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EFL Pre-Service Language Speaking Challenges


One of the four language abilities is speaking ability. Speaking is the process by which
individuals put their thoughts into a language. Speaking, according to (Febriyanti, 2011), is
the process through which individuals convey their ideas through both verbal and nonverbal
communication. These days, in order to learn English, students must become proficient
speakers because speaking allows them to gauge the language proficiency of others (Nazara,
2011). Furthermore, (Nazara, 2011) noted that because English is regarded as the universal
language, mastery of the language is crucial. In the context of English as a Foreign Language
(EFL), learners encounter multifaceted obstacles that impede their speaking proficiency,
ranging from linguistic complexities to psychological barriers. Understanding the specific
hurdles faced by EFL learners in mastering spoken English is crucial for educators and
researchers striving to develop effective pedagogical strategies and comprehensive language
learning programs.
According to (Thu'aimah, 1989), the language learning difficulties may occur through a
hearing problem, weakness of memories, impaired speech, mental disorder, introverted
tendencies, lack in social life, individual and cultural variation of learners. (Sokip, 2020)
states that, learning difficulties also caused due to socio-cultural and ineffective learning
techniques that learners acquired. Various factors that faced by learners in the process of
acquiring knowledge such as, lack of motivation, their inability to concentrate effectively
during learning sessions, their low self-confidence, the attitudes displayed by their teachers,
and the overall learning environment also influences the way students acquire language.
(Dimayati and Mudjiono, 2010) states that, the presence of facilities and infrastructure has a
significant impact on the capability and enthusiasm of learners to acquire their second
language. Additionally, Sokip (2020) highlights that language learning skills are closely
intertwined with various educational factors, including the teacher's role, teaching materials
and curriculum, the chosen teaching method, teaching media, and the institution's
infrastructure. When a teacher takes on the role of a facilitator in the classroom, it can
enhance the proficiency of learners. However, if the teacher adopts an authoritarian
approach, learners become passive and do not have the chance to practice language skills.
Therefore, the teacher's presence and teaching approach in the classroom are of utmost
importance in language acquisition. Language learning is influenced not solely by an
individual's learning factors, but also by a range of other factors that can contribute to
learning challenges (Sokip, 2020).
Researchers observed some EFL students faced several challenges in speaking skills from
teacher perspectives. According to (Al-Esaifer and AlShareef, 2018), the common challenges
of speaking faced by the students are mother tongue, students feel that they lack
vocabulary, students feel confused when they want to talk when the teacher asks them to
talk, students lack motivation to speak English, the English teacher in class tend to use other
languages in teaching English lessons.
(Ahmed, 2015) states that we at least should developing a deep understanding of
vocabulary, variation in L1 and L2, motivation, classroom practices, and pedagogies, as well
as learners' perspectives.
When discussing vocabulary, it is important to consider the diverse range of words and
phrases used in both the first language (L1) and second language (L2). Harmer (2007) stated
that There can be notable variations between these languages, which can present challenges
and opportunities for language learners. Understanding these differences can aid in
language acquisition and help learners navigate the L2 more effectively.
Motivation plays a crucial role in language learning. It is the driving force that fuels
individuals' desire to learn and improve their language skills. Motivational factors can vary
greatly among learners, ranging from personal interests and goals to external rewards or
pressures. Educators must be cognizant of these factors and employ strategies that foster
and sustain learners' motivation throughout their language learning journey.
Classroom practices and pedagogies are vital in promoting effective and engaging language
instruction. Educators implement various techniques and approaches to create an optimal
learning environment. This can include interactive activities, the use of authentic materials,
task-based learning, and the integration of technology. Such practices aim to enhance
learners' comprehension and fluency while also fostering critical thinking and
communicative skills.
Lastly, learners' perspectives are invaluable in shaping language teaching methodologies.
Understanding learners' needs, expectations, and challenges is essential in tailoring
instruction to their individual requirements. Encouraging learner autonomy and involving
students in the decision-making process can result in increased satisfaction and engagement
with the language learning process.
Strategies used by EFL Students EFL students struggle with understanding what other people
are talking about, yet they lack confidence while speaking in English. Speaking in this context
refers to both the communication style and the attempt at information sharing. EFL students
employ a variety of techniques to overcome obstacles. (Abrar et al., 2018)
Self-Assessment by setting some specific goals, students can make a note and define what
they want to improve, whether it's fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, or confidence. Having
clear objectives helps in targeted self-assessment. Students can also record and evaluate the
recording, means the students can record their speaking practice sessions (shteiwi &
Hamuda, 2016). This help students analyze their performance and also identify areas for
improvement by listen or watch their records session and assess themselves based on their
goals. They can also take notes on what they did well and where they can improve. Last,
using feedback criteria: Consider using specific criteria or rubrics for assessment, such as
pronunciation, grammar, clarity, coherence, and engagement with the topic. Students can
also set an action plan for example, create a plan to work on the identified areas of
improvement. This might involve targeted practice, further study, or seeking guidance.
Additionally, the students can write their strength and their weaknesses in speaking in
English (Mahdi, 2015).
Cognitive Strategies According to (Heryanti & Hazairin, 2017) these strategies involve mental
processes such as planning, organizing thoughts, problem-solving, managing anxiety, and
utilizing memory to enhance spoken communication. They help individuals to better express
themselves, understand, and engage in conversations, leading to improved speaking
proficiency and clarity.
Social Strategies This strategy aims to make the students an active learner in learning
speaking skills and establish a friendly and approachable environment, facilitating smoother
and more effective communication during the primary conversation or meeting. As
mentioned by Heryanti & Hazairin (2017) The students applied several ways in this strategy,
such as discussion, engaging a small talk with others, and nonverbal communication.
Interpersonal Strategies By employing these interpersonal strategies, students can enhance
their speaking skills in one-on-one or small group settings, fostering more effective,
respectful, and constructive communication by active listening, empathy, feedback,
assertiveness, building trust towards other students and so on.
Communicative-Experiential strategies By implementing communicative-experiential
strategies, individuals can enhance their speaking skills by actively participating in practical
or real-life experiences such as role-plays and stimulations, authentic conversations with
friend, also problem-solving through communication.
From the above discussion on literature review, it can be concluded that various learning,
especially speaking difficulties may occur on the way of mastering speaking skills of second
and foreign language learners. The difficulties may be lack of vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation, fear of mistake, being unfamiliar with socio-cultural system of
communication and so many others (Dewi & Jimmi 2018). Along with the verbal
communication system, learners need to be familiar with the non-verbal communication
system to be competent in speaking skills (Creswell, 2012). Lack of appropriate vocabulary
and use of mother tongue are the major causes of speaking difficulties. Many researches
were conducted worldwide on learning difficulties and pointed out various difficulties and
their causes. But this present study has focused on speaking difficulties faced by students
especially at the university level which is the most burning issue in the field of education
(Knowles et al., 2005).
This paper seeks to shedding light on these challenges, the research aspires to contribute to
the refinement of teaching methodologies and the creation of tailored interventions to
enhance the speaking proficiency of EFL learners.
Therefore, this research seeks answers to the following questions:
1. What are the challenges faced by EFL students in the classroom?
2. What kinds of speaking strategies are commonly used by EFL learners?

The data was gathered using a quantitative and qualitative data technique, according to the
research design. The results of the quantitative and qualitative data technique, which
analysed participant information, took the form of words (Creswell, 2012).
To obtain precise information regarding the phenomenon based on a real-world setting, the
researcher used a case study.
According to Yin (as described in Merriam, 1998), a case study was employed to analyze the
phenomena. In addition, a case study was employed by the researcher due to its two
qualities. First, it was constrained by space and time as well as by the information provided
by Creswell (2012) that the case study was particular to the instance. A case study also
employed several data collection methods. In order to collect data for this study, the
researcher used interviews. There were no restrictions on gathering data for the case study
(Creswell, 2012).
The research participants were ranged from senior high school students to university
students, the majority of whom were in Ponorogo. This research involved 23 students
consisting of 5 men and 18 women aged 17-21 years old.
Questionnaires, 22 questions and we translated it into Indonesian language
Interviews, after a detailed examination of literature, the researches prepared an interview
protocol in order to get in depth data about EFL speaking challenges experienced by the
learners in language classrooms.
Data analysis
The data was collected through questionnaires and interviews conducted with 23 students
to obtain in depth data and have abroad understanding of their EFL speaking challenges.
After the interviews were transcribed by the researchers and translated with the help of a
translation tool, the data were analysed through content analysis.

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