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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Ministry of Popular Power for Defense.

National Experimental University of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.
UNEFA. Nucleus: Guatire.
1st semester. ADS-D1.
Technical English. 4th Court.
Activity 1#.
Alumnae: María Rodriguéz C.I: 30.085.182, Albany Andrade C.I: 26.510.331
Professor: Amilcar Bencomo.

1. Investigate everything about verbal tenses: Present and Past Perfect.

Present perfect is a verb tense that we use to talk about something that happened
in the past but has relevance in the present, either because it happened very recently or
because it is an action that has not yet been completed.
It is formed with the verb have/has and the past participle of the main verb of the
sentence, like this: subject+Auxiliary verb+Main ver+complement.
presente perfecto es un tiempo verbal que usamos para hablar de algo que sucedió en
el pasado pero tiene relevancia en el presente, ya sea porque ocurrió hace muy poco
tiempo o porque es una acción que aun no ha finalizado.
Se forma con el verbo have/has y el pasado participio del verbo principal de la oración,
así: subject+Auxiliary verb+Main ver+complement.
Negative form:
To form a negative sentence in the present perfect simple you must add the
conjunction not between the verb have and the past participle of the main verb of the
sentence. Subject+Auxiliary verb+ past participle+complement.
Example: Ihaven't published the document.
Forma negativa:
Para formar una oración negativa en presente perfecto simple debes agregar la
conjunción not entre el verbo have y el pasado participio del verbo principal de la
oración. Subject+Auxiliary verb+ past participle+complement.
Example: Ihaven't published the document.
Past perfect:
The past tense also has its own past tense and we know it grammatically as past
perfect simple. This tense is used to indicate the past moment in which something
happened before another event also occurred in the past tense. Since the simple past
perfect indicates that the situation or event has already ended, it always emphasizes
the result.
Pasado perfecto:
El tiempo pasado también tiene su propio pasado y lo conocemos gramaticalmente
como past perfect simple. Este tiempo verbal se emplea para indicar el momento
pasado en que algo ocurrió con anterioridad a otro hecho también ocurrido en tiempo
pasado. Puesto que el pasado perfecto simple indica que la situación o hecho ya ha
finalizado, siempre hace énfasis en el resultado.
When do you use the past perfect in English?
The Past Perfect is used to talk about an action (or event) in the past that happened
before something else in the past. It is equivalent to a tense in Spanish: the pluperfect
preterite. If you haven't studied grammar for a long time, the pluperfect past tense
talks about what you "had done", and the past perfect in English is similar. Notice that
we usually have a verb in the past simple (or another expression of the past) to indicate
the most recent moment. Therefore, the past perfect is understood as what happened
before this moment. Example:
- By the time I arrived at the station, the bus had left.
- I'd just fall asleep when the phone rang.

The Past Perfect allows us to change the order of words in the sentence without getting
confused about which came first. When we have a series of verbs in the simple past, we
assume that they happened in the order of saying them:
- I fell asleep, and then the phone rang.
- The bus left 5 minutes before I arrived at the station.
¿Cuándo se usa el pasado perfecto en inglés?
El pasado perfecto se usa para hablar de una acción (o evento) en el pasado que pasó
antes de otra cosa en el pasado. Es equivalente a un tiempo en español: el pretérito
pluscuamperfecto. Si hace tiempo que no estudias la gramática, el pretérito
pluscuamperfecto habla de lo que “habías hecho”, y el pasado perfecto en inglés es
parecido. Fíjate que normalmente tenemos un verbo en pasado simple (u otra
expresión del pasado) para indicar el momento más reciente. Luego, el pasado perfecto
se entiende que pasó antes de este momento. Ejemplo:
- By the time I arrived at the station, the bus had left.
- I’d just fallen asleep when the phone rang.

El pasado perfecto nos permite cambiar el orden de palabras en la frase sin

confundirnos sobre qué pasó primero. Cuando tenemos una serie de verbos en pasado
simple, suponemos que pasaron en el orden de decirlos:
- I fell asleep, and then the phone rang.
- The bus left 5 minutes before I arrived at the station.

2. Write five interrogative sentences in present perfect, affirm them and deny them.

1. Has She finished her homework?

Yes, She has finished her homework
No, She hasn’t finished her homework
2. Have They completed the project?
Yes, They have completed the project
No, They haven’t completed the project.
3. Has He finished reading my book?
Yes, He has finished reading my book
No, He hasn’t finised reading my book
4. Has It rained in the last month?
Yes, It has rained in the last month
No, It hasn’t rained in the last month
5. Has She worked in that firm for many years?
Yes, She has worked in that firm for many years
No, She hasn’t worked in that firm for many years

3. Write five interrogative sentences in the past perfect, affirm and deny them.

1. Had He finished reading my book?

Yes, He had finished read my book
No, He hadn’t finished read my book
2. Had you slipt at home yesterday?
Yes, I had slipt at home yesterday
No, I hadn’t slip at home yesterday
3. Had he studied for the test?
Yes, He had studied for the test
No, He hadn’t studied for the test
4. Had She danced during flowers festival?
Yes, She had danced during flowers festival
No, She hadn’t danced during flowers festival
5. Had Maria already visited John several times before christmas?
Yes, She had already visited John several times before christmas
No, Maria hadn’t already visited John several times before christmas

4. Write a list of 10 regular verbs and 10 irregular verbs with past participle.

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

Infinitive Past Participle Translati Infinitive Past Participle Translati
on on
Act Acted Acted Actuar Awake Awoke Awoken Desper-
Push Pushed Pushed Empujar Be/am, Was/ Been Ser/estar
are, is Were
Rain Rained Rained Llover Become Became Become Llegar a
Receive Received Reiceved Recibir Break Broke Broken Romper

Secure Secured Secured Asegurar Burn Burnt/Bu Burnt/ Quemar

rned Burned
Supply Supplied Supplied Abaste- Catch Caught Caught Coger
cer (agarrar)
Turn Turned Turned Volverse Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar
Visit Visited Visited Visitar Drink Drank Drunk Beber

Wait Waited Waited Esperar Eat Ate Eaten Comer

(for/on) (for/on) (for/on) (for)/
Watch Watched Watched Observar Fly Flew Flown Volar

5. Write a text of more than 10 lines from the technological point of view taking into
account the present and past perfect tenses.

Technological evolution has been exceptional, and all thanks to the advancement of
the times. From the creation of the first computers to the introduction of artificial
intelligence, technology has always evolved to make life easier and more convenient for
mankind. Today it continues to grow rapidly, with innovation in smartphones, laptops,
virtual reality devices and more. In addition, technology has made communication
easier and faster than ever before. All of this can be seen in the myriad of technological
advances in information and communications.
As technology evolves, it continues to have a huge impact on the way we live our lives
and how we do things. It has revolutionized the way we shop, the way we talk to our
friends and family, and the way we work. Thanks to technology, we can perform many
everyday tasks more quickly than ever before. In short, technology has changed many
things in our lives and will continue to do so in the future. Whether it is home, work,
education or leisure, technology has created a whole new world for us to live in.

La evolución tecnológica ha sido excepcional, y todo gracias al avance de los tiempos.
Desde la creación de los primeros ordenadores hasta la introducción de la inteligencia
artificial, la tecnología siempre ha evolucionado para hacer la vida más fácil y cómoda a
la humanidad. Hoy en día sigue creciendo rápidamente, con innovaciones en teléfonos
inteligentes, ordenadores portátiles, dispositivos de realidad virtual y mucho más.
Además, la tecnología ha hecho que la comunicación sea más fácil y rápida que nunca.
Todo esto puede verse en la mirada de avances tecnológicos en información y
A medida que evoluciona, la tecnología sigue teniendo un enorme impacto en nuestra
forma de vivir y de hacer las cosas. Ha revolucionado nuestra forma de comprar, de
hablar con nuestros amigos y familiares y de trabajar. Gracias a la tecnología, podemos
realizar muchas tareas cotidianas con más rapidez que nunca. En resumen, la tecnología
ha cambiado muchas cosas en nuestras vidas y seguirá haciéndolo en el futuro. Ya sea
en el hogar, el trabajo, la educación o el ocio, la tecnología ha creado un mundo
completamente nuevo en el que vivir.

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