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Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

Department of Tourism and Event Management

Guidelines for Submission of Motivation Letter for Acceptance in Diploma in Tourism Management or Diploma in Event
Management in addition to the normal admission requirements

A successful career in the Tourism and Event industries requires a great deal of motivation and hard work. The
requirements of industry is such that people in these industries are often required to work long hours and may have to work
on weekends and public holidays to offer the service demanded by customers and clients. In addition, these industries are
people industries where customer service is a very important success factor. Working with customers requires a customer
service orientation and only those that are able to understand and meet customer needs will be successful.

Since the courses in the department are popular and only a limited number of students can be accommodated on each
programme, it is important to ensure that applicants who apply for these programmes have the required motivation and
interest in the programme and related industry to succeed.

Contents of the Motivation Letter

1. Motivation for the choice of study (max 200 words)

The applicant should explain why they want to follow the chosen programme, i.e. what interest the applicant about
the programme and related industry.

2. Description of the industry (max 750 words)

Applicants should relate their understanding of the industry and the different role players and businesses in the
3. Description of possible career possibilities (max 350 words)

Applicants must discuss the different career possibilities that they can relate to the chosen programme and
indicate which of these they would like to pursue when they complete their studies.

4. Additional information (max 200 words)

Applicants may include additional information in support of their motivation, such as work experience or other
relevant experience and information (prior courses completed, school projects, travel experience, family
involvement in the industry, etc.).

Technical requirements (if not completed online)

Motivation letters should preferably be typed and must accompany the application form. Motivation letters (that are typed)
should be no longer than 3 pages (max 1500 words) and must be in 12pt font size, single spacing with 2,5cm margins.
Additional information may be attached as appendices.

The information provided above is hereby certified to be true and correct.

Applicants full name………………

Student number…………………….


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