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In CW – pg 102 – 7.2
Speed is the quantity that tells us how fast something is


Speed is the measure of how fast an object is moving.

How can you measure speed?

We need to measure two quantities –
• Distance travelled (in metres, m)
• Time taken (in seconds, s)
We calculate speed like this –
distance travelled
▪ Average speed =
time taken

The unit of speed will be - _____________.

▪ Distance = Speed x time

▪ Time =
• Q2/CB8/pg125

A car travels 100 m in 5 s. What is its average speed?

Distance =
Time =

Average speed =

• Q3/CB8/pg125
A red car travels 400 m in 20 s. A blue car travels 660 m in 30 s.
Which car has the greater average speed?

Red car – Blue car –

Distance = Distance =
Time = Time =
Average speed= Average speed=

• Q2/CB8/pg128
A migrating bird can travel at a speed of 30 m/s.
How far will it travel in 25 minutes at this speed?
Give your answer in metres (m), and in kilometers (km).

Speed =
Time =
Distance =

• Q3/CB8/pg129
A cargo ship travels at an average speed of 12m/s.
How long will it take to travel between two ports which are
600 KM apart.

Speed =
Distance =
Time =

1. A bus is travelling along a road. Its speed is 25 m/s. How
far will it travel in one minute?

2. A runner completes a 200 m race in 25 s. What is her

average speed?
Q. A motorcycle is travelling at a speed of 16
m/s takes 120 min to reach from city A to city
B. Calculate the distance between the two
cities. (Solve and send answer in chat)
By the end of today’s class –

- Distinguish between constant speed and changing


- Discuss a distance/time graph

- Explain the various speed (steady, faster, speeding up)

from distance/time graphs
Difference between constant speed and changing speed

When the speed of an object remains the same - it does not

increase or decrease - we say it is moving at a constant

Changing speed
• Equal spacing tell us that an object is moving
at a steady (constant) speed.

• Increasing spacing tell us that it is speeding

Distance/time graph

• Used to record the pattern of movement of a moving object.

• Distance is shown on y-axis.

• Time on the x-axis.

Distance increasing constantly with
Travelling equal distances in equal

Constant speed is shown by a straight

line on graph.
A – Car
B – Cycle
C – Walking

Graph line slopes upwards more steeply, because

it travels a greater distance each second.
Distance/time graphs for some moving objects.

• Time is increasing • Distance increasing • Graph curving • Shows decrease

• No change in constantly with time. upwards. in speed.
distance • Travelling equal • Shows increase in
• Object not moving distances in equal time. speed.
(at rest). •
Constant speed is shown
by a straight line on graph.
Calculate the runner’s
average speed. Show
your working.
Calculate the cyclist’s
speed during section E.

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