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Hajj & Umrah Guide

The Prophet’s Hajj





Days 4-6: 11th-13th of Dhul Hijjah

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Contents [hide] Day 4: 11th of Dhul Hijjah

1 Day 4: 11th of Dhul Hijjah The three days after Yawm al-Nahr are known
2 Rami of all Jamarat as Ayyam al-Tashreeq (the Days of Drying
2.1 Timing Meat) due to the fact that the early pilgrims
2.2 After Pelting
would preserve the meat that was acquired
3 Day 5: 12th of Dhul Hijjah
from animal sacrifices through seasoning it
4 Leaving for Makkah
with salt and letting it dry in the sun, to
4.1 Wadi al-Muhassab
prevent it from going rotten. About these days,
5 Day 6: 13th of Dhul Hijjah
6 Tawaf al-Wida (Tawaf al-Sadr) Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
6.1 Timing
‫ب‬ ُ ‫ا ُم أ َ ْك ٍل َو‬/‫ش ِري ِق أَي‬
ٍ ‫ش ْر‬ ْ / ‫ا ُم الت‬/‫أَي‬
6.2 Performing Tawaf al-Wida
The days of Tashreeq are the days of eating
and drinking.
[Narrated in Sahih Muslim]

Rami of all Jamarat

Pilgrims walking on the Jamarat bridge

Pelting must be performed after Zawwal (midday) on the 11th and before Fajr on
the 12th.

After Zawwal, preferably before or after Asr when there should be less of a crowd,
proceed to the Jamarat with about 30 stones. You will need seven stones for each
pillar but keep some spare stones with you, just in case you need them.

It is Sunnah to pelt Jamarah al-Ula (the small pillar) first, followed by Dua, then
Jamarah al-Wusta (the middle pillar), followed by Dua and finally Jamarah al-
Aqaba (the big pillar), with no Dua thereafter.

Dua should be made standing away from the crowd, facing the Qibla.

If Rami is performed in a different order e.g. the big Jamarah is pelted first, it won’t
have to be repeated nor will a penalty be due, although it is contrary to the Sunnah.

Please refer to this article for the procedure on how to perform Rami al-Jamarat.

There are various times of the day where pelting is more virtuous than other times.
These times are as follows:
1. Before Zawwal (midday) – Not allowed to pelt.
2. After Zawwal (the beginning time of Dhuhr Salah) until sunset – Sunnah.
Try to perform Rami between these times, provided it isn’t too crowded.
3. Between sunset and Fajr Salah – Disliked (Makruh) for men*, but still valid
and permissible for women, the elderly and the infirm.

*It will not be disliked (Makruh) for a man who is a Mahram to perform Rami with a
woman who is pelting at this time.

After Pelting
Upon completion, return to your camp in Mina and spend the day in worship,
making most of the remaining time you have.

If you have not completed any of the rites of the previous day, you may do so today.

Day 5: 12th of Dhul Hijjah

Pilgrims performing Rami

Pilgrims performing Rami during Ayyam al-Tashreeq

On this day, you do exactly the same as the previous day i.e. pelt all three Jamarat.

Pelting must be performed after Zawwal (midday) on the 12th and before Fajr on
the 13th.

Ensure any remaining rites you haven’t yet performed are completed before sunset
on this day or a penalty will be necessary for each one missed.

Leaving for Makkah

If you want to leave for Makkah after you have performed Rami, you should do so
before sunset. Departing after sunset is Makruh (disliked), although permissible
without incurring a penalty.

If you’re still within the boundaries of Mina by the start of Fajr Salah on the 13th, it
becomes Wajib (obligatory) to perform Rami on this day. Omitting Rami once it has
become obligatory will result in a penalty.

It is worth keeping in mind that the Jamarah al-Aqaba (the big pillar) is inside the
boundary of Makkah rather than the boundary of Mina. Therefore, providing you
get to this point before Fajr Salah on the 13th of Dhul Hijjah, you won’t be obliged
to perform Rami on this day.

It’s a good idea to travel to Makkah by foot since vehicular transport is quite
chaotic on this day.

Wadi al-Muhassab
On the way back to Makkah, it is a Sunnah to stop in an area called Wadi al-
Muhassab as was the practice of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬:

‫س بْ َن َمالِ ٍك ـ رضى ا& عنه ـ‬ َ َ‫ن أَن‬8 َ ‫ أ‬،َ‫ َع ْن َقتَا َدة‬،‫ث‬ ِ ‫ َع ْن َع ْم ِرو بْ ِن ا ْل َحا ِر‬،‫ْب‬ ٍ ‫خبَ َرنَا ابْ ُن َوه‬ ْ َ ‫ أ‬،ِ ‫صبَغُ بْ ُن ا ْلفَ َرج‬ ْ َ ‫دثَنَا أ‬8 ‫َح‬
.‫اف ِب ِه‬
َ َ‫ت فَط‬ َ ‫م َر ِك‬8 ُ‫ ث‬،‫ب‬
ِ ْ‫ب إِ َلى ا ْلبَي‬ ِ ‫ص‬ 8 ‫ ُ َح‬Y‫م َر َق َد َر ْق َدةً ِب ْا‬8 ُ‫ ث‬،‫شا َء‬ َ ‫ب َوا ْل ِع‬َ ‫ َ ْغ ِر‬Y‫ َو ْا‬،‫ص َر‬ْ ‫ ْه َر َوا ْل َع‬a‫لى الظ‬8 ‫ص‬ َ ‫ ﷺ‬8‫ ِبي‬8 ‫ن الن‬8 َ ‫دثَ ُه أ‬8 ‫َح‬
.‫ ﷺ‬e‫ ِبي‬8 ‫د َث ُه َع ِن الن‬8 ‫ال ٍك ـ رضى ا& عنه ـ َح‬ ِ ‫س ْب َن َم‬ َ َ‫ن أَن‬8 َ ‫ أ‬،َ‫ َع ْن َقتَا َدة‬،‫يد‬ ٍ ‫س ِع‬ َ ‫ َع ْن‬،‫ال ٌد‬ ِ ‫خ‬ َ ‫د َث ِني‬8 ‫ث َح‬ ُ ‫ل ْي‬8 ‫تَا َب َع ُه ال‬

Anas bin Malik ‫ رضي ا& عنه‬narrated: The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬offered the Dhuhr, Asr,
Maghrib and the Isha prayers and slept for a while at a place called al-Muhassab
and then rode to the Kaaba and performed Tawaf round it.
[Narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari]

Omitting this, however, won’t result in a penalty.

Day 6: 13th of Dhul Hijjah

Although not necessary, it is desirable to remain in Mina on the 13th of Dhul Hijjah
and perform Rami on this day. By this point, all rites of Hajj should have been

If you do make the intention to stay in Mina, make sure you have sufficient food
and drink as most people would have left for Makkah on the previous day.

Like the previous two days, all three Jamarat will be pelted. The timing is as follows:
1. After the beginning time of Fajr Salah until Zawwal (midday) – Makruh
(disliked) but permissible.
2. After Zawwal (the beginning time of Dhuhr Salah) until Sunset – Sunnah.

The window ends immediately at sunset. A penalty will be due if Rami hasn’t been
performed by this point.

On completion, leave Mina for Makkah. You may use private transport or walk.

Tawaf al-Wida (Tawaf al-Sadr)

Tawaf al-Wida (the farewell Tawaf) also known as Tawaf al-Sadr is the last rite
performed before departing from Makkah. It is Wajib (obligatory) and must be
performed prior to leaving the boundaries of the Haram. Omitting this Tawaf,
without a valid reason, will result in a penalty.

Women in a state of major ritual impurity, as well as residents living within the
boundary of the Haram, are not obligated to perform this Tawaf.

ُ 8 ‫ال أ ُ ِم َر الن‬
‫اس أ َ ْن يَ ُكو َن‬ َ ‫اس ـ رضى ا& عنهما ـ َق‬ ِ ‫ َع ْن أ َ ِب‬،‫س‬
ٍ 8‫ َع ِن ابْ ِن َعب‬،‫يه‬ ٍ ‫ َع ِن ابْ ِن طَا ُو‬،ُ‫سفْيَان‬
ُ ‫دثَنَا‬8 ‫ َح‬،‫د ٌد‬8 ‫س‬
َ ‫دثَنَا ُم‬8 ‫َح‬
.‫ض‬ ِ ‫ائ‬ِ ‫ف َع ِن ا ْل َح‬
َ e‫خف‬ ِ ْ‫آخ ُر َع ْه ِد ِه ْم ِبا ْلبَي‬
ُ ‫ ُه‬8‫ أَن‬8tِ‫ إ‬،‫ت‬ ِ

Ibn Abbas ‫ رضي ا& عنه‬narrated: The people were ordered to perform the Tawaf of
the Kaaba (Tawaf al-Wida) as the last thing before leaving (Makkah), except the
menstruating women who were excused.
[Narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari]

Tawaf al-Wida may be performed any time after Tawaf al-Ziyarah although it is
preferable that it is performed prior to departure from Makkah. Therefore, if
you’re planning to stay in Makkah for a few extra days, you may perform normal
Ibadah as you did prior to the days of Hajj, ensuring you perform the Tawaf just
before you leave.

Any Tawaf performed after Tawaf al-Ziyarah will count as Tawaf al-Wida, even if its
intention was not made or an intention for Nafl Tawaf was made.

Performing Tawaf al-Wida

Complete the seven circuits of Tawaf and perform two Rakats of Salah at Maqam
Ibrahim thereafter. You should also drink some Zamzam water. Please note, Raml
(uncovering your right shoulder in Ihram) or Idtiba (walking briskly) should not be
practised during this Tawaf. There is no Sa’i thereafter, nor should the hair be cut.

Refer to this article for a detailed guide on Tawaf.

Your Hajj is now complete. May it be accepted. Ameen.

Day 3: 10th of Dhul Hijjah )


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10th July 2019 at 6:34 pm
Barakallahu feek. Your website is very informative on both religious and practical
level. Tolerance and respect shown to all madha’ib is noble. May Allah accept this
from you.

Sharifah Sanyu
30th June 2020 at 1:44 pm

Asalam Aleikum.
Your website is so reach and informative.
It helped alot .
I made Hajj last year 2019 but i still refer to it as i keep on re-reading reflecting
back to what We went though.
May Allah reward you abundantly and make able contribute.
Hajat Sharifah Sanyu

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