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Following are the applications of linear algebra in
real life:

Computer graphics
Geometric Transformations:
Linear transformations (such as translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing) are
fundamental in computer graphics. They allow us to manipulate 2D and 3D
objects. For example, transforming a 3D model to create animations or
adjusting the position of connected body parts in character animation .
3D Wireframes and Models:
Linear algebra assists in representing 3D objects using wireframes. These
wireframes help visualize models from different angles and analyze distances
between edges and corners.
Image Processing:
Linear algebra is essential for image manipulation and
enhancement. Algorithms based on linear algebra perform tasks like image
de-noising, segmentation, and compression in computer vision and graphics.
Projection and Perspective:
Homogeneous coordinates and perspective transformations allow us to
project 3D objects onto a 2D screen. This process is crucial for rendering
scenes and creating realistic visual effects.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality:
Linear algebra helps position virtual objects in 3D space, allowing users to
interact with them in immersive environments.
Machine learning:

Data Representation:
When working with datasets, you’re essentially dealing with matrices. Each
row represents an observation, and each column corresponds to a feature. For
instance, the Iris flowers dataset can be represented as a matrix, where rows
are measurements, and columns are features.
Images and Photographs:
Image processing involves applying filters (which are essentially matrices) to
transform pixel values. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) use linear
algebra for image feature extraction and classification .
One-Hot Encoding:
To represent categorical variables numerically, we use one-hot encoding. This
technique creates binary vectors (matrices) where each column corresponds to
a category.

Linear Regression:
Linear regression models are based on linear algebra. The relationship
between input features (X) and output (y) can be expressed as a matrix
Techniques like L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) regularization involve matrix
operations to penalize model complexity and prevent over-fitting .
Principal Component Analysis (PCA):
PCA uses linear algebra to reduce dimensionality while preserving the most
important features. It finds orthogonal vectors (principal components) that
capture the most variance in the data.

Solving Systems of Linear Equations:
Engineers use linear algebra to model real-world engineering problems by
setting up systems of linear equations. These equations represent relationships
between variables (such as forces, currents, or stresses) in various physical
systems. Solving these equations helps engineers analyze and predict
Control Systems Design:
Linear algebra is essential for designing control systems in
engineering. Engineers apply matrix operations to analyze and optimize
feedback control systems, ensuring stability, performance, and robustness.
Structural Analysis:
Linear algebra helps engineers understand how different structures (such as
buildings, bridges, or mechanical components) behave under various
conditions. By using matrices, engineers can assess whether a structure will
withstand loads, deformations, and stresses without failure .

Least Squares Regression:

Engineers often collect experimental data and need to fit mathematical
models to the data. Least squares regression, based on linear algebra, allows
them to find the best-fitting line or curve through the data points. This
technique is crucial for making predictions and optimizing designs .

Economics and finance:

System of Linear Equations:

Many economic models involve solving systems of linear equations. For

instance, consider the equations:

[y_1 = a x_1 + b x_2] [y_2 = c x_1 + d x_2]

Linear algebra helps us find solutions for the unknowns (x_1) and
(x_2). These systems arise in economic equilibrium analysis, input-output
models, and financial risk assessment.
Portfolio Optimization:
Linear algebra is essential for portfolio management. Investors use it to
construct efficient portfolios by balancing risk and return. Techniques like
Markowitz’s mean-variance optimization rely on matrix algebra.
Risk Assessment and Factor Models:
Factor models (such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model) express asset returns
as linear combinations of underlying factors. Linear algebra helps estimate
factor loadings and analyze risk exposure .

Regression Analysis:
Linear regression models are widely used in economics and finance. They
relate dependent variables (like stock prices or GDP growth) to independent
variables (such as interest rates or inflation). Linear algebra enables parameter
estimation and hypothesis testing.
Input-Output Analysis: In economics, input-output tables represent
interdependencies between sectors. Linear algebra techniques, including
Leontief’s input-output model, help analyze production, consumption, and
economic impact.

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