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Organizational-wide MS SharePoint Implementation from a Project Manager/Business Analyst


1. Project Initiation:
 Identified the need for an organizational-wide MS SharePoint implementation, driven
by the objective of streamlining processes, enhancing collaboration, and fortifying
data security.
2. Needs Assessment:
 Collaborated with stakeholders to understand specific business requirements,
information sharing challenges, and data security concerns.
3. Requirements Gathering:
 Conducted extensive interviews, workshops, and surveys to collect detailed
requirements from different departments.
4. Scoping and Planning:
 Defined the project scope, objectives, and success criteria.
 Developed a comprehensive project plan that included timelines, milestones,
resource allocation, and budgets.
5. Technology Selection:
 Evaluated different SharePoint configurations and features to ensure they align with
the organization's needs.
6. Cross-Functional Collaboration:
 Orchestrated collaboration between cross-functional teams, including IT, compliance,
and various departments to ensure everyone's needs and concerns were addressed.
7. Change Management:
 Developed a change management strategy to help employees transition smoothly to
the new SharePoint environment.
 Provided training and resources to ensure user adoption.
8. Customization and Development:
 Oversaw the development of customized SharePoint solutions to meet specific
departmental needs.
 Implemented robust data security measures to protect sensitive information.
9. Quality Assurance:
 Established rigorous testing procedures to ensure the reliability and functionality of
SharePoint across the organization.
 Used QA tools to identify and address any defects or issues.
10. Pilot Testing:
 Conducted pilot testing with a select group of users to gather feedback and make
necessary adjustments.
11. Deployment:
 Rolled out SharePoint across the organization in a phased approach to minimize
12. Monitoring and Maintenance:
 Implemented ongoing monitoring and maintenance processes to ensure SharePoint's
continued performance and security.
13. User Training and Support:
 Conducted user training sessions and provided ongoing support to ensure that all
employees were comfortable and proficient with the new system.
14. Documentation:
 Created comprehensive documentation for SharePoint usage, policies, and
15. Evaluation and Improvement:
 Periodically evaluated the system's performance and gathered feedback to make
continuous improvements.
16. Project Closure:
 Concluded the project with a formal review, ensuring that all objectives were met and
the organization-wide MS SharePoint implementation was a success.

Key Tools:

 MS SharePoint (for the platform itself)

 Project management software (e.g., Microsoft Project)
 Collaboration and communication tools
 Quality assurance and testing tools
 Change management and user adoption tools

By following these key steps and utilizing the mentioned tools, a successful organizational-wide MS
SharePoint implementation can be achieved from the perspective of a Project Manager/Business


Certainly, creating a detailed project plan for an organizational-wide MS SharePoint implementation
is crucial. Below is a high-level project plan that outlines the key phases, activities, and timelines.
Keep in mind that the specifics will depend on your organization's unique requirements and
constraints, and you should customize the plan accordingly.

Project Plan: Organizational-Wide MS SharePoint Implementation

Phase 1: Project Initiation

 Activities:
 Define the project scope and objectives.
 Identify key stakeholders.
 Create a project charter.
 Develop a business case.
 Timeline: Weeks 1-4
Phase 2: Needs Assessment

 Activities:
 Conduct stakeholder interviews and surveys.
 Document current information sharing challenges.
 Identify data security concerns.
 Timeline: Weeks 5-8

Phase 3: Requirements Gathering

 Activities:
 Facilitate workshops with department representatives.
 Document detailed requirements for each department.
 Prioritize requirements based on organizational goals.
 Timeline: Weeks 9-12

Phase 4: Scoping and Planning

 Activities:
 Develop a project plan, including timelines, milestones, resources, and budgets.
 Define success criteria and key performance indicators (KPIs).
 Obtain project approvals.
 Timeline: Weeks 13-16

Phase 5: Technology Selection

 Activities:
 Evaluate different SharePoint configurations and features.
 Ensure alignment with organizational needs.
 Select appropriate SharePoint edition (e.g., SharePoint Online, SharePoint Server).
 Timeline: Weeks 17-20

Phase 6: Cross-Functional Collaboration

 Activities:
 Form cross-functional teams.
 Establish clear communication channels.
 Address any concerns from different departments.
 Timeline: Weeks 21-24

Phase 7: Change Management

 Activities:
 Develop a change management strategy.
 Create a communication plan.
 Provide training resources and materials.
 Timeline: Weeks 25-28

Phase 8: Customization and Development

 Activities:
 Oversee the development of customized SharePoint solutions.
 Implement data security measures.
 Conduct user-acceptance testing (UAT).
 Timeline: Weeks 29-36

Phase 9: Quality Assurance

 Activities:
 Establish rigorous testing procedures.
 Identify and address defects.
 Ensure SharePoint's reliability and functionality.
 Timeline: Weeks 37-40

Phase 10: Pilot Testing

 Activities:
 Conduct pilot testing with a select group of users.
 Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.
 Timeline: Weeks 41-44

Phase 11: Deployment

 Activities:
 Roll out SharePoint across the organization in a phased approach.
 Provide training to all employees.
 Timeline: Weeks 45-52

Phase 12: Monitoring and Maintenance

 Activities:
 Implement ongoing monitoring and maintenance processes.
 Ensure continuous performance and security.
 Timeline: Ongoing

Phase 13: User Training and Support

 Activities:
 Conduct user training sessions.
 Provide ongoing user support.
 Timeline: Ongoing

Phase 14: Documentation

 Activities:
 Create comprehensive documentation for SharePoint usage.
 Document policies and procedures.
 Timeline: Weeks 53-56

Phase 15: Evaluation and Improvement

 Activities:
 Periodically evaluate the system's performance.
 Gather feedback for continuous improvements.
 Timeline: Ongoing

Phase 16: Project Closure

 Activities:
 Conduct a formal project review.
 Ensure that all objectives have been met.
 Timeline: Weeks 57-60

Key Tools:

 MS SharePoint (for the platform itself)

 Project management software (e.g., Microsoft Project)
 Collaboration and communication tools
 Quality assurance and testing tools
 Change management and user adoption tools

Remember that this is a high-level project plan. You should work with your team to break down
these phases into more detailed tasks, assign responsibilities, and create a project schedule with
specific dates and dependencies. Tailor the plan to fit your organization's specific needs and

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