Questions on Nutrients

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Multiple choice questions

1. Which component of a balanced diet is used to make new enzyme molecules?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Proteins
D. Water
2. Which combination of chemical elements is present in a protein?

3. What is the best source of vitamin C in a balanced diet?

A. Fish
B. Fruit
C. Meat
D. Rice
4. Which substances are needed for formation of healthy bones and teeth?
A. Calcium and Vitamin C
B. Calcium and Vitamin D
C. Iron AND Vitamin C
D. Iron and Vitamin D
5. The table shows the amount of protein and fat in a 100g sample of some foods.
Foods Protein (g) Fat (g)
Meat 18.0 17.0
Bread 9.0 1.5
Fish 18.0 0.5
Eggs 13.0 11.0
Potato chips 4.0 9.0

Which foods have the best value for body building?

A. Bread and meat
B. Bread and potato chips
C. Meat and eggs
D. Meat and fish
6. The table below shows the average daily intake of nutrients for four people.
Food Person W Person X Person Y Person Z
Carbohydrate 520g 30g 50g 40g
Fat 110g 200g 50g 20g
Iron 15mg 4mg 30mg 20mg
Protein 50g 180g 120g 65g
Vitamin C 95mg 100mg 10mg 80mg

In which person will cuts on the skin be least likely to heal properly?
A. W
B. X
C. Y

D. Z
7. A lack of which dietary component can result in constipation?
A. Fat
B. Fibre (roughage)
C. Carbohydrate
D. Protein
8. The table shows some of the nutrients in four meals. Which meal will be most likely to stimulate peristalsis
along the alimentary canal?
G /100g
Carbohydrates Fat Roughage Protein
A 18 12 8 25
B 30 32 2 12
C 38 4 22 10
D 40 15 10 5

9. A food sample solution was mixed with 2cm3 of Benedict’s solution and gently heated for 3 minutes. What
is the possible observation and conclusion from this experiment?
Possible observation Conclusion
A Colour turns from blue to orange Proteins are present
B Colour turns from blue to orange Reducing sugar present
C Colour turns blue Proteins are present
D Colour turns blue Reducing sugar present

10. Which solutions are used for testing for protein, reducing sugar and starch?
Test for protein Test for reducing sugar Test for starch
A Benedict’s Iodine Biuret
B Biuret Benedict’s Iodine
C Biuret Iodine Benedict’s
D Iodine Biuret Benedict’s

11. Four food substances are tested for glucose using Benedict’s reagent and for protein using Biuret reagent. The
tests gave the following results.
Substance Benedict’s reagent Biuret reagent
A Orange Purple
B Orange Blue
C Yellow Blue
D Blue Purple
Which substance contains both glucose and protein?
12. Which food testing solution shows a positive result when it turns from blue to purple?
A. Benedict’s solution
B. Biuret solution
C. Ethanol
D. Iodine solution
13. The table shows the results of food tests carried out on a fruit.

What did the fruit contain?

A. Fat and reducing sugar

B. Fat and starch
C. Protein and reducing sugar
D. Protein and starch
14. The table shows the concentration of glucose and starch in an onion.
Total glucose g/ 100g Total starch g/ 100g
4.0 0.0

The onion was tested with Benedict’s solution and iodine solution. Which set of results were obtained?
Benedict’s solution Iodine solution
A Blue Blue – black
B Blue Brown
C Brick red Blue – black
D Brick red Brown

15. The table shows the results of two food samples that were tested.
Sample Iodine Solution Benedict’s Solution Biuret Reagent
1 Brown Orange Blue
2 Blue / Black Blue Violet

What do these results show?

A. Sample 1 contains starch and sugars
B. Sample 1 contains starch only
C. Sample 2 contains starch and protein
D. Sample 2 contains protein only
16. When a food substance is tested with iodine solution, which colour shows the presence of starch?
A. Blue – black
B. Brown
C. Orange
D. Purple
17. A sample of food mixed with water was tested to find out its contents. The results are shown in the table
Test Result
Iodine solution added Yellow colour
Benedict’s solution added and mixture heated Brick – red precipitate
Shaken with ethanol White emulsion
Biuret reagent added Blue colour

Which nutrients were present in the food sample?

A. Fat and reducing sugar
B. Fat and starch
C. Protein only
D. Reducing sugar only
18. Different food samples were tested for their nutrient content. The test results were recorded in the table below.
Which food sample contained both glucose and oil?

19. Which of the following food nutrients would produce a purple colour when mixed with biuret reagent?
A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Reducing sugar
D. Starch
20. The diagrams show the results of three tests on a food sample.

Which nutrients were present in the food sample?

A. Fat only
B. Fat and reducing sugar only
C. Fat, reducing sugar and starch
D. Reducing sugar and starch only
21. What is the result of a diet lacking iron?
A. Bleeding gums
B. Poor wound healing
C. Reduced number of red blood cells
D. Weak bones and teeth
22. Which condition could be caused by a lack of iron?
A. Anaemia
B. Cholera
C. Scurvy
D. Diabetes
23. Which of the following correctly shows the deficiency diseases caused by lack of vitamin C, proteins and
iron in the body?
Vitamin C Protein Iron
A Anaemia Rickets Scurvy
B Kwashiorkor Anaemia Rickets
C Rickets Scurvy Kwashiorkor

D Scurvy Kwashiorkor Anaemia

24. Poor nutrition can lead to a condition called rickets in which bones fail to develop properly. The table shows
some minerals and vitamins present in four foods. Which food would be best for a child who has rickets?

25. Which of these correctly identifies the nutritional related disorders and their causes?
Kwashiorkor Rickets Anaemia
A Lack of carbohydrates Lack iron Lack of calcium
B Lack of carbohydrates Lack of protein Lack of iron
C Lack of protein Lack of vitamin C Lack of calcium
D Lack of protein Lack of calcium Lack of iron

26. Which of the following deficiency diseases results from consuming foods that lack iodine?
A. Anaemia
B. Goitre
C. Kwashiorkor
D. Marasmus
27. Which of the following correctly identifies disorders caused by lack of vitamin C, roughage and protein?
Vitamin C Roughage Protein
A Anaemia Scurvy Marasmus
B Anaemia Constipation Marasmus
C Scurvy Anaemia Kwashiorkor
D Scurvy Constipation Kwashiorkor

28. The table below shows the mass of some nutrients found in 100g of four different foods.
Food Carbohydrate / g Fat / g Protein / g Vitamin C / mg Vitamin D / mg
Beans 10.0 0.4 5.0 3.0 0.0
Bread 48.0 1.5 9.0 0.0 0.0
Cheese 0.0 34.0 25.0 0.0 0.4
Eggs 0.0 11.0 13.0 0.0 1.5

Which foods would best prevent rickets and scurvy?

Rickets Scurvy
A Beans Bread
B Bread Cheese
C Cheese Eggs
D Eggs Beans

29. A woman requires more calcium in her diet when she is pregnant. Which statement explains why?
A. Bone growth in the foetus
B. Muscle growth in the foetus
C. Production of haemoglobin in the foetus

D. To provide energy for the foetus
30. What is needed in the diet of a man working hard in a hot climate?

31. Which nutrient in the diet should be increased to keep a patient healthy after suffering from malaria for a long
A. Calcium
B. Fat
C. Iron
D. Vitamin D
32. Which of the following people needs the most energy daily?
A. Male manual worker
B. Pregnant woman
C. 14 year old teenage boy
D. 8 year old girl
33. Which of the following people need a lot of carbohydrates in their diet?
A. Lactating mother
B. Malaria patient
C. Manual worker
D. Sedentary worker
34. Which of the following kinds of people need a lot of energy in their diet?
A. Aged
B. Lactating women
C. Sportsmen
D. Youths
35. Nitrogen is a macro nutrient in plants which is used for the formation of …..
A. Cellulose
B. Fats
C. Proteins
D. Vitamins
36. The lack of magnesium in plants…….
A. Reduces chlorophyll formation
B. Causes leaves to turn green
C. Causes roots to become small
D. Reduces water uptake by roots
37. Which substances contain magnesium and nitrogen in plants?
Magnesium Nitrogen
A Amino acids Protein
B Amino acids Starch
C Chlorophyll Protein
D Chlorophyll Starch

38. Why do plants need nitrate ions?

A. To make amino acids
B. To make fats
C. To make glucose
D. To make starch
39. Which molecule contains magnesium?
A. Chlorophyll
B. Fat
C. Glucose
D. Starch
40. Which of the following plant nutrients keeps cell membranes healthy?
A. Boron
B. Calcium
C. Magnesium
D. Potassium
41. Which of the following signs indicate that a plant is lacking magnesium?
A. Purple leaves and thin stem
B. Small leaves and thin stem
C. White upper leaves and normal leaves
D. Yellow leaves and yellow stems
42. Which of the following plant nutrients is used for making chlorophyll?
A. Boron
B. Calcium
C. Magnesium
D. Potassium
43. What macronutrient stimulates growth of flowers and fruits in plants?
A. Magnesium
B. Nitrogen
C. Phosphorus
D. Potassium
44. Which mineral nutrient is required by plants for proper formation of roots?
A. Magnesium
B. Nitrogen
C. Phosphorus
D. Potassium
45. Which of the following correctly shows a plant nutrient and its function?
Element Function
A Calcium Formation of middle lamina
B Nitrogen Activates enzymes
C Potassium Formation of ATP and NADP
D Sulphur Forms part of the chlorophyll molecule

46. Which of the following correctly identifies the deficiency of the diseases of the plant nutrients nitrogen,
magnesium and calcium?
Calcium Magnesium Nitrogen
A Chlorosis Chlorosis Death of roots
B Chlorosis Death of roots Chlorosis
C Death of roots Chlorosis Chlorosis
D Death of roots Slender stalks Chlorosis

47. What are the effects of lack of magnesium ions and nitrate ions to plant growth?
Lack of magnesium ions Lack of nitrate ions
A Leaves go yellow between veins Unable to form enzymes
B Roots lack root hairs Overall growth stunted
C Unable to form amino acids Unable to form glucose
D Unable to form cellulose Oldest leaves turn yellow

48. The following diagrams show an experimental procedure to investigate the mineral salt requirement of rice
plants grown in different culture solutions.

What would be the deficiency symptoms observed in plants X, Y and Z after three weeks?
Deficiency symptom in plant X Deficiency symptom in plant Y Deficiency symptom in plant
A Stunted growth Poor root development Yellowing of leaves
B Stunted growth Yellowing of leaves Poor root development
C Poor root development Stunted growth Yellowing of leaves
D Poor root development Yellowing of leaves Stunted growth

Structure questions and Essay Questions

1. Fibre in the human diet contains a lot of cellulose that humans cannot digest.
a. State two advantages to humans of including fibre in the diet. [2]
b. What is cellulose used for in plants? [1]
c. Micronutrients are components of the diet that are only needed in very small quantities.
Name two micronutrients that are essential for the healthy development of bones and teeth. [2]

2. a. List the chemical elements present in fat. [1]

b. State the smaller units that fats are made from. [2]
c. Fats are an important part of a balanced diet. State the name of three other components of a balanced diet.

3. Fats are composed of the elements ……………………., hydrogen and ……………….. only. All proteins
contain these three elements and the element …………………… .
Glucose is a type of ………………………… . Animals store excess glucose as ………………… in the liver.
Plants store excess glucose as ……………………. . Plants also convert glucose to …………………… which
is used to make cell walls. [7]

4. Mycoprotein is similar to single cell protein and is sold as an alternative to meat such as beef. The table
below shows the composition of mycoprotein and beef.

a. State two differences in composition between mycoprotein and beef. [2]
b. Using data from the table, suggest two reasons why eating mycoprotein is better for health than eating
beef. Explain your answers. [4]

5. Describe how you would successfully carry out;

a. Reducing sugar test [3]
b. Protein test [3]

6. Describe the similarities and differences between marasmus and kwashiorkor. [4]

7. a. State what is meant by the term balanced diet. [3]

b. Suggest and explain the effects on a person of a diet with;
i. Too little fibre [2]
ii. Too much animal fat [2]
c. Explain the role of calcium in the body and the effect of calcium deficiency. [3]

8. Micronutrients are food materials that are only needed in very small quantities in the human diet.

a. Draw one straight line from each micronutrient to its deficiency symptom. [4]

b. Explain how iron, in the diet of humans, is used in the body. [2]

9. A balanced diet contains seven different groups of substances. Three of these groups of substances are fats,
fibre (roughage) and vitamins.
a. State the names of three other groups of substances in a balanced diet. [3]
b. The boxes on the left contain names of conditions that can develop if the diet is not balances for a long
period of time. The boxes on the right contain descriptions of how these conditions may be caused.
Draw one straight line from each box on the left to a box on the right to link the condition to its cause.

c. Suggest and explain the effects on a person of a diet with:
i. Too little fibre [2]
ii. Too much animal fat [2]

10. a. Explain the stages involved in testing a piece of onion for reducing sugars. [6]
b. Explain the following nutritional disorders:
i. Goitre
ii. Kwashiorkor
iii. Leaf chlorosis [6]

11. Humans need a supply of mineral salts, such as calcium and iron, in their diet.
a. State a role of calcium ions in the human body. [1]
b. State a role of iron in the human body. [1]
Fertilisers are used by farmers to increase the growth of crop plants. The fertilisers contain a mixture of
mineral salts.
c. State the use of magnesium ions in a plant. [1]
d. State the use of nitrate ions in a plant. [1]
e. A factory that produces fertilisers is located next to a small river. At the end of each week its
machinery is washed out and the contaminated water is released into the river. Suggest what effects
this action could have on the plants and animals living in the river. [2]

12. Three plants were grown to study the effects of nitrate and magnesium ion deficiency on their development.
They were kept in the same conditions, except for the types of minerals supplied.
Plant A was provided with all essential minerals.
Plant B was given all minerals except nitrate ions.
Plant C was given all minerals except magnesium ions.
The diagrams below show the plants a few weeks later.

a. State three conditions, other than water and the concentration of mineral ions that would need to be kept
the same for all the plants, in order to make the investigation a fair test. [3]
b. Describe and explain the effect on plant growth of
i. A deficiency of nitrate ions on plant B. [2]
ii. A deficiency of magnesium ions on plant C. [2]

13. Plants need a supply of both magnesium ions and nitrate ions.
a. Describe how root hair cells are adapted to increase the absorption of these ions. [1]
b. Name the tissue in which these ions are carried to the leaves. [1]
c. State what each of these ions is used for in a plant leaf cell.
i. Magnesium ions [1]
ii. Nitrate ions [1]
d. Most fertilisers contain materials that become nitrates in the soil.
State why such fertilisers are often added to fields of crops. [2]


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