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Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 319–324


Production and
as the period of time during which quality losses do not
packaging of exceed a tolerated level, can be decisively influenced by
its packaging (Pfeiffer, D’Aujourd’hui, Walter, Nuessli,

bakery products & Escher, 1999; Risch, 1999).

Bakery products are widely consumed and therefore
particular requirements for their quality characteristics
using MAP have been established. Especially for bread, shape,
color, and texture are important for consumers. Bread is
characterized by such water activity (aw) values, which
technology allow its marketability for a short period of time. Its
shelf life is mainly limited by microbial spoilage and
staling. Bread after baking is free of viable moulds and
bacteria, but some bacterial spores can survive the bak-
ing process or contamination can occur before packa-
I.S. Kotsianis, V. Giannou ging is completed. At bread aw levels, growth of yeasts
and moulds may be observed. Bread staling is a process
and C. Tzia* of chemical and physical changes including moisture
Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, redistribution, drying, starch retrogradation, increased
School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical firmness and fragility, as well as loss of aroma and
University of Athens, 5 Iroon Polytechniou St., flavor (He & Hoseney, 1990). Bread moulding and
Polytechnioupoli, Zografou, 15780, Athens, Greece staling result in the decrease of consumer acceptance for
(tel: +30-1077-23165; fax: +30-1077-23163; e-mail: bakery products and in great economic losses. Recently, in order to achieve longer shelf life for
bakery products, refrigerating conditions are employed
to prebaked or not doughs, as well as new technologies
This work represents a review of MAP technology applica- in packaging are investigated.
tion in the bakery products. MAP offers a significant exten- As bakery products are becoming a major part of the
sion to the shelf life of bakery products and provides international food market, the baking industry is
acceptable quality during distribution to consumers. The undergoing a period of rapid change. Baking industry
recommended proportion of gases for bakery products must try to satisfy the healthy eating trends and the
ranges from 20 to 50% CO2 (against mold growth) and 80 consumer demands for fresh products (Byrne, 2000;
to 50% N2 (great stagnancy) respectively. The available Kohn, 2000). Therefore, modernization of bakery plants
equipment for MAP, the packaging materials, the advan- with improved technology and new products develop-
tages of this technology to the bakery products and the ment should be conducted. Food technologists have to
requirements for MAP use are discussed. select the suitable type of packaging that will ensure the
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. necessary shelf life for bakery products. The success of
the product in the market must be based on the design
Introduction and the production both with the very best raw materials
Consumers demand foodstuffs with superior quality and advanced technology.
or nutritional value as well as minimally processed food One of the newer packaging methods available today
retaining the fresh products’ features. Food products used widely in many types of food products is known as
during storage are subject to changes, resulting in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) (Davies,
adverse effects on quality, ranging from minor sensory 1999). MAP of foods is capable of significantly extend-
defects to total spoilage. The shelf life of food, defined ing the shelf life of various products by altering the
relative proportions of the surrounding atmospheric
gases. The gases normally used for MAP include CO2,
* Corresponding author. O2 and N2. Generally, O2 concentrations must be below
0924-2244/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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320 I.S. Kotsianis et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 319–324

atmospheric levels (i.e. < 21% v/v) (Farber, 1991;

O’Connor, Skarfhewski & Phrower, 1992). Nitrogen is
used as an inert filler gas to make up the remaining gas
volume. The most important gas from a microbiological
stand point is CO2, which effectively inhibits the growth
of spoilage bacteria and molds. To be effective, CO2
must be applied at relatively high concentrations (20%
or greater).
MAP can preserve the freshness of many food pro-
ducts, and can improve food safety under certain con-
ditions (Farber, Warburton, Gour & Milling, 1990;
Hotchkiss, 1989). Compared to traditional product
packaging methods, MAP offers many key benefits—the
most important of which is extending shelf life (Farber,
1991). MAP technology has been particularly effective
in chilled, short shelf life low-acid foods, especially
minimally processed and highly perishable or semiper-
ishable foods. It is applied to fresh produce and pre-
pared foods such as vegetables, meat products and
bakery products for an improved shelf life and better
quality retention (Fabiano, Perego, Pastorino, & Del
Borghi, 2000).
The present work focuses on the use of MAP tech-
nology in packaging of bakery products, which has an
increasing interest during last years, due to many
advantages provided for such products. MAP applica-
tions in the bakery industry, the proper packaging
equipment and materials, the advantages as well as the
requirements for the use of this new method of packa-
ging are reviewed. Fig. 1. Flowsheet diagram of production processes for bakery
Typical processing in bakery production
Traditional bakery products are produced from sui- and with specially formulated materials in order to
table raw materials, following the classic procedure and permeate the inert gases (Fig. 1).
using the proper equipment. The most common raw
materials are flour, water, yeasts (basically Sacchar- Applications of MAP technology
omyces cerevisiae), sugar and glucose, vegetable fats and In case that a bakery industry intends to introduce
oils, eggs, starch, milk and milk products, gluten, emul- MAP technology for products packaging, it must study
sifiers, improvers, conditioners etc (Matz, 1989,1992). all involved parameters. Initially, a review of the up to
For all raw materials specifications should be estab- date applications of MAP in the bakery industry must
lished, according to bakery products that are going to be done and their specific characteristics in relation to
be produced; for used water standards must be in the products must be examined. At the present work,
accordance to EC Directive 98/83 for potable water. the selection of packaging equipment according to spe-
A typical flowsheet of bakery processing is presented cifications, the needed gases for the modified atmo-
in Fig. 1. Baking process includes many steps, such as sphere production, as well as the requirements for the
mixing, molding, proofing and baking, which are similar introduction of this new packaging method and the
almost for all bakery products (Bennion & Bamford, provided advantages for the products were considered.
1997; Faridi, 1994; Matz, 1989, 1992; Mermelstein, The above information and specifications are needed for
1999). The basic equipment used is mixers, dividers, a detailed technical study in order to invest in this
moulders, sheeting machines, cutters/knives, dough alternative method of packaging.
conditioners/provers and ovens (Nordmark, 1994). Several researchers have experimented with bakery
Packaging is the last step in the bakery production. products under MAP, generally with positive results
The conventional packaging procedure, applied in a (Black, Quail, Reyes, Kuzyk, & Ruddick, 1993; Oor-
typical baking industry, uses atmospheric air and aikul, 1991; Piergiovanni & Fava, 1997; Rodriguez,
approved lidding materials for foods. However, modern Medina, & Jordano, 2000; Seiler, 1998). Many studies
packaging is performed under modified atmospheres have been conducted to extend the shelf life of bakery
I.S. Kotsianis et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 319–324 321

products by optimizing modified atmosphere packaging. 1998; Ooraikul, 1991). Pre-formed container machines
Several storage conditions for bakery products are are supplied by: Gemella Seal, Rexam, etc.
available in literature. Also, in order to predict gas
composition inside the polymeric package (CO2 con- Horizontal or Vertical form-fill-seal machine systems
centration) mathematical models have been developed. These systems are by far the most popular MAP
However, for each specific bakery product the optimum machinery for bakery products because of their flex-
combination of CO2 and O2 that give the greatest ibility and speed (Ooraikul, 1991). These machines can
microbiological inhibition without affecting the sensory form their own flexible or semi-rigid containers from a
properties of the food must be determined (Smith and base film in the forming station. Heat is applied to
Simpson, 1996). In addition, packaging materials are soften the film before it is drawn by vacuum into
known to have a crucial role in preserving quality and moulds of the required shape and size. The formed
extending shelf life. Consequently, a suitable film struc- containers are then sent to the filling station where they
ture, widely called ‘‘sandwich’’ of plastic films, should are loaded with the product either manually or auto-
be selected in order to meet preservation and quality matically. The filled containers pass to the vacuum/gas
requirements of bakery products (Pfeiffer et al., 1999). chamber where they are covered with lidstock web.
They are evacuated, flushed and heat-sealed and after-
MAP techniques and machinery wards they are forwarded to the cutting section where
There are available three main categories of MAP stamping or additional labeling can be done as well. In
machinery for bakery products distinguished according fully automated systems packaging operation can be
to the applied technique; these are thermoforming sys- highly productive, cost-effective and labor-efficient
tems, pre-formed container machines and horizontal or (Ooraikul, 1991). GEI Autowrappers, PFM Packaging
vertical form-fill-seal machine systems. The choice of Machinery Spa., Ilapack, Fuji, Hayssen, Klockner
packaging machine will be dependent upon many fac- Haensel, Coster, Rose Forgrove, Rovem, Sandia-cre
tors, determined by the characteristics of the bakery Packaging are some of the supplying companies for
product and the food market requirements (Hastings, these systems.
1998). The continuous motion horizontal form-fill-seal type
of machine is used throughout many bakery industries
Thermoforming systems to pack a wide variety of products in the familiar pillow-
The thermoforming technique involves the use of a pack style (Hastings, 1998). The method of operation is
flexible or semi-rigid base material that is fed from a reel depicted in Fig. 2. An example of a state of the art MAP
into grippers or clamps held on chains running on the system for a bakery plant that uses the technique of
one side of the web of the material along the machine. horizontal form-fill-seal is Falcon, a model of PFM
The material is drawn from the reel into a heating sta- Packaging Machinery Spa (Fig. 3).
tion where it is softened and thence to a forming station
where, by use of vacuum, air pressure or a combination Packaging materials
of both, the plasticized material is formed in a mould to Packaging films commonly used in bakery products
the required shape of container (Hastings, 1998). Ther- MAP are laminated or flexible films as lidding materials
moforming machines for MAP are provided by several and semi-rigid plastics as containers (Crosby, 1981;
companies such as: Multivac, Tetra Laval Tiromat, Hastings, 1998; Ooraikul, 1991). The most important
Dixie Union, Mahaffey & Harder and Columatic, etc. characteristic of the materials is the prevention of inert
gases to escape from the package (Hastings, 1998).
Pre-formed container machines The basic criteria of selection for such materials are
Similar to thermoforming machines are pre-formed the following (Crosby, 1981; Hastings, 1998; Ooraikul,
trays, which are often referred to as tray sealers. Instead 1991):
of employing reel-fed material and heating and forming
it into the required shape, the automatic tray sealer  Permeability to fixed gases
accepts a pre-formed tray, either by manual means or  Water vapor and oxygen permeability
automatically from a magazine, into one of a series of  Sealability characteristics
carriers held on chains that convey the trays throughout  Ability to thermoform
the length of the machine. The product is loaded into a  Clarity and antifog properties.
tray, which then passes into a chamber together with the
top lidding material. The chamber closes, air is with-
drawn and the flushing gas is allowed in. Then the Advantages and possible problems with MAP
lidding material is sealed to the top flange of the tray The use of MAP technology for bakery products
and the chamber is vented and opened to allow the experiences the following advantages (Davies, 1999;
machine to index forward another cycle (Hastings, Farber, 1991):
322 I.S. Kotsianis et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 319–324

Fig. 2. Conventional horizontal form-fill-seal machine with orbital motion sealing head (adapted from Hastings, 1998)

Fig. 3. Falcon (# PFM Packaging Machinery Spa., Italy).

 The potential shelf life of bakery product is On the other hand, considering a new packaging
increased from 50 to 400% by using MAP. The technology as MAP it is evident that it has additional
minimum average shelf life for bakery products cost to the industry. Furthermore, when using MAP a
with MAP is 21 days; consideration should be given to the following points
 The economic loss of the production is (Davies, 1999; Farber, 1991):
 Bakery products can be distributed over longer  The temperature must necessarily be controlled;
distances and with fewer deliveries, leading to  Benefits are lost once the pack is opened or leak
decreased distribution cost; occurs;
 It provides a high quality bakery product with  Gas formulations must be differentiated accord-
no need for chemical preservatives; and finally, ing to product type;
 It comprises a new and very hopeful scientific  Special equipment and trained personnel is
development. required.
I.S. Kotsianis et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 319–324 323

Alternative MAP techniques for bakery products such as Penicillium and Aspergillus and on the yeasts. It
Other new packaging techniques alternatively used is referred that in bread samples in CO2:N2 (50:50),
are oxygen scavengers and ethanol. When an oxygen without addition of calcium propionate as preservative,
scavenger is used inside the packaging, oxygen is not the increase in shelf life was 117 and 158% at 22–25 and
completely removed, but the growth of moulds is effec- 15–20  C, respectively (Rodriguez et al., 2000).
tively reduced. Ethanol in combinations with gas Bakery products are considered in general micro-
packaging has been shown to increase the shelf life of biologically safe foods. More specifically the growth and
bread due to its antimicrobial effect on yeast growth. potential toxin production of Clostridium botulinum or
(Powers & Berkowitz, 1990; Seiler, 1998). other relevant species has not been reported (Farber,
1991; Farber et al., 1990).
Oxygen scavengers
A novel approach to MAP originated from Japan is Prerequisites for the introduction of MAP in a bakery
the inclusion within the food pack of a sachet con- industry – requirements for a feasibility study
taining a substance that absorbs the oxygen from the A bakery industry in order to introduce MAP, must
headspace by chemical reaction. The anaerobic con- conduct a feasibility study for the packaging step. Sev-
ditions created retard the growth of aerobic micro- eral parameters that are differentiated from the typical
organisms. In addition, they prevent oxidative process to MAP should be considered. Selection of
changes that can deteriorate the sensory quality of MAP equipment and packaging materials for the cer-
bakery or other products during storage. In Japan, tain bakery products must be conducted. Total cost
such sachets containing oxygen scavengers are inclu- along with the provided advantages should be taken
ded in packs used for many food commodities. A into account. The requirements for connecting pipe-
range of oxygen-scavenging substances are used, lines, storage tanks for the gases, and other technical
which can act rapidly or slowly, with moist or dry parameters, utilities and facilities must be examined.
foods, or can have a dual effect such as oxygen Also, MA Packaging step should be efficiently intro-
absorption and carbon dioxide production (Harima, duced to the existing baking process so that the arising
1990; Seiler, 1998). process satisfies the hygiene and HACCP principles
The use of oxygen scavengers has the advantage over requirements (Hennlich, 1996; Tzia & Tsiapouris,
gas-packaging methods providing that more scavenger 1996).
than normally required can be included, to allow for
any ingress of oxygen through faulty seals. Indicator Conclusion
tablets, which change color according to the amount of Considering the recent applications of MAP in the
oxygen present, may be introduced into the pack to show bakery industry it can be concluded that this method of
whether any leakage has occurred. The major dis- packaging provides many advantages for bakery pro-
advantage of this system is the cost and the possible con- ducts extending their shelf life. So, for a bakery industry
sumer objection to the presence of a sachet inside the that intents to use MAP for the products packaging
pack. Even if separated from the food and firmly attached MAP equipment as well as packaging materials are
to prevent it from falling out and being eaten by a child or available commercially, while the relevant gases ratio in
pet, its presence is likely to be noted (Seiler, 1998). relation to product must be selected.

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