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C ‘One-Suor AovenTones >) MOTHER KNOWS BEST Oo ees WHEN THE PARTY IS ASKED TO DO A FAVOR FOR A MEMBER OF THEIR OWN FAMILY, IT’S A RACE AGAINST TIME (AND A GROUP OF CULTISTS SET ON STOPPING THEM). Aw ADVENTURE SUITABLE For LEVELS 4-6 The party encounters an NPC that’s close to cone of their own—a player character's mother (GM’s choice). The PC's mother insists they help her gather three objects, the TWwinned ‘Triad, by the following night. A sort of scavenger hunt ensues, with the players running around town to acquire the objects. But once these items begin to find their way into the party's possession, a number of cultists attempt to gather them as well—leading toa confrontation with a cult of demon worshippers hoping to summon their master from another plane. SETTING UP First, choose one member of the party to serve as the adventure’s narrative hook. They will be on the receiving end ofan important sending spel from their mother (referred to as “Mother” hereafter, but you should use ‘whatever name is appropriate based on your player's backstory). Secondly, fits your first session, determine how your party knows one another by using the Party Makeup Maker (pg. 250). Next, roll on the Cultist Clash table (opposite page) to determine the primary foes your party will be facing off against in this adventure. Finally, the low of events in this adventure is determined as much by your party's choices as by chance. Start by rolling twice on the Random Taverns & Inns table (pg. 245). The first location s where Mother will meet the party and share her concerns, The second location will be home to the Mug of Retention, an object the party seeks. Roll on the Random ‘Shops & Guilds table (pg. 245) to find the location of the Scarf of Resolve, and roll on the Random ‘Temples table (pg. 245) to determine the location of the Ashes of the ‘Near Undying—a location that should not be revealed until Part 4of this adventure, Finally rollon the Random Residences table (pg, 245) to determine the home beneath which the cultists meet. Part 1: BLast FRoM THE Past To kick things off for this adventure, allow the party to settle in and then explain that a member of the party, is hearing a voice in the back of their head—a soft yet familiar voice, which speaks with a specific and recognizable tone: fear. Suddenly, you hear avoice in the back of your head. A familiarvoice, even ifit’s one you haverit heard ina while: Your mother's voice.“Hello, my child Apologies for not meeting in person. Ineed your help. Meet me at [Random Tavern] before nightfall andl explain” If the party member decides not to follow up on this voice, Mother will eventually come to them face-to-face in any setting you choose. Once the players meet up with Mother, she quietly ushers them to a dark corner of the bar. After the necessary pleasantries, Mother explains the reason for their meeting: she’ a trained arcane spy (which might be news to her child), concerned with the rise ofa local cult and the lengths to which they'l go to summon their master (see: Cultist Clash table) to the Prime Material Plane. “For months I've been tracking the rise ofan underground cult, an ill-informed band of zealots ‘many in my circle felt were too small-time to worry about. They were wrong, The cultists have discovered a ritual called the Twinned Triad, which exploits the transitive properties of enchanted. ‘magic to create a physical link to their master. It's a shorteut—planar magic for those who lack true spark for the arcane—but it’s nonetheless effective: Encounter Variant: The Cultist Clash ‘The cultists pursuing the Twinned Triad have been. ‘imbued with power through their devotion and meticulous study. Roll 146 to determine who they serve and how it affeets them. 146 Whom do the cultists serve? Undarosh the Unclean. Melee and ranged + weapon attacks deal an extra 146 acid damage. 4 Mishtath the Flame Kissed. Melee and ranged weapon attacks deal an extra 1c6 fire damage 4 Argosh the Storm Bringer. Melee and ranged ‘weapon attacks deal an extra 106 force damage. 44 Cansdorath the chill Touched. Melee and ranged weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 cold damage. 15 Gambon the Dream stalker. Melee and ranged weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 psychic damage. ¢ _ Malcore the Flesh Corruptor. Melee and ranged ‘weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. ‘Mother goes on to explain the Twinned ‘Triad can be performed with three unique items, all of which can be found within the city limits: THE MUG OF RETENTION. A large stein that, once filled, never needs refilling, the mug becomes a powerful vvessel when used in blood magic—capable of producing the ichor ofa thousand ereatures from just a few pints of ‘the real stuff THE SCARF OF RESOLVE. This luxurious artifact allows the wearer to stand firm in the face of fearsome or intimidating foes, a useful tool when trying to beckon a demon into existence, ASHES OF THE NEAR UNDYING. These ashes are all that remains of a would-be lich—but through a singular blood rite, they can be transmuted into the corporeal form of a demigod. The location of the ashes is unknown. ‘Mother is certain she'll hear back from one of her contacts, before dawn and will contact the party as soon as she hears something, Mother shares the location of the frst two items, then explains she needs help acquiring them and doesn't want to be seen anywhere near them or ese her cover will be blown. The party can choose whatever order they'd like to acquire the items—assuming they want to help at all. GM Nore ‘The order in which players attempt to collect the listed artifacts is entirely up to them, but the events detailed in Parts 2 and 3 should transpire as they are en route to the locations where the items are being held, Both items have their own associated challenges, with details starting on pg, 27. Part 2: OBTAINING ITEM 1 ‘As the players travel along the streets and back alleys to get to their determined location, a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a pair of shadowy figures (two cultists) observing them from the rooftops, who vanish almost as quickly as they appeared (via misty step). Once the party arrives at their destination, follow the encounter associated with the respective item being. pursued, as detailed at the end of this chapter under the listed item, Part 3: OBTAINING ITEM 2 ‘As the party travels tothe location where the second item ‘was last seen, a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals there are fou fgures-—three cultists and one assassin— observing the party from the rooftops. These shadowy figures will not attack unless provoked. Their chief aim is to steal Item 1 from whomever is carzying it,and in lieu ofan attack they may instead choose an Intelligence (Investigation) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) cheek to Tocate and aequire the item. Ofcourse it fairly easy to steal something off a dead body. Ifthe cultists acquire Item, 1or fel the fight is no longer in their favor, they will flee in diferent directions using their dash action and misty step unless they are captured or killed. In the event of an interrogation, they wil scoff and sneer as they reveal the truth: They wish to bring about the rise of their patron, Everything else is secondary, including coin, laws and lives. Once the party arrives at their destination, follow the encounter associated with the respective item being pursued, as detailed at the end of this chapter under the listed item, Part 4: A TIMELY MESSAGE ‘After obtaining Item 2, Mother sends another sending spell message to her child. “Ive found it, but they/ve found me. The ashes are located at insert Random Temple). Hurry" ‘The temple named is approximately five minutes away by foot, or two minutes in a dead sprint. But as soon as the party decides to make their way to the stated location, they find themselves under attack from the rooftops above by one mage, one cult fanatic, one assassin and three cultists, These attacks count as a surprise round at GM discretion, On their turn, the mage will stay hidden, casting ‘major image to conjure a horrifying beast in the mold of their patron in the alley below. Its main function is to slow the party down and distract them from pursuing the final item. Itshould snarl and growl and make ‘Tae Ganer Masran’s Book oF Ranbow ENcounrens 25 C ‘Oni Snor ApvEnrURe attacks that miss. It can be discovered as a ruse via a DC17 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Ifthe image is discovered, or after five rounds, the mage will use a dimension door scroll to flee from the fray, ending the illusion, The assassin should immediately race to the location of the ashes, using her movement, action and bonus action, unless unable to do so. She ean also use misty step. ‘The cultists and cult fanatic should attack from the rooftops, unless it’s deemed advantageous for them to ‘move to street level. Ifthe fight looks like it’ no longer in their favor, they will retreat. GM Nore Ifplayers choose not to engage with the cultists and the illusory creature and instead run to the location where Item 3 is being held, they/ll find itwithout much trouble, but they'll be attacked on their way out of the location by the same group of people. The cultists’ goal will be to steal the ashes and retreat, Part 5: Rack For THE ASHES If the players engaged with the cultists before running to this temple, when they arrive they'll ind it ransacked with no sign of the ashes. An attendant acolyte will explain how they were threatened by a ‘menacing figure (the assassin) and they gave up the ashes to save their hide, At this point, the party receives another sending spell from Mother, who informs them she is being. held against her will. She shares the location—a cult ‘meeting room in the basement of a nearby building. The cultists are willing to make an exchange: her life for the item(s) the party possesses. This meeting is to take place in nine hours or under cover of darkness (whichever offers more time). Ifthe party is not in possession of any of the items, the sending spell can arrive as a call for help from Mother, who explains she doesn't have a lot of time but knows where she’s being held captive and is desperate for the party's help. She indicates the ritual will begin soon. Part 6: CULT OF PERSONALITY ‘The Cultist Meeting Room can be accessed from above or below (see pg. 29). Within the inner chamber, the cultists await (less the number the party may have detained or Iilled) In total, the cult has sx cultists, one cult fanatic, one assassin and one cult mage. Their goal isto exchange ‘Mother for the ritual elements in the party's possession. If the cultists possess the ritual elements as well as Mother, the party is here fora reseue, not to parlay. In either circumstance, the following is true: The Ritual of the Twinned Triad involves wearing, the Scarf of Resolve and mixing the Ashes of the Near Undying with the warm blood of a freshly gutted human. within the Mug of Retention. The mug is then tipped over, and the ashes and ichor flow freely, filling the floor of the cultists’ inner sanctum. Within moments, as the cultists chant, the blood begins to flow and form into a demon of immense power. Atleast, that's what it said in the manual. If summoned, the demon is as likely to turn on the cultists as itis to attack the party. GM Note The cultists will stop at nothing to complete this ritual. Itis their chief aim. Ifthe party interferes, the cultists will do all they ean to defeat them, but would sooner kill a member of their own side ifit meant the ritual could start a little sooner. Assuming chaos breaks out in this meeting room (and it undoubtedly will), default toacult member killing another to start the ritual in earnest. Encounter Variant (Optional) Your Mother Should Know Roll 146 on the table below to determine the truth about Mother's involvement in this ritual 146 Mother. is actually the head cultist and has been using the party torun low-level errands while training up her own team. She ust needs to sacrifice her child for the ritual to be complete, will be transformed into a demon as part 2 of the ritual but still maintains her own consciousness—turning on the cultists. .is an entry-level cultst who uses suggestion (0€.14) to convince her child to join them. will be killed by the ritual and is beyond 4 resurrection magic because the ritual was so il conceived 5 _~=willfight alongside the party as a level 10 mage. ¢ _lSnot “Mother” at all and never has been. Instead she's 2 doppleganger impersonating her. Part 7: THE AFTERMATH Ifthe party survives the meeting in the cults inner sanctum, the following can be found among the cultists, in addition tothe Mug of Retention and the Scarf of Resolve + Correspondence explaining the cult’s aim as well as step-by-step instructions for performing the ‘Twinned Triad * Abroken locket + Alist of the party's names, with a circle around ‘Mother's child’s name + A+1 magical dagger adorned with ritualistic runes += Three misty step spell serolls IreEM ENCOUNTERS Each item associated with the ‘TWinned Iviad is being held in a random location, When your party chooses which item to pursue, use the text outlined below. RETRIEVING THE MuG oF RETENTION ‘The mug is being held at a random bar as determined by your second roll on the Random ‘Iaverns & Inns table (pg. 245). Once the party arrives, read the text below: Asyou arive, the patrons in this establishment are goingatit. The bartenders cowering in the corner, As one customer lands a knock-out blow, a grey, rnon-corporeal form rises out ofthe battered body. The bar is being menaced by two ghosts—one of which vill try to possess a member of the party immediately ‘upon arrival. On a suecess, the newly possessed ereature begins to pursue the customer that landed the knockout blow, while the rest of the customers flee the bar in fear, Ifthe possessed form lands an attack on the patron its attacking, another ghost will rise out of that body and attempt to possess another creature within range. If no target is in range, the ghost disappears, but will endeavor to possess another physical form including party members—at GM discretion. If the party asks the Dartender about the Mug of Retention they've been sent to receive, he says he'll happily give it to them if they can get these ghosts to leave his bar. Ifthe party is successful in ridding the bar of atleast one of the ghosts, the bartender produces the Mug of Retention, Ifthe party destroys both ghosts, the bartender will also offer them coin to the tune of 1Ogp each, oe NPC Profile Mate and Murr Matters, GHOSTLY TWINS ‘The ghosts areidentical twin brothers, Mate and Mutt Matters, who Killed each other during abarfight100 years ago on this very day and have arrived atthescene oftheir death to settle the score, Neither wil stop ‘menacing this space until the otheris gone fr good. The ‘Ghosts can speak, and may communicate as much oras little oftheirown backstory asyou deste. Ifthe party kills ‘one ofthe ghosts, they can attempt toconvincetthe other tojointhem onthe quest with a Charisma (Persuasion) check (C20) Encounter Variant (Optional) Roll 146 to determine why these ghosts are so angry. 16 Mutt and Mat 1 ..both loved the same lass, named Marsha, insisted it was the other's tur to pay the tab, sisagree about whois more mighty both believe the other cheated at a drinking competition. both believe the other got a larger inheritance. simply love fighting for fun, but thei last battle ‘obviously got out of hand, RETRIEVING THE Scar¥ oF RE ‘The Scarf of Resolve is being held at a location determined by a roll on the Random Shops & Guilds table (pg. 245). Once the party arrives at the determined location, the party encounters the shopkeeper, who is wearing the Scarf of Retention and is absolutely obstinate in their unwillingness to part with it. In fact, the scarf itself is part of the reason they are so steadfast, No amount of gold will convince the shopkeeper to part with the item, an item they continue to explain is a family heirloom of priceless value. If the party persists, roll on the Random Demands table below to determine what the shopkeeper desires in exchange, or afler another demand at GM discretion. Variant Encounter (Optional) Random Demands Roll 146 to determine what the shopkeeper hopes to receive from the party in exchange for the Scarf of Resolve, 1d6 The shopkeeper asks for.. 1.2 humanoid foot. 2_..a comparable magical item. 4g brand-new songin their name and performed ‘on the spot, 4 ..a beloved weapon 5 6 1a level 4 or higher spell scroll, 1 dragon's tooth, If the party is unable to convince the shopkeeper to hand over the item and refuses to give in to their demands, a magical darkness descends on the space and when it lifts, the scarf is gone. ‘Tix Gaate Masen’s Box or Ranpos Excounrens 27 BU OAL) ag Variant Encounter (Optional) Roll 1d6 to determine what mishaps and mayhem await the party in this space. 1d6_ The party sees... +8 group of 2d4 cultists and one cut fanatic 1. assembled in the Welcome Area while they await entry nto the Ritual Chamber. .1d6 cultists arguing with another 1d6 cultists, 2 _asplinter group ofthe original cult. Both groups claim rightful ownership of the space. one cult fanatic sitting in the Welcome Arca, 3 two and a half hours early for his cult meeting. :2d4 cultists and one cult fanatic fleeing __ theRitual Chamber in horror at what they've summoned. (Rollon the Sad Summoning Table at right to determine what plagues them) the Ritual Chamber filled withthe dead bodies 5 of 2d4 cultists, with large claw marks leading away from the Summoning Circle. _2dé cultists and one cult fanatic working to summon something within the Ritual Chamber. They canbe heard through the large door, but i'sbarred (AC10,30HP), C Owe-Snort ApvENTURE ) qncye ye ING Room Hidden away beneath a forgotten basement in a nondescript building in a quiet part of town is a space where those who wish to better themselves through the application of dark rites and forbidden incantations ccan meet to discuss the matters of the day, share a bite to eat and take a crack at summoning a foree that might spell the end of the world. What this discrete gathering space lacks in decor, it makes up for in hospitality and appeals to denizens of the nine hells. Part rec room, part ritual circle, all evil. ENTRAN! AND Exr’ A set of stairs (1) from the building above leads into a sort of foyer, adorned with sensible, slightly mismatched sofas and chairs. Opposite the stairs is a somewhat obscured stone door, observed with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, which leads to the tunnels beneath the town (2). A panel within the summoning chamber (3) is illusory (DC 20) and can be walked directly through—leading to a separate tunnel exit for a quick escape. WELCOME AREA Asmall but homey receiving room (4) isthe frst sight ‘most who enter this space encounter. Styled for quiet socializing beyond the main chamber, the Weleome Area was envisioned as a place to engage in the nearly ‘universal rituals of chitchat and small talk before focusing, ‘on the task at hand—in this ease usually summoning some sort of awakened evil. Lumpy but comfortable pieces of furniture are the main fixtures of the room, and the stone wall features several hooks for hanging covenant robes in a way that prevents stubborn wrinkles. ‘The walls are lined with bookshelves and feature a few tomes on summoning, demon worship and gardening, all missing a few key pages, Rirva CHAMBER Torches and numerous candle pillars warmly light this heptagonal space (5), which feels about 10 degrees cooler than the Weleome Area. A circle of ancient sigils somewhat amateurishly carved into the stone floor slows dim in the center of the room and is surrounded by a ring of chairs. A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the sigils are specific to summoning magic, with a DC 20 revealing that two of the sigils are out of order, ‘meaning no matter what the cultists seek to summon here they'll never be fully successful—the object of their ritual will always appear somewhat strange, not quite formed or with a temperament that seems anathema to their subjects’ aims. Ifa summoning ritual is performed in this space, roll on the Sad Summoning table to determine the end result of the attempt. Sad Summoning Table Choose a demon suitable for your party’s level, then roll 148 and, if necessary, on the Cult Caveat table below to determine the result ofthe summoning ritual. 1d8__ The attempt to summon a dark entit 1 alls. 2-4 succeeds, with three caveats 5-7 _..succeeds, with two caveats. 8 ..succeeds, with one caveat. Cult Caveat Table Roll 1420 for every caveat as determined by the Sad. ‘Summoning table, 1420. The entity. 1 _..appears in the physical form of a baby goat. isa complete pacifist. «nis easily distracted. hhas 12 total hit points. must communicate through song, has intelligence. wis missing all its limbs, _tacks the ability to hear. js unable to see. only wants to go to the pub. 11 is afraid of humanoids. 12 inside out and vulnerable to all damage. 13 incredibly groggy, as in the slow spell. 14 refuses to move. 15 thinks the summoners areits foes, 16 .takes half the damage itinfl 17 _..has arms for teeth and mouths for hands. 18 floats ike a balloon, as inthe levitate spell «is laughing hysterically and can’t stop. 20 ..has 0 Charisma, ‘Tur Gants Mastin’s Box or Ranpom ENcounrzas 29 C ‘Oni Snor Apvenronns Important NPCs ‘Useful information about the key characters in this adventure, AIINPCS listed speak Common. They can speak any other languages at GM discretion, Mott anp Marte Matrers ‘Matin undead, chatieneatrak ‘Mutt and Mate Matters are proud, violent dwarven warriors ‘nd brothers who killed eachother during bar fight 100 ‘Years ago. They are now haunting the sit oftheir death in an effort to ithe fight. ) ey Dark Mace Mediu mand (any race lf eit ‘This individuals seeking to raise a dark entity, and wl ‘ase any areane meant a their disposal inorder to minke i ‘ransporation wo thi plane a reali. Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) HitPoints 10 Speed 30, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA u on 10 @ 6) 6) Go ‘Armor Clase 11 Hit Pointe 46 Speed of fly 40 A. chover) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 0 ag 7 @ CD 6) Go GD) G3) Damage Resistances Acid Fire, Lightning, Thunder; ‘Bludgeoning Piercing atid Slashing from Nonmagieal Attacks Damage Immunities Cold, Neerotc, Poison Condition Immunities Charmed, Fxhauston, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Peteifed, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained Senses Darlvision 60M, Pusive Perepiion 11 Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 into the Ehereal Plane when itis on the Material Plane, and vice versa Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through other features and objets a if they were dificult tera, Takes 5 (1d10) free damage ft ends ts turn inside an object ‘Actions Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 tit reach 5 A, one target: Hits 17 (4d6 ~3) necrotic damage. Bthereatneas, Te ghost eaters the Etuereal Pane from the ‘Material Plane or vie versa. Itis visible onthe Material Plane while sin the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yett ‘an' affect or be affected by anything on the other plane Hrorrifying Vieuge. Fach nox-undead creature within 60% ofthe got tat ean see it must sucoved on a DC13 Wisdom Saving throw orbefightened for minute. I the save falls by Sor more, the target also ages Ids 10 years. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of ach of ts tuts ending the frightened condition on tse on a success. fa target’ stving throw is sucessful or the effect ends fr ‘the target is immune to this ghosts Horiying Visage for the ‘pet 24 hours. The aging effect ean be reversed with a greater ‘eatoration spel but only within 24 hours of oceunrng, Possession. (Recharge 6), One humanoid thatthe ghost an sce within 5 & of trmist ucceed on t DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be possessed bythe gost the ghost then disappears, and the targets incapacitate and loses entra of ts body ‘The host now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of rarenes The ghost can't be targeted by any attack, spell forother elect, except one that tam undead, and ie retains ite ‘ligament, Inteligenc, Wisdom, Charisma and irumunity 0 being charmed and frightened It otherwise uses the possessed targets statistics, but does gain access to the targets mowed, clase features or proiienies ‘The Postession lasts until the bods drops oO bit points, the gos ends it asa bonus action ofthe ghost is tamed for foeed ot by an fleet ike the diapel evil and good spel, When the possession endl, the ghost reappears in fn unoceupied space within 6M ofthe body. The target {simmune to ths ghosts Possession for 24 hours afer succeeding on the saving throw or after the Possession ends. Saving Throws Int +5, Wis-4 Skills Areana 6, History +5 ‘Senses Pusive Perception 1 Spelleastng, The mage sa 6ivleve spalleaste splleating abit is Ineligence (spell save DC 1, +5 obit with spell attacks). The mage has the following wizard spel prepared: Cantrips at wil) fire Bl, ight, mage Band, prestidigitation ‘ist evel slots): detect mage, mae armor, magle mise, shield * and level (8 slots): misty tp, suggestion + Sr level (2 slots): counterapll fireball, major image Actions Dagger. Mele Weapon Attack: +5 bit reach 5, one target. Hit (1d6+ 2) piercing damage + 1d6 variant damage as ‘tablished on the able on py 25. Dagger. Ranged Weapon Atack: +5 to hit reach 20/60 ‘Rone target Hit: (246 2) piercing damage + 146 variant

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