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Upgrading concrete panel housing and residential neighbourhoods in Ukraine’s second largest city.


3 IGNITING ARCHITECTURAL INNOVATION Buildner Architecture Competition Organisers
22 PRIZES in partnership with
23 PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN Kharkiv City Council, UNECE, Norman Foster Foundation, ARUP
Media and Kharkivproject Institute
8 MASTERPLAN APPROACH have prepared this document for
9 HOUSING the purpose of arranging the
Interview & Movie Norman Foster Foundation KHARKIV HOUSING CHALLENGE
25 COMPETITION SCHEDULE (Upgrading concrete panel housing and residential neighbourhoods in
Ukraine’s second largest city.)
13 THE COMPETITION architecture competition.
28 PRELIMINARY PRESENTATION REVIEWS © Buildner Architecture Competition Organisers
29 JURY contact@buildner.com
15 PROOF OF CONCEPT architecturecompetitions.com
Adapting Designs to Varied Urban Scenarios
35 SUSTAINABLE REVITALIZATION This work is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
As part of the new concept masterplan being developed for The competition will be focusing on Saltivka, the most
the city of Kharkiv, the Norman Foster Foundation along with populated district in Kharkiv and more precisely in North
the City Council, the Kharkivproject Institute, UNECE and Arup Saltivka, the most heavily damaged area after February 24,
are launching an international competition to improve housing 2022. Given the similarity of residential areas across Kharkiv,
and residential neighbourhoods in the city. the greater ambition of this project is to extrapolate the
winning designs to other residential areas throughout the
This initiative calls for the development of an innovative city.
modular system capable of retrofitting existing concrete panel
housing blocks, re-erecting demolished ones, and enhancing Competition participants will be expected to develop
public spaces, to create safe, energy-efficient, and vibrant concept design level proposals. Winning projects will be
neighbourhoods. further developed into detail designs in collaboration with
locals in a second funded phase for future construction.
After the announcement of the winners, selected proposals
will be further developed into detail designs for
construction. Winning teams will collaborate with locals in
this stage under a funded scheme.

The Kharkiv City Council UNECE NFF
The representative body responsible for governing The United Nations Economic Comission for The Norman Foster Foundation is a not-for-profit
the city of Kharkiv, representing the interests and Europe, established in order to promote economic organization that connects architecture, design,
needs of the city's residents. cooperation and integration within European and technology to better serve society.
member states. The Foundation is based in Madrid and operates

Arup Kharkivproject Institute

Arup is a global collective of designers, Kharkivproject Institute, established in 1943, play a
engineering and sustainability consultants, crucial role in the post World War II reconstruction
advisors and experts dedicated to sustainable of Kharkiv, including the design and construction of
development, and to using imagination, concrete housing blocks across the city.
technology and rigour to shape a better world.

Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine, and it stands
out as an important industrial, historical, and cultural
beacon for the country. Due to its proximity to Russia, at
just 30 km from the city’s centre, it has suffered
immeasurable damages and losses as a consequence of
the conflict. In this context, during the United Nation’s
Second Forum of Mayors celebrated in 2022, Kharkiv Mayor
Ihor Terekhov reached out to Norman Foster, Advocate for the
Forum, seeking his help to create the new masterplan for
Kharkiv. Since then, the Norman Foster Foundation (NFF),
a UN Centre of Excellence, together with UNECE, the
Kharkiv City Council, Arup, the Kharkiv Architects Group,
and numerous international and local stakeholders have
been working on the concept masterplan for the future
Kharkiv. This work is funded by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
(BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Serhiyivsyi Square on embankment of Lopan river in Kharkiv, Ukraine © Sergiy Bykhunenko
Residential areas destroyed by an Iskander missile on the city of Kharkiv. © Oleksandr Osipov Destroyed and burned apartments in a multi-storey residential building.Kharkiv, Ukraine - Summer 2022 © ZagAlex

In contrast to traditional top-down masterplan Five pilot projects will be developed as part of this
approaches, composed of regulations that guide the new concept masterplan: Heritage, Rivers, Industry,
future implementation of built projects, the new Housing, and a Science Neighbourhood. Additionally,
Kharkiv concept masterplan will follow an inverse, five parallel city-wide strategies encompassing
pilot project approach. This means that specific site- Transport, Energy, Nature, Water, and Economy will be
based projects will be developed. This will have a developed. Together, the pilot projects and city wide
series of benefits: strategies will address both specific and general
• It will deliver real projects to improve the quality of urban development needs of the city.
life of Kharkiv citizens;
The aim of this competition will be to develop the first
• It will inform new masterplan regulations in a
stage of an essential project for Kharkiv citizens:
‘learning by doing’ approach;
• It will promote locally-led implementation and
replication of these internationally relevant pilot
projects across the city.

Improving housing is one of the key objectives of the Around 75% of Kharkiv citizens live in this type of
new concept masterplan and the purpose of this housing, and together with the public spaces and
competition. The vast majority of residential areas in communal facilities that make up these districts, they
Kharkiv, a city historically shaped by its industrial constitute an important component of the city’s visual
relevance, have grown around industry. These areas identity. This competition aims to develop design
are composed of concrete panel modular housing solutions to upgrade these buildings and public
blocks that have been identically replicated across spaces to improve urban living conditions, and to
the city. They were built by local industries in generate safe, lively, and energy efficient
response to the necessity of providing neighbourhoods with a modernized but historically
accommodation for factory workers on a mass scale. rooted identity.
Considering the speed of construction required to
provide urgent accommodation throughout the city,
concrete panel houses commonly lack proper
insulation and quality living spaces.

© Dmytro Falkowskyi
Saltivka, geographically situated as the closest
neighbourhood to Russia, is both the most damaged
and symbolic residential area in Kharkiv. With over
400,000 residents, Saltivka stands as one of the
city’s most important and densely populated
neighbourhoods. Arising from the need to meet high
housing demand, it is characterised by its exclusively
residential nature and its good connection to the rest
of Kharkiv through a network of public transportation,
roads and streets, facilitating mobility for its residents.

Winter aerial view to residential area Saltivka in Kharkiv, Ukraine© Sergiy Bykhunenko
Although there are schools and some isolated
commercial areas, the neighbourhood can be
regarded as a ‘dormitory town’, which is an increasing
problem for liveability, safety, and sustainability.
Additionally, the technical issues associated with the
concrete panel houses previously mentioned are
especially relevant given the neighbourhood’s scale.
For these reasons, the site serves as a comprehensive
case study that addresses both specific and general
aspects of housing deficiencies and strengths in

Destroyed and burned multi-apartment residential buildings after rocket attack. Residential area Saltivka in Kharkiv city, Ukraine © Oleg Totskyi
Within the Saltivka neighbourhood, North Saltivka,
the most damaged and closest to Russia, has been
selected to carry out this pilot intervention. The site
covers 64,065 square metres, with 86% designated
for public space, 9% for residential use, and 5% for
infrastructure. The site encompasses different
housing typologies and building uses with varying
degrees of damage. This provides an opportunity to KHARKIV

apply the solutions that are designed for this specific

site to the rest of the district and neighbourhood.
This is one of the key benefits of this housing pilot CITY

project. More specifically, five residential blocks can

be found in this site. Each has been built following a
different residential typology design, and these five
distinct typologies are the ones that make up all of
the residential buildings in Northern Saltivka and
across most of Saltivka.

An aerial view of the Saltvka area from Google Earth

Objective: Assignment overview:
Design a modular system, with components that can be You are tasked with creating a comprehensive design
selectively applied to: for a modular system. This system should be conceived
1. Retrofit and enhance concrete panel housing blocks. as a versatile toolkit: its components (such as
balconies, staircases, facade panels, insulation,
2. Re-erect concrete panel housing blocks that have
structural elements, bomb shelters, and enhancements
been demolished due to irreparable damage.
for public spaces adjacent to the buildings) can be
3. Enhance public spaces.
individually deployed to not only restore buildings that
have sustained various forms of damage but also to
It is essential that the system provides civil protection
enhance buildings that are undamaged, promoting a
structures (bomb shelters). The greater objective is to
cohesive and revitalized community environment.
generate safe, lively and energy efficient

Key modular system components
Re-Erection modules: Design modular components that
facilitate the rapid construction or reconstruction of
Structural components:
building sections. These modules should be versatile
Design modular structural elements that can reinforce or enough to be used in a variety of building types,
replace damaged parts of a building, ensuring its enabling quick recovery and rebuilding of affected areas.
stability and safety. Focus on ease of assembly and disassembly, allowing for
the reconfiguration of spaces as needs evolve over time.
Develop insulation solutions that can be applied to Bomb shelters: Given Ukraine’s current circumstances,
existing buildings to improve energy efficiency and embedding bomb shelters in each housing block is a
comfort. legal requirement aimed at enhancing safety. These
shelters, designed to protect against emergencies and
Exterior additions:
military actions, are crucial for community resilience and
Create designs for modular balconies and external
can also be used for various alternative purposes during
staircases that can be added to enhance the living
quality and accessibility of damaged buildings.

We challenge participants to develop strategies that For an in-depth examination and to aid in your design
are versatile and adaptable across various contexts. process, CAD documents of these spaces are readily
To facilitate this, we've selected a collection of five available for download on the competition website.
residential buildings and five public spaces as your This resource is intended to give you a comprehensive
canvas for innovation. You are encouraged to apply understanding of the spaces you're working with,
your designs to at least one building, and one public allowing for a more informed and tailored design
space. It's crucial that your proposed solutions are not approach. Remember, the goal is to demonstrate the
just theoretical but can be feasibly applied to all adaptability of your strategy, showcasing how it can
selected buildings and public spaces to ensure a broad bring about positive change across diverse urban
impact. The applicability of the system throughout the environments.
site should be demonstrated through visuals.

@50.040875, 36.364987

This page displays the competition site. It features 5

1. residential buildings (1-5) and 5 public spaces (6-10).
Although the main purpose of the competition is to
design a system to retrofit existing buildings, the
system should also propose strategies to re-erect
buildings that will be demolished due to irreparable
10. damage. This is the case for one of the two blocks that
make up building 1. It might also be the case for parts
of building 5.





Typology series: III- 162-2n Typology series: II-57 Typology series: 163 Typology series: III-162-3n Typology series: III-162-In
Damage level: 83% Damage level: 50% Damage level: 20%-40% Damage level: 41%-42% Damage level: 51%-60%
Work status: Construction teardowns Work status: Not started Work status: Not started Work status: In progress Work status: Inspection of constructions
Square meters on floor: 752 m2 Square meters on floor: 1766 m2 Square meters on floor: 1264 m2 Square meters on floor: 1153 m2 Square meters on floor: 791 m2
Number of floors: 16 Number of floors: 9 Number of floors: 9 Number of floors: 16 Number of floors: 16

6. Commercial area 7. Cafe 8. Administrative Building 9. Bus station 10. Public Space
Square meters on floor: 1090 m2 Square meters on floor: 114 m2 Square meters on floor: 228 m2 Square meters on floor: 1438 m2 Square meters on floor: 55303 m2
Number of floors: 1 Number of floors: 1 Number of floors: 2 Number of floors: 1


Five concrete panel block building typologies

Series 163
Series 163
Series II-57
Series III-162-2nSeriesIII-162-2n
Series III-162-InSeriesIII-162-ln
Series III-162-3nSeriesIII- 162-3n

Considering that the five selected building

typologies are replicated across Saltivka, the
competition proposals will be applicable to
many more housing blocks across the
neighbourhood and Kharkiv.

The residential buildings in North Saltivka are built using Stability: Fire protection of panels:
prefabricated panel structures, a construction method in The stability of the residential building is provided The minimum fire resistance class value for external wall
which buildings are assembled from industrially through joint connections of the individual panels. panels:
prefabricated concrete elements for walls and slabs. Anchor connections and welding of embedded steel • For 9-story buildings REI - 120 MO
The building types in Kharkiv were designed at different elements, followed by concrete sealing of the joints, • For 16-story buildings REI - 150 MO
times and vary slightly in the range of modular units. form the diaphragm of walls and slabs, generating a
However, the principles of the overall building structure spatial system.
remain for all typologies. The internal and external walls
of this building typology are loadbearing with a height of Basements and foundations:
generally 3.0 m, the length varies between 3.0 to 6.0 m The basements serve as technical plant rooms with
(depending on the type of building). Single prefabricated heights between 1.8 to 2.2 m. Generally, the buildings
panels form the floor slab, bearing on the walls and are founded on 10m pile foundations that transfer the
horizontally stitched to form diaphragm slabs. Additional loads from the walls into the ground. In general, the
elements form the units of balconies and staircases. building structure is designed and built economically,
and so additional loads must be checked or
reinforcement measures taken accordingly.

Floor slabs: Elevator shafts:
140mm thick reinforced concrete panels. Reinforced concrete panels.

External walls: Roof:

320mm and 250mm thick reinforced concrete and clay 80mm thick solid flat reinforced concrete panels.
concrete panels.
Internal walls: Monolithic reinforced concrete grillage; 45-60 cm high
180mm and 140mm thick reinforced concrete panels. on reinforced concrete driven piles with a depth
depending on engineering and geological surveys, but
Partitions walls:
not less than 10 m.
80mm thick reinforced concrete panels.
External curtain wall panels (with load-bearing
functions from the floor on the 1st floor) are enclosing
Reinforced concrete stairs and enclosures.
structures and are not designed for additional loads.
Reinforced concrete slabs with reinforced concrete
textured screen balustrades.

For the purposes of this competition, while the budget Participants are encouraged to research and
is not strictly defined, participants are asked to incorporate cost-effective building techniques, local
approach their designs with a keen understanding of materials, and innovative design solutions that can
cost implications. The context of this project— maximize impact while minimizing expenses. The
revitalizing areas heavily impacted by the war, with a ability to deliver a project that is both affordable and
focus on sustainability and community resilience— transformative will be a key consideration in the
requires thoughtful consideration of pricing. It’s evaluation process.
essential to recognize that resources are limited and
that economical solutions are paramount.


Total prize fund After the announcement of the winners, selected proposals will be
further developed into detail designs for construction. Winning

10,000 € teams will collaborate with locals in this stage under a funded

3 winning proposals and 6 honorable mentions will be selected. Buildner will award
a total of 10,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:

1st Prize
6,000 €
2nd Prize
3,000 €
3rd Prize
1,000 €
+ 6 honorable mentions
Buildner's publicity campaign offers extensive exposure to the architectural
community, ensuring that the results of the competition are seen by a vast audience:

The results are published on buildner.com, a leading As part of the collaboration between Buildner and Buildner leverages an extensive network of media
website in the architecture industry, attracting over ArchDaily, the competition winners will be showcased industry leaders to publish the competition results.
one million unique visitors annually. Additionally, the on ArchDaily, a leading architecture news platform. This broadens the audience further, ensuring that
campaign extends to Buildner’s social networks, participants’ work is showcased across multiple
This feature will greatly boost the winners’ visibility to
which boast over 800,000 followers combined, and platforms known for their influence and reach in the
millions of architecture professionals and enthusiasts
through newsletter campaigns reaching over architecture and design sectors.
worldwide, increasing their chances for new
200,000 subscribers.
opportunities, attracting new clients, and establishing
their reputation in the industry.

Interview & Movie

After participants submit their project, they Questionnaires and videos will be published for
have the opportunity to upload a questionnaire winners and honorable mentions with the competition
(in writing) and a video about themselves on results on Buildner’s website.
the Buildner project upload panel, up to five
days before the results announcement. The Videos will be published for all participants, including
specific submission deadline is indicated in the winners, on Buildner’s YouTube channel.
project upload panel.

These submissions are OPTIONAL but highly

recommended in case the project is selected
amongst the winners to maximize the publicity
and media attention their work will receive.

Read more about:

The interview – architecturecompetitions.com/interview

The video submission – architecturecompetitions.com/submit-movie

Explore the movies received from Buildner Architecture Competition winners
and honorable mentions here - youtube.com/@buildner

Ukraine Flag © ulkerdesign
Preliminar y registration deadlines

Early Bird Registration

MAY 6 - JUNE 5 Closing date for registration
SEPTEMBER 12, 2024
Advance Registration
JUNE 6 - JULY 18
Closing date for submission
Last Minute Registration SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 (11:59 p.m. London time)
Announcement of the winners
It is still possible to participate in this competition OCTOBER 17, 2024
after the preliminary deadlines, however, a higher
late registration fee will be charged.

Please find registration fees listed at the competition website

Teams from Ukraine can register for free. All team members
must be verified on architecture.info

• Participants are required to upload four (4) A2 • Panel 1 should be an introduction to the modular • No video files are accepted.
landscape-orientated presentation boards (must system to retrofit and re-erect buildings, and upgrade • All information provided in writing must be in English.
not exceed 10 MB per board) with sketches, public spaces. • All submissions must be uploaded via the
renderings, plans, sections, elevations, diagrams, • Panel 2 should be devoted to the solutions for the architecturecompetitions.com upload panel.
and/or other presentation tools to explain their public space. Access information and instructions on how to upload
proposal. These designs should be developed at a the presentation boards will be issued to participants
• Panel 3 should be devoted to the selected building.
concept level. via email immediately after successful registration.
• Panel 4 should be devoted to the applicability of the • The competition will be anonymous,
concept to the rest of the buildings and spaces in the therefore presentation boards must not indicate any
site. information related to an individual’s/team’s identity.

up to 4 panels The incorporation of bomb shelters should be in either

panel 2 or 3.

For more than ten years, Buildner has analyzed and Participants are welcome to submit their competition
rated thousands of architecture competition project presentation draft panel/s before submitting it/them
submissions. Trust us when we say — the quality of your as a final competition entry for a preliminary review.
presentation is vital to convince a jury team of your
design intent, and there are several graphic and Within 1–3 days, our team will analyze your
representational factors that can make it or break it. presentation panel/s and rate them on predefined
We can help you make it right! criteria points, as well as add valuable written feedback
on how you can improve your final competition

Buildner can review your presentation Find out more here –

and give you valuable feedback! architecturecompetitions.com/reviews

The jury panel members list and biographies are The Norman Foster Foundation Kharkiv Housing Evaluation criteria:
published at Challenge is an ideas competition, which encourages
architecturecompetitions.com/KharkivHousingChallenge participants to test or redefine the boundaries of Versatility and adaptability: The ability of the modular
architecture. The jury may choose to reward projects system to address a wide range of damage scenarios
Participants are advised to research both the working that show a high degree of creativity, even if they and building types.

site and previous similar case studies as part of the breach competition guidelines, as long as this is
Sustainability: The environmental impact of the
design process. For each competition, 6–9 jury panel justified.
proposed solutions, focusing on energy efficiency and
members are selected. Buildner reserves the right to
material recycling.
add/remove the jury panel members at any moment. Buildner is committed to selecting the most qualified
industry professionals to comprise its jury panels. Cultural sensitivity: The design’s respect for the
Jury members shall under no circumstances be Jury panels consist of architects, in addition to existing urban fabric and architectural heritage.
contacted by competition participants or their professionals from other professional backgrounds that
representatives. Participants who attempt to contact Feasibility: The practicality of implementing the
are relevant to the competition topic, to guarantee the
jury members shall be disqualified. modular components in real-world settings.
most objective competition results.

All competition-related communications should be

carried out solely with Buildner staff.
For any questions, please contact us at

The competition is open to all. No professional The following information is available for download on
qualifications are required. Design proposals can architecturecompetitions.com/KharkivHousingChallenge
be developed individually or by teams (4 team • Full competition brief
members maximum). • Site and context photographs and videos
• CAD building plans and sections
People who have direct personal or professional
relationships with jury panel members or
All information can be downloaded as often as required;
organisers may not participate in this competition.
no additional information or materials will be provided
after registration.

All communcaition, including presentation The brief and all associated documentation for this
must, be conducted in English.
competition are created for the sole purpose of an
academic exercise and are not legal documents.

The provided materials, or alternatives, can be used,

created, or sourced at the participant's discretion.

In the following pages, you will find more technical
information about the existing buildings along with
potential recommendations for your design

While adhering to these suggestions is highly

recommended, please note that this is primarily a
concept competition. Therefore, the jury may
overlook certain technical shortcomings if the
submission demonstrates strong conceptual depth
and shows potential for technical refinement in the
subsequent development phase.

Energy efficiency is a crucial aspect that competition Existing structures and proposed • Roof and floor slab:
entries should consider as part of their improvement improvements: The thermal performance of current flat roofs and floor
strategies. The thermal envelope of the residential slabs is expected to range from 0.6 – 1.0 W/m²K,
• Walls:
buildings, primarily made from prefabricated responsible for about 15% of the heating energy
reinforced concrete panels, currently falls short of Currently, the thermal envelope of existing walls is
demand. Proposals for these elements should aim for
modern energy standards, leading to significant estimated to perform at u-values ranging from
performance improvements of up to four to five times
heating energy losses and reduced thermal comfort. 0.7 – 1.1 W/m²K, accounting for about 50% of the
heating energy demand. Proposed wall elements
should aim to enhance thermal resistance, ideally
While it is important to consider local and national
performing up to five times better than the existing
guidelines on energy efficiency, as well as European
best practices and standards, teams should also be
• Windows: informed by Ukraine’s broader goal to become climate

Existing windows typically feature plastic or timber neutral by 2060. This overarching ambition should

frames with double glazing, with u-values around guide the development of both active and passive

2.7 - 3 W/m²K, which constitutes approximately 35% energy strategies for the competition.

of the current heating demand. Improved window

designs should target performance up to three
times better than current installations.

In light of the ongoing situation in Ukraine, Design considerations for bomb shelters: • Simplicity and accessibility:
incorporating bomb shelters in housing blocks is The simplest forms of shelters might include fortified
• Civil protection structures:
strongly recommended to enhance the safety of basements, cellars, or other underground spaces that
residents. These shelters are designed to be hermetic These include both dedicated shelters and dual-
can offer temporary refuge during crises.
constructions that protect people from the impacts of purpose buildings that can serve everyday functions
but are also designed to provide protection during • Utilization in peacetime:
emergencies, military actions, and terrorist acts.
emergencies. Detailed requirements can be found in Civil protection structures can also be used for
the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine, Article 32: economic, cultural, and domestic activities during
https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/5403-17#Text. peacetime, as outlined by the Cabinet of Ministers of
• Quickly manufactured protective buildings: Ukraine. This dual functionality ensures that these
investments are continually beneficial, not just in times
These are structures that can be rapidly assembled
of conflict.
with specific construction requirements to ensure
timely availability during emergencies. This is guided
by both local and national construction regulations
and standards.

• Regulatory compliance:

While incorporating these shelters, it is important to This approach to integrating bomb shelters should
align with the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine and enhance the resilience of new and retrofitted
ensure that designs comply with current building buildings, providing peace of mind and safeguarding
norms and safety standards, as detailed in the Law of against potential emergencies.
Ukraine on Urban Planning Activities, Article 31:
https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/3038-17#Text and
the State Building Norms of Ukraine B.2.2-15:2019:
Zmina1-DBN-V_2_2-15-2019.pdf. These structures
should be accessible to all individuals, including those
with disabilities, to ensure broad protection for the
entire community.

Interventions should be designed from an ecological Recycling Rubble is the initial step in retrofitting The local recycled goods can be applied to existing
and sustainable perspective with the goal to upgrade structurally sound apartments, involving the collection apartments, allowing residents to remain in their
and retrofit existing housing. This includes recycling and recycling of debris from damaged buildings and homes and neighbourhood during the upgrade,
rubble and reusing materials to foster safe, vibrant, urban infrastructure to create usable materials. eliminating the need for displacement. The upgraded
and energy-efficient neighbourhoods. Taking Preceding the rubble recycling, local industries will be houses contribute to a lively and energy-efficient
inspiration from successful renovations by Lacaton repurposed to meet the necessary requirements for neighbourhoods, fostering sustainability, improving
and Vassal, the approach focuses on enhancing the processing new manufactured goods used in the citizens’ living standards, and creating a new identity
functionality and aesthetics of apartments in Ukraine retrofit design. This not only promotes the protection while respecting the past.
that have suffered damage, without the need for of local jobs but also reactivates the local economy.
complete demolition. This method aligns with The newly repurposed industry will then transform
practices that modernize while preserving the recycled rubble into the essential materials for the
underlying structure. The steps and benefits of retrofit, ensuring that all components are internally
refurbishment are: generated, avoiding international imports.


Full Competition Terms & Conditions


© Buildner Architecture Competition Organisers


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