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July 11, 2024 With exactly one year to go until the release of the film,
production on the new “Superman” movie took over Progressive Field, a
baseball stadium located in the downtown Cleveland.

Superman Movie at Baseball Stadium

Click on Page 2 below to see photos and video.

July 11, 2024 Movie News

Rebranded Metropolis’ LordTech Field, David Corenswet (as Superman) was
seen flying around on a wire rig, apparently in a battle with the mysterious
“Ultraman” black clad character.
Por Tobi Oulego

El cameo de Superman en la película de 2025 será el tributo definitivo a

Christopher Reeve, dos años después de su polémica aparición en The Flash
¿Quién podría interpretar Reeve en Superman?
El cameo de Superman en la película de 2025 será el tributo definitivo a
Christopher Reeve, dos años después de su polémica aparición en The Flash
El Hombre de Acero de Christopher Reeve será honrado como corresponde en
Superman de James Gunn gracias a un nuevo casting que ha sido confirmado
para la película de DC Universe. La nueva franquicia de DC Universe está en
camino, con Gunn trabajando actualmente en la muy esperada película de
Superman. David Corenswet será el último actor en unirse al legado de live
action de Superman al interpretar al último hijo de Krypton, reemplazando a
Henry Cavill. La película se estrenará en julio de 2025 como la primera película
del DCU reiniciado.
Mientras Gunn filma su nueva película de Superman, Variety ha confirmado
que Will Reeve, hijo del fallecido Christopher Reeve, aparecerá en la próxima
película de DC Universe. Esto se produce después de que Will Reeve fuera
visto en el set de Superman, como informó inicialmente

Para Christopher Reeve, este actor debió ser Superman

¿Quién podría interpretar Reeve en Superman?
En el momento de la publicación de esta historia, se desconoce a quién
interpreta Reeve en la película de Superman, lo que plantea la pregunta de
quién podría ser su personaje. Según, en su galería de fotos del
set de Superman, mencionan a Reeve interpretando a un reportero de noticias,
aunque aún está por verse en qué se basan. Sin embargo, dada la carrera en
la vida real de Reeve como corresponsal de ABC, tiene sentido que tenga un
cameo interpretando a un periodista en el mundo del Universo DC.

No importa a quién interprete Reeve en la película, que aparezca para un

cameo es una forma mucho mejor de honrar a su difunto padre, cuyo impacto
como Superman todavía se siente hasta el día de hoy. Es por eso que la
decisión de tener una versión CGI de él en The Flash fue una gran
controversia. Que su hijo sea parte de la película de Superman de Gunn es el
enfoque más ideal, en lugar de asumir una versión extrañamente representada
de Reeve como lo hizo The Flash. El tiempo también dirá si hay otros guiños al
Superman de Reeve en la entrega de 2025.
A medida que Superman se acerca a terminar la fotografía principal, la
siguiente gran pregunta en la mente de muchos fanáticos de DC es cuándo se
lanzará el primer tráiler. Una vez que la película haya entrado en
posproducción, no sería sorprendente que se estrene un avance a fines del
otoño. Por ahora, sin embargo, el mundo tendrá que esperar y ver qué más le
depara a la película de Superman a medida que se acerca su estreno en cines.

James Gunn director de Superman (2025)

Superman James Gunn
Superman star David Corenswet has arrived at Progressive Field to shoot the
big action scene we saw being rehearsed yesterday, and he didn't come alone!
By MarkCassidy –
Jul 11, 2024
James Gunn's Superman is now well into week two of filming in Cleveland,
Ohio, and these latest set photos suggest that a major super-powered
showdown may be imminent.
Possible spoilers follow.
Yesterday, we saw a stunt being rehearsed at Progressive Field (doubling for
LordTech Field) which teased a face-off between the Man of Steel (David
Corenswet) and a powerful foe (most likely the unnamed villain we've seen in
previous set photos), and these latest shots reveal that both Mr. Terrific (Edi
Gathegi) and The Engineer (María Gabriela de Faría) will also be involved.

The photos aren't particularly revealing, but if you watch the video and wait until
the very end, you'll see Superman and "Ultraman" attached to harnesses as
they prepare to swoop towards the ground.
It looks like shooting are only just getting underway here, so we'll be sure to
update if anything else finds its way online.
Superman also stars Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nicholas Hoult as Lex
Luthor, Edi Gathegi as Mr. Terrific, and Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho.

Sara Sampaio is on board as Lex's assistant/lover Eve Teschmacher, Pruitt

Taylor Vince and Neva Howell will play "Ma" and "Pa" Kent, and Milly Alcock's
Supergirl is also rumored to make her debut ahead of her own Woman of
Tomorrow movie, but that's yet to be confirmed.

We're still not sure exactly how these other superheroes will factor into the
story, but Gunn has previously revealed that Superman's dual-life as both Clark
Kent and the Man of Steel will be explored in the film, suggesting that these
characters will be his "super friends." Whether they'll be part of an actual team
or not remains to be seen.

“Overjoyed to be announcing the start of principal photography on SUPERMAN

today, February 29, which just so happens to be – coincidentally and unplanned
– Superman’s birthday,” Gunn captioned the first official photo earlier this year.
“When I finished the first draft of the script, I called the film ‘Superman: Legacy.’
By the time I locked the final draft, it was clear the title was SUPERMAN,” he
added. “Making our way to you July 2025.”
W 9th Street in downtown Cleveland, near the Detroit-Superior bridge, is the
current location of interest for filming on the new “Superman” movie, with
shopfronts and signage giving plenty indication that director James Gunn will
soon be focusing his attention on this area, including a large impact crater in the
middle of the sidewalk.
Photos: BrianInTheCLE, Ian Meadows and Greater Cleveland Partnership

Previously known as “Superman: Legacy”, the cast of the film, now simply titled
“Superman”, features David Corenswet as Superman/Clark Kent, Rachel
Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor, Terence Rosemore as
Otis, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Wendell Pierce as Perry White, Sara
Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner/Green Lantern,
Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, Anthony Carrigan as
Metamorpho, María Gabriela de Faría as The Engineer, Beck Bennett as Steve
Lombard, Mikaela Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher McDonald as Ron Troupe,
Neva Howell as Martha Kent, and Pruitt Taylor Vince as Jonathan Kent.
Updated: Jul. 08, 2024, 10:07 p.m.|Published: Jul. 08, 2024, 11:27 a.m.

Superman movie takes over the Detroit-Superior Bridge for filming, July 8, 2024

By Joey Morona,

SPOILER ALERT: Potential plot points for “Superman” ahead. Proceed with
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Escape from Metropolis!
Production has resumed on DC’s upcoming “Superman” movie in downtown
Cleveland. Filming is taking place on the Detroit-Superior Bridge, where more
than 100 cars and dozens of extras gathered on the east end of the span on
Monday to shoot what appears to be a mass evacuation scene.

In the action, several of Metropolis’ finest directed traffic across the bridge out of
the city as a horde of citizens — many of them hauling luggage, children or pets
— walked hurriedly on the sidewalk. At one point, one of the background actors,
known only as William, stopped in his tracks and looked up at the sky for a

Extras were then instructed to react to a “slam! slam! slam!” and they started
running for their lives. The scene lasted about a minute until the assistant
director yelled “cut,” and drivers inside the cars and the extras on the sidewalk
were instructed to back up to their original positions. Several painstaking
minutes later, they did it all over again. And again... and again.

Between takes, director James Gunn gave William some last-minute

instructions before taking the bullhorn, addressing the extras and returning to
his perch off-camera.

By afternoon, the crew broke out a drone to capture the panic from an aerial
view. But the excruciatingly slow pace of the shoot appeared to take its toll on
some of the drivers. Two cars even got into a minor fender bender while
resetting for another take.

Eventually, the crew moved on to the second scene of the day, which focused
on a woman in one of the vehicles. A pair of stunt bikers were then called to set
for a high-speed motorcycle chase. Production was delayed for more than 30
minutes when one of the stunt drivers was injured during filming.

It’s not known who the stunt drivers were supposed to be playing, but no
principal cast members were spotted during the period that
observed production.

It’s not clear either who or what exactly the extras were trying to get away from.
CGI will likely fill in those details in post-production. But the scene could be
connected to sequences filmed a week ago when Superman, played by David
Corenswet, was joined by a few of his super friends — Mister Terrific (Edi
Gathegi), Hawkgirl (Isabela Merced) and the Green Lantern (Nathan Fillion) —
in saving several Metropolis citizens plus a dog and a squirrel from something
— a monster, we’ve heard — on a destructive path through Glenmorgan Public
Square, née Cleveland Public Square.

The bridge remains closed through Wednesday.

“Superman” flies into theaters on July 11, 2025.

As production continues on Superman in Cleveland, Ohio, we've rounded up
yet another wave of big reveals from the movie's set, including more characters
we didn't expect to see in the upcoming reboot...
Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding –
Jul 10, 2024
Aside from a blurry shot of The Engineer from afar, cameras were rolling on
Superman for a long time before filmmaker James Gunn's DCU reboot finally
reached Cleveland, the city which will double for Metropolis.

We've already brought you a couple of breakdowns which rounded up some of

the biggest reveals from set. Now, we're back with another, and there's a lot to
delve into here.
David Corenswet has once again been spotted suited up as the Man of Steel,
as have a number of other cast members in their respective superhero roles.
Then, there's the addition of some unexpected animal characters, Superman in
action, a charming "Clois" moment, and a big cameo with ties to Superman: The

To take a look through the latest Superman reveals, click on the "Next"/"View
List" buttons below.

6. Corporate Superheroes

Mister Terrific (Edi Gathegi) was the first superhero spotted on Superman's set,
though Green Lantern (Nathan Fillion) and Hawkgirl (Isabela Merced) have now
also been photographed alongside the Man of Steel.

What's surprising is that they're all wearing costumes bearing the LordTech
logo, essentially confirming Maxwell Lord is funding his own corporate
superhero team. Whether this explains what are ultimately some pretty
underwhelming superhero suits is hard to say.
We'd bet on Mister Terrific, Green Lantern, and Hawkgirl being sent to recruit
Superman, something he's unlikely to have much interest in.

5. Krypto

In another round of photos, we caught sight of Mister Terrific standing outside a

pet shop (with a broken window) before he runs down the street with a box of
dog treats, trying to convince an unseen pooch to follow him.

Piecing together what was shown, it looks like the hero breaks Krypto -
Superman's loyal canine companion - out of a pet store where he's presumably
been trapped.

We'd imagine Terrific needs him to track down Superman. Oh, and remember
the bandage on the genius' bloodied foot? Well, all signs point to Krypto using
his laser vision to burn a hole in Terrific's foot, likely because the hero does
something to annoy him!

4. An Unexpected Member Of The Green Lantern Corps

You need only look at Gunn's work on Guardians of the Galaxy, The Suicide
Squad, and Peacemaker to see his preference for weird comic book characters
(from Cosmo to Polka-Dot Man to Judomaster).

We shouldn't be surprised then that he's found a way to include Ch'p in


In the comics, he's a squirrel-like alien recruited to the Green Lantern Corps
and trained alongside Hal Jordan. He's accompanied Guy into battle several
times and is seemingly tasked with protecting Sector 2814 alongside the
human. A real squirrel was used on set for Corenswet to interact with, though
we'd guess he'll be a CG character.

3. Superman Leaps Into Action; Metropolis In Crisis

It's always nice to see Superman being a hero and that's exactly what's been
put front and centre in photos from the movie's set.

He's been spotted leaping into action to save a falling civilian and protecting a
young girl from an explosion by shielding her from a massive explosion. In
recent years, it's become a rarity to see the Man of Steel portrayed like this on
screen, with Zack Snyder preferring to take Supes down a much darker path.

Interestingly, some Metropolis citizens appear to fear Superman, perhaps

because he's not one of the corporate superheroes given the thumbs up by the
clearly very powerful Maxwell Lord.

2. Clois
There's been a lot of activity in and around Cleveland, with stunt performers
often spotted before the actors themselves.

In one such instance, we've seen doubles for Superman and Lois Lane flying
through a "Metropolis" arcade, spinning slowly as they gaze romantically at
each other. It's a fantastic video and one which feels like a classic Clois

Don't worry, though, as the Man of Tomorrow will also see some action. In
another recent video, Superman can be seen flying an unknown foe through a
baseball stadium, dragging their head into the floor as he goes. Well, unless it's
the movie's villain - Ultraman/Bizarro - doing it to him, of course!

1. A Heartwarming Cameo
In what looks to be a touching moment for fans Christopher Reeve, Will Reeve,
the son of the Superman: The Movie star, will make a cameo appearance in
Gunn's reboot as a TV news reporter.

He's an actor and producer who, in recent years, has served as a

correspondent for ABC. The filmmaker was spotted embracing Reeve after
these scenes were shot and we're sure his presence in Superman will be
something many of you appreciate.

Plus, given the influence Superman: The Movie has had on Gunn and other
filmmakers, we're sure that won't be the only nod to the 1978 classic we get
next summer

As work continues on Superman in Cleveland, Ohio, a new set video shows
stuntmen rehearsing an epic action scene which sees the Man of Tomorrow
brutally taking down an unknown for. Check it out here...
By JoshWilding –
Jul 10, 2024
Over the past couple of days, Superman has moved production to Cleveland's
Detroit-Superior Bridge with James Gunn directing extras and stunt performers
as they flee from Metropolis (resulting in cars colliding).
Next up is Progressive Field which, based on what we've heard from the set, is
being transformed into "LordTech Field."
Yesterday afternoon, stuntmen were spotted rehearsing a scene which appears
to show Superman battling an unknown foe in the air before dragging them
face-first across the baseball stadium's ground.

Not only is it impressive that this sequence is being shot practically, but it
dismisses the complaints from those who feel Gunn is making Superman too
soft by embracing the comics. Yes, that's a legitimate complaint on social
The actors are expected to report to Progressive Field LordTech Field soon,
and we'd bet on the Man of Steel delivering a beatdown to the mysterious
masked brute believed to be the DCU's Ultraman or Bizarro. Hopefully, we'll see
them doing battle later today!

Check out the footage in the X post below.

Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian
heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.
The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell

Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

A stuntman was injured on the set of Superman yesterday while shooting a
high-speed motorcycle sequence which causes chaos on a Metropolis bridge.
Check out some new photos and footage after the jump...
By JoshWilding –
Jul 09, 2024

As shooting resumes on Superman in Cleveland, Ohio, a stuntman has been
injured while filming a high-speed chase sequence on the Detroit-Superior
Bridge yesterday. broke the news that a stuntman was driving a motorcycle when,
"He took a spill, clutching his knee as he hit the ground. The camera crew
stopped filming as he was placed on a stretcher and put into an ambulance."

While it thankfully doesn't appear to be anything life-threatening, the site

confirms that "The stuntman received treatment for several minutes before the
ambulance left the scene with him inside."
His current condition is unknown and there's no word on who he was doubling
for; given that he was dressed in black, it's possible he's meant to be Rick Flag
Sr. or another of the A.R.G.U.S. agents spotted on set recently.

As for what was being shot, it's said, "The stuntman rehearsed the scene
several times without incident. In the action, he and another stuntperson on a
motorcycle are fleeing Metropolis on the bridge at a high rate of speed when
one of them causes a staged collision between six cars."

Production was only paused for roughly 40 minutes before cameras started
rolling again.
Work has resumed today, though there's still no sign of Superman's cast.
Filmmaker James Gunn is on hand, though, suggesting these scenes will be an
important part of his upcoming reboot.

Whether this means we've seen the last of the movie's costumed heroes
remains to be seen; however, we're hopeful that the Man of Steel will show up
again at some point in the coming days.
Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian
heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell

Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

July 7, 2024
Construction on new sets for the upcoming “Superman” movie moved to Detroit-
Superior Bridge this weekend, with filming scheduled to take place tomorrow.
Extras in cars were asked to be on set tomorrow to film a scene on the bridge,
while other sets on the corner of Euclid Ave and E 9th St in downtown
Cleveland include the Metropolis Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolis
Museum of Natural History.

Previously known as “Superman: Legacy”, the cast of the film, now simply titled
“Superman”, features David Corenswet as Superman/Clark Kent, Rachel
Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor, Terence Rosemore as
Otis, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Wendell Pierce as Perry White, Sara
Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner/Green Lantern,
Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, Anthony Carrigan as
Metamorpho, María Gabriela de Faría as The Engineer, Beck Bennett as Steve
Lombard, Mikaela Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher McDonald as Ron Troupe,
Neva Howell as Martha Kent, and Pruitt Taylor Vince as Jonathan Kent.

Directed by James Gunn, “Superman” is scheduled to be released July 11,

New photos and footage from the set of Superman have been revealed and
they feature panic in Metropolis as the city's citizens flee from an unknown
threat. We also have an official map of the hero's home.
By JoshWilding –
Jul 08, 2024
Superman has resumed shooting after taking a hiatus over the long weekend,
and while the cast isn't on hand (at least not yet), filmmaker James Gunn has
been spotted directing a huge group of terrified extras.

They're running pedestrians and motorists flee Metropolis.

Could it have something to do with whatever that weird orb was floating in the
sky in our first look at David Corenswet suited up as the DCU's Man of Steel?
We'll almost certainly have to wait and see, but a map of Metropolis - the "City
of Tomorrow" - has been spotted that's packed full of Easter Eggs for DC
Comics fans.

Someone we know will likely appreciate this is Hawkgirl actress Isabela Merced.
In a recent interview, she said, "Honestly, inside I'm just a nerdy guy. I feel like
that’s who I actually am. I'm geeking out every time I try on the supersuit! It's
just the coolest thing in the world to me."

Gunn himself is a fanboy, particularly of Superman if previous social media

posts are anything to go by, so Superman is a movie we expect to be packed
with nods to the comic books.

Check out the latest set footage and photos in the X posts below (we also have
footage of Christopher Reeve's son, Will, shooting his cameo).
Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian
heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell

Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

At this point, we've seen enough from James Gunn's Superman to get a pretty
good idea of what to expect and, while some of you won't like it, we think it's
already beaten Zack Snyder's take on the hero...
Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding –
Jul 03, 2024 12:07 PM EST
Despite a divisive first look, Superman has greatly impressed fans in recent
weeks. That's down to what feels like an endless supply of photos and footage
from the movie's Cleveland set, all of which have showcased the reboot's
characters and "Metropolis" setting.

Way back in 2013, it was down to Zack Snyder to put a fresh spin on Superman
in Man of Steel. That split opinions for its take on the iconic DC Comics
character, as did Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (and, to a lesser extent,
both cuts of Justice League).

With Superman, James Gunn is looking to relaunch the hero and the entire
DCEU as the new DCU. We won't know how he's fared until sitting down to
watch this movie, but in the meantime, there are some telltale signs that the
filmmaker's vision for Superman is vastly better than what's come before.
To see how we think Superman has already beaten Man of Steel, click on the
"Next"/"View List" buttons below.

7. The Costume Is Better

We might as well start with a controversial talking point and, yes, that's
Superman's costume. The first official image released from the reboot wasn't
good and, shockingly, appeared to even boast tell-tale signs of A.I. usage.

Since then, we've seen David Corenswet suited up in a bunch of set photos.
Not only is the costume far more colourful than the moody effort worn by Henry
Cavill, but it's also very comic-accurate, right down to the red trunks and yellow
belt (not to mention the logo on Superman's cape).

It admittedly looks a little loose-fitting and created, but those are issues which
can be fixed in post-production. Cavill's suit was gloomy, uninspired, and the
padding made him look like, well, a blue Hulk. It worked in a lot of ways, but this
latest effort is 100% classic Superman.
6. There's A Distinct Difference Between Superman And Clark Kent

Zack Snyder took a bizarre approach to Superman's origin story, with Clark not
becoming a superhero until he was well into his 30s. In fact, he'd spent most of
his life hiding his powers, going so far as to allow his father to die to protect his

As a result, the Kryptonian didn't reveal his alter-ego until the closing moments
of Man of Steel when the hunky reporter threw on a pair of glasses and just
started working at The Daily Planet. How no one figured out he and Superman
were one and the same is beyond us.

In contrast, Superman is following Superman: The Movie's blueprint by ensuring

there's a distinct difference between Clark and his heroic side. Corenswet has
been spotted with a completely different hairstyle and, based on set footage, is
even changing his physicality as Clark.

5. He's A True Hero

To put it bluntly, the DCEU's Superman was never much of a hero. He certainly
leapt into action when required, but inadvertently killed thousands while fighting
General Zod in Metropolis and, when he did cross paths with the public, they
mostly seemed to treat him like a God.

While we can appreciate what Snyder was going for, putting Superman on a
pedestal like this robs the character of his charm and, in some respects, makes
him feel like a parody or caricature.

Corenswet's Superman has now been spotted helping the people of Metropolis
on several occasions. We've also seen newspaper headlines revealing the
ways he's stepped up to protect his home and do good, including taking a
busload of young cancer patients to Egypt!

4. The Daily Planet

The Daily Planet did factor into Snyder's movies but, as noted, Clark didn't start
working there until the end of Man of Steel. We got to see him do his thing for a
brief stint in Batman v Superman, only for that to reach an abrupt end when
Doomsday killed him.

Amy Adams did the best she could with the material she had to work with as
Lois Lane, but The Daily Planet had little in the way of character and was even
located in the most nondescript, boring building imaginable.

That was an issue with Metropolis as a whole and James Gunn has countered
that by delivering a comic-accurate take on the newspaper. He's also
showcasing a greater number of the characters who work there (including
Jimmy Olsen who, in the DCEU, was shot in the head).

SUPERMAN: New Set Photos Give Us A Better Look At Green Lantern &
Hawkgirl's Costumes

3. A World Inhabited By Superheroes

Warner Bros. presented Snyder with a near-impossible task when they got him
to start laying the groundwork for the Justice League to assemble in only his
second DCEU movie. That meant rushed origin stories and weird, combative
versions of these heroes in their early days.

Superman, on the other hand, clearly takes place in a world with plenty of
established heroes. We've now seen the Man of Tomorrow cross paths with
Mister Terrific, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, and Hawkgirl, all of whom appear
to be members of the same Maxwell Lord-funded team.

This feels like a far more effective way to build a shared universe and, based on
how Batman was introduced, is something Snyder should have also done. The
only problem is, the costumes worn by Guy and Hawkgirl...well, they're not
great (in fact, they're pretty bad at first glance).

2. Embracing The (Right) Comics

If Snyder wanted to make an R-Rated adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns,
then he should have done so separately to the shared world Warner Bros.
wanted to create with the DCEU. Clearly, there was some miscommunication
between the two parties.

By embracing the work of Frank Miller (which is, of course, fantastic), Snyder
created a world full of cynical superheroes who didn't like each other and, more
often than not, were out for each other's blood. It made for grim viewing and
was rejected by the majority of moviegoers.

Gunn has delivered heaps of emotion in his Guardians of the Galaxy movies
along with some big laughs. The same is true for The Suicide Squad and
Peacemaker; throw in some stellar action scenes, and he feels like a better fit.
Crucially, he's taking inspiration from All-Star Superman!

1-Superman Is Loved, Not Hated

Perhaps the most bizarre thing about Snyder's take on Superman is that, when
he wasn't being worshipped as a God, he was viewed as someone to fear. The
Government, regular people, and even Batman viewed the Man of Tomorrow as
a terrifying alien who was far too powerful.

His death created a period of mourning, yes, but when Supes did rise from the was as a villain! Had Snyder's plans for the DCEU come to fruition,
then Superman was going to terrorise the world alongside Darkseid after falling
under his control.

Joss Whedon's Justice League wasn't great. Still, it's hard to deny that we didn't
get a huge improvement when it came to Superman's portrayal, including a
vastly more optimistic conclusion to his story. Needless to say, we don't expect
the DCU's version to embrace his inner darkness...
Another round of Superman set snaps here, and this time we get a first look at
Isabela Merced without her Hawkgirl helmet, and a very interesting crowd
By MarkCassidy –
Jul 04, 2024
As we head into the second week of filming in Cleveland, another round of
photos and video from the set of James Gunn's Superman have been shared

The photos provide arguably our best look yet at the costumes donned by
Nathan Fillion (Guy Gardner) and Isabela Merced (Hawkgirl), and we also get to
see the latter without her helmet. As for the video, the short clip shows
onlookers reacting a little strangely to the Man of Steel (David Corenswet).
Possible spoilers from this point on.
The footage sees Superman - who appears to be a little shaky on his feet -
walking through a crowd, and the people seem to be reacting with hesitation,
possibly even fear, as the hero approaches. Are they simply shocked that the
Man of Tomorrow has suffered a defeat, or is something else going on?
There's speculation that this may not actually be Superman, and Corenswet is
also playing Lex Luthor's (Nicholas Hoult) clone (Ultraman/Bizarro) here.
Have a look at the photos and video for yourselves at the links below, and let us
know what you think.
Superman will also star Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Edi Gathegi as Mr.
Terrific, and Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho.

Sara Sampaio is on board as Lex's assistant/lover Eve Teschmacher, Pruitt

Taylor Vince and Neva Howell will play "Ma" and "Pa" Kent, and Milly Alcock's
Supergirl is also rumored to make her debut ahead of her own Woman of
Tomorrow movie, but that's yet to be confirmed.

We're still not sure exactly how these other superheroes will factor into the
story, but Gunn has previously revealed that Superman's dual-life as both Clark
Kent and the Man of Steel will be explored in the film, suggesting that these
characters will be his "super friends." Whether they'll be part of an actual team
or not remains to be seen.

“Overjoyed to be announcing the start of principal photography on SUPERMAN

today, February 29, which just so happens to be – coincidentally and unplanned
– Superman’s birthday,” Gunn captioned the first official photo earlier this year.
“When I finished the first draft of the script, I called the film ‘Superman: Legacy.’
By the time I locked the final draft, it was clear the title was SUPERMAN,” he
added. “Making our way to you July 2025.”
July 2, 2024 Movie News
Filming for the new “Superman” movie continues in downtown Cleveland today,
including some explosive action.

Cleveland Public Square was the scene for a special effects sequence which
saw something drop from the sky, landing with an explosive force.
Click Page 2 below to see the photos.

July 2, 2024 Movie News

Tribute to Superman Legend
July 2, 2024 Movie News 0
Will Reeve, the son of the late, great actor, and current ABC TV news
correspondent and journalist, was on set today filming a cameo appearance as
a TV reporter, reporting on the explosive action that was filmed in Clevelands
Public Square.

As Superman fans know, Christopher Reeve played the Man of Steel in four
“Superman” films from 1978-1987. Will and his siblings have been in the
spotlight in recent times with the upcoming theatrical release of “Super/Man:
The Christopher Reeve Story,” the documentary on the life and career of their
late father.

Previously known as “Superman: Legacy”, the cast of the film, now simply titled
“Superman”, features David Corenswet as Superman/Clark Kent, Rachel
Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor, Terence Rosemore as
Otis, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Wendell Pierce as Perry White, Sara
Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner/Green Lantern,
Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, Anthony Carrigan as
Metamorpho, María Gabriela de Faría as The Engineer, Beck Bennett as Steve
Lombard, Mikaela Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher McDonald as Ron Troupe,
Neva Howell as Martha Kent, and Pruitt Taylor Vince as Jonathan Kent.

Directed by James Gunn, “Superman” is scheduled to be released July 11,

James Gunn continues to pay tribute to the legacy of Superman, this time
including a cameo appearance in the new “Superman” movie that pays tribute
to Christopher Reeve.

Will Reeve hugs James Gunn

As shooting continues on Superman in Cleveland, Ohio, we have loads of new
content from the movie's set, including the Man of Tomorrow taking flight, a big
DC Easter Egg, a touching cameo, and much more.
By JoshWilding
Jul 02, 2024

Work has resumed on Superman in Cleveland (we're going to miss these daily
updates when the production inevitably moves elsewhere) and the Man of Steel
is back in action!

This time, David Corenswet's iconic DC Comics superhero is shown taking flight
to try and save a falling civilian. That is indeed the actor performing his own
stunts for the scene and, in contrast to other recent photos, it appears
Superman's suit is a lot more beaten up here.
In fact, it looks as dirty as the version seen in James Gunn's divisive first-look
photo, suggesting this sequence takes place later in the film when Metropolis
comes under attack.

A woman was photographed falling, presumably so the two halves of this scene
can be spliced together in post-production. While there's been some
speculation about that being Isabela Merced, we're pretty sure it isn't the DCU's
Hawkgirl who needs saving.

Next up is another fun Easter Egg for DC fans. Stagg Enterprises has been
spotted in Cleveland, a company with ties to Metamorpho, a character who will
be played by Anthony Carrigan in Superman.
It also appears Will Reeve, the son of Superman: The Movie star Christopher
Reeve, will make a cameo appearance in Gunn's reboot as a TV news reporter.
He's an actor and producer who, in recent years, has served as a
correspondent for ABC. The filmmaker was spotted embracing Reeve after
these scenes were shot and we're sure his presence in Superman will make for
a touching moment.

Finally, we have a set video showing stunt doubles for Corenswet's Superman
and Rachel Brosnahan's Lois Lane flying through the air and looking lovingly
into each other's eyes.
We can only hope footage of the actors themselves follows, but this sort of
imagery is something we know many of you were hoping to see in this movie.
Whether Lois knows Superman and Clark Kent are one and the same remains
to be seen!

Check out the video in the X post below.

Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian
heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell

Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

In the latest photos from the Cleveland set of DC Studios' Superman, David
Corenswet strikes an iconic pose and takes flight as the DCU's new Man of
Tomorrow! Move over Henry Cavill, there's a new Supes...
By JoshWilding –
Jul 01, 2024

If you need further convincing that David Corenswet is the Man of Tomorrow
after the past week or so of set photos, look no further than these latest snaps
from the set of Superman.

Production continues in Cleveland, Ohio, and the iconic DC Comics superhero

has now been spotted taking flight. As you might expect, Corenswet's Kal-El
kneeled to the ground before leaping up, up and away (with special effects set
to show him taking off after the actor jumped into the air).
The actor certainly looks the part and this is an iconic piece of Superman

We're hearing rumblings that Hawkgirl and Supergirl could be next to be seen
on set, so the reveals might not end here. In the meantime, though, this is a
pretty fantastic sight to behold and we'll hopefully get some footage to go with
the photos in due course.

Check out this new look at Superman in the X posts below. A full gallery of
images can be found at
Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian
heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell

Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

June 30, 2024 The attention to detail in some of the signage created for the
upcoming “Superman” movie will probably never be appreciated by those sitting
watching the movie, but the set designers have gone to extreme lengths to
ensure proper authenticity when it comes to dressing the set of the film.
Metropolis Sign in New Superman Movie
A “Downtown District” sign delves in to the history of the fictional city of
Metropolis was founded in 1634 by Dutch settlers, prospering in trade for its
natural coastal harbor. The first settlement was by Dutchman Paul De Vries,
being called De Vries Village, now known as “Old City” in Queensland Park. In
1783, the First Metropolitan Bank was opened by P. Randall Jeffries, that which
still exists today. The mid-1800s saw the Hob’s Bay area of the city grow as a
merchant center. The large influx of Irish immigrants during this time rose
tensions with the second generation citizens of Metropolis, leading to the well-
known “Hob’s Bay Riots”. Metropolis would prosper during the Industrial
Revolution with the founding of The Steel Works. Today, Metropolis is known as
the “City of Tomorrow”, a nickname adopted from our innovation
and our hopes for the future.

Previously known as “Superman: Legacy”, the cast of the film, now simply titled
“Superman”, features David Corenswet as Superman/Clark Kent, Rachel
Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor, Terence Rosemore as
Otis, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Wendell Pierce as Perry White, Sara
Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner/Green Lantern,
Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, Anthony Carrigan as
Metamorpho, María Gabriela de Faría as The Engineer, Beck Bennett as Steve
Lombard, Mikaela Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher McDonald as Ron Troupe,
Neva Howell as Martha Kent, and Pruitt Taylor Vince as Jonathan Kent.

Directed by James Gunn, “Superman” is scheduled to be released July 11,

We have a few more photos from the Cleveland set of James Gunn's Superman
here, including a new look at David Corenswet as Clark Kent...
By MarkCassidy –
Jun 29,
Filming continues on the Cleveland, Ohio set of James Gunn's Superman, and
with the rubble back on the streets, it looks like they're preparing to shoot
another explosive set piece.

We'll hopefully be able to bring you some shots from those sequences later on,
but for now, we have a new round-up of photos from the last couple of days.
There's nothing massively revealing here, but we do have a couple of new
snaps of David Corenswet as Clark Kent as he pushes his way through the
crowd. The black-and-white image confirms that the Man of Steel is going to
have his own merchandise in the DCU, and we also have a close-up of Kent's
Daily Planet press badge.

This curly-haired take on Clark has proved to be somewhat divisive, but it's
certainly one way to distinguish the mild-mannered reporter from his super-
powered alter ego.
Eagle-eyed fans have also spotted a couple of new Easter-eggs relating to
Supergirl and Glen Glenmorgan, aka Mr. Metropolis.

Check out the photos at the links below, along with a video of Gunn signing
autographs for fans near the set.
Superman will also star Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nicholas Hoult as Lex
Luthor, Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Edi Gathegi as Mr.
Terrific, Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, and Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho.

Sara Sampaio is on board as Lex's assistant/lover Eve Teschmacher, Pruitt

Taylor Vince and Neva Howell will play "Ma" and "Pa" Kent, and Milly Alcock's
Supergirl is also rumored to make her debut ahead of her own Woman of
Tomorrow movie, but that's yet to be confirmed.

We're still not sure exactly how these other superheroes will factor into the
story, but Gunn has previously revealed that Superman's dual-life as both Clark
Kent and the Man of Steel will be explored in the film, suggesting that these
characters will be his "super friends." Whether they'll be part of an actual team
or not remains to be seen.

“Overjoyed to be announcing the start of principal photography on SUPERMAN

today, February 29, which just so happens to be – coincidentally and unplanned
– Superman’s birthday,” Gunn captioned the first official photo earlier this year.
“When I finished the first draft of the script, I called the film ‘Superman: Legacy.’
By the time I locked the final draft, it was clear the title was SUPERMAN,” he
added. “Making our way to you July 2025.”
Felipe Rangel
James Gunn's Superman movie makes exciting choices for a unique
Metropolis, already beating Cavill's Superman.
Cavill's Superman was shrouded in controversy due to confusing creative
decisions by the DCEU.
The DCU's iconic cities need unique designs to establish a rich and diverse
world, starting with Superman's Metropolis.

James Gunn is hard at work on Superman, and the first movie in the DC
Universe makes an exciting choice that helps the film beat Henry Cavill's
Superman a year before premiering. Cavill did the best he could with the
material he was given; however, his time as Superman was shrouded in
controversies, as were the majority of the movies in the DCEU. Now, the
franchise hopes to shift towards a new chapter with the star of the new DCU,
spearheaded by Gunn and Peter Safran, DC Studios co-CEOs.
Despite playing Superman for nearly a decade, Cavill only led one solo movie
as the hero, appearing in a couple of crossover projects after that. When he
was onscreen, Cavill showed glimpses of the perfect Superman within, though
the DCEU made some confusing creative decisions with the hero, which
included changes to his core cast of characters and beloved city. Now, the new
DC Universe is reworking those decisions, and after recent reveals, it is clear
that Gunn's Superman reboot is already beating Cavill's Superman based on a
key change.

The DCU Metropolis Feels Unique & Henry Cavill’s Did Not
Set Photos Reveal The DCU Metropolis' Look

Gunn has managed to keep a tight lid on Superman's production. Aside from
officially released set photos, not much has been revealed about the upcoming
Superman movie. However, now that the DCU project is getting ready to film
outdoors in Cleveland, Ohio, Superman set photos have started to come out,
including a new look at Corenswet as Superman in action. With DC preparing
the movie's set to start filming, the first look at the DCU's Metropolis has been
revealed through set photos, and it will be very different from the DCEU's.

In the DCEU, Metropolis and The Daily Planet looked just like any other city,
which was a boring choice. Thankfully, the DCU will correct that, presenting a
stylized look for its Metropolis as shown in the Superman reboot set photos. As
revealed by the set photos shared by @DCUSuperNews/Twitter, the DCU's
Metropolis will have a retro style that comes straight from the comics, with
storefronts showing a bright design that screams the City of Tomorrow. Instead
of being dull like the DCEU's the Superman reboot's Metropolis will feel unique.

Check out the Superman reboot set photos of Metropolis here.

How The DCU Can Make The Most Of DC’s Iconic Cities
World-Building is Key
The DCU needs to take some cues from its Metropolis design for the rest of
DC's iconic cities. Since Gunn has shown that he understands DC's iconic
settings, it should be expected that each location will feel unique. Gotham City
could have a noir inspiration, Themyscira needs to be a lush island, Central City
can be a technologically advanced city, and so on. Having each city stand with
a singular design allows the DCU to establish a rich and diverse world from the
get-go, which would be key in making the franchise feel fresh, starting with
Superman's Metropolis.
It's been another busy few days for Superman set photos and we're now
rounding up all the biggest reveals and spoilers for you in one place...while
speculating what everything we've seen means, of course!
Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding –
Jun 27, 2024

Production on Superman in Cleveland has continued this week and the reveals
have been coming in thick and fast. We appreciate it's hard to keep up,
particularly as those have ranged from being as minor as a first look at The
Daily Planet staff to a shot of the movie's mystery villain!
With that in mind, we've combed through all the photos and footage - most of
which we've covered here, but some which passed even us by - to bring you
another breakdown of reveals and spoilers from set.

From a clash between David Corenswet's Man of Tomorrow and some

unexpected foes to James Gunn's plans to making a truly connected DCU,
there's a lot to delve into here. Oh, and if you missed it earlier this week, you
can find our previous breakdown here.
For now, check out the latest wave of Superman reveals by clicking on the
"Next"/"View List" buttons below.

6. Superman vs. The U.S. Government

Man of Steel made it clear that the U.S. Government had some reservations
about someone as powerful as Superman being allowed to act without
oversight, but is the same true in this reboot?

While the hero has been spotted walking into Metropolis City Hall, we can't
imagine he did anything inside that's bad enough to justify being apprehended
by the military. Still, we've seen the hero forced to the ground and handcuffed,
and there must be a good reason for that.

Amanda Waller may be overstepping or, even more likely, Superman is being
framed. Perhaps by a compliant clone who has caused chaos in his city while
wearing a lookalike costume? We'll get to that later...

5. Clark Kent's New Look

In reality, the idea that Clark Kent hides the fact he's Superman with a pair of
glasses is ridiculous. Then again, so is no one recognising Batman just because
he has a cowl on!

The same can ultimately be said for any superhero, though DC Studios
deserves credit for finding a way to address that. Along with his trusty specs,
Corenswet's Clark will have a mop of curly hair which makes him look
unassuming and a far cry from the dashing Man of Tomorrow.

The actor can't hide how tall he is, but based on the footage we've seen (which
can also be found at the link above), Corenswet is changing his stance and
demeanour to look thoroughly unremarkable as the Daily Planet reporter.

4. A Comic-Accurate Cat Grant

Mikaela Hoover is stunning, so we're not exactly shocked that Gunn cast her as
The Daily Planet's bombshell gossip columnist.
Cat Grant has been portrayed in a lot of different ways over the years,
sometimes cutting a tragic figure and others a busty flirt who leaves poor Clark
tripping over his words.
For Superman, it looks - on the surface, at least - like we're getting the latter.
We've no doubt that Clark will have a thing for Lois Lane in this movie (whether
they're a couple at this stage remains to be seen). However, adding Cat to the
mix could lend some humour to the Planet's newsroom.

3. Creature Commandos Cameo

From the start, Gunn has said the DCU will be connected across all forms of
media. That extends beyond just film and television to animated and video
game projects, with one character all over this franchise during its earliest days.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier star Frank Grillo will first play Rick Flag Sr.
in Creature Commandos before making the leap to Peacemaker season 2
where he'll target Christopher Smith to avenge his son's death. In Superman,
he'll be joined by The Engineer (a member of The Authority) and a mysterious
masked villain when, along with the military, they apprehend the hero.
We know Flag Sr. works for Amanda Waller because the Creature Commandos
are all she's allowed to assemble after her past actions were exposed in
Peacemaker. Regardless, it seems A.R.G.U.S. will be getting involved here.

2. Battle-Damaged Lex Luthor

We've yet to see Nicholas Hoult's Lex Luthor in his entirety, but these must-see
snaps reveal the Superman villain has seen some action because there are
petty nasty-looking cuts on his head.

His forehead and chin are also bleeding, suggesting Lex has been involved in a
pretty serious incident. It would be easy to jump to the conclusion that this must
be from a scrap with Superman, though with so much destruction on Metropolis'
streets, the possibilities are endless.

If we had to present a theory, it's possible Lex has found himself on the wrong
end of an altercation with one of his creations. Allow us to explain...

By far the biggest spoiler this week was the arrival of a hulking brute of a villain
on set who appears to be the DCU's Ultraman. Rumours he'll appear have
swirled for months, though Gunn appears to have unique plans for the
Multiversal Superman doppelganger.

He's supposedly a clone created by Lex Luthor in Superman and, given his
size, something tells us the villain succeeded in making something that is more
"ultra" than "super."

However, as we theorised earlier today, there's a very good chance Ultraman is

an amalgamation of four different DC Comics villains. Gunn insists that Lex is
Superman's lead villain, but the title character needs someone to fight and we're
guessing that's where this guy comes in.
A new photo from the set of Superman reveals another Daily Planet headline
with the DCU's Man of Tomorrow recreating a touching moment from Grant
Morrison and Frank Quitely's All-Star Superman comic book.
By JoshWilding –
Jun 27, 2024
As upset as many fans were to see Henry Cavill's time as the Man of Steel
reach its end, it's been clear for a while now that the world wants a more
optimistic, less brooding version of the character on screen.

All signs point to us getting exactly that in DC Studios' Superman, something

that's evident from a newly discovered Easter Egg.

Copies of The Daily Planet spotted on set have already teased the Krytonian's
heroic deeds, but we now see that just like his comic book counterpart in All-
Star Superman, this Kal-El similarly flew a group of young cancer patients to
see the Egyptian Pyramids.

This is exactly what Superman fans have been waiting to see from the hero;
whether any of these good deeds which extend beyond saving the world or
Metropolis make it into the movie itself remains to be seen.
A new shot of David Corenswet as Clark Kent has also surfaced which shows
The Daily Planet reporter walk by a star full of "Superman" merchandise (some
of which are real-life products, including statues produced by McFarlane Toys
and Pure Arts).

This suggests he's been serving as a superhero for some time and is popular
among Metropolis' residents.
Finally, filmmaker James Gunn has shared a new behind-the-scenes photo of
his Superman cast.
Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian
heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.
Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell
Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

A new video from the set of Superman shows Mister Terrific taking flight, but
why is the hero decked out in such an elaborate rig? You can see his and the
Man of Tomorrow's interaction after the jump...
By JoshWilding
Jun 27, 2024
This week, we've been treated to a first look at many of Superman's lead
characters. However, the only two superheroes on hand have been the Man of
Steel himself and Mister Terrific.
Now, a new set video has surfaced on social media showing the dynamic duo
on a Metropolis rooftop. What's weird about this one, though, is the fact Terrific
is wearing some sort of flying rig (on the page, he typically uses his T-Spheres
to take flight).

Actor Edi Gathegi is lifted into the air and Superman snaps off a salute to his
fellow hero before he makes an unsteady landing. It's a pretty cumbersome-
looking contraption, though it could be that it's meant to be a battle suit of some

We're expecting shooting to continue in Cleveland today, so it's possible we'll

see more of this and other Superman cast members. Even if the big reveals are
starting to wind down, we've seen enough at this stage to build excitement for
the movie in a way the first official image didn't.
Some new photos of Superman's extras have also been spotted showcasing
the unique style we can expect to see in this comic book/retro-inspired take on
the DCU from DC Studios.
Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian
heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell

Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

Much has been said about Superman's mysterious masked villain, but we
believe filmmaker James Gunn is pulling inspiration from FOUR classic comic
book baddies for the Man of Steel's first foe in the DCU.
Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding –
Jun 27, 2024
This week, photos from the set of Superman revealed a brutish villain slamming
the Man of Tomorrow to the ground and taking him into custody alongside Rick
Flag Sr. and The Engineer.

He's quite a bit bigger than the Man of Steel, but this unnamed bad guy being
covered from head to toe has left us with a lot of has the "U" on
his chest! Social media scoopers continue to insist he's Ultraman, a Superman
clone created by Lex Luthor. That's an assessment we agree with, though we
also think there's more to him than that.

In fact, we believe James Gunn is taking inspiration from four separate comic
book villains for this formidable antagonist.
The first of those is Doomsday. It may not be green, but Ultraman is wearing
what looks like a containment suit that, crucially, has the same goggles as the
ones worn briefly by that unstoppable baddie.

We don't expect Gunn to introduce Doomsday this soon given recent

appearances in the DCEU and Superman & Lois; still, it's possible whoever is
beneath this costume will eventually transform into that beast in a future movie.

The colour scheme and utilitarian "U," meanwhile, appear to be paying homage
to Ulysses, an obscure character who was sent into the Fourth Dimension as a
child by his scientist parents, returning with incredible powers he tried to use
heroically before heading down a dark path.
Then, there's the aforementioned Ultraman. If we're to believe the scoopers,
then Lex creates a Superman clone to presumably take down Metropolis' alien
protector so this doppelganger can serve the U.S. Government as they see fit.
While the comic book version of the character hails from another Earth, the
DCU desperately needs to ditch the Multiverse after The Flash, so making him
a clone adds up.

Plus, calling his fake Superman "Ultraman" seems like a very Lex thing to do.
Finally, we have Bizarro. Gunn is embracing the comics for Superman and
clearly enjoys the goofier elements of them (The Suicide Squad proves that).
When "Ultraman" is unmasked, we expect to see a deformed monster beneath
who will almost certainly be meant as a nod to Bizarro. Will he have the same
weird speech pattern and the comedic costume? The latter is unlikely, though
the former can't be discounted.

With this, the stage will be set for a new take on Bizarro who can stick around in
the DCU. Making this possibility all the more likely is the fact that, in some
comics, the villain is a Superman clone...created by Lex!

With Gunn pulling inspiration from four different villains, it feels like this reboot is
taking us in unexpected directions. However, while he'll bear the "Ultraman"
name, we remain convinced that Supes will go toe-to-toe not with Doomsday or
Ulysses, but Bizarro.
Another batch of photos from the set of James Gunn's Superman here, and this
time we have a much closer look at María Gabriela de Faría's The Engineer, as
well as a couple of surprising characters...
By MarkCassidy –
Jun 26, 2024
Following last night's big reveal that the Man of Steel (David Corenswet) will be
facing a formidable new foe in James Gunn's Superman reboot, we have
another batch of photos from the Cleveland, Ohio set which give us a much
closer look at this mysterious villain.

We're still not exactly sure who this is (Ultraman? Midnighter? Bizarro?
Ulysses?), but whoever it turns out to be, he is clearly powerful enough to pose
a physical threat to the Man of Tomorrow and keep him pinned to the ground.

The photos also give us a better look at María Gabriela de Faría as Authority
member The Engineer, and Frank Grillo as Rick Flag Sr., who are evidently
working together to apprehend Superman. Is Lex Luthor (Nicholas Hoult) giving
the orders? Or will we learn that Amanda Waller is pulling the strings?
Check out the new snaps at the links below, and let us know what you think in
the comments section.
Superman will also star Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nathan Fillion as
Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, and Anthony
Carrigan as Metamorpho.

Sara Sampaio is on board as Lex's assistant/lover Eve Teschmacher, Pruitt

Taylor Vince and Neva Howell will play "Ma" and "Pa" Kent, and Milly Alcock's
Supergirl is also rumored to make her debut ahead of her own Woman of
Tomorrow movie, but that's yet to be confirmed.

We're still not sure exactly how these other superheroes will factor into the
story, but Gunn has previously revealed that Superman's dual-life as both Clark
Kent and the Man of Steel will be explored in the film, suggesting that these
characters will be his "super friends." Whether they'll be part of an actual team
or not remains to be seen.

“Overjoyed to be announcing the start of principal photography on SUPERMAN

today, February 29, which just so happens to be – coincidentally and unplanned
– Superman’s birthday,” Gunn captioned the first official photo earlier this year.
“When I finished the first draft of the script, I called the film ‘Superman: Legacy.’
By the time I locked the final draft, it was clear the title was SUPERMAN,” he
added. “Making our way to you July 2025.”
Lewis Glazebrook
Corenswet's Superman suit features a high collar and bold cape, setting it apart
from Cavill's more traditional design.
While Cavill's suit fits snugly with an alien-like texture, Corenswet's appears
looser with a more homemade feel.
Corenswet's colorful and comic-accurate suit, complete with trunks, outshines
Cavill's darker and less vibrant version.

Set photos from Superman have revealed more about David Corenswet's
costume, causing many to debate whether it outshines that of the most recent
iteration of the Man of Steel: Henry Cavill. David Corenswet's addition as the
lead of Superman's cast of characters caused controversy initially, primarily due
to the love of Henry Cavill in the role between 2013 and 2023. That said, many
who belong to the side of the DC fandom that is not obsessed with the
Snyderverse have come to accept Corenswet as the new face of Krypton, which
will officially begin with Superman's 2025 DCU story.

Even with many coming to terms with the fact that Cavill's reign as Superman
needed to end, it is only human nature to draw comparisons between two
versions of the same character. This has happened throughout superhero
movie cinema, meaning the comparisons between Cavill and Corenswet as the
two most recent live-action Superman actors were to be expected. One specific,
recent source of discourse has come in the form of the actors' costumes as set
photos offered more concrete looks at Corenswet’s suit, leading many to
wonder if it is better than Cavill’s from the now-ended DCEU movie timeline.

David Corenswet as Superman (2025) next to Henry Cavill as Superman from

Justice League (2017)
The costume for the DCU’s Superman has finally been unveiled in all its glory,
allowing a deep dive into every aspect of Clark’s new live-action look.

David Corenswet's Superman Suit Has A Better Cape & Collar

Set Photos Have Offered A Better Look At Corenswet's Most Distinct Suit
David Corenswet as Superman with Lex Luthor

When James Gunn took to social media to unveil the first look at Corewnswet's
suit for Superman, a common point of debate was its high collar. Taking
inspiration from the New 52 Superman of DC Comics, Gunn opted to have a
collar rise Corenswet's neck, also employing a cape that folds over the top of
his shoulders and blends into the blue of the suit at the collar bones. Initially,
some fans did not care for the look of the collar, but it gives the suit a greater
sense of style and differentiation from prior iterations than Cavill's did.

Cavill's cape and regular fitting collar looked fine but did not make much
difference from past versions of Superman like Brandon Routh or Christopher
Reeve. With Corenswet's, the fixing of the cape and the high collar bring the
New 52 Superman design to life in live-action for the first time. Furthermore, the
aforementioned set photos of the DCU's Superman provided a look at the back
of Corenswet's cape, which sports the yellow Superman symbol. This gives
Corenswet's Superman an inherently more comic-book vibe than Cavill's,
proving to be another advantage of the former's outfit.
The Texture & Fitting Of Henry Cavill's Superman Suit Is Better Than

Cavill's Superman Suit Was Much Tighter & More Fantastically Superhero-Like
In terms of the overall fit and texture of both Superman suits, Henry Cavill's
surpasses David Corenswet's. If there are any common complaints of the latter,
it is that the suit looks too baggy, almost as if it does not fit Corenswet's Clark
Kent properly. While this argument is valid, it may be accentuated by how skin-
tight Henry Cavill's Superman suit was in the DCEU. Cavill's Superman suit was
never once criticized for being too baggy, as the alien-like Kryptonian outfit fit
perfectly to the under-suit muscle padding worn by Cavill throughout his tenure.

Despite the somewhat wholesome feeling provided by Corenswet's more

homemade suit, it cannot match the otherworldly elements of Cavill's...

Stemming from this, Cavill's suit succeeds in looking more alien than
Corenswet's. The DCU Superman suit looks as though it could be made by
anyone, arguably working for Clark Kent's farmboy upbringing. On the other
hand, Cavill's suit has a ribbed texture and tight-fitting to look inherently more
alien, and thus more professional as a superhero suit. Despite the somewhat
wholesome feeling provided by Corenswet's more homemade suit in upcoming
DC movies, it cannot match the otherworldly elements of Cavill's.

Henry Cavill's Superman Logo Is Better Than David Corenswet's

Corenswet's Kingdom Come Design May Be Better But Isn't Implemented As

Corenswet's Superman suit is breaking new ground in live-action Superman

movies by including the Kingdom Come logo. Kingdom Come Superman was
an alternate version of the character from DC Comics who had a distinctly
different Superman logo to the classic S-shaped symbol at the center of the
costume. While the Kingdom Come logo is better in its overall design than
Cavill's symbol of Kryptonian hope, the latter is implemented better on the
DCEU Superman suit for one key reason.

Brandon Routh portrayed a Kingdom Come version of Superman in the

Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earth's crossover, complete with the signifying

The standout element of Cavill's logo is how large it is on the front of his chest.
The Superman symbol covers the majority of the top half of the suit, stretching
to just before Cavill's armpits. Coresnwet's logo is much smaller than Cavill's,
drawing less attention to the admittedly superior Kingdom Come "S" design and
giving another point to Cavill in the battle for the best Supes suit.

Christopher Reeve In Superman Costume, Tyler Hoechlin In Superman

Costume and Henry Cavill in Superman Costume Against Backdrop of
Superman's S Sigil
Superman has one of the most iconic costumes ever, but this hasn’t always
translated to live-action as effectively as it does in DC Comics.

David Corenswet's Superman Trunks & Belt Far Outmatch Cavill's

The Return To Comic Book Accuracy With The DCU Superman Suit Is A Major
Superman Red Trunks and Gold Belt DCU Costume

One of the biggest changes Cavill's Superman suit made to classic DC Comics
iterations of the hero was the removal of the red trunks and yellow belt to go
over the blue undersuit. Both Reeve and Routh wore these trunks as
Superman, as did other live-action iterations before Cavill. Since then, Tyler
Hoechlin's Arrowverse Superman has foregone the trunks, meaning Cavill's
lack of Superman trunks ushered in a pretty substantial change from DC

With Superman, Corenswet's titular Son of Krypton will don the trunks once
more. Although many assumed the trunks could look silly and simply goofy by
modern live-action standards, Corenswet's Superman suit proves these doubts
wrong. The trunks are slightly longer than they were on Reeve or Routh, more
akin to boxers than briefs. This helps the blue of the suit stand out and perfectly
captures Superman's color design, offering an advantage to Corenswet's
Superman suit over Cavill's less-comic accurate version.

Corenswet's Superman Has A Better Color Scheme Than Cavill's Superman

Brighter, More Vibrant Colors Make Corenswet's Superman Stand Out As A
Beacon Of Hope
Finally, the last major difference between the two Superman suits in which
Corenswet's version comes out on top is the color scheme. The only DCEU
appearances in which Cavill's Superman suit had the desired color scheme
were 2017's Justice League and 2022's Black Adam. Aside from those movies,
Cavill's Superman suit was simply too dark. The muted blue was almost black,
with the red and yellow on the symbol not standing out as they too were dulled
on the color palette.

The blues, reds, and yellows are all incredibly vivid and evoke classic
Superman comics, massively improving upon the drab color scheme of Henry
Cavill's Superman...

With the DCU's Superman, James Gunn and David Corenswet are directly
addressing this lack of vibrant colors. The initial suit reveal was admittedly
worrying, with many dreading the idea of another Superman with a dark palette.
However, the set photos from Superman have nullified these worries with
Corenswet's suit being shown in all its bright glory. The blues, reds, and yellows
are all incredibly vivid and evoke classic Superman comics, massively
improving upon the drab color scheme of Henry Cavill's Superman.
Yesterday saw us finally get a first look at David Corenswet suited up as the
Man of Tomorrow on the set of Superman, and the actor has now been spotted
as Clark Kent! However, it's not what we expected...
By JoshWilding –
Jun 25, 2024
We thought a first look at Cat Grant was going to be it for Superman set photos
today. Instead, it seems nearby photographers were saving the best for last as
we now have a shot of David Corenswet as Clark Kent!

Typically, the Man of Steel disguises himself with a pair of glasses and a slight
change in hairstyle; in Christopher Reeve's case, his smartly combed hair was
replaced with the now-iconic "Superman curl."

Filmmaker James Gunn appears to have taken inspiration from Superman: The
Movie, albeit on a somewhat more extreme level. As you'll see below, the
DCU's Clark has a messy mop of curly hair to better disguise himself. With it
covering most of his forehead, we can now better believe that his colleagues at
The Daily Bugle wouldn't recognise him as Superman.
This isn't necessarily what we expected but it suggests Corenswet will
completely change his physicality as Clark Kent, a creative decision made by
Reeve which no actor has really been able to successfully replicate since
(though Brandon Routh gave it a good go in Superman Returns).

Also of note is the fact Clark is wearing round glasses which appear very similar
to those worn by, you guessed it, Reeve's version of the reporter.
SUPERMAN Set Video Reveals New Look At [SPOILER] Taking Down The
Man Of Steel And Surprise DCU Cameo

Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian

heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is
the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human
kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been
tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific,
Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela
de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell

Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as
Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela
Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas
Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before

taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

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