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SST APVE aS 8 Se ole etl melee ISBN 964-01-0852-9 (pbk) ISBN 964-01-8151-X (he) SEEN DN a get OB NEI oe get tt thica = Ethic. elle casts) rte [THF] ue ais Hoes ANTE es Sie Aa ELS lye pels w Brass (lor oil vera vrs AVE aPas wal pe ys panel ceo Alpes doles re bow slash ya gl OVLY y S89 pln jo aT 3 ype GRA LS cnperain ose 9 hl SH 5 Gi 4 a5 pe SB Lob ut ale aif BS ayy epee SULLY y ele Gole y GEG Slnatestl on Fl 9 en Fee PB AS SU 5] Stk y gl Lesl Sl last joe (Coleridge) es doe ther JE Get 13 Se hs day Gre hy Soul oe ces Gee hb iL ol the pti Se ybe ley y ee ce ade ee eg TF LG ab OES rpae Lyle Coe ply HNje Cael GLES 22 Ct Cel 0S dae 5 tS GSI Lj ae jl aoe pl & OES yl cneSsl eg cy stole Bash Bob alaleul lS Geptt a gand POO JL pcb okey deb WilET 9 ble, Gault obs 4 clin ys WH. White shal y Ake sl hn pb y RL BULL aph We pro y Cent Qe Ll cee ytd frole Glatl anc yo ops [Ste le pub obs & le Hs er Ay pS b WW MLis S pat gly abso WH JL 59 preS Wl bepry ST Scape y cbr il gee Sob el piley oth ob of aa S iclaaens ghey biped abcde JET oly Sa Giylpel bbl Ly jE4e pemal (Pollock) Syy OES je stl oka jl pals 15 aallles ayy gt | OES lS! (Spinoza, his Life and Philosophy) )\“tads 5 S35 Ujpenl glee Cos A Study) SIE\ CS yy olse Cod (Harold H. Joachim) «53 Oks Cos (Harry Austryn Wolfson) gaily StS, (of the Ethics of Spinoza ose peal nts y pgs |b (The Philosophy of Spinoza) \y jc) auld gige gy cael DN OES cia Uigegeed Madd OS Cog Gees SL) SHS tS a pte Dy cel dll Gye 3 ll Sy Sul Gale ey2e JH eel tlle post cbrie L559 pay chy Lgl jl S], (5S bLaly pth cue gl tails eS AO ava \Y¥e ra \FY vr \rr Tey rv YF YY rrr yyy YAY Tae var var rrr rrr rrr rrr ror TOA cps se pdy Jpol Ula oma Libigs Camb y lie Lb 2 re oe eas ne ake sepoy Spel Ula vablye es Sabb e are chs bly od L gles! Say Qepad yo plas he sting ele ler hel bhai Js glad! soll & fe pad b> sey Ue wyles Jyol bla Ey AS ub She! ed GT EI OL asl cw gi ob Nae! Cn gt gy BI YES yobtl gs aay oe sly be jo baled yo oLeyl y Colo jy 25K Gobel Bs UW Ga 5 251% GAB oalitel oyg0 ostul glilline y glidlye glace y guys mabey go wale L LATS Let jy SES y CaS y lane y GLE SEI y pal y cee Figes j! AT Gh SG SAG RLS y Hale oon DEL ecb y DLIL bE, U1 FE ES gle SDE, GS tly Ihe (53) Saayb Ley sb ange alge a aS biel Gye pole Gpki oh ye any! deeb y ail & Falb YL y Gabe b OS Ub SL uly lbs 5 Gily y gta 5 pee FV cl oo S Say al Fa Syl Le y Cel oay (Se bl bh 39 9 per ASG Se ll Gy S Lge UES; gprs lads S Le eS ajlee of gale a OES tall I oy Ne EG aay LF OLS oy dalye Kuo pe gy ke 2 2 OLE Sate ob Gyleell Se pb yan et Sete ULacily acl 59 care pS SoS hoy be ph eal se be Scheie ee jl plo Ves ey art ne S gal tila 25 Sp pre en me Bole yy So SULT jh 29 S bat Stila galetgh 5 tel gael, Glad 355.5 says] pals b ol le bo? 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Bs day 039 bp Aes ts bay) sl od Gyld igen EN GUS eg STF E JLL yo GR les 5 came aye bild Si peat gS ony gs lll So cal jl) WU oye ly des eejls y GLAS eg Ld (Sie 2 Cael cgi line yo ee ode Spi fle & pie ble oh yt bbs De yd g CS, Hyped ele (leaiDe y QUE yA OLS OS al pay ee LU eb Whsel fh Se ely GB ey 9 alle jl pee et WS at yf Ole 29 alerts 1 Sle bold) ES aig SS gaysil y bbe jl ae Hel Shs el IST ET gy CSS bleege y chad Jol jl Sy oh ol PEL MT sly 5 9 ale! Slams jl alta ge ope Sit jyy abe Gy ee pie Sie oT ies & pd pi Gi GYLS Walle 4 gliHe Deel a dL, LbS ag a alee fueled bl be Uy pee poe Ll eden 9 OY GE UY ES edge Lal Sy po glen lS cr by leans cel esll JG y sale Dold (rola Susy Glee Bb 2 Seg pe SG y Gert pete gill Genes po lil eral LE Sip Llagebd OES lige Coed onl es] Fils yt dae SB e deren 259 iT cal aller ELS y Gaile Stl Sy ub «| JI tel MEI shy SoS tars | oF hE SG j2 hd Ge Uli eel Ue wed edge |i ae el ey ey slanyy> 42 Gel A Gee ay age Gd GE yl bbs lle (SLI pyle 5 Lal 228th) Ole Bab abs GS 5 ay] ilps od Soo clallie y clad iad yo (SEI Jolin y podlie ijl 42 usalzcl ell pple y GLa] ba cilo Mow 9 say) Sprig Uligraeel dia > (IL ply ttrblinl CSG GS Gals Jel pt WS at ale Ole ole Btu “a pape Aecks A Spb Fey AY clipe ab Se ? peel at yp Un y9S'59 Ga VETT aly TE jo “igen Suse col ly eT Log ( J GLH) Trahle "Gayl agg ole» aly etl 2 S apg Seale gl goto le gt Ll aisle pb (28 oe) cub b ws ala pe Cl sre ral SY Gale SoS |) tal ad sale LE! gla, 24 pO Suits 9 og jl oylpam calaaal 9 octy 42 aT il wy Shy 8k es te lt ApS LT 5 oy 9h les 9 S55 ube SES pare yh olets pba pla peal lee Rye ya At yoy ee SH phe y PULIS aly oydy Geyae fall cueenin Syed yloali glales y glayte 29 ALS Ce 3 yd Ene OLS ead epee pl Le 8 tle Gee 19 9S Cb pie do OIG aye Sho Gyo 9 LLG GASIS abel y ayes 9 Ob ome 7 80 o aaly pe poe Soa y Sole Baye Gl 3 AS 4 hah IE ype yy US Cole Saag joy CtlS cue apt! PISS cay dy cyl mre pay Gere slays 9 CLUS] cela, tase SoS Lyk gap le cag y ged yo) Slagle y Dg Py as Ly) 2 pe 5) GS G2 U dhery cp U sjgale QTY bj S22 ol x yer! Jl 4. Sepharche 4.Yeshibah. Lean Roth, “Jewish Thought in the Modern World” (Phe Legacy af Isracl, p. 366). FOF NFOY) sgh Sie y Geld Manassel Bow Israel 2 Sot sb Seng ld Cabal & Cabbala F 7. Saul Levi Murteria De Cage a> ASI po get aga A 9. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p. M9 & The Story of Corizaloon, part &, chap. 22, p. 620 oajk S ilogge Ub pgp Sel he sale] S ple S aoe pr | sl opare ML, » Gl Lopate pS S25 38 gk GES yl ake Gk 2 be S che ple if whe pp Labs ahah Se pte ue leo Dinas pS sul Sty thay 9 Gyhry LS logy rgmme GUTS, 9 whe Sle » Cole fet! Bd yy plcal OLS cj yars SES Sys a) eS ool S plo Chee ob jab jl able phd, et Gayle y Seay 4 2b ad Ae Cal clay lla yb onal VEVE spe sale VENA Stl ae Siler ga pS psine age ih Se dT per AS ee 4b ab 9 od 9 iS el LI BEL ISL jade gly Gale lis jon oS 9 Sop ley! Ura [yj alas Ol 1 oMale spa 5 Piles sls ano Loy etd pty agil 9 ayy Cole! Bde Sm Geb stl dae |p 5 SS Slee dle etry sb egil y t ASS pS Coal 3 I py WL a j16s ogee y ope ple pS yoy thee Ob = gle gett cay ca ss pigh ce sy Mobo aati GA OS & ne Carb IIL Gel Soy Say eal yo ASS pe CL? Ht ny eS glad agg, tele jl Be | 2p tel mid OF plated SLT ALS 5 Gale byy0 52 ee ONG Az ASU th Cee dale 2 AS dae 2 Up med age 22 Gh TSS SoS 45 29 OE Segal slaly pao plat al ail je Ge te tle shel cle 9 AS Saree oe Gly het Se i v2 6 BEI 52 SGI Sail aly Gul jl y Seing Jeet oy Cd gal ogg Seale 52h ul S tb te Lee pete Du, SIS ag Go eka y bi Cee by apt Coe DE win aged 9 Cais eB uglle bly aula SCbly Gra y GIy ali cable! olje Glebe UL, a8 jl pbs Gl but 32 2x dat y ote TF a5 ay Se cpl jh VPFY SL LET LVF FO JL glk jo "a2 oye SIG a le gh pk igh Sa ne slab yoy Ody Ay ad Seog G peat) Se GRE yy Cath yl gy Cal Gye bygen play ogST WS Sb ler S59» PS Se Gael y gale GUS Gyheme y pS abe 9 CHWS Coe rai TS als aye GL Pole a a abil GEIL. y 9S Sel AE ST oll 19. Fthics, part. 2, prop. 44, Corollary. 2. prop. 49, note & Letter 43. 20. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 19. 21. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy. p. 156. 22. Will Durant, The Story of Civikzation, part 9. chap. 22, p. 623. 23. Colerus, Spinoza, p. 390. 24. Ouwerkerk | Outerdek 25. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 19. 26. Ibid, p. 21 27. Rhynsburg. Hoffding, A History of Modern Philosophy, vol. L, p. 297. 28. Leyden 29, Pollock, Spinoza, p. 21 & Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p. 56. jw peal Cee MP edilya gb Gee S Reyes gga yl ly og CAT Saas Os iyd 5 pole abel ep! pare p> 9 Say Bly Syme dak y Gale Gale 5 ple emp aS Ny Cy] eo oy y pyle CLE, y ob A obs 4 le sbi ily CL CgAlTT ple 5 So y ylS AEG hy LST Ley CAS oh sae te pdt yo Vad Sob Gb wae f fle bel pea je otal sh IAI Wat ab se YS gl peo GEL pe play ay Sey otal Caples ple (ace (VOFALNE 9?) yy USGI L otsloogl © eagle dewey lige! Sy gly Cadldy allan a stl jo y at CAT 5s 9 LUEI He Gai» clSoasy tal fhe tes plas glad js SA SoS yl lee ae lS fie 5 SL S pa FEE SIs (ae SSIj) cays Slee ley bi peel ayjhan y Caley app shal CLSle y oe ops Cle e sy jl te GE 9 dy wat fhe y Mallee oy oat pope Gleatitly ai b LAT y al GU y O1SH Se! spade bie iS a Gad y Cael FanSay ad bal y Oy jh Gu yan 9 GIT he biped yo SIpil SAI jl neiS sll Cod loy dab po ay oagST sloateatl GSI, 9 abt; 4 Cree! Sager asd iy peal ai Le aay Mi 9 foal a 9 at oll sy oe Ihe sa see, appcee sgl y pb ih ge y Aesth ee epi] 9 gl a obi Fe PBS 5 Sia S raSou 5 acdloy tlaSlu a 5 wsiLtS aSou ab sy EOF 9 ety bl Col pb Soy Gy 52 Saat» de sly Glebe , atl Maa 8 (tab oop tele JI eis oy dale GSine jpee pp OS )0 10. rancis van den Ende. YANO) VAAT NAAT GL jo and jo byl tl p26 Dr. Land 12. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 12. 13. Wi) Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p.L60 & Colerus, The Life of Spinoza, p.388 14. Giordano Bruno 15. Windelband, A History of Modern Philosophy, vol. L, p. 130 16. Gabriel Acosta l Uriel da Costa 17. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 7,8. 18. Ibid, p. 14 lp Pca ilel tl ola sy 2 See Sy gh poh apel OSerl y] See USE S oygee Celye 9 O56 UB ae ply thle ble Wy) OE 22S d9 sbi cal jl anil, 25 pe Gye ably HLT 32 by nee tly SE I ste oS alee lee phe Gale | alg oLtak VV JL apm b Vigepel ceale 9 bps yb Cay2 be weY pop at Med sol oyby 9 ob cobalt aadly cel jl py ALES gl le Glee Syl pee yoy atl CSS yy! AST aatila y hab pln jl y Ca bagge | gee SLs ole tiles Tease a Sd og alt = gly 2S yes Cy > 29> asl be 4 |) sy oy ely AS CS yl al y Cod | ealals Gyro - ay luk ple ul, S vide BE 4 ly 3 ok jlas paals as jleokals JYyb ce cee Screg pe dy CS Syl s Cong ayge Last aaily gpl [ise CLS aa jo wey wo Splesil Gtlcle gly 99 Oye pe jy Se pop cel ele ep bam pet i At By Wore > Gy Hob JIB Be yp | sb Lely ¥9 as say Gtlale gle jy aca bs Grats, oy atal VIVE Jls yo 38 ($5) 6 lye ee Obl 6 55 ail ool jl oe gl slope gly yl UI at sete Gy 4 slp ly Sipe lhl i QS apd ually fet stale GUL aS LS tye 9 She ote il te plll elo Cok wal aly eked y Lob y SH jo bod Oy! Ate Syed Oye OE IL S GPS (say Legh jhe ctl Glebe she Goel Utllaele | uh orl > Cae 2 Ub Ghalge y dle b any oS GIU, alle ppd S Cab 2 pj ays |) gl slaty » gy LIS a WS ologge ty) Gay WE cio Gre oobithice y ie LY 42. Hollding, A History of Modern Philosophy, vol. 1, p. 209 & A. Wolf, respondence of Spinoza, Introduction. p. 36, 46, 47, 51, 53, 55 & Letter G1 & Will The Core Durant, The Story of Civilization, part. 8, chap. 22, p. 630. 43. Uterecht 44. de Conde 45. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 36. 46. Will Durant, The Slory of Contisation, part 8 chap. 22. p. O31 eagh sahnae Sig GaSe y Lele iI ay b Saad y GSE ysl BI Gel BPD 4 SUES Stila ce A ately land GLE peal SS ape 4s gil y hee olen yo ata y nae Gules bey y Gye See Gy yabyl Clog ile placed gt ig glo tad a TEED LTT VPPE LTE EE JL 5 BaSa3 Soy yy dead a soy bee) 5) Sa oll gt ol ys pa Les, SOLE y OSE 4 tenn fe y a Scull bel yay at Gob an Say (Sa Sipisigh oped inate Goes Slips y gllle by at Jyite Gil y Qealle Diaby 9 carb Menge obey, £59 gaye hd 9 Cob Feel gle 2 Sb alte pty CS log AI y dole e Gye Lb eye Lal il belo ne glb Uy coy as gt e VV Jl yo aos Gla b sy Ud mas Siety, 9 tis lle en ys Sie fe Jog te yoy oabsaly oe ee Ba & Co 4 ol p> Sj CE bey AS SK oT gd CA 9 yo SI SB MK all Pe cee y eth eles Cael y pipe uly 9 COS te cb pels CLS Ce he lb a pcb, ial UE, IS ey HIG, phe a Speke (SAT G CSL Obs ULL oye y aydlas Cube yg y OFTY NEA) by Sieh by eg ey Grabs! by Sybase nae jlat Sie At oy et el te Cob I ly Sy Slat cally le flee jo Yee y top t ie ete b Gre Saal oF ry ES 6 59 be yl AS y Gerke yyel 92 Sly ieee eee YSLELI GI 30, Nicholas Steno 31, Heary Oldenburg 3 Will Durant, The Story of Cwilisation, part 8 chap. 22, p. 625. 33. Hegel, The Hustory of Phalosophy, vol. 3, p. 263 M4. Will Durant, Vhe Story of Phulosophy, p. 151. 35. Voorburg Johan Bouwmeester 37. Johan Hudde 38. Joba de Witt 39, Van Velden Hendrik Vander Spyck 41. Rebert Boyle sole a il ST srk SUS lbh) SA CSS 5 ple me Ue gales WL pete poy MES SI bay BT lay lel ol DS AT obs eee al ey bel ele eset obj col cals Sang 2 tel Ge Cl jo 24 Ulely Gath CS) jl outy JL, ENS colnet jI blog Gelod 9 alll 6 Lesh Canty Gao y Igle ms syst Cade Cgtey PUI y ele Oy GG y Gaye LLG 5 ayy) GLU ote ye ah J Sad LL at ol osha (E) eee SLMS ly (E) Gey Cet Gl thal AS 9 Gee crete ce FEMS Gad Ul ogg Gite OS alll Se hol 5 GSI jl y at bel LOLI Eb Ly Qe QTL oly Bel Ged @ Cont oe Bete Comcel scab ed jf able Sy obs JU ails oS cat Yb! yal ula gl i by9 5 ab ol, Gt pe 3] SEE iI sy eS belles y gael COLE Mes gh a ght Sle ay Sl cles > tly Sry alle jl de b A Sika S atl jl Gale CAS le sl 59 pd Spates GIL, lew y bby GL ew le ab lattes by Giade thei pj Cols Sgt ple 4 Se ee eel L Lil vals AS GUI a ped DIGI y blokes ASI aS lle jo tabs bt > Bomb rr 9 9 69 Ce abe 9 Si Ip gid any 59 SS iby gt pte y mde Gepad 42 hab yaa sla LSI Sams 52 SL go Wlarel 5 ojly ey sletls YBl salar y 2S JIS! y eb Sls S ASI Apia pls» BL GEG y Gaal Gy Lslesh 5 BG abe AS y acyl Gee il SL JE gee yay ghtiSe oe cul hp CG Sib silewils (E) ay Cee 9 pb 2d AS |, gl lose Ke 53, Pollock, Spinoza, p. IL CS pay Ce Ld 4 Leper onl jo gy GSE ua 2 gael phys SKE LE Gldly jo Ot ooae Sia ay Coles s Lol Gash S dltals yj ch og gully celbl yp y PF 2 M2 alo cal gh oS sald ous | sy ee UT ey igre il cabo oh Sa2b Ses cous wpe 2 9 ay) bey sat y Ko gl yo ali col La bhs ALT be y ag Culp 52 slog ual BO, cll oS te Seley ty LB pe Jol b 2538 ais LE eal jo Gael an y gale LUE Laid 5 soy C3, LS aw ole Jal SIL yo VEVY JL tS jy) pilin a Um Lee boy Atl TU 2 lay 9 Mee 2 Galle by coy Bho 32 | ythjbe MOAGL oly ape ta Sa pet wy oS) Li jl oP beet JI AS me gta Slog cays gle GU pie aya le 53g LE gay Ly5 iat ySogail sy Se jl et pre AS) iat ye oss cable y 69% Se blew SL S> 5 2S Cope boy Stil be GL ly Cl 6 e bes eee tanh Ge glo! pil y lB ole! 2 he wm Shee 4 2 ily 9S Sj AE me SLT aioli ab 9 JL a y CBS IL & iS 4 y Oy Sag joy Co do OS SA ae ey ea alge yl GL ph rads Sebo HS a PSN flee owl) Sal oe) GS Bs Geel ate dl 9 (Ses seslae a she o25b ola! iS de 4) cxusld op 9 meme ty tase Pail Gl sing Shel calm 9 Bl Sb Sal pa obs Kye Sb log eb S AS lee Glossy] IL, y Syl CS peal ® ot] jo Sib Ll CHL slogle eety Sead pe jb yo ate he | by Say ay ae pe ole Gel CLE OAS Gib dew 47. Jolin Wild, Fntroduction to Spinoza Selections, p. 20. 48. Dr. Lewis Meyer. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p. 162. 49. Dr. Hermann Schuller. Wil) Durant, The Story of Crmbzation, part 8, chap. 22, p. 636: 50. Hegel, The History of Philosophy, vol. 3, p. 254 51. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p. 162 52, Colerus, Spenoza, p. AIR. (Sy CLS b3) eagles eden b ii tay Gam F SOIL OBIE y Coryals Coyrdy woryp 4 » eal jalan slave GIG iS jSq peel pl ole jo ey SI, al y SLs 5h caly Callies a sy abe Gale pl 3 Ip cael 0g gt gh She Fastlane (5499 59 Jl pm GL Lely Cal ody gl ashy GH cel oy Gare GLSfie Gl IE y Sy Gres y Gee Gena oh jl ety GS agile y Cub WK De boo fie Lid, |, fic osbge UF i ALL 29% Ble Ly oy ll AL col ay ley 5 die a2 IB pol Sate 5 655 pl Cries 32 b Utleaae 5 atti Sf Cu Bi ms SP ye pl ty Sh tk Ly ke ees Uae Cans Gale Y aesl clay Gili Jee y yy ee GSS sails ceyal baal y stl () ees (BE) Ge od Dy gy igh oslo solSya Ghd b Gus [by wel OS y aol gle gb yy arts ao. OlSoo Aids b laid 22 TL y gis DE! | ADE lS oe | te 9 Ser jee Sota byreed by esp ab oald pail ad 25 Sysbgle Ge ab lis Gapk 9 a So pedlo yg cas 9 GIS 4 Geely tke 4h 59 ol jl Wk Cet sleet 19 Se jl oy Oke oly yo JE y al GEIL» cb Gilye i pel Six Sieg ghete y rey by SS I3 ey yp Ge 22 Ol Shise 9 2931 aye ye pabbe Se Cy Ge 9 Cath Jpete oe e Ibe QIK GS OMe, y OMe y At Lay ade IG! pally pi bse Glare; Sil a Sass |g 8 y2 ISG Cool eala any Mob yal Sitges ob IL y Cal Chay coe 9 apt BSE CII Cl oye poled igh 9 ala GoygtSy9 Wr atilag Mlle Cy Ag de 9 3 53 te pyle plule jl slese BAS, yl | ale 8 9 soy ob say At) 4 sy I IY SLT 66. Letter 68. 67. RALM. Elwes, Introduction to the Chief Works of Spinoza, p. 31 68, Auerbach 69. Pollock. Spinusa. p M8. TO, Ibid, p. 350. 259 lag 9 CET ate cd He Ade I al om any ide O46 el il pl pal KS ere by ol gloss Maye sab 9 25 Su; wap el Lae, ark gl it SIS old Gutlyy les S alas Gel re Seo clase 9 sileslLte ab Se edie hse SyLe b esy I AL DLE ailge Lo Coa bl sll easly EATTG CTL fl gle ge y MCR LE alpey be tat dale agen Man S bt clans? ailodal Gy br GLY pl GE GEL G jl aro 03S cghyne Contd Mel Jie | gh ply Piles, GIRL ISL y cy) BLS Md cht gle So dy gl (Se Li ailensl Le So yl nae Pcl ayy i esp sles Cou! Dy be ain QoL! ln yo Sal oS Vly ph 9S 9 Tasletlan, yl Ib at pe aby Sle Sl tleoysl ase gli pegre Tsacl Ss Pc! ec) bjle aot Gate jl SW | ADE! OLS Cala y GIB GL Bi Upbl ane onl abe 52 casi 9 aS ly S hue dade uel by Cael yl Jl |G & agSl SF Cul pA obs thoy y She pla a8 ole ey le 4 jy S UlelSlin Ly yo ol dee | Hy aay (EB) enyt AB gl Sue ee i thee Hew bd! 32 > lee sled Glee tel re 6 7 Oy Cert 2S 8 oe dy GE] BISLs 5 RAS wg] Gplce Glew ole y ark diy way, dail Syke 6 uglge Sor Gy ead LS See 6 dnd Wel JL thics (translated by Boyle), p. 5. . Gregory, Introduction to the 86 Will Durant, The Story of Cantization, part 8, chap. 22. p. 655 57. Will Durant, The Storty of Philosophy, p. 162 58. Will Durant, The Story of Cleilication, part 8, chap. 22, p. 656. 59. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 373. 60. Fredes 543, kM. Barnard “Spinozism” The Encyclopedia of Philosophy , vol. 7, p. GL. Hegel. The History of Philosaphy, vol. 3, p. 279. 62. Pollock, Spmoza, p. 362 63. Hegel, The History of Philosophy, vol. 3, p- 279 FY Gel Cag SaSe me ayia lets FT 85. Gregory, Introduction to the Bthics (trauslated by Boyle) p. 7. 4 ine ob lial Se # sil abs y Mak 53 Male Jy Myla Aildge HGS «9 yl tl sed bet SI yo lS lie 5 G Sty, Coag Jy gt olul ys GE pe Se gh toy MB yo lll gy y gletal jl esse C5 518 FS ales po Gli 9 Jel b S25 ope jl gia G52 ols Sey ey tale a Biglel ayy ce) Sil) wae Lyte (ttl dallas w I lo gE Siam | peel tl Sel sett lag ae y Sy Uy il ole BB ge SoS ASE yay Se Gales ob Ugly 2S ode 2551 y ang PAS 9 Ce 9 Cn Sky Uae Liga & MS a1 opey ladies Lge B19 b coobisegeel Meal y aypf abel oy & IE! OLS Sail gd iI ey y Coe & prtie gigte by olay gl ab tells 4 doy ALLE COL Uli ES > ASS sy yepare |b fuleaya y ty op Fe Mal cut olf JS. ob dy Ca Goliseeel BSG bye Gel sy stl jo cual Sue Sul | cel Ll By al Wy gag Coed we ATE OS cae So by ped Haale any ited Mad a fa y VS (ds) Ot tha GIGI ake etl S le Cte Gene yet ley ol Add ay [Se aay ep ye Mia S Spt Se by tk calisaeel ak bn Sst Gla b eee 9 SEL weed el Giada Mallee QA GS sly S ce MG 2 AS Mel y SL alt ob al Lgl paane a8 sul 6 SEKI > Sprig o8 jEL jo Ul ably igs tLe y Aye ay salogee bs coll) aly teal oe gs SUS Ged! Sha! Wi jo | 2d gl] Gata 85. Alphonse de Lamartine 86. Jules Michelet 87, Georges Sand solall pile jolt Goethe AA lll Glje 6 » 2S, Heinrich deine .A4 90. Johann Gottlieb Fichte 91, Fi b Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling 92. Fredrick M. Barnard “Spinozism” The Bneyelopedea of Philosophy. vol. T. p o42 & Pollock, Spinoza, p. 3724 93, Hegel, The History of Paiosophy, vol. 3, p. 283 Sy cee GN dee sce (WVYRAYAN) SUT Gk y pugs 9 LE MGS ote def ype Giles S OBIS te LI eae Go jl a Soe 9b abe wy 4 Soph HSS S CaS Ls wale GLGjke gl Seu jl lode Gawd» bjs pba y toy beg ilo she SI, 225 282 yb, Hae | S cal Melle gb sley pba nat El en tape St oe alist VO ca 2d Gye Tail ay tte jb SLeIUEST Sete alee SA og pt Ob 6 Sait tee 22 lige |S! ilcb Serb lie y Say say We LIS ele sla > been ppdie US yh) De? po GIES ES lei sili e slaojly y eggs 5) CN isla Li abe ayy |) WY iS yp Sey S cgbeald aii big Se trig OF 9 aS onl ya Pit o> Bil by Calen CoyiS BG G1 AS A Lay Ct IS oT Gels yo (VWATLVAFY) Saye te I ate iste Mea St Cael Calle Geran y age ills Gd gp asaley glad y Gta s oS 4 of bb y9 Uys slSie y ASB an Bid DiS dan Iga 2S Sealy Myaay 22S asS igh GUyenid 9 Urea ol) ee Gl aT ajk yay BAe slalesl jes bigceel glee el 9 th 2 wails SU 51 Bare y enya OE bi GAlKT jt pe 9 ley bree jake abich Wyyig) dof Cal ots CH Spetld 8d 52 ob seed Mb ys S outy ObT a sel they I UT deed 9 Lipeed AE cae ABS 2 GUSH 0 Ce Gil oy Seag y gl tsi! (alT, cobs Sat cel Oils oly 9 2p 09995 GUEST iT egal 5 Lhe Shy paai jl sey anti 52 5 a9 VE gl Aid « MS Waly Maly 9 Msi 9 VF eed it Se Db x 9 Weg» dU ytd ll Durant, Thu Story of Philosophy, p. 196. 71. Lessing, Gohtthold Ephraim — 72. 73. Pontian van Hatiem 74, Hattemism 75. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 352 76, Will Durant, The Story of Civthzation, part 8, chap. 22, p. 656. mond Emile 80. Paul Janet Smnest Renan 84. Edgar Quinet 77. Vietor Cousin 7X, Theedore Jouffroy 79. 81. {lippolyte Taine 82. Gustave Flaubert 83 Sy t Ebb yw Job any 49 oper ML, Sb yy! SHG yaly oly So 2 22S Gre w jl Obl sale y aber Seas So oS lei Glne we WF > thee oS by Gl Se idle yo VAVY Jle jo stab Uo yk sally ha Obs! I byytS tae jl oy tsb JS bal oh tne ALIS cae lam lek by aetag 2S by ahah Gale y del new (gy? ted 9 glen ccatle bl gcaey 5 a Stl Ge yl l | 296 Gall iey> 5 2S One Ulm eye bal Sey or BLS ep a Leeel jl ype pe SS ob Det onl el DAL, ee Gl SH) Cal Shoal jl lope s dee AS th col 51S yy aaage GlS Galen aly pay pls a og Sede ey! oy Jl 1p SS scale Gal jl esa) willy S Sao glee ey onl Gf a ayy PSs cel 2S Get Leal ys LS ple Ge juai> 4 caf wip oe Jo tb 4 sbi yo eS aS aly! slglbd glu a eal pe tty ob veo ay 2 ASE iT pee el eat Sine Gah pASE jl te igo CGY 9 OF dere Gut 9 Coloy Ga y GIB 6 pe abl U opp Mele jl Sateuil BI 1 925 ope Cael big age Eg 72 yee Ceaal ge UT I Gay Say! (Sige th slaty ange Jl ey dat PIS AL 5H Sal le (oly ple gl allie el Seal ele a 55 y Cyl ET pal Sal Lo 4 UIE! LL» » iS page ghee ho a wae Gal, ty of aay Lake ipee gh Gk ab y 555 jl ee Uigeeel Sat caf dh yo Facts JL, dpe hey onl ly outs bbe Obj 4 Gly 25 jl Eb2 plin jo 2p Male sey MAS 9 Ye Sikages Ul tbs Comoe GeMbI oT GS ASG y At at Sta y99 pS Thay acne 80D S cy pe Cemnlees 9 LQ SLL, 52 99 hy wee ol 9 SLAW WL, Ob poe GI 105. Pollock, Spinoza, p. 379. 106. Apologia (Apology) 107. Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) Colerus, Spinoza, p. 399. 108, Pollock, Spinoza, p. 19. 109. Theologica-Polshieal Trratise, chayy 9 189 Ss Ay Cae EUS! p25 & ay Creho GUT asl by at Lol gl yo oS bel Se jl tS lee y ged Baye bl Gab Ee bLaly Gale ae, aS glial» iy eee ale S CSS 515 yyAtS gl slelt » ySoey y wc layy etd StS jlo gL y of pele py SS rsilaben gf jl cul goals els Moy sjayy dal gliil fie JS ab hy SURE abe 5 fie jl peal hls Geylesl yo by gl SSI Gl Gy 9 ein GLE Nigel a pm GolSSl NE syd Gyiale 2a) fp ee S 2 SELES GES jo Uy Yl j» AES bho a QLAl $3 S yy2S eh Sang 5 lel Soy Model el BeSlS Ce AISI tb ey Hb bee! Md j2 Gad 5 alle 4 pa SL ES ee Ly aaah ped Rye ES LG 1b j2 Eye Gale 28 tee titled Baye plo Sty gitel Ly Mesby wy ule 5 Ma ytcge Li Giteeel CL, Be cS LB ang ange 9 ey bs ens & praigi O8 bbl o> big! ad ge ce LE oy ed Sa ph EI I te Gey aes 9 ob Sate 9 gbSie Lil ay alist y Gite — age Lae Gade y Gola! Upel gly & S cage gl ay gL AB CSL StL Fle Cpe SGI GI Oy NG Syke age bl GL 95> wold! , Gol GILL pels! oe VT ab ilo gly eb JESil oy JUG Lgl i YT ISI oS ob SS Radi 421 SAILS pel fle dys Compe le omer jlogal Bi 9 Mal Sate WE as bpd CaS IB ng ayy Ha 52 bys Se jl ad 9p Cn bel 94. Samuel Taylor Coleridge 95. Willian Wordsworth 96. Humphry Davy 97. Percy Bysshe Shelley 98, Leslie Stephen 99. Pollock, Sprioza, p. T2378 100. Frederick M, Barnard “Spinozism” The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol 7. p. 5A. LOL Karl Marx 102, Frederick Engels 103. Plekhanov, Gerogi Valentinovich Loa. Ibid, p. 543 & A Dictionary of Philosophy (translated from Russian) p. 352-429 py Sa ce eals plaid y CdS osge oy por 555 pepe gel Cent Gils Cul eal ayy] Meeled 53 9 92g US pe yd At pt BD ae Cage Tash ples hd & pase tg LOSo aad Ipod od gle Cod US a SL aul 23 Scoal GlS AE gol y Fey bey FFT JL yo agers 1 Say cl ote toh «sy ple UttL> oly ctl BIE 4 Sipyy 9 PFO Sle 53 Ged Me g SE WL, 0 pb 53 aye VEVE Sle ys Spe yo gf Sel te ys ES Cul Co loy OLS sng 29h Ey p> y Col onde OLS coal GUS fy cul cil Les lye UT py cela Cie e glam » Uboyte Ge alte | OLS ygl p> Cul SUSI ayy gud sell Gb 5h GELS 5 ey Dy ed oa Soyly Gente Sloleil Gris ol tap ily SLE epee OS jl ols Shite oe jl 3 S15 2B Soe vase ay Of ope ome Sb ES Jy] Sbris plu! S al fre GES SUES NO aslo Spe Co ay eed aut Gea b Ab yo ld, poe wind o2ld Gan 3) aS a y eet SG ot Gd Cd oat ty yl oy 42 ue S lal acy VATY JL yo Cy Gles Gole Plant OLS tae Cad al Ugee y Ete od Jay ay GULL Geigy gel eI VF by Wel Bs Coed cil Gy estle bj 4 So ae y SY Cot eed iL UL cats pyle tay y ole aS VPVF JL gay cd lel VERY Phe aye Hl at SL, Gaby yo land ja Bly cas pane Gael aaal eae shane | age aad 5 ale SSI Leal ol jo gl poe Sglite ake y gil LET jeped yo Seely col 02S uly Slee y e392 b SE ee 2 yy > S parce abl SS euke b bag ae SMI jl jl op He 121. Pollock, Spanuza, p. 29.122. Johan Bonwutwester 123, A. Wolf, Introduction to the Correspondence of Spmoza, p51 124. Tractatus Theolomea-Poleticus (Theolegea-Pobitacal Treatise} 125. Will Durant, The Story of Philosphy. po 198 126. Epistolae (Letters) LA. Wott coe Nl pe ead 3 SF eegl geld WS yc Jey yt a pete SL, T By ys ceed caty MTVPFT JL go Ly IVER 4 VEOA GUL gle WLcel Kael SIS) GUS hake Gb Bly 52 9 Se Cae Gale y alah, be sat ALS oily Gly Alpe tila gly @ VAOT JL jo of be aS Noe] ra oo Stel VFO SL tL Ly gpl: Sar apy baa Chel pp du, Metis Jaasl gl ety ab ute pls So calyey VFO IL G lye cel aslUS Lat oY Sy 22 abil pba PPT) WEFT SLs alb MOGs A Jel gt TF SS QS Spel GES p99 Gods EI ge Glo Mae pele 4 S Syocsly 9 OS 8 ete ty LT ny mld play Ge SLE 5] Se cl, Wee igh oe appa y eal Ql GEIS gtage bof ppm a ile ple 4 te sh I pga GES yl toe S ailea S Lo ogy jf UNL? Cul eat pil, Lb «| WS cae 92 Gb jay chy | Lele gl peel 2S ped Gy pe alee Lh ced cyl gi | Lol eat ol Seat Gteb Glad gl jl Ly celal, ol pg 2S hel ery SY obj Sh OES obs ee IS Sb ole ES 3S ylS> slic y Spol Raw ja Sano peng 9 slp jad sleaita TiO. Norte Verhandrling van God de Mensch en des selfs Welstand (Short Treatise on Gad, Man and his Well-heong) LLL. Goseph Ratner, The Philosophy of Spmoza, p. 18 pa 3. Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, part 8, chap. 22, p. 623 LLL De. van Vioten 115, Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p. 158. 116. Trartatus de intellectus Rmendalione (Treatise on the Correction of the Under standing | on the Improvement of the Understanding) 117. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, p. 154. OF oh ersalae pS eZ ape S etl Gd Sy A NA 119, Yenals Desrarics Prinexporum Philosophrac, cand aailgs gly yee yb Sts 5] (YF FTAPYY) Casearius V+ De 9 Sot

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