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Original Article

Patient compliance with Hawley retainers fitted with the SMARTH sensor:
A prospective clinical pilot study
Paul Hyuna; Charles Brian Prestonb; Thikriat S. Al-Jewairc; Eunhae Park-Hyund; Sawsan Tabbaae

Objective: To evaluate the compliance of patients while wearing maxillary Hawley retainers
embedded with SMART microsensors.
Methods: The sample population consisted of 22 patients who were divided into an experimental
(group A) and a control group (group B). Group A was informed that they would be monitored
through the use of SMART microsensors, while group B was not informed that they would be
monitored. After the delivery of the retainers (T0), the patients were evaluated at T1 and T2,
represented by 6- and 12-week follow-up visits, respectively. At T1, group B was informed of our
ability to monitor their compliance. Both groups continued wearing their retainers during T1 to T2.
Results: During T0–T1, Group A wore their retainers for an average of 16.3 hours (SD 4.39), while
group B wore their appliances for an average of 10.6 hours (SD 5.36, t 5 2.426, P 5 .027).
Although group B increased their retainer wear by 0.5 hours/day from T1 to T2, this increase was
not statistically significant.
Conclusions: Despite significant differences being noted between the two groups at T1, group B
did not show significant mean changes in their wear time before and after becoming aware of the
use of the SMART microsensor. (Angle Orthod. 2015;85:263–269.)
KEY WORDS: Hawley retainer; Wearing times; Compliance; Microsensors

INTRODUCTION cooperation. Patient compliance while wearing ortho-

dontic retention appliances is of particular importance
With the advent of modern orthodontics, noteworthy
since the oral soft tissues can take considerable time
improvements have been made in the design of
to adapt to the orthodontically attained positions of the
orthodontic appliances and in their application. Despite
teeth.1 It appears that conscientious retainer wear is
the positive evolution made in orthodontic appliance
particularly important during the first year following
design, it remains true that success during ortho-
active orthodontic treatment.2
dontic treatment relies to a large extent on patient
Protocols of postorthodontic treatment retention and
Postgraduate Orthodontic Resident, State University of New more specifically the duration of the retention phase
York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. have been debated extensively in the orthodontic
Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthodontics,
literature.3–7 Some practices require that patients wear
School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York at
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. their removable retainers ‘‘full-time’’ for the first
Adjunct Research Associate, Department of Orthodontics, 6 months after debonding, followed by a period during
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, and which the appliance wear is restricted to nighttime
Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, only.8 It has also been recommended that retainers
University of Dammam, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Private practice, Buffalo, NY.
be worn ‘‘part-time’’ for as long as a patient has the
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, State potential for growth.7 The ultimate success of any
University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. retention protocol relies greatly on patient coopera-
Corresponding author: Dr Thikriat Al-Jewair, State University tion, which at its best is somewhat suspect.9 Patient
of New York at Buffalo, Department of Orthodontics, 140 Squire feedback regarding compliance with retainer wear
Hall, 3435 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14214 USA
(e-mail: tends to be subjective and difficult to translate into
objective raw data. With the development of micro-
Accepted: April 2014. Submitted: March 2014.
Published Online: May 28, 2014
sensors that make it possible to record the duration of
G 2015 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, retainer wear, it may become possible to monitor this
Inc. aspect of patient compliance.

DOI: 10.2319/030814-163.1 263 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 2, 2015


The idea of measuring compliance in appliance inclusion criteria were invited to participate in the study
wear originated approximately 40 years ago.10 Due to and they were recruited continuously.
their bulkiness as well as their complexity, the original Twenty-two subjects fulfilled the inclusion criteria for
recorders aimed at measuring the time of appliance this study. By using a random number system, the
wear did not survive for long.10–13 Accuracy and recruited sample was split into two equal groups (A
practicality presented the chief barriers that prevented and B): group A (treatment group) was informed that
recording sensors from being utilized during routine they would be monitored through the usage of the
orthodontic treatment. Presently, the literature indi- SMART microsensor; group B (control group) was not
cates that two new sensors, the SMART14 and informed that they had the microsensor present in their
the TheraMon15 microsensors, may be able to record retainers. All of the maxillary Hawley retainers fitted in
aspects of compliance in orthodontic patients. The the two groups contained the SMART microproces-
manufacturers of both microsensors state that their sors, and they were manufactured by the same
recorders monitor the oral environment through tem- company and to the same standards (Great Lakes
perature, store the data in an encrypted form, and then Orthodontics, Buffalo, NY). The retainers were deliv-
allow a provider to upload the information wirelessly ered to the patients at the T0 time point. Patients
into a computer for further analysis. were then evaluated at T1 and T2, 6 and 12 weeks,
Only one clinical study focused on the SMART respectively, following the delivery of the retainers. At
microsensor,9 while three studies reported on findings T0, one investigator gave both groups verbal instruc-
obtained with the TheraMon sensor.16–18 Ackerman tions on what constituted an ideal retention protocol
and Thornton9 used the SMART microsensor in a then delivered a written form with the appropriate
short-term randomized clinical trial that compared a retention instructions to each patient. The retention
group that was aware of the microsensor with one that protocol required the patients to wear the maxillary
was blinded to it. They concluded that the aware group Hawley retainers ‘‘full time’’ for the first 3 months after
wore the retainer on average 2.3 hours per day more debonding. ‘‘Full time’’ compliance was defined as
than the unaware group. This finding was statistically wearing the retainer at all times, and only removing it
significant. Additional studies are required to deter- while eating, tooth brushing, or while taking part in
mine if the SMART microsensor increases patient contact sports. It was estimated that this constituted
compliance with the wear of removable retainers. about 19 hours a day of appliance wear. Patient-to-
The first aim of this study was to measure patient patient interaction was avoided to prevent communi-
compliance with the wear of a maxillary Hawley cation with one another regarding the presence of the
retainer fitted with the SMART microsensor. One SMART microsensor.
group of subjects was made aware of the presence The SMART microsensor has a built-in clock circuit
of the sensors while, for the first part of the study, the that resonates at a frequency of 32,768 Hz over
second group was blinded to the fact. The null temperatures ranging from 240uF to 185uF. It records
hypothesis stated that there would be no differences the time of the day and corrects for 28-, 29-, 30-, and
between the two groups in the time of appliance wear. 31-day months.14 According to the manufacturer, their
The second aim was to explore the change in retainer product has a lifespan estimated to be approximately
wear time in the control group by repeating the 18 months. The software program that accompanies
monitoring phase after they were informed of the the microprocessor was designed to allow both the
presence of the SMART microsensor. The null provider and the patient to visualize the usage of the
hypothesis for this part of the study predicted that retainer.15
there would be no difference in retainer usage At T1, the SMART system reader was used to scan
before and after being informed of the presence of the SMART microsensors located in the retainers
the sensor. of both groups A and B. The data were uploaded into
the proprietary computer software provided by
SMART. The data obtained at T1 was used by a
single investigator to ascertain how diligently the
After receiving approval from the University at subjects in groups A and B had worn the orthodontic
Buffalo Institutional Review Board, patients from the retainer appliances. The subjects of both groups were
University at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine, then asked to complete a five-item questionnaire
Orthodontic Clinic were recruited for this pilot study (Table 2) regarding their overall experience and
between February 2012 and February 2013, based on comfort with their retainers.
specific inclusion and exclusion criteria as shown in During the T1 appointment, the subjects in the
Table 1. Following the completion of their fixed control group (group B) were made aware of the fact
orthodontic treatment, the patients who satisfied the that their retainers were equipped with SMART

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 2, 2015


Table 1. Sample Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
(1) Subject age is between 14 and 17.6 years (1) Craniofacial and/or dentofacial syndromes
(2) Retention treatment plan is maxillary Hawley retainer (2) Early orthodontic treatment (Phase 1)
(3) Acceptable alignment of maxillary anterior teeth with no teeth missing (3) Patients who turned 18 years old during the recording phase
(4) Language of the subject is English of the study (T2)
(5) Written informed consent including a HIPAA authorization signed by
the patient’s parent/legal guardian prior to the start of the study

microsensors that made it possible to record for how Statistical Analysis

long they had worn their appliances. The patients of
Data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows
both groups were once more instructed in the same
version 20 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill). Descriptive
retention protocol that was provided at T0. It was now
statistics were calculated for each variable. Two
possible to monitor the compliance of the subjects in
sample t-tests were used to compare groups A and
the original control group (group B) in response to the
B at T1. The paired t-test was used to compare the
knowledge that their retainers contained a micropro-
retainer wear times within the groups at T1–T2. Chi-
cessor. In essence, the control group of patients acted square test was used to analyze categorical variables.
as their own controls during this second part of the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to assess the
study. Four of the 22 subjects were lost from the study relation between the retainer wear times and other
due to sensors that became faulty during the T0 to variables. Significance levels were set at .05.
T1 phase of the study, and only the data of the 18
remaining patients were analyzed. RESULTS
At the T2 time points, the microprocessors in the
appliances of both groups were scanned again to gain Group A consisted of nine patients, of whom eight
insight into the further compliance of the subjects had usable recording data. Group B consisted of 13
included in this study. It was of particular interest to patients, of whom 10 had usable recording data,
determine whether the Group B subjects modified their (Table 3). The mean age of the subjects in group B
appliance wear routine in response to being made was slightly higher than that noted for group A (t-test,
aware of the presence of the microprocessors. P 5 .397). Although the sample size was not optimal
Informed consent was obtained from the subjects in for a chi-square test, there was no evidence that the
the groups A and B and their parents/guardians at the test groups were unbalanced with respect to gender
time of the removal of the fixed orthodontic appliances (P 5 .914). The average treatment time for group B
(T0). Group B subjects were informed they were (35.50 months, SD 13.575) was 9 months longer
enrolling in a study on compliance with retainer wear, than for group A (26.75 months, SD 5.497), but the
but no mention of the sensor was given. Due to the difference was not statistically significant (Table 4).
blinding involved with this group, an additional The standard deviation of the treatment time for group B
informed consent with full disclosure of the sensors was nearly 2.5 times larger than that of group A. As a
was required and obtained at T1. result, the modified t-test that does not require homo-
geneity of variances was used to evaluate the difference
Additional data were obtained from the patients’
in duration of treatment time. The outcome was still a
treatment charts at T2. These data included the
nonsignificant difference (P 5 .087) for this entity.
Discrepancy Index (DI) of the American Board of
Orthodontics. The DI was used to determine whether a
Results of Phase I (Day 0 to Day 42)
statistical relationship existed between the severity of a
malocclusion and treatment time and difficulty and During the first phase of the study (T0–T1), the
the level of patient compliance in wearing retention average daily hours of retainer wear for group A was
appliances. 16.3 (SD 4.39), while for group B it was 10.6 (SD 5.36),

Table 2. Questionnaire Delivered to Participants at T1

(1) Please rate the overall experience with the retainers. (Score from 22 to +2, ranging from very negative to very positive, with 0 representing
(2) Please rate the overall comfortability of the retainers. (Score from 22 to +2, ranging from very negative to very positive, with 0 representing
(3) How much do you think you wear the retainers? (Score from 0% to 100%, in 10% increments.)
(4) What was your self-perception of your teeth before the orthodontic treatment? (Score from 1 to 10, 10 being the best.)
(5) What was your self-perception of your teeth after the orthodontic treatment? (Score from 1 to 10, 10 being the best.)

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 2, 2015


Table 3. Sample Characteristics experience with the retainers (62.5% for group A and
Mean 80% for group B). Most patients found the retainers to
Eligible* Group Female Male Total Age, y SD be comfortable (87.5% of group A and 90% of group
No A 0 1 1 15.00 – B). About 61% of the patients (Figure 3) overestimated
B 2 1 3 15.33 1.528 the time (x-axis) that they wore their retainers as
A and B 2 2 4 15.25 1.258 compared to the actual recorded time (y-axis). All of
Yes A 5 3 8 15.13 1.553
B 6 4 10 15.70 1.252
the patients rated their teeth as 6 or less on the
A and B 11 7 18 15.44 1.381 attractiveness scale before they started wearing
Total A 5 4 9 15.11 1.453 braces. The average for group A was 3.0 (SD 2.00)
B 8 5 13 15.62 1.261 and for Group B it was 3.8 (SD 1.81), (t 5 0.889, P 5
A and B 13 9 22 15.41 1.333
.387). All of the patients rated their teeth to be 9 or 10
* Data could be scanned from the SMART microsensor with no on the attractiveness scale at the completion of their
orthodontic treatment. Group B was more positive
about the outcomes of their orthodontic treatment than
was group A. The correlation between the hours per
(86% compliance rate in group A vs 56% in group B). day of retainer wear and the appointment show rate
The difference in average wear of 5.7 hours per day was statistically significant (Table 5).
was statistically significant (t 5 2.426, P 5 .027). Only
one patient (12.5%) in group A averaged less than DISCUSSION
12 hours per day of retainer wear compared to seven
patients (70%) in group B. At T1 the compliance in retainer wear between
group A and group B was statistically significant (t 5
Results of Phase 2 (Day 43 to Day 84) 2.426, P 5 .027). This finding is consistent with that of
Ackerman and Thornton9 who showed that the aware
The average daily retainer wear for group A group wore their appliances for an average of
decreased by 0.7 hours to 15.6 hours (SD 4.77), 2.3 hours a day longer than the non-aware group.
while in Group B it increased by 0.5 hours to This finding is in accordance with the Hawthorne
11.1 hours (SD 6.08). The difference between the phenomenon according to which subjects perform
groups of 4.48 hours was not statistically significant better when they are aware that they are being
(t 5 1.703, P 5 .108). Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the monitored.19
retainer usage between T1 and T2 for each subject. In The present study was novel in that it compared the
group A (Figure 1), six of 8 patients maintained their compliance of subjects (group B) prior to, and after
appliance usage, while two decreased their wear being made aware of our ability to monitor them. While
times. In group B, four maintained their appliance these subjects increased their compliance by an
wear times, four increased these times, and two
average of 0.5 hour a day after T1, this increase was
decreased their wear times. The data for most
not statistically significant and therefore the null
patients (Figure 2) seem to be located close to the
hypothesis cannot be rejected. This finding may be
no difference line, indicating that there was not a
explained by the possibility that once this group
significant change in appliance wear between the two
achieved a habitual pattern of retainer wear (T0 to
phases studied. The Pearson correlation was 0.972
T1), it was difficult to change the habit even after being
for group A and 0.917 for group B.
told that they were being monitored. Further, the
relatively small sample size might have prevented a
Post Study Results
significant effect from emerging.
Results from the questionnaires showed that the The results indicate that patients who commence
majority of patients in each group had a positive overall treatment with a higher DI score are more compliant in

Table 4. Descriptive Statistics of Variables Obtained From The Patients’ Treatment Charts at T2
Variable Group N Mean SD SE Mean t-test P Value*
Treatment duration, mo Group A 8 26.75 5.497 1.943 1.706 .107
Group B 10 35.50 13.575 4.293
Discrepancy Index Group A 8 14.38 6.948 2.456 1.818 .088
Group B 10 9.30 4.900 1.550
Appointment show rate, % Group A 8 80.88 7.882 2.787 0.067 .947
Group B 10 80.60 9.131 2.888
* Significance at .05.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 2, 2015


Figure 1. Comparisons of mean wear times of the SMART retainer between T1 and T2.

terms of retainer wear than those who commence The average total treatment time in months for group
treatment with lower DI scores. Patients with more B was 9 months longer than that for group A. This
disfiguring malocclusions may be more conscious of finding could be due to poor compliance with treatment
the possibility of postorthodontic treatment relapse. instructions during the orthodontic treatment. Poor

Figure 2. Mean wear times of the SMART retainer during T1 and T2.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 2, 2015


Figure 3. Comparisons of mean wear times of the SMART retainer between T1 and T2.

compliance during orthodontic treatment may well be thickness of the acrylic on the palate is increased to
carried forward into the retention phase. about 7–11 mm. The TheraMon microsensor has
None of the attempted correlations within groups A similar dimensions of 13 mm 3 9 mm 3 4.5 mm.16
and B were statistically significant (Table 5). However, Schott and Göz15,21 in previous in vitro studies found
when combining all of the subjects into one group, a that the TheraMon had greater versatility and more
moderately statistically significant correlation was accurate recordings of wear time down to the minute
evident between retainer wear and appointment show than the SMART microsensor. They did conclude,
rate (r 5 0.555, P 5 .017). Given that this significant however, that both microsensors could be used as
correlation was, in part, due to the larger sample size, objective wear-time sensors in orthodontic applianc-
it would be essential to increase the sample size for es.21 The reason that the SMART microsensor was
future studies to obtain more conclusive results. used in our study is that the product is manufactured
Eighty-nine percent of all subjects reported overall domestically and it is readily available in North
positive experience and comfort with the retainers. America.
This is similar to the findings of a previous study.20 Only 22 patients were recruited and four of them
Despite the overall positive experience with the were lost due to sensor malfunction (27 subjects would
retainers, the dimensions of the SMART microsensor produce 85% certainty at a significance of 5%). The
need some discussion. The microsensor was mea- manufacturers advise that that the removal of a
sured to have a diameter of 15 mm and a width of microsensor from a retainer (grinding, vibration, etc.)
4.5 mm. When the microsensor is placed in the could cause them to malfunction. Ackerman and
Hawley retainer (average thickness of 2–3 mm), the Thornton9 reported that in their study of 23 subjects,

Table 5. Correlations Between the Retainer Wear Times Per Group and the Potential Indicators of Compliance With Retainers Wear at T2
Variable Group A (N 5 8) Group B (N 5 10) All groups (N 5 18)
Appointment show rate, % Pearson correlation 0.617 0.585 0.555
Sig. (2-tailed) .103 .075 .017
Discrepancy Index Pearson correlation 20.261 0.174 0.140
Sig. (2-tailed) .533 .630 .579
Pre and post self-perception Pearson correlation 20.123 0.085 0.816
(Questions 4 and 5) Sig. (2-tailed) .771 .816 .918
Treatment duration, mo Pearson correlation 0.687 0.159 0.062
Sig. (2-tailed) .060 .660 .807

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 2, 2015


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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 2, 2015

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