Field Officer Test _ With Answers

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Common Test for:

Field Officer
Total /60

First read all the questions. If you have any problems to understand some of them, you
can ask for some clarification in the first five minutes only.
You have one and an half hours to do this test. Good luck.


1. Give a brief definition of the following words/Sentences? (--/4)

• Neutrality (maintains a strict political and religious neutrality)
• Non discrimination (refutes all discrimination based on race, sex,
ethnicity, religion, nationality, opinion or social class)
• Transparency (committed to respecting a policy of total openness to
partners and donors and encourages the availability of information on the
allocation and management of its funds)
• Professionalism (the conception, realization, management and assessment
of its programs on professional standards)

2. According to you what does it mean N.G.O? (--/1)

Non Government Organisation

3. Can you mention the different level of the government administration in

Batticaloa, and their responsibilities/duties? (--/2.5)
GA (general administration)
AGA (support to GA)
DS (cluster administrator)
GS (cluster administrator village level)
DPDHS (responsible of health sector)
Municipal council (cluster administrator town area: garbage collection…)
Pradeshe saba (cluster administrator village level)
NWS&DB (water board)
MOH (medical officer for health)
PHI (public health inspector)

4. According to you what does it mean ‘Water and Sanitation’? (5 lines maximum)
• Infrastructure to provide water to population
• Management of human excreta
• Quality of water
• Evaluation of water resources
5. Can you make a short descriptions of ‘water and sanitation facilities’
(give examples), witch type of material do we need to build it? (make short list) (--/3)
• Toilet construction
• Well construction
• Tube well
• Washing area
• Bathing area
• Garbage collector

• Cement
• Bricks
• Wood
• Sand
• aggregate
• gravel
• ships
• concrete
• tin sheet

6. According to you what does it mean ‘Hygiene promotion’? (5 lines maximum)

• To evaluate the hygiene habit of target population
• To provide knowledge about vectors of diseases
• To provide awareness on some important hygiene habit people are not
• Provide tools to improved hygiene

7. How do you know if some water is safe to drink? (--/2.5)

• If the water do not contain any fecal coli form
• Water do not contain pesticide
• Water get residual chlorine

8. Explain the difference between “potable water” and “safe water” (--/3)

Water without faecal coliforms and no more residual chlorine is considered as

“potable” (in term of bacteriological contamination).
“ safe water” is a water that contains residual chlorine that will keep the water
potable during a while, and protect the water against re-contamination.

9. Is it important to plan your work? Give at least five good reasons to do so. (--/3)
• Yes
• To follow the budget
• To be able to respect contract made with donor/contractors…
• To anticipate problem and find solution
• To be able evaluate the work
• To be professional
• To make time frame

10. How do you organize and plan the work of several people in the field? Give at
least 3 major things you will do to organize the work. (--/3)
• Task and responsibilities repartition
• Report sheet to follow the work
• Travel plan
• Evaluate the needs before going on the field


11. Make the conversion (approximation accepted):: (--/2.5)

10 meters: 32 feet/ 10 inches

3 meters and 25 centimeters: 9 feet/ 10 inches
50 centimeters: 1 feet/ 8 inches
2 m2: 21.5 feet square
5 m3: 1.766 cube

12. Make the conversion: (--/3)

3 meters: 300 centimeters (cm)
6.75 meters: 675 centimeters
4 m3: 4000 liter (l)
2 liters: 2000 cl (centiliter)
3.2 liters 320 ml (millimeter)
90 ml: 0.9 liter

13. Calculate the volume of a cylinder: R=0.7 m, H=2.5m (--/2.5)

• V= pi/4 x d2 x h
• V= 3,14/4 x 1.42 x 2.5=3.8465 m3
14. Calculate the volume of a square slab: L=0.3m, l=0.8m, H=1.3m (--/1.5)

• L x l x H = 0.3 x 0.8 x 1.3 = 0.312 m3

15. A team is cleaning 18 wells in 3 days. How many wells the same team can clean
in 27 days? (--/2)
• X= 27 x 18 / 3= 162 well in 27 days


16. In case you have to drink some clear water, not knowing if it is safe or not, what
you will do to make this water safe? (--/2)
If treatment appear = 0.5 point

17. What information gives the conductivity? Idem turbidity? Idem PH? (--/2)
Conductivity = capacity to water to let pass electricity – quantity of ions in the
Turbidity = show the quantity of dust in the water
PH = acidity or basic of water (proportion of H+ and OH-)

18. You have 10 liters of a chlorine solution at 200g/l (mother solution). You have to
prepare 10 liters’ jerrican of chlorine solution at 20 g/l for the teams working in
the field. List all the equipment and materials you need, and explain briefly how
you prepare the new solution. You can make a sketch/drawing. (--/3)
We need 1l container and 10l container, we take 1l from (mother solution:200g/l)
we put it in 10l container and we file up with 9l of other water.
• Glove
• Mask

19. Can you list the danger of chlorine or bleach powder? Which precaution you may
take to work with chlorine? (--/2)
• Burn skin
• Inhalation pulmonary trouble
• Drink
• Projection in the eyes

• Glove
• Mask
• Clean water close to the preparation if need to wash himself
• Use spoon

Equipment tool knowledge

20. what are the main tools we should use to build latrines, well, tube well? (--/2)

21. what kind of material do we need to clean a well? (--/2)

• Ladder
• Boots
• Pump
• Chlorine
• Jerican
• Stop watch
• Mamothy
• Bin
• Ropes

22. If a pump work at 1.5 l per second, how long does it take to pump out 2500 liter?
(give the result in second minute and hours) (--/1)

X= 2500/1.5=1666.6 second = 27.7 minutes = 0.5 hour

23. what are the step a mason should follow for a 4 m high wall construction (brick
work) (--/2)

• use wet brick

• after 1.5 m high should stop to way drying
• prepare good foundation

Hygiene promotion

24. According to you what are the basic ‘Hygiene message’? (--/2)
• Wash hand with soap (after toilet use and before eating or making
• Use toilet
• Protect food from fly
• Avoid rubbish every where to reduced fly
• Drink safe water

25. In term of disease/sickness, Who is/are the most vulnerable person(s) in a

community? (--/2)
• Children below 5 years
• Pregnant women
• Breast feeding mother
• Elder persons

26. How could we give a Hygiene message to someone? (give at least 4 examples)
• Classic teaching
• Drawing
• Game
• Drama
• Songs
2.2 m 0.9 m

0.2 m

0.6 m

0.2 m

0.5 m 0.5 m
Ground level Ground level

0.1 m
Front view 0.7 m Side view

The bench above, will be build with concrete. According to you which ratio should be use?

Make the calculation of the concrete volume for the construction (m3). Give details.
(use 1 vol of cement : 1.5 vol of sand : 2 vol of gravel as ratio)

(50-kg bag of cement has a volume of 35 l)

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