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Analysis of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

The Plight of Geniuses

Maybe 15-20 years ago, David Foster Wallace gave a commence speech called this is water. It
begins with two fish swimming along who pass an older fish. Older fish say, “How’s the water
boys?” They don’t answer. After he passes, one looks to other and says, “What the fuck is

That’s the situation we’re in with indoor air. In fact, if you read DFW’s bio and you know the
symptoms of CIRS, it’s pretty obvious it’s what caused him to commit suicide. The irony
DEFINITELY doesn’t stop there. But I think it’s better to consider all of this as TRAGIC!

I largely agree with this framework that a random genius put together at one point, and my take
away is very smart people are pretty much guaranteed to live miserable lives because of
how vulnerable they are immunologically and the downstream social consequences of
developing anti-social behavior as a result.

As you probably know, most modern diseases are a result of chronic inflammation, but outside
of Shoemaker docs, they don’t understand the specific mechanism. Shoemaker docs do.
Meanwhile, neuroscientists lack a framework that integrates phenomena like savant syndrome
and other forms of genius. This results from continued “brain blindness” among humans. By
incorporating genius into our understanding of psychology, learning, and neurology, I’ve
basically re-written the DMC to be more accurate and more marketable.



Vulnerable HLAs: specific immune genes that are indicative of a lack of MHC Class II proteins
that would otherwise help T cells do their job of proper antigen recognition. The lack of
recognition and creation of permissive isotopes are the first step of the biotoxin pathway. The
innate immune system knows there’s a problem, but adaptive immune system won’t create an
antibody! Parallel situation: as if we never came up with a vaccine with COVID! Human body,
like human society, goes into a hypometabolic state (playing possum because of ribotoxic injury
to metabolic processes of our cells), which is just ONE RAMIFICATION of the pathway.

Toxin load: the total amount of toxins that the adaptive immune system can’t recognize. Once
toxin load reaches a certain threshold, epigenetic changes take place. This seems to be the
result of an adaptive mechanism of the immune system: if the immune system reacted to the
threat at the appropriate level, it would wreak MORE havoc on the body and brain. Why can’t
our immune systems recognize these toxins? Evolutionarily, we’re not only putting
ourselves in environments indoors that are INCREDIBLY unique compared to ecosystem
outside; we’ve disrupted the microbial ecosystem in those environments to allow
ESPECIALLY bad actors to proliferate since the 1970s (fungicidal paint replaces lead
paint but it is FAR BIGGER issue)

Chronic inflammatory response: Along the same lines, it’s our immune system’s response to
the toxins (not the toxins themselves) that becomes the bigger problem. Our immune systems
are like machine guns, which can turn on us over time (autoimmune diseases). This is
especially true among people who have rarer (what docs consider MORE susceptible) HLAs.
Chronic Fatigue syndrome or any condition that sounds like it = CIRS that has gone on
too long and is likely not reversible by that point.

“Bad air:” Outdoors, nature ionizes air in various ways, which causes dust, chemicals, toxins,
etc to clump together and reach masses that cause them to fall to the ground. This doesn’t
happen indoors. That’s why you see dust floating around constantly whenever sunlight pokes
through your window. Proper ventilation and filtration is a good starting point, but it doesn’t solve
the problem without SIGNIFICANT MOLD REMEDIATION. It’s similar to having CIRS for a
while. The longer you have it, the more you got to CLEAN IT OUT!

Janitors at school: According to the white house, these blue collar workers have a bigger
impact on your health than your doctor. Chemicals in the air like asbestos are very bad. But
what’s worse is the way that these same chemicals cause microbes to produce toxins at
10x-100x rates because the MICROBES are stressed by our chemicals. This is the case
wherever different versions of CIRS pop up for different animals: it’s the unintended
consequence of disrupting natural microbial ecosystems.

Rate of vulnerability ~25% of the human population outside of Sub Saharan Africa have HLAs
(immune genes) that are vulnerable to one or more sources of biotoxins

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