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1. Write about computer systems in detail?

2. Explain flowchart symbols with examples?
3. Explain all the storage classes in detail? *
4. Explain Enumerations in detail with an example?
5. Explain in detail about selection statements
6. Discuss about Expressions, Operator precedence & associativity?
7. Differentiate Program design & structured programming.
8. With examples illustrate usage of break & continue.
9. What are precedence of operators?illustrate with example
10. Illustrate nested if constructs with an example
11. Write a C program to print pascals triangle for a given number
12. What is the difference between compiler & interpreter.
13. List the bit-wise operators in C
14. What is the use if type qualifier.
15. Differentiate between macro & function
16. Explain steos in program development.
17. Explain expression evaluation
18. Write a program to print primes numbers upto given number n?
19. Define variable?list the rules of declaring a variable? Give valid &
invalid declarations
20. Explain the syntax for for loop
21. Explain about auto storage class
22. Explain syntax of print function
23. Write a C program to swap two numbers
24. Explain about switch statement with an example
25. C is a structured programming explain
26. Describe various control structures available In C
27. Explain about enumerated data types with an example
28. Write a program to find the HCF of two positive integers
29. Explain the terms stdin,stdout,stderr
30. Explain the algorithm to find the roots of quadratic equation
31. Define algorithm & write an algorithm to generate prime numbers
series between m & n, where m & n are integers
32. Name any two secondary storage devices and mention their
33. What is an operating system?list out its goals & functions
34. Write an algorithm & program to find the maximum number in a
given set
35. Discuss the concept of type conversion


1. Write array applications in detail?
2. Explain advantage & disadvantages of an array
3. Why is it necessary to give the size of an array during array declaration
4. Explain the use of two dimensional arrays with example.
5. Write about pointer arithmetic with an example?
6. Explain multidimensional arrays in detail?
7. Write a C program for 3X3 matrix multiplication
8. Discuss array applications
9. Consider array declaration float a[5] and the memory address of a[0] is
4056. What is the memory address of a[2]

1. Explain arrays of strings with examples?
2. Discuss about string integers & real numbers?
3. Explain about string manipulation functions?
4. Explain string concepts in detail?
5. How are strings represented in C.give examples?
6. Write a program to replace a substring with a new string


1. Explain self referential structures in detail?

2. What is a structure ? explain how to declare ,initialize & access structure
3. Define structures.
4. Explain unions & how unions differ from structures?
5. Write a C program to get the details of your department(using
structures & functions)


1. Explain in detail about void pointer with examples? *

2. Compare & contrast array of pointer and pointer to arrays
3. With an example explain passing structures through pointers



1. List & Define pre-processor directives


1. Write about file streams?

2. Explain feof() function
3. Write a program for opening & closing of files
4. What are binary files?
5. Name file status functions?
6. Explain fseek , ftell & frewind functions?
7. Write the differences between binary file & text file
8. Write a C program to print the details of the movie theatres when given
a movie name(use files to store the theatre & movie details)
9. Explain command line arguments with a complete C program
10. Compare fgets() & fputs() with examples
11. Write a program to copy the contents of one file to another
12. How to handle errors in file functions


1. Explain types of functions?

2. Explain the need of user defined functions
3. Explain about recursive functions with an example? *
4. Discuss about pointers in inter-function communication?
5. How to pass an array to a function? explain
6. Write a C program to demonstrate pointer arithmetic with its
respective output
7. Explain recursive & non-recursive functions to find the factorial of a
8. How to pass array as argument to function
9. Discuss dynamic memory management with pointers
10. Discuss the need of pointers to functions
11. Explain limitations of recursive functions
12. Explain call by value & call by reference with examples
13. Write recursive function for towers of Hanoi
14. Write a program to print Fibonacci series using recursive
15. Explain C standard functions & libraries
16. Explain malloc & calloc in detail


1. Why binary search is preferred over linear search.

2. Apply linear search on {22,11,66,44,99,55,88}
3. Apply bubble sort on above data
4. What is sorting ? explain different types of sorting
5. How do you find the time complexity of bubble sort
6. Write a program to sort an array using selection sort.
7. Give a brief note on asymptotic notations
8. Mention complexity of linear search & binary search algorithm
9. Write a program for linear search & binary search
10. Write a program for bubble sort
11. Write a program for insertion sort

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