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CATEGORY Excellent (20) Good (15) Satisfactory (10) Needs

Improvement (5)
The web site has an The web pages have an The web pages have The web pages are
exceptionally attractive attractive and usable a usable layout, but cluttered looking or
and usable layout. It is layout. It is easy to may appear busy or confusing. It is often
easy to locate all locate all important boring. It is easy to difficult to locate
important elements. elements. locate most of the important elements.
White space, graphic important elements.
elements and/or
alignment are used
effectively to organize
All information provided Almost all the Almost all of the There are several
by the student on the information provided information provided inaccuracies in the
web site is accurate and by the student on the by the student on the content provided
all the requirements have web site is accurate web site is accurate by the students OR
been met. In other and all requirements and almost all of the many of the
words, there is sufficient have been met. Or all requirements have requirements were
Content content in this website to the information is been met. If there is not met. Not
learn about the topic. accurate but not all of little information on enough content,
the requirements were the website, then it is very incomplete.
met. Information is not satisfactory. If
complete. researchers cannot
find what they need
on your website, it is
Graphics are related to Graphics are related to Graphics are related Graphics seem
the theme/purpose of the the theme/purpose of to the theme/purpose randomly chosen,
site, are thoughtfully the site, are of good of the site, and are of are of low quality,
cropped, are of high quality and enhance good quality. There OR distract the
quality and enhance reader interest or may be a few broken reader. Many
reader interest or understanding. There images. images are broken.
understanding. There are are no broken images.
no broken images.
Colors of background, Colors of background, Colors of Colors of
fonts, unvisited and fonts, unvisited and background, fonts, background, fonts,
visited links form a visited links do not unvisited and visited unvisited and
Color Choices pleasing palette, do not detract from the links do not detract visited links make
detract from the content, content, and are from the content. the content hard to
and are consistent across consistent across read or otherwise
pages. pages. distract the reader.
Background is Background is Background is Background
exceptionally attractive, attractive, consistent consistent across detracts from the
consistent across pages, across pages, adds to pages and does not readability of the
Background adds to the theme or the theme or purpose detract from site.
purpose of the site, and of the site, and does not readability.
does not detract from detract from
readability. readability.
The fonts are consistent, The fonts are The fonts are A wide variety of
easy to read and point consistent, easy to read consistent and point fonts, styles and
size varies appropriately and point size varies size varies point sizes was
for headings and text. appropriately for appropriately for used.
Use of font styles (italic, headings and text. headings and text.
bold, underline) is used
consistently and
improves readability.

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