1991, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have sulting in higher energy density and lower cost.
emerged as a sophisticated energy storage formulation suitable for The electrode manufacturing procedure is as follows: battery con-
applications such as cellular phones, laptop computers, and handheld stituents, which include (but are not necessarily limited to) the active
power tools. Recently, LIBs have received widespread acceptance as the material, conductive additive, and binder, are homogenized in a sol-
most suitable power source for many alternative fuel vehicles, including vent. These components contribute to the capacity and energy, elec-
fully-electric battery electric vehicles, that could play a meaningful role tronic conductivity, and mechanical integrity of the electrode. It is
in combatting anthropogenic climate change. As such, the incentive to important that the mass ratios between ingredients be such that the
optimize LIB technology has escalated considerably. The United States optimal combination of properties is attained [4]. Moreover, the se-
Department of Energy (DOE) has a stated goal of reducing the cost of an lection of solvent will dictate which binders are suitable, as well as
LIB suitable for use in an electric vehicle to $80 per usable kWh within whether additional additives will be required. The resulting suspension
the next ten years [1]. To achieve this goal, electrode materials de- is referred to as the electrode slurry, which is then coated onto a metal
velopment, refined understanding of engineering fundamentals, and foil, i.e. Al and Cu foils for positive electrodes and negative electrodes,
ingenuity in the fabrication process are imperative [2]. While several respectively. On a lab scale, coating is usually achieved with com-
studies have been dedicated to materials discovery, notable progress paratively primitive equipment such as the doctor blade, while at the
has been made on the engineering front as well [3]. The incentive for industrial level, the state-of-the-art is the slot-die coater [5,6]. The

This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States
Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up,
irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The
Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (

Corresponding author at: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Energy and Transportation Science Division, 1 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA.
E-mail address: (J. Li).
Received 18 June 2019; Received in revised form 23 July 2019; Accepted 25 July 2019
Available online 31 July 2019
2352-152X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Fig. 1. Flowchart illustrating the electrode fabrication process.

coating is then dried and compressed down to the desired thickness in a 2. Desirable slurry properties
step called calendering or pressing. The remaining stages are electrode
slitting, winding, packaging, and assembled cell formation and in- The two most paramount features of a viable electrode slurry are
spection (see Fig. 1). The literature suggests two major goals for elec- that it is stable and processable. Given that electrode slurries contain
trode fabrication research: (1) to gain fundamental understanding of active particles that are substantially larger than molecules comprising
how each stage in the manufacturing process impacts the resulting the solvent and that are responsive to Brownian motion, they may be
electrode morphology and capability, and (2) to investigate methods by approximated as colloidal suspensions [19]. The stability of a slurry is
which the individual steps may be accelerated or made more affordable evaluated by its ability to combat detrimental naturally-occurring
to meet rising consumer demands. phenomena, specifically agglomeration and sedimentation. Agglom-
While materials are the most expensive component in battery cost, eration can take place due to relatively weak van der Waals attractions
electrode manufacturing is the second most expensive piece, accounting or, more rarely and harmfully, relatively strong electrostatic interac-
for between 20 and 40 percent of the total battery pack cost, with be- tions due to surface charges [20]. Water-based slurries provide an en-
tween 27 and 40 percent of this cost coming from electrode preparation vironment conducive to agglomeration due to comparatively strong
[7–10]. Models, such as the battery performance and cost (BatPaC) hydrogen bonding and electrostatic forces; because of this, they often
model, have been developed to provide an assessment of cost factors require the addition of a dispersant, which supplies an electrostatic
and design limitations of LIBs [11–14]. barrier. Aqueous slurries also suffer from poor wettability onto current
The challenges associated with electrode production are stage-spe- collectors, though strategies have been developed to increase the sur-
cific. Mechanistically, the biggest challenge associated with slurry face tension of current collectors and decrease the surface energy of
preparation is imparting stability to the active material and conductive slurries [21,22]. Additionally, the basicity of aqueous cathode slurries
additive particles from deleterious colloidal activities, namely ag- commonly leads to corrosion of the aluminum current collector
glomeration and sedimentation. It is equally important that the slurry [23,24]. This complication is particularly serious for aqueous suspen-
be processable, i.e. that it may be cooperative with the coating step. sions containing nickel-rich active materials [25]. Among the best
Although mixing is a relatively inexpensive task [8], the time required methods to prevent corrosion are the addition of phosphoric acid (thus
for sufficient slurry dispersion constrains throughput. Coating and dropping the slurry’s pH) [24,26–30] or preventing direct contact be-
drying, by contrast, are much quicker actions, but can be three to ten tween active material and aluminum through a metal oxide coating on
times as expensive as mixing [8,15]. Modern coating processes have the active material [31] or a carbon coating on the current collector
reached speeds of 50 m min−1, though there is desire to escalate the [23,32].
speed further; industrial drying can take place in the span of just one to Despite these drawbacks, aqueous processing is desirable since it
two minutes [16]. The most pertinent issue with drying is the lack of eliminates the need for solvent recovery, leads to operation and capital
fundamental knowledge of the underlying processes taking place in the investment cost savings, is environmentally benign, allows for easier
electrode film [17], though progress has been made in recent years. manufacturing plant siting and permitting, and cuts life-cycle CO2
This lack of understanding has led to extreme variations in electrode emissions [33,34]. In fact, water-based processing has already been
microstructure and performance. commercially adopted for graphite anodes [3]. Lately, several studies
In this review, the literature associated with slurry characterization, have been dedicated to finding suitable dispersants and optimizing
coating, and drying is considered, as these three operations represent a their concentration to enable water-based processing for cathodes
great opportunity for savings in manufacturing time and costs. They [35–47].
also have a significant impact on electrode microstructure, which will Steric hinderance is generally achieved in colloidal suspensions
ultimately determine the electrochemical viability of the device (see through inclusion of an adsorbing polymer, i.e. the binder. Adsorbed
Fig. 2). This analysis is carried out in the sections titled “Desirable binder layers have been measured at 32 nm thick on active material
Slurry Properties” and “Drying Process Insights.” A brief summary of particles and at 9.5 nm thick on carbon black particles [48]. However, a
the influence of the calendering stage is described in “Calendering In- thick binder coating on the active material surface has been demon-
fluence on Morphology.” Novel cathode production methods are being strated to increase electrical resistance [49], therefore providing in-
developed in an effort to make more reproducible and favorable centive to not drastically increase the slurry solid content. Depending
morphologies at lower costs. These possibilities are explored in the on the molecular weight (MW) of binder selected and the strength of
section titled “Next Generation Electrode Processing.” particle-binder interactions, dangling ends of binder can form en-
tangled networks in a phenomenon called bridging flocculation. These
volume-spanning networks are beneficial in promoting sedimentation

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Fig. 2. Scheme describing the relationships between (a) electrode processing, (b) structure, and (c) electrochemical properties [18].

resistance in the slurry. Gravitational settling of the active material bridging network is displayed in Fig. 3.
particle clusters can lead to coatings with an inhomogeneous distribu- Slurry blending is executed via one of three main mechanisms:
tion of particles. Another way to combat sedimentation includes den- hydrodynamic shear mixing, ball-mill mixing, or ultrasonic homo-
sity-matching the solvent with the particles in solution, though active genization. Shear mixers come in many varieties, such as planetary
materials are generally far denser than the usable solvents, so this idea mixers and Rushton turbines, and represent the most common in-
is rather unrealistic. An additional suggestion is to heighten the visc- dustrial equipment [51–53]. Energetic ball-mill mixing has been de-
osity of the solution to limit mobility of the particles, though this will monstrated to degrade high-MW aqueous binders [54], meaning it may
negatively impact the coating procedure [50]. A cartoon exhibiting the be a technique best reserved to dry blend active materials and con-
morphology of particles due to a dispersant, thickening agent, and ductive additives. Ultrasonic homogenization has received increasing

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Fig. 3. Stabilization methods due to a (a) dis-

persant, (b) thickening agent, and (c) bridging
polymer. Reprinted from Ceramics
International, 40, W. Bauer and D. Notzel,
Rheological properties and stability of NMP
based cathode slurries for lithium ion batteries,
4591–4598, Copyright (2014) with permission
from Elsevier [50].

Fig. 4. 3D phase map showing the effect of mixing sequence

and active particle shape (cubical, spherical, and polyhedral)
on conductive interfacial area. Empty shapes indicate small
particle size and filled shapes indicate large particle size. Blue
shapes indicate constant-temperature mixing and red shapes
indicate increased-temperature mixing. The one-step proce-
dure combined active material, conductive additive, binder,
and solvent at once. The two-step procedure added binder into
a mixture of the other components halfway through the total
mixing time. Multi-step-1 combined half of the active material
and half of the conductive additive in two identical steps prior
to adding binder, while Multi-Step-2 added all of the active
material at once and added half of the conductive additive in
two identical steps. Reprinted (adapted) with permission from
Z. Liu, V. Battaglia, P. P. Mukherjee, Mesoscale Elucidation of
the Influence of Mixing Sequence in Electrode Processing,
Langmuir, 30, 15102-15113. Copyright (2014) American
Chemical Society [64] (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article).

interest, since it is capable of producing better dispersions at lower arise, namely agglomerates, pinholes, metal particle contaminants, or
energy inputs than shear mixers [55,56] and is compatible with high- exaggerated non-uniformity [67]. These can occur due to insufficient
performance conductive additives like carbon nanotubes [57,58]. mixing, insufficient degassing of the slurry, or hardware malfunctions.
However, there are scalability issues associated with ultrasonication, These defects have been observed inline by mounted laser caliper sys-
since high-power systems have yet to sufficiently proliferate intensity of tems [68] and X-ray radiography [69]. Agglomerates and pinholes have
cavitation. In addition to the equipment used, the order in which been shown to diminish coulombic efficiency during cycling, while
components are added to the suspension is important. Dry-blending of pinholes, metal contaminants, and non-uniformity all cause poor rate
active materials and conductive additives [59–61] and sequential in- capability [67].
corporation of solvent or solids [62–64] have both been shown to im- Among the best methods to appraise the stability and processability
prove contact between the active material and conductive additive, of an electrode slurry (and, therefore, the effectiveness of the homo-
which subsequently aids the electrochemical performance (see Fig. 4). genization procedure) is by characterizing its flow behavior via
A detailed review of slurry preparation is presented by Kraytsberg and rheology. Liu et al. have introduced basic rheology concepts in the
Ein-Eli [65]. context of LIB electrodes [70]. It is widely acknowledged that the most
From a processability perspective, the ideal electrode slurry would influential rheological feature of a slurry is its viscosity, which is im-
be capable of being coated at high speeds with few defects. Among the pacted by a number of constituent properties, including particle size,
most common industrial coating instrumentation is the slot-die coater, shape, roughness, and charge; thermodynamic and hydrodynamic
in which the slurry is transferred through a slot gap onto a moving forces; and solid fraction.
substrate. Slot-die coating is a favorable slurry application technique in It is simplest to model electrode slurries as suspensions with a bi-
that it is capable of operating at speeds demanded by industry and is modal particle size distribution, with the active material particles being
proficient in achieving even coating thicknesses with precision. Ding substantially larger than the conductive additives. In this approxima-
et al. have contributed a comprehensive overview of the theory of the tion, it can be reasonably predicted that the mass fraction of conductive
slot-die coating technique [66]. additives will contribute more to the slurry’s viscosity than that of ac-
Despite the effectiveness of slot-die coating, some defects may still tive materials [71]. This is because the smaller conductive additive

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

particles have a much larger specific surface area than the larger active directly measure σ0 but instead derive general trends from the LSV of
materials; thus, an incremental increase in the number of conductive the viscosity profile [36,45,82]. Others obtain values by fitting stress vs.
additive particles will generate extra particle-particle interactions than strain data to models, in particular the Herschel-Bulkley model
an equivalent incremental increase in the number of active material [43,83–85]. Bauer and Notzel identified the yield point as the transition
particles. These interactions contribute to the stress in the suspension point in the stress vs. strain curve [50] (Fig. 5). Despite the ambiguity in
and, ultimately, its viscosity [19]. how measurements are completed, a mild σ0 (roughly 1–50 Pa) can help
Realistically, this approximation is too simple, given that active resist sedimentation and only becomes problematic when it interferes
materials and conductive additives each exist in three size classes: with the pumping and coating operations.
primary particles, aggregates, and agglomerates. Aggregates are col- Viscoelasticity, though it is reported far less often than viscosity in
lections of primary particles which are held together by strong elec- the literature, is also an important rheological consideration.
trostatic forces, and agglomerates are collections of aggregates which Viscoelasticity refers to the relationship between the viscous (or liquid-
are held together by weaker van der Waals interactions [65]. It is of like) and elastic (or solid-like) behavior of a material. Small amplitude
utmost importance that the mixing process disperse these agglomerates. oscillatory shear techniques, like amplitude sweeps and frequency
It has been shown that a higher slurry solid content can lead to a better sweeps, can reveal the viscoelastic character of the sample. In ampli-
dispersion of conductive additive agglomerates, which leads to im- tude sweeps, the frequency of oscillation is held constant while the
proved electrochemical performance [49]. Schilde et al. attribute this to applied strain is increased (usually logarithmically), while a frequency
a higher shear stress being generated in the slurry during mixing, which sweep does the inverse. The outputs of these tests are the storage
also improves process time and energy efficiency [72]. Another ad- modulus, G’, and the loss modulus, G’’. G’ is a measure of the amount of
vantage of an increased slurry solid fraction is the reduction of drying energy from the perturbation that is stored and is therefore a quanti-
time. Since industrial dryers have a finite length and there is desire to fication of the elasticity of the material. G’’, then, is a measure of the
increase production speed, it is imperative that the solvent fraction be amount of energy that is dissipated as heat and is a quantification of the
minimized so that it may be completely removed, as demonstrated by viscous nature of the material.
Nguyen et al.’s pilot scale study [73]. At low strain in an amplitude sweep, the value of G’ will remain
A proper basis for the argument that viscosity is the paramount relatively constant, indicating that the network structure is intact. This
feature of a slurry is the fact that coating instruments have limitations; a region of cohesive network structure is referred to as the linear vis-
slurry that is too thick is challenging to pump and apply homo- coelastic regime (LVR), and the constant value of G’ is referred to as the
geneously to the current collector. If the slurry were thinned out, the equilibrium storage modulus, G’0, and is a descriptor of the strength of
slot-die coater would be capable of faster operation [74–76], though the network. When G’ decreases to a value of 5–10 percent below G’0,
slurries that are too thin may trickle during the coating operation and the network structure is disrupted. The strain at which this occurs is
lead to coating thickness variations [77]. Similarly, a lower viscosity referred to as the critical strain (γc) (Fig. 5). More commonly reported,
can strengthen the efficacy of vacuum pressure, which helps limit however, is the frequency sweep, where the relative magnitudes of G’
variations in coating thickness and air bubble formation [5,78]. In and G’’ are compared and the sensitivity of G’ to angular frequency is
addition to the mechanical improvements, a low-viscosity slurry may be evaluated. Generally, the more independent G’ is of frequency, the more
loaded with more active materials and remain within the operational elastic is the slurry (Fig. 5). Frequency sweeps have been utilized to
window of the equipment. This presents two distinct advantages: (1) differentiate between LiFePO4 (LFP) powders that had been dispersed
the ability to construct a more energy dense electrode, and (2) a re- (D-LFP) or had gelled (G-LFP) in water. The G-LFP samples had G’ that
duction in the amount of solvent necessary. In the case of N-methyl-2- were less dependent on frequency than the D-LFP samples, and the
pyrrolidone (NMP)-based electrodes, the second advantage can be magnitude of G’ for the G-LFP samples was substantially greater than
monumental, since it is a hazardous chemical that is expensive to re- that of the D-LFP samples [86–88]. This was ascribed to extra hydrogen
cycle [79]. BatPaC simulations have estimated that the energy input bonding (and thus agglomeration) resulting from the surface functional
needed to recover NMP is roughly 45 times greater than the energy groups [87]. It was also determined that the hydroxyl group present in
required to vaporize it [13]. It should be noted that a trade-off is ob- carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), a thickening agent used in aqueous
served if extra active materials are added, since this will increase the slurries, promotes powder agglomeration [88]; however, the carbox-
viscosity of the slurry and reduce the maximum line speed and poten- ylate group present in CMC promotes powder dispersion [36]. In ad-
tially diminish the effectiveness of vacuum pressure. In summary, by dition to indicating the stability of particles in the slurry, viscoelastic
considering the slurry viscosity, the manufacturer can obtain an ex- characterization of a slurry is an indicator of its processability. Speci-
cellent combination of coating throughput, defect management, active fically, a mildly elastic behavior has been shown to widen the opera-
material density, and solvent minimization. tional window for slot-die coaters [89–92], though this finding is
Tagawa and Brodd state that the viscosity of an electrode slurry system-specific and has yet to be examined for electrode slurries.
should range from 10 to 20 Pa s [80], though it is insufficient to report a It must be emphasized that the slurry elements will dictate what
single value of viscosity without the context of shear rate. This is be- flow response is preferred. Specifically, the choice of organic (typically
cause the shear rate applied in a rheometer can be correlated to a NMP) or aqueous solvent will decide the particle arrangement more
coating instrument’s coating speed. Consideration of the entire viscosity conducive to an optimal slurry. Investigations executed using an or-
curve as a function of shear rate allows for analysis of the low shear ganic solvent routinely call for weakly flocculated slurries whose binder
viscosity (LSV), which is a gauge of how stationary the slurry will be forms a volume-spanning network to prevent active material sedi-
after it has been coated (Fig. 5). According to Bitsch et al., increasing mentation [82,83,85,86,93–96]. However, many studies performed on
the LSV will produce sharper edge contours of the coating and thus aqueous-based systems reach a contradicting conclusion: that bridging
reduce waste generation. To attain a higher LSV, they added 1-octanol, should be avoided and the best way to impart stability is through
which is immiscible with water, to an aqueous anode slurry. This electrostatic, or at least, electrosteric, measures
strategy had negligible impact on high shear viscosity (HSV) and [35,39–41,43,45–47,97]. Tables 1 and 2 recap the rheological signature
electrochemical achievement [81]. of NMP-based and aqueous-based slurries from the literature, respec-
Another rheological property of interest is the yield stress (σ0), tively.
which represents the minimum force needed to induce flow in the It seems that three factors must be considered when determining
slurry. σ0 is a function of the cohesiveness of the microstructure present whether a network structure will be beneficial: (1) the density of the
in the slurry; once σ0 is surpassed, the suspension will flow. The optimal slurry, (2) the size of the active materials, and (3) the potential for
method to measure σ0 is controversial; several experiments do not agglomeration. Regardless of surface charge, two forces act on colloidal

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Fig. 5. Plots of commonly measured rheological properties for cathode slurries.

(a) Viscosity curves should be considered in two regions: the LSV, which should
be high in order to form sharper coating edges, and the HSV, which should be
low in order to facilitate faster, more consistent coating. (b) The yield stress can
be measured in several ways; in this plot, it is taken as the stress value corre-
sponding to the plateau region in a stress vs. strain curve. (c) In an amplitude
sweep, G’ remains constant within the LVR until the network structure is
broken at the critical strain, γc. (d) In a frequency sweep, the relative magni-
tudes of G’ and G’’, as well as the sensitivity of G’ to ω can provide information
on the solid-like or liquid-like response of the slurry.

particles: Brownian (FB) and gravitational (Fg). These forces may be Fg =

(ρ − ρm ) πr 3g
calculated according to Eqs. (1) and (2).17 3 p (2)
FB =
kB Tabs In Eq. (1) and (2), kB is the Boltzmann constant (1.381 × 10 J K-
r (1) 1
), Tabs is the absolute temperature in Kelvin, r is the radius of the

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Table 1
A summary of rheology of slurries using organic solvent. In this table, CB stands for carbon black, and B stands for binder. A * represents a slurry in NMP and a **
represents a slurry in tetrahydrofuran.
Slurry Constituents Mixing Procedure Comments Reference

Cathode Slurries
LFP and LiNiMnCoO2 Pre-mixed LFP or NMC and CA at 2800 rpm for 10 min, then High-MW PVDF (900,000-1,300,000 g mol−1) with LFP yielded [50]
(NMC), CB, PVDF (B)* dispersed in a pre-mixed binder solution at 2000 rpm for viscosity of 10.8 Pa s (γ̇ = 50 s−1); low-MW PVDF
30 min. Solid loadings were 20 and 30 vol%. (370,000-450,000 g mol−1) had a viscosity of 1.0 Pa s (γ̇ = 50 s−1);
σ0 increased with binder MW. Slurries with coarse NMC powders
were much less viscous than LFP slurries. Inclusion of CB increased
viscosity; pre-mixing stage caused a decrease in viscosity for NMC
slurries (6.1 Pa s to 1.7 Pa s, γ̇ = 50 s−1).
LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, CB, carbon Mixed slurry in dissolver mixer for 15 min at 2000 rpm, Slurry mixed with 44 wt% solids and 52 wt% solids achieved nearly [73]
nanofibers, PVDF (B)* passed slurry through three-roll-milling system to ensure identical viscosity curves (at γ̇ = 0.1 s−1, μ =100 Pa s, and at
deagglomeration; examined slurry for industrial pilot scale γ̇ = 100 s−1, μ =3 Pa s) and viscoelastic moduli (G’ > G’’ at low
coating line frequency, crossover occurs between 0.1–0.8 Hz) due to reduction of
binder fraction. Reduced binder still allowed for good adhesion and
cyclability (fade of about 0.08 mA h g−1 per cycle). Lower solvent
content enabled industrially-acceptable drying times (˜3 min).
Li1.1V3O8, CB, PMMA (B)** Blended all constituents using a magnetic stirrer for 12 h. Low-concentrated slurry displayed Newtonian behavior; high- [82,85]
Solvent concentration was varied from 0.002–0.01 mL mg−1. concentrated slurry had high σ0. Best slurry concentration
(0.006 mL mg−1) had distinct but mild σ0 (< 3 Pa).
LiCoO2 (LCO), CB, PVDF Pre-mixed LCO and CB for 1 h, mixed entire mixture for 2 h, at Sample becomes more Newtonian as mixing time rises. LSV falls to [83]
(B)* 3000 rpm, agitated at 5 s−1 for 0 – 7 days. Solid loading was 10 Pa·s (γ̇ = 0.01 s−1) for the seven-day agitated sample; LSV is
70 wt%. 200 Pa s (γ̇ = 0.01 s−1) for seven-day unagitated sample. G’ < G’’
for two-day agitated sample while G’ > G’’ for two-day unagitated
sample. Network structure degrades under low-agitation post-mixing.
LCO, CB, PVDF (B)* Pre-mixed LCO and CB for 1 h, mixed entire mixture at LSV (γ̇ = 0.01 s−1) of seven-day slurry was about 15 Pa s (50 Pa s for [94]
3000 rpm for 2 h and 7 more days, respectively. Solid loading freshly mixed case). HSV (γ̇ = 200 s−1) of seven-day slurry was about
was 70 wt%. 1.5 Pa s (2.5 Pa·s for freshly mixed case). Both slurries were shear
thinning. Both slurries had G’ < G’’, though both moduli were
greater for freshly mixed case.

Anode Slurries
Graphite, PVDF (B)* Solid loading was 40 wt%. Compared eight different kinds of Viscosities of carbon particles varied by six orders of magnitude. All [95]
graphite. slurries were shear thinning. Viscosity was correlated to amount of
polymer adsorbed on graphite.

particle, ρp and ρm are the densities of the particle and the suspending processes – evaporation of the solvent, diffusion of the binder, and se-
medium, respectively, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m s- dimentation of the particles [100]. There are three primary methods by
). As seen in Eq. (2), the density gradient partially governs the rate of which drying is studied in the literature. The first is to vary drying
sedimentation. However, since NMP and water have similar densities, parameters, such as the length or intensity of the drying process, and to
the first factor is inconsequential. For nano-sized active materials, such assess the resulting electrochemical performance of the electrode. Al-
as LFP, sedimentation does not occur as rapidly as it would for micron- though this approach delivers the most direct judgement of whether a
sized active materials like lithium transition metal oxides, such as NMC given procedure yields a viable electrode, it provides no insight into the
(LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2). Therefore, the network structure is not as im- underlying drying mechanisms. Furthermore, it is difficult to attribute
portant for LFP-containing slurries. The third factor becomes particu- discrepancies in output solely to a variation in drying parameters since
larly relevant for aqueous-based slurries, as discussed. electrode manufacturing is an interconnected, complicated process.
Despite the information gained from rheological characterization of More revealing are experimental methods that examine electrode
slurries, Morelly et al. recently argued that it is not a reliable predictor morphology; some of these include cryogenic scanning electron mi-
of battery performance [98]. This is evident in several studies, parti- croscopy (cryo-SEM) [101–103], fluorescence microscopy (FM) [104],
cularly the results of Hintennach and Novak who studied the influence X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) [105], Raman spectroscopy
of surfactant chain length on agglomeration of titanium dioxide (TiO2). [106], energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) [107], and energy
Longer surfactant chains aided in dispersing the TiO2 particles, but the selective backscattering (ESB) [108]. Cryo-SEM and FM may be used in-
suspension viscosity that resulted in the highest discharge capacity was situ to monitor microstructure changes in real time, though they are
different for every surfactant [99]. In Bitsch et al.’s work, two similarly strictly qualitative approaches. Additionally, cryo-SEM requires ex-
performing electrodes were obtained whose slurries had distinct flow pensive sample preparation, and FM requires a stand-in binder for
responses. The slurry including secondary fluid had a higher LSV and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) latex [104]. Alternatively, XPS and
G’ > G’’, but behaved about the same as the slurry with no secondary Raman can be utilized to obtain quantitative metrics of binder dis-
fluid, which displayed limited shear thinning and G’ < G’’ [81]. To tribution, though they must be used post-mortem. Further, Raman re-
better predict electrochemical performance, the drying procedure, quires an unrealistically high binder concentration to enact [106]. ESB
which is known to have a strong impact on electrode architecture, must has been demonstrated to be superior to EDX in its ability to distinguish
be considered. between carbon black, binder, and graphite in negative electrodes,
though this technique will require fine-tuning to be applied to cathode
materials containing heavier elements [108].
3. Drying process insights The third class of drying investigations employ computer simula-
tions. Given the specialized equipment and amount of time and labor
Once the electrode slurry is coated, the solvent must be evaporated needed to carry out laboratory experiments to examine electrode
from the film in a drying step. Electrode drying is a complex process drying, simulation work is incredibly valuable in that it allows for re-
since it involves mass transfer in the solid, liquid, and vapor phases, as latively fast drying scenario evaluation. However, many of these studies
well as heat transfer. During drying, there are three competing physical

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Table 2
A summary of rheology of slurries using aqueous solvent. In this table, AM stands for active material, CA stands for conductive additive, B stands for binder, D stands
for dispersant, and T stands for thickener.
Slurry Constituents Mixing Procedure Comments Reference

Cathode Slurries
LFP, CB, CMC (B) CMC solutions with a degree of substitution (DS) of 0.7 and Both slurries were shear thinning with viscosity at γ̇ = 100 s−1 [39]
1.28 were compared. Solid loading was 40 wt%. about 0.05 and 0.2 Pa·s for DS = 1.28 and 0.7, respectively.
LCO, graphite, polyacrylic latex Slurries with varying PAA-NH4 content (0.001 to 0.1 wt%) LSV (γ̇ = 0.1 s−1) of the 0.1 wt% PAA-NH4 slurry was 1.5 Pa·s and [40]
(B), PAA-NH4 (D) were blended by ball-milling with Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 for 0 wt% PAA-NH4 was 8.5 Pa s. The 0 wt% PAA-NH4 is shear
media for 24 h. thinning while slurries with PAA-NH4 are Newtonian. Viscosity
decreases with increasing PAA-NH4 content. Best discharge
capacity was with a PAA-NH4 content of 0.01 wt%.
LFP, CA, xanthan gum (B), PEI (D) PEI was blended in water for 2 min. LFP and CB were added Suspensions including all constituents had no reductions in [43]
in two subsequent 15 min blending stages. For slurries viscosity beyond PEI fraction of 1.5 wt%. Shear thinning behavior
containing xanthan gum, LFP and CB blending stages were at low shear rates (below γ̇ = 150 s−1) was strong, but above
only 10 min, then xanthan gum was added and blended for γ̇ = 150 s−1, the suspension was Newtonian. Electrochemical
10 min. Xanthan gum concentration ranged from 0–2.0 wt cycling data showed addition of PEI improved cathode
%. performance.
LFP, CB, PVA and polyethylene A high energy mixer sheared the electrode slurry for All slurries had shear thinning behavior, though as concentration [45]
glycol (B), CMC and HPMC (T) 10 min. The concentration of surfactant Triton X-100 of surfactant increased, LSV and HSV decreased. At γ̇ = 10 s−1,
varied from 0.1–1.5 wt%. viscosity of 1.5 wt% surfactant slurry was < 0.1 Pa·s, while slurry
with 0.1 wt% surfactant slurry was 2 Pa s. Gains in discharge
capacity are minimal beyond 1.0 wt% Triton X-100.
LFP, graphite and CB, PBA-latex Slurries were mixed by ball milling with Y2O3-stabilized At high shear rate (γ̇ = 800 s−1), viscosity heightened between 0- [47]
(B), PSSA (D) ZrO2 mixing media for 2-3 days. Solid loading was 40 wt%. 1.0 wt% PSSA; declines between 1.0-3.0 wt%; remains
PSSA content varied from 0-4.0 wt%. comparatively constant from 3.0–4.0 wt%. Viscosity (γ̇ = 800 s−1)
at 3.0 wt% PSSA is 0.2 Pa·s and for 1.0 wt% PSSA is 0.8 Pa s.
Electrochemical performance was optimized at PSSA fraction
=2.0 wt%.

Anode Slurries
Graphite, CMC (T), SBR (B) Slurries with a solid loading of 35 wt% were ultrasonicated Relative viscosity declines as CMC concentration increases from [35]
for 3 min, then allowed to rest for 12 h. 0.3 wt% to 1.5 wt%. At γ̇ = 100 s−1, apparent viscosity of 0.3 wt%
solution was 0.2 Pa s and apparent viscosity of 1.5 wt% solution
was 1.0 Pa s.
Graphite, CMC (B), styrene- Slurries with a solid loading of 35 wt% were ultrasonicated Sample with CMC concentration =0.9 wt% and PAA [41]
butadiene copolymer latex for 3 min. concentration =0.6 wt% was order of magnitude less viscous than
(T), PAA (D) sample with no PAA and CMC concentration = 1.5% (20 Pa s and
200 Pa s at γ̇ = 100 s−1, respectively). Discharge capacity
retention after 500 cycles for PAA-containing electrode was 86%
and for PAA-less electrode was less than 65%.

Fig. 6. Step-by-step progression of the wet slurry drying process. Reprinted from Journal of Colloid Science, 494, S. Jaiser, L. Funk, M. Baunach, P. Scharfer, W.
Schabel, Experimental investigation into battery electrode surfaces: The distribution of liquid at the surface and the emptying of pores during drying, 22–31,
Copyright (2017), with permission from Elsevier [115].

use simplifying assumptions, such as one-dimensional drying, distinct to a higher internal resistance within the electrode
binder and solvent phases, colloidal stability, and values for heat and [17,100,104–107,110–118] because binder acts as a barrier for Li-ion
mass transfer coefficients [17,109–111]. insertion. In addition to the binder, movement of carbon black to the
Despite the flaws in drying investigations, there is unity among surface has been noted during drying [108,119].
researchers on some fundamentals of the drying process. First, there is A further point of agreement in the literature is that high tem-
general consensus on the existence of binder migration, which refers to peratures exacerbate the problem of inactive material inhomogeneity
the upward diffusion of binder to the surface of the coating during [106,110,117,120,121]. High temperatures lead to an escalated rate of
drying. This weakens the mechanical integrity of the coating and leads diffusion of solvent to the coating surface. Coatings dried at 150 °C had

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

three times as much binder at the surface layer than on the substrate 4. Calendering influence on morphology
layer, while a coating dried at room temperature was more uniform
[106]. Westphal and Kwade varied drying temperature and mass A dry electrode’s microstructure may be described with a number of
loading in graphite anodes and used adhesion strength as a measure of metrics that can be loosely correlated with its performance. One of
binder allocation. They found that as mass loading is increased, the these metrics is the tortuosity, which is the ratio of the average diffu-
optimal adhesion strength was observed at lower drying temperatures sion length across the electrode to the straight path length. Values of
[120]. Font et al. obtained similar results suggesting that greater drying tortuosity for porous electrodes in the literature vary from 2.5 to 30
rates led to greater binder migration. They explain that this is due to a [127–129], indicating (1) that experimental methods for measuring
faster upward binder convection and, since the total drying time is tortuosity may not yet be perfected, (2) that there are a multitude of
shorter, there is less time for the binder to redistribute itself via factors to consider when optimizing tortuosity, and, most obviously, (3)
Brownian motion [110]. that there is need for major advancement.
It has been seen empirically that drying does not advance in a Tortuosity has conventionally been believed to scale according to
single, constant-rate step. Initially, the top layer of solvent recedes in a the Bruggeman relationship, which is written in Eq. (3).
proceeding frequently called “film shrinkage.” Once this layer of liquid
has been evaporated, the solvent must be removed from where it has τ = ε −α (3)
been trapped between the solids in a stage called “pore emptying” (see
In Eq. (3), ε is the porosity and α is the Bruggeman constant, defined
Fig. 6). As drying proceeds, pore emptying becomes increasingly chal-
as 0.5. Despite its prevalence in the literature, the Bruggeman re-
lenging, since less free solvent is able to diffuse to the surface. These
lationship is far too simple to account for the complexities of electrode
underlying phenomena have provided reason as to why drying takes
manufacturing and the diversity of electrode materials used [130]. For
place in three distinct regions, which are (1) a short region of increasing
instance, tortuosity is traditionally measured in the through-plane (i.e.
drying rate, (2) a longer region of constant drying rate, and (3) a
perpendicular to the current collector) direction, while less developed
comparatively short region of decreasing drying rate. Simulations have
methods exist for quantifying the in-plane (i.e. parallel to the current
suggested that up to half of the drying time is devoted to withdrawing
collector) tortuosity [131,132]. Most tortuosity models also assume that
the final 10 percent of solvent, which highlights how difficult it is to
path lengths have constant cross-sectional areas, which is impractical
complete pore emptying [17].
[133]. Many experimental approaches have been developed to calcu-
The existence of these drying regions was elucidated through a
late tortuosity, including impedance measurements and tomographic
number of trial-and-error studies. Jaiser et al. initially exposed anode
imaging, though it is not our intention to review them at this time
coatings to high-drying rate (HDR) and low-drying rate (LDR) steps to
[129,131–135]. Similarly, research has been dedicated to determining
determine the best spacing between them. In this work, they discovered
the effects of material properties on tortuosity, such as particle shape
that the intermediate drying stage is most sensitive to HDR [122]. They
[131], size distribution [134], and binder content [136], though these
later established the characteristic solvent volume fraction, a system-
lie outside of the scope of this publication.
specific parameter that signal the transition from film shrinkage to pore
Calendering of electrodes has a noticeable impact on porosity and
emptying. In most scenarios, the characteristic solvent volume fraction
tortuosity. Unsurprisingly, an increase in compaction pressure leads to
was able to reliably predict the onset of the HDR-sensitive intermediate
a reduction in electrode thickness and an increase in electrode density
stage [123]. They were also able to define a second characteristic sol-
[137]. It follows that a strong calendering intensity will also increase
vent fraction, after which the drying rate may be increased again at the
the tortuosity of the electrode, since particles occupy less volume and
end of the drying process to accelerate production. Using these three
are thus closer together [134]. Calendering also has the effect of in-
drying regions, the first with an HDR, the second with an LDR, and the
creasing the aspect ratio of particles, which allows for more particles to
third with an HDR, and two characteristic solvent volume fractions,
be packed into a fixed volume element; however, this comes with the
they were able to maintain the adhesion obtained by a two-step drying
trade-off of increased tortuosity.
procedure (the first with an HDR and the second with an LDR) while
In terms of electrochemical performance, it had been observed that
reducing the drying time by 40 percent [116].
un-calendered graphite anodes yielded superior cycling performance
During drying, stress develops due to the shrinking coating liquid
due to a less perturbed microstructure [138]. However, the opposite
and causes cracking, curling, and delamination of the coating, parti-
had also been reported, with compressed electrodes showing a lower
cularly for aqueous slurries. A processing window map for systems
irreversible capacity loss, which was believed to occur due to less ex-
using CMC and SBR has been generated and determined that at a CMC
posed surface area [139]. Shim and Striebel observed that anodes
concentration of 0.5 wt%, the stress development proceeds in-
subjected to a moderate compaction pressure demonstrated the lowest
dependently of the SBR concentration [124]. This is a helpful finding
capacity loss [137]. They proposed that there exists an optimal ca-
for slurry processing, since it is of interest to minimize additives to
lendering intensity where the ohmic resistance and tortuosity, which
realize the most energy dense electrode. Cetinel and Bauer were able to
decrease and increase with increasing pressure, respectively [140], are
formulate NMC slurries with solid contents as high as 50 vol% with a
CMC concentration of 0.5 wt%, while at a CMC concentration of 2.0 wt
Two techniques are used primarily to elucidate electrode micro-
%, the solid content did not surpass 30 vol% [125].
structure: focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM)
As mentioned, aqueous processing presents engineering, environ-
and X-ray computed tomography (XCT). Researchers using FIB-SEM
mental, and economic advantages in the drying process. Wood et al.
have experienced difficulty separating phases due to poor contrast be-
concluded that the drying and solvent recovery costs can be cut in half
tween the cutting plane and solid behind pore openings, though
by switching traditional NMP solvent with water, though the biggest
Hutzenlaub et al. have demonstrated success distinguishing between
gains lie in equipment investment cost [33]. For a given solid loading in
active material, binder, and pore space [141]. Shearing et al. used XCT,
the slurry and areal loading in the dried electrode, the drying time of an
a non-destructive imaging technique, at multiple length scales on
aqueous slurry is expected to take longer than that of an NMP-based
porous LIB electrodes and discovered good agreement between por-
slurry, though it has been demonstrated that water-based slurries can
osity, tortuosity, and pore connectivity [142]. Still, conclusions are
generally achieve higher solid loadings (60 wt%) than NMP-based
difficult to reach from these techniques, as electrode morphologies are
slurries (45 wt%) due to a smaller viscosity contribution from the
still very heterogeneous. Features of heterogeneous electrodes are: (1)
binder [126]. Wood et al. found that this reduction in solid loading
locally poor connectivity of active material [143], (2) more rapid
from NMP-based to water-based suspensions could reduce the dwell
dendrite formation, and (3) non-uniform current flow [144].
time necessary for drying by 27 percent [33].

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Fig. 7. SEM images showing similarity in microstructure between cathodes made with PVDF (a and b) and EB-cured acrylated polyurethane (c and d). Republished
with permission of Electrochemical Society, Inc., from Electron Beam Curing of Composite Positive Electrode for Li-Ion Battery, Z. Du, C. J. Janke, J. Li, C. Daniel, D.
L. Wood III, 163, 13, 2016; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc [146].

5. Next generation electrode processing [148].

An intriguing and potentially more energy-efficient technique than
Based on this discussion, drying protocols currently used in- ESD is the solvent-less, binder-less, room temperature dry roll-to-roll
dustrially seem to have unavoidable constraints on drying speed if manufacturing (DR2R) technique introduced by Kirsch et al [149].
electrode microstructure is to be preserved. Therefore, innovations in DR2R mixes holey graphene, a compressible carbon material [150],
the drying process are necessary to strengthen productivity. Currently, with active material, then presses the mixture at a pressure of about
a scalable method of reducing solvent content in electrode slurries is the 20 MPa. Pressing takes place between two aluminum sheets; one to
utilization of extruders, which require 50 percent less solvent than prevent adherence to the die and the other to use as a current collector,
standard planetary mixers [145]. Another pathway to solvent reduction though the authors demonstrate that this technique is capable of gen-
is the implementation of curable technology, such as ultraviolet and erating freestanding electrodes. Kirsch et al. show that pressing at
electron beam (EB) curing, which can be utilized to cross-link low-MW 20 MPa for only 10 s can create an LFP cathode (11.6 mg cm−2) with no
polymers. This is advantageous in the drying stage since less solvent (or structural changes and comparable rate capability with a traditionally
none at all) is present in the slurry, but the cohesion and adhesion will produced cathode [149]. DR2R has the potential to be a far more en-
not suffer since these polymers will be cross-linked after coating. Du ergy and time-efficient procedure than traditional, wet slurry coating,
et al. have demonstrated this promising strategy on a laboratory scale though the manufacture of holey graphene is elaborate in that it must
and an industrial scale (coating speeds of 150 m min−1) with acrylated be synthesized in a tube furnace at 430 °C for 10 h with a yield ranging
polyurethane oligomers in water. The cathodes they synthesized from only 70–80 percent [151] (Fig. 9).
achieved comparable electrochemical performance to those made with Another opportunity exists in the thickening of electrodes to achieve
the conventional NMP/PVDF chemistry [146] (Fig. 7). more energy and power-dense cells. Thick electrodes also allow for
Another solution under development is the elimination of solvent faster assembly times [152] and cost effective processing, since fewer
from manufacturing entirely. One such dry coating technique is elec- expensive inactive materials (namely current collectors and separators)
trostatic spray deposition (ESD) (see Fig. 8). Al-Shroofy et al. used ESD are necessary. It has been suggested that doubling the cathode thickness
to dry coat a cathode consisting of NMC111, carbon black, and PVDF. from 50 μm to 100 μm could reduce cell cost by up to 25 percent [153].
After dry mixing the solids, an electrostatically charged spray gun was Within thin electrodes with micron-sized active particles, it is specu-
employed to spray them onto an electrically grounded aluminum foil. lated that the rate-limiting step is the solid state diffusion of ions
Although their dry coated electrodes were slightly less capable than the through the host material [154]. However, as electrodes are thickened,
wet coated control electrodes at high discharge rates, the dry coated ion diffusion lengths become longer and mass transport becomes in-
electrodes showed superior cycle life, particularly after 200 cycles. creasingly restrictive, particularly at high C-rates [152]. Physically,
Their ESD setup was able to produce an electrode sheet that was thick electrodes are limited by cell polarization and inaccessibility of
18 mm × 25 mm in one minute, so the scalability of this procedure is active materials [155]. In LCO-based cathodes, this problem is espe-
still in question [147]. A similar dry coating method proposed by Wang cially deleterious as the stoichiometric lithiation limit is reached [156].
et al. produced LCO cathodes with superior rate capability and cy- It has been demonstrated that mass transport resistance can become the
clability and lower cell polarization compared to a wet-coated electrode rate limiting factor in electrodes that are 106 μm thick [157].

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

Fig. 8. Electrostatic spray deposition coating process for an LIB cathode. Reprinted from Journal of Power Sources, 352, M. Al-Shroofy, Q. Zhang, J. Xu, T. Chen, A. P.
Kaur, Y.-T. Cheng, Solvent-free dry powder coating process for low-cost manufacturing of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 cathodes in lithium-ion batteries, 187–193, Copyright
(2017), with permission from Elsevier [147].

Material modifications have been proposed as a means to boost narrow, cylindrical channels, and assembled them into an electrode.
discharge performance as the intercalation limit is reached [158], The non-active materials were removed via sintering to maximize en-
though engineering controls, in particular the management of tortu- ergy density. SEM images revealed that three passes through the ex-
osity, could supply a more pragmatic alternative. The consequence of truder created an aligned, low-tortuosity pore structure; these elec-
the aforementioned research is the understanding that minimizing trodes were capable of an impressive 7 mA h cm−2 at a discharge rate of
tortuosity should be a priority in modern electrode engineering if en- 2C [165]. Cobb and Solberg found that using a coextrusion approach
ergy density goals are to be met. This has led to the origination of a can cut the inactive materials in a pouch cell assembly by greater than
number of novel electrode manufacturing practices that deviate from 40 percent [166].
orthodox wet slurry processing. Specifically, the design of three-di- An alternative method of pore alignment is freeze casting.
mensional (3D) electrode architectures featuring pathways of near-unit Currently, at least for electrode manufacturing, this idea has only been
tortuosity have been demonstrated to improve cell capacity at realistic applied to water-based electrode slurries. However, when considering
charge and discharge rates. Creating organized, straight, narrow pore the industrial desire to administer aqueous processing, this is hardly a
channels eliminates the trade-off between tortuosity and porosity (see setback. In freeze casting, slurry is coated onto a moving substrate like
Eq. (3)) that is characteristic of random electrode microstructures in traditional wet slurry processing; once cast, the substrate is cooled
[159]. below the freezing point of the solvent. If cooled sufficiently quickly,
Manipulated electrode architectures have been researched for mi- the ice forms thin crystals that organize the slurry ingredients into the
crobattery applications [160–164] and have served as the template for spacing between the crystals. The ice is then sublimed, leaving straight
techniques utilized in larger cells. Bae et al. combined coextrusion with pores. Additive-free structures can be created by sintering the resulting
a sintering approach similar to that used by Lai et al. [160] to fabricate electrode, though this is not a requirement. The noteworthy parameters
electrodes they had modeled with dual-scale porosity. Their procedure in freeze casting are the freezing rate, slurry composition, and sintering
passed electrode suspensions through feedrods, creating straight, temperature (if applicable). Behr et al. observed a decline in pore

Fig. 9. Dry roll-to-roll manufacturing technique for an LIB electrode. Reprinted (adapted) with permission from D. J. Kirsch, S. D. Lacey, Y. Kuang, G. Pastel, H. Xie,
J. W. Connell, Y. Lin, L. Hu, Scalable Dry Processing of Binder-Free Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes Enabled by Holey Graphere, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2 (2019)
2990–2997. Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society [149].

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

channel spacing with increasing cooling rate and an inhomogeneous [177–179], these studies have necessitated the use of cellulose fibril
crystal thickness for all formulations. They argue that this is detri- binders in a high weight percent that ultimately could not be attached
mental to battery performance, since thinner crystals would reach a to a current collector. By first filtering a binder-less slurry, solvent was
lower state of charge and would be drained more quickly [167]. The use rapidly dried from the sample. Second, a small amount of binder so-
of a co-solvent, like sucrose or ethanol, could assist in controlling ice lution was added, such that the final binder content in the electrode was
crystal thickness [168]. Delattre et al. similarly found that for Li- as low as 1 wt%. This technique was successful due to small punctures
Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 cathodes faster cooling rates led to lower pore made in the current collector with protruding edges. These burrs al-
spacing and increasing tortuosity. Although they were able to obtain a lowed for successful filtration and achieved adhesion through me-
tortuosity value around 2.0 for a cooling rate of 7.5 °C min−1, the area chanical interlocking. To enable adhesion between the initial binder-
specific capacity of this cathode had fallen 67 percent when the dis- less slurry and the current collector, the authors used carbon nanofi-
charge rate was increased from C/10 to 1C [135]. bers. Though these materials are relatively expensive, Zolin et al. report
One scalability concern with coextrusion and freeze casting is that that manufacturing thick cathodes in this manner still saves the man-
they require high temperatures for sintering. One pore alignment ufacturer roughly 23 percent compared to standard processing
strategy that has been employed at room temperature is laser struc- (NMC111/graphite cell, 50 Ah with 400 cm2 active surface area) [176].
turing [169–172]. In this approach, a laser ablates microchannels The thickest NMC111 cell assembled (20 mA h cm−2) demonstrated 90
within the coated electrode to facilitate faster ion transport. Smyrek percent capacity retention after 100 cycles (charge and discharge at C/
et al. obtained a capacity retention of about 50 percent at a discharge 10, 2.5–4.2 V) and delivered 15 percent specific discharge capacity at
rate of 3C in their laser-structured 100 μm thick NMC cathode, which 1C [176]. These performance metrics need to be improved for this
was better than the 35 percent retention demonstrated by the ca- technique to be adopted industrially; two avenues of improvement
lendered 100 μm thick NMC cathode [171]. Pfleging et al. exhibited could be integrating an organized pore structure (i.e. reducing cell
marginally better cyclability for laser-structured NMC cathodes when tortuosity) and, as the authors suggest, the development of an electro-
compared with unstructured cathodes [170]. Using laser-induced lyte with higher ionic conductivity.
breakdown spectroscopy, Smyrek et al. elucidated increasing lithium Manipulation of electrode architecture on both the macro- and
concentrations around the microchannels during cycling [172]. This micro-scale was achieved by Li et al. by combining an additive manu-
result exposes the effectiveness of laser-structuring in expediting ion facturing extrusion process with exposure to an electric field [180]. In
diffusion. the additive manufacturing procedure, a base coating was applied to
Although the initial results of laser structuring are promising, one the current collector, followed by a digitally structured layer. After
drawback is the need of specialized equipment. A solution to this is to printing, a 10 kV electric field was applied to the electrode, aligning the
create pore matrices through alignment via a magnetic field [173–175]. active materials in the direction parallel with the field (similar to
The principle of this approach is to include an additive that is re- magnetic alignment discussed previously). Though the authors con-
sponsive to a low-strength magnetic field, then to use this field to align ceded that the printing process takes longer than state-of-the-art slot-
a pore structure within the electrode. Sander et al. added sacrificial die coating, the drying process proceeded much more quickly due to a
pore-forming agents in the form of magnetic microrods and magnetic heating substrate at the end of the extruder. Cycling these electrodes
emulsion droplets that were later sintered out. Using this method, they against a lithium anode, the authors found that their LiMn2O4 cathode
obtained 310 μm thick LCO cathodes capable of delivering three times produced with both macro- and micro-control showed 21 percent, 16
the discharge capacity of a conventionally manufactured LCO cathode percent, and 7 percent higher areal capacity than cathodes with no
at 2C [173]. Billaud et al. used a similar strategy, though instead of structuring, cathodes with macro-structuring, and cathodes with micro-
using sacrificial additives they coated graphite flakes with electro- structuring, respectively [180].
chemically inert superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) A final interesting innovation with the goal of thickening electrodes
to produce thick anodes. Using SPIONs, the magnetic field strength is the development of a semi-solid electrode. Semi-solid cathodes are
required to orient the graphite flakes was only 100 m T for a loading of prepared without binder and are pre-mixed with electrolyte [181],
3.2 mA h cm−2. The aligned anodes demonstrated three times the spe- which replaces the volume that would be occupied by binder. Chiang
cific charge of an unaligned electrode at 2C [174]. Li et al. produced et al. claim to have created semi-solid cathodes that are between 35 and
LCO cathodes with a tortuosity of 1.93 that were 400 μm thick. This 75 vol% active material and with a thickness ranging from 250 μm to
approach was preferable to that proposed by Sander et al. in that it did 2 mm. These cathodes are capable of areal specific capacities of
not require sintering of the electrode, though Li et al. did utilize ul- 7 mA h cm−2 at C/4 and 2 mA h cm−2 at 5C [182]. These cathodes will
trasonic homogenization as a means of preparing the slurry, which is require coating methods not commonly seen in battery processing,
not yet a feasible large-scale mixing method. Additionally, their elec- since Chiang et al. claim the viscosity of the semi-solid cathode ranges
trodes demonstrated a capacity retention of only about 20 percent at a between 1000–100,000 Pa s at 1000 s-1; this is too viscous for slot-die
discharge rate of 2C, indicating room for improvement [175]. coating.
Another method utilizing a sacrificial pore-forming agent is the
micro-templating technique demonstrated by Singh et al. [149]. So- 6. Conclusions and outlook
dium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is dissolved in NMP, then slurry con-
stituents are added and mixed. After coating, drying, and calendering It is a compelling time in the history of LIB electrode fabrication,
the electrode, it can be washed with DI water, which reacts with given that industry has accepted wet slurry processing as a relatively
NaHCO3 to form NaOH and CO2 which are easily removed, leaving cost effective avenue of production. As the global LIB manufacturing
behind an interconnected pore structure. The authors utilized a low capacity is rising rapidly, a significant investment has been made in wet
solid loading in the slurry (25 wt%), meaning a significant amount of slurry processing equipment. Despite this, slurry formulation, coating,
NMP was necessary to fabricate these electrodes. While the rate per- and drying are still insufficiently understood, particularly given the
formance of the micro-templated electrodes was significantly better large number of combinations of slurry ingredients, to state definitively
than the baseline, the highest mass loading tested was 7.5 mg·cm−2, a that wet slurry processing has been optimized. Furthermore, to meet
loading far lower than that of other successful techniques [149]. the U.S. DOE cost target for LIBs, continuous cost cutting from electrode
Among the thickest electrodes reported in the literature were fab- manufacturing is mandatory. This lies in reducing inactive components,
ricated according to a filtration technique used by Zolin et al, reaching developing solvent-free processing, and acquiring better understanding
an areal capacity of 20 mA h·cm−2 [176]. Though filtration has been of slurry properties, deposition methods, drying mechanisms, and
demonstrated as a successful technique to produce electrodes electrode properties. Specifically, the following areas need to be

W.B. Hawley and J. Li Journal of Energy Storage 25 (2019) 100862

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