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República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Defensa.

Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana.
UNEFA – Núcleo: Guatire.
01S-0151-D1. Análisis y Diseño de Sistemas.
Inglés Técnico. Primer corte: 2da evaluación.
Prueba/Taller. Pareja.
Integrantes: Albany Andrade V-26510331, María Rodríguez V-30.085.182

1.- Investigue todo lo concerniente a los tiempos verbales presente y pasado progresivo
(continuo). Find out about the present and past progressive (continuous) tenses.

a. Progressive present.
The present continues generally refers to situations or actions that are being corried out at
the moment and, as in Spanish, learning this tense is essential to have fluency and expression
in any conversation in English. Is a tense that describes an action that started in the past and is
still continuing in the present. The present continuous requires the present form of the verb
‘to be’ and the ‘-ing’ form of the main verb or present participle.

a.1. Affirmative (Afirmativo).

Subject + to be + verb + ing + complement.
Example: “The school teachers are prating for the winter musical.”

a.2. Negative (Negativo).

Subject + to be + not + verb + ing + complement.
Example: “The school teachers are’nt practicing for the winter musical.”

a.3. Interrogative (Interrogativo).

To be + subject + ver + ing + complement.
Example: Are the school teachers practicing for the winter musical?.

1.If the verb has a single syllable ending consonant+vocal+consonant like the verbs run, shop
or sit, we simply double the last consonant and add ING.
Examples: Run > Running , Shop > Shopping.
2.There are some exceptions to this rule. If the verb is of a single syllable and ends in
consonant+vocal+consonant, but the last consonant is w,x,y or z. We do not double the
consonant. Examples: Cry > Crying , Fix > Fixing .
3. When the verb ends in the vowel “e”, we simply remove the “e” and add ING. Examples:
Dance > Dancing, Take > Taking , Live > Living .

b. Progressive past.
The past progressive in often used in three circumstances. It can be linked to what was taking
place when a different action caused an interrupt; to simultaneously; or to an action of no
importance or of unknown purpose.

b.1. Affirmative.
Subject + was/were + verb + ing + complement.
Example: Michael was working yesterday.
b.2. Negative.
Subject + was/were + not + verb + ing + complement.
Example: Michael was not working yesterday.

b.3. Interrogative.
Was/were + subject + verb + ing + complement?.
Example: Was Michael working yesterday?

2.- Write 5 sentences in present progressive.

1. Pedro in reading a book now.

2. The birds are always singing since sunrise.
3. Carla are studying English.
4. My mom is cooking a cake.
5. Laura is running in the park all the mornings.

3.- Write 5 sentences in the past progressive.

1. He was reading a book.

2. Juan was playing yesterday in the park.
3. My brother was always dancing.
4. We were having a very nice picnic when it started to rain.
5. I was studying when the phone ring.

4.- Write 5 sentences in present simple, change it to present progressive and past progressive.

1. Carmen reed a novel in hes room.

Carmen are reeding a novel in hes room.
Carmen was reeding a nove in hes room.

2. My son always play whit the tablet.

My son are always playing whit the tablet.
My son was always playing whit the tablet.

3. You are sing my favorite song.

You’re singing my favorite song.
You were singing my favorite song.

4. We are look for the temple.

We’re looking for the temple.
We were looking for the temple.

5. It’s the kangaroo jumps into the cave.

It is the kangaroo jumping into the cave.
It was the kangaroo jumping into the cave.
5.- Change the following sentences from present simple to present progressive:

a. They play tennis at their house.

They are playing tennis at their house.
b. You make the lunch.
You’re making the lunch.
c. I drink a cup of tea
I’m drinking a cup of tea
d. She eats dime cake
She’s eating dime cake.
e. Mr. Jackson works a the Office.
Mr. Jackson are working a the office.

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