Z_CIT HMT Question Bank

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1. Calculate the rate of head loss for a red brick wall of length 5m, height 4m and
thickness 0.25m. The temperature of the inner surface is 110℃ and that of the outer
surface is 40℃. The thermal conductivity of red brick, k=0.70 W/mK. Calculate also the
temperature at an interior point of the wall, 2℃m distant from the inner wall.
[Ans: 3960 W or 3.92 W, 54℃]

2. A hollow cylinder 5 cm I.D. and 10 cm O.D. has an inner surface temperature of 200℃
and an outer surface temperature of 100℃.Determine the temperature of the point
half way between the inner and the outer surfaces. If the thermal conductivity of the
cylinder material of 70 W/mK determine the heat flow through the cylinder per linear
[Ans: 141.5℃]

3. A hollow sphere 10 cm I.D. and 30 cm O.D. of a material having thermal conductivity

50 W/mK is used as a container for a liquid chemical mixture. Its inner and outer
surfaces temperatures are 300℃ and 100℃ respectively. Determine the heat flow
rate through the sphere. Also estimate the temperature at a point a quarter of the
way between the inner and outer surfaces.
[Ans: 9.42 kW, 200℃]

4. Compute the heat loss per square metre surface area of a 4℃m thick furnace wall
having surface temperatures of 300℃ and 50℃ of thermal conductivity k of the wall
material is given by
k=0.005T - 5 × 10-6 T2; where T = temp in℃.
[Ans: 435 W/m2]

5. A fireclay wall 20 cm thick has its two thick surfaces maintained at 1000℃ and 200℃.
The thermal conductivity of the fireclay varies with temp℃ as
k(W/mK) =0.813 + 0.000582T.
Calculate the rate of heat flow.
[Ans: 4649 W/m2]

6. A thickwalled copper cylinder has an inside radius of 1 cm and an outer radius of 2 cm.
The inner and outer surfaces are held at 310℃ and 290℃ respectively. Assume k varies
with temperature as
k(W/mK) = 371.9[1- 9.25 × 10-5(T-150)].
Determine the heat loss per unit length.
[Ans: 66.47 kW/m]
7. The inside and outside surfaces of a hollow surfaces a ≤ r ≤ b at r = a and r = b are
maintained at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. The thermal conductivity varies
with temperature as
k(T) =k0(1+T+T2)
Derive an expression for total heat flow rate, Q, through the sphere.

8. A wall of 0.5 m thickness is to be constructed from a material which has an average

thermal conductivity of 1.4 W/mK. The wall is to be installed with a material having an
average thermal conductivity of 0.35 W/mK so that the heat loss per square metre will
not exceed 1450 W. Assuming that the inner and outer surface temperatures are
1200℃ and 15℃ respectively, calculate the thickness of insulation required.
[Ans: 0.161 m]

9. The door of a cold storage plant is made from two 6 mm thick glass sheets separated
by a uniform air gap of 2 mm. The temperature of the air inside the room is -20℃ and
the ambient air temperature is 30℃. Assuming the heat transfer coefficient between
glass and air is to be 23.26 W/Mk, determine the rate of the heat leaking into the room
per unit area of the door. Neglect convection effects in the air gap. kglass = 0.75W/mK,
kair = 0.02W/mK .
[Ans: 247.5 W/m2]
10. Determine the heat transfer through the composite wall shown in the fig. Take the
conductivities of A, B, C, D and E as 50, 10, 6.67, 20, 30 W/mK respectively and assume
one-dimensional heat transfer.
[Ans: 40.7 kW]

11. The following particulars refer to a furnace wall.

a. Hot gas temperature =2000℃
b. Room air temperature =45℃
c. Heat flow by radiation from gases to inside surface of the wall =23.260 kW/m 2
d. Convective heat transfer coefficient at the interior surface =11.63 W/m 2K
e. Thermal conductance of the wall =58 W/m2K
f. Heat flow by radiation from external surface to surroundings =9.3 kW/m 2
g. Interior wall surface temperature =1000℃.
Determine for the external surface of the wall
1. Surface temperature
2. Convective conductance.
[Ans: 400℃, 72.1 W/m2K]
12. 1.A steam boiler furnace is made of a layer of fireclay 12.5 cm thick and a layer of
red brick 50 cm thick. If the wall temperature inside the boiler furnace is 1100℃ and
that on the outside wall is 50℃, determine the amount of heat loss per square metre
of the furnace wall. (k for fireclay =0.533 W/mK and k for red brick =0.7 W/mK)
2.It is desired to reduce the thickness of the red brick in this furnace to half by
filling in the space between the two layers by diatomite whose k =0.113 +0.00032T
(W/mK). Calculate the thickness of the filling to ensure an identical loss of heat for the
same outside and inside temperatures.
[Ans: 1107.5 W/m2, 93.2 mm]

13. Determine the heat loss from an insulated steel pipe, carrying a hot liquid, to the
surroundings per metre length of the pipe, given the following particulars.
I.D. of the pipe = 10 cm
Wall thickness = 1 cm
Thickness of insulation = 3 cm
Temperature of hot liquid = 85℃
Temperature of surroundings = 25℃
k1 for steel = 58 W/mK
k2 for insulating material = 0.2 W/mK
Inside heat transfer coefficient = 720 W/m2K(ha)
outside heat transfer coefficient = 9 W/m2K(hb)
[Ans: 114.43 W/m]

14. A steel pipe line (k = 50 W/mK) of I.D. 100 mm and O.D. 110 mm is to be covered with
two layers of insulation each having a thickness of 50 mm. The thermal conductivity
of the first insulation material is 0.06 W/mK and that of the second is 0.12 W/mK.
Calculate the loss of heat per metre length of pipe and interface temperature between
the two layers of insulation when the temperature of the inside tube surface is 250℃
and that of the outside surface of the insulation is 50℃.
[Ans: 96.3℃]
15. If the order of insulation materials for the steel pipe of ques no:14 were reversed,
that is, the insulation with a higher value of thermal conductivity was out first,
calculate the change in heat loss with all other conditions remaining unchanged.
Comment also on the result.
[Ans: 105.75 W/m]

16. A 10 cm O.D. steam pipe carrying saturated steam at 1373 kPa (1.373 MN/m2) is
lagged to 20 cm diameter with magnesia (k = 0.07 W/mK) and further lagged with
laminated asbestos of thermal conductivity 0.08 W/mK to 25 cm diameter. The whole
pipe is further protected by a layer of canvas. If the temperature under the canvas is
20℃, find the mass of steam condensed in 20 hours on 150 metre length of pipe.
Neglect thermal conductivity effect of the pipe material.
[Ans: 284.22 kg]

17. A hollow sphere is made up of two materials; first with k = 70 W/mK is having an I.D.
of 10 cm and O.D. of 30 cm and the second with k = 15 W/mK forms the outer layer
with O.D. of 40 cm. The inside and outside temperatures are 300℃ and 30℃,
respectively. Estimate the rate of heat flow through the sphere assuming perfect
contact between two materials.
[Ans: 11.25 kW]

18. A steel pipe, 10 cm I.D. and 11 cm O.D., is covered with an insulating substance (k =
1 W/mK). The steam temperature and the ambient temperatures are 200℃ and 20℃,
respectively. If the convective heat transfer coefficient between the insulation surface
and air is 8 W/m2K, find the critical radius of insulation. For this value of r 0, calculate
the heat loss per metre of pipe and the outer surface temperature. Neglect resistance
of the pipe material.
[Ans: 12.5 cm, 620 W/m]
19. An electric conductor of copper with a diameter of 1 mm is covered with a plastic
insulation of thickness 1 mm. The temperature of its surroundings is 20℃. Find the
maximum current carried by the conductor is that no part of the plastic is above 80℃.
The following data can be made use of
kcopper = 400 W/m K
kplastic = 0.5 W/m K
h =8 W/m2K
specific electric resistance of copperx 10-3 Ohm m.
Discuss the effect of increase or decrease of insulation on the current carrying capacity
of the conductor.
[Ans: 1.074 A]

20. A plane wall 10 cm thick generates heat at the rate of 4 x 104 W/m3 when an electric
current is passed through it. The convective heat transfer coefficient between each
face of the wall and the ambient air is 50 W/m2K. Determine:
(a)The surface temperature
(b)The maximum temperature in the wall.
Assume the ambient air temperature to be 20℃ and the thermal conductivity of the
wall material to be 15 W/mK.
[Ans: 60℃, 63.33℃]

21. A thin hollow tube with 6 mm outer diameter and 4 mm inner diameter carries a
current of 1000 A. Water at 30℃ is circulated inside the tube for cooling the tube.
Taking the heat transfer coefficient of the water side as 35000 W/m 2K and k for tube
material as 18 W/mk, estimate the surface temperature of the tube if its outer surface
is insulated. The electrical resistivity of the material is 0.1 mm2/m.
[Ans: 57.41℃]

22. An electrical transmission line made of a 25 mm annealed copper wire carries 200 A
and has a resistance of 0.4 x 10-4 /cm length. If the surface temperature is 200℃ and
the ambient air temperature is 10℃, determine the heat transfer coefficient between
the wire surface and the ambient air and the maximum temperature in the wire.
Assume k = 160 W/Mk.
[Ans: 10.72 W/m2K]

23. Nichrome, having a resistivity of 100 -cm is to be used as a heating element in a

10 kW heater. The Nichrome surface temperature should not exceed 1220℃. Other
design features include
Surrounding air temperature = 20℃
Outside surface coefficient =1.15 kW/m2K
Thermal conductivity of Nichrome = 17 W/mK
Find out what diameter Nichrome wire is necessary for a 1 metre long heater. Also
find the rate of current flow.
[Ans: 2.3066 mm, 204 A]
24. In a cylindrical fuel rod of a nuclear reactor the internal heat generation is given by
the equation
𝑟 2
q̇ =q̇ 0[1 − (𝑟0) ]
calculate the temperature drop from the centre line to the surface of a 2.5 cm O.D.
rod having thermal conductivity of 20 W/mk, if the rate of heat removal from the
surface is 2.5 MW/m2.
[Ans: -1171.875℃]

25. The average heat produced by oranges ripening is estimated to be 300 W/m 2. Taking
the average size of an orange to be 8 cm and assuming it to be a sphere with k = 0.15
W/mK, calculate the temperature at the centre of the orange.
[Ans: 50℃]

26. One end of a very long aluminium rod is connected to a wall of 140℃, while the other
end protrudes into a room whose air temperature is 15℃. The rod is 3 mm in diameter
and the heat transfer coefficient between the rod surface and environment is 300
W/m2K. Estimate the total heat dissipated by the rod taking its thermal conductivity
as 150 W/mk.
[Ans: 6.843 W]

27. In an experiment to determine the thermal conductivity of a long solid 2.5 cm

diameter rod, its base is placed in a furnace with a large portion of it projecting into
the room air at 22℃. After steady state conditions prevail, the temperatures at two
points, 10 cm apart, are found to be 110℃ and 85℃ respectively. The convective heat
transfer coefficient between the rod surface and the surrounding air is 28.4 W/m 2K.
Determine the thermal conductivity of the rod material.
[Ans: 406.5 W/mK]

28. A turbine blade 6 cm long and having a cross-sectional area 4.65 cm2 and perimeter
12 cm, is made of stainless steel (k = 23.3 W/mK). The temperature at the root is
500℃. The blade is exposed to a hot gas at 870℃. The heat transfer coefficient
between the blade surface and gas is 442 W/m2K. Determine the temperature
distribution and rate of heat flow at the root of the blade. Assume the tip of the blade
to be insulated.
[Ans: -11.12 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝒉[𝟔𝟗. 𝟗𝟔(𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 − 𝒙)], -280.3 W]

29. A cylinder 1 m long and 5 cm in diameter is placed in an atmosphere at 45℃. It is

provided with 10 longitudinal straight fins of material having k= 120 W/mK. The height
of 0.76 mm thick fins is 1.27 cm from the cylinder surface. The heat transfer coefficient
between cylinder and atmosphere air is 17 W/m2K. Calculate the rate of heat transfer
and the temperature at the end of fins if surface temperature of cylinder is 150℃.
[Ans: 723.82 W, 146.74℃]
30. The temperature distribution across a large concrete slab 50 cm thick heated from
one side as measured by thermocouples approximates to the following relation:
𝑻 = 𝟔𝟎 − 𝟓𝟎𝒙 + 𝟏𝟐𝒙𝟐 + 𝟐𝟎𝒙𝟑 − 𝟏𝟓𝒙𝟒
Where T is in ℃and 𝑥 is in metres. Considering an area of 5 m2, compute
I. The heat entering and leaving the slab in unit time.
II. The heat energy stored in unit time.
III. The rate of temperature change at both sides of the slab.
IV. The point where the rate of heating or cooling is maximum.
Take the following data for concrete:
k= 1.2 W/mK, ×m2/h
[Ans: 183 W, 117 W, 69.03 ×10-3 ℃/h, 0.33 m]

31. A 40 × 40 cm copper slab 5 mm thick at a uniform temperature of 250℃ suddenly

has its surface temperature lowered at 30℃. Find the time at which the slab
temperature becomes 90℃:  = 9000 kg/m3, c = 0.38 kJ/kgK, k = 370 W/mK and h =
90 W/m2K.
[Ans: 128.83s]

32. A stainlesssteel rod of outer diameter 1 cm originally at a temperature of 320℃ is

suddenly immersed in a liquid at 120℃ for which the convective heat transfer
coefficient is 100W/m2K. Determine the time required for the rod to reach a
temperature of 200℃.
[Ans: 82.18s]

33. An aluminium sphere weighing 5.5 kg and initially at a temperature of 290℃ is

suddenly immersed in a fluid at 15℃. The convective heat transfer coefficient is 58
W/m2K. Estimate the time required to cool the aluminium to 95℃, using the lumped
capacity method of analysis.
[Ans: 1357s]

34. The average heat transfer coefficient for flow of 100℃ air over a flat plate is
measured by observing the temperature time history of a 3cm thick copper slab
exposed to 100℃ air. In one test run, the initial temperature of the plate was 210℃,
and in 5 minutes the temperature decreased by 40℃. Calculate the heat transfer
coefficient for this case.
[Ans: 77.24 W/m2K]

35. A slab of aluminium 10 cm thick is originally in a temperature of 500℃. It is suddenly

immersed in a liquid at 100℃ resulting in a heat transfer coefficient of 1200 W/m2K.
Determine the temperature at the centreline and the surface 1 minute after the
immersion. Also calculate the total thermal energy removed per unit area of the slab
during this period. The properties of aluminium for the given conditions are
8.4 × 10-5 m2/s; k = 215 W/mK;
 = 2700 kg/m3; c = 0.9 kJ/kg/K.
[Ans: 372℃, 339.36℃, 31.1 ×106 J/m2]

36. A long steel cylinder 12 cm in diameter and initially at 20℃ is placed into a furnace
at 82℃ with the local heat transfer coefficient h = 140 W/m2K. Calculate the time
required for the axis temperature to reach 800℃. Also calculate the corresponding
temperature at a radius of 5.4 cm at that time. The physical properties of steel are
= 6.11 × 10-6 m2/s, k = 21 W/mK.
[Ans: 51 min 4 sec, 803℃]

37. A metallic sphere of radius 10 mm is initially at a uniform temperature of 400℃. It

is heat treated by first cooling it in air (h = 10 W/m2K) at 20℃ until its central
temperature reaches 335℃. It is then quenched in a water bath at 20℃ with h =
6000 W/m2K until the centre of the sphere cools from 335℃ to 50℃. Compare the
time required for cooling in air and water for the following physical properties of the
 = 3000 kg/m3; c = 1000 J/kgK; k = 20 W/mK,
 = 6.66 × 10-6 m2/s.
Also calculate the surface temperature at the end of cooling in water.
[Ans: 188s, 7.5s, 30℃]

1. A 30cm long plate is hung vertically in the air at 27°C while its temperature is
maintained at 77°C.Calculate the boundary layer thickness at the trailing edge of the
plate. If a similar plate is placed in a wind tunnel and air is blown over it at a velocity
of 4m/s, estimate boundary layer thickness at the trailing edge.
[Ans: 1.52 cm, 5.8 mm]

2. Determine the average heat transfer coefficient, for natural and forced convection for
the data of Example 1.
[Ans: 4.9 W/m²K, 14.11 W/m²K]

3. A metal plate 0.609 m high forms the vertical wall of an oven and is at a temperature
of 161℃.Within the oven is air at a temperature of 93℃ and one atmosphere.
Assuming the natural convection conditions hold near the plate, estimate the mean
heat transfer coefficient and the rate of heat transfer per unit width of the plate.
[Ans: 3.988 W/m²K, 165.18 W]

4. Calculate the convective heat loss from a radiator 0.5 m wide and 1m high maintained
at a temperature of 84⁰ in a room at 20℃.Treat the radiator as a vertical plate.
[Ans: 1054.72 W]
5. A thin 80 cm long and 8 cm wide horizontal plate is maintained at a temperature of
130℃ in a large tank full of water at 70℃. Estimate the rate of heat input into the
plate necessary to maintain the temperature of 130℃.
[Ans: 10855.7 W or 10.86 kW]

6. Air flow through a long rectangular (30 cm height x 40 cm width) air conditioning duct
maintains the outer duct surface temperature at 15℃. If the duct is uninsulated and
exposed to air at 25℃, calculate the heat gained by the duct per metre length,
assuming it to be horizontal.
[Ans: 55.72 W/m]

7. A metal ingot, 5 cm by 8 cm by 12cm, at a temperature of 50℃, is losing heat by natural

convection to air at 0℃. The vertical dimension is 12 cm. Calculate the coefficient of
heat transfer.
[Ans: 8.77 W/m²K]

8. A vertical pipe of 20 cm outer diameter, at a surface temperature of 100℃ is in a room

where the air is at 20℃. The pipe is 3 m long. What is the rate of heat loss per metre
length of the pipe?
[Ans: 241.27 W/m]

9. Determine the rate of heat loss per metre length from a 10 cm outside diameter steam
pipe placed horizontally in ambient air at 30℃. The pipe has an outside wall
temperature of 170℃ and an emissivity of 0.9.
[Ans: 804.25 W/m]
10. Calculate the coefficient of heat transfer by free convection between a horizontal wire
and air at 25℃. The surface of the wire is at 95℃ and its diameter is 2.5 mm. Also find
the maximum admissible current intensity if the resistance of the wire is 6 ohm/m.
[Ans: 23.94 W/m²K, 1.45A]

11. A 10mm diameter spherical steel bar at 260℃ is immersed in air at 90℃. Estimate the
rate of convective heat loss.
[Ans: 1.48 W]

12. Compute the rate of heat loss due to free convection for the conditions of Example 9
[Ans: 355.12 W/m]

13. Determine the effective thermal conductivity and the rate of heat flow through a
vertical slot of thickness 15 mm formed by two 2x2 m square plates. The temperature
of the plates are 120℃ and 20℃ respectively.
[Ans: 0.0317 W/mK]
14. Air at atmospheric pressure is contained between two horizontal panels separated by
a distance of 25.4 mm. The temperature of the lower panel is 60℃ and the upper
panel is at 15.6℃. Calculate the free convection heat transfer per m² of the panel
[Ans: 166.7 W/m²K]

15. Air at 3 atm is contained between two concentric spheres having radii of 75mm and
100mm. Estimate the convection heat transfer rate when the inner sphere is
maintained at 325K and the outer sphere is at 275K.
[Ans: 4.92 W]

16. Air at 1atm and 27℃ is forced through a 20mm diameter tube at an average velocity
of 30 cm/s. The tube wall is maintained at 127℃. Estimate the heat transfer if the tube
is 1m long.
[Ans:40.84 W]

Forced Convection systems

1. Air at 20°C is flowing along a heated flat plate at 134°C at a velocity of 3 m/s. The plate
is 2 m long and 1.5 m wide. Calculate the thickness of hydrodynamic boundary layer
and the skin friction coefficient at 40 cm from the leading edge of the plate. The
kinematic viscosity of air at 20 °C may be taken at 15.06×10-6 m2/s.
[ Ans: 7.1 mm, 2.36×10-3]

2. For the flow system in problem 1. Calculate the local that transfer coefficient at x = 0.4
m and the heat transferred from the first 40 cm of the plate.
[Ans: 5.3 W/m2K, 1450W]

3. Air at 20°C flow over a thin plate with a velocity of 3 m/s. The plate is 2m long and 1m
wide. Estimate the boundary layer thickness at the trailing edge of the plate and the
total drag force experienced by the plate. Also calculate the mass flow of air which
enters the boundary layer between x= 30 cm and x= 80 cm. The physical properties of
air at 20 °C are ρ = 1.17kg/m3; ν = 15×10-6 m2/s.
[ Ans: 14.67 mm, 0.0428 N, 7.9 ×10-3 kg/s.]

4. Air at the pressure of 8 kN/m2 and a temperature at 250°C flows over a flat plate 0.3
m wide and 1 m long at a velocity of 8 m/s. If the plate is to be maintained at a
temperature of 78°C estimate the rate of heat to be removed continuously from the
[ Ans: 313.7W]
5. For the flow system of Problem 4 estimate the drag force exerted on the plate using
the analogy between fluid friction and heat transfer.
[Ans: 11.18×10-3 N]

6. A flat plate 1.0 m wide and 1.0m long is placed in a wind tunnel. The temperature and
velocity of free stream air are 10°C and 80 m/s respectively. The flow over the whole
length of the plate is made turbulent with the help of a turbulizing grid placed
upstream of the plate. Determine the thickness of the boundary layer at the trailing
edge of the plate. Also calculate the mean value of the heat transfer coefficient from
the surface of the plate.
[Ans: 1.70 cm, 209 W/ m2 K]

7. An air stream at 0°C is flowing along a heated plate at 90°C at a speed of 75 m/s.
The plate is 45 cm long and 60 cm wide. Assuming the transition of the boundary layer
to take place to take place at Re x = 5× 105 calculate the average values of friction
coefficient and heat transfer coefficient for the full length of the plate. Hence calculate
the rate of energy dissipation from the plate.
[Ans: 3.19×10-3, 170 W / m2K, 8.262 kW]

8. Assuming that a man can be represented by a cylinder 30 cm in diameter and 1.7 m

high with a surface temperature of 30°C, calculate the heat he would lose while
standing in a 36 km/h wind at 10°C.
[Ans: 1230.2W]

9. Air stream at 27°C is moving at 0.3 m/s across a 100W electric bulb at 127°C. If the
bulb is approximated by a 60mm diameter sphere, estimate the heat transfer rate and
the percentage of power lost due to convection.
[Ans: 12.10 W, 12.10 %]

10. A round copper bus bar of 15 mm diameter is cooled by an air stream at 20°C moving
across it at a velocity of 1 m/s. If the surface temperature of the bus bar is not allowed
to exceed 80°C, calculate the heat transfer coefficient between the bus bar and the
cooling air. Also estimate the maximum admissible current intensity for the bus bar
under these conditions. The resistivity of copper ρ = 0.0175 Ω mm2/m.
[Ans: 28.31 W/m2K, 899A]

11. Air at 30°C is flowing across a tube with velocity of 25m/s. The tube could be either a
square with a side of 5 cm or a circular cylinder of diameter 5cm. Compare the rate of
heat transfer in each case if the tube surface temperature is 124°C.
[Ans: 100.6W/m2K, 91.02 W/m2K]
12. In a staggered tube bank, water is passed through the tubes while the air is passed in
cross flow over the tubes. There are seven rows of tubes in the air flow direction. The
temperature and velocity of air are 15°C and 6 m/s respectively. The longitudinal and
transverse pitches are both equal to 20.5 mm. The tube outside diameter is 16.4 mm
and tube surface temperature is 70°C. Calculate the air side heat transfer coefficient
and the pressure drop across the tube bundle.
[Ans: 252.03 W/m2K, 1595 N/m2]

13. For the tube bank of problem 12, compute the air side convection coefficient by
making use of the Zhukauskas correlation. [ [Ans:
278.5 W/m K]

14. Air flow at a rate of 0.314 m3/s over a cross flow heat exchanger consisting of 7 tubes
in the direction of flow and 8 tubes in the direction perpendicular of flow arranged in
an in – line fashion. The length of each tube is 1.25 m and its outer diameter is 1.9 cm.
The longitudinal and transverse pitches are SL = 38 mm and ST = 28.6 mm respectively.
The temperature of the air entering the heat exchanger is 200°C and the tube surface
temperature is 96°C. Estimate the convective heat transfer coefficient between the
air and tubes.
[Ans: 51.43 W/m2K]

15. The velocity and temperature profiles for fully developed flow at a particular axial
location in a 20cm diameter pipeline may be approximated by the following
u = 96r – 190r2 m/s, T = 100(1-2r) °C
Where r is the distance in meters measured from inside surface. Calculate the average
(cup mixing) temperature of the fluid.
[ Ans: 85.17°C]

16. A simple water heating system consists of a thickwalled tube of I.D. 25mm and O.D.40
mm Water at the rate of 5 kg/min. enters at 20°C and leaves at 70 °C. Electrical heating
within the wall of the tube generates heat at a uniform rate of 10 7 W/m3. Calculate
the length of the tube. Also compute the heat transfer coefficient at the outlet if the
inner surface temperature of the tube is 80°C.
[Ans: 2.274 m, 9750 W/m2K]

17. Estimate the heat transfer coefficient for a laminar fully developed fluid (k = 0.175
W/mK) inside a (6mm) I.D. tube under uniform wall temperature boundary conditions.
Also compute the heat transfer rate between the tube walls and fluid for a length of
8 m if the mean temperature difference between the wall and fluid is 50 °C.
[ Ans: 106.75 W/m2K, 805 W]
18. Water at 25 °C flows through a tube of 50 mm diameter. Determine the flow rate that
will result in a Reynolds number of 1600. The tube is provided with a nichrome heating
element on its surface and receives a constant heat flux of 800 W/m length of the
tube. Determine the average heat between the water and the tube wall, assuming
fully developed conditions. Also determine the length of the tube for the bulk
temperature of water to rise from 25°C to 50°C.
[Ans: 53.24 W/m2K, 7.507 m]

19. A tube of 15 mm I.D. is maintained at a constant temperature of 60°C while water is

allowed to flow through it at a rate of 10 m/s. The temperature of water at entry is
20°C and it has been measured to be 34°C at a point at 1.0 m from the entry. Compute
the average value of Nusselt numbers by employing Hausen and Sieder – Tate
[Ans: Hausen correlations NuD= 6.91, Sieder – Tate correlations NuD= 8.985]

20. Water at 50°C flows through an automobile radiator tube 0.5 cm I.D. 50 cm long with
a mean velocity of 1 m/s. The surface of the radiator tube is at 30°C. Determine the
heat transfer coefficient using Colburn analogy.
[Ans: 3698 W/m2K]

21. Water at 50 °C enters a 1.5 cm diameter and 3 m long tube with a velocity of 1 m/s.
The tube wall is maintained at a constant temperature of 90°C. Calculate the heat
transfer coefficient and the total amount of heat transferred if the exit water
temperature is 64 °C.
[ Ans: 5860 W/m2K, 27.34 W]

22. Water flows through a long 2.2 cm diameter copper tube at an average velocity of 2
m/s. The tube wall is maintained at a constant temperature of 95°C whereas the water
gets heated from 15°C and 60°C while passing through the tube. Find the average heat
transfer coefficient by using the sieder – Tate equation.
[Ans: 9969 W/m2K]

23. Engine oil flows through a 50 mm diameter tube at an average temperature of 147 °C.
The flow velocity is 80 cm/s. Calculate the average heat transfer coefficient if the tube
wall is maintained at a temperature of 200°C and it is 2 m long.
[Ans: 373.1 W/m2K]

24. The main trunk duct of an air conditioning system is rectangular in cross–section (400
× 800 mm) and has air at atmosphere pressure and at 20 °C flowing with a velocity of
7 m/s. Estimate the heat leakage per meter length per unit temperature difference.
Relevant physical properties of air are ν = 15.06 × 10 -6 m2 /s, α = 7.71×10-2 m2 /hr, k =
0.0259 W/mK.
[Ans: 48.16 W]
25. In a long annulus (3.125 cm I.D. and 5 cm O.D.) the air is heated by maintaining the
temperature of the outer surface of inner tube at 50°C. The air enters at 16°C and
leaves at 32 °C and its flow rate is 30 m/s. Estimate the heat transfer coefficient
between the air and the inner tube.
[Ans: 122.2 W/m2K]

26. Liquid sodium is to be heated from 120°C to 149°C at a rate of 2.3 kg/s in a 2.5 cm
diameter electrically heated tube (constant heat flux). Calculate the minimum length
of the tube if its wall temperature is not to exceed 200°C.
[Ans: 36.40 cm]


1. Estimate the rate of solar radiation on a plane normal to sun rays. Assume the sun to
be a black body at a temperature of 5527℃. The diameter of the sun D=1.39X10⁶ km
and its distance from the earth l is 1.5X10⁸ km.
[Ans: 1377 W/m²]

2. A blackbody is kept at a temperature of 727℃. Estimate the fraction of the thermal

radiation emitted by the surface in the wavelength band 1.0 and 5.0µ.
[Ans:35.9 kW/m²]

3. A glass plate is used as a cover in a flat plate solar collector employed for heating
water. The transmissivity of glass is zero in the entire wavelength except in a band
0.4<λ<3.0μ, where its value is 0.8. assuming the sun to be a black body at a
temperature of 5555K, determine the average hemispherical transmissivity of glass
over the entire wavelength range.
[Ans: 0.70]

4. It is observed that the intensity of the radiation emitted by the sun is maximum at a
wavelength of 0.5μ. Assuming the sun to be a black body, estimate its surface
temperature and emissive power.
[Ans: 63.3 MW/m²]

5. A gray surface is maintained at a temperature of 27℃. If the maximum spectral

emissive power at that temperature is 1.37X10¹⁰ W/m³ determine the emissivity of
the body and the wavelength corresponding to the maximum spectral intensivity of
the radiaton.
[Ans: 2.67µ]
6. An optical pyrometer is an instrument used to measure high temperatures. It works
on the principle of comparing the radiation leaving the body whose temperatures is
to be measured with that of an incandescent filament. The instrument t is calibrated
in such a way that measures the temperatures which a black body would have if It
were emitting radiation equal to that of the body under investigation. A pyrometer
records the temperature of a body as 1400℃ with a red light filter (λ=0.65µ). Find the
true temperature of the body if its emissivity at 0.65µ is 0.6.
[Ans: 1467℃]

7. A metallic bar at 37℃ is placed inside an oven whose interior is maintained at a

temperature of 1100K. The absorptivity of the bar (at 37℃) is a function of the
temperature of incident radiation and a few representative values are given below:
Temp(K) 310 700 1100
α 0.8 0.68 0.52
Estimate the rate of absorption and emission by the metallic bar.
[Ans: 0.42 kW/m²]

8. For the solar collector of Example 3, calculate the energy absorbed in the glass and
the energy transmitted, assuming the emissivity of glass to be 0.3 upto 0.9 above that.
[Ans: 19.8 W/m²]


1. The sun is a spherical mass of extremely hot gases continuously generating heat by
thermonuclear fusion reactions. The energy is radiated from sun in all directions and
a small fraction of it reaches the earth. The orientation of sun and earth is shown in
fig below. On a clear day the solar irradiation on the earth’s surface has been found
to be 1350 W/m². Assuming the sun to be a black body, estimate its surface
[Ans: 5770K or 5440℃]
2. Calculate the shape factor for two rectangular and adjourning areas, A₁ and A₂, at
right angles as shown in fig.

3. Two black square of size 1.0 by 1.0 m are placed parallel to each other at the distance
of 0.4 m. One plate is maintained at a temperature of 900℃ and the other at 400℃.
Find the net exchange of energy due to radiation between the two plates.
[Ans: 39.6 kW]

4. Calculate the shape factor, F₁₄, for the arrangement shown in fig. X
[Ans: 0.04]

5. Calculate the shape factor between an elementary surface dA₁ to a finite rectangular
surface A₂ which are parallel to each other and positioned as shown in Fig

6. Figure depicts a departmental store with a display window. The store is heated by
making the floor a radiating heating panel at 40℃. If the glass window acts as a black
plane at 5℃ and all the other walls and the ceiling act as black planes at 31℃, find
the net exchange between the floor and window and the net heat emitted from the
[Ans:1283 W, 111.4 kW]

7. Compute the shape factor between different surfaces of the configurations as

shown below.
[Ans: 1-A₂/A₁, 0.5, 0.5]
8. Calculate the shape factor of a cylindrical cavity, shown below with respect to itself.
[Ans: 4L/4L+D]

9. If the heat source and sink surfaces of the enclosure shown in the fig are flat and
convex, show that F̅̅̅̅12=A₂-A₁F₁₂²/ A₁+ A₂-2A₁F₁₂.

10. Consider all the walls other than the window and floor of the store described in
Example 8 as a reradiating wall, find the net heat exchange between floor and the
window. Also calculate the equilibrium temperature of the reradiating walls.
[Ans: 311.57 K or 38.57℃]

11. Two circular discs of diameter 20 cm each are placed 2 m apart. Calculate the radiant
heat exchange for these plates if these are maintained at 800℃ and 300℃
respectively and their corresponding emissivities are 0.3 and 0.5.
[Ans: 4.56 W]

12. A brick wall of emissivity 0.8,6 m wide x 4 m high is located at a distance of 4m from
a opening of size 20 cm x 20 cm in a furnace wall. The centre line of the openings
lies 1 m lower and 1 m left of the centre of the wall. If the furnace operates at a
temperature of 1523℃ and the wall temperature is 37℃, calculate the radiant heat
exchange between opening and the wall.
[Ans: 5.4 kW]
13. The possibility of reducing heat loss from a water tank by coating it with aluminium
paint is to be investigated. The tank measures 2 m x 1 m by 1 m high and radiates
heat from the top and also from each side. The surface emissivity and temperature
are 0.9 and 25℃, and the ambient temperature is 2℃. Estimate the heat lost by
radiation from the tank. What is the reduction in heat loss if the tank is coated with
an aluminium paint of emissivity 0.5?
[Ans: 0.89 kW, 0.394 kW]

14. A pipe carrying steam having an outside diameter of 20 cm runs in a large room and
is exposed to air at a temperature of 30℃. The pipe surface temperature is 400℃.
Calculate the loss of heat to the surroundings per metre length of pipe due to
thermal radiation. The emissivity of the pipe surface is 0.8. What would be the loss
of heat due to radiation if the pipe is enclosed in a 40 cm diameter brick conduit of
emissivity 0.91?
[Ans: Q₁₂=5.39 x10³ W/m, 210 W/m²]

15. The surface of a double-walled spherical vessel used for storing liquid oxygen are
converted with a layer of silver having an emissivity of 0.03. The temperature of the
outer surface of the inner wall is -153℃ and the temperature of the inner surface of
the outer wall is 27℃. The spheres are 42 cm and 60 cm in diameter, with the space
between them evacuated. Calculate the radiation heat transfer through the walls
into the vessel and the rate of the evaporation of liquid oxygen if its rate of
vaporisation is 220 kJ/kg.
[Ans: 0.0824 kg/h]

16. Emissivities of two large parallel plates maintained at 800℃ and 300℃ and 0.3 and
0.5 respectively. Find the net radiant heat exchange per square metre for these
[Ans: 15.95 W/m²]

17. A boiler furnace lagged with plate steel is lined with fireclay bricks on the inside. The
temperature of the outer side of the brick setting is 127℃ and the temperature of
the inside of the steel plate is 50℃. Assuming the gap between plate steel and
fireclay bricks to be small compared with the size of the furnace, calculate the loss
of heat per unit area by radiation between the lagging and setting. (ɛ for steel = 0.6,
ɛ for fireclay = 0.8).
[Ans: 435 W/m²]

18. Two parallel plates of size 1.0 m by 1.0 m spaced 0.5 m apart are located in a very
large room, the walls of which are maintained at a temperature of 27℃. One plate
is maintained at a temperature of 900℃ and the other at 400℃. Their emissivities
are 0.2 and 0.5 respectively. If the plates exchange heat between themselves and
surroundings, find the net heat transfer to each plate and to the room. Consider only
the plate surfaces facing each other.
[Ans: 20.6 kW, 0.1 kW, 20.87 kW]

19. For the plates of example 20 find the percentage reduction in a heat transfer when
a polished aluminium radiation shield (ɛ =0.05) is placed between them. Also find
the temperature of the shield.
[Ans: 90%, 641.33℃]

20. Of temperatures, T₁ and T₂ is to be reduced by 79 times. Calculate the number of

screens to be placed between the two surfaces to achieve this reduction in heat
exchange, assuming the emissivity of the screens as 0.05 and that of the surfaces as
[Ans: 3]

21. The outlet header of high-pressure steam super heater consists of a pipe (ɛ=0.8) of
diameter 27.5 cm. Its surface temperature is 500℃. Calculate the loss of heat per
unit length by radiation if it is placed in an enclosure at 30℃. If the header is now
enveloped in a steel screen of diameter 32.5 cm and emissivity 0.7 and the
temperature of the screen is 240℃, find the reduction in heat by radiation due to
the provision of this screen.
[Ans: 13.7 kW/m, 4.95 kW/m]

22. A thermocouple (ɛ=0.6) is used to measure the temperature of exhaust gases

flowing into the room. The ambient temperature of the room is 20℃. If the
thermocouple measures a temperature of 500℃, calculate the error between the
thermocouple temperature and gas temperature. The thermocouple is then
enveloped by radiation shield(ɛ=0.3). Estimate the error between the thermocouple
temperature and the gas temperature with the shielded thermocouple
arrangement, taking the convective heat transfer coefficient to be 0.2 kW/m²K
everywhere in the system.
[Ans:829 K]
23. A pipe carrying steam having an outside diameter of 20 cm runs in a large room, and
is exposed to air at a temperature of 30℃.the pipe surface temperature is 200℃.
Find the heat loss per unit length of the pipe by convection and radiation taking the
emissivity of the pipe surface as 0.88.
[Ans: 1185 kW/m, 734.3 kW/m]

24. If the overall heat transfer coefficient due to convection and radiation for stream
main at 200℃, running in a large room at 30℃is 17.98 W/ m²K, calculate the heat
transfer coefficients due to convection and radiation taking the emissivity of the
pipe surface as 0.8.
[Ans: 6.88 W/m²K]

25. Find the extinct coefficient for radiation passing through a gas layer 50 mm thick if
the spectral intensity of radiation is reduced by 90 percent.
[Ans: 45.96/m]

26. A heating furnace of total surface are 30 m² and volume 10 m³ is maintained at a

temperature of 1000℃ over its entire volume. The total pressure of the combustion
gases in 2 atm, the partial pressure of water vapour is 0.1 atm and that of CO₂ is 0.3
atm. Calculate the emissivity of the gaseous mixture.
[Ans: 0.3136]

27. A flue gas at temperatures, T=950℃, total pressure 1 atm, and containing 10% CO₂
and 4% H₂O, flows over a bank of tubes arranged in an equilateral triangular
arrangement with tubes of 4 mm diameter having longitudinal and cross pitches
each equal to 2D. Assuming the tube surfaces as gray with an emissivity of 0. And at
a uniform temperature T=500℃, determine the net radiation exchange between the
gas and the tube walls. Also calculate the coefficient of heat transfer by radiation.
[Ans: 5188W/m², 11.53 W/ m² ℃]


1. Water is boiled at a rate of 30 kg/h in a copper pan, 30 cm in diameter, at a

atmospheric pressure. Estimate the temperature of the bottom surface of the pan
assuming nucleate boiling condition.
[Ans: 118.52℃]

2. Determine the burnout (peak) heat flux for the condition in Example 1.
[Ans: 1.519 MW/m²]
3. Determine the stable film boiling heat transfer coefficient for the film boiling of
saturated water at atmospheric pressure on an electrically heated 1.6 mm diameter
horizontal platinum wire with a temperature difference of T𝑠-T𝑠𝑎𝑡=255℃. What
would be power dissipated per unit length of the heater?
[Ans: 1.718 kW/m]

4. Calculate the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient for water boiling on a
horizontal tube whose wall temperature is maintained at 10℃ above the saturation
temperature of water. Assume the water to be at a pressure of 10 atm. Determine the
change in value of heat transfer coefficient when (a) the temperature difference in
increased to 20℃ at the pressure of 10 atm and (b) the pressure is raised to raised to
20 atm at ∆Tₑ=10℃.
[Ans: 111.73 kW/m²K, 18.43 kW/m²K]

5. Water at 6 atm flows inside a tube of 2 cm diameter under flow boiling conditions
where the tube wall temperature. Compute the heat transfer for 1 metre length of
[Ans: 2358.7 W/m]

6. Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 2.45 bar condenses on the surface of a vertical
tube of height 1 m. the tube surface temperature is kept at 117℃. Estimate the
thickness of the condensate film and the local heat transfer coefficient at a distance
of 0.2 m from the upper end of the tube.
[Ans: 0.09 mm, 7633 W/m²K]

7. A vertical tube of 50 mm outside diameter and 2 m long exposed to steam at

atmospheric pressure. The outer surface of the tube is maintained at the temperature
of 84℃ by circulating cold water through the tube. Determine the rate of heat transfer
and also the condensate mass flow rate.
[Ans: 28.6 kg/h]
8. A vertical plate 2.8 m high is maintained at 54℃ in the presence of saturated steam at
atmospheric pressure. Estimate the heat transfer rate per unit width.
[Ans: 700.45 kW/m]

9. Dry steam at 100℃ condenses on the outside surface of a horizontal pipe of O.D.=2.5
cm. the pipe surface is maintained at 84℃by circulating water through it. Determine
the rate of formation of the condensate per metre length of the pipe.
[Ans: 21.94 kg/h]

10. A surface condenser was designed for the condensation rate of 50 kg of vapour per
hour. It contained 100, 1 cm outside diameter 1 m long tubes arranged in a 10 x 10
array. The condenser was by mistake installed in a vertical position (tubes vertical)
instead of in horizontal position (tubes horizontal) for which position it was designed.
Would there be any change in the condensate rate?
[Ans: 43.82 kg/h]

1. Water heated to 80℃ flows through a 2.54 cm I.D. and 2.88 cm O.D. steel (k= 50
W/mK) tube. The tube is exposed to an environment which is known to provide an
average convection coefficient of hₒ=3000 W/m²K on the outside of the tube. The
water velocity is 50 cm/s. calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient, based on the
outer area of the pipe.
[Ans: 2591.9 W/m²K]

2. Determine the overall heat transfer rate coefficient Uₒ based on the outer surface of
a 2.54 cm O.D., 2.286 cm I.D. heat exchanger tube (k=102 W/mK), if the heat transfer
coefficients at the inside and outside of the tube are h𝑖=5500 W/m²K and hₒ=3800
W/m²K respectively and the fouling factors are R𝑓ₒ=R𝑓𝑖=0.002 m²WK.
[Ans: 1110 W/m²K]

3. In a double pipe counter flow heat exchanger, 10,000 kg/h of an oil having a specific
heat of 2095 J/kgK is cooled from 80℃ to 50℃ by 8000 kg/hof water entering at
25℃. Determine the heat exchanger area for an overall heat transfer coefficient of
300W/m²K.Take C𝑝 for water as 4180 J/kgK.
[Ans: 19.23 m²]

4. Hot oil with a capacity rate of 2500 W/K flows through a double pipe heat exchanger.
It enters at 360℃ and leaves at 300℃. Cold fluid enters at 30℃ and leaves at 200℃.
If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 800W/m²K, determine the heat exchanger
area required for (a) parallel flow and (b) counter flow.
[Ans: 0.973m², 0.892m²]

5. A counter flow concentric heat exchanger is used to cool engine oil (c=2130 J/kgK)
from 160℃ to 60℃ with water, available at 25℃ as the cooling medium. The flow rate
of cooling water through the inner tube of 0.5m diameter is 2 kg/s while the flow rate
of oil through the outer annulus O.D.=0.7 m is also 2 kg/s. If the value of the overall
heat transfer coefficient is 250W/m²K, how long must the heat exchanger be to meet
its cooling requirement?
[Ans: 19.37 m]
6. Saturated steam at 120℃ is condensing on the outer tube surface of a single pass heat
exchanger. The heat transfer coefficient is Uₒ=1800 W/m²K. Determine the surface
area of a heat exchanger capable of heating 1000 kg/h of water from 20℃ to 90℃.
Also compute the rate of condensation of steam.
[Ans: 133.2 kg/h]
7. Saturated steam at 100℃ is condensing on the shell side of a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger. The cooling water enters the tubes at 30℃ and leaves at 70℃. Calculate
the effective log mean temperature difference if the arrangement is (i) counter flow,
(ii) parallel flow and (iii) cross flow.
[Ans: 47.2⁰ C, 47.2℃, 47.2℃]

8. In a food processing plant water is to be cooled from 18℃ to 6.5℃ by using brine
solution entering at an inlet temperature of -1.1℃ and leaving at 2.9℃. What area is
required when using a shell-and-tube-heat exchanger with the water making one shell
pass and the brine making two tube passes? Assume an average overall heat transfer
coefficient of 850 W/m²K and a design heat load of 6000 W.
[Ans: 0.67 m²]

9. Repeat the Example 8 for two shell passes and four tube passes.
[Ans: 0.656 m²]

10. Estimate the surface area required in a crossflow heat exchanger with both fluids
unmixed for the data of Example 4.
[Ans: 0.91m²]

11. Water at the rate of 4 kg/s is heated from 38²C to 55℃ in a shell-and—tube type heat
exchanger. The water is to flow inside tubes of 2 cm diameter with an average velocity
of 35 cm/s. Hot water available at 95℃and at the rate of 2.0 kg/s is used as the heating
medium on the shell side. If the length of tubes must not be more than 2 m calculate
the number of tube passes, the number of tubes per pass and the length of the tubes
for one pass shell, assuming Uₒ=1500 W/m²K.
[Ans: 36, 2, 1.517m]

12. A refrigerator is designed to cool 250 kg/h of hot liquid of specific heat 3350 J/kg K at
120℃ using a parallel flow arrangement. 1000 kg/h of cooling water is available for
cooling purposes at a temperature of 10℃. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is
1160 W/m²K and the surface area of the heat exchanger is 0.25 m², calculate the outlet
temperatures of the cooled liquid and water and also the effectiveness of the heat
[Ans: 48.94℃, 24.22℃, 0.646]
13. Water enters a counter flow, double pipe heat exchanger at 15℃, flowing at the rate
of 1300 kg/h. It is heated by oil (C𝑝 =2000 J/kgK) flowing at the rate of 550 kg/h from
the inlet temperature of 94℃. For an area of 1 m² and an overall heat transfer
coefficient of 1075 W/m²K, determine the total heat transfer and the outlet
temperature of water and oil.
[Ans: 24138.5W, 22690W, 30℃, 19.74℃]

14. A 1-shell-2-tube pass steam condenser consists of 3000 brass tubes of 20 mm

diameter. Cooling water enters the tubes at 20℃ with a mean flow rate of 3000kg/s.
The heat transfer coefficient for condensation on the outer surfaces of the tubes is
15500 W/m²K. If the heat load of the condenser is 2.3 x 10⁸ W when the steam
condenses at 50℃ determine
(a) The outlet temperature of the cooling water
(b) The overall heat transfer coefficient.
(c) The tube length per pass using the NTU method.
(d) The rate of condensation of steam if ℎ𝑓𝑔=2380 kJ/kg.

[Ans: 38.34℃, 6525.4 W/m²K, 4.08m, 97 kg/s]

15. Water enters a cross flow heat exchanger (both fluids unmixed) at 5℃ and flows at a
rate of 4600 kg/h to cool 4000kg/h of air that is initially at 40℃. Assume the U value
to be 150W/m²K. For an exchanger surface area of 25 m², calculate the exit
temperature of air and water.
[Ans: 7.8℃, 11.8℃]

16. A certain heat exchanger has a total outside area of 15.82 m². It is to be operated for
cooling oil at 110℃ (C𝑝 =1900 J/kgK) flowing at a rate of 170.9kg/min. Water at the
rate of 68 kg/min is available at 35℃ as a cooling agent. If the overall heat transfer
coefficient is 320 W/m²K, calculate the outlet temperatures of oil and water for
counter flow arrangement.
[Ans: 74.9℃, 75.01℃]

17. Water is heated from 20℃ and 50℃ by steam condensing at 120℃. If the water flow
rate remains constant but its inlet temperature drops to 15℃, what will its new outlet
temperature be.
[Ans: 46.5℃]
1. A mixture of O₂ and N₂ with their partial pressures in the ratio 0.21 and 0.79 is in a
container at 25℃. Calculate the molar concentration, the mass density, the mole
fraction and the mass fraction of each species for a total pressure of 1 bar. What
would be the average molecular weight of the mixture?
[Ans: 28.84]

2. Helium diffuses through a plane, plastic membrane 1 mm thick. The concentration of

helium in the membrane is 0.02 k mol/m³ at the inner surface and 0.005 k mol/m³ at
the outer surface. If the binary diffusion coefficient of helium with respect to the
plastic is 10⎺⁹ m²/s, what is the diffusion flux of helium through the plastic?
[Ans: 15 x 10⎺⁹ K mol/sm²]

3. Helium gas at 25℃ and a pressure of 4 bar is stored in a spherical silica container of
100 mm inside diameter and 3mm wall thickness. What is the initial rate of leakage
for the system?
[Ans: -3.57 x 10⎺¹¹ bar/s]

4. O₂ gas at 25℃ and a pressure of 2 bar is flowing through a rubber pipe of inside
diameter 25 mm and wall thickness 2.5 mm. The diffusivity of O₂ through rubber is
0.21 x 10⎺² m²/s and the solubility of O₂ in rubber is 3.12 x 10⎺³ k mol/m³ bar. Find
the loss of O₂ by diffusion per metre length of pipe.
[Ans: 4.52 x 10⎺¹¹ k mol/s]

5. CO₂ and air experience equimolar counter diffusion in a circular tube whose length
and diameter are 1 m and 50 mm respectively. The system is at a total pressure of 1
atm and a temperature of 25⁰𝐶. The ends of the tube are connected to large
chambers in which the species concentrations are maintained at fixed values. The
partial pressures of CO₂ at one end is 190 mm of Hg while at the other end is 95 mm
Hg. Estimate the mass transfer rate of CO₂ and air through the tube.
[Ans: -1.67 x10⎺⁵ kg/h]

6. Estimate the diffusion rate of water at 27℃ from the bottom of a test tube 20 mm in
diameter and 4 cm long in dry air at 27℃. Take the diffusion coefficient of water in
air as 0.26 x 10⎺⁴m²/s.
[Ans: 0.0019 gram per hour]

7. An open pan 20 cm in diameter and 8 cm deep contains water at 25℃ and is exposed
to dry atmospheric air. If the rate of diffusion of water vapour is 8.54 x 10⎺⁴ kg/h
estimate the diffusion coefficient of water in air.
[Ans: 0.259 x 10⎺⁴ m²/s]
8. The case hardening of low carbon steel is done by the process of carburization at high
temperature that depends upon the transfer of carbon by diffusion. If the process is
effected at 1000℃ and a carbon mole fraction is 0.02 is maintained at the surface of
the vessel, estimate the time required to elevate the carbon content of steel from an
initial value of 0.04 per cent to a value of 1.2 per cent at a depth of 1 mm. the
diffusivity of carbon in steel at 1000℃ is 6 x10⎺¹⁰ m²/s.
[Ans: 1806.25s.]


1. A solid naphthalene cylinder with a determine of 25mm when exposed to a air stream,
sublimes at a rate of 2 x 10⎺⁶ kg/s per metre length of the cylinder. If the saturated
vapour concentration of naphthalene is 6 x 10⎺⁶ kmol/m³ calculate the convection
mass transfer coefficient. The ⁰molecular weight of naphthalene is 128 kg/kmol.
[Ans: 0.033m/s]

2. The partial pressure distribution of water vapour at a certain location of a water

reservoir is given by p𝐴=e⎺³³˙³⁵ʸ―0.9(atm), where y is the distance from the surface
in metres. Calculate the local mass transfer coefficient assuming the concentration
boundary layer thickness of 2.5 mm.
[Ans: 0.0111 m/s]

3. Dry air at 27℃ and 1 atm flows over a wet plate 50 cm long and at a velocity of 50
m/s. Calculate mass transfer coefficient of water vapour in air at the end of the plate.
[Ans: 0.119 m/s]

4. The water in a 5 m x 15 m outdoor swimming pool is maintained at a temperature of

27℃. The average ambient temperature and relative humidity are 27℃ and 40%
respectively. Assuming a wild speed of 2 m/s in the direction of long side of the pool
estimate the heat transfer coefficient for the evaporation of water from the pool
[Ans: 4.4 x 10⎺³ m/s]

5. Air at 25℃ and atmospheric pressure flows with a velocity of 3 m/s inside at 10 mm
diameter tube of 1 metre length. The inside surface of the tube contains a deposit of
naphthalene. Determine the average mass transfer coefficient for the transfer of
naphthalene from the pipe surface into the air.
[Ans: 0.0027 m/s]
6. Air at 25℃ and atmospheric pressure, containing small quantities of iodine flows with
a velocity of 5 m/s inside a 3 cm inner diameter tube. Determine the mass transfer
coefficient from the air stream to the wall surface. Assume Dᴀв(iodine-air )= 0.82 x
10⎺⁵ m²/s.
[Ans: 0.0119 m/s]

7. An earthenware pool cools water by keeping the outside surface wet with a volatile
liquid of molecular weight 100 kg/k mol. If this pot is placed in a dry ambient air at
40℃ with heat and mass transfer occurring any forced convection, what is the steady
state temperature of the cold water inside the pot? Take the latent heat of
vaporisation of volatile liquid= 120kJ/kg, its saturated vapour pressure=3530 N/m²
and Dᴀв=0.20 x 10⎺⁴ m²/s.
[Ans: 26.5℃]

8. The temperature of the airstream is to be measured, but the thermometer available

does not have a sufficiently high range. Accordingly, a damp cover is wrapped around
the thermometer before it is placed in the air stream. The thermometer reading is
22℃. Estimate the true air temperature assuming it is dry at atmospheric pressure.
[Ans: 61.03℃]

9. If the air stream in Example 8 is at 50℃ while the wet bulb temperature is still 22℃
estimate the relative humidity of the airstream.
[Ans: 7.83%]

10. The dry bulb and wet bulb temperature recorded by a thermometer in moist air are
27℃ and 17℃ respectively. Determine the relative humidity of air assuming the
following values:
Pr=0.74, Sc=0.6, Mv=18,
Mₐ=29, C𝑝 =1.004 kJ/kgK
p=1.0132 x 10⁵ N/m
[Ans: 0.000728 kg/kg of air]

11. For the conditions described in Example 4 estimate the rate of evaporation of water
from swimming pool in kg/day.
[Ans: 231.1 kg/day]

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